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Baker Creek

e Heirloom Seeds
Our 22nd Annual Pure Seed Bo

The Amazing

Takane Ruby free shipping Buckwheat on all North American orders!
Offer free shipping for 2019! Special

“...the Indiana Satisfaction

Jones of Seeds.” GUARANTEED
-The New York Times Magazine for 2 years!

Welcome To The Whole Seed Catalog!

Dear Gardening Friends, (13) and Cyan William Gettle (3). These children we saw the Bayer takeover of Monsanto, com-
have blessed our lives beyond measure and are bining two of the world’s biggest producers of
We are excited to share our 22nd annual listing gentle spirits who face life with smiles and a dangerous chemical products and corporately
of rare seeds. We hope you enjoy reading the big sense of humor that delight our hearts and controlled GMO seed. Their products not only
incredible stories of the world’s heirloom seed make us so thankful we were able to bring them include seeds and farm chemicals but many
treasures. Seeds that not only grow amazing home on Christmas Day 2017. Sasha and Malia personal products like aspirin and sunscreen.
produce and flowers but also tell the story of our love their new family and love teaching and Please remember these combined companies’
food, and how it has traversed the globe, from learning new words in both languages. Please past role in Nazi Germany and in products like
neighbor to neighbor and is still bringing people support adoption; it is a wonderful life changing Agent Orange.
together both in the garden and at the kitchen experience! Please support your local farms and busi-
table. Be part of this long tradition and save some Of course while we were in China, I had to nesses and make sure your food dollars are
seeds to pass on to your family and friends! keep my eye out for new seed varieties. So ex- supporting the good, fair, and healthy.
We are happy to offer free shipping. That is pect new selections from this ancient country in
right--no shipping or handling charges! And future catalogs, as well as from the dozen or so Please stop by for a visit or attend one of
no minimum order, either! We want to make countries that our team travels to each year. This our festivals. We love meeting fellow gardeners!
heirloom seeds available to all--any time you need year we are so excited to introduce varieties like Thank you for supporting our seed dreams, and
them--and we will strive to ship most orders with- a true pink celery and black goji berries from we hope you have an incredible gardening year!
in hours after we receive them! Thank you so much China, pearly white bitter melons and 2-foot-
for supporting our family business. We will strive long carrots from Japan, loads of new peppers, God Bless!
to offer you the most exciting seeds we can find. and so much more! Jere, Emilee, Ella (13), Sasha (11), Malia (5),
This last year has been incredibly busy for
our family. Not only did we discover many “new”
It is our passion and mission to continue to & Cyan (3) Gettle
save and share these treasures that are endan-
selections for this catalog, but we also expanded gered thanks to mega-farming and continued PS, please “Like” us on facebook for all the
our family with the adoption of two wonderful consolidation of our food supply. This last year latest varieties, recipes and cool photos!
children from China. Meet Ella May Ying Zhi Gettle
About Our Seed Company
Visit Our Stores
Jere with the 1982 harvest


JERE GETTLE always had a passion for growing things, Come enjoy the beautiful Ozark hills and our HEIRLOOM MARKET AT COMSTOCK FERRE
and at age 3 he planted his first garden. Ever since, farm and pioneer village; shop seeds, see The historic Comstock Seed property is
he wanted to be involved in the seed industry. So in gardens, animals and the village. Eat at our owned and being restored by the Gettle
1998, at the age of 17, he printed the first Baker Creek
Heirloom Seed catalog. The company has grown to
restaurant that is open for lunch, Monday - family. It is now being transformed into not
offer nearly 2,000 varieties of vegetables, flowers and Friday. Learn firsthand about what we do. only a seed store but also a natural foods
herbs—the largest selection of heirloom varieties in Directions: We are located 45 miles east of market and cafe by our friends, Spiro and
the USA. Julia Koulouris, who own the business and
Baker Creek carries one of the largest selections of Springfield, Missouri. Take Hwy 60 to Mans-
field, and at the 2nd exit, turn north on Hwy currently operate the entire property.
seeds from the 19th century, including many Asian and
European varieties. The company has become a tool to 5. Go 1½ miles to London Road. Turn left on Heirloom Market at Comstock Ferre is
promote and preserve our agricultural and culinary heri- London Road, then follow signs. Hours: Mon- located at 263 Main St. Wethersfield. Phone:
tage. Our company and seeds have been featured in The day-Friday, 8 am - 4 pm. Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 860-257-2790
New York Times, The Associated Press, Oprah Magazine,
NPR, Martha Stewart, The Wall Street Journal, and many p.m. Closed Saturdays & major holidays. Come
others. Gardeners can request a free color catalog. Our
catalogs now distribute to over 700,000 gardeners na-
enjoy all that the Ozarks region has to offer!
Phone: 417-924-8917 Join us on
Baker Creek started hosting festivals in 2000 as a way
to bring gardeners, homesteaders and natural food en- Facebook
thusiasts together to exchange ideas and seeds, to listen We now have 630,000
to speakers and to enjoy vendors, old-time music and
much more. These festivals gave birth to the idea for our “Likes” on facebook! Like us for
pioneer village, Bakersville. Other projects include our recipes, special offers, & cool photos!
trial gardens that we grow each year, seed collecting ex-
peditions, and educational produce exhibits.
Over the last several years, Jere Gettle and his
wife Emilee have branched out into other related
projects, as well. They have also expanded into a lo-
cation in Sonoma County, CA, in the beautiful town
of Petaluma and are continuing with the restoration
and preservation of the landmark Wethersfield, CT,
Comstock, Ferre & Company, the oldest continuously
operating seed company in New England.
The Gettles have published two books with Hy-
perion. These books feature heirloom vegetables and PETALUMA, CALIFORNIA SEED BANK
their work with seeds and food. After publishing The New Location at : 110 Petaluma Blvd.
Heirloom Life Gardener in 2011, they released The Baker North. (One block away from old location)
Creek Vegan Cookbook in 2012. We look forward to seeing you at our new
Jere and Emilee also work extensively to supply location where we will be offering a full se-
free seeds to many of the world’s poorest countries,
as well as here at home in school gardens and other lection of our seeds and gardening supplies Also Follow Us On
educational projects. It is their goal to educate located still in beautiful and historic Petalu- Instagram and Twitter!
everyone about a better, safer food supply and fight ma, California. We are in beautiful Sonoma
gene-altered Frankenfood and the companies that County, and just 45 minutes north of San Printed on recycled paper:
support it. Fransisco. We also host the National Heir- please recycle and pass this
loom Expo in nearby Santa Rosa, California book on to friends!

BAKER CREEK HEIRLOOM SEED CO. each September. Come visit us!
2278 Baker Creek Rd. Mansfield, MO 65704 Open: Sunday-Friday. Closed Saturdays &
Phone: 417-924-8917 major holidays. Phone: 707-773-1336 Join our Team!
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter!
Send your resume
More varieties of seed available at to
traditional corn is a true superfood
By Shannon McCabe
Heirloom Corn Versus, GMO Corn
Corn is an ancient and sacred crop of the Americas. This plant
We tested 46 heirloom We tested 4 GMO/ has taken root across the globe, influencing cultures and cuisines
corn samples with an hybrid corn samples worldwide. A richly diverse crop, corn has been bred to display
a rainbow of colors in an array of sizes and shapes. Corn, also
average 9.91% Protein. with an average only referred to as maize, has become a staple agricultural crop with
7.10% Protein. an abundance of uses.
For thousands of years, Meso-American cultures have considered
Traditional corn has 28% more protein than the average corn a sacred crop and a pillar of civilization. Sadly, agricultural
GMO food/feed corn in our study, meaning you have to eat 28% industrialization is threatening much of its diversity.
more on average to get the same nutrition. Modern GMO food is full The richly diverse and nutritious crop that sustained the Americas
of empty carbs and calories, but greatly lacking in real nutrients. has become a homogenized commodity crop. Corn is a crop
that exemplifies the strength and importance of diversity, it has
GMO Corn Is Hard To Study: universities are been hijacked for mass production. The thousands of uniquely
colorful, nutrient-dense, Native American varieties are now
funded by the GMO Lobby considered rare and arcane. Meanwhile a few select genetically
We encountered more challenges than we expected as we sought to compare the nutritional modified varieties are grown across the country on millions of
content of our heirloom corn varieties with GMO corn. After making connections with several acres across the heartland. This mega production of maize is
laboratories and universities, we were dismayed to find that most of them wanted nothing to mostly transformed into ethanol, and other non food products
do with comparing traditional corns with GMO varieties. The labs that were willing to test our and much is used to support the massive confined animal feeding
corn would not allow us to use their names in the study. One university, after many prior con- operations across the country.
versations, stopped communicating with us completely upon finding out we intended to test
GMO varieties. Throughout the years we have seen many scientists “discredited” by corporate With the advent of genetic modification, corn has been forced
interests that don’t approve of the results of their research. Many universities rely on funding into an arranged marriage with pesticides and other harsh
from corporate interests for their science departments. The idea of corporate-influenced lab chemicals. Much work has been put into creating GMO corn
results is now an absolute reality that is making it increasingly difficult for scientists to conduct varieties that can tolerate exposure to massive amounts of
real research. We were eventually able to find a lab that would let us use their name and would pesticides. Millions of acres of GMO corn are sprayed with the
test the corn. So after lots of work and dead ends we are very happy to present to you the herbicide Roundup each year. Corn has become weaponized in
results of our 2018 corn study! order to wage war on pests and weeds.
O America has seen a decline in the diversity of heirloom, traditional
corn varieties. This is mostly due to GMO contamination. At Baker
Creek, we have tested each and every heirloom corn variety that
we offer for the presence GMO contamination. We have seen
beautiful, ancient varieties lost to this pollen drift and we have
worked to keep our supply GMO free.
We have seen first hand a deterioration of the abundance of

Introducing USDA CertifieD OrgAniC frUit treeS

colorful, nutritious varieties that once sustained the Americas. The
Baker Creek team decided to have the protein and antioxidant

go organic...
levels of our favorite colorful heirlooms tested in a lab. This study
can help us understand what humanity is in danger of losing as
Over 200 years ago, we grew these varieties fade into obscurity. We also tested several GMO
organically because there was no samples, to compare the nutrition levels of heirloom vs GMO.
other way. Now we’ve come full The results of this study were astounding! It is clear why these
circle — Stark Bro’s is now offering traditional corn varieties have been celebrated for thousands of
years. The heirloom varieties were impressively rich in protein;
USDA Certified Organic fruit trees! some of them showed double the amount of protein as the GMO
These pampered trees undergo - GMO sample. We also compared our results to university studies for
rigorous protocols to meet high % NON GMO corn protein levels, and the heirloom varieties handily beat
those averages as well.
USDA standards, and are grown
We also tested for the presence of anthocyanin, which is a
on their own pure pastureland. powerful antioxidant. Many of the colorful varieties that were
No artificial anything, just purity. tested showed impressive amounts of anthocyanin. Anthocyanin
For your health ... for freshness ... has been shown to enhance heart health and to help in the
prevention of some cancers.
for the good of the environment,
While GMO corn is transformed into the calorie-rich, nutrient-
and the well-being of your family ...

...grow organic!
poor processed foods that are partly to blame for America’s
go organic and grow organic! diet-related health crisis, traditional heirloom corns of yesteryear
can be made into healthy, nutritious foods. Perhaps the answer
Purely grown, from the roots up — to what presently ails us requires reaching into the past and
just like Mother Nature intended revisiting the varieties that sustained and nourished humanity in
To get your FREE catalog, visit the Americas for thousands of years. Exact Scientific Services, Inc. produced our scientific analysis. or call 800.325.4180 &
mention promo code Read the full story at
The Ozark’s premier event of local food culture, gardening and food freedom. Join guests from across America and beyond as we celebrate two days of good seed and food.

The Spring Planting Festival

Join over 10,000 gardeners from across America! Learn from Amazing Speakers!

Come & Enjoy Our 19th Annual Festival, May 5 & 6, 2019
Sunday and Monday, 10 am to 7 pm both days.
Held at our Mansfield, Missouri Farm and Seed Company
Celebrate spring with 170 vendors, 75 old time musicians, and more
than 50 craftsmen. Browse through thousands of varieties of plants
and learn how to grow them with our acclaimed guest speakers.
Come and join us and more than 10,000 gardeners at America’s
premier event of seeds, plants, music, culture and the celebration
of historic foods. Join gardeners from across the country. Bring the
kids, who will be admitted free, for 2 full days of children’s fun and
educational activities. Area schools are invited to bring their classes.
Enjoy a sense of community with fascinating seed collectors, renowned
musicians, international speakers, historic demonstrators, food activists,
home schoolers, western re-enactors, organic growers, gourmet chefs, free
thinkers, Ozarkian crafters, trendy vendors and herbal hippies!


The Spring Planting Festival is held at our village and seed farm, near Mansfield, Missouri. Simply take Highway 5 north from Mansfield for 1.5 miles, and follow signs. We
offer free tent and RV camping without hookups; there is no need to register. There are also hotels in the local area but book early. Food is available at the festival. Admission
is $5.00 per adult, payable at the event. In keeping with our philosophy of educating about food and gardening, children 17 and under are free. All pets over 20 pounds
must be pre-approved. No weapons are allowed. Vendors are welcome! Bring your products to one of the largest heritage garden events. Vendors and crafters, call for
info: 417-924-8917. (Spaces are limited.) Bring your friends and family to enjoy the festivities.

More varieties of seed available at 5


The 9th annual National Heirloom Exposition will be the center of attention in Santa Rosa, California, on September 10, 11, & 12.
What began in 2011 as a celebration of pure food and sustainable living Located at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds in Santa Rosa on September
has developed into an impressive event that annually draws about 15,000 10, 11 & 12, the event has become known as the “World’s Fair of Pure Food.”
participants. Featuring the largest display of heritage produce, the Expo The fairground streets and pavilion aisles are filled with pure food enthusi-
now focuses on the preservation of heirloom foods without genetic mod- asts, talented home gardeners, farmers, garden artists, school groups, and
ification. Many individual and commercial growers supply an abundance leaders in the food industry throughout this magnificent event.
of fruits and vegetables for exhibiting and tasting.

Join hundreds of vendors and exhibitors for all World-class garden art Three days of kids activities and garden games,
things garden, seeds, farm and organic! from across America! bring your kids or school class for a food education
Become a vendor! Spaces are limited, call us today! Calling all seedy artists! they won’t forget!

Enjoy stunning heirloom tomatoes from across Dazzling Dahlia Show! National and international speakers fill 3 halls with
California and beyond. Be part of the giant three Enjoy the beauty of hun- garden and farm know-how. Learn to grow, save
day tomato tastings and find your new favorites! dreds of stunning dahlias. and sell your harvest and much more!



Ocean Robbins, Dr. Vandana Shiva, Joseph Simcox Doug and Stacy
CEO & Co-Host of the Food A global pure food activist and The Botanical Explorer and lead- Homesteading Stars on Youtube
Revolution Network India’s leading seed saver. ing expert on rare food plants “OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY “
The World’s Heirloom Fair!
More than 100 renowned garden and food speakers fill three presenta-
tion halls with back-to-back talks. An impressive line up of nationally and Take Part!
internationally recognized speakers have included Vandana Shiva, Jeffrey Be an attendee, exhibitor, vendor, speaker or volunteer!
Smith, Carlo Petrini, Ronnie Cummins, Dave Murphy, Percy Schmeiser, Join seed savers, farmers and gardeners from across the planet!
Joseph Mercola, Robert F Kennedy Jr, Rachel Parent, and many more. Save these Dates, Sept 10-12, 2019, Santa Rosa, CA
The National Heirloom Exposition continues to grow and attract
interest around the world as like-minded people come together to share
information about pure foods, sustainable living, organic growing, and so 1-417-924-8917 or
many other topics relevant to adults, children, and future generations.

Learn from record breaking giant vegetable grow- Learn homesteading, The exhibit halls allow for hours of pleasant brows-
ers and compete for cash in the giant pumpkin cooking & country lifestyle ing among the displays of thousands of
contest! Come and enjoy the world class giants! skills from the masters! varieties of heirloom fruits, vegetables & flowers!

Rare fruit displays and fruit experts teach you how Meet America’s historic Share seeds and stories with gardeners from across
to have a great orchard in backyard, farm or green- birds at our poultry show. the globe at America’s largest seed swap! The seed
house. Also taste samples of tropical favorites. Learn from the experts. swap is getting a large area all three days in 2019.

More varieties 10-12,
of seed SANTA
available at ROSA, CA -

Live Plants
Please Read:
We are super excited to offer a selection of small, live plants. These are produced for us by tissue
culture, a natural technique that produces plants that are generally high-quality and disease free.
With some stunning new food crops in our plant listing, we hope you will try some of the exciting
rare plants we offer this year. Pre-order now, as supplies on some of these will be limited. The plants
we ship are small but sturdy, and we offer a 30-day guarantee on live plants.

Please consider these terms before ordering live plants:

Most plants will be 3”-7” in height. Plants will ship as available after the first of March to the end of
May. We will try to ship orders to southern zones first. No guaranteed exact delivery dates. Plants may HARDY KIWI COLLECTION​ #PL128
arrive too early and have to be kept inside until the weather warms. Plants may arrive late, as well. (Actinidia arguta) This kiwi is a good producer of bite-
Due to the sensitive nature of small plants, there is the possibility of a crop failure. If such a situation sized kiwis. It has a tremendous cold hardiness and is
occurs, we will do our best to issue you a refund in a timely manner. Last minute losses can occur at easy to grow. Besides its rock-solid hardiness, one key
any point in our shipping time-line, and we may have to issue a refund even late in the season. No element that makes this kiwi so special is its pineap-
orders shipped outside of the USA. ple-like flavor! Use Actinidia agruta ‘Hardy Male’ as a
pollinator. For zones 5-9. We offer 3 assorted plants
(1 male & 2 female) plants for $16.00

(Aronia melancarpa)
Viking is a beautiful
small shrub with a very
flavorful fruit when
used in juices, jams, and
wines. Aronia is high in
as well as high in vita-
mins and minerals. The
fall red foliage is incred-
ibly striking. Aronia is a MULBERRY, DWARF EVERBEARING #PL105
staple in Eastern Europe (Morus nigra) Morus nigra is a medium size black
backyard gardens and mulberry with a sweet tasty flavor. In pot culture it
has great potential in can be maintained as a dwarf with minor pruning.
the US. We offer 2 small This ever-bearing mulberry will produce continuously
plants that have been in pots under warm and bright conditions. Mulber-
propagated through tis- ries have many health benefits: they strengthen the
sue culture, a simple way immune system and are good for eyesight. We offer 2
to make small cuttings small plants that have been propagated through tissue
disease free. 2 plants for culture, a simple way to make small cuttings disease
$14.00 free. 2 plants for $15.00


(Ficus) An assortment of some of the world’s most
delicious fig varieties, with flavorful pink, green, or
POSSUM PURPLE PASSION FRUIT #PL107 red flesh. Fruit will vary in size, depending on variety.
(Passiflora edulis) Self-fertile passion fruit that can be Figs are super easy to grow and most thrive outside
LONGEVITY SPINACH #PL103 grown in containers, in the greenhouse, or outdoors in zones 7-11. Many people grow them farther north
(Gynura procumbens) Related to Okinawan Spinach, in warmest climate zones. Prefers full sun and ample with protection. We get massive amounts of fruit
but lower-growing and more spreading. Reputed to water. The delicious purple fruit is fine for eating out each year in our small Missouri greenhouse. Figs are
have anti-viral and anti-cancer properties, and to be of hand, or processing into jellies, juices or desserts. delicious for fresh eating but also make incredible
beneficial in the treatment of diabetes and numerous The classic white, purple and cream-colored Passion jams, jellies, desserts, and are delicious in salads and
other conditions. Cultivated throughout southern and flowers are stunning, especially when grown where main dishes, as well! Young fig plants may need some
eastern Asia. Can be used raw, juiced or cooked. Also they can be seen and appreciated close-up. Bees and protection, even in zones 7-8 if the winter is harsh, until
frequently made into a tea. Grows in frost-free, warm butterflies love them as well. Climbing plants will they are well developed, but this can be easily done by
conditions. Easy to propagate from cuttings. 2 plants require staking. 2 plants for $15.00 either bringing them inside or wrapping them in cloth
for $12.00 or landscape fabric. We offer 3 assorted small plants for



CHICAGO HARDY FIG #PL184 This ancient strawberry was popular in colonial Amer-
This is an exciting fig for cooler climates! Chicago Hardy DRAGON FRUIT COLLECTION #PL123 ica as well as 17th century Europe. Fruit has bright red
fig originates from Sicily, but became popular in Chica- Grow outdoors in a sub-tropical climate or grow as an skin and pure white flesh. These bear in June and are
go. It is productive, easy to grow, and bears dark mahog- amazing greenhouse plant. It may take a few years to best eaten right out of the garden; they have superb
any medium-size figs. Amazingly it is drought, heat AND start producing, but when it does, be prepared for super flavor, not shipping quality. The amazing little berries
cold tolerant. In colder climates, the fig will die back and are very different from other strawberries. Smaller than
delicious, pink fleshed fruit; yields year-round where
resume growth in spring. Fruit produced on the older
conditions are right! Plants need little water and produce a hybrid garden berry, yet larger than an alpine variety,
wood will appear in early summer, and fruit on new the berries are far more flavorful than anything we’ve
growth will appear in early fall. It is self-pollinating and lovely blooms, too. (Most varieties are night-blooming;
be prepared to hand-pollinate indoor-grown speci- ever tried. The crazy bubblegum-pineapple flavor is
fine-grained. Grow in pots or in the ground, in partial
mens.) We offer 2 assorted small plants for $15.00 definitely kid approved--Sasha loves them! Almost
shade to full sun from zone 5 - 10. 2 plants for $16.50
unheard of today, but is the best for flavor.
3 plants for $13.50


Extra sweet berries dazzle like diamonds on vigorous
vines. These sparkling white berries were developed by
the great Luther Burbank, legendary plant breeder of the
This is a cold hardy old variety from Denmark; it was
early 20th Century. Burbank, who was also responsible
found growing in an ancient Viking village site. Plants
for the Russet Burbank potato and the Shasta Daisy, took DWARF BANANA COLLECTION #PL127
are low growing which makes them harder to spot by
a chance mutation white blackberry that was found Dwarf types with fruit ranging from dessert types to
birds and also protects the delicate fruit from frost.
growing in the wild in New Jersey and bred a more plantain (cooking) types. Height ranges from 6-14 feet
These are a medium sized June bearer with a great
bright white berry. The result, introduced in 1916, was in most cases, making these suitable for large container
flavor; fruit sets early. Very rare and hard to find.
a stunning alabaster fruit with exceptional sweet flavor. culture. This crop is easy to grow in the south and
3 plants for $13.50
This variety never transcended its reputation as a garden produces fruit rather quickly. Some varieties have green
novelty and for that reason the Snowbank completely fruit and some red. You can grow these as far north as
disappeared from the commercial market. We are zone 8 with protection or in heated greenhouses or
delighted to offer the Snowbank Blackberry after many sun-rooms farther north. We love growing bananas in
years of anticipation! It almost went extinct, one of the our Missouri greenhouse and get a crop in about a year.
most exciting rediscoveries ever! 2 plants for $16.50 We offer 2 assorted small plants for $15.00


This is one fruit that has won the
hearts of all the Baker Creek staff.
With so many scrumptious fruit, we
just couldn’t resist gleaning. Hotly
debated around the Bakersville
watering hole, it was decided that
the golden raspberries taste even
better than the red ones! These are
super hardy and thrive in zones 3-9. GOJI BERRY #PL104
The plants are ever-bearing and bear (Lycium barbarum) Chinese native also known as
fruit only on first year wood; it is Wolfberry. The red fruit is sweet and packed full of
recommended to prune back canes antioxidants and other nutrients--rightly called a
that have finished fruiting, to make “superfood!” This relative of peppers and tomatoes is
room for more fruiting canes. You will hardy to 15 degrees F, prefers full sun and somewhat
enjoy fruit all the way from June until dry, well-drained soil. Plants reach to 6 feet tall and look
October. Introduced 1967, by E.M. stunning with their silvery, laurel-like foliage and small
Meader of NH. 3 plants for $16.50 flowers like purple stars. Goji Berry should fruit starting
in the second year after planting. 2 plants for $13.50

More varieties of seed available at 9


Sweet Potato
(Ipomea batatas) The sweet potato is a drought and heat tolerant, warm season
vegetable that it is actually related to the morning glory. Although sweet potatoes
are usually thought of as a southern staple, they can be grown in the north. Sweet
potatoes are grown from slips, which are shoots from last season’s tubers. Plant in
well-drained soil with plenty of composted manure.
Sweet potatoes are a nutritionally-dense root crop with a wide breadth
of culinary uses. A tasty heirloom sweet potato crop will be the cornerstone of your
winter pantry, filling pies and lending carotene-rich, orange hues to soups and
breads. Try a purple sweet potato variety to take advantage of a sweet, natural source
of anthocyanins, a nutrient shown to reduce cardiovascular disease. A superbly
sustainable choice, sweet potato tubers can be saved for next season’s slips. We use
tissue culture to propagate our sweet potatoes in order to ensure that you have a
disease free crop. This is a more expensive process, but well worth the cost because in
the future you can save your own plants easily if you like.


Descended from the first sweet potatoes to reach Japan prior to 1500. The
purple coloration is connected with the high anthocyanin content. This one is
documented to contain more of the potent antioxidant than even blueberries!
ivory-colored skin, brilliant purple flesh. This is our favorite, but it takes a long
season. Recommended for Zone 6b or warmer. 3 plants for $12.00

MOLOKAI PURPLE, SWEET POTATO #PL115 Customer Favorite! (I. batatas)

Purple-fleshed type that is a Hawaiian locally-developed, signature type on the islands, but
seldom offered elsewhere. Much higher in antioxidants than orange-fleshed types. Very
sweet-fleshed and creamy, with overtones of chestnut. Perfect as-is when baked or roast-
ed, needing no further adornment. Deep purple flesh and skins. 3 plants for $12.00


(Ipomoea batatas) Delicious!!! Early production of stunning magenta skinned
tubers that have flavorful, butter-yellow flesh that is blushed with pretty pink
streaks. You will adore this wonderful heirloom from beautiful Myanmar. This
variety makes a stunning addition to any sweet potato dish! 3 plants for $12.00

(Ipomoea batatas)
Plump, drier-fleshed type
is medium creamy-golden
skinned with cream-colored
flesh. Remains firm and
solid, even when cooked.
PUMPKIN YAM, SWEET POTATO #PL137 (Ipomoea batatas)
A delicious type for curries,
A delicious old-fashioned sweet potato that has golden-red skin and moist, flavorful bright
stews and perfect as
orange flesh. The short bush-like vines produce good sized “clusters” of these earthly
sweet potato fries; an old
jewels. Easy to dig and grows well in our gardens. This variety was common for about 75
fashioned favorite that has
years and the first known mention was in 1868, but in modern times it has disappeared.
appeared on the tables of
So we are happy to bring it back into circulation and back to America’s dinner tables. A
New Jersey families since
tasty treat that is part of our country’s history, although it may have been introduced here
1780. 3 plants for $12.00
from Brazil. Very rare and hard to find! 3 plants for $12.00

100-200 seeds per packet. Warm-season, New World native adds lots of color to the garden. This crop is easy to grow and makes delicious greens and
grain. A good ornamental plant for landscaping. Amaranth seed is one of the most complete proteins available from any plant. Direct-sow the tiny seeds
when soil is warm, barely covering, and thin to 1-2 feet apart. Can also be started indoors and transplanted.
John Brazaitis, General Manager


Native amaranth from Red-flowering Guatemalan
Guatemala that flowers amaranth from Guatemala,
A popular green where amaranth has been
vegetable in many light green; primarily
a staple crop for many
countries, including used for grain which is
centuries. This grain type
many islands of the rich in vitamin B, vitamin amaranth has recently
Caribbean where this A, vitamin E and iron; this been revived in the Mayan
plant is famous for variety has been revived in communities of Baja
DREADLOCKS #AM144 Calaloo Seafood Soup. the Mayan communities of Verapaz after almost being
A fountain of eye-catching magenta-burgundy blooms! Here’s a Light green leaves are Baja Verapaz after almost lost during the civil war.
different amaranth—curious flower-heads in a weeping habit, with great in stews, stir-fries being lost during the civil Named after Elena, an
and soups, having a war; named after Aurelia, indigenous farmer who
“tassels” sometimes reaching down to the ground. Plants seldom
was primarily responsible
exceed 3 feet in height. A form of Love-Lies-Bleeding, so the seeds tangy, spinach-like flavor. the woman whose family
Easy to grow in warm revived and saved seeds of for the recovery of this rare
and young leaves are edible. Combine with Spider Flower or
weather. Pkt $2.50 this amaranth. Pkt $3.00 local variety. Pkt $3.00
flowering tobacco for some serious drama! Pkt $3.00

RED #AM103
60 days. Tall, 3’- 4’ plants
are covered with very long
rope-like flowers that are a
deep, brilliant red color. One
of the most striking plants
for any garden and so easy
to grow. Amaranth is one of
our favorite crops! A good
seed producer, too. This is a
very old heirloom, a pre-1700
variety, that was very popular.
Leaves are tasty as cooked
greens. Pkt $3.00


A heat and drought tolerant green in spectacular splashes of color! Leaf amaranth is popular GOLDEN GIANT #AM117
in Asia, eaten raw, stir fried or steamed. This is by far the most tender and sweetest amaranth Attractive golden-colored flower heads produce up to 1
for edible greens, making for vibrant and delicious salad. The young leaves make a perfect pound of white seed per plant, making this a very heavy
spinach substitute; intricately colored leaves are juicy and succulent. The go-to “green” for producer. Plants grow to about 6’ and are easy to grow.
mid-summer when all others have bolted, harvested in just 30-40 days from sowing. Pkt $3.50 Pkt $3.00

More varieties of seed available at 11

Beloved early-spring crop in Europe since ancient Originated in the Mediterranean region. Long-
times, asparagus is a perennial plant that starts season plants won’t overwinter reliably north
slow but yields for many years. The best way to of Zone 7. To get a crop of artichokes in one
grow from seed is to start indoors 2-3 months year, start seeds indoors in pots 2-3 months
before last frost. Be sure that the young seedlings before last frost date in spring. Move the pots
receive bright light to make strong growth. Set outdoors when four leaves have developed,
young plants outdoors when weather is warm, when temperatures are occasionally freezing,
growing them in a nursery bed of your finest soil, protecting them if temps fall below 29 degrees.
where they will receive attentive care. In fall, or 2-4 weeks of exposure to cool temps “vernalizes”
the following spring, set the plants into their final young seedlings, preparing them to bloom later
garden location—spacing them 2 feet or more in the season after plants have grown large.
from their neighbors. Modest yield may be taken Cardoon may also be started early indoors, but
the third year, and a full harvest every spring vernalizing isn’t necessary. Both kinds are then
thereafter. grown in very rich soil, in full sun. They need
excellent drainage but ample moisture. They VIOLET DE PROVENCE #AR107
may benefit from some mid-afternoon shade in This French heirloom is noted for its fine flavor
hot-summer areas. and pretty purple buds that are lovely on the
big, ornamental plants, especially when the buds
open. Rare outside Europe. Pkt (25 seeds) $3.00
Popular variety, long green spears. Great taste
and has been the most popular asparagus in
American gardens for the last century. Pkt (100
seeds) $2.75 or 800 seeds $7.00


A rare cardoon from Italy, its broad white
stalks are eaten fried, sauteed, pickled and in
soups. Italians eat it raw, dipped in olive oil. PURPLE OF ROMAGNA #AR105
The root is also edible, tasty, and can be used Large, round-headed purple chokes, tender and
like parsnips. The plant is similar in culture and tasty, perfect for warm season areas, or grow
PRECOCE D’ARGENTEUIL #AS102 appearance to artichokes. Cardoons have been
An old traditional heirloom, this gourmet variety is with shelter. So popular with chefs, and is a
popular in Europe since ancient Rome. Beautiful sure seller at the finer markets. We are proud to
highly esteemed in Europe for its delicious stems ornamental plants. Pkt (25 seeds) $2.75
with rose-colored buds that can be blanched introduce this regional Italian favorite.
white. Italian Seed. Pkt (75 seeds) $3.00 Pkt (25 seeds) $2.75


A 19th century heirloom that is still beloved by ROUGE D’ALGER #AR106
market farmers and home gardeners. Developed This exciting heirloom Cardoon was developed
in the 1860s by S.B Conover of New York City. in Algeria, hence the name. It has big, edible and
Conover was a merchant, which explains why he ornamental stalks that are blushed in pale red,
selected for massive spears and super high yields, GREEN GLOBE #AR101 which is so striking against the blue-green leaves.
as he was breeding for superior market qualities. Tasty; needs a fairly long, mild growing season, The flowers are also beautiful and can be cooked
This superb variety has been praised by the likes or grow as an annual. A colorful plant that before the buds open, like a small artichoke. One
of famous 19th century market gardener Peter makes a great ornamental. Pkt (75 seeds) $2.75 of the prettiest historic varieties you can plant.
Henderson as well as the Royal Horticultural or 200 seeds $7.50 Pkt (25 seeds) $3.00
Society. Pkt (40 seeds) $3.50

(Phaseolus vulgaris) 40-60 seeds per packet. An ancient staple crop grown throughout North and South America. Plant in spring after danger of frost and
again in early summer for a fall crop. Plant in rows, and space seeds 2”-4” apart. Pole types do better with trellising. Easy to grow!


60 days. This dark-green bean has been a
standard for over 40 years. The bush plants set
heavy yields of flavorful pods that are tender and
crisp. Developed in 1961 from the Pole Blue Lake.
Pkt $3.00 or 1/2 lb $6.50

Pole. 65 days. Spectacular climbing type makes enormous purple pods! Pods stay tender and
stringless, even at 10 inches long! Plants are gorgeous in the garden as well, with the rose-purple
of the blooms contrasting nicely with the rich, deep purple of the developing pods. Vigorous,
productive vines reach a moderate 9 feet in height. The richly-flavored pods are best appreciated
when used fresh off the vines. This heirloom from Germany is tolerant to mosaic virus, too. Pkt $3.00
#BN128 Bush. A productive
heirloom wax bean named for
Rocquencourt, France, a town in
France’s rich farming country. Wax
beans were introduced to France
in the 1840s from Algeria, and this
CANTARE #BN153 variety is surely a descendant of
Bush, 50-55 days. Superior producer of nice those early beans. The bush plants
straight dark-green pods for snaps. The slim set good yields early and produce
4-5-inch pods are stringless and the flavor is well in most climates. These beans
every bit as outstanding as the yield! This French are favored by cooks for their
variety makes a fine crop for market growers fine-flavored pods that are a bright
or home gardeners. Excellent tolerance to bean waxy-yellow in color. This variety
mosaic virus. Pkt $2.50 was listed in Mother Earth News
as a favorite of well-known writer
William Woys Weaver. Pkt $3.00

Bush, 50 days. A superb
CHEROKEE TRAIL OF TEARS #BN134 bush bean with huge
Pole, 65 days. This heirloom was brought from yields of excellent-
Tennessee by the Cherokee people as they were quality pods. Earlier than
marched to Oklahoma by the Federal Government most others & perfect for
in 1839 over the infamous “Trail of Tears” that left market. Intro. 1949.
so many dead and suffering. This prolific variety Pkt $3.00
is good as a snap or dry bean and has shiny, black
beans. Vigorous, vining plants. Pkt $3.00

More varieties of seed available at 13

Bush, 60 days. These beautiful beans are a sensation at the farmers market and
with local-food chefs. Grown primarily for the stunning pink and white seeds,
which make superior shell beans. Can be used as a snap bean, as well. Straight,
round pods splashed in red. Pkt $3.00

DRAGON TONGUE #BN126 Our Favorite!

Bush. This famous Dutch heirloom bean has an incomparable
flavor. The tender and superbly delicious 7” pods are yellow
with amazing purple streaks! Also makes a tasty shelled bean. CALIMA #BN144
Popular with chefs and gourmets. Compact plants set high Bush, 50-55 days.
yields. Pkt $3.00 French filet type
pods of dark green
color, slim straight
shape, and superior
flavor! Pods are
held conveniently
at the top of the
stocky bushes;
pick them when
no thicker than a
pencil. Fine for fresh
use, canning and
freezing. Pkt $3.00
Bush. 95 days. Splendid dark purple-black bean that is widely
grown throughout Latin America, and known there by nu-
merous common names. The compact bush plants are very
productive and yield reliably even in the north! Flavor is rich
and texture is meaty—try these in vegetarian chili or as frijoles
refritos in burritos. Due to the coloration, this variety offers the
bonus of high anthocyanin content, too! Pkt $3.00


The amazing native bean
believed to have been found
in a clay pot sealed with pitch
in a cave in New Mexico.
When carbon dated, the tests
showed it to be 1500 years
old! Long vines climb to 10’
and produce tasty pods. Beans RED SWAN #BN181
are large and kidney-shaped, Bush, 55 days. Here’s another beautiful selection from the late Robert
white with maroon mottling. Lobitz, the Minnesota bean man. This is the most uniquely-colored bean we have
A very rare collector’s bean. seen, nearly a true red shade on the thick, flavorful pods. Lovely pink flowers, too! A
Pkt (20 seeds) $3.50 wonderful variety that is so pleasing to the senses and yields well. Pkt $3.50



Pole. 85-90 days. Gorgeous, plump maroon-
PURPLE DOVE BUSH #BN150 and-white beans are great in soups, where their
Bush, 55 days. Here’s a spectacular offering from plant creamy texture and hearty, nutty flavor really
breeder, the late Robert Lobitz. Gorgeous violet-purple, shine. Generations of gardeners have grown
flat to slightly round pods are very well flavored. Bush this pole variety that yields 5-6 beans per pod—
plants show a slight tendency to run; staking is not outstandingly productive! Originally introduced
required but this trait makes them super productive over a by our friend Glenn Drowns. Superior in baked
long season. Seeds are a lovely violet-color, too! Pkt $3.50 beans, and also makes a fine shell bean. Pkt $3.00

Half-runner. 85 days.
Here’s another Dakota
variety, so you know
it’s rugged! This one
comes from the
Hidatsa people of the
upper Missouri River
Valley; was introduced MBOMBO GREEN #BN200
in Oscar Will’s Pioneer Bright emerald green dry beans and are delicious
Indian Collection of in soups or eaten as a green bean. Drought and
seeds in 1915. Plump heat tolerant, the bean originated in Kenya where
its name, Mbombo, is an African tribal association
rose-red beans for dry
GOLDEN BUTTERWAX BEAN #BN190 to the Creator God of the same name. Pole to semi-
use; plants climb only pole bean brought to us by Stephen Smith from
Bush. 50 days. An old favorite that has been 3 feet or so. Pkt $3.50 his colorful bean collection. Pkt (25 seeds) $4.50
praised by gardeners for superior flavor,
impressive yield and natural disease resistance
since the 1800s. Golden butterwax bean was
originally introduced by D.M Ferry and Co. in
1876. Oodles of 5 inch long, bright yellow beans
are produced on compact 16-18 inch tall plants
that remain upright and sturdy. Excellent choice FORT PORTAL JADE #BN186
for canning and freezing. Pkt $3.00 Pole. Amazing jewel-toned green beauties! Dried beans are
a glassy blue-green color--unlike anything we have seen
before, so stunning! Plants are extremely productive— they
flourished both in the greenhouse and outdoors in the gar-
den. Color will not fully develop until the beans are com-
pletely dried. Intoduced several years ago by our Canadian
friends at Richters Seeds, and collected by Joseph Simcox in
a market at Fort Portal, Uganda. Pkt $4.50
Bush. 55 days. This meaty variety debuted in
1885. It is a flavorful, stringless bean and boasts
heavy yields. The pods are medium green in
color and a little over 5” long. The seeds are a
rich chocolate or coffee brown. D. Landreth Seed
Co., one of the oldest surviving American seed
houses, proudly proclaimed it as a favorite; “one
of the finest pod varieties for the home garden,
market garden and canner.” Pkt $3.00
More varieties of seed available at 15
POLE) #BN105 65 days. This homesteaders’ RATTLESNAKE POLE #BN109 ROMA II #BN107
heirloom was first mentioned in The Country This pole bean is easy to grow and produces lots Bush, 55 days. This is an improved Romano, bush-
Gentleman magazine in 1864 under the name of green pods that have purple streaks. Good type, green bean that produces loads of 6” to
of Texas Pole. It was not until 1877 that it was flavor and very tender; the speckled seeds are 7”-wide pods that are very flavorful. Pkt $3.00 or
introduced as Kentucky Wonder by James J.H. popular in soup. This variety is great for hot, 1/2 lb $6.50
Gregory & Sons and has been popular ever humid areas. Pkt $3.00
since. It is a pole bean with 6”- 8” green pods
that are very tender when cooked and have a
great flavor. In 1896 Peter Henderson & Co. said,
“This we regard as far ahead of any other green
SNAKE BEAN Delicious fruit tastes like green beans, only better!

Pole Bean.” They also said it was 10 days earlier.

Pkt $2.75 or 1/2 lb $6.50


This delicious heirloom was discovered in the
Ozark mountains by Henry Fields in the 1930s
and is still requested by many old-timers of this
region. The pods are bright purple, stringless,
and tender. Plants grow to 6’ and produce heavy
yields. Pkt $3.00


Our new favorite vegetable! (AKA Snake Melon or Snake Gourd) (Trichosanthes cucumerina)
Unusual and delicious gourd relative that is referred to and used as a bean in its native China. Its
fruit tastes much like green beans, except even more delicious and tender. We could give up a lot of
other vegetables before we would not grow this queen of garden crops, known for its divine taste
and snake-like beauty. So snake-like, in fact, that the beans terrify more than a few visitors to our
PURPLE TEEPEE #BN162 garden each summer! Snake bean is almost completely absent in U.S. markets. Its long, delicate
Bush, 60 days. Super-productive bush type, fruit doesn’t ship easily. Chinese Green Python snake bean is the largest snake bean variety, grow-
yielding straight, purple pods. These are held ing up to 60 inches long and 1.5 inches thick! As it matures, it develops light green color and a thin
above the foliage--a great advantage that makes layer of wax on the skin. When harvested at 12-30 inches long, it can be used like green beans or
the pods easier to see and harvest, and keeps summer squash. Traditionally stir fried with peppers and onions, this vegetable has many culinary
them from contact with the ground. Pick them uses. In Africa the inside of fully mature fruit can be scraped out and used like tomato paste. This
young, at 4-5 inches, for flavorful, tender snaps.. variety will need a sturdy trellis; pinching lateral branches under 30 inches will encourage climbing.
Pkt $3.00 Fun to grow in kids’ gardens, an absolutely unique new vegetable! Pkt (5 seeds) $3.00

(Vicia faba) Mediterranean native that is quite AQUADULCE FAVA
different from ordinary beans. Prefers cool weather. #FB103
85 days. This 19th-
century Spanish
heirloom produces large,
white beans, extra early
in the season; a great
protein source for cool
climate areas. Pkt (25 HYACINTH BEAN “MOONSHADOW “ #AB106
seeds) $3.25 (Dolichos lablab) Beautiful purple pods are used
SWEET LORANE FAVA in Asia as a curry and stir-fry vegetable. Pick when
#FB102 An exceptional small and tender, as old pods and dry beans may
feat in natural plant breed- be poisonous! The long, rambling vine is also very
ornamental with lilac-colored blossoms and purple
BROAD WINDSOR FAVA #FB101 ing, this small-seeded fava
is extremely cold hardy and stems. Thomas Jefferson planted this fine bean at
75 days. Yields gourmet high-protein beans on
well adapted to being grown Monticello. Pkt (15 seeds) $3.25
upright non-branching plants. An old English
favorite. Pkt (25 seeds) $3.25 as a winter cover crop but
boasts the flavor and size
of an eating fava. A perfect
combination-- especially for
the home gardener, now we
can have our cover crops and
eat them too! The flavor is JICAMA OR YAM BEAN #AB105
much less tannic than cover (Pachyrhizus erosus) 120 days. Long vines can grow
crop favas and tastes like a twenty feet long and produce delicious tubers. These
chickpea when eaten fresh! have become very popular in the last few years. Very
Pkt (25 seeds) $3.25 long season; these must be started very early in all
areas except the deep South. Caution: The seeds and
pods are poisonous, but the small pods are cooked in
the Philippines. Pkt (25 seeds) $3.00


Massive beans borne on impressive 6-foot tall
plants. Originally introduced by renowned plant
breeder Alan Kaupler of Peace Seeds, this large KABOULI BLACK GARBANZO BEAN #AB111
seeded variety was selected from seeds of Guate- New! An improvement on an ancient garbanzo
malan origin. Greens are tender and tasty when bean variety from Afghanistan. A tolerance to cooler
EXTRA PRECOCE A GRANO VIOLETTO picked young. Beans can be harvested green as a soil temperatures, perfect for early spring planting.
#FB105 This extra early variety produces long fresh bean or left on the plant to mature as a dry Beautiful bi-colored purple-pink flowers cover 2 foot
pods that are filled with 6 large beans that are a bean. This variety also produces masses of organic tall plants. Very reliable and medium productive plants
pretty purple color and are sweet tasting. A unique matter and makes a top choice for soil improve- will yield more if you pick often to encourage new
and colorful variety from Italy. Pkt (25 seeds) $4.00 ment as a green manure. Pkt (20 seeds) $4.00 blooms. (25 seeds) $3.00

An early maturing and supremely delicious winged bean from
Japan. This highly adaptable winged bean variety is not day length
sensitive, making it an excellent choice for a wide range of growing
areas. Winged beans are native to Equatorial Asia. Baker Creek’s
founder, Jere Gettle, first encountered winged beans on a trip
to Thailand. Being a tropical crop from the equator, the winged
bean typically takes a long season to flower, only setting pods just
before frost in our Missouri climate. For years Jere searched for a
winged bean variety that will bear pods earlier in order to enjoy a
longer harvest season. Urizun is just the variety that Jere had been
searching for; this variety is not day length sensitive and will begin
to produce pods in August. Heavy production continues until frost.
Especially popular on the island of Okinawa, Japan, where this
heat loving vegetable takes center stage during the warm summer
months. Vines are lush and tropical looking, with large, lavender
flowers and unique pods. The vines will readily climb a trellis
or fence, making this an exotic edible ornamental. Traditionally
blanched and stir fried with ume (pickled Japanese plum), we love
to toss them into the wok with just about anything; also great in
Our Favorite, superb flavor! soups or steamed. Sliced beans resemble little stars; fun way to
introduce kids to this nutritious vegetable. Pkt (25 seeds) $3.50
More varieties of seed available at 17
(Phaseolus lunatus) Originally grown in South America. Grown and harvested the same as common beans. Limas love warm weather, but won’t thrive in extreme heat.
A delicious Alabama heirloom
butterbean. We received this
seed from a customer whose
family has passed the seeds
down for many generations.
This bean is quite vigorous and KING OF THE GARDEN LIMA
will need trellising. Does well #LB105 90 days. Large 8’-10’
in extreme heat and drought vines yield very LARGE white
conditions. Technically a lima lima beans and give huge yields
bean, this creamy white bean is over a long season. An heirloom
CHRISTMAS- POLE LIMA #LB104 traditionally grown in Alabama from 1883, introduced by Frank S.
95 days. Very large white beans with beautiful, dark and referred to there as butter- Platt. An old-fashioned favorite,
red splashes, rich flavor; heavy yields even in very hot bean. Pkt (20 seeds) $3.00 excellent for home gardeners. Pkt
weather; long vines. Heirloom. Pkt (25 seeds) $3.00 (25 seeds) $3.00


BUTTERPEA #LB103 70 days. Introduced in 1888 by Peter Henderson & Co.
75 days. Very productive. and one of their most famous varieties; still popular to
Beans are about the size this day. In 1888 Henderson offered $100 cash for plants
of peas; red-speckled bearing the most pods and proclaimed it “A VEGETABLE
with a deep purple-rust WONDER!!!” “Can and should be grown in every garden,”
color and grow well in and also said “of all the Novelties...ever sent out, there
hot weather. A delicious is nothing so entirely distinct and valuable as this New
baby lima. Bush plants. Vegetable.” Dwarf bush plants can be grown like regular
Pkt (40 seeds) $3.00 bush beans. Very tasty, tender beans, and very early too!
Pkt (40 seeds) $3.00


(Phaseolus coccineus) Another New World native. Grown like ordinary green beans with one major difference: they prefer cooler temperatures.
British bred, competition length
runner bean with culinary pizazz.
Giant vegetable competitions are
a serious business in Great Britain.
This record breaker can grow up
to 16 inches while maintaining
excellent flavor. Produces clusters of
beautiful red flowers that give way
to uniform, tasty pods. Benchmaster
received an RHS Award of Garden
Merit for performance and reliability.
Competitive growers will thin to just
one flower per cluster to achieve a
record breaker! Pkt (20 seeds) $3.50


An ancient heirloom runner bean dating as far
back as the mid-1600s and first recorded by
German botanist Michael Titus in his Catalogues
Plantarum. This rare runner bean produces
masses of gorgeous blooms ranging in color
from tangerine to cherry red, making this edi-
ble ornamental pole bean irresistible to hum-
GOLDEN SUNSHINE #RB108 mingbirds! Pods are much shorter than other
85 days. Here is something really runner beans; immature pods can be eaten
unusual: it’s a runner bean, but the just like sugar snap peas. The stout pods yield SUNSET #RB109 65-70 days. Runner beans are all attractive
scarlet flowers are displayed above just 2-3 beans per shell. Pretty, plump beans enough for flower gardens or patios, but this one is in a class
brilliant chartreuse foliage! The striking that change from pink to purple, and then to a by itself: luminous peach to shell-pink blossoms are absolutely
5-6 foot vines really crank out the 6-8 pure ebony-black. Fantastic used like a kidney unique in our experience. Vines to 6 feet or so are covered in due
inch, hefty pods, so good for fresh use or bean, cooking down to a creamy texture. Pkt (25 course with cascades of runner bean pods, equally wonderful
preserving. Like all runner beans, prefers seeds) $3.75 whether used as fresh snaps, canned or frozen, or as shell beans.
mild weather. Pkt (25 seeds) $3.50 Lovely! Pkt (25 seeds) $3.50
(Glycine max) One of the world’s oldest crops. Grown in Asia for thousands of years where it is a
staple protein source, making it one of the world’s largest protein sources for over 1000 years.
GMO TESTED: GMOs were NOT found in any of the soy varieties listed in our catalog.


