Self Sensuality Enhancement

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Self Sensuality Enhancement ©2012

Founder: Maha Kamaleksana

Attention resellers:

This course cannot be sold for less than $22 USD, and can never be used
on free attunement sites or swap sites. Anyone caught doing otherwise
will experience both legal and spiritual wrath.


Disclaimer Energy-Based Healing is not a replacement for regular medical care, rather it is a
wonderful adjunct to it; continue to follow all advice and take all prescriptions as directed by your
health care professionals. Priyo Madiyanto (Maha Kamaleksana) is not a medical doctor; therefore
he cannot diagnose illnesses nor prescribe medications. By purchasing attunements and or receiving
healing, you openly acknowledge and accept these facts. The Reiki practitioner is not a physician and
is not licensed by the state. Reiki serves only as a method of relaxation and stress reduction. The
energy healing services provided by Priyo Madiyanto is non-invasive, safe, and objective. Our services
are not a substitute for conventional medical treatment and medications. Priyo Madiyanto does not
diagnose illness or disease nor prescribe medications. Any medical issues or concerns should be
addressed with a qualified physician.

As with all forms of health care, individual results vary and are not 100% guaranteed. Some clients
may experience “detoxification symptoms” or releases during the 24-48 hours following a session or
attunement, which may be somewhat uncomfortable, particularly if a client has been experiencing
chronic or heightened levels of stress. Any and all information exchanged relating to a treatment is
educational in nature and is intended to help the client become more familiar and conscious of their
own health status and is to be used at their own discretion. Any information imparted prior to,
during, and/or following treatment is strictly confidential in nature and will not be shared with
anyone without the client’s written permission, except as required by law. I understand that the
energy services provided by Priyo Madiyanto represent a general energy balancing and are not
intended to replace the advice or services offered by a medical doctor.

Self Sensuality Enhancement ©2012
Founder: Maha Kamaleksana


It is a well know fact that many of to days problems with couples are with problems dealing
with their sex life. The problems are largely from sex organ dysfunction, not in passion with
their couple, fertility, and more other. The underlying cause is lack of sensuality of self.
Many of them just deal the problem at the top, far enough to reach the root of the problem
and heal the problem from it. And consequently, the problems will come up again later in
their life.

Sensuality is a key ingredient for richer sexual expression. However, while sensuality seems
an essential part of good sex, sexuality is not the only arena for sensual expression.
Sensuality is something much broader. Beginning with awareness, sensuality encompasses
the exploration and experiencing of all our senses.

Self Sensuality Enhancement is a strong and warm energy tool to works into the deepest
root of sexuality problem, at the center of energy which is responsible. The energy was
direct connected into the center energy of our Mother Earth to dissolve the blockage and
old baggage within our energetic body, especially at sacral chakra, thus our sexual energy
could be free flowing and then be enhances it to its excellent health state.

This is an energy system that creates high passion to enjoy our life. It brings happy, feeling
of free, enthusiasm, vitality and sensuality belonging of self. Thus, we able to pass through
our life time by time with respect and confidence. It also increases our creativity as well.

Our love and compassionate promoted as well. We will feel comfortable with ourselves and
be loving our self more than ever. And this sense of love be radiated to our couples and
resonate within them to increase the feel of compassion. Thus this system also can repair
the broken relationship between couples or family.

Self Sensuality Enhancement is good to heal reproductive system and enhance our
regeneration cell to present healthiness. It also can use as anti-aging treatment and
maintains menstruation circulation. This system also helps the people who is dealing pre-
menopause syndrome.
Self Sensuality Enhancement ©2012
Founder: Maha Kamaleksana


Before you do the meditation or healing or activation session, it is good if you have a
preparation first. It can help you to release all dirt and relaxing your body after your daily
activities. It also helps you to present a sacred condition within your inner temple. Do it with
faith and trust, for all you know, unknown and will known that are the Absoluteness Desire.
Nothing more, nothing less.

• Release all metal accessories or jewelry from your body.

