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Sexual Fertility
Maha Kamaleksana, VMG. 2013
Attention resellers:

This course cannot be sold for less than $ 40 USD, and can never be used
on free attunement sites or swap sites. Anyone caught doing otherwise
will experience both legal and spiritual wrath.
Sexual Fertility
Sexual Fertility Essence helps couples who want a child's presence in their

lives. It is a soft and warm energy essence that will stimulate our second

chakra; either for father or mother; to be cleaned, activated and

strengthened. Fertility in a mother's womb and a father's testis will

increased at energertic level. Thus the mother's physical body can produce

strong and healthy egg cells, as well as father's physical body will produce

strong and agile sperm cells.

Lots of infertility caused by blockages of their energy channels and chakra,

thus causing impaired their reproductive cells. Stress, fatigue, fear, feeling

unprepared, anxious etc are signs of obstacles within them.

Sexual Fertility Essence helps us to restore our reproductive organ function

as health. And with this system, we will clean up the barriers and
strengthen the function of our sexual and reproductive organs, as well our

sex chakra.

This energy system, also open the door of our hearts and sincerity of sexual

behavior with whole-hearted and completely. So we can gratefully perform

this sacred union and ultimately increase the natural fertility of human.

Benefits of this energy system:

• Improve our fertility.

• Increase our sexual desire.

• Increase stamina.

• Enhance our creativity.

• Improve our sensuality side.

• Improve our grateful and sincere heart.

Attunement Procedure
How To Receive The Attunement :

1. First remove any jewelry, including rings or watches. Wash your hands


2. Seek a quiet place where you will be undisturbed. Take a sitting

meditation pose. Relax.

3. Close your eyes, and also close your mouth with the tongue touching

the upper palate.

4. Visualize and feel you are facing with your Teacher. Give your


5. Don't try to find and don't look his/her face, just feel his/her aura and


6. Ask for Permission to connect his/her light to your heart and your light

to his/her heart. Imagine a two way connection and then mentally:

“Now, I’m ready to receive the attunement of Sexual Fertility

Essence from … (Your Teacher’s name) perfectly. Thank you! It is


7. Entering a deep meditation for about 25 minutes.

8. Drink a glass of fresh water when you have DONE!

How To Give Hands – On Attunement :

1. First remove any jewelry, including rings or watches. Wash your hands


2. Take a place in front of your student. Take a sitting meditation pose.


3. Close your eyes, and also close your mouth with the tongue touching

the upper palate.

4. Now in the closed eyes, feel his/her aura and spirit.

5. Give your greetings and in your mind, ask for Permission to connect

his/her light to your heart and your light to his/her heart. Imagine a

two way connection and then mentally: “I’m ready NOW and attune

this ... (student’s name) to Sexual Fertility Essence perfectly.

Thank you! It is done.”

6. Thank all those you called upon to help in the attunement.

How To Give Distance Attunement :

1. First remove any jewelry, including rings or watches. Wash your hands


2. Seek a quiet place where you will be undisturbed. Take a sitting

meditation pose. Relax.

3. Close your eyes, and also close your mouth with the tongue touching

the upper palate.

4. Visualize and feel you are facing with your student. Give your greetings.

5. Don't try to find and don't look his/her face, just feel his/her aura and


6. Ask for Permission to connect his/her light to your heart and your light

to his/her heart. Imagine a two way connection and then mentally:

“I’m ready NOW and attune ... (student’s name) at ... (Location) to

Sexual Fertility Essence perfectly. Thank you! It is done.”

7. Thank all those you called upon to help in the attunement.

NOTE: It is good to performs this cleanse procedure before you having sex

with your couple. But it also can performs in daily session.

1. Get comfortable and relax. Breathe deeply.

2. Now close your eyes. Call upon your highest guide and any other help

you may wish to use.

3. Be aware with your whole body. Place your right hand flat on your

heart chakra and your left hand in front of your sex chakra.

4. Inhale deeply as long as you can.

5. Hold your breath and mentally: “Sexual Fertility Essence cleanse

my energy centers and channels, completely!"

6. Exhale slowly as long as you can. Let the energy flow in the whole and

through your body. Enter into your deep meditation state.

7. Then thank to your highest guide and other help for their help. Be

Activate Sexual FertilityEssence
Note: Activate this essence exactly before you engage sexual activity. Ask

your partner to do the same as you.

1. Get comfortable and relax. Breathe deeply.

2. Now close your eyes. Call upon your highest guide and any other

help you may wish to use.

3. Be aware with your whole body. Place your right hand flat on your

heart chakra and your left hand in front of your sex chakra.

4. Inhale deeply as long as you can.

5. Hold your breath and mentally: “Sexual Fertility Essence is


6. Exhale slowly as long as you can. Let the energy flow in the whole

and through your body. Put your attention to your second chakra;

Sex Chakra. Fee the warm is down from your navel to your sex

area. Enjoy!