70-80 days. An even earlier edamame MIDORI GIANT (EDAMAME) #SY112
soybean, this one was bred to mature a 80-95 days. The quintessential edamame soybean!
full 10 days before Midori Giant. While Midori giant is appreciated for heavy yields and
this variety is hailed for its productivity early maturity. The large, bright green beans are
and large beans, the flavor and quality considered one of the best for fresh edamame.
are not compromised. Beans taste Beans dry to a yellow color. Plants reach two feet
amazing fresh, steamed or dried. Plants tall and are highly branched and sturdy, requiring
reach 2 feet tall but remain compact. no staking. This variety is very well suited to all
Beans mature uniformly on the plant for climates in the U.S. and considered a very depend-
an easier harvest. Pkt (30 seeds) $4.00 able variety perfect for both large scale and small
scale agriculture. Pkt (30 seeds) $4.00


(Vigna unguiculata) A staple crop of East Asia, where they have been grown for centuries. Delicious young pods are very tender, crisp and nearly never
have “strings”. Easy to grow in all but the coldest climates. 25-35 seeds per packet.
Lovely, lavender-pink-
shaded pods measure
12”-18” long and are
crisp and flavorful. The
vigorous vines produce
loads of tender Chinese
beans. Very popular here
at Baker Creek and sure
to become a favorite of
gourmets everywhere!
A real standout that
is quick to come into
production. Pkt $3.00 THAI PURPLE PODDED YARD LONG #LG117
Vigorous, high-yielding Thai variety. The lovely, deep-
purple pods have green tips, are crisp and stay tender
to amazing lengths, often reaching 20 inches! The
productive variety is a local favorite in Thailand where
long beans are appreciated as a very important staple
crop. Pkt $3.00


This noodle bean reaches 20-30 inches long! #LG109 80 days. This is the most
Fun for kids’ gardens or dramatic effect in edible stunning and unique bean I have grown yet.
landscaping. The impossibly long pods make a Fantastic, deep red, 18” pods are so delicious
statement in the garden, dripping chandelier-like and full of nutrition, and they even keep
from lush vines and seemingly growing inches a most of their color when sautéed! Long THAI SOLDIER #LG122
day! Beyond its ornamental value, the beans are vines produce all summer and do well under Vigorous bush habit for those who want to grow long
tender, flavorful and highly nutritious- high in many conditions. This incredible variety will beans but prefer not to trellis. Foot-long pods are firm and
vitamin B, C, and protein. The plants love the intense draw lots of attention in your home garden very flavorful. Pods are strikingly different in appearance,
heat of summer, producing profusions of pods as or at market. We are so excited to offer this having tiger-stripes in dark red-brown. Superior variety from
the temperatures creeps into the high 90s. unique, Chinese ethnic variety that produces Thailand, where long beans are a staple crop. Unusual and
Pkt $3.00 fairly early. Small red seeds. Pkt $3.00 very choice! Pkt $3.00
More varieties of seed available at 19
(Beta vulgaris) 250 seeds per packet. An Old

World crop known to the Romans but not

cultivated for roots until much later. A delicious
and easy-to-grow crop, sown in early spring or
late summer in most areas, succession-planted
spring through fall in cooler summer climates.
Forage types yield amazing quantities of large
roots for livestock but may also be harvested
for table use, both for greens and roots, when
taken young. The “seeds” are actually capsules
containing several seeds, so thin plantings
adequately; be sure to use the thinnings as baby


ALBINO #BT108 100 days. Huge, up to 40 lbs each; large yields per acre. Highly used for livestock
55 days. A pure white, fairly smooth round feed in the 1800s or picked small for table use. Pkt $4.00 or 800 seeds $9.00
heirloom beet from Holland. Its super sweet
white flesh is unusual and tasty. The greens are CRAPAUDINE #BT114
also good. This beet can be used for making
In 1885, the French book The
sugar. Pkt (100 seeds) $3.00
Vegetable Garden stated this
is one of the oldest varieties.
Today some experts feel this
may be the oldest beet still
in existence, possibly dating
back 1000 years. This unique
variety is one of the most
flavorful, with carrot-shaped
roots that have rough, dark
colored skin which looks like
tree bark. Inside, the roots are
very dark, with almost black
flesh that is of superior quality
and sought after by chefs who
want real flavor. We are proud
to offer this rare old selection.
Pkt $3.00
95 days. White-fleshed conical roots are larger
BULL’S BLOOD #BT101 than our Albino Beet, and have a very high sucrose
50 days. This beautiful beet has deep reddish- content. May be grown for sugar production or as a
purple leaves! Very sweet and delicious, the baby higher-calorie stock fodder. Roots frequently exceed
leaves are a rage in salads. The beets are tasty two pounds in weight, and under ideal conditions are
too, and have pretty pink rings inside. Pkt $2.75 as much as 20 percent sucrose! We sell only GMO-free
or 800 seeds $5.50 seed. Pkt $3.00



60 days. A pre-1840 Italian heirloom beet, this variety arrived in the USA prior to 1865. They have light red skin and beautiful rings inside, like red
and white candy stripes. The flesh is very tender, mild, and sweet. Named after a fishing town in Italy; a favorite here. Pkt $2.75 or 800 seeds $5.50


55 days. The most popular, old
standard, all-purpose red beet;
uniform and smooth, blood red
flesh that is sweet and tasty. 14”
tops make good greens. Heirloom
variety introduced 1892. Pkt $2.75
or 800 seeds $5.50


50 days. An old heirloom, pre-1811 CROSBY’S EGYPTIAN #BT105
variety. Early, smooth, round beet 55 days. Introduced to this country in 1869 and trialled by
makes lots of tall tender greens, Peter Henderson, who recommended it in 1871. This improved
too! Perfect pickled, fresh, cooked, “Crosby’s” strain was first offered by J. H. Gregory. This beet is
early, tender, & fine flavored. Pkt $2.75
or in borscht. Pkt $2.75 or 800
seeds $5.50

55 days. This variety
dates back to the 1820s
or before. The beets are
a rich, golden-yellow
and very sweet. A
beautiful beet that won’t
bleed like red beets. CYLINDRA OR FORMANOVA #BT111
The greens are also very 55 days. A wonderful heirloom from Denmark, this one is
tasty. The most popular famous for slicing with its long, cylindrical roots. Produces
variety with our staff. much more uniform slices than round beets. This tender and
Pkt $3.00 or 800 seeds sweet variety is also known as “Butter Slicer” because of its
$8.00 wonderful texture. Pkt $2.75 or 800 seeds $5.50

More varieties of seed available at 21

(B. oleracea) 150 seeds per packet. Old World cabbage relatives that are grown for succulent flower heads or buds. Brussels sprouts originated in the
Mediterranean but were perfected in Belgium, possibly as early as 1200 AD. Brussels sprouts are a cool season biennial, so they thrive in places with long,
cool growing seasons. For growers with mild winters, Brussels sprouts grow best as a winter crop; they can tolerate cold much better than heat. Try to
grow when temperatures range between 30 to 75 degrees.


A hard-to-find heirloom variety that really is colorful in cool late fall weather. Easily one
of the most exciting additions to our catalog in years, red Brussels sprouts stand out in
the garden and on the plate. The stunning purple red sprouts are filled with antioxi-
dants. These have a really nice, sweet flavor when grown in cool weather. Pkt $3.00

Groninger is an easy to grow,
steady producing variety. These
medium to small sprouts are
an ideal choice for first timers.
Sprouts form a tight head and LONG ISLAND IMPROVED
maintain a delicate flavor even #BS101
in variable weather. Groninger 100 days. The standard
Brussels can handle a light frost open-pollinated variety since
and will improve in flavor with the 1890’s. Heavy yields of
the cold weather. This variety delicious sprouts. Pkt $2.75
has received the RHS Award of or 3,000 seeds $6.00
Garden Merit. Pkt $2.75


(B. oleracea) 300 seeds per packet. Old World cabbage relatives that are grown for succulent flower heads or buds. Needs rich soil, abundant moisture, and cool
weather (but avoid prolonged exposure to temps below 50 degrees). Broccoli is harvested when the tiny buds are full-sized, but before they begin to open.


#BR102 An English heirloom variety, Standard type, produces 4-8” green
bred for overwintering. Produces lots heads that are nicely flavored. Compact
of purple broccoli sprouts in the spring. plants also produce some side shoots.
Grows slowly through the winter; very Introduced in 1954. A favorite here at
frost hardy. A great variety that is very the farm. Pkt $2.75
hard to find in this country; delicious!
Pkt $2.75


#BR101 An Italian heirloom brought RAPINI #BR103
ROMANESCO ITALIA #BR104 The true and popular Italian (B. rapa) An Italian non-heading broccoli
to America in the 1880s; 5”-8” heads and
heirloom with spiraling, apple-green heads that are so superbly many side shoots. Pkt $2.75 or 3,000 grown for flavorful, asparagus-like spring
flavored. This variety is widely grown in northern Italy. A must with many seeds $8.00 shoots and leaves. Great to cook or in salads.
of the finest chefs. Pkt $3.00 or 3,000 seeds $8.50 Pkt $2.50


WHEAT) #GS111 Grown for
incredible flowers, tasty buck-

ソ wheat seeds and for feeding

beneficial insects! In 1987, the
very rare pink buckwheat was
バ taken to Japan from the Hima-
layan Mountains by Professor
Emeritus Akio Ujihara of Shinshu
の University. We are told that Takano
and Mr. Ujihara further developed
this to suit the Japanese climate.
花 Clouds of rose-pink flowers cover
this low maintenance perennial

buckwheat. The drought-tolerant
flowers are fantastic to attract
beneficial pollinators in abun-
dance and add an amazing pop
to long-lasting bouquets. Planted
en masse is as stunning as a field
of lavender. Easy to grow, deer
resistant, drought-tolerant and
hardy in much of the U.S. Pkt (75
seeds) $4.00


(Fagopyrum esculentum) Tender plant used
as a warm-season cover crop. Plant anytime
in warm weather; incorporate into soil
when flowering begins (4-6 weeks). Well
known for adding organic matter to the
soil. Can be planted and tilled under several
times in a summer. Produces delicious
and nutritious, edible seeds! Pretty white TAKINOGAWA #HB179 New!
flowers. Pkt (500 seeds) $3.00 This is a very special late variety that is known for flavor
and length. Grown in traditional Japanese burdock boxes,
BUCKWHEAT, TAKANE this root is known to reach 3 feet! With a thin outer skin
TAKANE RUBY BUCKWHEAT RUBY #GS115 New! and crisp flesh, it cooks beautifully and is a must for many
A brilliant, ruby-red flowering Japanese dishes. The winter-hardy first year root can be
superfood from Japan. Pink dug late in the fall and even into winter for cooking. Tak-
and red flowering buck- inogawa burdock was bred and improved by Suzuki Gengo
wheat is a rare and wondrous at Takinogawa village (Tokyo) in the Genroku era during
pseudo-grain. A Japanese the Edo period (1688-1704). More than 90% of burdock are
professor selected and per- descendants of this variety. Pkt (150 seeds) $3.00
fected this variety, and the
signature red blanketed fields
can now be found in Nara
Prefecture, Japan. Japanese
farmers quickly embraced
this as a stunning cover crop,
much more beautiful than
white buckwheat. The seeds
are ground into a flour for
soba noodles and can also
be sprouted for a highly nu-
tritious microgreen. In Japan,
buckwheat is also brewed into
tea and made into cookies.
Honey from bees who fed on
ruby buckwheat was analyzed BURDOCK LEAF #HB181 New!
by Shinshu University and An extraordinary selection from the seed artisans in Japan
shown to contain 100 times who selected this open-pollinated variety for its extra large
the antioxidant effect of regu- leaves. Burdock leaves are used in Japan, and the world-
lar honey. Pkt (75 seeds) $4.00 over for culinary and medicinal purposes.
Pkt (150 seeds) $3.00

More varieties of seed available at 23

(B. oleracea) 300 seeds per packet. Cabbage does best in a long season of mild weather, but it is also very hardy and may be grown to maturity in the cool
weather of late autumn. Spring plantings are best started indoors and transplanted out about the time of last frost; summer plantings may be seeded
right in the garden. We recommend early varieties for spring planting and longer-season, large-heading varieties for a fall crop.

#CB102 A large
drumhead cabbage,
very cold hardy.
A fall/winter type
cabbage, stores very
well. Introduced in
1924, it is an excellent
market variety that is
becoming rare.
Pkt $2.50

70 days. Gorgeously crinkled, savoy-type leaves Tender, 3 to 4-lb,
are produced within dense heads. These are pointed, oxheart-
round to slightly flattened, and often weigh 3 type heads; very
pounds or more. This European heirloom variety good for home use
is seldom available in the US. Mainly grown for or specialty markets.
fresh use, and has been since the turn of the We offer quality
20th century, when it was a favorite at Paris Italian seed for
markets. Usually grown for a fall crop, where its this old European
earliness, mild flavor and tolerance to cold are heirloom. This type
especially valued. Pkt $2.50 of cabbage was very
popular 150 years
ago. Fairly early and
of superb quality. KALIBOS #CB119
Pkt $2.50
85 days. Incredibly graceful appearance would
qualify Kalibos for the flower garden! But this
European variety is eminently useful, as well. The
conical, long, heart-shaped, 2-pound heads of
deep red are on the small side, ideal for a single
dish. The color is so beautiful when the leaves are
shredded into slaw. Flavor is mild and very sweet.
They’re good keepers, as well, allowing you to
MAMMOTH RED ROCK #CB105 enjoy your fall harvest well into winter. Pkt $3.00
90 days. A large heirloom cabbage from 1889 with
deep red heads that have good flavor and are very EARLY JERSEY WAKEFIELD #CB103
colorful. Pkt $2.75 70 days. Introduced in the 1840’s, with tasty, 2-lb,
sweet and flavorful, conical heads. This very early
variety was sold commercially by Peter Henderson
in the late 1860’s. Pkt $2.75 or 3,000 seeds $6.00


A vintage heirloom cabbage that originated in the
region of Verona in Northern Italy, with stunning,
lightly savoyed violet and green leaves that get
more vibrant as the cool fall and winter weather
set in. Thanks to an appreciation for traditional
cuisine, Italians have preserved this variety
from antiquity. Perhaps it is the impressive heat
and cool tolerance of these hardy plants, or the
RED EXPRESS #CB114 beautiful violet leaves that have kept this treasured
Newly released open-pollinated red cabbage, the heirloom alive despite general downsizing of seed
first in many years! Specifically bred for Canada GLORY OF ENKHUIZEN #CB104 diversity. Medium sized round heads mature 120
and northern tier of USA. Compact plants, extra 90 days. Introduced in 1899 by Sluis & Groot in days from seeding. With violet colored wrapper
Enkhuizen, Holland. Medium-large, hard round leaves and yellow-green inside leaves, they are
early production of solid, split-resistant oval
heads. An early, excellent-keeping variety that is a an ideal choice for a fall/winter harvest. It is frost
heads to only 2-3 pounds. Pkt $3.00 good producer and good for kraut. Pkt $2.50 hardy, and in warmer areas can be harvested until
New Year. Pkt $3.00

(Brassicae. oleracea) Old

World cabbage relatives
that are grown for succulent DURGESH 41 #CA110
flower heads or buds. All Here is a seriously vigorous
need rich soil, abundant cauliflower from India.
moisture, and cool weather Durgesh 41 is super reli-
(but avoid prolonged able. The tough plants can
exposure to temps below withstand more heat than
50 degrees). Cauliflower is other varieties and will
harvested when the heads produce high quality heads
reach full size, but before that have excellent ship-
the tiny buds (called the ping and storage quality.
curd) begin to develop This self blanching variety
and open. Cauliflower
is highly recommended for
succeeds best where
home or market gardening
spring or autumn weather
is uniformly cool. Some for shipping quality, taste
varieties are blanched (the and reliability. Pkt (200
large outer leaves drawn seeds) $3.00
up and tied to shade the
developing bud) to produce
a milder flavored curd.

ROBER CAULIFLOWER #CA111 Easy to grow, massive heads!

This is by far the most productive and adaptable cauliflower we have ever grown. Rober
will produce large, 12” heads with tight curds, despite fluctuations in temperature that
would ruin most other varieties. We harvested perfect heads in the punishing Missouri
early summer. This is a very reliable and tasty variety from Poland. Pkt (200 seeds) $3.00


If you’ve had trouble growing cauliflower,
try this amazing variety. It can be
harvested either at the “baby head” size
or when fully mature at 10”. Easy to grow Beautiful, brilliant purple heads weigh 2-3 lbs and are
GREEN MACERATA #CA105 of a fine, sweet flavor. The heads cook to bright green.
in the North or South. It keeps well in
A delicious Italian variety with 2-lb, bright apple- Insect-resistant variety that is easier to grow than many
the field and is heavy bearing, so pick as
green heads that are superb cooked or raw in white varieties; rich in minerals. A colorful heirloom. Select
needed and prepare for a large harvest.
salads. Very attractive, vigorous plants, fairly Italian seed. Our favorite purple cauliflower every year!
Does well in wet, clay soil too!
early. Pkt (200 seeds) $2.50
About 75 days. Pkt (50 seeds) $3.00 Pkt (200 seeds) $3.00
More varieties of seed available at 25
#CE108 New! A stunning
bright pink celery from China.
An easy-to-grow variety to
(Apium graveolens) 200 seeds per packet. Moisture-
loving Old World crop grown since antiquity. complete the nutritional
rainbow! Pink celery is popular
in northern China, especially
Beijing, where the attractive pink
stalks are served in high-end
restaurants. This tasty Asian
type celery is a great choice for
beginner gardeners, as it is much
easier to grow than European-
type celery. Flavor is a yummy
and lightly sweet, texture is light
and crunchy and eye appeal
is unstoppable. The color is a
CELERIAC- GIANT PRAGUE #CE103 brilliant bubblegum pink, a truly
110 days. Root celery, this variety is grown for delightful addition to the veggie
its large, white roots that are superb fried, or in patch and market display. This
soup. Taste and texture are much like regular vibrantly colored veggie is sure
celery. Introduced in 1871, popular in parts of to be a hit in kids’ gardens,
Europe. Pkt $2.50 as well as farmers market.
Sure to be the next exciting
colorful crop for fresh vegetable
marketing. We are excited about
the culinary potential of this
nutritious and fun variety. It is
quite easy to grow, and even the
baby plants are stunning, neon
pink. We love this! Pkt $4.00 Our Favorite!

Chinese Celery: The World’s Most Beautiful!

UTAH TALL CELERY #CE107 A beloved crop with ancient origins, celery has been cultivated in China since
110 days. Thick, crisp, medium-dark green stalks the Han Dynasty- about 2,000 years. Chinese celery is known to be a preferable
reach a foot or more when well grown, high quality.
celery type for U.S. growers, as it is typically more adaptable and much easier to
Introduced in 1953. Pkt $2.75
grow than the large, European type that is commonly found in the grocery store.


#CE111 New!
Easy to grow! A delicate
and delicious Chinese
variety with snow white
stalks. White celery has
been cultivated in the
Chinese town of Liyang for
over 800 years. Stems are
long, slender and hollow,
with strong celery flavor,
GIANT RED CELERY #CE112 New! ideal for Asian soups and
A traditional red celery variety, tried and trusted stews, but equally suitable
by generations of gardeners in England. Stalks for mirepoix and other
are a striking purple, turning pink when cooked. recipes calling for celery.
Quite cold hardy with a full, old-fashioned celery This variety is known to be
flavor that just improves as the weather cools. easy to grow and more heat
Very reliable grower. Pkt $4.00 tolerant than other celery
varieties. Pkt $3.00

(Daucus carota) 800 seeds per packet. Carrots are originally from central Asia and they come in so many colors besides orange—purple and red types are actually
the original ones! The tiny seed must be sown very shallow. To avoid drying out, especially when sown in hot weather, shade the seed bed or row with boards,
paper, or something to exclude the hot sun and hold in moisture. Long-rooted types need a deep, mellow soil; in heavier soils, grow half-long or round types.

BLACK NEBULA #CR137 Customer Favorite!

75 days. One of the darkest carrots available from skin to core. A delicious raw or cooked carrot that
is so dark and beautiful. It’s also used as a dye. Makes a stunning, dark purple drink when juiced, and
when a squeeze of lemon is added, turns bright pink. Amazingly, it retains its color after cooking
and is incredibly high in anthocyanins. If left in the garden, it makes an exquisite white flower-umbel
tinged with lavender. One of the healthiest foods in the garden!
Pkt (300 seeds) $3.50 or 3,000 seeds $8.00


MANPUKUJI #CR138 A delicious, lemon-yellow variety introduced
New! A super long carrot in 1946 in the Vilmorin-Andrieux catalog as an
from Japan. Manpukuji improvement in flavor compared to most yellow
is descended from the carrots. It was named after the Doubs River that
ancient Japanese long flows through the Jura Mountains of France and
carrot types of the Edo Switzerland. It is a robust, slow growing carrot
period. This variety is with a uniform yellow color, suitable for harvest
sweet, especially when in the fall. The shape is cylindrical with an ob-
harvested after fall frost. tuse end and is excellent for storage. Pkt $3.50
Traditionally served as
‘Namasu’ (grated carrot
salad) for Japanese New
Year celebrations. Also
an incredible snacking
carrot, ideal for fresh
eating. Roots easily reach
over 2 feet in length when
grown in the right soil.
A fantastic choice for
market or giant vegetable
growers; sure to be a hit
at your county fair!
Pkt (300 seeds) $4.00


65-75 day. A rich dark purple carrot, reminiscent
of the ancient carrots of the Middle East. Purple/
Black carrots were originally brought to Andalu-
sia, Spain, from North Africa in the 14th century
along the silk road. Black carrots are still popular
in the Malaga region; often sliced extra thin,
eaten raw or baked into a stunning purple carrot
cake. In Mallorca, the Black Carrot is cooked
with stock and olive oil and creamed. Earthy
PUSA RUDHIRA RED CARROT #CR127 and spicy as opposed to sweet, it’s delicious
Tasty and nutritious red variety from India, extra rich in the antioxidants. This particular variety is very roasted with other root veggies, making a nice
high in beta-carotene and lycopene. Red carrots have been cultivated in India since antiquity, where color contrast of deep purple outside with white
they are used in a range of recipes, especially in jams and chutneys. Lycopene is an antioxidant that is inside. It likes cooler weather, so plant early; in
most nutritionally effective when cooked with a fat, consequently many traditional red carrot recipes Zone 8 and warmer, plant in fall or winter. Pkt
combine red carrot with oils or fats. Great for juicing! Sweeter grown in autumn. Pkt (200 seeds) $4.50 (300 seeds) $4.00
More varieties of seed available at 27
A very rare landrace from the Tessin
region of Switzerland. These amethyst
colored carrots were re-discovered in the
1950s in the picturesque Alps village of
Bre being grown by local women who
sold them at farmers markets. “Gniff” is
translated to purple in the local dialect.
CHANTENAY RED CORE #CR111 Being a landrace, there is a range of
75 days. One of the sweetest, this variety was expression of colors in this carrot, always
introduced in 1929 and is a large stump-rooted a purple exterior with a various amount
carrot with a deep red-orange center, great for of violet inside. This is a slow-growing
juicing or fresh eating. A good market variety storage carrot that is traditionally pickled;
that is smooth and refined in shape. Pkt $2.25 locals will steam, slice and preserve in
olive oil, parsley and garlic. A similar type
was last described by Vilmorin in the year
1856 as “sweet, purple carrot with a pale
yellow heart”. Pkt (200 seeds) $4.00


75 days. Popular variety for Oriental markets;
deep orange, stubby roots are mild and sweet.
Excellent for juicing. Grows well in many climate
conditions; good for home or market. Pkt $2.50

KYOTO RED CARROT #CR132 (Our Favorite! Amazing for Fall and Winter Gardening)
This is a Japanese kintoki type (sweet red) carrot. These silky red carrots are grown near Kyoto,
DANVERS 126 HALF LONG #CR102 Japan, where they are traditionally eaten on the Japanese New Year, often carved into the shape of
70 days. The original Danvers Half Long dates back a plum blossom to represent fertility in the coming year. These carrots have an exceptional texture
to the 1870s. This strain “126” was improved in the and sweet flavor. A perfect variety for late summer, fall or winter gardening, the bright red color
1940s. The old standard American carrot, adapt- becomes much darker when grown in the winter. (This variety may not do well if planted in the
able and dependable. Thick 7” roots have good Spring) Long tapered roots grow to 10” to 12” inches long. Pkt (300 seeds) $4.00
flavor. Productive. Pkt $2.50 or 10,000 seeds $8.00

PURPLE DRAGON #CR129 70 days. Gorgeous red-

dish-purple exterior is smooth and very attractive—unusually MUSCADE #CR118
refined appearance. The purple outside makes a nice contrast A delicious North African carrot
with the brilliant orange interior, especially when served as slic- that produces blocky, 7” orange
70 days. The Vilmorins of France mentioned this
es on relish trays, platters and more. Roots typically reach 7-8” roots that have exceptional fla-
variety in 1885 and said it had been grown a in length; half-long root habit means you can get well-formed
“long time” then. A large handsome variety with vor and a crisp, crunchy texture.
roots even in somewhat tight or heavy soil. Flavor is spicy- They hold up well at market and
bright red-orange roots; smooth, 10”-12” long sweet and wonderfully complex—wonderful for snacking, and
and 2”-3” in diameter. Sweet & tender. Rare. Our are late bolting. Rare and almost
kids really seem to love them! The anthocyanin-rich purple
favorite! Pkt $2.50 or 10,000 seeds $8.00 impossible to find! Pkt $2.50
coloration is a valuable bonus, and the roots contain lots of ly-
copene as well. Bred by Dr. John Navazio. Pkt (300 seeds) $3.00

This one is causing excitement in home gardens and at farmers’ markets. 75 days. Here is a vigorous producer with creamy white roots that are
Carrots have bright purple skin and flesh that comes in shades of yellow and very mild, delicious, and have a fine flavor; very small core. White carrots
orange. Spicy and sweet-tasting roots are great for marketing. Pkt (300 seeds) were grown in the Middle Ages, but now they have become very rare. We
$3.00 or 3,000 seeds $6.00 are glad to offer this productive variety. Pkt (300 seeds) $3.00


DARA FLOWERING CARROT #FL134 65-75 days. Half-long type reaching 6-7
AMARILLO #CR114 Queen Anne’s Lace is the familiar wild form inches in length, about 1 ½ inches in PARISIENNE #CR115
75 days. Lovely, lemon-yellow of carrot, and the white-flowered version diameter. Sweet, brilliant orange, blunt, Small, round carrots that are
roots have sweet, bright yellow has been appreciated for years as a deli- cylindrical roots are very delicate and so popular in France. Tender,
flesh. Good for a summer to fall cate filler in beds and flower arrangements. orange globes are superb
fine-grained, containing almost no core.
But ‘Dara’ is a spectacular, vividly-colored lightly steamed. Easy to grow
crop, large 8” roots and strong High moisture content makes this a nat-
variety! Flowers open chaste white, change even in heavy soils. This little
tops. Yellow carrots always to soft pink and finally deep, rich rose- ural for juicing; fine for bunching or stor-
taste the best to me; they are so age. Originally from France but grown in carrot is great for home and
red; the lacy flower heads reach to 4 ft
crunchy and full of juice. Pkt (300 tall. Large amount of flowers over a long this country for many decades. A good market gardens, as this vari-
seeds) $3.00 or 3,000 seeds $6.00 season. Pkt (20 seeds) $3.50 sort to try on heavier soils. Pkt $2.50 ety is fairly uniform. Pkt $2.50


Amazing color and
flavor, potentially
the world’s richest
plant-based source of
anthocyanin. So rich in
the dark pigmented an-
tioxidant that the roots
are practically black! It is
especially well suited for
the south and performs
better than other carrots
in extreme heat, though
it tastes better when
harvested in the fall
90 days. Massive heart-shaped roots to one
or winter. Richer and
pound each. Can be a shy seed producer and
sweeter flavor than a
seed is sometimes scarce, so we are excited to
regular “orange” carrot
be able to offer this old French variety! Despite
and the color deepens
their large size, the brilliant orange roots are
as carrots mature, even
crisp, sweet and mild. Their blunt shape makes
bleeding like a beet
them superior for heavy or shallow soils. Known
when cut. An amazing
as “Guerande” in France, it was first introduced in
carrot from India. Pkt
the US in the late 19th century. Excellent storage
(200 seeds) $4.50
type. Pkt (300 seeds) $3.00

More varieties of seed available at 29

(Zea mays) The quintessential Native American crop, corn was a staple of indigenous peoples from South America to the Great Lakes. It’s believed to have
been domesticated in Mexico and may be one of the world’s oldest agricultural crops. It’s best if seeded directly into the garden, in good, rich, well-
drained soil, right about the time of the last spring frost. Plant in blocks rather than long narrow rows to improve pollination. Corn can be very drought
tolerant, but ears fill best when there is good soil moisture when tassels and silks first emerge. Harvest sweet corn when the kernels are full of milky-
colored juice; allow other types to remain on the stalks until fully dry. 75-125 seeds per packet.
GMO TESTED: Genetically Modified Organisms were NOT found in any of the corn varieties listed in our catalog.


Uniform 8- to 12-inch ears, within beautiful shades of red, white and blue—very unique and beau-
tiful! Compact plants about 4 feet tall, take heat, cool weather and drought in stride. Excellent, very
MONTANA CUDU #CN188 NEW! early new flour type. Bred to tolerate Montana’s cool summers and scanty rainfall. A decorative
A beautiful spotted variety that is descended from and delicious new flour corn that is sure to please in most areas of the country. Pkt $4.00
a historic Native American variety. Ed Shultz, re-
nowned corn breeder from Montana, has worked HOPI TURQUOISE
to adapt a blended corn as a tribute to a sacred #CN172 Truly breath-
Native American variety. Cudu corn is said to be taking blue corn from the
an ancient native American variety used for sacred Hopi people of the South-
ritual. A sample of seeds was donated to the USDA west. This variety yields
seed bank by Oscar Will in 1958. This original lovely ears with colors
donated seed may have been accidentally inbred ranging from slate blue
or crossed as the cobs were stunted and short, to brilliant turquoise with HOPI PINK #CN132
and kernels had begun to lose their signature blue some surprise purples. A truly lovely native variety that has kernels
eagle marking. Ed is a far northern grower who Used locally in an atole in shades of pink, mauve and salmon on 8”
has worked to create beautiful and early maturing and ground for cornmeal, ears. Drought-tolerant and great for making
corns like Atomic Orange and the Papa’s corn. He kernels are both flour and flour; one of the best varieties for farming
received a sample of seeds from the USDA and has dent types, both often on in dry conditions. This is a rare variety that
worked for over 5 years to adapt it to his northern the same ear. Ears typical- was bred by the Hopi nation, their incredible
region and to create longer cobs. He reports that ly run 6” to 12” long, and work has produced one of the toughest and
this variety has long, slender ears and beautiful are produced usually one most beautiful flour corns available! Flour
blue spotted kernels. To achieve this variety, he is impressively high in protein and the fine
per 4 to 5-foot stalk.
texture lends itself to super soft tortillas and
bred true Cudu corn with a small percentage of Pkt (30 seeds) $5.00 tamales. Pkt (50 seeds) $4.00
Papas White corn. Pkt $5.00

#CN105 90 days. Introduced
in 1890 by S.D. Woodruff & Sons.
Sweet, delicious and milky with
tender white kernels on 8” ears.
The ears have no rows, as this
is a shoepeg type, and kernels
are packed in a zigzag pattern. GOLDEN BANTAM 12-ROW
One of the best heirloom sweet #CN143 Released in 1922 by the
corns. Pkt $3.50 Clark Seed Company of Milford, Con-
necticut. Although developed from the
original Golden Bantam, this is definitely
an improved type—larger ears mean
higher yields, and the golden yellow corn
stays tender longer. Equally suitable for
freezing and fresh eating, this variety was
for decades the standard for home and
market gardeners. Pkt $3.50


The darkest colored corn known,
it has a most delicious flavor and
is believed to have the highest
amount of healthy anthocyanins
of any corn! The ancient Maiz
Morado, also known as Kulli, orig-
inated in Peru in the Andes High-
lands. This is a special selection
that has been bred for the past 20+
years in New Mexico to adapt to
our North American latitudes and
will grow and produce ears easily
in most American gardens. This
ancient corn is excellent as both
a flour corn or picked young, as a
flavorful sweet corn. It is also used
in South America to brew a special
and highly revered drink known
as chicha morado. This drink was
an important ceremonial aspect to
the Incan Empire and civilizations
before them. We love to make pur-
ple corn juice with cinnamon, clove
and pineapple--a refreshing elixir
bursting with antioxidants! Locals
also use it to dye fabrics and cloth,
as well as grinding into a beautiful
flour/meal. Eight feet or taller and
100 days or so to maturity. Pkt $5.00



A delicious, 75-day yellow sweet corn #CN180 Developed and selected 60 years
borne on sturdy 7 foot stalks bearing 2 ago by Ken Fisher of Belgrade, Montana, to
ears per stalk. Kernels are a rich golden grow in the cool and harsh conditions of the
hue and carry that old-fashioned sweet state. This sweet corn is sure to please almost
corn taste--which has nearly been lost anywhere! Vigorous, multi-colored 5-6’ stalks
due to sweet corn hybrids. One of the bear one ear per plant and have 10-12 rows
sweetest and best yielding corns. with a golden hue. The ears have an excellent
Pkt $4.00 fill to the tip and husk coverage. Pkt $4.00
75 days. Early season sweet corn that yields well in cool STOWELL’S EVER-
climates. Dorinny was originally a Canadian cross between GREEN #CN130
Golden Bantam and Pickaninny. Received a Market Gar- This is among the
deners’ Award of Merit in 1936. Reliable even where soils oldest sweet corn that
are cool. Yellow kernels on 6-7” cobs offer old-fashioned is still in production,
sweet corn flavor. Vigorous plants reach 4-5 feet in height, predating 1949. It is
usually yield two ears per plant. Grown in northern Maine still a favorite of many,
by our friend, activist-farmer Jim Gerritsen. Pkt $3.50 producing tasty white
kernels. The plants
CHEROKEE WHITE EAGLE #CN144 used to be pulled
Beautiful white and blue kernels on 8”- up when complete-
10” ears make superb corn meal or can ly ripe, and hung
upside-down in a cool
be used as roasting ears if picked young.
pantry; the ears would
This great Cherokee variety gives good
last well into the
yields on sturdy stalks. Some kernels winter, in a semi-fresh
have eagle-like markings on them, state. In 1873, the
hence the name. Very rare and hard to seeds sold for 25 cents
find. Pkt $4.00 per pint. Pkt $3.50

More varieties of seed available at 31

To the early settlers of North America, corn was so valuable that it was used as money.
GLASS GEM #CN162 The World’s Most Beautiful Corn!
105 days. Amazing color! Indescribably beautiful flint or popcorn comes in an endless range
of colors. Translucent kernels really do shine brilliantly like glass—on the cob they resemble
strands of glass beads! The 3-8” ears are consummately decorative, but edible and delicious
as well. Makes firm little morsels when popped; can also be parched, ground into meal, and
more. Sturdy plants reach to 9’ in height and throw numerous sideshoots where the season is
long enough. Bred from a number of Native varieties by Carl “White Eagle” Barnes, the famous
Cherokee corn collector to whom we owe our gratitude for his life’s work of collecting, pre-
serving and sharing so many native corn varieties. Pkt $5.00


Dark reddish-black ears are quite attractive for
fall decorations or popping into tasty popcorn!
This variety is easy to grow and does well in
almost all growing climates. Fun for children’s
gardens. Perfect Popcorn!!! Pkt $4.00


Sehsapsing produces 6 to 8 foot plants, with 1 to
2 cobs low on the stalks. Each ear is 7 to 8 inches
in length with 8 rows per cob. This was a classic
ceremonial corn of the Lenape/Delaware peoples
recorded as early as the 1640s. When young, in
the milk stage, the corn was eaten raw as sweet
corn or roasted to caramelize it for winter dishes.
In the mature stage it makes extraordinary corn-
meal for grits. Extremely rare. Grown in genetic
isolation for the Roughwood Seed Collection at
Field’s Edge Farm, Litiz, Pennsylvania. Pkt $5.00


#CN186 60 to 80 days. Amazing-
ly orange ears are produced super
early! We were thrilled to introduce
this open pollinated variety from
the gifted corn breeder Ed Schultz
of Bozeman, Montana. Although
newly released, the variety is
nothing new; Ed spent 30 years de-
veloping this fantastic soft flint corn.
This lovely variety sports a range of
orange color from brilliant sunburst
orange to pumpkin orange to russet
orange....even the cobs are orange!
For an added surprise, it will throw
an occasional all-white ear. Three to STRAWBERRY POPCORN #CN119
five foot-tall stalks produce 1 to 2 The popular, cute little ears look just like big
ten-inch ears with 8 rows of kernels strawberries, just 2”-3” long. The 4’ plants produce
in about 60 days. Pkt $5.00 2-4 ears each; great for fall decorations or making
delicious popcorn. Pkt $3.50

GMO TESTED: Genetically Modified Organisms were NOT found in any of the corn varieties listed in our catalog.


85-100 days. The stunningly PO’SUWAEGEH BLUE #CN157
beautiful ears come in a range of 110 days. This Native American heirloom corn from
greens, from yellow-green through Pueblo Pojoaque, pronounced P ō ‘hwä k a, in northern
emerald, with every imaginable New Mexico, is traditionally grown to make blue corn
shade in between. The deeply atole. Po’suwaegeh is the Tewa name for “Place where
dented kernels have been used for there is abundant water.” There is actually such a place,
centuries by the Zapotec people to about 20 miles north of Santa Fe, in a valley running into
make a regional favorite, green- the Rio Grande, where an ancient pueblo, which had
flour tamales. Also makes excellent almost disappeared, found its place of rebirth. Grow-
cornbread! The 6- to 10-inch ears ing Po’suwaegeh Blue corn played a pivotal role in the
are superb in arrangements and for revival of this community. The Pueblo at Pojoaque and
fall decoration. Plants reach 7 feet, Baker Creek Seeds are proud to share this treasure with
are very drought-tolerant, and per- gardeners and farmers. Deep blue kernels on a 10” - 12”
form well even at higher latitudes. ear. Strong and tall stalks. If you like the idea of growing
Amazing and cool! Pkt $4.00 Baker Creek’s Oaxacan Green dent corn, then including
Po’suwaegeh Blue corn in your order is a must! Pkt $4.00

(Vigna unguiculata) 30-75 seeds per pkt. Very
easy to grow, colorful, and tasty.


70 days. An old standard variety; vigorous, high-
yielding vines. Thomas Jefferson grew Blackeye
Peas in the 1770s. Originating in Africa, cowpeas are
easy to grow and are very popular in the South. A
STRIPED JAPONICA #CN178 very ancient crop. Pkt $2.50
85 days. The World’s Most Beautiful Corn Plant! Invite this vibrant ornamental flint corn into your
edible landscape design and you won’t regret it. Plants reach 6 feet in height; foliage develops
a brilliant, multi-colored striping in colors of green, white, pink and yellow. Some stalks will
be mostly all green, others will be striped with all four colors. It has wine colored tassels and
crimson-black kernels--adding a tropical touch to borders or container plantings. The sturdy
stalks make a fantastic trellis for climbing ornamentals like sweet pea. When dried, the kernels
grind into a tasty meal. This variety was bred in Japan and was introduced to America in the
1870s. During this period, called the Meiji Period, corn was just becoming a popular staple in
the Japanese diet, despite the fact that the crop had been introduced to the country centuries
prior. Native American flint corn was first brought to Japan by the Portuguese in the 1500s; flint
corn at the time was considered primarily a fodder crop to feed to livestock. During the Edo
Period in Japan (1603-1867) the centralized government (who were mostly vegetarian due to
religious reasons) discouraged the consumption of meat and the need for corn to feed livestock
plummeted--relegating the newly introduced corn crop to relative obscurity. With the Meiji
Period (1868-1912) meat was reintroduced to the Japanese diet, and the need for corn as fodder
rose. Along the way, it was discovered that corn could be a tasty crop for humans as well. Striped
Japonica was developed during this resurgence of interest in corn in Japan. We have worked for
A preferred variety of many Southerners;
years to find a pure strain, as most of what is offered on the market was badly contaminated with
delicious flavor. Hulls are purple; an old favorite.
GMO corn, but after much effort, we present to you a strain that tested Non-GMO! Please enjoy
Pkt $2.50
this stunning treasure from historic Japan! Pkt (50 seeds) $4.00
More varieties of seed available at 33
(Cucumis sativus) 25-35 seeds per packet. Cucumbers originated in India or western Asia, and have been known to gardeners for at least 3,000 years. Their
diverse forms and flavors are now appreciated and utilized in local cuisines around the world. Warm growers, they are best sown in place after the last
frost of spring. Very rich soil, well-drained yet moist, suits them best. Full sun exposure is usually preferred, except that in hot-summer areas, the plants
might benefit from some mid-afternoon shade. Vines vary. in length. To save space, grow them on a trellis.