• Wash your feet, hand and head with fresh water. It is better if you are bath. But it’s
OK, if you just wash the parts of your body.
• Wear the clothes that loose. Avoid wearing tight clothes while doing meditation. It
can suppress or disturbing the energy circulation within your body. By wearing a
loose clothe, your meditation could be at the ultimate performance.
• Wear a clothe that you prepared specially for your spiritual activity. The clothes that
you frequently wear for meditation purpose, might contain high frequency energy.
Thus it can help you to achieve the deepest meditation state and aid you when work
with the higher frequencies.
• Choose a place that you confirm that you will not be disturbed along your
meditation. It would be better if you can provide a special place for it, but if you
can’t, just make sure that you will not disturbed along your meditation.
• Surrender your self to the Mighty Absolute. Have a gratitude and attitude that
representing your devotion activity to the Absolute One. Grateful for everything that
you have in past, present and future.
• Always to Love, Forgive and Thankful to yourself. Don’t Worry and Be Happy!

Self Sensuality Enhancement ©2012
Founder: Maha Kamaleksana

Sensual Meditation
This is a meditation that arouses our sensuality from ourselves. Through this method of
meditation, you will able to see the truth that we are all of the most sensual creation. It is
far from assumption or perception that built along our ages. There are no ugly or beautiful
or anything else…This is about your awareness that you are the most perfect and sensual
creation in the world.

As your inner sensuality aroused, the sexual energy was increased and resonate within your
self to present self-healing. Thus it also stimulates our self-loving and promotes self-
acceptance. From this point, you will be able to radiate the love of your self to the others by
free, without any condition.

Find a quiet place that you will not be disturbed along your meditation. It's better if you
were having a special place for it like mentioned before at preparation part.

Take a sit on a chair or take a meditation pose. Feel free to choose one that most
comfortably with you. Keep your spine straight.

Breathe naturally and feel the air is filling you. Feel the sensation while you breathe in and

Let go all tension and heaviness which may still be left in your body. Let your body feel
relaxed entirely.

Visualize you are in front of a mirror at your bed room. You see a young man or woman is
standing at there. This young man or woman is you at your best time. You see yourselves
naked without any clothes on you. See carefully from the top of your head until the bottom
of your foot. Look at your mind, you have the beautiful breast, the perfect genitalia, the
smooth of skin, your full buttocks, your neck and other of your body part. Feel the sensation
that begin aroused at your genital area.

Now…you see that you in the mirror move your body slowly. Like your body are move
following the rhythm of the music. Your hands are touching your entire body, nothing left.
Feel the sensation of the touching of your hands. It raises the vibration within your genitalia

Self Sensuality Enhancement ©2012
Founder: Maha Kamaleksana

and spread into your body as you aroused. You feel the heat from below your navel is
spread to entire body. Let yourselves burn by fire of sensuality. Let yourselves touching your
lovely body as it never be end. Enjoy the beat of your heart. Let your breath is increase to
pump more and more air to set the fire more bigger……..ENJOY YOUR PURE SENSUAL
SELF….and RELEASE….!!! Release all the way you feel into the universe and let the fire of
sensuality is rest within your heart. Feel the freedom of your body.

No time limitation. Feel the freedom to enjoy your pure sensuality. Be grateful to all gifts.

It is better if you do this meditation more than one time. More you do, more benefits you

Self Sensuality Enhancement ©2012
Founder: Maha Kamaleksana


For Self

• Find a quiet place and make sure that you will not disturbed for at least 15 minutes.
It is best if you have a special room to perform this.
• Sit down in a comfort pose. Just remember to keep your spine in straight.
• Breathe naturally...feel the air is moving as you breathe in and out, filling and
refreshing you.
• Release all tension and "heavy" energy from your body, let your body and mind are
relax and calm.
• Ask to your Higher Self and Guardian Angels for protection and assistance as you
need it.
• Say it mentally: "Self Sensuality Enhancement!"
• Meditate yourself and let the energy flows by itself.
• If you feel the energy is no longer flow or somehow you feel the healing session is
done, you have done.
• Thanks to all help, protection and guidance.
• Drink a glass of water.