7. Bring your attention to your heart. Feel the passion is raise based

on your love to your partner. Enjoy!

8. Enter into your deep meditation state. It will run for about 15

minutes. Then thank to your highest guide and other help for their

help. Be grateful!
Note: Take strengthening session right after your sexual engagement.

1. Get comfortable and relax. Breathe deeply.

2. Now close your eyes. Call upon your highest guide and any other

help you may wish to use.

3. Be aware with your whole body. Place your right hand flat on your

heart chakra and your left hand in front of your sex chakra.

4. Inhale deeply as long as you can.

5. Hold your breath and mentally: “Sexual Fertility Essence is

strengthening my Sex and Heart Chakra and bring a healthy

reproductive organ to me and my husband/ wife!"

6. Exhale slowly as long as you can. Let the energy flow in the whole

and through your body.

7. Enter into your deep meditation state. Then thank to your highest

guide and other help for their help. Be grateful!

for Yourself:
1. Get comfortable and relax. Breathe deeply.

2. Now close your eyes. Call upon your highest guide and any other help

you may wish to use.

3. Be aware with your whole body. Place both of your hands flat on your

heart chakra.

4. Inhale deeply as long as you can.

5. Hold your breath and mentally: “Sexual Fertility Essence!"

6. Exhale slowly as long as you can. Let the energy flow in the whole and

through your body. Just follow your Guides when this process is


7. Then thank to your highest guide and other help for their help. Be

Session for Others:
1. When starting out with others in your sessions, have the person sit

down in a chair and stand behind them and prepare yourself for the


2. Call upon your highest guide and any other help you may wish to use.

3. When you are ready place your hands at client’s shoulder..

4. Inhale deeply as long as you can.

5. Hold your breath and mentally: “Sexual Fertility Essence!"

6. Exhale slowly as long as you can. Let the energy flow in the whole and

through your body. Let it flow from you to your client’s body. Just

follow your Guides when this process is done.

7. Cut your energy connection before you end the session, by mentally:

“Cut my connection, NOW!”

8. Then thank to your highest guide and other help for their help. Be


If you want to use it in distant session :

1. Get comfortable and relax. Breathe deeply.

2. Now close your eyes. Call upon your highest guide and any other help

you may wish to use. Then ask your higher self to send the energy

essence to the Higher Self of your client.

3. Inhale deeply as long as you can.

4. Hold your breath and mentally: “I send now the Sexual Fertility

Essence to ... (Client’s Name) at ... (Location). This energy will be

received whenever he/she is ready to receive in his/her own


5. Release the Sexual Fertility Essence to Universe and let it go!

Create Sexual FertilityEssence
You can create physical Sexual Fertility Essence on the water.

What’s you need:

• A glass container filled with about 12 ounces of water.

• Water. Distilled water is preferable because it free of mineral content.

1. Rubs your hands and hold the glass with the water.

2. Inhale deeply as long as you can.

3. Hold your breath and mentally: “Sexual Fertility Essence!”

4. Exhale slowly as long as you can.

5. Focus on the object.

6. Mentally: “I’m programming this water become Sexual Fertility

Essence perfectly. Thank you!”

7. Wait for 5 minutes and then place this glass at closed container/


8. Wait for 24 hours and it is ready to use!

Grounding refers to strategies we use to help us reconnect with ourselves

when we are feeling distressed, anxious, dissociated, angry or triggered.

Grounding is also helpful when we are struggling with spiraling thoughts,

intrusive images, or overwhelming feelings or pain. Grounding helps us

“come back to centre” by redirecting our focus away from the source of our

distress (such as a past event/interaction/memory, or worrying about the

future), towards noticing what’s around you in the immediate here-and-now.

1. Pick a spot to sit down comfortably in a loose but upright position,

with both feet flat on the ground. If standing, allow yourself to feel

both feet connecting firmly with the ground.

2. If you feel the need to close your eyes, you may do so. Otherwise,

simply let your eyes relax into a soft gaze.

3. Mentally: “Ground Me Now!”

4. Now gently bring your attention to your breath, without asking it to

change or be different in any way. Follow the breath as it enters

through your nostrils… down your neck… into your lungs… Then

notice where the breath turns around and makes its way back up.

5. Notice the change in temperature in your breath, cool as you inhale

and warm as you exhale…

6. Notice the sensations in your body as you breathe, your lungs

expanding and contracting, your chest and stomach rising and


7. You may find yourself distracted by certain thoughts, feelings,

memories, sounds, images or physical sensations. That is ok. Simply

notice them, acknowledge their presence, and then bring your

attention back to your breathing. You may redirect your attention as

many times as you need.

8. Allow yourself a few more moments of tracking your breath, however

long as you like. Then, at your own speed and pace, gently open your

eyes, stretch, and bring your attention back to your surroundings,

orienting yourself in the present.

9. Remember that your breath is an anchor, grounding you in the

present. It is yours and only yours, always there, and you can come

back to it whenever you need.

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