(Cucumis melo) Light-green, mild-tasting, deeply ribbed fruit. The elongated fruit
yields uniform, easily digestible, fluted slices. They are apt to twist and coil growing
on the ground, but develop nice and straight when hanging from a trellis. Fruit
reaches over 24 inches long, best harvested at about 15 inches. The classic Armenian
“Cucumber” which is actually a melon genetically. Pkt $2.75


A delicious, very sweet cucumber that is usually picked small
and does not need peeling as the skin is very tender. This va-
riety is very popular in the Mediterranean, having been devel-
oped in Israel at a kibbutz farm. Now becoming popular with
Americans because of the fruit’s fine flavor and high yields.
They are also burpless and have great shelf life. Pkt $2.75

55 days. Originally bred for the mar-
kets of the Chicago area. Released in
1888, this has been the go to pickling
cuke for generations of home
gardeners and canners, and we are DRAGON’S EGG #CU147
so pleased to be able to offer it! The Beautiful cream-colored fruit is about the size and shape of
thin skins take up pickling solutions a large egg! Mild, bitter-free and sweet-tasting, this little cu-
readily. Black-spined fruit can be cumber set massive yields in our gardens. So fun to grow, and
BOSTON PICKLING #CU105 allowed to reach 7” without sacrific- very unique-looking; great for children and all who like deli-
An old heirloom dating back to 1880. Vigorous ing quality, but is often harvested cious cucumbers. We were sent this new favorite by Reinhard
vines give large yields of smooth green fruit. It is much smaller. Amazingly prolific, and Kraft, a German seed collector, but this heirloom originated
excellent for pickles; very crisp and good quality. disease-resistant, too. Pkt $2.75 in Croatia. Pkt (12 seeds) $3.50
A very popular variety at the turn of the 20th
century. Pkt $2.50 or 500 seeds $8.00

DAR #CU182
60 days. Here’s a gorgeous new all-purpose
slicing/pickling type. The plants are of bush habit,
usually running no more than 18” or so, making
them superior for small gardens, containers, or
anywhere space is tight. Fruit holds well on the
plants, avoiding the need for constant picking.
Plants are also tolerant to Downy Mildew, which
DELIKATESSE #CU109 is so often a problem in humid-summer climates.
60 days. 10”long, unique fruit is pale green with The bumpy, brightly-striped exterior is particular-
small warts. Superb taste, excellent for slicing or ly attractive as well. A superb new Polish variety!
pickling; bears abundantly. A rare variety from Pkt $2.75
Germany. Pkt $2.50

34 “If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” -Booker T. Washington
#CU102 NEW!
Delectable variety from Ja-
pan. The sweetest cucumber
we have tasted, a perfect
snacking cucumber with
no bitter flavor! Produces
shorter, slightly thicker fruit
than other Japanese vari-
eties. Can be grown on the
ground or on poles and are
vigorous. Deep green fruit is
about 7-8” long. Adapted to
high temperature, humidity,
CRYSTAL APPLE #CU149 and are disease and pow-
Small 3” oval fruit is a bright, creamy white, about dery mildew resistant.
the size of a small apple; sweet, mild and very Pkt (15 seeds) $3.50
tender. This variety has become almost extinct in
America after being introduced here around the
year 1930 from Arthur Yates and Co. But this type SIKKIM CUCUMBER
of cucumber is likely to have originated in China. #CU124 The historic cucumber
The small fruits are so tender you can eat them of Sikkim. Fat, large fruit can
skin and all. Pkt $2.75 reach several pounds in size. The
ripe fruit is a unique rusty red
color and is good eaten cooked
or raw. In Asia, cucumbers are of-
TELEGRAPH IMPROVED ten stir-fried and are quite tasty.
#CU110 This variety is grown in the Hi-
60 days. Smooth, straight, malayas of Sikkim and Nepal. Sir
dark-green fruit, 18” long. Joseph Hooker first discovered it
Flesh is very crisp, tender in the eastern Himalayas in 1848.
and mild; superb flavor. Here is part of what he wrote
Very few seeds, vigorous about it: “So abundant were the
high-yielding vines, great fruits, that for days together I
for greenhouse production; saw gnawed fruits lying by the
also good cultured out- natives’ paths by the thousands,
doors. This is an excellent
and every man, woman and
English heirloom variety,
introduced around 1897. child seemed engaged through-
Pkt (15 seeds) $4.00 out the day in devouring them.”
Pkt (10 seeds) $4.00
55 days. (Also called Special Dark Green) A
super dependable garden cucumber, sweet and
almost never bitter. Slicing-type fruit grows 7 to
8 inches long, 2 inches in diameter. Originally
selected out of Davis Perfect (now believed
extinct) by George Starr in Royal Oak Michigan
in 1906. Upon its release it was described as “the
earliest and best white spine cucumber ever
offered.” Pkt $2.75

TOKIWA “TOKYO GREEN” CUCUMBER #CU114 60 days. Very tender, dual-purpose
An old Japanese variety, also known as “Tokyo Green” that came variety makes great pickles and
from China in the Meiji era, then became the dominant variety is excellent for fresh eating right
sold around Tokyo. A supremely sweet, bitter free 9” cuke with out of the garden! Nearly spineless
tender skin and few seeds. Mentioned in the 1932 edition of the fruit is 6 to 8 inches long, reaching
Oriental Seed Company, “The vines attain twice the length of a plump 3 inches wide. Produces
common varieties.” They do well on fences and trellises, saving abundantly on strong vigorous
MARKETMORE 76 #CU101 space in the gardens. Vines are almost mildew proof and well vines. Non-bitter, burpless variety,
70 days. Dark green, 8”-9” fruit; great slicer! Good adapted to hot dry summers. Small fruits make excellent pickles can be eaten at any stage of growth.
yields! Excellent flavor. A real standard for su- and set the standard for slicing cucumbers; buttery soft and For pickling, harvest the fruits at 4
perb eating cukes. Pkt $2.50 or 500 seeds $8.00 sweet, never bitter. (15 seeds) Pkt $3.50 to 6 inches long. Pkt $2.75

More varieties of seed available at 35

(Melothria scabra) 75 days. Incredible, small
cucumber-like fruit is shaped like baby water- AONAGA JIBAI CUCUMBER #CU120
melons. They are good added to salads or can Exceptionally sweet, tender, and above all--
tough. Aonaga Jibai is one of our finds from a
be pickled. They have a cucumber-like taste with
recent seed saving expedition to Japan. Known
a touch of lemon. The ornamental vines have in the southern islands of Japan, the seeds have
tiny leaves and flowers and are perfect for the been preserved over generations by an old
cottage garden. Very unique and fun for kids. family in Beppu City in Kyushu Island. The long,
Huge yields. Pkt $2.75 slender 8-inch fruit is bitter free and super sweet
with inconspicuous seeds, making it a perfect
marketing cucumber with flavor that stands
out from the rest! From the 1939 seed catalog
of Tanaka & Co. “Hardiness and prolific bearing
character are meritorious features of Japanese
varieties of cucumber. They withstand drought,
moisture and attack of fungoid disease to a
remarkable degree.” Pkt (15 seeds) $3.50


50 days. White-skinned, black-spined little pick-
ling cukes. Production is high and begins very
early on almost-bush plants that seldom run
over three feet making great container plants.
HMONG RED #CU152 Delicious for fresh use as well—this strain has
The fruit is white to pale green, turning gold- SUYO LONG #CU132
none of the bitterness that has unfortunately
en-orange as it ripens. A very productive and 65 days. Long, ribbed, dark green fruit can grow
come to be associated with the white-fruited
tasty variety that stays mild even when large. This to 18”. They are very mild, sweet and burpless.
types. Pkt $2.75
heirloom was collected from a Hmong immigrant. One of my personal favorites for fresh eating.
Millions of the Hmong tribe live on the borders This productive heirloom comes from northern
of Thailand, China, Burma, Laos and Vietnam, and China and is very attractive. Pkt $3.00
are a very ancient people. Pkt (15 seeds) $3.00


55 days. Burpless slicing type, free from
bitterness, that has been popular for over 80
years! Fruit is medium-dark green, 7-12 inches
in length, and quite plump and smooth com- YAMATO EXTRA LONG CUCUMBER
pared to Japanese long slicing types. Excels #CU134 NEW! A big variety from Japan. This
LEMON CUKE #CU103 60 days. as a slicer, because each fruit yields so many long, slender variety is an excellent variety for su-
The shape, size, and color of a lemon, but the slices of uniform diameter, but the tender skin shi or snacking. Japanese cucumbers are among
flavor is sweet and mild! This heirloom was intro- makes great pickles as well. Tolerates cool soil the most best in the world, with sweet, nutty fla-
and excessive moisture better than many, as vor and thin skin with few seeds. Fruit can reach
duced in 1894 and is still a favorite today.
well as downy mildew and mosaic virus. An up to 2 feet long; grow up a trellis for straight,
Pkt $2.75 or 500 seeds $8.00
altogether superior sort! Pkt $2.50 uniform fruit. Plants are notably disease and pest
resistant and bear an impressive abundance of
Seed is not just the source of life. It is the very foundation of our being. -Vandana Shiva high-quality fruit. Pkt (15 seeds) $3.50

(Solanum melongena and others) 25-35 seeds per packet. We offer
the best selection of quality heirloom eggplants in the USA. This is
Jere’s favorite crop, as it is easy to grow, and the fruit is nutritious
and incredibly delicious. Another of the great staple agricultural
crops of India, eggplant varieties have long been appreciated
in traditional communities in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and
Mediterranean coast, and, more recently, the Americas. With their
often large and showy purple or white blooms and velvety leaves,
eggplants are ornamental enough to grow in the border or even
in the front yard! Heat-loving plants, eggplants are best started
indoors about 8 weeks before the last frost date of spring. Be
sure to set out transplants only after carefully hardening them to
outdoor conditions and only after warm weather has really arrived.

and sweet, the 10” to 12” long, very slender fruit is a beautiful light-lime green.
One of the best-tasting eggplants; superb flavor and very tender. Good yields
on 2’ to 3’ tall plants. This heirloom from Thailand is becoming popular with
gourmet chefs. Pkt $2.75

#EG212 New!
This highly gour-
met variety hails
from Mugla, Turkey.
Slender, serpentine
fruit has exceptionally
tender and bitter-free
flesh. Plants produce
an abundance of
ASWAD #EG175 impressively long
This incredibly delicious Iraqi variety comes from our friend Nael fruit. This is quickly
Aziz. Satiny, dark purple-black fruits get very large—to 3 pounds becoming one of our
or more. Shaped like a squat teardrop, the flesh is sweet and favorites at the Baker
tender, perfect for grilling or baking. The fruit is abundantly pro- Creek restaurant for
duced. Very heat tolerant and productive in our trials. Pkt $3.00 its highly refined clas-
sic eggplant flavor.
Pkt (15 seeds) $3.00

70 days. Mild, dark purple, 6-9” x
2-3” slender fruit; superb flavor and
firm flesh. Becoming popular with
market growers and home garden-
Compact plants reached barely two feet in our trials. Each plant
ers. This variety from the Ukraine
yielded several 4-inch, teardrop-shaped fruits, of a rich, glossy
was collected by Seed Savers
purple-black. Grown from seed provided by our Belorussian
Exchange in 1993. Pkt $2.75
friend Andrey Baranovsky. Pkt $2.75

More varieties of seed available at 37

#EG173 75 days.
Tomato-shaped fruit starts out
green, eventually turning a gor-
geous red-orange with intriguing,
two-toned green striping. Sweet,
yellow flesh is non-bitter when
harvested young. Very attrac-
tive—pretty enough to grow in
the border! Pkt $2.50


65 days. Full, rich flavor; lovely 2”-3” white
fruit is perfect for stir-frying. The plants
give heavy yields all season. Pkt $2.50
90 days. One of the most popular heir-
loom types, this one has 7” long fruit that
is white with lovely bright purple stripes.
They are so beautiful and have fabulous
flavor with sweet, tender flesh. This excel-
lent variety hails from Spain, a country that
is renowned for fine food. Pkt $3.00


#EG148 Tender and
delicious, violet-colored
LITTLE FINGERS #EG169 fruit is long and slender.
65 days. Small, purple-black fruit is pro- This productive and tasty
duced in clusters on sturdy, compact variety comes from the
Southeast Asian country
plants. The blunt-ended fruits may be
of Malaysia. A hard-to-find
harvested when finger-sized, but may but very good variety that
also be allowed to grow larger with no is perfect for frying.
sacrifice of their mild, sweet taste and Pkt $3.00
tender texture. Pkt $2.25

Large fruit is oval to teardrop-shaped
and nearly black. Flesh is very tender
and sweet. It is even highly recom-
mended for use without cooking! Fruit
is also excellent baked or roasted, and
is often used in pickling as well in their
native Japan, where the variety was
originally collected at a local market.
Traditionally grown in the Mitoyo and
Kanonji areas. One of the best tasting
eggplants we have ever tried. Pkt $3.50


Our Most Popular Eggplant!
70 days. A wonderful eggplant from
Ping Tung, Taiwan. Fruit is purple and
up to 18” long and 2” in diameter. This
variety is so sweet and tender, superbly
delicious! One of the best Chinese egg-
plants on the market. Pkt $3.00

(Cichorium endivia) A long appreciated European
delicacy, these crops add a lightly bitter
piquancy to salads. All are best grown in rich
soil and cooler weather; in most of the country,
CASPER #EG101 this makes them best-suited to the fall garden.
75 days. Medium size, very attractive, smooth Grown in about the same way as lettuce.
ivory-white fruit that has a very mild mushroom-like
flavor. Prolific plant. Fruit ripens early. An excellent
variety for specialty growers & gardeners. Pkt $2.75 ROSITA #EG179
Lovely 8”x4” neon, lavender-pink fruit has a mild,
sweet, white flesh. The skin is tender and not bitter.
Produces excellent yields. This incredible heirloom was
developed in Puerto Rico in the 1940’s by the Puerto
Rico Agricultural Experiment Station, Rio Piedras. One
of our favorites every season. Pkt $3.00

80 days. Colorful, light
pink-lavender fruits BATAVIAN FULL HEART #EE101
with white shading. AAS Winner 1934. Broad, thick, curled leaves;
BLACK BEAUTY #EG113 Rich, mild flesh is very heart blanches white. A superb salad plant;
90 days. Standard old type, large black fruit of popular with chefs tasty. Pkt (300 seeds) $2.50
excellent quality. Very tasty but is lower yielding and gardeners alike!
and much later than many types and needs a No bitterness. A great
long season. Pkt $2.50 variety for heirloom
market growers. Grow
the color that sells!
Pkt $2.75


Collected by the Gettles in central Thailand, where Leaves are very finely curled and deeply notched.
the natives refer to many colors of these small egg- Produces a good blanched and curled, yellow
plant as “frog eggs.” Tiny fruit is the size and form of heart. This heirloom is high quality and tasty. In
a cherry tomato, lavender splashed with cream. Very 1885 Vilmorin said, “Bulk for bulk, it yields a larger
robust flavor, and super high yielding! Pkt $3.00 amount of useful produce.” Pkt (300 seeds) $2.50


An exciting eggplant that we recently collected
A great market variety, teardrop-shaped fruit is a Finely cut leaves add beauty and body to salads.
in Thailand. This variety produces lovely, highly Blanching (by tying the heads with a broad rub-
lovely lilac-rose color with thin white stripes. Strong,
ribbed, plum-purple fruit that has a delicious, ber band) yields a milder-tasting green. Lends
thornless plants give heavy yields; tender and deli-
strong eggplant flavor. Very productive and a refined slightly bitter pop to salads. Pkt (300
cious. Eye catcher. Pkt $2.75
unique! Pkt $2.75 seeds) $2.50

More varieties of seed available at 39

Garden berries comprise a wide range of fruiting plants. The common (and the second, and the third—it could take as long as five years before
thread is that they are distinct from tree fruits (more or less), don’t take fruit trees would reach maturity!)
much space, and are quick to yield. Most are grown as annuals and yield The garden berries can be used fresh or made into sauces, pies or
a delicious harvest in only a few months from planting! preserves. A typical old-time recipe for preserves couldn’t be simpler, calling
For this reason, seeds of many of these varieties were prized by as it does for 2 pounds of ground cherries, a quart of sugar dissolved in a tiny
settlers travelling to new homes. The treasured seeds would be sown bit of water, and the juice and rind of a lemon, all simmered together until the
into the very first gardens, usually even before a house had been proper consistency is reached. Other garden berries could just as well be used.
finished! The family would then have at least some fruit that first season

Solanum Berries
Here’s a type of fruit that has long been useful, especially on new
homesteads. The small black berries are a wonderful substitute for
blueberries in muffins, pancakes, etc., and make superb sauces and pies
as well. Though collectively known as garden huckleberries, they aren’t
true huckleberries (which are similar to blueberries). Instead, they are all
relatives of the deadly nightshade, and confusion between poisonous
and edible varieties has induced gardeners to be very reluctant to try
eating them. However, the ones we offer are edible and are considered
safe so long as the fruit has ripened to the point where all traces of green
are absent. The plants are attractive, looking similar to pepper plants, and
never need staking. They are grown like tomatoes or peppers (nightshade
relatives--all!) and yield delicious berries very quickly from seed.

(Solanum melanocerasum) OTRICOLI ORANGE BERRY #GR131
75 days. Large, purple ber- (Solanum nigrum) 70 days. Here’s a most unusual nightshade plant, collected
ries that are cooked and originally by the Gettles in Umbria, Italy, in the ancient Roman site of Ocricu-
sweetened (do not eat lum. It was found growing along the Tiber River, growing with the common
raw); great in pies. Huge black nightshade, (S. nigrum). Plants reach 2-3 feet tall, having typical night-
yields of fruit all summer shade leaves and white flowers. The small berries have a lot of visual interest
long. Plant 14” apart. being a bright orange—not at all the dark purple that you might expect. At
Strong tall plants do not maturity the plants are positively covered in clusters of brilliant orange! This
have to be staked. Grow species has been used as food for millenia, and we eat them here. Since this
plants like peppers. Great is a wild variety, we suggest eating them with caution until you are positive
for anyone wanting quick, you do not have sensitivities to them. Pkt (30 seeds) $3.00
easy berries and a huge
yield. Originated in Africa.
Pkt (35 seeds) $2.50


Also called “blauberren.” Attractive 2- to 3-foot plants yield clusters of
pea sized black berries. Brought to Kansas by Volga German immigrants
about 1875, and still appreciated by their descendants, who grow and WONDERBERRY #GR105
use them in such traditional recipes as Kuchen, Maultaschen, Klump and (Solanum burbankii) 75 days. Developed by Luther Burbank; tasty, small,
Knebel . (Eat only fully ripe, dark blue-black berries showing no green.) blue-purple fruit; good fresh or cooked. Small plants produce good yields in
Pkt (30 seeds) $3.00 about 75 days. An historic heirloom that is easy to grow. Pkt (25 seeds)$3.00

South American Solanum Fruit
These varieties all hail from South America, where they enjoy a long growing season or even a completely frost-free environment, so they should be started early indoors,
like tomatoes. (All are, in fact, closely related to eggplants and tomatoes!) Litchi Tomato is the quickest grown from seed and is at its best in hot summer conditions. The
remainder prefer cooler summer conditions, although we have ripened pepino and naranjilla outdoors here in Missouri. The plants are also very striking and attractive
and would be well worth growing for their ornamental appearance alone! All have been subjects for at least local markets, and are very useful and delicious.


(Solanum caripense) Fruit is small, comparable in
LITCHI TOMATO OR MORELLE DE BALBIS size to grapes, but shaped and marked similar DWARF TAMARILLO #GR136
#GR112 to Pepino. The delicious little fruit ripens yellow (Cyphomandra abutiloides) Miniature version of
(S. sisymbriifolium) This was a favorite with or pale green, with similar longitudinal striping the regular Tamarillo, and a close relative. But
customers who saw and sampled it in front of to Pepino, but they’re much more juicy. Flavor is this one ripens smaller fruit in clusters. When
our store last summer. Large plants grow to 5’, similar to Pepino but is often described as tangier fully ripe, each fruit is a deep golden-orange.
and are covered with thorns; sweet red fruit and and more complex. Tart, with subtle overtones Very sweet, fruity, tropical flavor, with overtones
large white flowers. Lovely to look at, but be of cucumber, melon and other fruit flavors. This of pineapple—dwarf tamarillos are superb for
careful with the thorns! We enjoyed the fruit all South American native is suited for both green- juicing, whipped into smoothies, or eaten out
house and garden cultivation in most of the of hand. The foliage is very fragrant and at all
summer right from the plant. They’re about the
country, and plants may be overwintered indoors stages the plants are very lovely and ornamen-
size of a cherry and taste like a cherry crossed in pots. This is a very rare plant that is started in-
with a tomato. A very pretty and attractive plant tal! This South American native produced well in
doors like tomatoes and bears a heavy yield from our Missouri garden, but may need greenhouse
that originated in South America, but has been early August until frost in our Missouri gardens. cultivation in the North. In frost-free conditions,
naturalized in many countries. Start plants as you Harvest when fruit starts to soften. Very exciting, it eventually grows into a small tree. Super deli-
would a tomato. Pkt (25 seeds) $3.50 fun and SO delicious. Pkt (25 seeds) $3.50 cious and easy to grow! Pkt (25 seeds) $3.50

(Solanum sessiliflorum) An easy-to-grow fruit
from the Amazon Jungle! A distant relative of
PEPINO MELON #GR117 eggplant, Cocona is commonly found growing in
(Solanum muricatum) One of our all time favor- the Peruvian Amazon. Baker Creek Seed hunters
ite fruit! This eggplant relative produces fruit Shannon McCabe and Deb Vlietstra found these at
NARANJILLA #GR104 that ranges in size from a chicken egg to a large
(Solanum quitoense) A very unique fruit from the a jungle market in Iquitos, Peru. The fruit averages
goose egg, with a cream-colored rind that often 2 inches across with a vivid yellow to red color.
Andes; delicious sweet-and-sour taste, orange has beautiful purple stripes. It has a sweet, mild
flavor; 2” fruit is round and yellow-orange in col- The flesh is totally unique, sour and sweet with a
flesh that is very melon-like. Use fresh or cooked. distinctly creamy texture. Locals use them to add a
or, perfect for making delicious juice. In 1760, Mr. Beautiful, glossy ornamental plants require a tangy kick to sweet juice blends. Fruit is also diced
J. de Santa Gertrudis Siera called it “nectar of the fairly long season and are grown like eggplants. into relishes and served with yucca empanadas.
gods” and “the most delicious that I have tasted We had an abundant crop of these delectable Locals tout the fruit as a healthy diabetic friendly
in the world.” This plant takes at least 6 months fruits this past season here in Missouri. This food. Cocona performed very well at Baker Creek
to bear and is quite attractive as a potted plant. fun plant can be grown indoors. Pepinos are this season. Growers in zone 6 and warmer should
This year we started plants indoors about Feb. 1 popular in Peru, New Zealand and Australia and get fruit to mature in one season. These make
and started to harvest fruit by mid-Sept. in the have just recently started to become common an excellent greenhouse plant in cooler climates.
in US markets. This plant is native to the Andes We start seeds indoors Feb. 1 and harvest fruit by
garden. Pkt (25 seeds) $4.00
Mountain region. Pkt (10 seeds) $3.50
Sept. in our Missouri gardens. Pkt (25 seeds) $4.50

More varieties of seed available at 41

Husk Berries
All the Physalis types yield fruit loosely enclosed in papery husks (including the Tomatillo, which we list
separately), and nearly all come from the New World. All are started just like tomatoes and are super
easy to grow; they do not need to be staked! Few people realize that the Physalis varieties store ex-
tremely well when kept in their protective husks, lasting for quite some time under refrigeration. They
Rare Fruit
These are fascinating, beautiful and just plain fun!
are used fresh or cooked and are very juicy and sweet.


Here is an extra-dwarf pomegranate that’s perfect
for small containers. Early-flowering plants are
good for bonsai. Small, ornamental fruit. Will take
light frosts, but should be grown indoors in cool
climates. We have had a plant for years and are
always amazed at the amount of flowers and fruit
it produces. Easy to care for and requires less water
than most plants. Pkt (10 seeds) $6.00


65 days. Polish heirloom variety has an unusually fine flavor—very sweet with a nice hint of tartness.
1/2”-3/4” fruit is enclosed in a papery husk which drop to the ground when fully ripe. High pectin
content makes this one an excellent choice for pies and preserves. Pkt (50 seeds) $3.00


(Physalis franchetii) This lovely 2’ perennial PINK BANANA #GR124
GROUND CHERRY (STRAWBERRY HUSK produces pretty seed pods, which are bright (Musa velutina) Lovely, small banana plants produce
TOMATO) #GR101 red-orange and look like glowing Chinese the most stunning, glowing, brilliant pink banana
70 days. Huge yields of tart-sweet berries. This is lanterns. Great as a fresh cut flower or dried for you will ever see. They are edible, but very seedy.
the common type used by the Pilgrims; excellent craft projects. So popular at farmers’ markets, as Plants have large leaves that grow up to 24” long
for pies, jams, and preserves of all kinds; also de- everyone just loves these. This variety is extra and add a wonderful tropical effect to your yard or
licious fresh. The fruit grows inside a paper-like large, and the berries inside the husk are edible patio. This species is relatively hardy, taking a few
husk (the same as Tomatillos). Grow it the same when fully ripe; cook similar to a regular ground degrees of frost fairly well. Ripe fruit will start to split
as you would tomatoes. Pkt (50 seeds) $3.00 cherry. Fun to grow. Pkt (25 seeds) $3.00 open when ready to eat. Showy and fun to grow!
Can be hard to germinate, but is then easy to grow.
Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.­­­ ­
Pkt (10 seeds) $6.00
–Benjamin Franklin
(Scarlet Wolfberry) is a Chinese native perennial shrub
with slender stems growing up to 6.5-13 feet high if not
pruned. From June to September, the shrub is decorated
with pale violet, fragrant flowers. The fruits will then appear
till the first frost and are rich in vitamins, trace elements,
antioxidants, amino acids, and essential fatty acids. Tradi-
tionally, these super-fruits have been used to help improve
eyesight, inhibit the synthesis of cholesterol, regulate the
digestive system, to reduce inflammation, and are said to
slow the aging process. Naturally drought tolerant, highly
disease & insect resistant, and tolerates temps down to -18
F. The tender fruit appears in two years, and a mature plant
can produce almost 7 lbs of berries under good conditions
by the third year. Add the fruit to tonic soups, rice or herb-
al tea. The tender shoots and leaves are used as a leaf veg-
etable and are cooked 15 minutes in soup. May interfere
with blood thinners and other medications metabolized by
the liver. Pkt (50 seeds) $4.00
(Black Wolfberry) This spectacular super food Grow a champion pawpaw! Once a staple in Native American and early
is native throughout Central Asia. The black settler’s diets, the pawpaw is now considered a rare delicacy. This tropical
goji berry is very rarely found in Western flavored treat is the largest fruit native to North America. Most available
cuisine but has long been celebrated in the pawpaw seed is obtained from wild, small, random seedling sources of
Himalayan region as a powerful medicinal greatly mixed and questionable genetic quality. Not our seeds! Offered
and health food. The black goji is known to is a mix of domesticated pawpaw genetic lines for optimal cross pollina-
be more healthful and potent than the more tion that result in large size (average 8-16+ ounces), excellent flavor, and
widely known red goji, and we find the flavor premium quality. Peaceful Heritage Nursery is a rare fruit tree nursery and
sweeter. The tasty, inky black berries are mini-farm located in Stanford, KY. Seeds are shipped in special controlled
exceptionally high in antioxidants and are said conditions for easier germination. Includes detailed growing tips.
to boost the immune system and improve Available online only in Feb. 2019
circulation. Thanks to their ability to fight free
radicals, they have been hailed as a food to MANGO MELON OR VINE
promote healthy, graceful aging. The potent PEACH #OML115
berries create an outstanding blue color when Grow your own delicious fruit
steeped or added to foods. These tasty berries for pies in 70 days! Fruit tastes
are quickly becoming a popular super fruit of honeydew melon and peach
added to smoothies and brewed into tea. The when cooked in desserts.
dried berries are great in granola and muffins The 3” fruit is the size of a
or snacked on alone; you can also eat the ber- peach, with a yellow rind and
ries fresh off the plant. Steep the berries into a
fruity-tasting white flesh. This
beautiful blue tea; adding a few drops of lem-
on will turn the tea a lovely purple/pink color. variety was very popular in
Gardeners will be pleased to know this exciting Victorian times for making
berry is highly prolific and easy to grow! Plants sweet pickles, pies, and pre-
thrive in zones 5-10. It grows as a shrub reach- serves. Developed in China and
ing 4-6 feet in height, and the plants are self introduced into America in the
fertile. The fruit ripens from summer through 1880s. You can find easy recipes
early fall. Pkt (50 seeds) $5.00 for melon pie online. Pkt $3.00

Garden Strawberry
We are very pleased to offer Fragaria x anansassa. A delicious, larger fruiting, everbearing type. The garden strawberry is the most commonly cultivated species
worldwide. The species itself dates back to early 18th century Europe where Fragaria virginiana (wild strawberry), a flavorful Eastern North American species, was
accidentally crossed with Fragaria chiloensis (Chilean Strawberry), a large fruiting species from Chile.
You will be pleasantly surprised to see these #GR162 NEW! This British
beauties ripening in their first year planted from variety bears medium-large, super
seed. Tresca is a super early, garden strawberry scrumptious berries in abundance. This
variety from Poland that can be planted from compact plant will produce berries in
seed and harvested in the first year! Fruit is the first year from seed. Fruit is much
picture perfect; shining bright red and bursting larger than alpine varieties. These tidy
with flavor. This is not a particularly aggressive plants are perfect in beds and contain-
variety, so you do not need to worry about ers; they do not readily set runners and
the plant sending runners to the far reaches of remain tame, not prone to taking over
your garden; an excellent choice for containers. the garden. Berries are more firm than
Said to be naturally disease resistant. We love alpine varieties, the flavor however, is
this naturally sweet fruit for a filling in perogi, a better than many other large, commer-
traditional Polish treat! Pkt (25 seeds) $3.00 cial varieties. Pkt (25 seeds) $3.00
More varieties of seed available at 43
Alpine Strawberries
Wild or alpine strawberries are native to Europe. The fruits are small compared to modern cultivated types, but the intense flavor tends to be very rich,
and they are extremely sweet. Germination of the tiny seeds is actually easy in proper conditions.


#GR222 #GR129 (Fragaria vesca) An improved form of large, elongated, red fruit that is sweet and
(Fragaria vesca) Antique German variety yields species Alpine Strawberry, White Soul reaches aromatic. Perfect for growing in flower gardens
dainty clusters of berries that are very deep only to about 6 inches in height and yields small and containers as the plants, flowers and berries
red, and incredibly fragrant! The berries are white to cream colored, aromatic fruit over a are ornamental. So delicious, the fruit won’t last
good-sized for an alpine type, and very sweet very long season. Similar to “Yellow Wonder”. long! Pkt (75 seeds) $3.00
and juicy. Makes a superb edible ground cover Pkt (75 seeds) $3.00
when planted on 6” spacing, and wonderful in
containers and baskets. Pkt (75 seeds) $3.00


(Fragaria vesca) (Also known as Reine des #GR122 This creamy yellow-fruited variety is a
Vallees) Intensely red, sweet and very richly
favorite of many in Europe. The small fruit is very
flavored. Fruit is wide-shouldered and much
larger than most alpine types. Heavy cropper tasty and unique looking. Many prefer the taste
that yields all summer. This standard European of this yellow-fruited type to the more common
variety is seldom seen in America, but deserves red strawberry. These are served in only the finest
much wider recognition here. Sumptuous! restaurants and are easy to grow from seed!
Pkt (75 seeds) $3.00 Pkt (75 seeds) $3.00
(Fragaria vesca) Deep scarlet, egg-shaped fruit
weighs two to three grams each. Everbearer that
yields the first season from an early planting. A
very productive alpine sort, sweet and flavorful.
Pkt (75 seeds) $3.50


(Fragaria vesca) It’s an alpine strawberry that
makes runners! Ever-bearing type, yielding fruit
on mother plant and runners in as little as 4
months from sowing. The ability to increase and
rejuvenate a planting from runners is a great ad-
vantage, and the potential multiplication is very
quick. Aromatic fruit is small but very sweet. GOLDEN ALEXANDRIA #GR224 NEW!
Pkt (25 seeds) $3.50 The perfect patio strawberry, looks amazing in mixed plantings. The high contrast of gilded foliage
against scarlet red berries makes this regal alpine type strawberry a superb edible ornamental. The
“Do not be anxious about tomorrow, golden foliage looks excellent planted in the border, especially against traditional forest green alpine
for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. varieties. These tidy plants are a uniform size and do not produce runners. A heavy producer of super
Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient sweet fruit. Everbearing variety, often fruits in the first year, hardy from zones 5-10 and reseeds easily.
for the day.” -Jesus Christ Pkt (25 seeds) $3.50
(Lagenaria siceraria unless stated otherwise) 20 BIRDHOUSE GOURD #GD108
seeds per pkt. Whether True Gourds, Angled
The popular gourd for making bottles, birdhouses
Gourds or Edible Gourds, all of these squash-rel-
atives are from the Old World originally, and all
and many other useful items. Fun to grow. Pkt $3.00
need similar conditions: a long season of hot
weather and abundant moisture in a rich soil.
May be direct-sown into warm soil or started
indoors a few weeks early. The fruit will be
straighter and more symmetrical if the long
vines are trained up a trellis, but all may be
allowed to sprawl along the ground; some may
run 20 feet! The edible sorts are best harvested
when young, tender, and mild-tasting.


The 8” fruit look just like giant apples! Very popu-
lar as crafts and fall displays; can be painted red
or made into birdhouses. Unique and fun to
grow; a sure sell at fall markets. Pkt $3.50

Grow mammoth
7’ long gourds and
amaze your family.
Super tasty fruit is
tender up to 4’ long.
BUSHEL BASKET #GD111 The tenderness and
Huge, round gourds, up to 24” across, can be great flavor made
used for all kinds of art work and as storage them a favorite in
containers. Night flowering plants attract huge our kitchen. Fun for
moths; very long vines. Fruit has a thick, hard craft projects and
shell. A best seller! Pkt $4.50 entering garden
fairs. The Kikin-
THAI BOTTLE GOURD da comes from a
#ED101 Delicious small village in East
and easy to grow, bot- TENNESSEE DANCING OR SPINNING Serbia. This town
tle-shaped gourds are GOURDS #GD101 is famed for their
great picked small, 4-6 (C. pepo) A tiny gourd just 2” long! It is bot- pumpkin festivals.
inches and stir-fried, cur- tle-shaped and green-and-white striped—turn-
ried, boiled and in soup.
We grew ours in a
ing tan when dry. This unique heirloom was
They are used much like “gourd tunnel,” and
sent to us by Mr. Junior G., of Primm Springs,
common zucchini. These Tennessee. They used to be popular there, and
it is important to
are very easy to grow his Ma said that when she was going to school, trellis if you want
and have good disease kids would bring ‘em to play with. Dancing straight fruit. Pkt (8
resistance. Pkt $3.00 gourds spin just like a top. Pkt $2.75 seeds) $4.50

More varieties of seed available at 45

#GD137 You can’t miss this gourd
growing in your garden. With a weight
of 30 to 100 pounds, these are the
largest gourds in the world! It is not
only big but also very delicious. Pick
them young and cook like zucchini! This
was a real show stopper at the National
Heirloom Expo. Everyone wanted to
know how we grew this monstrosity.
Unbelievably, there are no trade secrets
to growing this whopper. It’s extremely
easy to grow; it thrives with little care.
Start early and keep warm. Seeds
require soil that is 70-85 degrees F, and
can take from 7 to 48 days to sprout. If
you do not have night pollinators, hand
pollinate the evening blooms.
Pkt (10 seeds) $4.50


for food, fun & bathing

(Luffa aegyptiaca)
We collected this massive,
long fruited Luffa in Thailand
and are so excited to finally
offer this show-stopping, 4’
long variety! A fast-growing,
long-season, warm-climate
vine that can climb over 15
feet on a strong trellis and
is extremely prolific. This
amazing plant was a stunner
in our gourd tunnel. The
fruit is edible and delicious
when immature at about 2’
long and is tasty cooked like
CUCUZZI, SERPENTE DI SICILIA zucchini. The mature fruit
#ED102 The popular Italian edible gourd. has sponge-like fibers that DISHCLOTH or LUFFA #AG103
Long, slender fruit is a brilliant, light green are famous for being used as (Luffa aegyptiaca) Burpee’s 1888 catalogue said,
color; very tender and delicious with a bath and cleaning spong-
“A natural dishcloth, and a most admirable one.
rich flavor. The Italians eat these steamed, es. After the fruit matures,
bang the gourds around Many ladies prefer this dishcloth. The fruit grows
sautéed, or stuffed and baked. Perfect for about 2’, and the vine is very ornamental, pro-
to loosen the seeds, peel,
specialty markets. Fun and so useful as ducing clusters of yellow blossoms, in pleasing
squeeze and rinse the gourd
zucchini! Pkt (20 seeds) $3.00 until all that remains is a contrast with the silvery-shaded, dark green fo-
clean sponge. Cut them into liage. In the North, this variety requires starting
He that oppresseth the poor re- different shapes depending in a hotbed. The dried interiors of these gourds
proacheth his Maker: but he that on how they will be used have already become an article of commerce;
honoureth him hath mercy on the and they make great gifts. grown in Florida, they are sold by Philadelphia
poor. -Proverbs 14:31 Pkt (10 seeds) $4.00 and NY druggists.” Pkt $3.00

& COVER CROPS 200 seeds per packet. As a group, these types tend to be fairly early and tolerant to cooler weather.

customer favorite!


Annual. Also known as Italian Clover. Nitrogen-fix-
ing legume often grown for livestock feed or
wildlife forage, yet pretty enough for the flower
garden! Crimson flower heads are great bee for-
age. Planted thickly, also makes a superior cover or
green manure crop, with its ability to smother out
weeds and fix atmospheric nitrogen into the soil.
This lovely, versatile plant should be much more
widely grown! Pkt (1 oz) $3.00 BENI HOUSHI MIZUNA #OR153 Incredible Flavor!
Mizuna greens are used extensively in
Benihoushi Mizuna is a new, vibrant twist on an ancient crop,
Japan, and we found a new appreciation for
and the bright purple stems set it apart from any other mizuna. this delicious green in our travels there. It
The succulent stems are rich in anthocyanin, the same pow- is now one of our favorite vegetables. This
erful purple antioxidant present in blueberries. This recently delicately fine cut leaf is a great replacement
developed open-pollinated variety has been making a splash on for lettuce, spinach, and cooking greens.
the high-end culinary scene in Japan. The greens are excellent Slice mizuna and sprinkle in soups, use in
raw in salads; the purple stems and dark greens make a lovely salads, as a garnish, and as a cooked green.
contrast, and the delicate flavor is unparalleled. Mizuna is well It is slow to bolt, highly resistant to cold and
grown extensively during the winter months
adapted to both heat and cold extremes and is suitable for
in Japan. We are proud to offer these select
several harvests, in fact becoming more tasty and cool-adapted authentic Kyoto strains this year.
QUINOA, CHERRY VANILLA #GS133 with each successive cutting. Pkt (50 seeds) $3.00
(Chenopodium quinoa) 90-120 days. 3 to 5-foot tall
plants are smothered in frothy masses of cream-
to-pink flower heads. Dazzling enough for the
most elegant border (or illicit, front-yard garden!)
but eminently practical, like all quinoas, for greens
or grain. Pkt (150 seeds) $3.00


(Triticum dicoccum) We’re so excited to be able MIZUNA, EARLY #OR152
to offer this “ancient wheat.” Known only from A traditional variety from the mountainous Kyoto MIZUNA, 605 SUMMER #OR123
archaeological digs until the early 20th century, region of Japan. This variety boasts superb cold A taste of Kyoto’s culinary heritage, this heat
emmer wheat was found growing in isolated areas tolerance, especially during the germination tolerant Mizuna variety was originally bred to
of the Middle East, Italy and Russia. The yields are stage, making Early Mizuna well adapted to an withstand the heat and intense humidity of
lower than for modern, “improved” wheats, but it’s early spring sowing. This variety will remain ten- Japan’s interior. Summer Mizuna is incredibly
superior in homestead gardens because of its dis- der, even after several harvests and will not readily
ease resistance and its ability to yield in poor soils. bolt resistant, even in the face of punishing heat
go to seed. Harvest as micro, baby or mature and moisture. Mizuna is suitable for several har-
Most importantly, the structure of this wheat’s greens, and cut-and-come-again up to five times
gluten is different from that of modern types, so vests and can be eaten at all stages. This variety
for a super high quality green. It has long stems is traditionally sown for high summer harvest,
it’s often digestible by people with gluten sensitiv-
that are tender, juicy and dark, as well as nutritious when the juicy, watery stems make the most
ity or wheat allergies! Sometimes called “Pharaoh’s
Wheat.” Pkt (1 oz) $3.00 greens. Pkt $2.75 refreshing mid-day snack. Pkt $2.75
More varieties of seed available at 47
#OR114 Dramatic purple veining
TENDERGREEN deeply incised into large, lavish fo-
#OR102 liage. The tender leaves are pickled
(B. rapa) Japanese whole and wrapped around perfect
mustard greens. Tasty, balls of rice or chopped into stir
slightly spicy, mild fla- fry. Distinctly different from the
vor, great for stir-fry- pungent mustard greens of the
ing or salads. Good for American South, this variety is not-
hot or cold weather. ed for being exceptionally tender
Pkt $2.50 and mild, super in salads or eaten
raw. Pkt $3.00


Full of Healthy Antioxidants! #OR132 A parent to broccolini,
this tasty Chinese green is great
for fresh eating or cooked, with
a flavor reminiscent of broccoli.
The succulent stems are extra
thick and crisp. Endless versa-
tility and ease of growing make
this a top choice for market
gardeners. Nothing goes to
waste with this crop, as all parts
of the plant are not only edible,
but delicious, from the tender
blue green glossy leaves, to the
broccoli like inflorescence. 35-
50 days to maturity. Collected in
Thailand. Pkt $2.25


A delicious baby type that is so much in demand with
top Asian chefs. Compact plants are upright and have
light green stems. They are extra tender and finely
flavored. Pkt $2.75

amazing rich flavor!

PURPLE LADY BOK CHOY #OR156 New! An Incredible Variety From China!
We love this eye-catching purple, baby bok choy, and we believe this is one of the best strains avail- SUZHOU BABY BOK CHOY #OR154 New!
able. It is loaded with high levels of antioxidants with anti-aging properties as well as a sweet, rich A perfected medium-sized bok choy that is popular
flavor that is perfect for the wok, grill or in salads. We love the highly refined, uniform heads, aver- with market gardeners in China for its fabulous flavor
aging 6-7 inches tall. The neat little plants make a perfect presentation tucked into the tidy kitchen and high quality heads. A superior variety in every
garden or displayed at the farmers market stand. A beautiful variety, the antioxidant-rich plum col- way, the crisp and tender heads are tightly packed
ored leaves really pop against the lime green stems. Crunchy, juicy and flavorful, this is an excellent and remain scrumptious even as the leaves get large.
culinary variety. Much work has been put into selecting for consistently attractive, delicious heads. Impressive and adaptable variety boasting bolt resis-
A must have for market and home use. Pkt $3.50 tance, as well as heat and cold tolerance! Pkt $3.00

(B. rapa) Superb
mild flavor, a must
for stir-frying and
salads. Beautiful,
small rosette heads;
very popular at
Asian markets. Plant
after last frost to help
prevent bolting. The
MIIKE TAKANA MUSTARD #OR115 deep, green color is
Unusually mild for a mustard, this variety has a extra flavorful and
meaty, umami flavor that is quite flavorful! The nutritious. A favorite
large chartreuse leaves have a prominent stalk crop on our farm! Pkt
that is juicy and sweet. The beautiful, highly sa- $2.50 or 8,000 seeds
voyed leaves are traditionally pickled, stir fried or $8.00
swirled into soup. Leaves reach about 12-14 inches
tall and remain tender even when large. This vari-
ety is ideally planted in early spring or early fall as
the greens thrive in cooler weather. Pkt $3.00 YELLOW HEART WINTER
CHOY #OR155 New!
A Chinese edible ornamental,
it’s also called “Golden Flower
in the Snow” and is a nod to
the incredible cold tolerance of
this variety. Cool weather trig-
gers leaves to turn a brilliant
yellow color, making the cen-
tral rosette of leaves look like
a massive gilded flower. It is
CHINESE CABBAGE, CHIRIMEN HAKUSAI grown year round in China but
#OR105 50 days. Here is an old Japanese especially in the cool months
variety that is superbly adapted to cool weather. as a nutritious staple. Plants are
An excellent loose leaf cabbage, the signature just 5-8 inches tall. The plants
savoyed leaves are tender and sweet, perfect are super cold-loving, great for
raw in salads, or try the leaves stir fried. They extra late season planting and
retain their nutrients and beautiful chartreuse ornamental design. Extra ten-
color even when cooked. Chirimen Hakusai tops der leaves are delicious cooked
the list for cool season veggies with excellent or in salad. Pkt $3.00
cold hardiness and the ability to be harvested
multiple times. Plants reach a foot in height at
maturity. Pkt (100 seeds) $3.00

70 days. Very easy to
grow and made perfect
heads in our Missouri
gardens. Here’s a supe-
rior Napa-type Chinese
cabbage variety that
has seldom been seen
in the US. Medi-
um-sized barrel-shaped
heads are densely
packed with crinkled,
JAPANESE GIANT RED MUSTARD mild-tasting leaves. The
#OR107 (B. juncea) Beautiful, large, Japanese preferred variety in the
type. Purple-red leaves with a delicious, strong, UK. Great raw or stir-
sharp, almost garlic-like, mustard flavor. Tasty fried, or in home-made
stir-fried or boiled and makes a great pickling kimchi! Pkt $3.00
variety. Pkt $2.75 or 8,000 seeds $8.00

More varieties of seed available at 49

Packets contain 1000 seeds.
200-600 seeds per pkt. A miscellany of crops is offered here. Each is unique; some are warm-growers, others revel
in very cool weather. What they all have in common is their diversity of flavors and textures—too good to miss!


Very Popular! Our improved formula blend
is now better than ever! With more brightly AURORA MIXED ORACH #OG124
colored and unique lettuces, it makes a flavorful A delicious mix of radiant colors, all the
and brilliant salad. A top-selling item for us; our more beautiful because the plants reach
customers just love it! Perfect for better markets or a nice size—very well suited to edible
your home table. Pkt $3.50 or 5,000 seeds $7.50 landscaping beds. Colors include red, gold,
green, pink, carmine, and pure purple. Who
says greens have to be green? This Frank
Morton/Wild Garden Seed original is just
plain fun and tasty! Pkt (40 seeds) $3.00

(Cichorium intybus)
EUROPEAN MESCLUN SALAD #SB101 Beautiful, bright red
Grow this mix of greens for one of the tastiest stems and deep green
salads ever! Flavors range from sweet-mild to sour- leaves make this variety
hot-tangy, and colors come in red, purple, yellow, a winner! Baby leaves
and green. A favorite with market growers. Pkt add great tangy flavor
$3.50 or 5,000 seeds $7.50 to salads, or good as a
cooked green. We offer
true Italian seeds for this
delicious heirloom.
Pkt $2.50 or 10,000
seeds $7.50


“The All Red Formula Mix.” At last a lettuce mix that
contains a wide range of the best brilliant red (and
red-splashed) specialty types! Our growers love RED ORACH
this beautiful mix. Pkt $3.50 or 5,000 seeds $7.50 #OG103
(Atriplex hort-
ensis) 4’-10’ tall
and bright red.
Beautiful and
tasty addition
to salads or
cooked. Relat-
ed to Lambs
Quarters. ARUGULA #OG106
SIAMESE DRAGON STIR-FRY MIX Lovely! Super (Eruca sativa) Delicious salad green has
nutritious. Pkt a spicy flavor; a rage in salads. I just love
#SB106 All the best Asian greens for stir-frying
(150 seeds) this green sprinkled on pizza and sand-
and steaming. The rich flavor of these greens is
incredible when lightly cooked and seasoned. $2.50 wiches. One of our most popular greens.
Pkt $3.50 or 5,000 seeds $7.50 Pkt $2.25 or 8,000 seeds $7.00

Delicious Golden Leaves! Annual. 35 days. The
same upright habit and large, tender, succulent leaves
as our green purslane, but this variety comes in a
peppy, bright yellow green. So lovely in the garden or
in your freshly picked salad! Purslane has the highest
concentration of healthy omega-3 fats of any crop, and
is rich in antioxidants as well. Leaves are sometimes
pickled for storage. Pkt (500 seeds) $3.00 ROSSA DI TREVISO
(Chicorium intybus) A famous (Chicorium intybus) An improved selection of this beautiful,
radicchio from Treviso, Italy.
old Italian heirloom, the round heads are cream-colored and
Turns deep brilliant red in
splashed with wine red. This colorful variety is becoming a
cool weather. Require cool
rage in salads. A high-dollar crop for market growers. Require
weather and shorter days of
cool weather and shorter days of autumn to head up. Very
autumn to head up. Pkt (250
seeds) $2.00 popular in Italy! Pkt (250 seeds) $2.50


#OG110 (B. juncea) Large, upright plants with crum-
pled leaves that have a delicious mustard taste; slow to
bolt, easy to grow. An old heirloom from the southern
U.S.; makes a mighty swell mess of greens. Pkt $2.25 or
8,000 seeds $7.00


CORN SALAD OR MACHE, VERTE A COEUR (Nasturtium officinale) Large rounded leaves
PLEIN 2 #OG116 1885 France’s Vilmorin said, “A very are succulent and pungent. A high-yielding
distinct variety, with short, roundish, smooth, half- strain for professional production, or for
erect, stiff leaves.” The compact plants tend to be less WILD ROCKET ARUGULA #OG107 anyone who cherishes this unique crop. Best
productive than other types, but it is nicely flavored. (Diplotaxis tenuifolia) Has a more pungent
for autumn or spring planting. Pkt (250 seeds)
Pkt $2.25 taste than regular arugula; leaves are deeply
lobed. An Italian favorite. Pkt $2.75


(Taraxacum officinale) Perennial—This is a cultivat-
ed strain from a Dutch seedsman. Plants reach to 12
inches in height. Use the young leaves in salads, older
(Lepidium sativum) Spicy, peppery taste, (Sanguisorba minor) Tasty in salads, great cu-
leaves as boiled greens. Roots can be roasted and used
in place of coffee, or lifted and forced during winter, similar to watercress in flavor; ready for cumber-like flavor. An easy to grow green that
like Belgian Endive. We’re proud to offer this European snacking in just 2 weeks. Can be grown on a has now become hard to find. Pkt $2.25
strain of a traditional old favorite! Pkt (150 seeds) $2.50 windowsill; perfect in salads. Pkt $2.00

More varieties of seed available at 51

(Brassica oleracea) Here’s a cabbage relative with a difference: the main crop is the stem, which has been selected over the centuries to grow as an oblate
sphere, about the size of an apple or larger. Well grown, this stem is juicy and crisp, and tastes similar to a cabbage heart. The leaves are edible too, especially
when young. This crop tolerates heat better than most cabbage relatives, and can be grown straight through the summer in most areas of the country.


Beautiful, smooth globes are a lovely, light green.
They are quite uniform, and the flesh is tender and
of high quality. These stay tender even as they
mature. Pkt (400 seeds) $2.75


Delicious, cabbage-flavored bulbs that grow above
ground. Purple skin and sweet, white flesh; good
cooked or raw. Kohlrabi makes a real staple crop
with high yields; cold hardy. A pre-1860 heirloom.
Pkt (400 seeds) $2.50


This old German heirloom produces gorgeous,
violet-blue frosted globes. The name translates
to “Blue Bacon Kohlrabi,” thanks to the hypnotic
blue color and ultra fine-grained, buttery-flavored
stems. Originally introduced in 1914, the large, flat- SUPERSCHMELZ OR GIANT WHITE #KL103
tened stems have an incredible storage life, which
60-70 days. Spectacular light green kohlrabi makes the largest bulb of any variety, up to 10 inches
was of paramount importance before the advent
of modern refrigeration. This old commercial across, and weighing up to 10 lbs! Yet the flesh is tender and never gets fibrous. Requires a very rich
variety is perfect for small farmers and backyard soil and plenty of space to reach gigantic proportions. Pkt (400 seeds) $3.00
gardeners. Blauer Speck has small, sparse leaves,
more conducive to a tight planting in order to save The time has come to reclaim the stolen harvest and celebrate the growing and giving of
space in the garden. Pkt (400 seeds) $2.75 good food as the highest gift and the most revolutionary act. -VANDANA SHIVA
(Brassica oleracea) 250 seeds per packet. Kale may be the hardiest of the cabbage kin. It excels in cold weather, tasting best after frost has kissed the tender,
succulent leaves, and making moderate growth whenever there is even a slight warm spell. Start in containers indoors or direct seed in the garden in late
June. May also be sown indoors for early spring planting. Kale thrives in rich soil, heavy in organic matter and is moisture-retentive but well drained.


Compact plants yield tender, blue-green, crinkled leaves that are quite
delicious; very cold-hardy, and rich in vitamin A. Pkt $2.50 or 5,000 seeds RED URSA KALE #KA109
$7.00 From Portugal, Germany and China, kale has made traditional soups and
provided people with their staple greens. While Red Ursa is a relatively new
addition to the rainbow of kales, its roots run deep. The Red Russian and
Siberian kales originate from northern Europe and northern Asia, and some
of the varieties have been traced back to Russian traders migrating to Canada
in the late 1800s. Kale is a crop that has evolved and cross-pollinated over the
years, and Frank Morton of Wild Garden Seed in Corvalis, Oregon, has kept
this tradition going with his kale breeding efforts. In the 90s he crossed a
Siberian Kale with a Red Russian Kale to form what is now Red Ursa. In 1997,
Red Ursa was entered into the National Variety trials and chosen as one of the
top five vegetables of the year! This extra frilly version of a Red Russian kale
with striking dark red to purple stems and rich green leaves, tastes like kale
should with meaty leaves complemented by a sweet stem. A delight eaten
raw or cooked. (65 days to maturity, 24in- tall and wide) Pkt $2.75
COLLARDS, GEORGIA SOUTHERN (CREOLE) #OG109 #KA104 This lovely mix contains
A great old Southern favorite, pre-1880 heirloom. Has a good resistance pretty shades of pink, purple, and
to heat and cold. Sure, it’s great for the South, but also good up North. white. Contrasts nicely with the deep
Huge yield, a real producer, very tasty and flavorful. Pkt $2.00 green outer leaves. Also known as
Flowering Kale, the plants look like
huge frilly flowers. The leaves make
a superb garnish and are good as
cooked greens. Best grown as a fall
plant because colors are more intense
in cool weather. Pkt (100 seeds) $2.75

NERO DI TOSCANA (Dinosaur or Lacinato Kale) #CB101

60 days. This loose-leafed “cabbage” dates back to the early 1800’s at least.
SCARLET KALE #KA116 It has beautiful, deep black-green leaves that can be 24” long. They are
A lovely curled “red” kale that produces lots of delicious, frilly leaves and
heavily savoyed. This Italian heirloom is popular in Tuscany and central
takes on the chill of winter with stride! Pretty in the flower garden or on
Italy for making fabulous soups and stews. One of the most beautiful and
the plate. Rich in nutrition and flavor. Pkt (150 seeds) $2.75
flavorful types you can grow. Pkt $2.75 or 3,000 seeds $6.00

More varieties of seed available at 53


(Allium ampeloprasum) 400 seeds per pkt. Onion

relative that does require a long season but is
otherwise very easy to grow.