Self Sensuality Enhancement ©2012
Founder: Maha Kamaleksana

Others (In Person)

• Find a quiet place and make sure that you and your client will not disturbed for at
least 15 minutes. It is best if you have a special room to perform this.
• Let the client takes a comfortable pose. Give instruction to your client to keep
her/his spine in straight.
• Breathe naturally...feel the air is moving as you breathe in and out, filling and
refreshing you.
• Release all tension and "heavy" energy from your body, let your body and mind are
relax and calm.
• Ask to your Higher Self and Guardian Angels for protection and assistance as you
need it.
• Place your hands on your client's shoulder.
• Say it mentally: "Self Sensuality Enhancement for ..... (Client's name)!"
• Meditate yourself and let the energy flows by itself.
• If you feel the energy is no longer flow or somehow you feel the healing session is
done, you have done.
• Before you are end the session, cut the energy connection from your client.
• Say it mentally: "Cut my connection with ..... (Client's name)!"
• Thanks to all help, protection and guidance.
• Drink a glass of water.

Self Sensuality Enhancement ©2012
Founder: Maha Kamaleksana

Others (By Distance)

• Find a quiet place and make sure that you will not disturbed for at least 15 minutes.
It is best if you have a special room to perform this.
• Sit down in a comfort pose. Just remember to keep your spine in straight.
• Breathe naturally...feel the air is moving as you breathe in and out, filling and
refreshing you.
• Release all tension and "heavy" energy from your body, let your body and mind are
relax and calm.
• Ask to your client's and your Higher Self and Guardian Angels for protection and
assistance as you need it.
• Say it mentally:"Self Sensuality Enhancement for ..... (Client's name) at his/her
• Visualize the client's name within a white light ball. Let the energy is flowing by itself
to the ball.
• If you feel the energy is no longer flow or somehow you feel the energy is stop, you
have done.
• Then release the ball to wherever the client was. However, the energy will flow to
the place where the client was.
• Before you are end the session, cut the energy connection from your client.
• Say it mentally: "Cut my connection with ..... (Client's name)!"
• Thanks to all help, protection and guidance.
• Drink a glass of water.

Self Sensuality Enhancement ©2012
Founder: Maha Kamaleksana


What is grounding?
Grounding is an energy healing technique for reconnecting your auric field to the earth.
We've all had those days, the ones where we feel out of sorts, spacey, unfocused. It is good
for those days when you feel out of control. Here's some simple signs that might mean you
need to do a quick grounding techniques exercise:

o Feeling irritable, spacey or scattered

o Finding yourself unable to focus on day to day tasks
o Nervousness or nervous energy
o Feeling overwhelmed
o Crying for no reason
o Feeling like your emotions are controlling you
o Forgetting to do important things
o Having a hard time organizing yourself or your life
o Experiencing chronic anxiety

So, grounding is a method which uses the principle of reconnecting to the strong, stable
energies of our earth mother, and bringing that stability into yourself.

How it works?
Grounding methods are all based on the principle that we and everything on the planet are
a part of the earth. But with our modern lifestyles we're not living in connection to nature
the way traditional cultures have. We can go days without breathing much fresh air, let
alone spending time in nature. This can lead to trouble. Sometimes we get disconnected.
Our energies instead entrain to the frequencies of EMF's being emitted from computers, or
to the electrical currents in our homes. That's where the trouble starts.

Self Sensuality Enhancement ©2012
Founder: Maha Kamaleksana

The end result is days where we find ourselves scattered and out of control. You can take
control though. Grounding is a process of reconnecting to the energy system of our planet.
It uses the principle of drawing the calming energies of the earth into ourselves, so that we
are living in balance with the living ecosystems and energies around us. It provides a sense
of peace, serenity and balance where before we were rabid maniacs behind the wheel of an
SUV. The best way to explain grounding is just to let a person experience it for themselves,
so let's get started.

Earth Sitting Grounding Technique:

Time Required: One minute to one hour:

Connect to the earth mother and her planetary energies by sitting on the ground. You can
lay a blanket down if you want, or just sit with nothing between you and our mother. If your
time is short, do this for only a few moments or minutes, but if you have the luxury, spend
twenty minutes. A regular earth sitting practice is a beautiful way to meditate. A promise if
you do this for just twenty minutes you will feel completely revitalized and attuned to the

Shoes Off Grounding Technique:

Time Required: One minute to one hour:

This is one of the most powerful grounding energy healing techniques of all, and it requires
nothing but taking your shoes off and actually feeling the earth beneath your feet. Combine
this with the root visualization technique below, for a powerhouse combo. If possible go to
a beautiful place in nature, a park, a stream bank, a hiking trail. If you don't have time for
that and need a quick emergency fix, do this technique anywhere. Find a grassy spot in a
parking lot, or your own backyard and slip off your shoes. Extend the technique if you have
time with a short walking meditation. With each step, feel your feet being supported by the
earth beneath you.

