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Zepeda 1

Raquel Zepeda

G. Shows

English 1301

August 31, 2019

Reading response no. 2

In the short article “Introduction: We are All Prisoners’ gives quick background

knowledge to this game theory. Then continues by giving an elaborate explanation to how the

game is played out. Here it tells them they know they’ve committed a crime and try to make a

bargain with them, explaining them their choices and causes of each option.

To help support the game theory the short story “Holocaust” gives the reader an example.

With that being said, Jews relied on each other to help decrease the deaths in their population. In

order for everyone to stay alive they had to cooperate, but as for the “suckers pay off” of a

person ratting out one of them ended up being killed. Therefore, the human dilemma always

pulls everyone down, sooner or later, by someone in their world.

Lastly in “An Ethic based on the Prisoner's Dilemma” furthermore supports the games

theory. Here it tells the reader that tit for tat comes to show us what cooperation really does. Tit

for tat is the best ethic available to survive in this world. Prisoners Dilemma gives the insight of

the human influence so the point of view on another person will pressure them to have courage,

and make the first move. So Tit for Tat surpasses you as a person and makes you and those

around suffers less.

To conclude this response this game theory is quite interesting, because in order to

succeed or have the best outcomes everyone has to help each other out. Helping each other and
Zepeda 2

being cooperative seems to always be the best choice, because if one person decides not to help

everyody goes down.

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