This tasty Russian variety produces leaves that
are only slightly frilled and of top quality. 16”
plants are very hardy and productive. Pkt $2.50
This variety is called “cabbage collards” by
Southern old-timers because it makes loose
heads that are dark green and slow to bolt. Ten-
der leaves are very delicious. A popular heirloom
that is fast-growing and productive. Pkt $2.50


(Couve Tonchuda) or Portuguese Kale. A bit
more heat tolerant than other kales, for a longer
harvest period on either end of winter season. BULGARIAN GIANT #LK103
Leaves are large, flat, rounded, similar to collard, A long thin leek of the best quality; light green
but very large and with very prominent white leaves. Fine autumn variety that is popular in
veins, earning some strains a variety name of Europe. Pkt $2.25 or 5,000 seeds $7.00
“costata,” meaning “ribbed.” The leaves are more
succulent and the flavor is more cabbage-like
than other kales. The fleshy stems or petioles are
enjoyed as well. Definitely an exciting addition
to an already illustrious group! Pkt $2.75
50 days. Very tender and mild, a pre-1885 heir-
loom variety. Oak-type leaves have a red tinge,
and stems are a purplish-red. One of our favorite CARENTAN #LK101
kales. Great flavor. Pkt $2.50 or Long, thick (2” across), vigorous, and fast growing;
5,000 seeds $7.00 delicate, deliciously mild flavor; great fresh or
cooked. The Carentan leek was mentioned by
Vilmorin in 1885. An old European favorite that
is becoming rare. Very adaptable and yields are
good. Pkt $2.50 or 5,000 seeds $7.00


NEW! Ancient variety from the UK. was men-
tioned in Vilmorin’s ‘The Vegetable Garden’ in
1885 as a productive, multi-branching type that
also goes by the name “branching borecole”.
Vilmorin also mentions that the variety originally
hailed from western France. Peter Miller of Kings
Seed mentioned that Thousandhead kale was
long appreciated in the UK as a fodder crop,
but it has been rediscovered as a tasty culinary
VATES COLLARDS #OG108 variety. Leaves are smooth with lightly curled
75 days. In the 1950s, this strain was praised as edges for easier pest management. Those who GIANT MUSSELBURGH #LK102
a “new, dwarf strain,” longstanding and heat-re- have struggled with cabbage worms understand An heirloom that was introduced in 1834 near
sistant, like all collards. Winter-hardy to the how caterpillars love to hide in the folds of curly Edinburgh, Scotland. Large, very thick stems;
mid-Atlantic, producing a crop into very cold kale leaves. This variety is just lightly curled at tasty mild flavor. Grows well in most locations;
autumn weather. These make super healthy and the edges, making caterpillars easier to spot and perfect for home or market. This old favorite has
delicious cooked greens. Pkt (200 seeds) $2.50 treat! This seed was sourced from Kings Seed of a huge size and is very winter hardy. Pkt $2.50
England; the King family has been in the seed
business for centuries. Pkt $2.75
(Lactuca sativa) An Old World crop, appreciated since ancient times, that requires cool­er temperatures to grow really well. Sow in place in the garden as
early in spring as soil may be worked—seeds sprout and grow whenever mild weather predominates. Or start indoors and set out acclimated seedlings
2-4 weeks before last frost date. Succession plant lettuce for a continual crop, but avoid long days and heat of early-mid summer. May be grown right
through the winter where the weather is mild, or under row cover, cold frames, etc. Lettuce is healthy and rich in Vitamins A & C. 250 seeds per pkt.


This variety boasts all the merits of a commer-
cially bred variety, but the crisp and sweetly
scrumptious leaves say heirloom. Parris Island
Cos is a Romaine lettuce that is beloved by
growers, especially on the Eastern Seaboard
where it was originally introduced by Ferry
Morse in 1951. Super uniform, upright leaves,
observed disease tolerance and moderate bolt
resistance were the growing traits selected at
Clemson College Agriculture department when
it was bred for their South Carolina climate. The
tender crisp leaves with delicate white hearts
and the perfectly folded centers for scooping
dips or holding dressings have won the hearts
of gardeners for generations. Pkt $2.50

60 days. Delicious,
flavorful lettuce
brings color and
zest to salads.
William Woys Weaver acquired this dark green,
Heirloom, red Ro-
classic Pennsylvania Dutch winter lettuce in 1994
maine-type from
from the well-known lettuce collector Mary Schultz
France. Listed in
of Monroe, Washington. A Pennsylvania Dutch se-
Vilmorin’s Vegeta-
lection of the now-extinct late 1700s variety known
ble Garden Book
as White Tennisball, this is one of the hardiest, most
from 1885. Red
frost-resistant lettuces we have ever grown. It even
and green leaves
survived the Polar Vortex during the severe winter
turn a deeper
of 2013-2014. Each head reaches 11 to 12 inches in
shade of red in
diameter with a loose butterhead appearance. Plant
cold weather.
14 inches apart in early September for salad greens
Pkt $2.50
through December and January. Pkt (75 seeds) $4.00


MAY QUEEN #LT118 BUTTERCRUNCH #LT155 65 days. The pale green leaves are soft and,
This delicate butterhead is the crowned jewel of the 65 days. Classic butterhead type was the yes, buttery; the heads are heavy and relatively
heirloom garden. Tender, yellow hearts are gently standard for many years. Soft, buttery-textured compact, filled with tender inner leaves that
blushed rose, and the leaves are ethereally soft leaves enclose a crisp, juicy, loose inner head of are mellow, sweet and succulent. Slower to bolt
with the buttery sweet flavor signature of an old blanched, sweet-tasting leaves. Very heat-tol- and tolerates heat better than most butterhead
fashioned European butterhead type. Manageable (Bibb) types, making it especially valuable in the
erant and slow to bolt, Buttercrunch stays mild
medium sized heads with early maturation and silky South, or wherever summer heat comes early
long after others have turned bitter. Developed
soft leaves made this a popular European heirloom or unpredictably. All America Selection in 1966;
during the early 19th Century. Plant early in spring or by George Raleigh, Cornell University, and an All
America Selection for 1963. Pkt $2.25 bred in Ottawa, Canada. Pkt $2.50
in fall for a treat that gourmet chefs love. Pkt $2.50
More varieties of seed available at 55


#LT108 60 days. Introduced in the 1870s by Pe- 80 days. (also known as Reine des Glaces) A
ter Henderson & Co. Sweet and tender leaves, light wholly superior crisphead (iceberg) type, this MERVEILLE DES QUATRE SAISONS
yellow-green; very popular. Pkt $2.50 or French heirloom shows excellent tolerance to #LT107 48 days. A pre-1885 French heirloom;
10,000 seeds $8.00 cold, and makes a great crop to plant extra early crisp and tender. The fine-flavored leaves have a
or late! The frilled outer leaves are mild enough reddish color. It is becoming popular again.
to use for leaf-lettuce, or harvest as baby greens. Pkt $2.50 or 10,000 seeds $8.00
With its darker green color and ever-so-slightly
bitter interior, it’s widely regarded as the best
crisphead type around! Pkt $2.25


50 days. Very small, green, romaine-type. One of CRISP MINT #LT150
the very best-tasting lettuces. A superb heat-tol- 60-65 days. Romaine type. Large, succulent,
erant variety that is sure to please! Pkt $2.25 or mint-green outer leaves surround crystal-white
10,000 seeds $8.00 hearts: mild, sweet and crunchy in flavor. Succu-
lent heads to 10 inches in height are a standout
in the salad garden. Pkt $2.50

Delicious, cucumber-flavored, crisp stalks
from ancient China! FLASHY BUTTER GEM #LT160
A very unique lettuce. Grown for its giant,
LOLLO ROSSA #LT127 70 days. Nearly full-sized Romaine type dap-
crunchy stems that are tasty raw or cooked, the
60 days. Very curled leaves are light green with pled in a lovely, deep crimson. Another “Flashy”
leaves can also be used as greens. This is a to-
stunning bright red edges. Mild and tasty. A introduction from Frank Morton, Shoulder to
tally new type of vegetable for most Americans,
most beautiful lettuce, superb for market. Shoulder Farm, this one is a high yielder, and also
although it was introduced from China in the
Pkt $2.50 makes a great early baby Romaine. Very tender
1840s. These are quite delicious and are high in
and delicious! Pkt (150 seeds) $3.00
vitamin C! Pkt $2.50

56 “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” -Hippocrates

55 days. (Also known as “Galactic.”) Reputed to be 60 days. Old Austrian heirloom; the name means 60 days. An heirloom lettuce that dates to the
absolutely the darkest red lettuce in existence, “speckled like a trout.” A superb, gorgeous ro- 1850’s. It makes small cabbage-like green heads,
which should make it tops for anthocyanin maine lettuce that is highly splashed in deep red. only 3”-4” across. Very tasty, a winner for classy
(anti-oxidant) content as well! Leaf lettuce with markets! Pkt $2.50
Very beautiful and tasty. Pkt $2.75 or
wavy to frilly leaf margins and very crisp, waxy
leaves! Excellent bolt resistance, and good cold 10,000 seeds $8.00
tolerance for a late fall to winter crop. Rec-
ommended as a cutting type for baby greens
production or cut-and-come-again harvesting.
Pkt (150 seeds) $3.00


This unique 19th century French heirloom was
introduced to America by C.C. Morse in 1906
under the name “Strawberry Cabbage Lettuce.”
The small cabbage or butter-head type plants
are quite charming with green leaves that are RED MOUNTAIN
splashed in scarlet-red as if a red rain fell upon WINTER CELTUCE #LT183
them, glistening and beautiful. Leaves are ten- New! A rare and nutritious
der, mild and of a high quality; yummy! Pkt $3.00 type of stem lettuce from
China. Celtuce is relatively
obscure in the U.S., but it
is sure to become the next
veggie craze. The plants are
as easy as lettuce to cultivate,
and the culinary possibilities
are boundless as it is great
cooked or raw; the extra high
levels of vitamin C point to
celtuce as a potent superfood.
This cold-loving red-leaved
celtuce is a gourmet treat;
the crunchy stems have a
LUNIX LETTUCE #LT114 refreshing cucumber flavor
Oak-leaf type produces lustrous, deep red and crisp texture. The stems
leaves. Very slow to bolt; the rich, red leaves
are traditionally eaten raw in
and upright symmetrical form commend
this one for market gardens as well as home salads or stir fried. This variety
gardeners who insist upon superior types. Also should be planted in the fall,
highly recommended for hydroponics cultiva- about 50 days before the first
tion and out-of-season low-tunnel production. frost. The red leaves are also
Rare in this country, and very choice. Pkt $3.00 delicious in salads! Pkt $3.00

More varieties of seed available at 57


(Cucumis melo) We have heirloom melons that

can mature in almost any climate. Try some of
these sweet & juicy varieties this year and enjoy
a taste trip into your past... enjoy the flavor!
25-50 seeds per pkt.

90 days. Banana-shaped fruit with smooth, yellow skin; and sweet, spicy, salmon-colored flesh. 16”-24”
long, 5-8 lbs. It was listed in 1885 by J. H. Gregory’s Catalogue, which said, “When ripe it reminds one of a
large, overgrown banana... It smells like one, having a remarkably powerful and delicious fragrance.” This
is one of my all-time favorites, being very sweet and great for specialty markets. Pkt $3.00
Unique, sweet, citrus-like taste!
95 days. Oblong fruit is brownish-green and netted
AMISH MELON #AML164 outside, lime green within. In our trials the flavor
A flavorful old Amish heirloom that was collect- was an unusual, a very delicious, sweet-tart combi-
ed by members of Seed Savers Exchange. It has nation with a distinct citrus taste. The name simply
a rich, sweet muskmelon flavor that reminds you means “old melon from Samarra,” which is a city in
of the way melons tasted long ago. Fruit is oval northern Iraq. Original seed was furnished by our
and weighs 4-7 pounds each. The flesh color is friend, Iraqi seed collector Nael Aziz, who writes
orange. A good producer! Pkt $3.00 that this variety is known to have been grown in
the Abbasid Period over one thousand years ago!
Endangered due to war and America’s aggressive
promotion of patented seeds in Iraq. Pkt $5.00
CHARENTAIS #ML114 Our Favorite!
85 days. A famous superb heirloom French mel-
on–super sweet and very fragrant. Light grey-
green skin, smooth round 2-to 3-lb fruit, bright
orange flesh. These are top sellers at high-dollar
markets. This was my favorite melon in 2003. I
GOLDEN JENNY #AML133 just love the sweet flesh that is so firm. Pkt $3.00
An outstanding golden meated version of Jenny or 500 seeds $7.00
The Iraqi 1000 YEAR OLD MELON
Lind, developed by long time friend and the late,
master seed saver, Merl Neidens. Short vines just
go wild producing these succulent, sweet 2 lb.
beauties. Give this one a try at upscale markets.
Early and productive. Pkt $3.00


#JS257 This is a small but delicious melon
from Rajasthan, India. The name Madhu Ras GINGER’S PRIDE #AML141
GOLDEN HONEYMOON #AML119 means honey melon, an appropriate name for The largest melon we carry. Huge, oblong fruits average
92 days. A honeydew melon with a brilliant, such as sweet fruit. These melons thrive in the 14-22 lbs. each! The skin is green, turning yellowish
hot and dry conditions of Western India, and when ripe. The flesh is very sweet, melting and of excel-
gold rind and delicious green flesh; unique
they will grow in similar conditions in the U.S. lent quality. The vines set heavy yields. This variety was
flavor. Two weeks earlier than regular Honey- This is a rare find brought to us from botanical sent to us by a retired minister from Indiana. It has been
dew; excellent yields. Will rarely sunburn; a great explorer, Joseph Simcox who found this special in his family for many years, originating in Kentucky.
keeper, unique and rare! Pkt $2.75 heirloom at a market in Delhi, India. Pkt $4.00 This is a melon to give any grower pride. Pkt $3.00
(Golden Perfection) Very
sweet, pale green flesh
is just marvelous. Lovely
yellow fruit has a unique,
lacy netting, like a work
of art. This was one of our
top melons in our 2003
trials, truly incredible; my
all-time favorite honey-
dew type. Sugary flesh
is so flavorful and rich.
This variety is a dream for
market growers and will
command high prices
with gourmets and chefs
alike! It was listed in Vilm-
orin’s book, The Vegetable
Garden, in 1885 but it is
very rare now. Let’s make
this variety a market
favorite again! Pkt $3.50 KAJARI #JS235
This amazing early Indian melon was collect-
ed by Joseph Simcox. The fruits are a brilliant
copper-red and are striped in green and cream,
making this an extremely unusual and beautiful
melon. The pale green flesh is sweet, aromatic
and slightly musky in taste. Joe believes that this
melon originated in the Punjab, and Joe spent
more than 8 years trying to find seeds of this
KIKU CHRYSANTHEMUM extremely interesting variety. Vine produces lots
MELON #OML117 of 2 lb fruit. Pkt $4.50 or 200 seeds $11.00
Rare Marvel from Japan!
This historic melon is named
for the Japanese Chrysanthe-
mum flower, which it is said
to resemble. One of the best
melons we found in Japan
with an incredibly unique
flavor. A very rare, early and
beautifully productive, small,
white, creamy melon that
has mellow flesh. It tastes SWEET PASSION #AML149
like Greek yogurt with a hint An Ohio heirloom that has been grown since the
of lychee; the flavor has also 1920s. According to legend, the sweet orange
been compared to pear. The flesh is said to cause a state of passion if eaten
origin of Kiku melon is the straight from the garden on a moonlit summer
Makuwa Uri melon which night. It has succulent flesh that is very sweet,
came from China to Japan aromatic and very finely flavored. Fruit weighs
sometime in antiquity. 3-4 lbs, and is produced on vines that have some
Pkt (10 seeds) $3.00 drought and wilt resistance. Pkt $3.00


A gourmet cantaloupe that has been tended by Mr. Tommy Apple in his home garden
by the banks of the Snake River in eastern Oregon since the 1970s. Tommy received the
seeds for this silky sweet melon from a local Oregon nurseryman in the early 1970s. The
melons were introduced to Tommy as oriental melon and were quite late maturing but
remarkably tasty. The fruit of this eastern Oregon landrace is oblong and varies in size
from football-sized to jumbo. Over the decades, Tommy has selected for earlier matura-
tion, but he says the incredible, sweet, mellow flavor and refined texture are just as good
as the original melons he received almost 50 years ago. Tommy is our seed grower for this
amazing variety and says that he harvests fruit by hand, visiting the garden each morning
barefoot with a fruit sack slung around his shoulder. He says harvest is easy: the fruit picks
itself! Indeed, the mature fruit turns a golden color and slips from the vine when perfectly
ripe. Thanks to the hard work of Mr. Tommy Apple for this amazing heirloom. Pkt $3.00

More varieties of seed available at 59

80 days. A beautiful and rare heirloom from
France, the famous “Black Rock” melon pre-
JENNY LIND #AML117 served by the Carmelite monks. It was men-
80 days. This fine melon dates back to the 1840s tioned by Mawe & Abercrombie in 1787. Nearly
and was sold by many of the seed companies of black in color, the fruit turns orange as it ripens.
that day. It was named for the famous singer, Jen- They are deeply ribbed and have smooth skin.
ny Lind, “The Swedish Nightingale.” This wonder- The flesh is orange in color, thick, flavorful,
ful 1- to 2-lb turban-shaped melon is very sweet and perfumed. Excellent and unusual. The fruit
and has light green, delicious flesh. It is becoming weighs about 3-6 lbs each. Pkt $3.50
popular again with those who try it! Pkt $2.75

75-80 days. (Also known as Israel Melon) An excel-
lent-tasting, early melon. Commonly thought to
have originated in Israel, where its name means “an-
chor” but may have actually originated in Hungary.
Flavorful green flesh; good yields of nearly round,
3-4 lb fruit; a beautiful melon! Very fragrant. A long-
time favorite of the Gettle family. Pkt $2.75


TIGGER #OML107 Incredible little melons from the former Soviet
90 days. The most amazing looking melon we Union. The fruit is a beautiful red, striped with
have grown. The fruit is vibrant yellow with bril- golden yellow and weighs only about ¼ lb! The
liant fire-red, zigzag stripes (a few fruit may be flesh is pure white and quite sweet. These have
solid yellow), simply beautiful! They are also the a very refreshing taste and are very fragrant.
most fragrant melons we have tried, with a rich, They are perfect for single servings. These little
sweet, intoxicating aroma that will fill a room. melons are so much fun and great for children’s
The white flesh gets sweeter in dry climates,
gardens. The vines are very productive and
mild tasting. Small in size, the fruit weighs up PETIT GRIS DE RENNES #ML104
to 1 lb. The vigorous plants yield heavily, even produce all season long. One of the best new
varieties we’ve discovered in the last few years. 85 days. Dense, 2-lb fruit has orange flesh that is
in dry conditions. This heirloom came from an superbly sweet, flavorful, and perfumed. This vari-
Armenian market located in a mountain valley. Try a few of these delicious little melons in your
ety is early and well adapted to cool climates. The
Pkt (15 seeds) $3.00 home or market garden. Pkt (15 seeds) $3.00
fruit weighs around 2 lbs and has a grey-green
rind. This fine French variety is of the best quality
HALE’S BEST 45 #AML101 and is the favorite melon of the French melon
85 days. A popular heirloom devel- expert and author Bruno Defay. Rare in the USA.
oped around 1920 by a Japanese One of our most-requested market melons, spe-
market grower in California. Sweet, cialty growers love them because they command
smooth, orange flesh. A good fla- top prices! We continue to receive rave reviews
vored muskmelon. Pkt $2.50 about this melon, which is surely one of the best
Charentais types. Pkt $3.50


100 days. Beautiful, ivory-green fruit, deep
green; very sweet flesh, with classic Honeydew
flavor! A superb variety. Pkt $2.75
Bitter melon is a traditional staple in much of Asia; local cuisines appreciate the mildly bitter taste in
soups and curries. As a bonus, the pulp surrounding the seeds turns brilliant scarlet at full maturity,
and its sweet taste is also utilized in its native lands. Bitter melon is recognized for its value in blood-
sugar regulation among diabetics in some countries. We love this tasty vegetable in soups and fried.


An Okinawan heirloom variety with deep green
skin color and a very mild bitter taste. Fruit is
3-4 inches in diameter and 8-10 inches long.
This variety can tolerate high temperatures and
does well up to 90 F. Harvest around 120 days
after sowing. Pkt (10 seeds) $3.00


#BM114 Hailing from the scenic bay area of
the southwestern tip of Kyushu Island, Japan,
which is known for producing some of the fin-
est bitter melons. This is an ideal bitter melon
for making into tea or for cooking. Exceptional-
ly long and slender fruit is delicious sliced and
stir-fried, the bitter melons’ potent superfood
powers are most appreciated when paired with
BIG TOP BITTER MELON #BM104 mellow flavors like cooked garlic and beans.
A unique heart shaped variety of bitter melon, the large softball-sized fruit is particularly popular in This bitter melon will produce tons of snakelike
Surinamese cuisine. Bitter melon was originally introduced to Suriname by South Chinese immi- fruit on long vines and is a prolific and healthful
grants in the 1850s, where the unique and highly nutritious vegetable seamlessly integrated into the addition to the kitchen garden. 16-18” long and
eclectic cuisine of this South American country. An early producer, long rambling vines produce tons matures 60-70 days from sowing. The color is
of smooth skinned, dark green, bumpy fruit in as few as 65 days. Thanks to a thick skin, this variety is very light green, tending to lighten to a white-
considered an excellent shipper and a perfect choice for gardeners wanting to grow bitter melon for green at the tip, and the tear-drop bumps and
the first time. Pkt (10 seeds) $3.00 ridges sometimes spiral around the long fruit.
Pkt (10 seeds) $3.00

The Super, Super-food! A native of In-
dia, bitter melon can be stewed, curried,
steamed, braised, pickled or cooked with
scrambled eggs. The bitterness is tempered
by cooking and served with yogurt on the
side. Many people who try bitter melon for
the first time love the rich flavor. It is rich
in iron, contains twice the beta-carotene
of broccoli, twice the calcium of spinach,
and twice the potassium of banana. Bitter
melon is also used in Chinese cooking for GANJYU BITTER MELON #BM116 New!
its lightly bitter flavor, typically in stir-fries, An extra-large light green heirloom from Japan. Fruit is large and uniform with a great flavor. The
soups, dim sum, and herbal teas. It can be bitter melon is a dietary staple on the island of Okinawa, famous for its people’s longevity. The Oki-
sprinkled with salt for 30 minutes, then nawan people have been known for great health and record-breaking longevity for almost 1000
rinse, this process reduces bitterness, be- years, largely in part to their healthy diet. Bitter melon, called Goya in Japan, has been identified
fore cooking. as a crucial staple of the famous Okinawan longevity diet, which is also part of the Blue Zone Diet.
Goya champuru is a popular Okinawan stir fry bitter melon recipe, very commonly eaten by Okina-
wa’s centenarian residents. Pkt (10 seeds) $3.00
More varieties of seed available at 61
‘Jyunpaku’ Okinawan Pure White Bitter Melon
Wax Melons
The White Pearl of Okinawa
An Incredible Discovery From The Orient

#WX111 New!
A mammoth version of the ancient winter
melon from Asia. Wax melon has been dated
back 2700 years ago in China; thanks to its long
history, countless recipes exist for this versatile
fruit. A staple winter food, its waxy rind helps
to preserve the fruit for up to 12 months. The
flesh is candied and stuffed into dessert pastries,
stewed into hearty winter soups, stir fried and
used to fill moon cakes for China’s Autumn Moon
Festival. Fruit can weigh up to 75 pounds each.
This beautiful black type is a popular wax melon
variety in China, but still unknown here. Named
for the long dark fruit which resembles a bullet.
Excellent storage quality and snow white flesh.
An excellent substitute for zucchini squash, but
these are tastier! Thin (and eat) young fruit to get
‘JYUNPAKU’ OKINAWAN PURE WHITE BITTER MELON #BM117 New! giant-sized fruit. Pkt (10 seeds) $4.00
Extra large, mild Japanese bitter melon. This pearly white, mellow-flavored fruit is still quite nutrition-
ally potent with a more refined, less bitter flavor. Fruit averages 8-10 inches long and is quite thick. The
melons are typically cut thick and added to soups and stir-fries or shaved thin and eaten raw. Expect a
Jelly Melon
great summer treat, as this variety contains an extra-large, pulp sack around the seeds. This pulp is su-
per sweet, cherry flavored and nutritious, packed with the antioxidant lycopene. It is great for desserts
or snacking. Pkt (5 seeds) $5.00

(Sicana odorifera) Wow, this is exciting! I saw this
crop along the roadside in Guatemala. The fruit
was brilliant flaming red and about 2’ long—one KIWANO or AFRICAN HORNED
of the most beautiful things I had ever seen! They
have bright orange flesh that is sweet and is used CUCUMBER #JM101
in drinks, jellies and other desserts; it has a unique (Cucumis metuliferus) Very unusual fruit with
tropical fruit taste. The fruit is fragrant and keep spiny “horns.” The green-yellow skin turns a bright
for a long period, like squash, making this a hot deep orange when ready to harvest, and the pulp
item for fall sales for pumpkin growers. Huge inside the fruit resembles lime green Jell-O. The
vines can grow to 50’ and are quite ornamental, fruit has a sweet-sour, banana-lime-tropical fruit
but they do require a very long season and are
mostly grown in Florida and the Deep South. Here taste; good juiced and sweetened; delicious with
in southern Missouri the fruit almost ripened, yogurt. This fruit is showing up quite often in US
but we ran short of days. This plant was first markets. Native to Africa, it is hardy and easy to
mentioned in Europe in 1658 as a popular plant in grow; can be grown just about anywhere you can
Peru. We are happy to have located a small supply grow melons. Beautiful vine and fruit! Tiny seed.
of seed. Pkt (10 seeds) $4.00 Pkt (10 seeds) $3.00
(Abelmoschus esculentus) 30-75 seeds per
packet. This African native and staple of the
Deep South really thrives on heat! Slaves from
Angola called okra “ngumbo”, which became
gumbo, a popular name for several okra dishes
to this day. Does best when direct-sown into
warm soil but can be started earlier indoors and CLEMSON SPINELESS #OK103
transplanted, so long as the young plants aren’t 60 days. Plant is spineless; tasty green pods, best
allowed to become root bound. Soil for okra picked small. Developed in 1939. Still a standard
need not be especially rich; plants are drought in many home gardens. Pkt $2.50 or
tolerant but produce more with adequate 300 seeds $5.00
moisture. Keeping pods picked encourages
further production.


Fat pods are very tender and full of good
“Okree” flavor that is so popular in the hill
STAR OF DAVID #OK106 regions of eastern Texas. The pods are reddish
70 days. Israeli variety. Short, very thick pods are green in color, and the plants have red stems,
quite delicious. The pods are twice as big around very productive and high quality. Pkt $3.00
as most okra. Pkt $2.75


A delicious heirloom from Alabama, this variety
has fat, red-tinged pods that are great fried or in
gumbo! One of our most popular varieties, it is
unique and rare. Pkt $3.00

JING ORANGE #OK126 Our most popular!

BURGUNDY #OK102 60 days. Our favorite Okra! Lovely pods are a deep reddish-orange and are quite colorful. This Asian
55 days. Pods are a beautiful, deep red, and variety produces lots of flavorful 6” -8” pods early, even in dry conditions. An exciting new variety
stems are also red. Very tender and delicious. that is unique and beautiful. One of the most tender we offer. Pkt $3.50
Ornamental; tasty. Pkt $2.75 or 300 seeds $6.00

We are proud to offer this heirloom variety PERKINS LONG POD #OK108 BOWLING RED #OK120
from Burma (Myanmar). Large pods are tender, Very green, extra-large pods are tender and Great-tasting red pods are long and thin, being
spineless, and finely flavored. The plants start delicious, the perfect okra for canning and quite tender even when longer than most. This
yielding early and production lasts until frost. gumbo. Vigorous and productive plants are 5’ in heirloom has been grown by the Bowling family
Pkt $3.00 height; an old favorite. Pkt $2.50 of Virginia since at least the 1920’s. Pkt $2.75
More varieties of seed available at 63
(Allium cepa) 300+ seeds per packet. A very ancient Old World crop—records exist telling how many onions were allocated to the laborers building the
pyramids, and they were a basic ration to Greek hoplites. Long-day onions tend to do best in the north and short-day types do best in the south; the
dividing line is at about the 35th parallel. Onions grow best in mellow soil, rich and possessing much organic matter. The tiny seeds are usually started
indoors, although they may be direct sown if conditions and timing are suitable. Spring-planted onions are started about 9-12 weeks prior to setting out,
which may be several weeks before the last frost date. When setting onion plants in their final location, allow about 6-8 inches from their neighbors, if in
beds, or 4 inches, if in rows, spacing rows at least a foot apart. Apply a heavy mulch to control weeds, as onions will not grow large in competition with
weeds. Harvest onions when the green tops begin to fall over; cure several weeks and store at cool room temperature.


Intermediate day. Beautiful red “cipollini”-type,
flat gourmet onion from Italy. They are bright
red in color and very flat, perfect for fresh eating
Here is a later maturing cippolini type onion. The
or cooking. This is a very old Italian variety that
small, flat shape is ideal for pickling and grilling.
was mentioned by Vilmorin in 1885. A good
Cippolini onions are sweeter than most other
choice for fresh market. Early. Pkt $2.75
onions, this is an easy-to-grow variety. Pkt $2.75


AILSA CRAIG #ON122 (Allium fistulosum) An heirloom Japanese, pe- Long day. Oblong-shaped, bright red onions,
Long day. Very well-known globe-shaped great for planting spring or fall; seem to do well
rennial bunching onion. Stalks grow and divide
heirloom onion that reaches a really huge size—5
from the base. Mild and tasty. These are an es- in many areas. They are very mild and sweet,
lbs is rather common! The skin is a pale yellow
sential ingredient in both Oriental and American great for salads and pickling! A delicious Italian
and the flesh is relatively mild and sweet, so is
recommended for fresh use—not a storage type. foods. A non-bulbing white type. Pkt $2.50 or heirloom. Very rare. Pkt $2.75 or
Introduced in 1887 by David Murray, gardener for 5,000 seeds $8.00 5,000 seeds $9.00
the Marquis of Ailsa, at Culzean Castle in Maybole,
South Ayrshire, Scotland. Pkt $3.50 ZEBRUNE SHALLOT
(Cuisse de Poulet du
Poitou) Gorgeous heir-
loom French eschalion
or “banana” type
shallot yields plump,
long, torpedo-shaped
bulbs. Bulbs are brown
tinged with pink. The
flesh is very mild and
sweet, and large yields
may be had starting
AUSTRALIAN BROWN #ON101 the first year from an
Intermediate day. Introduced in 1897 by W. Atlee early planting. Excel-
Burpee. This variety produces extra fine large lent keeping quality
bulbs that have superb flavor! The yellow-brown makes these gourmet
roots are a standard on our farm for their sure- shallots useful over a
ness to produce quality. Pkt $2.75 very long season! Pkt
(150 seeds) $3.00

Long day. A tasty old favorite that sets medi-
um-large, yellow onions with a good, pungent
flavor. This variety is among the best keepers
and produces well. Plant some of these for win-
ter eating and store them clear through to next
SOUTHPORT RED GLOBE #ON124 spring. Pkt $2.75
Long day, 120 days. First released in 1873, and
still one of the best. Firm fleshed, medium
sized, globe-shaped, deep red roots are one of TROPEANA LUNGA #ON108
the best keepers of any red onion. Carries some Intermediate day. Long, tall bulbs are unique
resistance to fusarium rot. Truly a top-notch and popular with Mediterranean chefs. Harvest
producer for the North! Pkt $2.50 this gorgeous onion in mid-summer for your
own delight, or sell this winner for top prices at
market. They are a lovely shade of red. This heir-
loom from Tropea is rare in America. Pkt $3.00


Long day. This variety dates to the 1700’s. Popular
from New York to Bermuda and it brought much
wealth to the onion growers of New England, as
well as to the Yankee traders who sold ship-loads
of it. The 1856 Comstock-Ferre catalog states,
WHITE CREOLE ONION #ON133 “It is the kind mostly grown at Wethersfield. It
Short day, medium-sized, round bulbs have a grows to large size, deep red, thick, approaching
translucent white flesh that is very firm. This va- to round shape, fine-grained, pleasant flavored, YELLOW OF PARMA #ON105
riety is an excellent choice for southern growers; and very productive. It ripens in September, and Long day. Large, golden onions are oblong
forms perfect bulbs and has excellent storage keeps well.” It is a slightly flattened, deep blood- globe-shaped. This late onion makes an ex-
quality. Excellent fresh or cooked, White Creole is red onion of renowned quality. A true piece of cellent keeper; a rare and hard-to-find Italian
a top choice for dehydrating and has a pungent horticultural Americana that deserves to be more variety. Pkt $2.50 or 5,000 seeds $8.00
flavor. Pkt $2.50 widely grown. Pkt $2.50


Long day. One of the best yellow onion varieties. Excellent choice for beginner gardeners,
this is one of the easiest and most adaptable onions to grow. The large roots easily grows to
1 pound each and with good storage quality. Large Sweet Spanish is a staple for the home
gardener and market farmer looking for a reliable and flavorful heirloom onion. Pkt $3.00


Short day. The Galmi onion comes from the village of
Galmi, a small community in the Ader Valley of southeast
Niger. It is here where this flavorful onion was developed
and is believed to have been grown for over 100 years,
selected and passed down. It is now a popular onion in
several other African countries as well. Flat, thick bulbs
are of good quality and are a beautiful pinkish-purple
color; it also keeps well, making it a perfect choice as a
short day onion. Pkt $4.00
More varieties of seed available at 65
60 days. Heavy crops of 4-to 5-inch pods are
produced on plants that seldom reach 3 feet in
HOLLOW CROWN #PR101 height, do not require staking. Peas are medi-
Tasty, white, long roots, sweet flavor. um-sized, very sweet, and good for freezing,
Harvest after frost; a standard in all fall and the pods often contain up to 12 peas each.
gardens. A popular variety in the 1820s. Tolerant to a number of common pea diseases.
ALASKA #GP101 Pkt $3.00
Pkt (600 seeds) $2.50
50-60 days. Very early, great for short-season
areas; good yields of delicious soup peas. An
heirloom from 1880. Pkt $2.75


75 days. (Also known as First Early) Super-early
dwarf variety reaches only about 18” tall, requir-
ing no staking. Highly recommended for succes-
sion sowing; also a great variety for container
planting or cold-frame growing. Produces heavy
Delicious, tender, white, 12” roots have a #GP108 Stunning violet-blue pods are crops of sweet, small peas, often eight per pod;
sweet flavor; refined in appearance. Great produced on lovely little bush plants that do not typically yields two fat pods per node. Resistant
boiled, fried, or used in “Parsnip Bread.” A require staking. The delicious peas are perfect to pea wilt and downy mildew. Pkt $3.25
good producer and popular variety. for soups and stews, or the pods can be picked
Pkt (600 seeds) $2.50 small and these can be used as a snow pea. A
great addition from Holland. Pkt (75 seeds) $3.50

A popular heirloom pea for home gardeners.
Large pods are produced on hardy, productive
vines with sweet and delicious peas. Pkt $3.00


50-55 days. Tom Thumb is absolutely the best
pea variety for container planting! Reaching LINCOLN #GP104
only 8 to 9 inches in height, it’s grown mainly as An old-time pea introduced in 1908. High-yield-
a shelling type, but the pods are also sweet, ten- ing and tasty, this pea does better than many in
TENNESSEE RED PEANUT #PE102 der and delicious when harvested very young. warmer weather. The tightly-filled pods are easy
A treasured heirloom that has been grown This variety excels when tucked into small to shell, and compact vines are a good choice
since before 1930, each pod contains from spaces around the garden, and for cold frame for small gardens. Pkt $2.75
2-5 red-skinned, mild, sweet kernels. A Valen- production very early or very late in the season.
cia type, earlier than the Virginia strains. This unusual heirloom originated in England “The regenerated do not go to war, nor engage
Superior for roasting or boiling, which is a and was first introduced in the US by Landreth in strife. They are children of peace who have
preferred method of preparing them in the Seeds, Philadelphia, in 1854. Even more frost beaten their swords into plowshares and their
Deep South. Pkt (1oz in shell) $3.50 tolerant than most other pea varieties, and, spears into pruning forks, and know no war.”
naturally, it requires no staking! Pkt $3.50 — Menno Simons
ABOUT PEAS (Pisum sativum) Whether grown for green peas, or for edible pods garden peas are all grown the same way. They should be planted in
earliest spring or even in late winter, as soon as soil can be worked. They require a very mellow soil, as the roots are shallow and not especially vigorous.
Plant about 1” deep. Most types require support—a trellis, fence, etc. (Bush types are really short vines and will support each other when planted fairly
close together.) The trick is to get them going early enough to take a crop before late spring weather turns really warm, as heat shuts the plants down. Pick
edible podded types frequently, as they are best before the pods become tough. 75-125 seeds per pkt.

This pea was introduced in 1943 and is a great
pea for the South, being somewhat heat resistant
and can be planted later than most peas. Medi-
um-sized peas are great fresh or frozen. Pkt $2.75 A very rare and amazing garden pea! One of the most historical peas known, this particular variety
is said to have been taken out of the tomb of famed Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun, or King Tut.
The story is that his servants planted and harvested these peas to help provide for his afterlife.
LITTLE Though some claim to have debunked the story, Lynn McKee’s family tradition asserts that her father
MARVEL received the seeds found in the boy King’s tomb where they had been undisturbed for nearly 5,000
#GP102 years until Howard Carter found the tomb on Nov. 4, 1922. From there, as the legend goes, the seeds
60 days. Vigorous were taken to England where they were propagated and shared with friends. “The conditions within
bush plants, Egyptian pyramids are very dry and would permit seed longevity in certain species to extend to
heavy yields, and thousands of years,” one document said. Some claim though, it is likely the seeds originated in early
fine-flavored 20th century English gardens. The Fortean Times says “It is sometimes said that Tutankhamen’s Pea
originated on the country estate of Lord Caernarvon, who financed Howard Carter’s search for King
peas. A great
Tut’s resting place and was subsequently named in honor of Caernarvon’s claim to fame, rather than
home garden the plant’s origin.” As an interesting turn to the story, we located the seed and found the story from
variety. An heir- Japanese seed collectors during our travels there. Stunning fuchsia purple flowers give way to tasty,
loom from 1908. fat purple pods on strong and vigorous plants that love cool weather. This variety has proven highly
Pkt $2.75 productive and makes a delicious soup pea, or picked young as a purple snow pea. Try this piece of
living history in your garden! Pkt (25 seeds) $4.50



65 days. This time-honored variety produces
some of the largest pods we’ve ever seen in
snow peas—often reaching 5-6” in length! The
robust plants vine to 5 feet. The bi-colored
flowers, borne in pairs, are pink and burgundy,
maturing through purple to nearly sky blue,
distinctive and pretty enough to merit a spot SUGAR MAGNOLIA TENDRIL PEA #SN120
in the border. The succulent pods are of robust A marvelous innovation in sugar snap pea breeding from Dr. Alan Kapuler, the first ever purple
flavor and vary somewhat from plant to plant, podded sugar snap pea! We love the dusty purple blue pods that really pop in a sea of green foliage.
which makes this variety all the more interesting These vigorous vines can reach up to 8 feet tall in the garden and cover a trellis so nicely, the purple
in stir-fries and salads. Originated in Maussane, blossoms and profuse tendrils make this an incredible edible ornamental-- so dainty! The flavor is
near Avignon in southern France. Pkt $2.75 perfect, not too sweet, with a great snap! Pkt (50 seeds) $3.75

More varieties of seed available at 67


A lovely dwarf variety that was grown in America
before 1836, and likely much longer ago in Eu-
rope. This variety has been extinct to the North
American seed trade for more than 20 years, so
SUGAR ANN #SN107 we are happy to bring back this great pea. The
An early, edible-pod pea ideal for small gardens. pods are medium sized and sweetly flavored,
Its short, bushy vines do not need support, and crisp and tender. The vines produce over a long MAGNOLIA BLOSSOM TENDRIL PEA
it produces about 10 days earlier than other season and are more frost hardy than many #SN122 70 days. An innovative hyper-tendril
snap peas. Delicious pods are a joy sautéed, modern varieties. Pkt $3.00 snap pea bred by Dr. Alan Kapular PhD. Hy-
fresh or steamed. An AAS winner from 1984. per-tendril plants make enlarged tendrils in
Pkt $3.00 or 1/2 lb $6.50 place of some leaves. The tendrils make for a
more open habit, allowing better air flow and
reducing diseases. And they are also great to
eat! They are wonderful in salads or as a garnish,
and they taste just like peas! Sturdy 5-6’ plants
are very productive. The plants yield deliciously
sweet snap peas for weeks. Vigorous 5-8’ vines
produce bi-color flowers. Flavor peaks just be-
fore the string turns red. Pkt (50 seeds) $3.75


60 days. A magnificent purple-flowered snow
SUGAR SNAP #SN106 pea. Medium-green pods are tender even
This is the wonderfully sweet, edible-pod pea harvested at their full size of 5-8 inches long.
so popular with consumers and gardeners. The Vigorous plants are productive and reach 6-8’
delicious, tender pods are great raw (eaten be- tall in ideal conditions. Bred by eminent pub-
fore you ever leave the garden), stir-fried, or in lic-domain plant breeder, Dr. Alan Kapuler PhD.
salads. They also freeze very well. An AAS winner Delicious, tender pods are likely the largest of all!
Pkt (50 seeds) $3.75 MAMMOTH MELTING SUGAR #SN102
from 1979. Pkt $2.75
70 days. Large, sweet-flavored pods; tall, 4’ plants.
Needs cool weather to give good yields. Pods are
tasty stir-fried or in salads. Pick before the peas
inside start to get large. An heirloom variety that
has been popular for many years. Pkt $3.00


70 days. Incredible new blushed green and
pink podded snap pea. Flowers are stunning
in bi-color purple and white, but the amazing
thing about the plants is their hyper-tendril
habit—a new type in pea breeding. Spring Blush OREGON SUGAR POD II #SN105
throws an occasional green-podded plant, but GOLDEN SWEET #SN104
Amazing brilliant color! This variety produces flat Large, thick, 4.5” pods are superbly tender and
the flavor, two-toned color scheme and unusual delicious. This is Jere’s favorite snow pea-type.
habit are too good to wait any longer! (If you pods that are a beautiful, bright lemon-yellow,
great in stir-fries. Tall 6’ vines with purple flowers. Bush plants are high yielding and stay compact.
save your own seed, select only plants that have
Collected from a market in India; rare and tasty. Developed by Dr. James Baggett, of Oregon
the pink blushed pods). Another superior variety
Always a favorite in our garden. Pkt $3.00 State Univ. A winner. Pkt $3.00 or 1/2 lb $6.50
from Alan Kapuler PhD. Pkt (50 seeds) $3.75

(Capsicum annuum, C. baccatum, C. frutescens) Native to the Americas, peppers come in thousands of varieties, many unusual flavors, and all shapes and
sizes. Heirloom peppers are often more flavorful than the modern-types, and most give huge yields. They are one of the easiest crops to grow and are not
much bothered by pests. All types of peppers are frost-tender and are usually started indoors several weeks before the last frost date, although they may
be direct-seeded in gardens in long-season climates. Set transplants out after warm weather has really settled. Peppers prefer rich and moist soil and full
sun, although they will tolerate some shade, and some, especially C. frutescens, actually prefer a break from hot summer sun. Most types can be used
green or ripe, and hot types tend to become more pungent when fully ripened in hotter conditions. 25 seeds per packet.