Self Sensuality Enhancement ©2012
Founder: Maha Kamaleksana

Root Visualization Grounding Technique:

Time Required: Two to twenty minutes.

Find a quiet, private place (even if it's a bathroom stall at work!). If you have a root chakra
crystals are very beneficial for this technique. But if you don’t have it, it’s OK. Skip the part
with the root chakra crystals.

Hold your root chakra crystal in your left hand. The left hand is the receptive hand where we
receive energies. Simply by holding the stone in your left hand you will feel it's energies
working through your chakra system. While holding the stone visualize your connection to
the planet, even if your on the thirtieth floor of an office building, there is still a connection
from your feet to the earth.

Visualize roots sprouting out of the bottom of your feet and reaching down gently to the
ground. Then visualize those roots working down deep into the soil. Now see in your mind's
eye, the core of the earth, the womb of our planet. See your roots working all the way down
to that core, and connecting, twining with it. Take three deep breaths, and feel the
connection between yourself and the life of our planet. Allow yourself to stay there for as
long as you need to. When the time is right, slowly pull your roots back, until they are all the
way inside of you again.

Self Sensuality Enhancement ©2012
Founder: Maha Kamaleksana


• Receive The Attunement

1. Please release all metal accessories and jewelry.
2. Wash your body or part of it by fresh water.
3. Ask to the Absolute One and your Higher Self for protection and assistance.
4. Mentally: “I receive the attunement of Self Sensuality Enhancement from …..
(Mention the teacher’s name), perfectly. Thank you 3x!”
5. The energy will run for approximately 15 minutes and it will be stop by itself. Let the
energy flow freely to your body.
6. Thanks to the Absolute One and your Higher Self.
7. Drink a glass of water.

• Pass the Attunement (in person)

1. Please release all metal accessories and jewelry.
2. Wash your body or part of it by fresh water.
3. Ask to the Absolute One and your student Higher Self for protection and assistance.
4. Place your hands on your student’s shoulder.
5. Mentally: “I ask that ….. (Mention your student’s name) be attune to Self Sensuality
Enhancement, perfectly. Thank you 3x!”
6. The energy will run for approximately 15 minutes and it will be stop by itself. Let the
energy flow freely to your student’s body.
7. Thanks to the Absolute One and your Higher Self.
8. Drink a glass of water.

Self Sensuality Enhancement ©2012
Founder: Maha Kamaleksana

• Pass the Attunement (By Distance)

1. Please release all metal accessories and jewelry.
2. Wash your body or part of it by fresh water.
3. Ask to the Absolute One and your student Higher Self for protection and assistance.
4. Place your hands in front of your chest or Anahata. Give a distance for about 10 cm.
5. Visualize between your hands is building a clear light ball until it reach its size.
6. Visualize you put in the student’s name, while at the same time say by mentally…..
7. Mentally: “I ask that ….. (Mention your student’s name) at His/Her location be
attune to Self Sensuality Enhancement, perfectly. Thank you 3x!”
8. The energy will run to the ball for approximately 15 minutes and it will be stop by
itself. Then release the ball to your client wherever he/ she was.
9. Thanks to the Absolute One and your Higher Self.
10. Drink a glass of water.

Self Sensuality Enhancement ©2012
Founder: Maha Kamaleksana

About me

My name is Priyo Madiyanto…It means the man who became the bridge or connection. My
Spiritual name given by Dharmasatya Sarvayudhavisaradha in Satya Tummo Tradition is
Maha Kamaleksana. It means the Great Lotus Eye.

My spiritual call was begin from childhood which was influence depth by Javanese Mystical
Tradition. From this basic, I learn any energy system from many traditions.

As my spirit call, I was work together with the other founders to channel several energy
system that would be as help to others to find their “Truth Self”, the Self that projected into
present manifestation…. I…. YOU …. US.

I bow my self into your SELF as same as my SELF


Maha Kamaleksana

(Priyo Madiyanto)

Self Sensuality Enhancement ©2012
Founder: Maha Kamaleksana




If you wish to follow my newest systems by email,

Please contact me at

All my newest system will be announced by email to those who listed.

There is a set fee to resell this system completely for

about $ 22.


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