AJI CHARAPITA #HPP221 Selling for very high prices to Lima’s best chefs, this pepper is the
most expensive in the world! The north Peruvian jungle native is a wild bushy plant which produces
APOCALYPSE SCORPION #HPP145 New! hundreds of hot, small (.25 inch), round Tepin-like peppers. The pepper has a distinct fruity, citrus
One of the world’s hottest peppers! Ugly, but aroma and is equal in heat to a cayenne pepper. Due to its rarity and hefty prices, it is often known as
beautiful warted fruit sure packs a punch! This the "Mother of All Chilis" and is very hard to source outside of Peru. We are happy here at Baker Creek
punishing pepper was developed by the Italian to bring such an amazing pepper to light! Used fresh, this tiny pepper is known to have a strong
Pepper Lovers’ Association. Thanks to over 5 fruity flavor that gives salsas and sauces a unique tropical taste. More often, it is used as powder for
grueling years of breeding for intense heat, this various dishes. Baker Creek's Shannie McCabe and Deb Vlietstra found this variety growing in a pot
super hot scorpion type pepper stands a chance in a Peruvian friend's house. Indeed, the Aji Charapita is a popular house plant in Peru, where the
to be a record breaker! Pkt (10 seeds) $6.50 delicious peppers are harvested as needed right in the kitchen. Pkt (10 seeds) $4.00
A very rare, extremely productive, and stunning
hot pepper being offered exclusively through
Baker Creek! William Woys Weaver introduced us
to this pepper from his grandfather's collec-
tion. His grandfather received the pepper from
African-American folk artist Horace Pippin in
1944. A chameleon-like pepper that undergoes
color changes during ripening; violet to pink-
ANAHEIM #HPP103 ish-flesh color, then orange changing to brown,
80 days. Delicious mildly-hot flavor, excellent for and eventually to a deep red. The long, round
roasting or frying; good yields of very large chili pods reach 6 to 7 inches in length and undergo
peppers. Pkt $2.50 a unique flavor change as they ripen, with the
reds being more sweet and meatier than the
violet. The stunning plants also make wonderful
potted specimens. Pkt (10 seeds) $4.00


Unique, star-shaped fruit. The baccatum pep-
per species originated in Peru, but this variety
was domesticated in Brazil. Brazilian starfish
boasts complex floral and fruity tones that are
BHUT JOLOKIA , RED #HPP171 perfectly offset by medium heat. Expect surpris-
100-120 days from transplant. Also known as es when snacking on this pepper. The fruit var-
Ghost Pepper, Naga Morich. Legendary variety, ies in heat but often medium spicy, sometimes
one of the world’s hottest peppers, with readings exceeding that of jalapeños. Fruit is always juicy
in excess of 1,000,000 Scoville units! Bhut Jolokia and quite sweet. Curious-looking fruit reaches
starts out slow but eventually makes tall plants, ex- 2” in width, ripening to brilliant red at maturity.
ceeding 4 ft in favored locations. The thin-walled, Plants are vigorous and unusual, having an
wrinkled, pointed fruit reaches 2-3” in length, almost weeping, vine-like habit.
ripening mostly to red. Pkt (10 seeds) $3.00 Pkt (10 seeds) $2.75

More varieties of seed available at 69



75 days. Unique, black-colored fruit that is the shape
of a jalapeño. They are mildly hot and have a delicious
flavor. The tall plants have beautiful purple flowers
that make this variety very ornamental. Rare and
colorful! Pkt $2.50 or 1,000 seeds $9.00
#HPP223 (Capsicum chinense)
A supremely spicy take on the super
hot Seven Pot pepper, it is believed CHINESE FIVE COLOR #HPP121 Screaming-hot little
that the darker the color, the hotter peppers turn a rainbow of vibrant colors, from purple, cream,
the pepper--making Chocolate Sev- yellow, orange to red as they ripen. Need I say ornamental?
en Pot one of the rarest and hottest The plants are great for containers inside. Just pick a few any
peppers. A pepper originally bred in time to liven up your salsa. Pkt (15 seeds) $3.00
Trinidad, this fireball is now popular
among home pepper breeders who Blazing hot!
are competing to create the world’s 190 times hotter than a Jalapeno!
FISH PEPPER #HPP122 next hottest pepper. Will you be the
80 days. An African-American heirloom popular in the next champion pepper breeder?
Philadelphia/Baltimore region. A chilli pepper notable for Pkt (10 seeds) $4.00
its unique history. Fish pepper plants are like no other,
with striated and speckled white and green leaves. The
fish pepper more than likely originated in the Caribbean
and was introduced to the mid-Atlantic region in the
1870s, where it gained a strong a foothold in the oyster
and crab houses of the area. The young cream-colored
peppers were used for adding a kick to the creamy
sauces that topped seafood. The pepper was kept as a
secret ingredient in these dishes and its part in recipes CAYENNE LONG THIN #HPP117
handed down orally. The peppers were grown exclusively Slender, long peppers turn bright
by black farmers and fell out of favor in the early 1900s as red and are very hot. The 2’ plants
the people of that era began to embrace a more urban are vigorous and quite productive.
lifestyle. This one-of-a-kind pepper would be lost to us if Very popular for drying and using
not for an unusual exchange. Horace Pippin was a black as a spice; also used medicinally.
folk painter who served during World War I in the 369th This heirloom has been popular for
Infantry called the “Harlem Hellfighters.” He lost the use many years. Pkt $2.50 CAROLINA REAPER #HPP219
of his right arm after being shot by a sniper, and this 120 days. Believed to be the hottest pepper in the world,
left him with arthritic pain. Searching for some relief, he the Carolina Reaper is a serious scorcher! For those extreme
resorted to an old folk remedy that called for bee stings. pepper eaters, Carolina Reaper is a must. For those less
Horace began giving seeds to a bee keeper named H. adventurous, they make a great conversation piece in the
Ralph Weaver. Horace’s seeds sometimes came from his
far flung old-time gardening friends, who sent wonderful garden. These devious little peppers are fiery red with a
and rare varieties. H. Ralph Weaver saved the seed in his little scythe shaped tail at the base of many fruit, hence
private seed collection, where it remained until 1995 the name reaper. The heat rating on these monsters can be
when his grandson William Woys Weaver released it to over 1,500,000 Scovilles; in comparison the spicy habanero
the public. Every fish pepper seed sold today can be is a mere 100,000 Scovilles! Pkt (10 seeds) Pkt $5.00
traced back to that fateful exchange. Pkt $2.75
DATIL #HPP191 New! #HPP143
(Capsicum chinense) Renowned A wonderful, ornamental
pepper originating from St. Au- pepper. These compact
gustine, Florida. Local legend says plants have a wonderful
the peppers were brought there bluish tinge and produce
from Spain, where they do enjoy a lovely, small violet-blue
following in Minorca. However, they fruit that is quite hot.
may also have originated in Chile. Production is heavy,
Blazing hot, blunt little 3.5-inch fruit thus creating a stunning
ripens to a brilliant orange yellow. display of color that can’t
HUNGARIAN HOT WAX #HPP125 70 days. The heat is vicious, being compara- be missed! Perfect for
A Hungarian heirloom that is excellent for short season ble to habanero types, but the flavor ornamental landscaping
areas, very popular for canning and pickling. Medium is more complex, sweeter and more or in pots. So pretty. Pkt
to very hot fruit. Good yields. Pkt $2.25 fruity. Pkt (15 seeds)$3.00 (10 seeds) $2.75
(NuMex) A stunning burst of fruity flavor and vibrant New! (NuMex) A a lovely glowing-pumpkin #HPP147 New!
color makes this a super exciting new hot pepper! variety from New Mexico State University. (NuMex) A colorful new “heir-
This colorful jalapeño was introduced by New Mexico This bright pumpkin-orange colored vari- loom” introduced by New Mexico
State University. A sunny lemon yellow variety, it ety was bred using natural back-crossing State University. This vibrant,
was bred using natural back-crossing techniques, techniques, resulting in an lightly spicy and tangerine-orange variety was
resulting in fruity tasting, super eye-catching fruit. super eye-catching fruit. Ornamental and bred using natural back-crossing
The NuMex series was created in response to Amer- extremely prolific, well adapted to the hot techniques, resulting in an extra
ica’s increasing appreciation for eating a rainbow of New Mexico climate. This pepper stands rich tasting and super eye-catch-
nutrition. Super ornamental and extremely prolific, out for ornamental quality and supreme ing fruit. The NuMex series was
these peppers produced huge harvests! This variety fruity flavor. This a sweet/hot jalapeño with created in response to Americans’
has major eye appeal and stands out in salsas and a stunning bright pumpkin-orange colored increasing appreciation for eating
other fresh preparations; the color is stunning and re- fruit that absolutely pops in fall mixed a rainbow of nutrition. Super
ally pops. Edible landscaping is a breeze with Lemon plantings. We love to incorporate brightly ornamental and extremely prolific,
Spice; the sturdy plants are covered in sunny color. colored peppers to accent mixed plantings. these have a wonderful fruity-cit-
Great for mixed-bed or container planting. Thanks to The pumpkin spice colored fruit ripens rus taste and are packed with
Jim Duffy of Refining Fire Chiles for bringing this ex- early and are a favorite in our kitchen. nutrition, and are only moderately
citing new find to our attention! Pkt (15 seeds) $3.50 Pkt (15 seeds) $3.50 spicy. Pkt (15 seeds) $3.50



#HPP150 A big, fat jalapeño that is
perfect for making lots of salsa. Perfect for
anyone who loves jalapeños. It has thick,
flavorful, hot flesh. Developed at Redwood
City Seeds. We love this one! Pkt $3.00 or
300 seeds $9.00
POBLANO #HPP184 75 days.
One of the most popular chilis in Mexico! 3- to
NADAPEÑO- The Heat-less Jalapeño! #HPP151 6-inch heart-shaped fruits are usually of gentle
New! Love the flavor and crunch of jalapeño, but can’t heat, at around 2000 Scovilles. Used green,
take the heat? This truly heat-less jalapeño is perfect for after roasting and peeling, it is the classic
those with sensitivity or aversion to the heat of tradition- pepper for chili rellenos. Dried, the fruit turns
TAM JALAPEÑO #HPP104 al jalapeño peppers. Great for pickling, stuffing, poppers a rich dark red-brown and may be ground into
70 days. A very tasty, mild jalapeño type, with and salsa. This variety is very early and prolific! Pkt $3.50 an authentic red chili powder. Pkt $2.50
the same delicious flavor but a lot less heat.
Great yields. Pkt $2.50 or 1,000 seeds $9.00
A lovely drying pepper that comes from Matrafured,
Hungary. It has been grown there since the 1800s
when it was brought from Leutschau (Slovakia). The
short, erect plants grow fast and are loaded with me-
dium-hot paprikas sporting a sweet aroma and crisp
texture. Its great flavor, uniform shape, and thin walls SERRANO TAMPEQUINO #HPP102
make it terrific for smoking, drying, and grinding to a 75 days. Large plant bears club-shaped fruit; very
delicious spicy powder. Very rare and not often found hot and pungent, distinctive flavor. Pkt $2.50
outside of its native Hungary! Pkt $2.75
More varieties of seed available at 71
(C. chinense) 100 days. Seasoning pepper from
Peru ripens to a clear lemon yellow, sometimes
with a dark purple blush. The flavor is a very
clean, uncomplicated, slightly citrusy heat. 2-foot
plants are covered with the thin-walled, conical
fruit which reaches 2-3 inches in length, with very
few seeds. Pkt $2.75 or 300 seeds $9.00
SUGAR RUSH PEACH #HPP111 Amazing Sugar-Sweet Flavor and Some Fire Too!
A sumptuous snacking pepper, Sugar Rush Peach is by far the most fun pepper to eat. The long,
peach-colored fruit is packed with loads of super sweet, tropical flavor, and the seeds bring a smoky,
complex heat that when used together, creates a wild flavor experience unparalleled in any pep-
per we have tried. This exciting new open-pollinated variety was bred by hot pepper prodigy Chris
Fowler of Wales. Chris credits this amazing variety as being a happy accident courtesy of adventur-
ous pollinating insects buzzing between various varieties of capsicum baccatum, or Aji Peppers. The
PEACH HABANERO #HPP179 result: super early, high yields of these exquisite sweet-hot peppers. Pkt $4.00
90 days. Typical bullet-shaped slightly wrinkled
habanero type fruits, but with a difference. This
variety ripens to a clear bright salmon color.
Amazingly beautiful and richly flavored. Hot,
Hot, HOT!! Pkt $3.00


REZHA MACEDONIAN #HPP197 95 days. (Capsicum chinense) Yellow to orange
80 days. The name means “engraved.” Another fruit often bears the infamous scorpion “tail”. A
PIMIENTO DE PADRON #HPP168 local name, Vezeni Piperki, means “embroidered.” natural variant of the classic Trinidad Scorpion
These small-fruited peppers originated in Galicia, Both names refer to the curious lines on the but with considerably less heat. Fruit is pleasant-
northwest Spain, where the bite-sized green fruit skins of the tapering, long, thin peppers. The ly citrusy, but still plenty hot. More productive
is sautéed in olive oil and served with coarse- fruit, which ranges from mild to sometimes very than other Scorpion types. Pkt (10 seeds) $4.00
ground sea salt in tapas bars across the country. pungent, is to be seen hanging in great clusters,
Most of the peppers are relatively mild, but an drying in Macedonian warm late autumn sun.
occasional unpredictable hot one led a New York The traditional farmers save seed from the hot
Times writer to call eating the dish a game of peppers that also show the most pronounced
“Spanish Roulette!” Also fine for pickled peppers; striations. Our foundation seed was donated by
the heat increases as they ripen to red. An au- school children from the villages of Kalugeritsa
thentic regional variety. Pkt (15 seeds) $3.00 and Zleovo. Pkt $3.00


(C. frutescens) 90 days. This famous
heirloom was introduced into Louisiana
in 1848 and became the main ingredient TRINIDAD SCORPION #HPP178
in Tabasco Pepper Sauce. This pepper is 90 days. Former record holder for heat—nearly
very hot and has a delicious flavor. The the hottest chili on the planet! Wrinkled, lan-
plants grow up to 4’ tall and are covered tern-shaped fruit ripens to a searing red-orange.
with small, thin peppers. Needs a warm Was named as the world’s hottest pepper by
summer or can be grown as a potted the New Mexico Chile Institute, edging out the
plant. Fruit ripens from green to orange, previous record holder, Bhut Jolokia. Trinidad
then red. Pkt $2.75 Scorpion averaged at 1.2 million Scovilles. Who
needs pepper spray? Pkt (10 seeds) $3.00

(Capsicum annuum) 25 seeds per packet. Heirloom peppers are often more flavorful than the modern-types, and most give huge yields.
BANANA #PP183 60 days.
We’re thrilled to offer this classic, sweet wax
pepper that has been grown by generations
of gardeners. Sleek, tapered fruit reaches 6-7”
long, 2” wide and a translucent ivory color
when immature, ripening quickly to stunning
red-orange. Superb pickled or stuffed, in
salads, and more. A treasure! Pkt $2.50

AJVARSKI #PP185 BULL NOSE #PP124 75 days.

Here’s a really outstanding roasting pepper from eastern Mace- The original Bull Nose pepper was popular in early
donia. Two-foot, stocky plants are covered in 6- to 7-inch, broad- America and was grown by Thomas Jefferson. It is
ly wedge-shaped pods that ripen green to deep, rich red. These still grown at Monticello today. This is one of the first CALIFORNIA WONDER
peppers are incredibly fragrant and tasty. When you throw half medium-large “bell”-type peppers, although this #PP106 70 days. The stan-
a dozen on your grill, everybody in your neighborhood will smell strain may be larger than the strain grown by Mr. dard green bell pepper. A
them! These thick-fleshed traditional peppers are roasted on Jefferson and more likely date back to the Bull Nose nice size with very good yield;
flat metal stoves, peeled, then ground into a traditional relish of mid-to-late 1800s. Delicious good-sized fruits are a popular old-time variety.
called ajvar, which is eaten spread on bread, often with sirenje, great in salads or for cooking. Pkt (10 seeds) $2.50 Pkt $2.50
a local cheese similar to feta. Nearly every rural household puts
up a supply of ajvar for winter eating. In autumn, Macedonians
flock to the markets in fertile valleys in the east to buy bushels
of the best aromatic roasting peppers from the local villages.
The original seed was a gift from the students in the villages of
Kalugeritsa and Zleovo. Pkt (15 seeds) $3.00


Blocky, medium to large, green, 3-4 lobed fruit ripens to a rich chocolate-brown. The
green fruit is good but is spectacular when fully ripe--crisp, juicy, and very sweet!
Productive enough to make a good variety for market growers, and so early! Pkt $3.00


80 days. Originated in eastern Cuba. An exciting Caribbean “sea- 80 days. A unique and wonderful
soning pepper!” Looks like a habanero but remove the seeds and sweet pepper. Very long 10-inch
there is no heat, just delicious flavor. Two or three will season a fruit is curved and twisted, very
whole quart of dry beans when cooked. Plants have high yields, slender, like a Turkish sabre. This
best harvested orange to red. For an authentic Cuban recipe, rare heirloom from Turkey has a
sauté with onion, garlic, annatto, and add with fresh chopped very rich flavor, perfect for pickling
cilantro to a pot of beans. Pkt (15 seeds) $3.00 or frying. One of the most produc-
tive of all peppers, out-yielding all
“If you want to be perfect, go, sell your others in tests by the University of
possessions and give to the poor, and you will have CA. Pkt $3.00 or 500 seeds $10.00
treasure in heaven.” -Jesus Christ

More varieties of seed available at 73

MAMMOTH #PP138 This variety was introduced before
1860. In the 1880s, this pepper was shipped to the large markets
CUBANELLE #PP115 in Paris from warmer areas like Algeria and Valencia. In the 19th
Also known as “Cuban pepper”, the Cubanelle is a variety of sweet pepper commonly century the 6-7” long fruit was among the largest offered, and
used in Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Dominican cuisine. Many cooks prefer it to bell popular with cooks. It produces long, cone-shaped peppers that
types. Sweet Cubanelle peppers can some times be slightly hot, but with only a touch are perfect for frying and salads. They are sweet and flavorful,
of heat. This 6-8” pepper is prized for its sweet, mild flesh, rich flavor, and pretty but hardly ever offered in America. A good-producing pepper
colors. The thin-walled pepper is especially suited for quick cooking and has a low that is reported to be disease resistant. Pkt $2.75
water content. Best picked when yellow-green for use in roasting, stuffing, as a pizza
topping, for frying, a substitute for Anaheim peppers, or in a yellow mole sauce, and
is one of the traditional ingredients in sofrito. They can also be left to mature and
harvested when bright orange-red. In the garden, in addition to their famed taste
and colors, the Cubanelle peppers are also known for their unique, imperfectly curled,
wrinkled, and twisted shapes--no two seem to ever be alike. 65 days. Pkt $3.00


78 days. Colorful golden bells that are very sweet and tasty. Gold
peppers are superb for fresh eating, great for kitchen or market
gardens. The productive plants produce early & are good for the
North. Pkt $2.50


The world’s first truly heat-less habanero! Bred by well-known organic plant breeder
Michael Mazourek. Habanada is the product of natural breeding techniques. This
exceptional snacking pepper has all of the fruity and floral notes of the habanero
without any spice (even the seeds are sweet and add to the flavor). These 2-3 inch ITALIAN PEPPERONCINI #PP111
tangerine fruits stole the show at the 2014 Culinary Breeding Network Variety Show- A popular, thin, little pickling pepper, this heirloom comes from
case, where the fruit was made into a stunning sherbet. This exotic new pepper is southern Italy. The 3”-5” fruit has a superb flavor and just a little
sure to be the darling of the culinary scene, making it an excellent choice for market heat. Small plants. Pkt $2.75
farmers, chefs and foodies. Pkt (10 seeds) $3.00

Red peppers contain lycopene, have twice the Vitamin C and nine times more carotene than green peppers.


75 days. Fruit is a stunning medium lilac-purple. MINI BELL PEPPER MIX #PP204 NEW!
A customer favorite! This fine Italian pepper
Crisp, juicy, and sweet! What a lovely addition This colorful mix of dainty bell peppers is an
was grown each year by Giuseppe and Angella
to a relish tray! Medium-sized fruit starts out old Ohio family heirloom. This trio of mini red,
Nardiello at their garden in the village of Ruoti,
yellow-green, ripens to purple, then finally to yellow and chocolate bell peppers was intro-
in Southern Italy. In 1887 they set sail with their
red. Pkt $3.00 duced to the Seed Savers Exchange by member
one-year-old daughter Anna for a new life in the
U.S. When they reached these shores, they set- Lucina Cress. Lucina received the seeds from an
tled and gardened in Naugatuck, Connecticut, elderly neighbor woman and began to grow
and grew this same pepper that was named for them out. The 2-inch mini bell peppers became
their fourth son, Jimmy. This long, thin-skinned locally famous, as Lucina would sell hundreds
frying pepper dries easily and has such a rich fla- of jars of cabbage-stuffed pickled peppers at
vor that this variety has been placed in “The Ark her local church bazaar each year. We love these
of Taste” by the Slow Food organization. Ripens little peppers for snacking, stuffing or pickling.
to a deep red, is very prolific, and does well in Plants produce an abundance of tiny colorful
most areas. Pkt $2.75 or 500 seeds $7.50 orbs, easy to grow and so rewarding. Pkt $3.00
or 300 seeds $9.00


NEW! An old Japanese pepper from the Nara
Prefecture. Tapered black pods are highly
ornamental and look deceptively like a fiery
hot pepper. In fact, the beautiful fruit is totally
heat-less. A new favorite at Baker Creek for its
dramatic, dark purple fruit and flowers; even the
KING OF THE NORTH #PP131 foliage has a purplish haze. Very productive.
68 days. Early, good-sized peppers of a heavy Pkt (15 seeds) $3.00
yielding habit. The variety thrives in the cooler
summer weather so prevalent in New England
and yields crisp bells, green ripening to red,
right up until frost. Pkt $2.75 or 500 seeds $7.50

Super-early Polish variety yields very large, very
thick-walled fruit, crisp, sweet and mild. The col-
ORANGE BELL #PP137 or is sublime; it starts very pale cream, ripening
LIPSTICK #PP151 Super sweet, brilliant orange fruit is blocky and in due course to bright red. The smooth, sleek
70 days. A delicious pepper with 4” long tapered, good-sized with thick flesh that is flavorful and fruit is bullet-shaped, to almost a perfect wedge,
pimiento type fruit that is super sweet. This fine among the best tasting of all peppers. Plants very wide at the shoulder. Compact plants are
pepper is early and ripens well in the North. A produce large yields of this most magnificent an especially good container subject. Pkt $2.75
flavorful favorite with thick, red flesh. Pkt $2.75 pepper. Pkt $3.00

More varieties of seed available at 75

90 days. A gorgeous, colorful pepper from
Poland. This oblong bell pepper turns an
incredible tangerine color when fully ripe. A
favorite bell pepper, flesh is thick and super
sweet and juicy. Tall plants are productive and
adaptable. We love peppers from Poland for
their productivity and high-quality fruit that
still has a home garden style flavor. Amazing
citrus taste! Pkt $3.00 or 250 seeds $9.00


60 days. Oh, so cute! Tiny, red bell peppers are only
about 1-1/2” tall and wide; they have thick red flesh that
is very sweet. 2’ tall plants produce loads of these little
winners, and early, too. Great for stuffing. Pkt $2.75

YELLOW MONSTER #PP156 90 days. Gi-

OZARK GIANT #PP154 gantic, behemoth elongated yellow bell peppers
can grow 8 inches long by 4 inches wide! These
What a pepper! This variety produces huge,
impressive peppers are really sweet, meaty and
long bell peppers that have delicious, thick wonderful; so pretty after they turn from green
flesh. They start out green and turn bright to bright sunshine-yellow. These are great fresh,
red. Very productive plants and great flavor fried or roasted, so you will be happy the plants
will make this old Ozarks variety a favorite. produce plenty of these colossal beauties.
Pkt $3.00 Pkt (10 seeds) $3.00 ODA #PP190
70 days. Very strong, compact plants crank out ta-
pered, pointed bells from early summer on. The fruit
has the loveliest shade of plum purple, ripening to a
lustrous red-brown. Crisp, juicy, thick-walled fruit is
very sweet. The short stature makes it a great choice
for cloche or low-tunnel production. Pkt $2.75


Pointed, wedge-shaped fruits are purple streaked with A favorite old Japanese variety which produces 3”
pale yellow. We originally received a few seeds of this va- long, slightly wrinkled fruit that is perfect for making
riety from a Russian seed trader. Ripens red. Very lovely tempura and other traditional recipes. Fruit is emer-
and delicious, sweet, crisp and thick-walled. One of the ald green in color, ripening to red, and mildly flavored
finest and prettiest peppers we have tried! Pkt $3.00 with just a bit of spice. It really is superb and is the
standard with many chefs. Pkt $3.00

(Rhaphanus sativus) Cabbage relatives that come 美
The “Beauty Heart” Radish of ANcient China

originally from Asia. Radishes are at their best

in cooler weather, but will take more heat than
most cabbage relatives. Salad-types are quick
to mature, often in 28-35 days, and should be

succession planted every 2-3 weeks from early
spring well into fall to keep a continual harvest.
Winter or storage types take longer (60-75 days)

and should be planted in mid to late summer for
harvest in the fall. 200-500 seeds per Pkt. 卜

One of the oldest types of radish. A very hardy
Mei xin: 美心萝卜 The colorful “Beauty Heart” radish of historic China has 4” round roots with
fall/winter variety. Roots are about 5” long and a
white-and-green skin, but the magic is in their rose-red center, which is sweet, crisp, and delicious. A
rose color. Pkt $2.50
good radish to add color to salads and stir fries; must be grown in cool weather and does best when
fall planted. These taste incredible when harvested in the late fall or early winter, sweet and flavorful,
almost like a crisp fruit. Sometimes called “Watermelon Radish” at market. Among the most important
vegetables in our kitchens each winter. It is a root that most kids love and packs an extra load of antiox-
idants in its sweet, red flesh. Pkt $3.00


22 days. The classic round red radish. Crisp white
flesh is mild and tasty. Has better warm weather
tolerance than many. Pkt $2.25 or 1,500 seeds

DE 18 JOURS #RD138
18 days. Old French variety gives unbelievably
rapid yields! The name translates as “of eighteen
days,” and this radish will yield roots in 18 days,
under ideal conditions! Round to cylindrical
roots are red with white tips; flesh is crisp and SICHUAN RED BEAUTY RADISH #RD161 NEW!
juicy. A French breakfast type, often grown un- Sichuan fully red radish. This traditional red radish from the Sichuan region of China is an unbe-
der glass for off-season production. Pkt $2.50 lievable find! Locally called Chinese rouge radish for its resemblance to a blushed cheek, it is fully
red from skin to heart, making for beautiful red pickles. We found this exciting local variety from
southwestern China on a recent seed research trip. While the Sichuan Red Radish is most famously
pickled in its native region, it is also excellent eaten fresh in salads. The Sichuan region of China is
famous for its cuisine, and lacto fermented pickles are a cornerstone of its culinary profile. Pickles are
traditionally served as a free appetizer; restaurants are typically judged by the quality of their pickles.
Sichuan households and restaurants take great pride in their collection of fermentation crocks and
in their signature ferments. Aside from pickling, this variety makes an exemplary fresh veggie snack.
This variety is also high in antioxidants, making it a nutrient-dense veggie perfect for the cool season
when the winter vegetable selection dwindles. Market gardeners will love this early-maturing fall
FRENCH BREAKFAST #RD108 radish. Long, slender roots have a fantastic flavor. Winter radishes have become a staple for market
A pre-1885 French heirloom; mild, spicy flavor gardeners, easy to grow and cool-weather loving. For sweet flavor and root development, be sure to
with a red top and a white bottom. An attractive plant in the late summer to early fall. Expect a bit of variation in this variety; some roots will produce
gourmet variety. Pkt $2.00 or 1,500 seeds $6.00 white centers. Pkt (200 seeds) $3.00

More varieties of seed available at 77

About Chinese chinese SHAWO FRUIT RADISH
Lovely, lime-green roots are delicious fresh, LIKE FRUIT or pickled
Fruit Radishes
Beijing is located in the far north
of China. With harsh, long winters
the region experiences a scarcity
of fresh fruit in the cold months.
Beijing culture has adopted an
unlikely and delicious winter fruit
substitute-- radish! These are not
the spicy little radishes in your sal-
ads. Two very special, sweet winter
radish varieties are grown to satisfy Large, 2”, round, summer radishes are bright
the sugar craving in Beijing. Chinese red in color, with great taste and good quali-
Red Meat radish aka Beauty Heart ty. We offer pure Italian seed for this heirloom
radish and Shawo Green radish from Sicily. Pkt $2.50
can be found sliced ¼ inch thick
and served at the famous fine tea
parties thrown to celebrate Beijing
Opera. The juicy and crisp roots are
often compared to pear; indeed, the
texture and flavor are similar. These
radishes taste best when harvested
in winter, after the frost has turned
the roots’ starches into sugar. Throw JAPANESE MINOWASE DAIKON
your very own traditional Beijing #RD112 Popular old Japanese favorite,
tea party with these gourmet Chi- the giant white roots grow to 24” long and
nese radishes. 3” wide. Sweet and very crisp, this radish is a
delight pickled, stir-fried, steamed, or raw.
CHINESE SHAWO FRUIT RADISH #RD160 NEW! Pkt $2.50 or 1,500 seeds $7.00
Unique bright green radish from North China with sweet flavor. Known in Beijing as a fruit radish, the sweet
roots are crisp and sweet, considered a tasty fruit substitute similar in texture and taste to pear. Northern
Chinese winters are notoriously harsh; these long cylindrical radishes sweeten up when exposed to frost and
make a nutritious mid-winter snack. This variety is traditionally offered as a sliced fresh “fruit” at Beijing tea
parties in wintertime. These opulent tea parties are thrown to celebrate the famous Peking Opera. We also love
this super sweet root as a winter time snack. Grows well only in cool weather and is great for a fall planting only.
Plant about 50-60 days before frost in the late summer. Beautiful green goodness! Pkt (200 seeds) $3.00

Grow a rainbow of spicy color!

35 days. Round roots are a very unusual
color--deep plum purple/violet, so pretty
in contrast with the snow-white flesh! Mild
roots stay firm and crisp over a long season.
We are very excited to offer this choice Polish
variety. Pkt $2.50

30 days. The name means “gold’ in Czech, and
the silky, russeted yellow roots look like orbs
of pale gold. This variety is fairly spicy--Euro-
EASTER BASKET MIX #RD159 NEW! A magnificent mixture of some of the most colorful spring peans love it! It resists splitting and bolting;
radishes on the planet. These easy-to-grow roots add lots of color and flavor to early spring salads. A excellent bunching type, and the young
rainbow of color that consists of about 15 different heirloom varieties. Jumbo Pkt (750 seeds) $5.50 leaves are especially nice for greens. Pkt $2.75

29 days. A beautiful, round, pink radish
that has become hard to find. It is sweet
and tasty. Popular at specialty markets;
a must for all radish growers! Wonderful
and unique. Pkt $2.50
or 1,500 seeds $6.00


28 days. Here is one lovely radish, with its bright purple skin that
makes this one of the most colorful varieties for marketing. 1½”
globes have sweet, crisp, white flesh which does not get pithy.
Pkt $2.50 or 1,500 seeds $6.00


Amazing bean-like pods! A delicacy in India, this
radish does not produce an edible root, but a
delicious, bean-like seed pod. The rat’s tail radish
caused a sensation when introduced to the 1866
International Horticultural Expedition in London;
wild claims of pods that can grow 3 inches a day
and up to four feet in length astounded visitors,
when discovered that the pods grow to just a few
inches long, the rat’s tail radish’s 15 minutes of
fame was mostly over. We are proud to introduce
a truly unique rat’s tail variety from India that may
be able to live up to the wild legend. These pods
grew to over 14 inches in length at our Missouri
trial gardens this year! Perfect for beginner or
market gardeners; very heat tolerant and an SAXA 2 #RD130
extremely generous producer. Pkt $3.00 Popular European radish that matures in just 18 days; wow, they
are quick! The earliest radish we have grown. Bright red, smooth,
round, perfect globes are crisp and delicious. Pretty and produc-
tive. Ready when tops are just 4” tall! Pkt $2.50


#RD155 No other vegetable stirred my (Noir Gros Rond D’hiver) Large 5” winter
childhood imaginations like the “Giant type, probably grown since the 16th
Radish” of Japan. It was grown on the century or before. Deep, near-black skin
Island of Sakurajima since around 1800, and snowy-white flesh; will keep all winter
and is still famous in South Japan for in good conditions. Fine, fairly hot flavor;
its fine flavor and mammoth size. Some good raw or cooked. Pkt $2.25
specimens have reached 100 lbs! But
it commonly grows to 15 pounds in its
native land. It is started around the first of It is the working man who is the WHITE HAILSTONE #RD106
September and harvested in mid-winter. happy man. It is the idle man who An early, old-time, white spring radish, this one is superb! Simply
Fine texture and size make this the “King is the miserable man. the best tasting radish we have tried, and many of our custom-
of Daikons” . Pkt (100 seeds) $4.00 -Benjamin Franklin ers agree. Very mild and crisp. Pkt $2.25

More varieties of seed available at 79

(Rheum rhabarbum) Central Asian native that
has been grown in Europe for centuries, for (Brassica napus) 90-120 days. Cabbage relative
medicinal and food use. It is at its best in cooler grown for its roots, which are similar to turnips
summers with cold winters but can be grown but larger, sweeter and milder. Requires a longer
in warmer climates with some afternoon shade. season but can tolerate cool temperatures as it
Seeds are started indoors or outside in a nursery matures. 400 seeds per packet.
bed, and transplanted to their final location.
Mature rhubarb plants are quite large, so space
them at least 2 feet apart. Requires rich soil and
ample moisture. Harvest the succulent stalks
starting the second year. 25 seeds per packet.
ROSELLE 15 seeds per Pkt.
(Hibiscus sabdariffa) A super plant for making
cranberry-flavored bright red beverages, jelly,
pie, and tea. Much is grown in Asia, tropical
America and the Mideast, as the flavor is
wonderful. A tasty sauce can be made by
boiling and sweetening the fleshy calyxes. The
NAVONE YELLOW CABBAGE TURNIP #RT111 leaves are also used to make a drink. The plant is
Also known as rutabaga or Swedish turnip, this root crop
is a delicious winter treat. This very large variety has red and very beautiful. Start very early indoors,
deep golden-yellow colored roots that are sweet and rich unless you live in the far South. Citrus-flavored
tasting. They are excellent when roasted, sautéed, baked, flowers are delicious on frozen desserts. This
fried, boiled, mashed, and added to soups, casseroles, plant has too many uses to name here. Pkt $3.00
and stews. When raw they have a peppery taste and are

typically grated into salads or coleslaw. In northern areas,
they can be sown in the late winter for an early summer
harvest. In warmer parts of the South, sow in August
or September so that they can use the cooler autumn
months for their growing season. Pkt $2.75 (Tragopogon porrifolius) A European favorite
known in Roman times and cultivated since at
least the 13th century.

Perennial. This variety was offered in 1856.
Thick stalks are popular for making delicious
pies, cobblers and preserves. This variety can
be harvested starting as soon as the second CHAMPION PURPLE TOP #RT109
season. Rhubarb is very popular in Canada and (AKA Best of All) 80 days. Large, smooth roots are pale
the northern U.S. Do not eat the leaves as they ivory with purple tops. The yellow flesh is fine-textured,
contain poisonous oxalic acid. Pkt $3.00 mild, sweet and very tasty. Widely available in Europe, SALSIFY MAMMOTH SANDWICH ISLAND
where its excellence is recognized, but rare in this country, #SF101 Heirloom, native of Europe. Tasty in soups
and deserving of greater appreciation here. Pkt $2.75 and stews, or cooked alone. Plant in spring, dig in fall;
a non-sweet parsnip-like root. This variety dates back
to the 1800s. Young plants look like grass.
Pkt (125 seeds) $2.50
Very tasty,
mild, and
sweet; great
cooked or
raw. Bright
yellow flesh;
This English heirloom has for generations enjoyed top quality.
a well-deserved place in American gardens. The A pre-1920
thick stalks are bitter-free, deep red at the base heirloom, SCORZONERA DUPLEX RUSSIAN GIANT
and shading to green toward the leaf. Started a great fall #SF103 A popular European variety that has
indoors very early, a light harvest is possible the vegetable. flavorful black roots that are extra long. Much like
first year with heavy yields each year thereafter. Pkt $2.50 salsify, but Scorzonera has dark roots. This old-
Hardy throughout the continental US but prefers fashioned vegetable is great harvested in the fall
areas with cooler summer weather. Pkt $3.00 after frost. A favorite variety with chefs. These have a
delicious sweet taste. Pkt (125 seeds) $2.75

(Spinacia oleracea) True spinach is very cold tolerant, one of the first crops planted at winter’s end as well as one
of the last in early fall. In zone 6 and above, it’s possible to harvest at least a few leaves occasionally all winter
long, and farther north, it may be possible with row cover or high tunnels. We list some warm weather spinach
substitutes here as well, and these are quite the opposite: they yield abundant greens in summer’s heat, when
growing true spinach would be out of the question. Spinach, whether true or warm-season substitutes, requires
lots of nitrogen and water. 250 seeds per packet


50 days. Big leaves to 10” long, smooth and deep
green in color. Very fast growing plants are popular
for fall planting. A gourmet French heirloom that
was developed prior to 1866. Pkt $2.25


70 days. This beautiful plant is not a true spinach
but a different species (Basella rubra). This
BLOOMSDALE LONG STANDING #SP101 heat-loving Asian vine has lovely red stems and
50 days. The old standard since 1925, does better delicious, succulent leaves that are great in salads
in hot weather than most. Glossy, deep green, and stir-fries. A delicious green that can be grown
delicious leaves. So popular with fine chefs. Pkt as an annual in many areas or as a perennial in
$2.75 or 1,000 seeds $6.00 sub-tropical areas. Pkt (35 seeds) $3.00


(Tetragonia tetragonioides) 60 days. Not the
same species as common spinach, this variety
MERLO NERO #SP105 takes the heat and keeps producing all summer.
A fine-flavored Italian spinach that has dark- Tasty. Was listed by Fearing Burr in 1863 in his
green, savoyed leaves. This productive variety is book Field and Garden Vegetables of America. Not
GIANT NOBLE #SP103 fairly early. Rare in the USA. Pkt $2.75 frost hardy. Pkt (50 seeds) $3.00
This is the giant of the spinach clan. Plants spread
to 25”! Tender leaves are great for canning,
steaming, or salads; for those who want quantity
and quality. Introduced in 1926. Pkt $2.50

35 days. Galilee is a heat tolerant spinach, but
still needs to be grown in the cool season. A
true spinach hailing from Israel, plants resist STRAWBERRY SPINACH #GR107 (Chenopodium capitatum)
An old-fashioned plant that dates back to 1600 in Europe. This curious
bolting and retain a sweet mild flavor. Leaves
plant produces greens that are picked and cooked like spinach, but it also
are triangular with pointed tips and a dark produces attractive, mildly-sweet red berries. These add a nice touch to
green color that indicates high nutrient levels. fruit salads. Easy-to-grow plants are similar to “Lamb’s Quarters”, a wild
Fabulous flavor eaten raw or cooked, harvested relative. Found in a monastery garden. Pkt (50 seeds) $3.00
for both baby spinach or large leaves. Pkt $3.50

More varieties of seed available at 81

Many of these are also used for winter too!
YELLOW SCALLOP or Golden Custard
The species is C. pepo on all squash listed here,
unless otherwise noted. Minimum 20 seeds per
#SSQ108 Beautiful, bright yellow fruit with
a rich, mellow flavor. Likely predates Columbi-
packet. Summer squash are grown for immature
an times; a rare Native American squash. Bush
fruits which can be harvested all summer long.
plants with good yields. Pkt $2.75
or 200 seeds $5.50


#SSQ116 50 days. An old favorite heirloom,
this is one of the oldest types of squash dating
back to pre-Columbus times, and it has been
popular ever since. Easy to grow and good tast-
ing. Pkt $2.50 or 250 seeds $6.00


#SSQ109 50 days. Colorful, light green,
scallop-shaped fruit; tender and good quality;
excellent yields, easy to grow. We have grown
this variety for many years, in fact it was the
first squash Jere ever grew at age 3! Scalloped
“patty pan” varieties have a long history of being EARLY PROLIFIC STRAIGHTNECK
grown on the East Coast of America by Native #SSQ115 50 days. AAS Winner from 1938, uni-
Americans and in Europe tracing back to the form lemon-yellow, club-shaped fruit; firm flesh is
16th century. Benning’s Green Tint Scallop was of excellent quality, tasty. Pkt $2.50 or PATISSON GOLDEN MARBRE SCALLOP
developed by Charles N. Farr, who selected for 250 seeds $6.00 #SSQ104 A unique French scallop squash.
its uniform scallop shaped fruit and a “greenish Fruit is a beautiful bright golden-orange color.
cream” color at the early stages of fruiting. The Young fruit is very tender and well flavored!
variety was introduced in 1914. Pkt $2.75 Also makes good winter squash. Tall bush plants
are very attractive and yields are good. A favor-
ite of mine. Pkt $3.00


The shape, size and color of a lemon, it grows
great here, has huge yields and the best re-
sistance to insects we have seen in a summer
CASERTA #SSQ138 squash. Very tasty, great fried! A favorite, this is a
60 days. All America Selections winner in 1949. superb market variety and is very attractive. Our
Here’s an early bush cocozelle type, popular in most popular summer squash. Pkt $3.00 or
Italy where they favor a rich, full-flavored zuc- 300 seeds $10.00
chini. Fruits slightly club-shaped with mottled
striping in olive-green and darker green. Can
reach a fairly large size and still be quite tender
and delicious as a summer squash. Pkt $2.50


50 days. This is a delicious French heirloom
variety. The flesh of this round, green zucchini
COSTATA ROMANESCO #SSQ122 is very tender and fine-flavored, making it an
COCOZELLA DI NAPOLI #SSQ121 The famous Italian/Roman ribbed zucchini. The ideal squash for stuffing. A popular variety for
55 days. Long, slender fruit, ribbed, pale green- distinctive, long fruit is ribbed; medium green- home gardens and specialty growers. Vigorous,
ish-yellow, striped with dark green; very firm striped skin; rich and very flavorful. The cut quick-growing plants. Pkt $2.50
and flavorful flesh. A unique Italian heirloom; slices are lightly scalloped. It is also popular to
tasty. Pkt $2.50 fry this squash whole, when it is small with the
“Take only memories, leave nothing but
flower still attached. Pkt $3.00
footprints.” - Chief Seattle
Our favorite!

YUXI JIANG BING GUA #SQ308 (C. moschata) 60-100 days. One of the easiest and best squash
you can grow, it actually thrives in our Missouri climate. This incredibly versatile selection of squash
is from southwest China and has incredible flavor. A very similar variety of squash can still be found
in Central American markets from Mexico to Belize, where its ancestor originated. Unlike its Mexican
counterpart, the Yuxi Jiang Bing Gua squash from China is NOT day length sensitive, making it much
easier to grow in the U.S. Baker Creek’s founder Jere Gettle first saw this similar type of squash in mar-
kets in Mexico, where the green flattened fruit is typically eaten as a tender summer squash. He was #SSQ136 Staff Favorite! Clear, lemon-yellow
surprised to see the same type at markets in Fang, Thailand, and in China. Later research explained fruits ripen to a nice orange, and are a patty-pan
that in China, this variety is called Jiang Bing Gua, and is most popular in the city of Yuxi, where the type, but with a bizarre twist. Fruits are oddly
fruit is harvested when young and tender and used as a summer squash. In northern China, the fruit flattened—impossible to describe. Productive
is left to mature into a delicious and sweet winter squash. We love this squash at both stages; the bush plants yield over a long season if kept picked.
young fruit is tender with a nutty flavor and buttery texture, while the mature fruit is delectable, Recommended for cooler climates like the Pacific
creamy, with sweet, deep orange flesh. Squash has been a major staple of the Maya since ancient Northwest. This unique variety originated in Gater-
times, when all parts of the plant were used, from the nutritious seeds to the fruit and even the sleben, Germany. Young fruit has incredible flavor!
young vines. The unusual ribbed fruit makes a beautiful display in autumn. Each 3- to 8-pound fruit Much better than most zucchini! Pkt $3.00
is incredibly deeply ribbed; most unusual of all is the way the top of each fruit dramatically recurves
toward the stem, sometimes completely enfolding it! Pkt (15 seeds) $4.00


50 days. The classic dark-green summer squash
Common in northeastern Italy, and nearly the only
that has made modern zucchini of this type
variety seen in the Venetian shops and markets.
popular. Introduced in the US markets in the
The name means “wrinkled of Friuli,” but the light
1920s, and seed companies started listing it in
yellow fruits are beyond wrinkled, being fantasti-
the 1930s. Delicious fried or baked; best picked
cally warted even when very young. Rich and full
young. Pkt $2.50 or 100 seeds $5.00
flavored, as Italian varieties usually are. Pkt $3.00


TATUME #SSQ127 50 days. A very ancient Native American heirloom
A must in Mexican cuisine, and also popular squash, grown by the Northern Indians for hun-
in certain parts of Texas. This old heirloom is dreds of years. This type was depicted by Europe- ZUCCHINI, FORDHOOK #SSQ139
picked small and used like zucchini, but these ans back to 1591, and is one of the best-tasting 57 days. Classic, cylindrical, dark-green straight
are so much better than standard supermarket and highest-yielding varieties still around today! to slightly curved zucchinis. Tender, creamy-
zucchini! Round to slightly elongated, flavorful Great fried or baked. Flat fruit with scalloped white flesh freezes well. Vigorous and produc-
fruit is green in color; vigorous vining plants are edges --beautiful! Pkt $2.50 or 150 seeds $5.50 tive bush plants. Pkt $2.75
fairly resistant to disease. Pkt $2.75
More varieties of seed available at 83


49 days. Great-tasting, high-quality, gray zuc- PATISSON STRIE MELANGE #SSQ134
chini squash. Yields are very good; flesh is firm, We are so excited to finally list this incredible mix of
mild, and very tasty. We have been getting favor- French scallops. This mix contains fruit in many colors, ZUCCHINI, GREEN BUSH #SSQ141
able reports from customers about this squash. with many being striped and warted! One of the most (C. pepo) A classic deep-green fruited
A real favorite. Pkt $2.50 or 150 seeds $5.50 ornamental varieties we have seen. Fruit is good picked zucchini that yields abundantly and
young and cooked, or used when hard for decorations. tastes delicious. Bush plants are great
Add lots of style to your summer and fall displays. for smaller gardens. Pkt $2.50
Pkt $3.00


40 days. The Desi summer squash was one of the most incredible discoveries of 2015! We grew
these out at the Baker Creek Trial Garden and were extremely impressed by how quickly the small
bush-type plants started to flower and produce loads of yummy squash. In taste tests in the Baker
Creek restaurant, guests overwhelmingly appreciated the nutty rich flavor of this summer squash
that is a hit in India. It produces loads of round-baseball-size fruits that are great to use as you
would any zucchini! A really amazing vegetable and so easy to grow. One of Joseph Simcox’s favor-
ite finds in summer squash in years! Pkt $3.00 or 300 seeds $9.00


(C. moschata) 70 days. The famous Italian heir-
loom vining zucchini; long slender 15-inch fruit
have a flat bulb at the bottom. They are one of
the best eating summer squash: very tender,
mild and sweet tasting. The flavor is superb!
This squash is also great as winter squash. The
Italians use it for stuffing in gnocchi and ravioli;
the flesh is rich and flavorful, great for baking
and pies! The vines produce good yields of this
great all-purpose squash. The mature fruit grow
very long. This one is in very high demand at ZUCCHINI, GOLDEN #SSQ118
specialty markets. Pkt $3.00 Slender fruit is bright golden-yellow. They are as delicious
as they are attractive; bush plants. Pkt $2.50 or 100 seeds


58 days. This early and hardy zucchini comes
from Poland; nice medium-green color. Great for
cool, short-season areas and anyone who wants
early squash. Tasty fried. Great yields. Pkt $2.75

20-35 seeds per packet. Harvest in autumn when skins are too tough to be easily punctured with a thumbnail. Plant in spring or early summer; harvest in
fall before a hard frost. Many types will store in cool, dry conditions for up to 1 year. Grow these for a wonderful year round healthy, food supply.


(Premium Giant Seed) New!
(C. maxima) Break records
and impress your garden pals
with this mammoth squash
developed by the king of giant
pumpkins himself, Howard Dill.
Massive green/grey fruit rivals
“Dill’s Atlantic Giant” in size and
weight. Show King is a record-
breaking variety in giant squash
competitions, and is excellent for
novelty, as the behemoth fruit
has a fantastic ghostly green
color! Pkt (5 seeds) $7.50


#SQ175 New, Giant Select Seeds!
(C. maxima) 110-125 days. We offer select seeds
from pumpkins that weighed 500-1000 pounds
BIG MAX #SQ123 each! Lovely, giant, pale pink to deep orange
(C. maxima) 110 days. Huge pumpkins can grow BOSTON MARROW #SQ221
pumpkins can weigh over 1000 lbs, and do so
well over 100 lbs! Nearly round, bright orange (C. maxima) Lovely 15 lb fruit is Hubbard-
every year, with some select fruit reaching over
fruit is stunning and good for pies and canning. 2000 lbs! This variety was introduced by the late shaped and a brilliant red-orange in color. This
Very thick, orange flesh. Good for county fairs and Howard Dill of Nova Scotia in 1978, and has since variety was first documented back to 1831 by
displays. Pkt $3.00 broken all records. Pkt (5 seeds) $7.50 Fearing Burr, the author of Field & Garden Vege-
tables of America. This variety was first men-
TAHITIAN MELON SQUASH #SQ282 tioned being grown by Mr. J.M. Ives of Salem,
(C. moschata) 110 days. This near-legendary butternut-type MA. Mr. Ives had received seeds from a friend in
was one of the first rediscovered heirlooms that fueled the Northampton, MA, who had obtained his seeds
early heirloom movement. Fruit is large, to 40 lbs or more, from a friend in Buffalo, NY. This variety came to
though 12-20 pounds is more common. The orange flesh be grown in the Buffalo area after a tribe of Na-
is richly fragrant, very sweet and delicious--so sweet the tive Americans traveled through the area and
juice caramelizes when baked--one of the sweetest squash
distributed seed. From this historic introduc-
anywhere! Fine for use in pies, soups or desserts, and keeps
tion, Boston Marrow soon became one of the
for up to nine months. Has been known to produce as much
most important commercial squashes for 150
as 100 pounds of squash per plant. The plants are rugged
and huge. They grow over a wide range of conditions, even years. As the 21st century approached, nearly
in the scorching-hot summers of the Southwest. Introduced every seed company had dropped this unique
by Thompson and Morgan in 1977 from seed grown by our treasure. In 1881 D.M. Ferry’s catalog said,
friend Steve Spangler of Exotica Rare Fruit Nursery in Vista, “Very dry, fine-grained, and for sweetness and
California. Steve was among the earliest people to grow excellence, unsurpassed; a very popular variety
Tahitian Melon squash in this country from seed originally in the Boston market”. It has rich, orange flesh
brought from the exotic Islands of Tahiti by a sailor in the that won it a place in Slow Foods’ “Ark of Taste”
1960s. I remember these from the 1980s Gurney’s catalogs. for having superior flavor and taste! Pkt $3.00
It helped inspire my dream of exotic seeds and places, a love
of cultures and their foods. Pkt (10 seeds) $4.00
More varieties of seed available at 85


(C. moschata) A delicious and beautiful butter-
nut squash, highly prolific with an orange rind.
Used in savory soups, sweet desserts, side dishes

or cut into medallions and fried. Loaded with
beta-carotene. 110 days. Pkt $4.00


(C. pepo) 100 days. The heirloom pumpkin of (Japanese Noodle Squash) #SQ141 New!
the New England settlers and Native Americans, (C. pepo) 85 days. We are excited to offer the true
several hundred years old. Golden fruit weigh Japanese strain of this incredible squash intro-
about 20 lbs each. This is a truly old variety; can duced by Sakata Seed Company of Yokohama,
be used for pies; the traditional American pump- Japan. It produces wheat-free, low-carb noodles
kin. Pkt $2.50 or 100 seeds $5.00 in abundance on productive vines. According to
some sources, Sakata Seed Co. in Japan developed
BUTTERNUT–WALTHAM #SQ112 an improved strain of a Chinese spaghetti type
(C. moschata) 100 days. An old favorite. Good squash. It is said that Burpee picked up this seed
yields with excellent-tasting, rich, orange-col- and began selling it as Vegetable Spaghetti in
ored flesh. Great baked! Pkt $2.50 or 200 seeds 1936. In Japan, spaghetti squash is most common-
$6.00 ly called ‘Somen Kabocha’ or ‘Kinshi Uri.’ Somen
means skinny noodles and Kinshi means golden
thread, and it is very popular to eat the ‘noodles’
cold during the hot summer. Pkt $3.00

(C. pepo) 100 days. High sugar content. Fruit is
1-3 lbs each, and skin color is rust-white with
green stripes. Delicate sweet flavor. This old heir-
loom was introduced in 1894 by Peter Hender-
son and Co. Pkt $2.50
#SQ153 (C. moschata) 100 days. An Italian
Butternut-type squash, these have a violin shape
and wrinkled tan skin. The flesh is deep orange FLAT WHITE BOER #SQ207
and sweet, perfect for desserts, roasting, stuffing (C. maxima) Attractive, very flat, pure white pump-
and baking. WONDERFUL! Pkt $3.00 kins that are unique and tasty. Very sweet orange
flesh is perfect for pies and baking. A wonderful
decorating and eating variety that was historically
popular in South Africa and was named for the
Dutch Boers who were once the colonial power. We
are glad to finally have seeds for this rare treasure.
Fruit can grow to 30 lbs. Pkt $3.00
#SQ240 (C. maxima) Here is a smaller strain of (C. maxima) 95-100 days. Possibly our most (C. pepo) 80 days. Dark
beautiful heirloom squash. This flattened, round, green Acorn-type fruit.
Candy Roaster from northern Georgia. This type
10-15 lb fruit has gorgeous, salmon/peach-col- Iowa Seed Co. introduced
of squash is famous among the people of the ored skin covered with large warts! The deep
Southeast. Pink, banana-shaped fruit has a blue this variety in 1913 and is
orange flesh is flavorful, smooth and sweet, mak-
tip and weigh around 10 lbs. Delicious, smooth ing it good for baking. It’s also popular among possibly of Native Ameri-
orange flesh is perfect baked, fried and makes the French for making soup. This is one of the can origin. The small fruit
great pies; hard to find and quite beautiful. tastiest squash I have tried, and we are delighted has sweet, orange flesh.
Pkt $3.50 to offer this French heirloom. Pkt $3.50 Pkt $2.75
(C. maxima) Here is a unique and colorful native
(C. mixta) 95 days. Big, white fruit with small,
Hopi Indian variety. The 10 lb round fruit has a
green stripes; oblong with crooked necks and
lovely pale gray rind that is very hard, making
bulbous bottoms. The large vines are vigorous JARRAHDALE #SQ119
this a great keeping variety. Orange flesh is both
and are good for the South. A Native American (C. maxima) 100 days. Slate, blue-grey, 6- to
sweet and dry; large vines are quite vigorous. A
squash that has an ancient history. Great for fall 10-lb pumpkins of superb quality. Their shape
Southwestern heirloom from the Hopi people
pumpkin sales. Pkt $2.75 is flat, ribbed, and very decorative; also a good
that has nearly become extinct in recent years. A
favorite for flavor! Pkt (10 seeds) $3.00 keeper. Popular in Australia, an excellent variety.
Pkt (10 seeds) $2.75


(C. pepo) 105 days. One of the sweetest squash
(C. maxima) This is the squash that gained fame
varieties in existence. Oblong, Delicata-shaped online and became known as the “800 year
squash has tan skin with green stripes. Excellent old squash” which, according to legend, seed
quality and produces early. Developed by Dr. was found in a “clay ball” at an historic site in
James Baggett, Oregon State University. Pkt $3.00 Wisconsin. But, other stories state that this
squash was found in a cave by the Miami Nation.
Whatever the story is, we know that squash of
this type have been grown by Native people in
North America for hundreds of years and likely JUMBO PINK BANANA #SQ138
came from the Guatemala area, possibly over (C. maxima) 105 days. Large, pink, ba-
1000 years ago. This fabulous Native American nana-shaped fruit can weigh over 40 lbs. This
squash first came to our attention in 2015, at the variety is over 100 years old. We have grown this
5th annual Heirloom Exposition in Santa Rosa, squash for many years. Fine-flavored, dry, sweet,
California. The magnificent fruit runs about 2-3 orange flesh that is superbly fine tasting, one of
feet long and weigh up to 18 pounds. The color is my favorites. Popular on the West Coast; large
a rich, bright orange, with lighter orange striping yields. Pkt $3.00
running the length of the banana-shaped fruit.
The surface is mildly bumpy; the overall appear-
ance is amazingly beautiful. Gete-Okosimin also
proves to be delicious--sweet, with hints of mel-
on, and possessing a wonderful smooth texture.
We thank Roger Smith for bringing this squash to
IRAN #SQ268 our attention. Pkt (10 seeds) $6.00
(C. maxima) One of the most unusual and beau-
tiful squashes you will ever see! We have been
trying for several years to get this variety into
the catalog. Collected in 1940 in the north-
eastern Iranian city of Torbat-e-Heydarieh, and
preserved at the USDA seed bank ever since.
Not known to the public until a few years ago, KOGIGU #SQ304
when our friend Glenn Drowns introduced it. (C. moschata) Exquisite gem of traditional Japa-
This squash is super ornamental, with its unique, nese squash breeding! Fruits are oblate shaped,
foam-green rind that’s mottled in soft peachy JACK BE LITTLE #SQ160 very deeply ribbed, with a rough texture and
orange. Round and slightly ribbed fruit is medi- (C. pepo) 90 days. This tiny, cute pumpkin weighs waxy bloom—the very picture of squash volup-
um to large in size. It keeps for a year or more, just 8 ounces; flat and ribbed. These are highly tuousness! Fruits start out green, upon maturity
and is perfect for fall decorating. popular and a top-selling fall crop. The flesh is mellowing to medium brown. The fruit weighs
Pkt (10 seeds) $2.75 good to eat and the skin is bright orange. This a very practical 1-2 lbs, ideal for smaller families.
type of squash may have been developed in The dark orange flesh is sweet and fruity tasting,
“A good end cannot sanctify evil means; nor the Orient as pumpkins of this type are offered with a nutty flavor, and fine grained. Quality is very
must we ever do evil, that good may come of it.’’ to the ‘Spirits’ by many in Thailand, where they high. Keeping quality is excellent, too; fruit can be
-WILLIAM PENN come in 4 or 5 colors. Pkt $2.50 stored for up to 8 months! Pkt (10 seeds) $3.00
More varieties of seed available at 87
(Cucurbita maxima) 95 days. We are so excited
to at last have seeds for the wonderful “Pink
Pumpkin”. Very hard to find traditional squash
from Brazil. Fruits are ribbed, light pink to
salmon in color and weigh in at a modest 4-8
pounds. Traditionally used to make a dish
called ‘Camarão na Moranga’ which means
‘shrimps in a squash’. Pkt $3.50


(C. pepo) 105 days. The popular naked-seeded
pumpkin that produces seeds without the hard
shell that develops on most pumpkin seeds. MARINA DI CHIOGGIA #SQ133
They are ready to eat straight from the fruit, or (C. maxima) 95 days. The heirloom sea pump-
better yet, roast with a little olive oil and sea kin of Chioggia, on the coast of Italy. The large
salt and enjoy! High in nutrition and protein, turban-shaped fruit is deep blue-green. It is one
they are nature’s perfect snack. The pumpkins of the most beautiful and unique of all squash.
themselves are quite attractive, with yellow-or- A perfect variety for market gardeners. The
ange rinds that are striped with green; perfect rich, sweet flesh is a deep yellow-orange and of
for decorations. Pkt $3.00 good quality, delicious baked or in pies. The fruit
weighs about 10 lbs each and are produced on
vigorous vines. Stunning! Pure Italian seed from
one of Italy’s best heirloom growers. Pkt $3.50

(C. maxima) This colorful variety was grown by
the Lakota Sioux. It is pear-shaped, flame-red with BLUE HUBBARD #SQ180
green streaks at the bottom. So attractive for fall (C. maxima) 110 days. Huge, teardrop-shaped
decorations. The flesh is fine-grained and sweet fruit weighs 15-40 lbs and has sweet, fine-
with a great nutty taste. A wonderful squash that grained, golden flesh. Great for baking, pies, and
ranks among the most beautiful. Pkt $3.00 MUSQUEE DE PROVENCE #SQ152 soups. The hard, blue-gray shell helps these keep
(C. moschata) 120 days. These gorgeous, big, for long periods in storage. Gregory Seed Com-
flat pumpkins are shaped like large wheels of pany introduced this fine New England variety
cheese and are heavily lobed and ribbed. The in 1909, and Mr. Gregory considered this his best
skin is a beautiful, rich brown color when ripe. introduction. Pkt $3.00
The flesh is deep orange, thick, and very fine fla-
vored; fruit grows to 20 lbs each. This traditional
variety from southern France is great for fall
markets. Pure European seeds. Pkt $3.00 or 100
seeds $7.00


(C. moschata) 105 days. A longtime favorite on
Long Island, very popular for pies. Flat, light- NEW ENGLAND SUGAR PIE #SQ131 RED KURI (HOKKAIDO) #SQ101
ly-ribbed fruit looks like wheels of cheese, with (C. pepo) 100 days. The noted small sugar pump- (C. maxima) 92 days. A red-orange Japanese
buff-colored skin. A very good keeper, of excel- kin of New England. The orange fruit weighs 4-5 winter squash, fruit is 5-10 lbs each and tear-
lent quality, 6-10 lbs each; a beautiful heirloom lbs and has fine, sweet flesh that is superb for drop-shaped. The golden flesh is smooth, dry,
variety. Pkt $2.50 pies. Described by Fearing Burr in 1863. Pkt $2.50 sweet, and rich; a great yielding and keeping
or 150 seeds $5.50 variety. Pkt $2.75
(C. moschata) 90 days. This variety
was a big hit at the Heirloom Expo in
Santa Rosa, California. The stunning,
round to bell-shaped fruit is ter-
ra-cotta to buff-colored, and warted
very attractively. You’ll want to use
this one in centerpieces and displays
before you consign it to the kitchen!
A commercial variety in north Africa.
Pkt (10 seeds) $3.00


BUTTERCUP #SQ110 (C. pepo) This beautiful pumpkin was introduced
(C. maxima) 95 days. Very sweet, by Johnson & Stokes in 1893. Lovely 6-lb golden
KABOCHA #SQ206 dry flesh of excellent quality. Deep fruit has white netting and are perfect for pies. In
(C. maxima) A popular green- orange flesh with green skin. Fruit fact, this is one of the best tasting pie pumpkins
skinned Japanese squash that’s is around 3 lbs each. Pkt. $2.75 you can grow; with very sweet and smooth flesh,
shaped like a buttercup, but with- it’s a favorite of all who grow it. Pkt $3.00 or
out the “cup” on the bottom. Rich 150 seeds $6.00
yellow-orange flesh is of excellent
quality, being sweet, fine-textured
and nutty tasting. Perfect for VEGETABLE SPAGHETTI #SQ102
making delicious pumpkin curries, (C. pepo) 88 days. This is the popular squash
breads and baking. A leading type with stringy flesh that is used like spaghetti.
in much of Asia. One of the best Introduced by Sakata Seed Co. of Japan, in
eating squash of all time! Pkt $3.50 1934. May have originated in China. Pkt $2.75
or 100 seeds $5.50


(C. moschata) A lovely sea green-colored squash

SWEET DUMPLING #SQ137 that turns chestnut color in storage; pump-
(C. pepo) 90 days. One of the sweet- kin-shaped, very ribbed and warted. Weighs

est; 1lb fruit has white skin with about 6-8 lbs and a favorite here at Baker Creek;
green stripes. The sweet, tender, vines produced well and had good resistance to
squash bugs and other pests. The orange flesh is

orange flesh makes this variety the
favorite of many. Pkt $2.50 richly flavored, sweet and fragrant; great for cur-
ries, soups, stir-fries and more. A favorite here and
ー is sure to make you love squash! Pkt $3.00


(C. maxima) 120 days to maturity.
Nicknamed aromatherapy chestnut
pumpkin for its incredible sweetly
scented flesh, this traditional variety
was so popular in Tokyo that it is
known throughout Japan simply
as the Tokyo pumpkin. Originally
introduced by a farmer in Tachikawa
City, Tokyo, it became a popular
market variety thanks to early
maturity, attractive blue skin and an YOKOHAMA #SQ108
exceptionally fine grained, aromatic, (C. moschata) Introduced to Amer-
bright yellow flesh. Seeds were first ica about 1860 by James Hogg,
made available by Watanbe Seeds of Yorkville, New York, from seeds
of the Miyagi prefecture in 1931, his brother Thomas sent him from
and Tokyo markets were quickly Japan. We are so happy to reintro-
filled with these signature scented
duce this piece of American history.
squash. The virtues that made this
an exemplary market variety of The beautiful fruit is very flat, ribbed ROUGE VIF D’ ETAMPES #SQ118 (C. maxima) 95 days. Most beautiful,
pre-WWII Japan, from early maturity and dark-green-to-tan in color. The flattened, and ribbed large fruit is a gorgeous deep red-orange. A very old French
to exceptional eating quality, are ex- orange flesh is dry, fine-grained and heirloom, this was the most common pumpkin in the Central Market in Paris back
actly what makes a fantastic farmers sweet. Listed by both Burr (1863) in the 1880s. The flesh is tasty in pies or baked. Like summer squash, this one can
market variety in today’s slow food and Vilmorin (1885). RARE! Pkt also be picked small and fried. As a bonus, it’s a good yielder, too. Pkt $3.00
renaissance. Pkt $4.00 $5.00 or 250 seeds $10.00

More varieties of seed available at 89

(Beta vulgaris) Chard is actually the same species as beets, but these varieties are grown for leaves rather than roots. The plants put all their energy into
making large, tender leaves, with succulent mid-ribs massive enough to be a vegetable in their own right. The range of colors comes as a spectacular
bonus! Chard is usually direct-seeded into the garden as early as a couple of weeks before the last frost. It can be sown anytime until midsummer,
since the plants tolerate both heat and moderate cold of late fall, and even grow into the winter in milder climates. Prefers rich soil, full sun and ample
moisture. 100 seeds per pkt.

BIONDA DI LYON #SC110 Our Favorite!

50 days. Pale green leaves, almost golden in
color, and thick white midribs, give this chard
a different look. Makes exquisite baby greens
at 25 days. A great new addition to the ever-
expanding color range of this old-fashioned
veggie. Lovely and delicious! Pkt $3.00 FIVE COLOR SILVERBEET #SC101
(Rainbow Chard) 60 days. A beautiful chard, its colors are brilliant (pink, yellow, orange, red, and
white). This chard originated in Australia. Very mild, ornamental, and tasty. Great for market growers
and specialty markets. Pretty enough to plant in the flower garden; so delicious and one of our
favorite greens! Pkt $2.75 or 700 seeds $7.00


This compact, meaty, dwarf Swiss chard
originates from Italy and matures super fast
with large yields! Produces incredibly tender
(Beta vulgaris var cicla) 50 days. Belongs to the Very thin stems support large leaves of unusual
baby greens or when grown out, a very unique same species as chard and beets, but it has
looking and tasty spinach-like chard with dark substance. Outstandingly sweet and tender
distinctive differences. The taste is more like variety. Excellent for “cut and come again” style
green, slightly curled uniform leaves. This a true spinach than ordinary chard, and the
variety is not susceptible to flea beetle damage harvesting. One of the best-tasting chards. A
leaves look like spinach too—flatter and more
or black rot. Typically harvested at 10” and good delightful, traditional Italian variety. Pkt $3.00
pointed than chard, with slimmer stems. Very
steamed or raw in salads. Pkt $2.75 longstanding in the garden, yielding from late
spring through autumn if planted early. Seldom
bolts during its first year. Pkt $2.25

60 days. Introduced in 1924 by W. Atlee Burpee, 60 days. This stunning golden selection, named 60 days. An improved rhubarb chard developed
large green leaves and white stems. Tasty. for the Oriole bird, is beautiful in your garden. in Switzerland. Very attractive and uniform red
Pkt $2.50 Use the young leaves in salads or the mature chard, this variety has great flavor and is perfect
leaves as steamed greens. Pkt $2.75 for marketing. Pkt $2.50
(Physalis ixocarpa) Also called “husk tomato,” for the paper-like calyx or husk that encloses each fruit.
They are grown much like tomatoes, except that they are seldom staked; they do tend to grow a bit faster
from seed than most tomatoes, and are a little more tolerant to cold weather. Tomatillos are used in fresh
salsas and cooked in any number of sauces, including Mexican-style chili verde. 30 seeds per packet.


85 days. This special selection of tomatillo yields
large, apple-green fruits. The medium-sized,
determinate plants need no staking. The globe
shaped fruit reaches 3-4 ounces, very large
for a tomatillo, and the yields are very high.
Recommended for fresh market. Pkt $2.75


70 days. A flavorful tomatillo that is 1 inch in
diameter, being green with varying degrees
of purple on many fruit. Very popular in
Guatemalan cuisine; we collected this heirloom
at Coban, Guatemala, a beautiful mountain
town. Pkt $3.00

the heirloom
60 days. A Polish twist on an old Mexican staple vegetable! Immature fruit is green, morphing to pretty seed collection
yellow as they ripen and begin to split their protective husks. The fruit is firm, juicy and very sweet; This is the perfect way
perfect for jams, jellies and don’t forget the salsa! We also love these in the garden for fresh snacking and to save money and
salads. Bred to thrive in the cooler summer conditions of inland eastern Europe. Pkt $3.00 acquire a safe, secure
food supply. Most of the
seeds in this package
will store 4-10 years
if kept cool and dry.
What a great way to try
many of our favorite,
easy-to-grow varieties!
It contains 25 full-sized
packets of seeds and
Clyde’s Garden Planner—all packaged in a
sturdy, resealable mylar bag for long lasting
storage. Varieties in this package are chosen
TOMATILLO PURPLE #TL101 to be productive in most climates throughout
(Physalis ixocarpa) 70 days. Beautiful purple the United States. We selected early, hardy
fruit, large size. Many are a bright violet color TOMATILLO VERDE #TL102
varieties that are always popular.
throughout their flesh. Much sweeter than the Deep green fruit; a standard, richly-flavored type.
Huge yields as with most tomatillos. Pkt $2.50 #HSC105 Seed Collection $48.00
green types, it can be eaten right off the plant.
Turns purple when ripe; rare! Pkt $3.00
Tomatillos are a major source of withanolide--a powerful anti-oxidant that may be useful for depression, Alzheimer's, obesity and migraine headaches.
More varieties of seed available at 91
(Lycopersicon lycopersicum) This crop, native to the Americas, has become the most popular garden crop over the last 200 years. We offer an amazing
selection of many of the finest old varieties in lots of delicious colors! A few heirloom varieties have plants that don’t get quite so large; called “determinate”
varieties, these get to a certain size and then set all their fruit more or less at once. Determinates may be a better choice where tomatoes are grown in a very
small garden or in containers. All varieties are believed to be ‘indeterminate’ (long vines) unless specified ‘determinate’ (short vines). The best tasting varieties
tend to be indeterminate. 25 seeds per Pkt, unless otherwise noted.

85 days. Potato leaf. The most productive and best tasting tomato in our trials! Large em-
erald-green fruit is over one pound in weight, they are uniform, very smooth and blem-
ish-free. Color stays pure green even when dead ripe! Plants are very robust and require
staking. Very few seeds; outstanding, complex flavor—very sweet and juicy. Pkt $2.75


85 days. One of the largest green beefsteaks.
Can grow to over 1 pound and are just delicious.
They have brilliant, neon-green flesh with a
strong, sweet, and fruity flavor, much tastier
than most red tomatoes. This family heirloom
from Germany is beautiful. The winner of the
2003 Heirloom Garden Show’s taste test.
Pkt $2.50


85 days. A rare variety from Russia where it is
used for fresh eating, cooking and canning. Very
large green fruit often exceeds a pound and a
half. This tomato is deliciously tart yet with a sur-
prising sweetness. A wonderful eating tomato
that has become a favorite here at the farm. It
is one of the best and biggest green tomatoes
we’ve tried. Pkt $2.50


75 days. One of my favorite to-
matoes. Beautiful chartreuse with
deep lime-green stripes, very
attractive. Flesh is bright green
and very rich tasting, sweet with
GREEN DOCTORS #TG118 a sharp bite to it (just too good
A favorite green cherry variety, having a good to describe!). A favorite tomato of
sweetness and yet still has lots of tart flavor. many high class chefs, specialty
Named after Dr. Amy Goldman and Dr. Carolyn markets, and home gardeners.
Male who have both written great tomato books. Yield is excellent. The most strik-
Fruit is yellowish-lime green with kiwi-green ing tomato in our catalog, a real
colored flesh. Large vines produce huge yields of beauty. Around 3 ounces. This is
these little cherries. Some plants produce bright the tomato colored for the Green
green fruit others produce “frosted” fruit which Bay Packers. Pkt $2.75
are lighter in color and even sweeter. Pkt $2.50 or 700 seeds $8.50



90 days. Superbly rich and delicious-tasting
large fruit, the golden variety gives good yields
and, in our opinion, the fruit is better tasting
than Pink Brandywine. Large potato-leaf plants
are very sturdy and deep green. This heirloom is
delicious any way you eat it! Pkt $2.75


A beautiful orange beefsteak preserved by our
friend Darrell Kellogg, a railroad supervisor from
Redford, Michigan. Its fruit is very flavorful and
superbly sweet! This delicious heirloom originat-
ed in West Virginia. A favorite of Dr. Carolyn Male,
author of “101 Heirloom Tomatoes.” Pkt $2.75
80 days. This heirloom was introduced to Seed Savers Exchange by the late Dr. John Wyche, who at
one time owned the Cole Brothers Circus and used the manure of elephants to fertilize his heritage
gardens. The 1 lb fruit is solid and smooth; the color is a glowing tangerine-orange that always
stands out in the kitchen or on the vine. One of the best heirloom orange types for market, with its
smooth texture and tropical, sweet taste. Heavy yields. Pkt $3.00


Sweet, rich and flavorful with
strong citrus overtones made
this Jere’s favorite eating variety
last season. He just couldn’t get
enough of the sweet, luscious,
glowing orange icicle-like fruit that
is like an extra long paste tomato.
This variety also makes a lovely or-
ange ketchup and a superb salsa.
It was a definite winner, and plants
were quite productive. In our opin- DAD’S SUNSET #TO103
ion, this is some of the Ukraine’s The perfect orange tomato! Large 10 oz. fruit is
finest tomato breeding. Fruit has very smooth, uniform, and a beautiful, glowing
relatively few seeds. Pkt $2.75 orange in color. It keeps very well. One of the
best flavored tomatoes we have tried. Pkt $2.75
More varieties of seed available at 93


A favorite variety, introduced from Russia. One of the most
beautiful and attractive tomatoes we have ever grown. It is
very ribbed and pleated, but otherwise very uniform, large
and perfect looking, being a vibrant watermelon-pink col- REBEKAH ALLEN #TK175
or with cream colored speckles that really make the fruit 70 days. The first tomato we harvested in our 2014 Missouri garden. This pink slicer boasts
sparkle and glisten. Short, determinate plants produce positively superb flavor—everyone who tried it was impressed! The flavor is perfect—an
a large mass of these fruit in a thick clustered area in the ideal balance of sweet to tart, with complex “old fashioned” undertones. Heavy yielder of
center of the plant. The flavor is sweet, mild and good; large pink fruit, on vines that appeared to have some disease resistance. Pkt $2.75
flesh is firm and the seeds are very few. Pkt $3.00


#TK115 80 days. The most popular heirloom
vegetable! A favorite of many gardeners, large
fruit with superb flavor. A great potato-leafed
variety from 1885! Beautiful pink fruit up to 1½
lbs each! Pkt $2.75 or 700 seeds $8.50

75 days. A large pink beefsteak variety that
reaches 1 to 1.5 pounds. Its rich sweet flavor
makes it an excellent slicer. The seed came to
us from an Amish lady just a few miles from
our Baker Creek farm. Anna worked as a house
cleaner for Dr. Dester and his wife in Indiana
in the 1970s. Having acquired the seed from
Germany, the Desters shared their favorite
tomato seed with Anna, who treasured it and
now shares it with us. One of our best tasting
tomatoes. Pkt $3.00


One of the best tomatoes, ever! Smooth fruit and huge production. Great for canning! 80-90 days. Very large, 1 to 2-lb fruit is deep
A heavy producer that keeps on giving. Simply stunning, raspberry-pink fruit is of medium size. pink, very flavorful, and crack-resistant. The
Firm flesh is very sweet and richly flavored. This variety from Russia is perfect looking, one of the plants are very productive; the superb quality
prettiest tomatoes we have grown. It is almost free of imperfections, making it perfect for market- fruits are great for farmers’ markets or home
ing. An employee favorite and a new classic tomato. Pkt $2.75 gardens. Delicious. Pkt $2.50

70-80 days. This heirloom was brought into the
seed store a few years ago by a local gentleman
who had been saving this tomato for many
years. His family brought this variety to the USA
when they immigrated here. The fruit is the size
of a small egg, vibrant pink, sugar sweet, and
begging to be eaten. Perfectly sized for salads or
putting in the lunchbox! A favorite! Pkt $2.75


85-90 days. One of the tomatoes that originally ignited the heirloom movement in America,
this variety originated in Bavaria. It made its US debut in 1883, brought here by Michael Ott,
a great-grandfather of Seed Savers Exchange co-founder Diane Ott Whealy. The luxuriant
potato-leaf plants give high yields of 1- to 2-lb, nearly seedless meaty fruit. The prestigious Slow
Foods USA Ark of Taste enthused: “a full sweet flavor, even floral, and...tender skinned.” These
gorgeous pink fruits are extremely versatile, excellent for canning and freezing but also for
slicing and juicing. This one is sure to become a favorite in your garden! Pkt $3.00
80 days. Brilliant reddish-pink oxheart type fruit
is large—frequently exceeding one pound! The
fruit of this heirloom is firm and meaty like all
oxheart types—great for paste, canning or fresh
use. The crack-resistant fruit contains very few
seeds and shows very little tendency to develop
cores—just rich tasting, solid flesh across each
hefty slice! Heavy production all season long.
Originated outside of Budapest, Hungary
around 1900. Pkt $2.75


85 days. Large, smooth, 1-lb pink fruit has a deli-
cious, rich, sweet taste. This variety has become
very popular in recent years, and was developed
by M.C. Byles of Logan, West Virginia. After cross-
ing varieties for 6 years and selecting the best, he
introduced this beauty that he named Mortgage HENDERSON’S “PINK PONDEROSA” #TK107
Lifter in the 1940s, after he sold plants for $1 each 85 days. Huge size, some over 2 lbs; a meaty pink-red beefsteak introduced by Peter Henderson
and paid off the $6000 mortgage on his house. & Co. in 1891, and the most famous of their varieties. In 1903 their catalog said “Quality Beyond
Pkt $2.50 or 700 seeds $8.50 Praise, Rich and meaty-sliced. Thick and delicious canned.” Still popular with gardeners. Pkt $2.50

More varieties of seed available at 95



Stunning, perfectly shaped, deep purplish-brown
fruit that is almost black. A great variety for both
home gardeners and chefs. This tomato has the PAUL ROBESON #TP110
incredible rich taste that is in many of the large, 90 days. This famous tomato has almost a cult
dark beefsteak types, sweet, rich with earthy following among seed collectors and tomato
overtones. This variety has so much potential for connoisseurs, who simply cannot get enough of
BLACK CHERRY #TP106 introduction commercially and was among our this variety’s amazing flavor that is so distinctive,
75 days. Beautiful black cherries look like large, best tasting varieties last season. Another variety sweet, and smoky. 7 to 10-oz fruit is a red-brick
dusky purple-brown grapes; they have that rich we are introducing from the Ukraine along with color. Named in honor of the famous black opera
its other jewel-toned icicle sisters. Pkt $3.00 or singer, star of King Solomon’s Mines, 1937. Paul
flavor that makes black tomatoes famous. Large
700 seeds $8.50 Robeson, an American, was also a Russian Equal
vines yield very well; very unique and delicious.
Rights Advocate for Blacks. This Russian variety
Pkt $3.00 or 700 seeds $8.50
was lovingly named in his honor. We are proud to
offer such a wonderful variety. Pkt $3.00

90 days. Winner of the 2005 “Heirloom Garden
Show” best-tasting tomato award. These have
BLACK KRIM #TP102 won taste awards coast to coast in the last few
80 days. Dark red-purple fruit, rich sweet flavor. years, so we were proud to locate a small supply
One of the best. It always places high in tomato of seed. The fruit is smooth, large, and beautiful,
80 days. An old Cherokee Indian heirloom, pre-
taste trials. It’s very juicy. An heirloom from being one of the darkest and prettiest of the
1890 variety; beautiful, deep, dusky purple-pink
Russia with very unique looking, large fruit. I purple types we have seen. They seem to have
color, superb sweet flavor, and very-large-sized
really like the wonderful flavor. It’s popular at an extra dose of the complex flavor that makes
fruit. Try this one for real old-time tomato flavor.
many markets on the West Coast; also a favorite dark tomatoes famous. Pkt $3.00
Our favorite dark tomato and one of our best
of many fine chefs. The top tomato in our 2014
selling varieties. Pkt $3.00 or 700 seeds $8.50
nutritional study. Pkt $2.75


70 days. Massive trusses of pink to purple cher- When these little Oriental jewels ripen, your eyes
will be stunned with color. They have pretty CHOCOLATE PEAR #TP155
ries with a smoky blush. The tiny cherries are a 70 days. Expect huge crops of “black,” pear-
half-inch across, contain very few seeds--superb violet-purple fruits with iridescent green streaks!
Fruit weighs 1-3 ounces, are smooth and have shaped tomatoes over a very long season.
for fresh eating, yet solid enough for cooking or Chocolate Pear has the rich tomato flavor that
good tasting, dark purplish-red flesh. This variety
for making a deep, rich red tomato paste. Su- will also amaze you with its yield: it’s not only has made heirlooms so popular! A great variety
perior balance of sweetness and acidity, with a high, but incredibly high, being one of the most for CSAs and market growers. Light red in color,
rich, lingering aftertaste. We’re crazy about it for productive tomatoes we have grown. A great overlaid with swirls of varying hues of green or
snacking right in the garden! Bred for superior variety for marketing. Introduced to you from brown. Very unusual and decidedly one of the
flavor by Gourmet Genetics. Pkt $4.00 China. Pkt $2.75 best! Pkt $2.75
Celebrate heirloom history with THORBURN’S TERRA-COTTA. Since 1893.


Incredible flavor, color and history! Introduced in 1893 by James Thorburn of New York,
this is one of the most sensational tomatoes we have ever grown. With honey-brown skin,
orange-pink flesh, and green seed mass, this is an eye-catching slicer with an out-of-this-world
flavor. The tomato produces heavily during mid-season and then drops off quickly once cool
weather sets in. As a cooker it will yield a pumpkin-orange sauce with a floral aroma. We are
excited to have this tomato that was painted in color in Thorburns 1893 catalog. Very limited
seeds this year. From the collection of Dr. William Woys Weaver. A percentage of each sale goes
to support Dr. Weaver’s work. Pkt (10 seeds) $5.00



TRUE BLACK BRANDYWINE #TP114 This is the “Winter Grape” tomato of old Italy, where farmers would hang
80-90 days. Potato leaf. This fine variety was sent to us by our friend, famed seed the fruit-covered vines and the fruit would stay fresh well into the winter.
collector and food writer, William Woys Weaver, of Pennsylvania. It was passed They also dry perfectly and resemble little “Roma” tomatoes. The flavorful
down to him from his Quaker grandfather’s collection dating back to the 1920s. fruit is delicious and great for snacking, fresh or dried. Pkt $2.50
As to its history, Will states “The ‘true’ Black Brandywine was bred sometime in
the late 1920s by Dr. Harold E. Martin (1888-1959), a dentist turned plant breed-
er who is best remembered today for his famous pole lima with huge seeds. Dr.
Martin lived in Westtown, PA, only a few miles from my grandfather’s place in
West Chester, and the two were gardening buddies. It was through that connec-
tion that his grandfather managed to wheedle seed out of the good doctor, as
well as the details on how he created it. Dr. Martin always had a high opinion of
his plant creations and did not like to share them. He charged 25 cents a seed for
his lima, unheard of in those days. And he never released his Black Brandywine
to a seed company, nor did he share it with many people, so I am fairly certain
it never circulated among growers like his popular lima bean. According to my
grandfather, Black Brandywine was a controlled cross between Brandywine
and the original brown Beefsteak tomato otherwise known as Fejee Improved.
Fejee Improved is probably extinct.” We thank Will for entrusting us with this
great-tasting tomato that is extra large in size and full of the deep, earthy and
sweet flavor that has made blackish-purple tomatoes so popular. Some fruit AMISH PASTE #TM126
tended to crack, but the yield was heavy, and the plants were vigorous and did 80 days. Many seed savers believe this is the ultimate paste tomato.
well in our hot Missouri summer. Superior for salsa and cooking. We enjoyed Giant, blocky, Roma type tomatoes have delicious red flesh that is per-
these all summer, both fresh and in countless recipes. A great home garden fect for paste and canning. It has world-class flavor and comes from an
variety that will surely become a favorite. Pkt $2.75 Amish community in Wisconsin. Pkt $2.75
More varieties of seed available at 97
Tomatoes are high in lycopene, an antioxidant that is good for the heart, and are packed with vitamins A & C, calcium, and potassium.


#TM179 80 days. Delicious, sweet flavor makes
this 1-ounce cherry popular with home garden- BETALUX #TM134
ers. Large vines set huge yields and are disease 60 days. Determinate. Early Polish variety whose
resistant. Developed by the late horticultural “rigid stem” habit doesn’t require staking or
expert Alan Chadwick. He sure had a winner pruning. Handsome potato-leaf vines are very
with this one! Pkt $2.75 productive, yielding 3- to 6-oz round to oblate
fruits. These were very smooth and blemish-free
in our trials. The fruit is well flavored and excel- COUR DI BUE #TM121
lent for canning, sauces or paste. Pkt $2.50 70 days. A wonderful, Oxheart-type heirloom has
been a favorite in Italy for many years. Beautiful,
12-oz, heart-shaped fruit has a delicious sweet
taste. Great for fresh eating or cooking. Large
vigorous vines. One of the best tasting tomatoes,
these have perfect flavor! Hard to find and so
beautiful looking. Pkt $2.75 or 700 seeds $8.50


A beautiful French heirloom, the tender fruit
has a full, rich tomato flavor and are large in
size; great for canning or fresh eating. They are
BONNY BEST #TM181 deep red and excellent producers, even in bad
The famous old canning tomato that was select- conditions. Popular in Europe. Pkt $2.50
ed out of Chalk’s Early Jewel by one George W.
Middleton and introduced in 1908 by Walter P. JERSEY DEVIL #TM235
Stokes seed house. It became one of the most 90 days. Pendulant, pointed, pepper-like fruits
respected canning varieties in America in the are slow to set on but yield very heavily. 5-6-inch,
first half of the twentieth century. Medium-sized
ruby-red, paste-type fruit is very meaty and has
fruit is round, red, meaty and loaded with flavor.
A good producer that makes a fine slicer too. but few seeds. Incredible flavor. This variety was
Becoming hard to find due to modern, flavorless another pillar of the New Jersey tomato industry,
hybrids. Pkt $3.00 and is an ancestor to “Jersey Giant.” Jere has been
growing these for 20 years and they are a favorite!
Pkt $3.00

micro tom
the world’s smallest tomato
Determinate. Another variety contributed to Astounding! The worlds shortest tomato plant, fit
the tomato world by our friend, expatriate Iraqi for a fairy garden, reaching a mere 6-8” tall! These
dainty, dwarf determinate plants were developed COSTOLUTO GENOVESE #TM210
seed collector Nael Aziz. He stated that it is a
by the University of Florida and are the ultimate
bit unusual for an Iraqi type, because in Iraq the The fluted, old Italian favorite that has been
potted vegetable plant. Super productive little
people tend to favor tart tomatoes, while this plants are completely enveloped in bright red, around since the early 19th century. Fruit is rather
one is sweeter. Having solid, all-purpose flesh, tasty 1 oz fruit. The tidy, round plants covered in flattened and quite attractive with their deep
it will take the heat, like Iraqi types generally. red orbs make an eye catching hanging basket ribbing. This variety is a standard in Italy for both
Named for the onetime caretaker of the green- or container plant. Ideal for urban gardening, fresh eating and preserving, and known for its
houses at the Agricultural College at Al Ghraib. indoor plants, patios or for the tiny house garden! intensely flavorful, deep red flesh. This variety
Maintained in cultivation in private gardens The possibilities are endless with this novel dwarf has also become very popular with chefs in this
there since the 1970s. Pkt $3.00 tomato. Pkt (10 select seeds) Pkt $5.00 country. Pkt $2.75

70-80 days. Determinate. Fantastic yields of rich-
CLASSIC BEEFSTEAK #TM111 NEW! ly flavorful plum-shaped tomatoes, on compact
The classic beefsteak tomato of yesteryear is back! Massive fruit, easily reaching 1- 2 lbs has deep red plants that require very little staking! Resistant
to early blight, reliable for home or market
flesh and good old-fashioned tomato flavor. These are the tomatoes that grandma grew, meaty and
gardens! The paste-type fruit weighs in at 2-3
firm, perfect on sandwiches or served straight up with a pinch of salt. A particularly good producer
ounces, dry-fleshed and very meaty with few
in the Northeast, but well adapted to the entire U.S. as well. Scientists recently determined that Beef-
seeds. Great for sauces, salsas and pastes.
steak’s massive fruit was originally caused by a chance mutation. This happy accident created a much Pkt $2.75 or 1/8 oz $8.50
larger tomato. Spanish conquistador, Hernan Cortez, brought samples of a larger, flattened tomato
back to Europe. From this seed was developed many larger tomatoes we know today. Pkt $2.75

PRINCIPE BORGHESE #TM122 65 days. Determinate. Bite-sized fruits are sweet
70-75 days. Determinate. The Italian heirloom and flavorsome. Tiny ornamental plants reach only
that is famous for sun drying. Small 1-to 2-oz, to about a foot in height and require no support.
grape-shaped fruit is very dry and has few seeds. Covered in tasty little tomatoes. Excellent choice
They have a rich tomato taste that is wonderful
for containers, pots or hanging baskets; pretty
for sauces. Vines yield clusters of fruit in abun-
enough for the patio or deck. So cute! Pkt $2.75
dance, perfect for selling in fresh markets and
making specialty products. We offer pure Italian
seed. Pkt $2.75
60-100 days. Determinate. Good for canning,
also excellent fresh; large red 8-oz globes. Good
yields and flavor, large vines. A fine N.J. heir-
loom. Pkt $2.50

REISETOMATE #TM198 The most novel

tomato we have seen, this tomato is like a big
bunch of cherry tomatoes all fused together:
an amazing trait that had everyone here asking
questions about the alien-looking, bumpy
TAPPY’S HERITAGE #TM112 tomatoes. Also called “Traveler Tomato” (“reise” is
85 days. Beautiful, smooth, large red fruit is
German for “travel” or “journey”) for the ability to
globe-shaped. With good disease resistance,
tear it apart a piece at a time, with no need for a
great yields, perfect shape, and wonderful flavor;
SAN MARZANO LUNGO NO. 2 #TM213 knife. This type of tomato traces its roots to Central
it’s superb for market growers. This variety was
This is a newer selection of this famous Italian America where the native people would carry
developed by Merlyn and Mary Ann Niedens,
traveler tomatoes on trips, to eat as they walked.
longtime seed growers in Illinois. Bred from heir- cooking tomato. Long, cylindrical fruit is filled
Bright red tomatoes taste—well, rather sour,
loom varieties, it has fantastic taste and is one of with thick, dry flesh and few seeds. This heavy strong and acidic. The perfect tomato for those
our all-time best-selling varieties. Try it and you producing variety is a standard for many Italian who love raw lemons, but who cares? They are still
will see why! Pkt $2.50 farmers and chefs. Pkt $2.50 far-out and groovy. Pkt $4.00

More varieties of seed available at 99

Our supreme salad tomato

o super

flavor! o

LUCKY TIGER #TS161 Customer Favorite!

Elongated 2” fruit comes in stunning, jew-
VINTAGE WINE #TS142 New! el-toned shades of green and red, with hints
Beauty and subtle sweet flavor marry perfectly to make Vintage Wine tomato. This masterpiece looks of gold. This tomato gets top marks for flavor:
stunning at the farmers market stand and will hold up better than other heirlooms. The large fruit is an tangy, sweet and complex with tropical notes
elegant pastel pink with gold striping on the skin. A perfect blend of gourmet flavor and good keeping and balanced acidity. Lucky Tiger has great
quality makes this potato leaf variety a top for home gardeners and market farmers alike! Pkt $3.00 market gardening potential. It stands out in the
market display and is well suited for both green-
house and field growing. The best snacking
tomato we grow! Pkt $3.50


75-80 days. Incredibly colorful and delicious
large-fruited slicing variety! Fruit runs 8 to 16
ounces. Exterior color is green with stripes in red GOLD MEDAL #TS112
and yellow. But the flesh is truly tri-color! Creamy 75-90 days. The 1-3 lb fruit is among the smooth-
green flesh infused with various shades of red est, bi-colored tomatoes we carry and are one
65-75 days. Compact plants produce beautiful
and yellow. Each of these colors has a different of the most beautiful we have seen. Yellow fruit
8-12 ounce fruit with a very sweet, rich, dark
flavor resulting in a spicy, sweet, tart tomato with is blushing with rosy red that radiates from the
tomato flavor. 10 out of 10 people liked the
good acid all in one fruit. Discovered in a planting blossom end. Lovely! The firm flesh is of superior
port wine colored beefsteak with metallic
of Beauty King. Fair to good production. A truly quality, being sweet and mild. They have very little
green stripes better than Cherokee Purple in a
incredible open-pollinated variety, and a favorite acid; great for fresh eating. From the late, legend-
farmers market taste off. Pkt $3.50
of many chefs. Pkt (15 seeds) $3.25 ary seed collector, Ben Quisenberry. Pkt $2.75
#TX102 65-70 days. This #TS128 65 days. Delight-
regular leaf tomato grows ful, round, one-inch fruit may
fairly stocky and not as tall vary in shades and blush
as most indeterminate va- patterns of reds to yellows,
rieties. Flattened beefsteak usually with golden flesh.
fruit is pink-brown with Typically carry an intriguing
metallic green stripes and “cat’s eye” or star in yellow on
weighs 8-12 ounces. Very the blossom end. The flavor
meaty pink flesh is flavorful. is outstandingly sweet and
Pkt $3.50 fruity. Kids adore them.
Pkt $2.75
world class flavor!
The Amazing Bumble
Bee Tomatoes!


60-70 days. Stunning, jewel-toned colors combine with a translucent quality to give these elongated
cherries serious visual appeal! Similar shape to a mini roma, but tastes much better! Some of the best
tomatoes ever in taste tests. This is a mix of three, fantastic colored Tiger tomatoes: Pink, Green and
Blush Orange. These were bred by Fred Hempel, thrive outdoors or in the greenhouse. A wonderful PURPLE BUMBLE BEE #TS149
“Cherry-Roma” collection. Pkt $4.00 60-70 days. Slightly elongated little cherries with
the most outrageous striping in lime green and
bronzy-purple! Crack-resistant fruit is produced
all season long on plants that are unfazed by
temperature extremes. The flavor is complex but
sweet. Excellent holding quality makes this newer
type outstanding for market. The bar for quality
just got higher! From Artisan Seeds. Pkt $3.50


#TS117 A most exciting new tomato, it is
wonderful in every way. This unusual variety was
developed by Pascal Moreau, a horticulturist
from Belgium. The multi-colored, smooth fruit
(green, yellow and purple mix) weighs about
PINEAPPLE #TS103 1½ lbs. The flesh is bright green with deep red
75-95 days. Very large, up to 2 lbs each. The yel- streaks. Everyone loves its superb flavor that is
low fruit has red marbling through the flesh and outstanding, being both sweet and smoky with PINK BUMBLE BEE #TS148
is one of the most beautiful tomatoes we sell. a hint of citrus. The yield is one of the heaviest 60-70 days. A stunning cherry tomato, of recent
The flavor is very sweet and fruity; good yields! we have ever seen! Be the first at your farmer’s breeding from Artisan Seeds. The fruit has a
A Gettle Family favorite. Pkt $3.00 or 700 seeds market to have this new classic. Pkt $3.00 bright, sweet flavor, and the color is vibrant
$8.50 fire-engine-red with golden orange striping. Vig-
orous vines yield crack resistant fruits over a very
long season. Tolerates cool nighttime temps and
hot days. Salad will never be the same! Pkt $3.50


A spectacular stuffing tomato with gorgeous
PORK CHOP #TX106 golden streaked skin. This crisp fleshed and hol-
75-85 days. While most “yellow” tomatoes are low variety is perfectly suited to stuffing, superb
actually orange, this is a true yellow that starts when eaten raw but also holds up beautifully
off yellow with green stripes that ripen to gold. when baked. Fruit averages 5-7 ounces each.
The medium sized, slightly flattened beefsteaks The skin of this variety is gilded in light streaks SUNRISE BUMBLE BEE #TS150
have sweet tomato flavor with hints of citrus. of gold. Medium large with a strawberry-like 70 days. Chefs love the luminous swirls of reds
Wild Boar farmer Brad Gates says it is the “best seed cluster in the middle that is easy to scoop and oranges, inside the fruit and out! Everyone
yellow I have ever had.” Pkt (15 seeds) $3.00 out. Delicious stuffed with various stuffings raw loves the sweet, fruity taste, too! Oblong little
75-85 days. Here is a red version of our popular or cooked. Shaped like a bell pepper with crispy fruit weighs barely an ounce, sometimes show a
Green Zebra. Fire-engine-red fruits are covered texture but great tomato flavor. Stands up well
with bright yellow stripes. Sweet and flavorful, pronounced beak at the blossom end. Another
to powdery mildew. Originally bred by incred-
this variety should prove very popular for both member of the incredible new ‘Artisan’ series.
ible plant breeder Tom Wagner! Pkt (10 seeds)
home and specialty markets. Pkt $3.50 $2.75 Pkt $3.50

More varieties of seed available at 101

#TS166 NEW!
A “vernissage” is a pri-
vate, special advance
screening before a
public exhibition.
It’s a celebration of
the completion of a
piece of artwork. The
Vernissage series is
both a work of art
and a celebration!
This Ukrainian variety
makes gorgeous
salad tomatoes that
weigh about 2 oz.
This mix of these little
jewels consists of SOLAR FLARE #TX107
Pink, Green, Yellow
This 6-10 ounce beefsteak is red with gold stripes and has
and Black fruited
very meaty flesh with luscious sweet red tomato flavor.
types. Tasty and so
Developed by Brad Gates and selected for flavor, produc-
productive! Beautiful
tion, increased earliness and scab resistance, he says the
and delicious.
variety is one of his “work horses.” Pkt $3.50
Pkt $3.50

#TX134 75 days
A Delicious Galactic
Beauty-- With mottled
skin resembling a scene
from deep space, each
fascinating fruit depicts
the depth and beauty of
the night sky. Dark Galaxy
bears 2-8 ounce fruit that
is flattened, with red and
orange stripes covered
in random speckles, and
layered by deep blue. The
vines themselves display a
purple blush and grow 5-6
feet tall while producing
good amounts of the
stunning tomatoes that
begin to ripen in about
75 days. The taste is a
perfect balance of tangy-
sweetness--so juicy and
refreshing! Each fruit is a
unique work of art, sure to
be a garden and tabletop
centerpiece! Another
stunning tomato from Brad
Gates. Pkt (15 seeds) $5.00

75 days. Great flavor, high yields, and
The Wild Tomato Man 65-70 days. Yellow mutation from Napa Rosé
marked disease resistance. The indigo
Brad Gates-- Owner of Wild Boar Farms in St. coloring (high anthocyanin content) tops it
Blush, Brad says this one has “a super-amazing
Helena, California. Gates started saving his own flavor.” Many who tasted it for the first time off, making this new release from Brad Gates
seeds and crossbreeding many years ago. Wild proclaimed it the very best cherry type they a wholly superior offering. Cherry-sized fruit
Boar Farms varieties often have some whimsical weighs 1-2 ounces and offers the sweet, rich
had ever tasted. Also, this variety is very easy
reference to pigs in their names. But the whimsy
to grow, and does especially well in containers. flavor you’d expect from such a dark-fruited
extends to the tomatoes themselves. “It’s like a...
Christmas present that takes a year to open,” he Pkt (15 seeds) $4.00 type. Great keeper too, whether on the shelf
adds, referring to the colors, shapes and flavors. or right on the vine. Pkt (15 seeds) $4.00

Our Best Tasting Tomato! BRAD’S ATOMIC

Our Favorite tomato!
75 days. Elongated, large
cherries in clusters. The color
(and flavor!) is a full-blown
assault on the senses—
lavender and purple stripes,
turning to Technicolor
olive-green, red, and brown/
blue stripes when fully ripe.
Really wild! Fruits hold well
on the vine or off, making
this amazing variety a
good candidate for market
growers. Olive green interior
LUCID GEM TOMATO is blushed with red when
#TX128 80 days. This Brad Gates selection dead-ripe. Crack-resistant
is an absolute masterpiece! Slicing-type fruits are extraordinarily
fruits are stunning, inside and out! This sweet! Wispy foliage looks
sister selection to Blue Beauty yields loads delicate but belies these
of 5-ounce, beefsteak-type fruit, very plants’ rugged constitution
meaty and containing few seeds. First they and high productivity. This
ripen yellow, then more toward orange
release from Wild Boar
when very ripe. Incredibly attractive with
Farms won best in show at
the black anthocyanin splashes really
contrasting with the lighter colored skin. the 2017 National Heirloom
The sweet, juicy flesh is marbled yellow Expo! These range in size
to red, and the flavor is fruity and superb. from a large grape to plum-
Unusually heat-tolerant; the fruits are great sized. AMAZING!
keepers. You can’t go wrong with this one! Pkt (15 seeds) $4.50
Pkt (15 seeds) $4.00 Our #1 best selling seed, ever!
More varieties of seed available at 103
80 days. This
recent Brad Gates
introduction was
selected from a cross
between ‘Beauty
King’ and a blue
tomato. Fruits are
modest beefsteak-
type slicers, weighing
up to 8 ounces, and
the flavor is as good
as their outstanding
BLUE BERRIES #TX111 antioxidant content!
75 days. Here’s a new, small cherry variety from Gorgeous, deep blue-
Brad Gates, Wild Boar Farms. Very dark purple black shoulders make
color, which means it’s super-rich in anthocyanins. this unique among
Unripe, the fruit is a glowing amethyst purple. At slicing types. Excellent
maturity they turn deep red where the fruit was potential for market,
shaded; the areas that received intense sunshine as the fruit holds well
are a purple so deep it’s almost black! The flavor on the vine. Sunburn
is intensely fruity and sugar-sweet! Plants are and crack resistance
very productive, yielding all season in elongated are a welcome bonus.
clusters that look so beautiful. A new favorite here Pkt $4.00
at Baker Creek! Pkt $4.00


This great “Blue” tomato comes from renowned
heirloom/OP breeder Tom Wagner. Color is
an incredible blue, with green flesh! We were
impressed with its beauty and great flavor! The
round fruit is around 3 inches in diameter, and
are very smooth and blemish-free. Pkt $4.00
80 days. Incredibly beautiful cherry type in
purple and yellow. Long clusters are packed
with small, half-inch bright yellow cherry fruit. BLACK BEAUTY TOMATO
Each has indigo shoulders, bursting with loads #TX125 80 days.
of antioxidants, anthocyanin in this case. The
flavor is very sweet and rich, and the plants are
World’s Darkest Tomato--
so productive. Sunburn and crack resistant, the the darkest tomato we
fruit holds well on the vine or in storage. A choice know of! A dark, meaty,
selection out of the original Wild Boar Blue very rich-fleshed tomato
Berries. Pkt $4.00 with extreme anthocyanin
sugary-sweet tropical expression (same
antioxidant in blueberries
fruit flavored berries and blackberries). So dark
that some tomatoes turn
solid blue-black on the skin.
Deep red flesh is among the
best tasting of all tomatoes.
Rich, smooth and savory
with earthy tones. Hangs
well on the vine and stores
very well, and the flavor
improves with room-
temperature storage. Our
own Dave Kaiser tasted it at
A super-sweet cherry tomato, cream berries the 2015 National Heirloom
are super prolific. These boast a delicate but Exposition and proclaimed
complex flavor and a beautiful cream color with it as the BEST tomato he
purple-blue splashes on the shoulder. A Wild had ever eaten!
Boar variety. Pkt $4.00 Limited seeds. Pkt $5.00



80 days. Parchment-white tomatoes are extra
CREAM SAUSAGE #TW105 smooth and beautiful. Renowned for their
70-75 days. Determinate. Here is a new and stun- sweet, citrus taste that is richer and more
ning tomato; an elongated paste tomato that is complex than many white types. This variety is
creamy white to pale yellow in color. The sweet perfect for making a delicious white sauce or for
flavor should be a hit with gourmet chefs. Bushy eating fresh out of hand. In 1927 Isbell’s Seed
plants are quite productive. Think of the new Co., of Jackson, Michigan, said that this was the
sauce colors this beauty will create! Pkt $3.00 best white variety that they had ever grown.
Some sources say it may have been introduced BARRY’S CRAZY CHERRY #TX130
as early as 1850. This eight-ounce variety is a 75 days. Pale yellow cherries are delicious, and
wonderful piece of American history that is just grow on some of the largest clusters known!
too great to be lost. Chefs and market garden- Sweet fruits are oval, each with a tiny “beak” at
ers, take notice! Pkt $2.50 the blossom end. Flavor is good, the fruit keeps
well, and the sight of the 40- to 60-fruit trusses
YELLOW TOMATOES on the large plants is positively mind-boggling.
A stunning new Wild Boar Farms release.
Pkt (10 seeds) $4.00


80-85 days. Large, 1-lb giant with creamy white
fruit. This tomato is superbly wonderful. The
flesh is so good and deliciously fruity, it reminds
one of a mixture of fresh-cut pineapple, melon YELLOW PEAR #TY122
and guava. One of our favorite fresh-eating 80 days. Very sweet, 1½” yellow, pear-shaped
tomatoes! Fruit is smoother than most large fruit has a mild flavor, and are great for fresh
This tomato is one of the real favorites here. Big,
beefsteak types, and yields can be very high. eating or for making tomato preserves. Very
lemon-yellow fruit is a delightful heart shape.
Introduced by Gleckler’s Seedsmen. Pkt $3.00 productive plants are easy to grow. One of the
The flesh is smooth, creamy and has a nicely bal-
first tomatoes Jere grew as a child. Pkt $2.00
anced sweet taste. I always find myself “snack-
ing” on these one-pound beauties. Plants are
very productive and seem to have some disease
resistance. Thanks to Russia for this really great
yellow type. Pkt $3.00


A favorite variety in our own garden! The fruit
is tiny, barely an inch across, and creamy white,
with skins having a pale yellow tint. One of the
sweetest tomatoes we have ever grown, with
superb flavor. The fruit grows in clusters, and the HARTMAN’S YELLOW GOOSEBERRY
yield is huge! We have more than we can pick, #TY142 Believed to be the same yellow cherry
right up to frost. Large vining plants. A perfect as listed by seedsmen since pre-1830s, this was PILCER VESY #TY137
cherry for home and market gardeners. A wild reintroduced by the John Hartman Seed Com- A classic, huge, yellow beefsteak type that we
type. Pkt $2.75 pany. The very long vines bear clusters of 1-inch received from Russia. The fruit is a lovely lemon
“Gooseberries” that are sweet, mild, tasty and yellow and are flattened and ribbed. Fantastic
It is the working man who is the happy man. light golden-yellow in color. One of the largest flavor and thick flesh. This is now one of our
It is the idle man who is the miserable man. yielding tomatoes we have ever grown! Pkt $2.50 favorite large tomatoes as they are also quite
-Benjamin Franklin productive. Pkt $2.75

More varieties of seed available at 105

(B. rapa) European crop, used for its leaves, roots, occasional blossoms, and as a fodder crop since at least Roman times. Turnips are under-appreciated by today’s
gardeners, but, properly grown, they make a superb storage crop for use through the winter. They should be direct-sown in ordinary garden soil, well-worked and
free of stones, about two months prior to first frost of autumn. Thin to 6 inches apart; thinnings may be used as greens. Roots are ready in 35-70 days, depending
upon the variety, and may be stored in the fridge, an unheated garage, root cellar, or right in the ground if properly mulched. (600 seeds per packet)



Supremely crisp and mild, the white and red, fine grained flesh makes this a top fresh-eating salad turnip.
These beautiful, large, red-skinned turnips are cultivated mainly in Takayama City, Japan. Its origin was
from a former part of Takayama called Hachigago, where a local turnip of reddish-purple hue was widely
PURPLE TOP WHITE GLOBE #TN103 grown. In 1918, this red colored mutant was discovered from these Hachiga turnips and named Hida
A popular market variety, heirloom (pre-1880), Beni-Red Turnip. It is excellent for making pickles and matures in just 45-50 days. Pkt (300 seeds) $3.00

productive and easy to grow; giant roots. Skin is
purple-white. Pkt $2.25 or 3,000 seeds $6.00


A stunningly beautiful and delicious turnip traditionally grown in lovely Nagasaki, Japan. This turnip has a dark
plum to wine color skin with a hint of delicate purple in the sweet, crisp flesh. Great for pickling and a delicious
raw turnip for fresh eating and salads. Ready 50 days from sowing. Incredibly good! Pkt (300 seeds) $3.00
This magnificent, mild and delicious turnip is TOKINASHI #TN121
two-toned with a lovely, violet-colored top and This 50 day white turnip is a traditional
brilliant white base. The long, slender roots can vegetable of Japan and listed among the
grow from 1’ to 2’ in length. These also taste illustrious group of Dento Yasai, or tradi-
amazing pickled, raw, or cooked. Lord Gamou tional cultural vegetables of Japan. Father
Sadahide, builder of the Otowa castle in Japan, of forest gardening, Masanobu Fukuoka,
found this turnip in Hino around 1470. The tur- grew this variety as a wild understory
nips are typically eaten pickled, which is called crop. With a reluctance to bolt or become
Sakura Zuke (Cherry Blossom Pickles). Because pithy, this popular type has an incredible
of the pale pink color and flavor, the pickled tur- sweet taste and rich flavor. The roots are
nip was gifted to Emperor Kashiwabara (1500- nice and smooth with crisp, white flesh
1526) for naming. The Emperor then wrote a of excellent quality. Can be planted in
poem about the pickles in return. Noguchi Seed early spring or late summer, into fall, and
Company says the seed was spread by a seed enjoyed all year long! The crunchy, juicy
seller Genbei in the Hokan era (1751-1763). roots are enjoyed fresh or pickled. Pkt
Pkt (200 seeds) $3.00 (300 seeds) $3.00

(Citrullus vulgaris) We’re #1 in watermelons—check our selection! Thrives in summer heat. A long-standing crop in the South and originally was transport-
ed from Africa. 25 seeds per packet. In northern climates, try growing small fruited types or the Orangeglo variety often works.


90 days. A longtime Southern favorite, thought
ALI BABA #WM152 to have been developed in Georgia in the 1830s.
Our favorite watermelon! We introduced this Its stripes resemble those of a Rattlesnake,
fine variety about 12 years ago after we were hence the name. Sweet, light crimson-colored
sent seed by Aziz Nael, an Iraqi gentleman who 85 days. AAS Winner from 1964, very popular. Crisp
and sweet, medium-red flesh, mild flavor. A good flesh and large size. Used as a shipping melon; a
had collected this fantastic variety in Iraq. It is great old variety. Pkt $2.50
now nearly impossible to get seeds from this an- producing type that is still quite popular. Pkt $2.50
cient country whose people have lost much of
their genetic heritage in the long, bloody war.
Now our corporate agriculture has been “kindly”
suggested to native farmers who are losing
thousands of years of plant breeding work. The
12-30 lb melons have hard light-green rinds that
make them perfect for shipping and storage; the
light color makes them resistant to sun burning.
Plants are large, vigorous and give heavy yields
of oblong fruit which do well in many condi- STRAWBERRY #WM196
tions. The flavor is superb, being very sweet and 85 days. Flesh is a gorgeous strawberry pink,
luscious; and the texture is very crisp. This is ripening to within a half-inch of the rind, and
a best seller and is a favorite of Dr. Amy Gold- usually has very few seeds. Fine grained, dis-
man and featured in her book “Melons for the tinctively flavored and super sweet; it is classed
Passionate Grower”. Ali Baba has received much among the best-tasting by those who have
acclaim online “as the best tasting watermelon,” tried it. The oblong, striped fruits reach 15-25
and it will forever win a spot in any melon lover’s pounds. With moderate disease resistance, this
heart. Pkt $3.00 variety deserves to be the star of your sum-
mer garden. Originally selected from a Florida
JUBILEE #WM130 heirloom by Walt Childs, and introduced in 1989
Customer, Joseph Miller with his 126.5 Carolina Cross

90 days. Long, oval-shaped fruit with very sweet by our good friends at Southern Exposure Seed
flesh that is deep red and very crisp. A popular Exchange. Outstanding! Pkt $3.50
old favorite. Large size. One of all-time best
tasting melons! Pkt $2.75


70 days. One of the earliest watermelons we
know of; superb for the North, but it also grows
well in heat and drought. The flesh is red and de- CLAY COUNTY YELLOW MEAT #WM171
CAROLINA CROSS 180 #WM199 liciously sweet. Fruit has a dark rind and weighs Extremely rare heirloom from Clay County, Ala-
90 days. One of the largest types we sell--oblong 8-12 lbs each. This excellent variety was devel- bama. Our original seed has been stored in a freez-
fruit has reached over 200 lbs! Bright red flesh oped by our friend Glenn Drowns, owner of the er since 1976. Yellow-fleshed watermelons reach 50
is sweet and remarkably fine-grained for such a Sand Hill Preservation Center in Iowa. A favorite lb, and are reputed to be the sweetest, best-tasting
large melon. Needs a long hot summer to reach of many gardeners across the USA. One of the yellow-fleshed watermelons grown. Has been
its full potential. Grow this one for bragging best we have ever tried! Pkt $3.00 or grown for at least 100 years. Produced well in spite
rights! Pkt (15 seeds) $4.50 200 seeds $9.00 of drought in our trials. Pkt (25 seeds) $3.00
More varieties of seed available at 107
Sugar-sweet salmon-colored marvel from Japan--perfect 2-4 lb size!


#WM187 Amazing Flavor! This melon has
a green rind and succulent red flesh that is of
excellent flavor and sweetness. It is a beautiful
melon and a favorite on our farm, easy to grow
and producing fruit up to 20 lbs. One of the
most fascinating seed discoveries in modern
history! In the early 1920s, Art Combe, a South
Western plant expert and amateur prospector KAHO WATERMELON #WM214 Our favorite mini melon!
found a small woven pot filled with bright red 75 days. This is one of the best finds from our trip to Japan. The Kaho watermelon has gorgeous
watermelon seeds in an abandoned sandstone salmon-orange flesh that is delicious right up to the super thin rind, making this one of the most
cave in Arizona’s Mogollon Rim. The red seeds unique watermelons we trialled this year. It was also one of the best we’ve tasted. Elongated fruit
are believed to be hundreds, if not thousands, weighs about 2-4 pounds and is perfect for 2 servings. This rare heirloom was originally brought to
of years old! Art planted the seeds and just a Japan from China around the year 1912. Pkt (10 seeds) $4.00
few germinated; the fruit was small and crook-
necked unlike any other watermelon he had
ever seen before, but the flavor was incred- ROYAL GOLDEN
ible! Art grew this ancient Native American #WM160
watermelon for several decades, selecting the A Family Favorite!
largest and most round specimens. The result of The most beautiful water-
decades of selecting is a superb extra large wa- melon we carry; the rind
termelon with bright red, extra sweet flesh. Art of this heirloom turns bril-
used a dry farming technique that allowed him liant golden-yellow when
to grow extra sweet watermelons with almost ripe! The distinctive color
no irrigation in the searing hot desert; these makes it a snap to know
watermelons are extremely heat and drought when to harvest and is so
tolerant! Pkt $3.50 beautiful in your garden.
The tasty pinkish-red flesh
is super-sweet, crisp and
refreshing. This variety is
much larger than ‘Golden
Midget’, with fruit weigh-
ing 8-25 lbs. We are so
happy to offer seed for this
great old melon that used
to be offered by Willhite
Seed of Poolville, Texas,
until they discontinued it
from their catalog in the
1970s and it almost disap-
peared. It was developed
from “Pumpkin Rind” va-
riety, a now extinct, early
American watermelon. The
JANOSIK #WM204 Royal Goldens still do
80 days. Yellow-fleshed Polish variety. Oblong remind us of big glowing
fruit to about 10 lbs. The extra sweet, yellow pumpkins and their vines
flesh is lovely in contrast with the dark green are even mostly yellow.
rinds. Crisp and delicious! Beautiful, uniform One of the best tasting
fruit and one of the best eating bright yellow watermelons ever!
Pkt (10 seeds) $4.00
types! Pkt $3.00

95 days. Legendary heirloom variety rediscov-
ered in Macon, Missouri. Can grow to over 40
lbs. The dark green rind has bright yellow spots
on it! Spots range in size from tiny to several
inches across. Leaves are also specked in yellow.
It has very sweet, brilliant red flesh. This is
becoming one of the most popular heirloom
varieties, a winner! Originally introduced by
Peter Henderson & Co. in 1926, it was called
“SUN, MOON AND STARS.” The catalog says, “... YAMATO CREAM #WM108 New!
an extraordinary variation...and that it has such A Taste Test Favorite! An outstanding Japanese
a delicious taste.” It was sold then for 20 cents a variety bred by renowned watermelon expert
pkt. Unique variety! Pkt $3.00 of the early 20th century, Mr. Takeshi Kanda.
Yamato cream was bred in what is now the
Nara Prefecture in Japan. Buttercream colored
flesh is a bit citrusy, sweet and complex. It was ORANGEGLO #WM127
a run-away winner in our 2018 taste test trials 85 days. Beautiful, deep orange flesh; very
at the National Heirloom Exposition. Flavor has sweet, excellent, almost tropical flavor! The
been described as Asian pear and apples with best-tasting of ALL orange varieties we tried—
light citrus tones. Makes a refreshing, sweet, the favorite of many who tried it at our place.
almost pear-like juice. This variety is fairly early High yields. Very resistant to wilt and insects;
to mature and not ideal for shipping as it cracks strong healthy vines. These will sell at roadside
easily. A perfect choice for small farmers and stands & markets! Introduced by Willhite Seed
SUGAR BABY #WM132 especially home gardeners. Pkt (10 seeds) $3.00 Co. prior to 1965. Pkt $3.00 or 200 seeds $9.00
79 days. The most popular icebox-sized melon
among gardeners! Early, 6 to 10-lb melons are
great for the North and have sweet, deep red OTOME #WM216 New!
flesh. These also do well in the tropics. Pkt $2.50 A perfect melon for small families!
This pretty little melon from Nara
Dwarf bush vines Prefecture in Japan is extra early
to mature. 3-4 pound fruit has
an attractive light green skin and
blushed salmon-rose colored
flesh. This is ideal for short season
gardeners, and marketing is a
breeze with pretty little melons
like these. Plants are impressively
productive and super sweet and
delicious. Pkt (10 seeds) $3.00


New! Super tiny fruit!
One of the earliest maturing
watermelons of all, a pocket-sized
watermelon from Japan. Perfect
for short season gardeners; extra
small fruit averages just 2-3
pounds. These mini melons are
SUGAR BABY BUSH #WM198 ideal for those super short season
An ideal plant for gardeners with limited space, gardens, and the personal sized
the vines of sugar baby bush only reach 3-31/2 fruit is ideal for marketing or home
feet in length. This is an early producer, the juicy use. This darling little fruit is green
and sweet little 12-pound fruit will be ready to with dark stripes, and the sweet
harvest in 75 to 80 days. Flesh is a deep scarlet; flesh is red. Pkt (10 Seeds) $3.00
skin is a dark green with no striping. Pkt $3.00

More varieties of seed available at 109

We offer a great selection of flavorful culinary types and popular medicinal varieties. Everyone should experience the joy of having fresh herbs. Notice:
All statements listed in our catalog are for historical information only and are not approved by the FDA. Seek the advice of a qualified health professional
before using any herbs for medicinal purposes.

Blue spice basil

Our most fragrant plant


Tidy half-hardy perennial that is aromatic and attractive to pollinators. Plants fill the air with minty fra-
grance; the pretty spike flowers are popular for arranging. This dynamic landscape plant is easy to grow,
adds long season color and grows in neat clumps that do not spread or take over. Hardy from zones 6a-9b. BASIL, BLUE SPICE #HB200
Pollinators are drawn to its fragrance, and hummingbirds cannot resist the flowers! This plant can be dried A Super Fragrant Variety!
for making tea and is also used make a mosquito repelling oil. Pkt (25 seeds) $3.00 (O. americanum) Vigorous plant with dense
spikes of light purple flowers enclosed in
Delicious minty-citrus tea plant; a must in the herb garden and
sweet Rose showy deep purple bracts, making for an
especially fine appearance in pots or in the
kitchen! Southwest native perennial that is irresistible to humming-
birds, butterflies, bees and other beneficials. Agastache Navajo
fragrance garden. Heavy fragrance with spicy vanilla
overtones that makes a pleasant contribution
Sunset wafts an incredible citrus scent; the open airy plants produce to both fruit salads and savory dishes. The
beautiful orange blooms. Ideal for xeriscape gardens, this variety is most fragrant basil. Pkt (100 seeds) $2.75
water thrifty and thrives in poor soil. Plants reach 28 inches tall and
30 inches wide, great for the perennial border or for the tea garden!
Pkt (25 seeds) $3.00


#HB273 New!
Aromatic perennial with
phenomenal minty, rose
fragrance. Prepare for a super
long season of heavenly scented
blooms. This agastache will
set flowers in June that last
until September, beckoning
pollinators and beneficials from
across the animal kingdom! The
irresistible blooms are lavender-
rose colored and add drifts of
soft color and heady scent to
landscapes. The carefree plants BASIL, THAI SWEET #HB166
thrive in poor, dry ground. OUR FAVORITE! Popular sweet, spicy basil
Pkt (25 seeds) $3.00 that is essential in Thai cuisine. Very flavor-
Our favorite fragrant plant! ful with a nice licorice taste. Amazing taste
of Thailand! Pkt (100 seeds) $2.75

Basil: try a cornUcopia of flavors!
Compact version of the
classic Genovese type
that is superior for pot
culture, having shorter
stem-length between leaf
nodes. Widely recognized
to be longer-lasting when
cut, all of which make
“Emily” a better subject for
market growers and home
gardeners. Pkt (100 seeds)

Cute little
compact plants
are only 6-10”
BASIL, THAI HOLY tall and are great
“KAPRAO” #HB142 for growing in
A popular herb in Thai containers. It has
cuisine, the fragrant pur- a spicy, slightly
plish-green leaves can be anise flavor and
used in potpourri and have is a must for
BASIL, SIAM QUEEN THAI #HB102 a spicy, sweet, clove-like Greek cooking.
Very strong, clove-scented basil. This is a must for curry and Pkt (100 seeds)
flavor. A religious herb of the
all Thai cooking. This selection has beautiful flowers. Very $2.50
Hindus. Pkt (75 seeds) $2.25
tasty. This improved variety produces very large and lovely
flower heads. Pkt (100 seeds) $2.75

A unique
basil from
Thailand. Pop-
ular variety for BASIL, DARK PURPLE OPAL
fresh market!
#HB106 A beautiful and orna-
Pkt (100
mental variety; deep purple. Italian
seeds) $2.50
basil flavor. Pkt (100 seeds) $2.50


BASIL, LETTUCE LEAF #HB108 Wonderful lemon fragrance and taste, a BASIL, GENOVESE #HB101
Amazing size and flavor! Huge 3”-5” leaves; Japanese basil real culinary delight. Used regularly in our 68 days. The famous Italian heirloom is
with a great flavor. Pkt (100 seeds) $2.50 kitchens. Pkt (100 seeds) $2.50 very popular with many cooks. Pkt (100
seeds) $2.50 or 5000 seeds $10.00
More varieties of seed available at 111

First year flowering perennial, extremely attractive to pollinators. More #HB124 (Monarda citriodora) New! A beautiful mix of this pollinator
refined and floriferous than other types of monarda. Easy to grow, robust An annual, lemon-flavored va- friendly perennial. Shades of mauve, lavender,
2-3 foot tall plants will bloom all summer long, in rose-plum colored riety. Superb tea plant; striking purple, pink and more will entice butterflies,
flower spikes. One of our favorite scented and ornamental herbs! Great pink-purple flowers, beautiful bees and of course hummingbirds. This showy
for tea. Pkt (50 seeds) $3.50 and tasty. Pkt (100 seeds) $2.50 mix is a top choice. Pkt (50 seeds) $3.50

Amazing blue health elixir and natural food coloring!

(Borago officinalis) Cucumber-flavored fresh leaves are
added to salads, cooked, or made into a cooling drink.
The blue flowers are used as a garnish. Makes a good
honey plant. Also used medicinally. Pkt (60 seeds)
$2.00 or 700 seeds $7.00


Edible blue flowered vining plant native to Southeast Asia. Gorgeous, huge, double blue blooms
make a natural food dye and soothing tea to calm the nerves. This double flowered type was
found in Thailand, where the blooms are used to dye everything from teas to rice and desserts.
A gorgeous ornamental edible flower, the vines are smothered in dazzling indigo petals. Our
CATNIP #HB127 favorite kid-friendly drink; when you add a drop of lemon to the deep blue tea, the color instantly
The herb that drives cats wild is also medicinal; used in turns a bright pink, like magic! Natural Pink Lemonade, anyone? Pkt (10 seeds) $4.50
a tasty herbal tea for colds and flu. Vigorous plant. Pkt
(200 seeds) $2.25 Delicious and healthy: blue desserts, drinks and teas!
(Matricaria recutita) This Polish chamomile is bigger and higher yielding than the standard and is
easy to grow at home from seed. It has a wonderful aroma and is used to make teas. Chamomile is
one of the herbs used in biodynamic compost preparations and has a high level of essential oils.
The compounds in this herb have been extensively studied for their health benefits, though it’s
contraindicated in pregnancy or for those taking blood thinners. Pkt (300 seeds) $2.75


(Matricaria recutita) Beautiful, small flowers
make a relaxing tea with a sweet, fruity fra-
grance; medicinal. Attractive plants. Pkt (300
seeds) $2.50


(Allium tuberosum) These winter-tolerant chives
are great for greenhouse production. They have
great garlic flavor and are popular with Asian
chefs. We love ‘em. Pkt (300 seeds) $2.50


CILANTRO, SLO-BOLT #HB143 Amazing, subtle citrus flavor adds a welcome
(Coriandrum sativum) This is a slow-bolting ver- twist to this ancient herb. There is no limit to the
CHIVES, COMMON #HB135 sion of Cilantro/Coriander that produces flavorful culinary potential! Compact plants and seeds
Wonderful, mild onion flavor. These long, thin leaves over a longer period. Pkt (100 seeds) $2.50 are all super flavorsome! Pkt (40 seeds) $2.75
chives are excellent in many meals; great raw or
cooked. Lavender flowers. Pkt (300 seeds) $2.50 INDIAN
sativum) Highly
scented with a
citrus top note. The
dark green leaves
are regularly cut
to prevent this fast
growing variety of
Indian Coriander
from bolting. Once
bolted, the seeds
CUMIN #HB152 are a must in Indian
(Cuminum cyminum) The flavorful seeds are an dishes and are es-
important ingredient in many Mexican dishes; pecially good when
also used in bread and cakes. Small, tender, used still “green”
crawling plants reach about 6” tall. Pkt (100 and tender. Pkt (100
seeds) $1.75 seeds) $2.75

More varieties of seed available at 113

echinacea or coneflower, a native american remedy
A pollinator-attracting perennial in a lovely range
of yellow colors. A glorious palette that ranges
from brilliant yellow to rich gold. Compact plants
reach just 24 inches tall, perfect for containers or
for the front border. Pollinators adore the nectar-
rich flowers, and we love how no-fuss this pretty
plant is: drought tolerant and not picky about
soil. Excellent in so many applications, from the
meadow to the herb garden. Pkt (15 seeds) $4.50


A very aromatic, late-flowering variety that has
nice green color and is productive. Pkt (300
seeds) $2.00


(Anethum graveolens) Early to flower with large
seed heads. Excellent in pickles and used to
flavor many other foods. Easy to grow. Pkt (300
seeds) $2.50


YELLOW CONEFLOWER #HB171 An ornamental medicinal beloved by
Like the pale purple coneflower, but these are a butterflies, birds and bees! Green twister is a
bright golden-yellow color. Brilliant blooms do wild take on our favorite immune boosting
well in fairly dry, rocky soil like is found on many herb. Electrifying green and magenta petals
of the Ozark hills here in Missouri and Arkansas; are like a flashing neon sign for pollinators and
this is the region where this unique coneflower indeed, this variety is a hot spot for beneficial
is native. Used by Native Americans as a tradi- garden visitors. Drought-tolerant and easy to
tional medicine, it is being researched today for grow, this perennial will provide medicinal ECHINACEA PURPUREA #HB119
its herbal uses. It can be hard to find even here benefits and pollinator attraction each year A beautiful, purple wildflower and well-known
in Southern Missouri, but is rather easy to grow. with good looks to boot! Pkt (15 seeds) $4.50 medicinal herb with numerous uses. Excellent.
Pkt (30 seeds) $3.00 Pkt (50 seeds) $2.50

New! Soft, sunny clouds
of lemon yellow and
white make this a cheerful
self-sowing perennial. Per-
fect cut flower or landscap-
ing plant. Ideal for borders,
mass planting and contain-
ers, the long lasting blooms
are abundant and fill in a
space with tufts of subtle HYSSOP, BLUE #HB123
color. A beautiful medicinal (Hyssopus officinalis) Excellent for attracting
plant, traditionally used to bees and butterflies, bright blue flowers;
treat headache. Pkt (125 a superb antiviral plant that many use to
seeds) $3.00 treat flus, etc. Pkt (125 seeds) $2.25




(Foeniculum vulgare) Plant grows like dill.
HYSSOP, KOREAN, ‘GOLDEN JUBILEE’ #HB259 New! Used in Italian cooking; tasty. Very easy to
Also known as purple giant hyssop. Chartreuse, golden foliage and heavy scent grow. Pkt (200 seeds) $2.50
makes this an award winning perennial. All America Selection winner in 2003. This
easy, adaptable perennial is attractive to pollinators and makes a lovely anise fla-
amazing vored tea. The purple blooms add brush strokes of color to the perennial border all
summer long. Plants average 2 feet tall and will be covered in oodles of butterflies
tea plant and bees; goldfinches also love the seeds. Pkt (25 seeds) $3.00

Superb for tea


(Agastache rugosa) Perennial. More robust relative to Anise (Agastache foeniculum) This herb is used to (Foeniculum vulgare) Very decorative bronze-
Hyssop, with similar flavor and overall appearance except that, make one of the best herb teas; the leaves hued lacy foliage. Its unusual color makes a
at four feet tall, it is much larger. One of the 50 Fundamental possess a naturally sweet, wonderful anise striking accent plant, a sophisticated addition
Herbs in Chinese traditional medicine, this plant has been taste and fragrance. Lovely purple flowers
studied in recent times for antibacterial properties. Makes a in salads or an elegant garnish. Seeds may, of
that bees love; many uses, including me- course, be used like those of any fennel.
wonderful base for herbal tea blends and a definitive state- dicinal. Pkt (125 seeds) $2.75
ment in the garden! Pkt (100 seeds) $2.75 Pkt (50 seeds) $3.00

More varieties of seed available at 115

JOB’S TEARS: Nature’s natural beads!


New! Wonderfully fragrant Australian
JOB’S TEARS #FL345 native makes an excellent scented house or
(Coix lacryma-jobi) Is it an herb, grain, vegetable, or ornamental bead? container plant. The heavily aromatic leaves
This easy-to-grow plant is all these things and more! With graceful
of this herb have been used in Aboriginal
and flowing miniature corn-type bladed leaves, sturdy stalks, delicate
inconspicuous drooping flowers, and ornamental pea-like seeds, Job’s folk medicine as a powerful antiseptic. DO
Tears adds a stunning green filler to cut flower displays. A grain-bear- NOT take it internally, as it is somewhat toxic. LOVAGE #HB153
ing plant useful for food, to make necklaces, rosary beads, and even But it is used by the insect repellent industry (Levisticum officinalis) Flavorful,
traditionally in folk medicine for arthritis and to remove heat! Once the for making natural bug repellent. We enjoy dark green leaves and yellow
husk has been removed for cooking, the grains look more like over- growing this herb as an outdoor annual or flowers; the leaves and seeds are
sized pearl barley. Great in brothy dishes and traditional Asian drinks, potted and brought indoors over winter. used for flavoring stews, soups,
Job’s Tears provides a chewy, mildly sweet, and earthy flavor that has Hardy from USDA zones 8-10. Sword-shaped salads, pickles, and more. Nice
caught the eye of discerning cooks. It has lovingly been called by silver leaves make a top-notch foliage for celery taste. The hardy plants
cookbook authors “the next cult gluten-free grain” and an “unusual, arrangements! Easy to start from seeds and can be grown in most of the
versatile, and beneficial little weirdo.” Pkt (15 seeds) $4.00 extra drought-tolerant. Pkt (50 seeds) $3.00 North. Pkt (200 seeds) $2.50

lemon balm in two stunning colors!


An ornamental version of a favorite fragrant perennial herb. Gilded
foliage shimmers in the summer sunlight, as this attractive lemon balm
is frequented by bees and other eager pollinators. Lemon balm is easy to
grow, adaptable to many conditions, and this version adds stunning effect LEMON BALM, GREEN #HB117
to beds, borders, containers and landscapes. Perfect fragrant foliage plant (Melissa officinalis) Deliciously lemon-flavored; great in tea. A vigorous,
for mixed plantings! Great lemon fragrance and flavor! Pkt (50 seeds) $3.50 hardy plant. An old cottage garden favorite! Pkt (300 seeds) $2.50

(Lavandula vera) Perennial. Compact, superior
LION’S EAR OR KLIP DAGGA #HB167 LAVENDER #HB112 northern-hardy strain. The plants seldom exceed
(Leonotis nepetifolia) A member of the mint family, it is native to (Lavandula vera) Famous for a foot in height. Use the fragrant spikes as you
Southern Africa and is used as a folk medicine among the native fragrance, the lavender-colored would any lavender—potpourris, sachets, dried
peoples for treating numerous ailments, and has shown some blossoms are used in potpour- arrangements, etc. The silvery-gray foliage is
promise in studies. Tall, evergreen tropical plant produces loads ris, soaps, etc. A great old-time elegant even when out of flower. A reliable, as
of stunning peachy-orange flowers. Caution: this plant is a mild cottage garden plant. Pkt (100 well as beautiful, old-fashioned garden favorite.
narcotic. Pkt (15 seeds) $4.00 seeds) $2.25 Pkt (100 seeds) $3.00

(Althaea officinalis) African native. The original source of an Egyp-
tian confection that evolved into today’s marshmallows. The roots
and velvety leaves have been eaten as a vegetable for centuries,
often fried with onion and garlic. 3-4 foot stems of 1-2 inch, white-
to-pink flowers are reminiscent of hollyhocks, to which this plant
is related. The plant is also renowned in various folk cultures for its
medicinal properties. Pkt (35 seeds) $2.50

MORINGA, DWARF #HB245 Easy to grow as an annual in the North!

Moringa contains 46 antioxidants, 18 amino acids & is a complete
protein. This is a very special dwarf variety from India. Unlike other varieties of mo-
ringa, this tree will remain short and is very well suited to container growing, which
makes growing it in the U.S. much easier. Moringa is native to the tropics and the
subtropics; container growing will allow you to bring your tree inside for the winter.
This plant is prized for its very high-protein leaves, its rich concentration of minerals
MINT- MARVELOUS MIX #HB263 and vitamins, and its heavy load of anti-oxidants! Leaves, blooms, seeds and imma-
This is perhaps the most powerful perennial to invite into your ture seedpods, called “drumsticks”, are edible; seeds are source of a high-quality oil.
landscape. Countless beneficial insects are absolutely enchanted
WARNING: Roots are reputed to be poisonous, do not eat! Pkt (10 seeds) $3.50
by mint, while many pesky garden pests are repulsed by it. Grow-
ing mint from seed is a lesson in the beauty of chaos in the natural
world, as the busy activity of insect pollinators causes a wide spec- MARJORAM
trum of mint flavors. We love the element of surprise in growing
mint from seed. While the flavors may range from spearmint to #HB137
peppermint or applemint, the purported medicinal and pest-re- (Majorana hortensis)
pelling benefits remain the same. Perennial from zones 4-9, mint A fragrant and
will thrive in most gardens. It is quite competitive and belongs in flavorful herb that is
the herb bed or in a contained location. Many folks simply clip the a popular seasoning.
leaves and use as mulch around plants in the vegetable garden to Easy to grow. Pkt (800
harness the pest-repelling benefits without letting this aggressive seeds) $2.50
plant grow in the vegetable garden. Pkt (200 seeds) $3.00

More varieties of seed available at 117

(Asclepias tuberosa) Perennial.
The hardy native milkweed is es-
sential to the survival of Monarch
butterflies. Mature butterflies
feed on the nectar produced in
the flowers, while the foliage
provides food for their larvae. MILKWEED, RED OR SWAMP
The brilliant orange and yellow #HB229 (Asclepias incarnata)
flowers are showy in massed Perennial. Rosy-pink-flowered
plantings, but fascinating up milkweed that is the best choice for
close, with their intricate detail. moist locations, as it is native to wet
The three-foot plant is native ground throughout much of North
throughout the eastern and America. Supports the Monarch and
southern regions of the country, other butterfly populations as well as
usually preferring drier sites, and bees and hummingbirds. The sweet
should be hardy except at very vanilla fragrance and large numbers
of flowers support the gardener’s en-
high elevations. Very durable and
joyment, as well. May reach 5 feet tall
long-lived once established, and in favored locations. (CAUTION: The
may gently increase on its own milky sap is poisonous if ingested in
in favorable locations. (CAUTION: large quantities, and contact with the
The milky sap is poisonous if skin may cause dermatitis in sensitive
ingested in large quantities, and individuals.) Pkt (40 seeds) $2.50
contact with the skin may cause
dermatitis in sensitive individu-
als.) Pkt (40 seeds) $2.50


(Dracocephalum moldavicum) #HB131
Eurasian native that has been (Origanum
cultivated for centuries. The vulgare) This is OREGANO, WILD ZAATAR
minty-lemony leaves and large a beautiful and #HB174 (Origanum syriaca) We offer
purple flowers have long been delicious Italian seeds from Israel for this plant that
used in a tea for reputed herbal flavoring herb. grows wild in Israel, Jordan and sur-
Also medici- rounding areas. Doubtless a common
benefits, including “lightening a
nal. Great for herb in Bible times, and still one of the
discouraged heart.” Beloved by Italian and Greek
bees, like all the mint tribe. tastiest! It has great flavor that blends
cooking. Pkt (400 hints of oregano, thyme and marjoram.
Pkt (75 seeds) $3.00 seeds) $2.50 A favorite. Pkt (75 seeds) $3.00

OYSTER LEAF #HB178 Amazing Oyster Flavor!

(Mertensia maritima) This delicious plant is aptly named for its toler-
ance to maritime exposure and can be found growing wild along the PARSLEY, HAMBURG ROOTED
Scottish coast. It received its common name because the thick, tender #HB134 This tasty heirloom dates
leaves taste similar to oysters with a hint of seaweed flavor. Perfect to the pre-1600s and is grown for its
in salads and other raw dishes. Because of its beauty and hardiness, PARSLEY, GIANT OF ITALY large, flavorsome roots that make
some gardeners say they will never be without this amazingly aro- #HB133 A very large Italian strain of superb soups and stews, or is baked.
matic plant in their garden. Hardy to zone 3; seeds can take a month parsley with great flavor. Perfect for Leaves are also delicious. Pkt (400
to germinate. Hard to find! Pkt (15 seeds) $4.50 sauces. Pkt (400 seeds) $2.50 seeds) $2.25

plantain: nature’s wonderful remedy!
(Portulaca oleracea) Low,
crawling plant produces
tender stems and juicy leaves
that are excellent added to
salads. A popular green in
Mexico that was favored by
my Hispanic grandmother.
Also used in herbal healing
plans. Pkt (300 seeds) $2.50


(Rosmarina officinalis) Tender perennial to 30
inches. The plant has been used for centuries both
medicinally and in the kitchen. Small evergreen
shrub is covered with needle-like aromatic leaves
and a myriad of tiny pink or blue flowers in sum-
mer. Perennial in mild winter climates; elsewhere,
grow in containers for overwintering indoors.
The dark green leaves may be used fresh or dried.
Flowers are beloved by bees. We offer select seed
that is easier to start, but it still can be somewhat
challenging. The plants are lovely and can live for
years with proper care. Pkt (35 seeds) $3.50
A pretty twist on a potent medicinal plant. Extra frilly, deep plum-
colored leaves and long flowering stalks. An excellent choice for those
who wish to grow plantain but prefer a more refined variety without
the “weedy” appearance of the naturalized green type. With edible,
lightly bitter leaves this variety lends color to salads and makes a fine
spinach substitute. The leaves can be used externally as a natural
soothing remedy for bites, burns, rashes and poison ivy. The perfect
herbal ornamental! Pkt (50 seeds) $3.00


An attractive foliage plant with major medicinal benefits! This is a
highly ornamental take on traditional plantain, a plant used in age-old
Annual. Creamy ivory, lemon yellow and bright saffron orange thistle-like flowers
herbal healing remedies. The striking ornamental foliage and white
atop prickly plants. Individual blooms are small but produced in great numbers,
flowers make an eye-catching pop in mixed plantings. Medicinal uses
from midsummer on. Earlier blooming than many safflowers. Safflowers are a
are much like common plantain; use the leaves externally as a natural
source of healthful oilseed, which the birds like as well. Also is useful as a dye
soothing remedy for bites, cuts and poison ivy. Leaves are edible and
plant. Widely grown in Europe, but gaining appreciation here. 30-inch plants are
make for a lightly bitter spinach substitute . Pkt (50 seeds) $3.50
equally at home in the herb garden or the border. Pkt (100 seeds) $2.75

More varieties of seed available at 119

#HB203 (Urtica dioica) Yes,
it’s the very same plant that
causes unwary hikers such
discomfort! But drying or
(Hypericum perforatum) This short-lived peren- AKA HON CHIRIMEN SHISO (PERILLA) #HB257
cooking eliminates the sting,
nial is a well-investigated medicinal herb that This stunning perilla was found in Japan where it is grown for the
and the attractive plants have
traditionally has been used for wounds, general seed oil, and the red-colored varieties are popular for dyeing rad-
a long history of use in herbal
aches and pains, and is more famous in its use ishes, ginger, and pickled pink garlic called Shiso Katsuo Ninniku.
medicine, as a medicinal sham-
with mild depression and insomnia. This plant is It is also what gives Japanese Ume vinegar its bright red color. In
poo and reputed to alleviate addition, red perilla makes an amazingly sturdy and breathtaking
well-suited for use in pollinator habitat resto-
symptoms in cases of arthritis, border plant. One of the most attractive red plants we know! A
ration and erosion control. Grown from seed, it
enlarged prostate, and many must for pickles, perfect for salads and sushi. Easy to grow and
will create the strongest tap roots. Caution: can
other complaints. Also used produces super fast. Pkt (30 seeds) $3.00
become invasive in some areas, though not eas-
in salt-reduced diets. Young
ily in natural habitats, and can be toxic in large KAORI AO OBA SHISO
shoots taste like spinach and
amounts to some livestock. Pkt (200 seeds) $2.75 (PERILLA) #HB258
are rich in vitamins and iron.
Nettle is one of the foundations A lovely green-leafed Shi-
of Biodynamic practices. so from Japan. In Eastern
Pkt (800 seeds) $2.25 medicine, Shiso is seen almost

as a cure-all. The leaves are
used fresh, salted, pickled, and
dried in a variety of dishes,
but especially rice. The seeds

are rich in omega-3 fatty acids
and can also be used fresh or
dried. Perilla makes a good

companion near tomatoes,
but is best just outside of the
vegetable garden. Bees and
butterflies love the tiny flowers
(Stevia rebaudiana) A hard-to-find herb that is
that appear on the plants in
grown for the famous Stevia leaves which, when
SAGE, BROAD LEAF late summer and early fall, but
dried, are used to sweeten drinks and desserts. it readily self-seeds. Pkt (100
#HB147 (Salvia officinalis) Much sweeter than sugar, stevia powder is
Used in Europe and America to seeds) $3.00
reported to be 300 times sweeter! Not win-
flavor many meats, stuffings, vin- ter-hardy, except in zones 8-10. From Brazil and
egars, and more! Fragrant leaves Paraguay. The chemical companies who make
are also used in potpourri. 20”- artificial sweeteners hate this plant and have
tall gray-green plants are quite tried to make it illegal. But we just love it!
attractive. Pkt (75 seeds) $2.00 Pkt (15 seeds) $3.50

#HB129 (Chrysanthemum cor-
onarium) Delicious green leaves TOOTHACHE PLANT, YELLOW #HB250
are great in salads and stir fries. These potent little flowers are a pretty yellow
The brilliant yellow flowers are throughout. Stocky plants produce a profusion of TOOTHACHE PLANT, BULLS EYE #HB160
also tasty! A beautiful Oriental canary-colored flowers that are incredibly potent. With a bright bulls eye on the tip of each flower, these funky little
heirloom, very colorful. Pkt (125 Flowers retain their numbing qualities when flowers look great in a border, especially when planted en masse.
seeds) $2.50 dried or made into a tincture. Pkt (75 seeds) $3.00 As potent as they are beautiful, these flowers pack a punch. Pkt (75
seeds) $3.00

120 “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” —Mahatma Gandhi
(Valeriana officinalis) Perennial. (Also
known as Garden Heliotrope) Deli-
cate-looking, low-growing plants give
rise to 4-foot, charming clusters of tiny
pale pink flowers June-September; very
attractive in borders or herb gardens. Ex-
tracted fragrance of the flowers was used
in perfumes in the Renaissance. Valerian
was touted for its medicinal properties
for centuries, and modern research has
confirmed its value. The root has been
WORMWOOD #HB115 the part most used, having been recom-
(Artemisia absinthium) Sil- mended as a pain reliever, sedative, and
very-grey leaves, a beautiful to allay migraine, but most importantly
plant; ornamental. Traditionally to relieve insomnia. (We make no recom-
used to expel worms, and as mendation and any use of herbs should
a bitter tonic; hardy. Pkt (500 be undertaken only under medical
seeds) $2.00 supervision.) Pkt (100 seeds) $2.50

(Tanacetum vulgare) Perennial, to 4 feet. Fern-like,
aromatic leaves, with a fragrance reminiscent of
camphor and rosemary. Mature plants produce
heads of attractive yellow button-like flowers,
interesting when grown at the back of an herb
border. Dried tansy has historically been used to
repel insects like moths and ants; the plant also
yields a traditional green dye. Not recommended
for culinary use. Pkt (100 seeds) $2.50 WHITE HOREHOUND #HB192 (Marrubium vulgare)
This is the traditional remedy for coughs, having earned its place in the herb garden! Mounds of
silvery foliage, around 18 inches tall and somewhat broader, last all season long in most climates.
White flowers in season are pretty but not really showy. Pkt (100 seeds) $2.50


(Achillea millefolium) Perennial. Mix of blood red,
cerise, cream, yellow and white. All the good traits
of yarrow, but in an irresistible blend of colors. The
large flower clusters are in reality made up of scores
of tiny daisies, last a long time and bloom until very
cold weather. Pkt (50 seeds) $2.75
(T. vulgaris) Very aromatic and flavorful; not
winter hardy. Pkt (800 seeds) $2.50

A FAVORITE OF beneficial INSECTS. we love easy-to-grow yarrow!


(Thymus pulegioides) Perennial. (Also known VARIETY #FL795 (Achillea
as creeping thyme) Spreading perennial that filipendulina) This hardy yar-
forms thick mats with tight clusters of rose-pur- row has beautiful, feathery
ple flowers. Very fragrant; useful for planting gray-green foliage and love-
between stepping stones and at the edge of ly flower clusters with many COMMON YARROW #HB114
walkways, where its vigorous growth habit is a tiny yellow flowers. Makes (Achillea millefolium) Beautiful when used
as a dried flower. Also popular as an herb;
virtue. Used in cooking and for medicinal pur- a beautiful and long-lasting
used for colds, fevers, and for healing
poses; antifungal action has been documented cut flower. An easy perennial wounds. An easy-to-grow wildflower that
for this species. Pkt (200 seeds) $2.25 to grow almost anywhere! provides quite a country charm over a
Pkt (900 seeds) $2.50 long season. Pkt (800 seeds) $2.50

More varieties of seed available at 121

We are glad to be able to offer a good selection of old cottage garden flower varieties. Flowers bring so much beauty to any garden.
Warning: some are very poisonous. Do not use for food unless you are sure they are edible.

(Callistephus chinensis) Asters originated in
China. Annual. (200 seeds per Pkt) AGERATUM MIX
GIANT Annual. Old-fash-
PERFECTION ioned favorite in
MIX gentle pastel tones
#FL101 of lavender, blue and
Beautiful, long-last- white. Ageratum
flowers make a lot of
ing cut flowers, an
nectar and support
old-fashioned fa- beneficial insect pop-
vorite. Peony-type, ulations. They are also
extra-large flowers a choice plant for the
that are great for front of the border,
cutting. This formu- in rock gardens and
la mix has all the more. So precious.
best colors. This Pkt (100 seeds) $2.50
variety is popular PALE PINK DWARF MILADY #FL113
with home and A sweet dwarf aster with a profusion of large 3”
market growers.
Pkt $2.25
flowers for a perfectly pink party on the patio.
Suited for borders or container gardening and BACHELOR’S BUTTON
is a butterfly magnet. Heat resistant and worry (Edible) (Centaurea cyanus) Hardy annual. Often self-
free. So pretty and pale pink! Pkt $2.75 sows. Bachelor’s Buttons were brought to America in
the 17th century. (150 seeds per pkt)
NEW! Bright and sunny blooms in
brilliant magenta and soft yellow
centers. Asters are reliable and florif-
erous, perfect for borders, arranging
and beds. Tidy and compact plants
reach just 20 inches tall. Asters were
sold by renowned pioneer Ameri-
can gardener, Bernard McMahon.
We love this vibrant new take on an
old favorite. Pkt $3.00
Colorful blue, double flowers on tall 3’ plants, bloom
all season. Very easy to grow. It is a self-seeding annu-
BELLS OF IRELAND al, so you will not have to replant. Pkt $3.00


Hardy annual. Balanced formula-mix of assorted Bach-
elor’s Buttons of mostly two-toned color patterns.
The spectrum runs from sky blue through royal blue,
deep burgundy to reds, rose, pinks, and white. Lends
wonderful color to beds, borders and especially to
BELLS OF IRELAND #FL140 Hardy annual. old-style cottage garden designs, and makes a perfect
(Moluccella laevis) Tiny white flowers in large green bell-shaped calyxes. Great as a cut flower, fresh or cut flower too! Truly an artistic new spin to an old
dried. This old-time plant has been cultivated since 1570. Very easy to grow. Pkt (125 seeds) $2.75 classic favorite. Pkt $2.75

(Calendula officinalis) Hardy annual. Often self-
SUSAN VINE sows. (125 seeds per pkt)


(Thunbergia alata) Tender perennial grown as an BALL’S IMPROVED ORANGE #FL205
annual. Trumpet-shaped, 5-petaled tubular flow- Pretty, double, 3” flowers are a deep orange ORANGE KING #FL208
ers in a warm mix of yellows, oranges and golds. color. They are great as cut flowers or as a tasty Massive, double calendula flowers in a beautiful
Bearing 2-inch flowers with dark purple-black garnish in salads and add color to many dishes. shade of brilliant orange make this variety a true
throats, this East African native is showy trained Pkt $2.25 king of calendulas. Pkt $2.25
up a trellis, in hanging baskets, or in pots. Mature
plants grown in a frost-free environment may
climb 20 feet; expect 6- to 8-foot plants when
grown as an annual. Pkt (25 seeds) $3.00



Behold an almost pure white calendula that will
undergo a beautiful transformation right before
your eyes! Unopened blooms are a lemon-curd PACIFIC BEAUTY MIX #FL200
BLUE BALLOON FLOWER #FL956 (Edible) yellow. As the petals unfurl, a brilliant almost Lovely flowers up to 4” in colors of orange,
(Platycodon grandiflora) This is a lovely and pure white is revealed with a dark center-- a apricot, yellow, peach, and cream. An historic
unique perennial. The blooms will expand like stunning contrast! This fascinating flowering heirloom garden plant that was known as “Pot
an inflated balloon until they burst open into a show will continue from late spring through the Marigold.” A colorful addition to any garden.
gorgeous blue star. Two-foot tall plants will set fall on tidy 2 foot plants. Pkt (50 seeds) $3.00 Pkt $2.25 or 1,000 seeds $7.00
off tons of explosive little blooms late into the
season when many flowers are spent. The roots
are appreciated for having antimicrobial, anti-
bacterial and other medicinal qualities. Roots
are used in Asian food. Pkt (200 seeds) $2.75



Formula mix featuring diverse plant habits,
flower forms and colors. Fascinating subjects
for houseplant or greenhouse. Cacti are usually
Calendula is incredibly versatile with boundless culinary, healing, pest repelling and ornamental
slow growers and very long-lived in suitable
properties. We love this new twist on the traditional calendula; soft yellow-pink petals have a sur-
conditions. Pkt (25 seeds) $3.00 prise cerise color on their backs. This dual color pattern gives the blooms a bold, three-dimensional
effect. An excellent companion plant for tomatoes in the garden or containers! Pkt (50 seeds) $3.75

More varieties of seed available at 123

Massive 8-12 inch magenta
COCKSCOMB (Edible) heads teeter atop tall plants
with lush foliage. The large
dense combs have brilliant
garnet and violet tones that
shimmer in the back border
or as a large focal point in
arrangements. With dwarf
cockscomb dominating the
market in recent years, it can
be difficult to find tall vari-
eties. Tornado red proudly
stands 2 feet tall, and will
bloom from late spring until
fall frost. A stunning variety
DWARF CORAL GARDEN MIX #FL266 that hold its rich, crushed
Beautiful color on short, dwarf plants; these can velvet color when cut. Pkt
produce large heads that sometimes reach 8” (30 seeds) $3.00
across, although they vary. A perfect bedding
plant that adds vibrant colors to any garden;
even the smallest can fit in a few of these.
Pkt (125 seeds) $2.50


Annual. To 48”. Stunning, large, very deeply
folded crested-type cockcombs in shades from
apricot to coral pink. Gorgeous at the back of a
mixed border; also makes a nice dried flower. Pkt
(30 seeds) $3.00

amazing tie dye blooms! VARIEGATED COCKSCOMB

#FL289 New!
This fabulously novel variegated
cockscomb from antiquity has been
brought back from obscurity! This
color was described as a beautiful
and unusual floral oddity in “The
Country Gentleman’s Magazine,” a
British periodical from 1874. Other
than this mention, there is no record
of this vibrantly bi-colored celosia,
which is a wonder, as the dueling
tones are a playful riot of color.
Alien-like combs sit atop three-foot
tall plants. We expect this one-of-a-
kind weirdo to be warmly embraced
by gardeners and floral designers!
Lovely 4”-6” flowers are a joy! Note:
variegation varies a lot from plant to
plant. Pkt (30 seeds) $4.00

Hardy annual. Great for salads and garnishing. #FL242 New! (Cosmos
Often self-sows. atrosanguineus). Chocolate-scented
cosmos, originally from the pine and
oak woods in Mexico. Believed to now
be extinct in much of their native range
in the pine oak forests of the Trans
Mexican Volcanic Belt. The intoxicating
aroma of chocolate cosmos have
made them a favorite of gardeners for
centuries, and until recently, plants
were wild and a bit scraggly and
could only be propagated by cuttings.
Renowned flower breeder, Dr. Keith
BRIGHT LIGHTS #FL241 Hammett, of New Zealand has created
(Cosmos sulphureus) Brilliant flowers in shades the incredible new Black Magic cosmos.
of orange, yellow, and flame-red. The plants are With larger blooms, a neater growing
early to bloom and produce profusely. Colorful habit and a few viable seeds, this is
and easy to grow. Pkt (100 seeds) $2.50 an exciting new heirloom innovation!
Plants average 2 feet tall with blooms
almost 2 inches across and the rich,
velvety blooms truly look and smell like
chocolate. Pkt (4 seeds) $5.00

Annual that self sows in the
garden. This stunning variety
garners squeals of delight in the
garden. The unusual striping
creates an exciting effect, espe-
cially when planted en masse.
This is the perfect focal point for
RUBINATO #FL152 the landscape or arrangement
Super dwarf red cosmos! Here’s an outstanding as the patterns and contrasting
addition to the Cosmos clan—award-winning colors keep you wanting more.
color on compact plants! The color is the very A rich crimson color is offset by
best of the burgundy-magenta that makes transparent white, each petal
cosmos so endearing in the summer garden— subtly different from the next.
varying tones from medium to super-deep. The Plants reach 2 feet tall, and the
single blooms have very wide petals; the overall blooms are profuse throughout
effect is reminiscent of richly pleated silk. The the season. Pkt (30 seeds) $3.00
18-24” plants are compact, never lanky. Recently
recognized with Europe’s Fleuroselect award.
Spectacular! Pkt (30 seeds) $3.00


“Xanthos” means “yellow”in Greek. This one
comes in a focused range of pale ivory to soft
butter-yellow tones--absolutely new in Cosmos.
CREPIS RUBRA PINK #FL878 Annual. Also known as pink Hawksbeard, this
stunning European classic adds a touch of whimsy to the landscape with enchanting fairy prin-
No wonder it won a Fleuroselect medal! Single cess pink blooms that take on the appearance of a “pink dandelion”. Doubled petals have a faint
flowers are very large and elegantly showy. Dwarf ombre from light to darker rose color. Perhaps the most charming note about this plant is that it
plants, early and productive, are equally valuable thrives in rocky soil and waste areas. Freely scatter the seeds in otherwise difficult areas to invite
in the landscape, in containers on porches and cheery pink blooms all season long. This is also a welcome addition to the classic cottage garden.
patios, or cut. Pkt (30 seeds) $3.50 Plants average 1- 1.5 feet tall and make an excellent border. Pkt (100 seeds) $3.00
More varieties of seed available at 125
DAHLIA (Edible)
Annual. Tubers may be lifted and stored for planting the following spring. Flowers and tubers are both
useful as food.


Compact, rounded plants
are a useful size, reaching
about 20 inches—perfect
for bedding, large enough
to make a real showing in
containers or window boxes.
Flowers are single, large at
3-4”, with petals of unusually
heavy substance. Colors are
perky dahlia tones of white,
pinks, soft yellows, and reds.
Pkt (30 seeds) $2.50


(Dahlia hybrida) Colorful mix of rose, orange,
yellow, crimson, purple, and brick red. Single
and semi-double flowers; a popular garden
flower. A classic dahlia mix that has greeted
Tender perennial. Overwinter indoors, or grow as an annual, starting indoors in early spring.
several generations of gardeners each summer.
Easy to grow. Pkt (50 seeds) $2.75

(Edible) Perennial. Direct sow in spring.
(100 seeds per pkt)


This old-fashioned plant is perfect for any shady spot. The heart-shaped leaves come in many bright
colors, great for containers and borders. This plant evokes the spirit of Victorian gardens. Start inside and
don’t cover seeds. Leaves are cooked in some Asian cultures. Pkt (100 seeds) $2.75


#FL329 Hardy annual. Dainty,
fully double blooms in deepest
maroon, almost black, edged in
brilliant white. The margins of the
CHABAUD PICOTEE FANTASY MIX petals are heavily frilled, and the
CARNATION #FL327 overall effect is one of great dig-
(Dianthus caryophyllus) A wide mix of carnation nity and refinement, yet stunning
beauty. The one-inch blooms are
colors—cardinal red, pinks, violets, crimson,
sweetly fragrant. Makes a fine cut
salmon, whites and yellows—all “fantastically” flower but really shines in a massed
striped or edged in brilliant contrasting tones. planting. Compact plants, the flow-
Large, fully double, sweetly scented blooms ers are held above the grass-like
make great cut flowers. Reaches about 2 feet in foliage, reaching about a foot in
height. Pkt $2.75 height. Pkt (50 seeds) $3.50

(Alcea rosea except as noted) Biennial. Delicious
petals are perfect for salads. (35 seeds per pkt)


Hardy annual. Globe-shaped, tightly-packed Also known as Cherry Pie, Heliotrope was immense- JET BLACK OR NIGRA #FL421
clusters of sky-blue to violet flowers are ly popular during the Victorian era in England. A This variety was mentioned in 1629 and was planted
sweetly scented. Held about 15” above the bouquet of Heliotrope was laid on Emily Dickenson’s in the gardens at Monticello by Thomas Jefferson.
ground, the flowers come over a long season. Coffin. This deliciously fragrant flower has fallen out This traditional variety is shockingly beautiful with its
Very attractive to butterflies and bees and of the spotlight in modern times. Native to Peru, near-black flowers and just a hint of red. Gorgeous
makes great forage for these precious and compact plants stand 18-24 inches high, perfect for planted out by the old white outhouse or in the back
beautiful insects. This West Coast native the front border. Also an excellent cut flower. We of your flower bed. A must for historical gardens.
prefers hot and dry conditions. Perfect for think its high time that these diminutive flowers You’ll love this richly-colored variety. Pkt $3.00
roadside plantings, meadows and, of course, once again bring their intoxicating vanilla fragrance
flower borders. Makes a fine cut flower; self- to gardens everywhere! Caution, all parts of this
sows freely where the environment suits it. plant are poisonous, especially to horses! Pkt (150
Pkt (800 seeds) $2.50 seeds) $2.75


(Agastache X
hybrida) Think Anise
hyssop with a twist-
in clear pink rather #FL429 Compact form, 2-3 feet high, is ideal for
than the more usual bedding use, small enough to grow in pots! Huge,
lavender-purple. fully double blooms held all along the stems. Con-
Incredibly free flow- tains the full range of hollyhock colors: purple, red,
ering on compact rose, pink, salmon, yellow and white. These bloom
plants, early summer very quickly from seed, about 65 days. Pkt $3.00
right through to
hard frost, and the
bees, butterflies and
hummingbirds love
it! Pkt (25 seeds)
(Polygonum orientale) Exotic,
long, flowing flower heads are
a cerise-pink in color. Plants
are over 6’ tall and produce
many hanging, rope-like flow-
ers. We are happy to offer this
rare and colorful heirloom
from the gardens of yester-
year. Freeze seeds for a week MAJORETTE DOUBLE CHAMPAGNE #FL423
before planting, and plant Romantic, soft, blushing pink flowers with dark pink
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to very early in the spring or late centers, this dwarf variety produces fully double, large
test a man’s character, give him power. winter. A nice cut or dried “powderpuff” type flowers. Such a lovely color and easy
-Abraham Lincoln flower. Pkt (25 seeds) $2.50 to grow as an annual or biennial. Pkt (30 seeds) $3.00

More varieties of seed available at 127



Antique, extra showy variety dating back to at least 1886. Formerly known as double sunset gaillardia. An extra-terrestrial take on our favorite pollinator-
friendly prairie flower. Blooms have quilled double petals in fabulous mixed colors. (Some single blooms, too) This heat-tolerant, long-season blooming
native North American wildflower is equally at home in the border or freely sown as a wild flower. Makes an exemplary cut flower. Pkt (50 seeds) $2.75


Hardy annual. Often self-sows. Lovely,
Add a touch of warmth to the color palette with this breathtaking mix of sunset red, gold, and yellow. The
yellow, daisy-like flowers with red centers,
lollipop mix is a delightful frilly petaled mix, a perfect self-seeding annual that is heat and drought tolerant,
this annual is easy to grow. Great for sun-
and thrives in poor soil. Long stems make this an ideal cutting flower for an impressive vase. Gaillardia is native
ny, dry areas. Pkt (100 seeds) $2.25
to North America, making it an ideal choice as a low maintenance and showy wildflower. Most importantly,
our pollinators in peril will thank you for planting it; the large disks make the most inviting landing pad for
beleaguered butterflies, who will be grateful for the nutritious nectar feast! Pkt (50 seeds) $2.75
(Tagetes patula) Annual. Great in salads! Thrives
in heat.


The giant African type that is popular with gar- CUPID MIX MARIGOLD #FL228
deners coast-to -coast; the big double blooms The most adorable little African marigolds for bedding! Seldom exceeding 14 inches, the plants are
come in shades of lemon yellow to deep orange, smothered in deep golden, soft yellow, and tangerine orange blooms. The flowers are stunning in detail.
and the 30” plants are profuse. Tightly packed, extravagantly curled petals are reminiscent of quilled chrysanthemum flowers. Perfect for
Pkt (200 seeds)$2.50 edging borders or walks, where their joie de vivre can be shared by all. Pkt (100 seeds) $2.75


Very dwarf mixture of the crest- ORANGE HAWAII #FL462
ed French Marigolds; plants only Large, deep-orange flowers are 4” across, very
grow to 10”-12” tall. Bright col- striking and beautiful. Plants grow to 3’. Orange
ors. Easy to grow, even in small Hawaii is used as a natural feed additive to
pots. Pkt (200 seeds) $2.50 brighten the yolks of eggs. Pkt (200 seeds) $2.50
We finally have added a unique white marigold; this variety has lovely
We love the unique blooms on this dwarf French type!
2” creamy-white blooms that really stand out in a crowd. White mari- Bronzy-red to orange single petals with a bright orangey
golds were long in the making; in fact, Burpee Seed Company spent plume of petals in the center. Try planting these special
56 years of searching and breeding before finding success. After years marigolds en masse or along borders for a flaming effect
of trying, David Burpee offered $10,000 to the first home gardener in the garden. Don’t forget that French marigolds are nat-
who sent in the right seeds to help make a real white variety; thou- urally pest resistant and make useful companion plants to
sands of gardeners responded for years. One lady, Alice Vonk of Sully, things like squash and tomatoes! Pkt (100 seeds) $2.75
Iowa, sent seeds for 21 years, and in 1975, Burpee awarded her the
coveted prize for her work—after the company had spent 56 years
and $250,000 testing during the contest years. Now there are several MARVEL OF PERU or FOUR O’CLOCK
white varieties, including this beauty. Pkt (30 seeds) $3.00 (Mirabilis jalapa) Tubers may be lifted and stored for planting the following spring.
Discovered in the 16th century, the flowers open at approximately 4:00 PM.
SPUN ORANGE #FL920 Fragrant flowers come in a wide range of colors, such as pink, magenta, yellow,
white, and more. Very bright and attractive. Makes another great flower for night
Our Favorite! gardens. One of the easiest
Extra large, attractive,
flowers to grow!
super-double flowers with
Caution: Poisonous
tubular petals. The color
is a pleasing, clear orange MARBLES MIXED
rather than the harsh or- #FL448 Extravagant
ange-brown so often seen mixture contains all of the
in African marigolds. Plants various colors and patterns
are rather compact, seldom of the “Marbles” series!
exceeding 20 inches. Very Yellows, reds, oranges and
uniform size is ideal for whites, each flower unique-
cutting, yet earns its keep ly striped and splashed
in the border. Pkt (100 with contrasting hues. Pkt
seeds) $2.75 (25 seeds) $2.75

More varieties of seed available at 129

Annual. Easy to grow vine, this is an amazing plant that was refined in 9th century Japan. Colorful and so easy to grow! (35 seeds per packet)


(Ipomoea purpurea) One of our most asked-for
flowers in our trial gardens. A few vines covered CHOCOLATE #FL490 Our Favorite!
the arbor over our garden gate. The flowers are so (Ipomoea nil) The Japanese started selecting morning
GLORY #FL493 (Ipomoea nil) glories in the 9th century, and this selection is one of
unique and stunning: they’re true double morn-
Kikyozaki morning glories are popular their most stunning. Huge, 5”-6” blooms are in the love-
ing glories! They are fully double and uniquely
in Japan. These are star-shaped and liest creamy, chocolate-pink color. Large plants produce
shaped, plus they come in the most lovely shades
of ruby-rose. This historic heirloom has long been many will be semi-double. Fantastic loads of these beauties that are so rare and unique.
out of catalogs due to the introduction of modern looking and much sought after, this Imperial Japanese morning glories were quite popular
varieties, but this variety proves that some things is a true botanic treasure that we are in America during Victorian times, and we plan to make
can’t be improved! Pkt (25 seeds) $3.00 proud to offer. Pkt (10 seeds) $3.00 them popular here once again. Pkt (10 seeds) $4.00


Amazing 5”-6” blooms. Aptly nicknamed
“gathering clouds” morning glory,
stormy dark violet disks are streaked
with clouds of white, making a bold
contrast against light green, slightly
variegated foliage. Japan experienced
a morning glory “mania” during the Edo
period, much like tulip “fever” of the
Dutch. Japan’s diverse list of unique
morning glories heralds from this peri-
od of excitement. Pkt (10 seeds) $6.00


Amazing LIME Green Leaves & Sea-Blue colored blooms!
(Ipomoea nil) This is one of the best morning glories we have grown.
It was on display at our gardens in Missouri, and the inquiries were
MOONFLOWER #FL483 never ending. The foliage is bright lime green and variegated. The
Long, vigorous vines grow
CLARK’S HEAVENLY BLUE #FL481 large flowers are a unique true blue with white speckles and stripes.
to 20’; giant fragrant white
(I. purpurea) Lovely, 4” pale-blue flowers; this “Glory” type flowers. Excellent Flowers were prolific and varied; a truly captivating flower. Like
heirloom dates to the 1920s. Produces long 12’ for planting in night gardens. most other Japanese Imperial types, this is a shy seed producer; the
vines, and flowers the full season. Pkt $2.50 Pkt (20 seeds) $2.50 rare seeds are in limited supply. Pkt (10 seeds) $10.00

(Tropaeolum majus) Annual. Sow where plants are to grow. Delicious flowers and leaves, perfect for salads! (25 seeds per Pkt)
Annual. Stunning
round-leafed nas-
turtium foliage is
brightly variegated.
The velvety, deep
maroon blooms
come as a bonus. DWARF JEWEL MIX #FL503
A bit somber and Bright, sunny colors: yellow, pink, red, and orange.
very dramatic! The edible flowers are popular for salads and as a
Dwarf, upright garnish; the peppery leaves are also very flavorful.
plants. Pkt $3.00 A colorful garden favorite. Pkt $2.75 or 100 seeds


KING THEODORE #FL514 This heirloom favorite grows up to 10’ in a season
Fashionable, dark green plants have mahoga- and is perfect for covering walls, arbors and tall
ny-red blooms with chocolate overtones. Stunning fences. Bright and cheery flowers come in shades YETI #FL513
and flashy. You’ll love this heirloom from the 1890’s of yellow, orange and red. The flowers are spicy and Named after the ape-like rare creature that
with its compact, beautiful blooms. Pkt $2.50 flavorful, making the most beautiful salad. Pkt $3.00 legend says inhabits the Himalayas, these white
nasturtiums are rare indeed. Not just things of
folklore, here is a creamy-white flowering variety
that blooms on long trailing vines that have large
leaves. Pkt $3.00

PETUNIA (Flowers Edible)

Annual. Early start indoors recommended.
Old-fashioned petunias tend to bloom longer and
are more fragrant than modern varieties.

TIP TOP ALASKA SALMON #FL502 New! Tiny Plants!

A favorite edible flower in a soft, salmon color. Compact plants reach just 8 inches tall. The varie-
gated leaves are also edible and make a spicy green in salads. The romantic-blush toned petals are
perfect for fine edible flower designs. Pkt $3.25

PANSY (Edible)
(Viola) Annual. Spring plant for summer bloom in
cool-summer climates; plant late summer for autumn BALCONY MIX #FL562
bloom in warmer zones. Grows and blooms best when This old petunia was popular with gardeners
cooler conditions prevail. throughout much of the first part of the twentieth
century, but has nearly been lost to cultivation be-
BLACK KING PANSY #FL951 cause of seed companies’ interests in selling newer
A truly royal flower, this rich, large pansy has gorgeous varieties. This variety has delightfully fragrant
petals, a satiny, deep black—like crushed velvet, with a blooms in shades of rose, lavender and purple.
small yellow eye. Very unique, these create an amazing Trailing plants are perfect for adding color and
contrast in the flower bed; they also make quite the fragrance to window boxes and hanging baskets.
statement in a mass planting. Pkt (200 seeds) $2.50 Pkt (800 seeds) $2.50

More varieties of seed available at 131



Annual. Deeply fringed or indented petal Annual. (Phlox drummondii) Very fragrant blooms
margins give the impression of far more than in an unusual range of colors for a Phlox—pale AMERICAN LEGION #FL585
the 5 petals that are actually present. Diversity lavender to deep violet blue. White star-like cen- (Papaver rhoeas) This Flanders poppy grew in
of streaks, stripes and zoning makes “Twinkles” ters and intricate contrasting striping complete Europe in World War I, and the name “American
really shine. Widest possible range of phlox col- the breathtaking vision of splendor. Bushy plants Legion” honors the soldiers who died. Bright red
ors, too! Compact plants rarely exceed 9 inches are incredible massed in borders, in front of walls, blooms cover plants; grows and blooms very
and are perfect for edging. Makes a superior or of course for cutting gardens. Plants reach two easily. Annual. Pkt (600 seeds) $2.50
container variety, when situated so that the feet in height, blooming over a very long season.
intricate details of each unique flower can be Butterflies love them, too! Pkt (200 seeds) $3.00
appreciated up close. Pkt (200 seeds) $2.75

POPPY WARNING: Some parts of many poppies are poisonous, do not use for food,
unless you’re postive on their safety.


#WF145 The ultimate California Poppy mix! Ev-
ery glorious shade on the spectrum is represented
in this mix of single and double petaled blooms.
Colors range from creamy yellows, vibrant orang-
es, soft lilac, luxurious cherry and so much more!
Try growing this mix broadcasted in meadows and
along the driveway. This is the natural habit of
California poppies; they have a knack for naturaliz-
ing in these areas. Pkt (600 seeds) $2.50


(P. somniferum) A graceful and gorgeous poppy from Hungary, beloved for its tasty seeds. This edible
breadseed poppy produces dazzling purple petals that give way to large seed-filled pods. The pods
are excellent for arranging, adding unique form to designs. The seeds are a light blue color with nutty BLACK SWAN #FL591
flavor. An annual that easily self sows, we love to plant this poppy in drifts, creating a swaying sea of (Papaver somniferum) Gorgeous double flowers
have exotic, frilly cut petals of burgundy to al-
purple color. Many Hungarian recipes call for poppy seeds, from fillings for rolls and bread. There is
most black. One of the most unique and stunning
even a traditional noodle dish with ground poppy seed topping. Pkt (600 seeds) $3.00 varieties you can grow! Pkt (600 seeds) $3.00

(Papaver somniferum) Annual. Enormous flowers
reach six inches across. Each one is intricately
crinkled and feathered or frilled, of unbelievably
vivid scarlet, and at the center of each is a large,
snow-white Greek cross. The variety does indeed
resemble the national flag of Denmark, which
consists of a white cross on a scarlet field. Flowers
attain a height of about 30”. Breathtaking in mass
plantings! Pkt (600 seeds) $3.00


(Papaver rhoeas) A lovely mixture of misty and subtle shades. The late Sir Cedric Morris, painter and
gardener, presumably years ago selected and named this mixture of pale and smoky colors as grey,
lilac, mauve, pink, soft orange and white. Various flowers have flecking in the same tones and some
delightful picotees. This refined mixture has a good balance of pastel colors. It is one of the most sub-
tle poppy mixtures to grow in the garden. Easy, direct seeding on almost any soil, in full sun or partial
shade. Stunning! Pkt (600 seeds) $3.00

(Papaver rhoeas) Annual. Flanders Poppy with a
twist! The range of color runs from dusky rose to
burgundy; when combined with silvery stripes,
each double bloom resembles antique silk.
Unique and very choice! This was a show-stopper
in our trial gardens. Pkt (600 seeds) $3.00


(Papaver somniferum) Amazing double and
semi-double lanciniata-type flowers in deli-
cate lilac color. The large, frilly blooms are truly
eye-catching when they contrast to the blue-grey FLEMISH ANTIQUE #FL583
foliage of the plants. Just scatter the seeds of this (Papaver somniferum) Beautiful, large double blooms in shades of rose, all striped with creamy white.
hardy annual in early spring and wait for the color- This new poppy resembles those once seen in antique herbal books. The dried pods are filled with
ful blooms. One of the most unique and beautiful seeds that can be used in baking. Simply gorgeous! Your garden will be blessed with the simple ele-
poppies you can grow. Pkt (600 seeds) $3.50 gance of this stunning selection. Pkt (600 seeds) $3.00

More varieties of seed available at 133

SALVIA -SAGE Annual. (150 seeds per pkt)


(Salvia horminum) Wow, these produce long-last- (Salvia horminum) Lovely, romantic, bright-pink
ing blue flower spikes over a long period! A love- flower spikes that shine in any heritage garden!
ly 2’ plant that is becoming all the rage in cottage The 2’ plants are covered in pink all summer and
gardens. Pkt $2.50 are very easy to grow. Pkt $2.50


These stunning blue flower spikes will
welcome hummingbirds, honeybees
and butterflies to your garden. This se- SALVIA QUEEN MIX #FL256 New!
lection produces an extra heavy crop of Cheerful blend of pollinator-friendly blooms.
blooms! Native perennial from Mexico Rosy pink and violet spikes are aromatic and
to Texas, Sirius blue is drought tolerant nectar rich, this mix is honey bee heaven!
and will thrive in rocky soil. This compact Perennial, easy to grow, bushy 2 foot tall plants
plant will only reach 12-16 inches in fill in quickly, creating a mass of color from May
height, making it a great choice for the til September. Tolerates poor soil and loves full
border. Pkt (60 seeds) $3.00 sun. Pkt (50 seeds) $3.50



Intense deep blue, almost black blooms resemble a dark night.
Flecks of pollen splash across the petals like stars in the sky. Excellent GRANDIFLORA MIX SALPIGLOSSIS #FL874 Just amazing! Annual.
focal plant, plays so beautifully when planted with white blooms, like Salpiglossis caught everyone’s eye in the 2016 flower trials. Nicknamed “painted
moonflower. Try in mixed plantings or containers. The rare painted tongue,” large petunia-like blooms are splashed with vibrant purple-pinks and
tongue is deeply dramatic, sure to draw attention all summer long. yellows. These pretty flowers are native to southern Chile and are related to nico-
Plants are 2-2.5 feet tall. Pkt (40 seeds) $2.75 tiana. Plants average 2.5 feet tall. Suitable for cut flowers. Pkt (200 seeds) $2.75



(Antirrhinum majus) Lavish, full-sized old-fash-
ioned snapdragons reaching 36 inches. Heavy
trusses of large, velvety-textured blooms in true
apple-blossom pink, contrasting with pale gold. TALL DELUXE MIXTURE SNAPDRAGON BLACK PRINCE SNAPDRAGON #FL621
Stunning massed at the back of the border or as #FL620 Beautiful, 30”-36” flower spikes in a One of the best, this variety has beautiful dark
an accent plant. Yields a commendable cut-flow- brilliant range of colors: pink, red, yellow, lavender, leaves and stunning, very dark crimson flowers. This
er, as well. Snapdragons were cherished in the and rose shades. Native to southern Europe. plant is so attractive when planted with light-col-
gardens of yesteryear! Pkt (600 seeds) $2.75 Pkt (800 seeds) $2.50 ored plants. So pretty! Pkt (600 seeds) $2.75


Sow where plants are to grow. Annual. Occasionally
(Limonium sinuatum)
Annual. This mix runs
the widest possible
range of rich jewel
tones—purple, rose, SWEET ALYSSUM TALL WHITE
and sunny lemon #FL108 Annual. This cheery white den-
yellow. Plants reach izen of cottage gardens since who-knows-
about 30 inches, and do when hardly needs an introduction! Tiny,
double duty in borders,
snow-white flowers are produced by the
being lovely when in
hundreds on spikes reaching just a foot
bloom, before the flow-
ers are cut for drying. in height. The fragrance is just like honey!
TALL DOUBLE MIX #FL640 An old fashioned favor- Tuck them at the edge of borders, or along
(Helichrysum bracteatum) The popular everlast- ite that is once again walks. The small plants are also great in
ing flower that is easy and fun to grow. These receiving the appreci- window boxes or in pots--anywhere their
come in red, pink, salmon, lemon, white, lilac, ation it deserves. Pkt sweet scent may be savored!
and more! Pkt (250 seeds) $2.50 (150 seeds) $2.00 Pkt (400 seeds) $2.50


IRISH POET #FL790 (Emilia javanica) Beautiful

bright orange variety for naturalistic gardens. This
annual has long stems and small, bright orange flow- AZUREUS BLUE #SW160
(L. sativus azureus) Brilliant azure-
ers in clusters. These flowers were once described as
blue flowers about 1 inch across,
the windswept hair of an Irish poet. Suitable as a spe- borne on semi-trailing or bush plants
cialty cut flower, it is a colorful filler for summer bou- OLD SPICE MIX #SW122 reaching about 2 feet in height.
quets. Grow in full sun in soil with good drainage. A gorgeous and fragrant mix of the finest sweet peas. Really distinctive accent or container
Tassel Flower was introduced to England from Asia Selected from varieties dating 1901-1907 has many brilliant plant! This Chinese native tolerates
in 1799 and was also known as “Flora’s Paintbrush” in shades of colors. Great heat resistance. Modern varieties are heat much better than ordinary
Victorian times. Pkt (150 seeds) $2.75 just not the same. Pkt (25 seeds) $2.75 sweet peas. Pkt (10 seeds) $3.00
More varieties of seed available at 135
(Helianthus annus) Annual. (35 seeds per pkt)

A beautiful European selection, Fantazja means
“imagination” in Polish. This tall, multi-branched
ARIKARA #FL736 classic sunflower makes for a fantastic cover
This native variety produces 10-foot tall plants with up plant for walls, fences or whatever needs
AUTUMN BEAUTY #FL720 many beautiful large, bright yellow flowers with covered; the plant quickly and thickly fills a space
A beautiful sunflower! Many 6” flowers in brilliant black centers. The seeds are edible and were used with vibrant multicolored blooms ranging from
red, gold, yellow, rust, and burgundy. Blooms over by the Arikara nation in North Dakota. This heir- canary yellow to beautiful bronze. Heads are 4-6
a long period. Makes a wonderful display. Tall, 7’ loom produces flowers over a long period; it was a inches across, canary-yellow with a large, dark
plants are a favorite. Pkt $2.00 or 300 seeds $6.00 real winner in our garden! Pkt $3.00 or brown center. Pkt $2.75
150 seeds $6.00
LARGEST Behemoth sunflower vari-
ety, heads are 16-18 inches
SUNFLOWER across sitting atop 14 foot
tall stalks! Huge, highly
SEEDS!!! nutritious seeds are 1”
long, more than twice the
average sunflower seed
size, perfect for snacking
or feeding the birds!
Pkt (15 seeds) $3.00

Annual, to 6-7 feet. An old Japanese variety,
non-branching and grown for cut-flower use.
Equally attractive in arrangements or in mass
plantings in the garden. The tall, non-branching
plants produce a single large flower in tones of
yellow to orange, chocolate and sable. Florists
adore the 8- to 10-inch flowers! Pkt $3.00


Massive, record-setting flower heads have
reached a fantastic 24” across in some areas.
One of the largest you can grow, it also
produces lots of really big seeds. Fun for the
kids and adults as well. Pkt (10 seeds) $2.50
This beautiful variety has medium-large blooms
in shades of burgundy, rust, bronze, bright
yellow, and crimson, with many being bi-colored.
The 7’ plants produce many flowers over a long
season. This is one of our favorite varieties. Gor-
geous! Pkt $2.50
This classic giant variety produces large, yellow MEXICAN SUNFLOWER, RED TORCH
heads and big, delicious white seeds perfect for #FL729 (Tithonia rotundifolia) (GOLDEN
roasting. It also grows very tall, 10’-12’! Fun to FLOWER OF THE AZTECS) Brilliant, red-orange,
grow and eat. Pkt (20 seeds) $2.50 2”- 3” flowers; an excellent butterfly plant. These
bloom over a very long season, and the plants
produce masses of blooms. The large 5’ plants are
very beautiful. I enjoyed these as I traveled along
the roadsides in the high mountains in central
Mexico. Pkt $2.50


The classic-looking heirloom sunflower with pure
yellow petals and dark centers is perfect for us-
ing as a cut flower and perfect for planting along
a fence or barn. Pkt $2.75


MAMMOTH GREY STRIPED #FL735 #FL747 (Tithonia rotundifolia) Here is a yellow
The standard giant variety that produces deli- version of this most popular plant with delightful
cious seeds. The 10’ plants produce heads that apricot-yellow flowers that really cast a glow. This
average 12” across. A stately garden plant. plant produces loads of flowers till frost. Very
Pkt (25 seeds) $2.50 easy to grow. Pkt $2.75


Stately branching
plants reaching 5-6
feet tall are covered
with dozens of orna-
mental blooms. Red
to red-orange single
flowers are highlighted
with a hint of yellow
around the centers.
LEMON QUEEN #FL722 Best seller! Blooms over a very
Beautiful, lemon-yellow blooms with choco- long season, attracting
late centers. This one is very unique; tall plants bees and butterflies.
produce many brilliant blooms that are a favorite Later, the tiny seeds
of many bees. Pkt (25 seeds) $2.50 or 300 seeds attract birds. Pkt $2.75

More varieties of seed available at 137

Beautiful 3”- 6” double, deep yellow blooms.
Plants grow to only 18”- 24” tall, and the dou-
ble blooms are very unique! This is a superb
variety. Pkt $2.50 or 300 seeds $7.00


Clear yellow-orange, six-inch, fully double
flowers look for all the world like super-sized
chrysanthemums, perched atop plants reaching
4-5 feet in height. Pkt $3.00

ZINNIAS (Edible)
(Zinnia elegans) Introduced from Mexico about 1800 and have been very popular ever since. They have huge flowers in many striking colors and are so
easy to grow. Many of our zinnias are double, but many still produce fairly large numbers of single flowers. Zinnias can be more unstable than most other
flowers, so expect some variation. We are working on selecting the best stock, but many need much more selection. (100 seeds per pkt.)

A vibrant mix of
summery colors
in cupcake flower
form. These scabiosa
type zinnias are
extra fun with frilly
pompom tops.
The blooms add a
different texture
to arrangements.
Brighten the border
with these easy-to-
CACTUS CHRYSANTHEMUM MIX #FL804 grow zinnias. It will
A strikingly different, large zinnia profuse with curled also produce some
and quilled spiky petals resembling a chrysanthemum single blooms, like
or cactus flower. A bold display in a rainbow of bright all double types.
colors, this eye-catching variety will be amazing in Pkt $3.00
your beds and borders. Pkt $3.00

Annual. Each scarlet
petal is tipped in
cream, and set off by
the circular gold-
en tracery at each
flower’s heart—sump-
tuous! Dahlia-type
WILL ROGERS ZINNIA flowers, large bloom
#FL821 This variety was POLAR BEAR #FL810
size, robust plants:
named after the famous Amer- The white dahlia-type zinnia has very
what more could a
ican Will Rogers and produces large blooms that are quite magnificent
zinnia connoisseur ask
stunning, big, red flowers that looking. A pretty bloom that is a must for
for? Pkt $3.00
really stand out. Pkt $2.25 bouquets! Pkt $2.50

Dahlia-flowered type is one of the tallest we’ve seen! The
flowers are extra large and brilliant amethyst-purple with
pale green centers. Fine for cut flowers, but the lavish display
is best appreciated right in the garden, especially planted en
masse. Beloved in gardens since 1949. Fabulous! Pkt $2.75

RED MAN SUPER CACTUS ZINNIA #FL820 New! Magnificent, huge red-flowered
variety of the giant cactus-type zinnia family. These flowers are stately, being a deep red and
having the pointed cactus-type petals. An old favorite that has now become rare. Pkt $3.00

Annual. Ravishing flowers
look like crimson velvet
laced with gold! Large
dahlia-flowered blooms
are very double, two-
toned in gold and red. The
full-sized plants are just
a bit compact, and the
EL DORADO #FL857 As reliable as it is beautiful, this me- generous yield of blooms
dium-large double-flowered zinnia does not disappoint. The makes this an especial-
striking salmon-orange color looks amazing in arrangements. ly good variety for cut
The stems are super rigid and perfect for cutting. Pkt $3.00 flowers. And if it’s a trifle
gaudy, well, that’s just how
we like our zinnias to be!
Pkt $3.00


Aptly named, this variety is nothing short of exquisite. Petals A brilliant orange, cactus flowering
burst forth with ruby-red tones, gracefully aging to a subtle type dahlia. These spectacular blooms
Large dahlia-type blooms are a beautiful yellow,
rose blush. Expect an extra-long harvest period from this are bursting with tangerine sunshine
4”-5” across. Great cut flowers for home or farm
hard-working variety. Plants are sturdy and tall, ready to and will add pizazz to the garden and
markets; an old favorite. Pkt $2.50
withstand a long season. Pkt $3.00 arrangements. Easy to grow. Pkt $3.00

More varieties of seed available at 139

the fantastic queen zinnias!
QUEEN LIME BLUSH ZINNIA #FL864 Art shades in zin-
#FL865 We just can’t get enough nias? The answer is yes! This

of these vibrant, dahlia-flowered large-flowered, dahlia-type
beauties! Large 3-inch blooms zinnia combines ruby tones
display an incredible lime green to with apple green, and the
red ombre with red centers. Stems result is sophisticated ethe-
reach 25 inches tall, and the plant real loveliness! Flowers are
remains sturdy. These make an extra very double, borne all season
long-lasting cut flower. The butter- long on productive, full-sized
flies seemed to especially appreciate zinnia plants, to about three
this variety! Amazing! Pkt (25 seeds) feet tall. Intriguing! Pkt (25
$4.00 seeds) $4.00

ZINNIA #FL867 We are enam-
ored with this 2018 All American
Selection! Perfect 2-3.5 inch
blooms transform from a coral
sunset to peach sorbet with a
QUEEN LIME ZINNIA #FL863 hint of minty green in the center.
Brilliant apple-green companion to This dynamic new heirloom has
the other ‘Queens’ and stunning when been selected for splendid colors
paired with them, either in the bed or as well as a sturdy compact
border, or in the vase! Dahlia blooms habit. Plants stand 28-32 inches
are incredibly double, tightly packed tall, with strong stems perfect
with brilliant green petals. Large for cutting and arranging as well
plants are believed to be sturdier and as holding up in the landscape.

more robust than ‘Envy,’ our previ- With exceptionally long vase life,
ous old favorite for green-flowered these are known to stay perky
for up to 3 weeks! Pkt (25 seeds)
zinnias. Pkt (25 seeds) $4.00


We adore fall planted bulbs because they are so
easy, and they make the first flowers each spring!
These tend to be hardy from zones 3 through
8. It is important to plant bulbs soon after you
receive them; don’t let them lay around outside!
Pre-order now and we will ship your bulbs in HEIRLOOM VEGETABLE GARDENING: A
September 2019, right before planting time! Master Gardener’s Guide to Planting, Seed
Saving and Cultural History #BK101
There is a spectacular range of daffodil varieties; By William Woys Weaver New!
they showcase beautifully beside one another 2nd Edition- An essential gardener’s resource,
in mass plantings. An entire bed of daffodils will in this guide, William Woys Weaver shares
range from large yellow trumpets to delicate with us an incredible wealth of heirloom seed
white flowers with bright orange cups. Here you knowledge, as well as culinary and gardening
will find some of the varieties that were beloved prowess. This book is sure to be a modern classic
by gardeners of the past as well as a few new and is one of the most important books on
varieties that are so special we just cannot help gardening in the current century. 480 Pages,
sharing with you. 25 bulbs for $24 hardcover. Forward by Jere Gettle.
SALE $25 (Regular $40)


The most flamboyant by-products of tulipmania HISTORIC HYACINTH #BL204 SAFFRON CROCUS #BL205
are the Parrot tulips. They arrive fashionably late, The common garden Hyacinth originated in Talk about a cash crop, the dried stigmas and
usually blooming mid to late spring just after the Turkey and has been cultivated commercially styles of Crocus sativus are known as one of the
more traditional, early varieties of tulips. They fin- since the second half of the 16th century. Here most expensive spices by weight; now you can
ish off tulip season with a bang; colors are often are some old varieties that have withstood the grow your own saffron in your garden. Saffron
test of time and remain in cultivation today. It is revered for its unique flavor that has been
bright flames of color with frilly, twisted or wavy
isn’t hard to understand how these fragrant old described as a slightly metallic honey with hay
petals. Parrot tulips are a favorite of macro pho-
friends have secured their place in gardeners’ notes. Saffron has a remarkable history; it is
tographers for their gracefully contorted flower
hearts; they are delightful! 10 bulbs for $24 said that Cleopatra liked her bath scented with
forms and stark color contrasts. 25 bulbs for $24 saffron. 25 bulbs for $20

More varieties of seed available at 141

Books for Heirloom Gardeners
Our very own books... Online orders: (The quickest way!)
Traditional Ways to Cook, Preserve, & Eat the
Harvest #BK267 Send orders to:
By Jere and Emilee Gettle
The co-founders of Baker Creek Heirloom BAKER CREEK HEIRLOOM SEEDS
Seed Company take you through more 2278 BAKER CREEK ROAD
than 125 vegan recipes that are healthy and
easy to make. They share tips and tricks on MANSFIELD, MO 65704
canning and preserving, as well as provide Fax orders to: 417-924-8887
a list of pantry staples to have on hand.
SALE $14.95 MAJOR CREDIT CARDS! If paying by credit card, please write
number, expiration date and CVV on order form.
THE HEIRLOOM LIFE GARDENER: The Baker Creek They are listed right after the variety name (e.g. ROMA
Way of Growing Your Own Food Easily & Naturally #TM110). This will help us get your order to you quickly.
#HG114 By Jere & Emilee Gettle, with Meghan
Sutherland . A book for heirloom gardeners and
want-to-be gardeners that covers all the basics, from WRITE CLEARLY ON A SHEET OF PAPER. Remember to
seed starting, growing, organic methods, harvest, include your name, address and phone number and email.
storage, seed saving, as well as stories of our life in
the soil, and growing and eating from the land. Learn POSTAGE & HANDLING:
about our seed collecting trips and stories from our FREE SHIPPING for USA, Canada and Mexico
seed’s history. We wrote this book as a colorful and
simple guide book that will inspire you to garden *INTERNATIONAL POSTAGE & HANDLING:
the easy and heirloom way, the way our ancestors All other countries, 20% of the order total, min. $5.00
gardened! Full color, hardcover. 228 pages. Special
TELEPHONE: We have limited phone lines and are no longer
price for our customers! $22.00 (Regular $29.95)
taking orders by phone, so please mail, fax or place your
order online. You’re welcome to call if you have questions or
need help. 417-924-8917
California customers, please add 7.25% for all products
except vegetable and herb seeds, which are non-taxable.
Connecticut customers, please add 6.35% for all products
except vegetable and herb seeds, which are non-taxable.
CLYDE’S GARDEN PLANNER #CGP101 Florida customers, please add 6% for all products except
This unique chart presents gardening events vegetable and herb seeds, which are non-taxable.
in a “time-phased” format so that it is possible
to see at a glance the entire planting, growing Missouri customers, please add 6.1% on all products,
and harvesting period. It shows proper indoor except for vegetable and herb seeds; for these add 3.1%.
and outdoor planting times relative to spring
and fall frost dates for 22 common garden Other areas are not subject to sales tax.
vegetables. Since frost dates vary from region *TWO YEAR GUARANTEE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS:
to region, the chart will slide, making it useful in THE 2019 WHOLE SEED CATALOG All orders are shipped by the U.S. Postal Service or FedEx.
most parts of the Northern Hemisphere where #WHS119 The world’s largest seed Estimated time of fulfillment is usually 1 to 5 business days.
frost is a critical gardening factor. The front of It is our goal to ship all orders in 24 hours.
catalog--with 355 full-color pages Seeds are guaranteed to germinate at reasonable rates for two
the chart shows the spring season, and the of pure gardening delight. The years from the date of purchase. Seeds are also guaranteed to grow
flip side acts as a guide for fall gardeners. Frost new Whole Seed Catalog contains true to type. Seed packets may be returned for only these reasons,
dates are included in the directions. Developed the very best of our 2019 heirloom and are only eligible for an exchange or refund up to the purchase
by a friend and customer, this handy chart is a price of the item. We are not responsible for return shipping costs.
offerings--old favorites and new dis- We are in no way responsible for more than the purchase price.
favorite of our staff and customers to our store. coveries--from about 100 countries,
A must for new gardeners. Just $4.00! Merchandise is guaranteed to be free of defects. Any faulty
accompanied by page after breath- or broken merchandise may be returned for a full refund or
taking page of our usual stunning exchanged up to 2 years from the date of purchase.
photography. But WSC offers so much We are not responsible for return shipping costs.

Baker Creek more-- including many stories about

treasured heirloom varieties. Order
We will never sell or give away your information. However, we
may contact you at any time in the future.
All live plants are guaranteed true-to-type and to grow.
Gift Certificates your Whole Seed Catalog now. Allow
2-5 weeks for delivery. $9.95 Please let us know if you have a problem or have questions
and we will work to correct any issue.
Available Online! Also find at Barnes and Noble, and
We reserve the right to refuse service because of fraud
many other fine newsstands or for any other reason we deem necessary.
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More varieties of seedSatisfaction GUARANTEED for 2 years!

available at 143
Order Form Side 2 Do you have a comment or suggestion? We would love to hear from you!

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Request a catalog for a friend! Send orders to: USA, CAN., MEX.
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
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Thanks for your order! It will help us preserve more rare seeds.
Our favorite garden tools and products! COPPER
#CDT500 New! #CWC101
Made the in USA. This beautiful indoor
“Mini” Weeder and watering can is a must-
Cultivator is 8 3/4”
have for the serious
long and gets weeds
in even the tightest indoor horticulturist.
spaces. It can take care Made of beautiful
of the same tasks as the polished copper, its
original CobraHead, but functional design with
Jere loves keeping it a tall neck allows for
in his pocket for quick precision watering
weeding in the garden. of indoor plants
We absolutely love without spillage from
this new innovation in the tipped can. The
handheld tools! Caution:
removable watering
these are sharp. $23.95
rose lets you choose a
fine spray or a steady
COBRAHEAD® HAND stream of water. One
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weeder and cultivator is the
England by the Haws
closest thing to a universal
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Caution: these are sharp. $24.95

All purpose garden
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Approximately 26 meters
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markers made of beautiful
This wonderful weeding tool is designed and built
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a hand weeding tool that could withstand the rigor
can be etched with a ball
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11/8 inches. Sold in packages
both push and pull, easily cutting weeds off just
of 10 tags with stakes. $10.00
below the surface. This tool works especially well
on tough hard clay soils that tend to bend or break
many tools. We love it! Caution: these are sharp and
must be kept out of reach of children. $24.95

More varieties of seed available at 145

Cultivate your love of historic
plant varieties and traditional
recipes with a subscription to
Heirloom Gardener!
Each issue is thoughtfully designed to preserve and
honor North American plants of antiquity by featuring
beautifully illustrated botanical lessons, step-by-step seed-
saving tutorials, seed and plant histories, detailed growing
information, seasonal recipes, and DIY projects inspired by
homegrown materials.

To learn more visit And

don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


In every issue:
 Beautifully illustrated
1 year (4 issues) for just $24.95!$
botanical lessons
 Step-by-step seed-
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saving tutorials
Address enclosed
 Seed and plant histories
 Gardening projects E-mail ❑ Bill me
 Detailed growing U.S. only. Canadian subs: $30.00; and all other countries: $39.00/year, GST & HST included. Prepaid U.S. funds only.
 DIY projects inspired
by homegrown materials
Mail today or call toll-free 800-456-5835 and mention code HHGHSIZ9.
 and much more!
Heirloom Gardener | 1503 SW 42nd Street | Topeka, KS 66609
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More varieties of seed available at 147

2278 Baker Creek Road
Favorite Seeds Mansfield, MO 65704
U.S. Posatage
Now with Or Currant Resident Permit NO. 102
Harrisburg, PA


Guaranteed For
Two Years!


100 Exciting Speakers, Global Seed Exchange, Incredible Displays!
World’s Leading Event for Heirloom & Organic Growing!


Sept. 10-12, Santa Rosa, California -

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