What Is An Executive Producer

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what is an executive producer

Career Description

The Executive Producer of a film handles the finances of a project. They are often a patron of the arts
looking to support quality movies or things that will fill a specific niche within the film industry. Tom
Rau, an Executive Producer on many different award-winning documentaries and two feature films, says
of the job, “The workload all depends on how involved you want to get. You can write the check and do
nothing or be part of the entire process.

For my documentary work, I got a lot of the people for interviews, close to thirty to forty percent of the
people we used. I had a lot of experience in the things we were doing. However, for Shooting in Vain
and Destined, I didn’t get involved. I supervised for a week on each project and then watched rough cuts
of the films when they were ready in the post-production process.” It’s rare for a film to make back all
its money or turn a profit for the investors. Therefore, it’s important for the Executive Producers to not
only control the experience they want to have but also to set their financial expectations appropriately
and be in it for the right reasons.


Executive producing is a unique career because most people getting into it are either executives who
have worked within the film industry for decades or are film enthusiasts. Rau describes his documentary
work as “a public service. It’s for people to learn. Our work deals with depression, suicide, and aging.
You have to do it more as a passion.” In terms of independent films, it’s the same attitude, however, the
market is a little bit different. If an independent film is bought, it can make money but it’s usually just
going to cover the losses an Executive Producer has made in other independent films. If someone is
really trying to make a living, it can be tough. There are a lot of variables that can sink a film.

External advancement and success are determined by an Executive Producer’s projects playing
prestigious film festivals, getting theatrical distribution, and winning awards. Many Executive Producers
simply take pride in the films they’ve brought to life. They enjoy helping young people go after their
dreams and participating in a unique role in the filmmaking process. When becoming an Executive
Producer, it’s important for a person to determine their own metric for success and choose projects that
fall in line with what they find fulfilling.

Education & Training

A lot of people jump right into executive producing. Rau says, “I had no training. You have to have the
desire to promote the arts and help people.” Some will begin by reading scripts and others will contact
filmmakers they enjoy to support their work. It usually comes down to an Executive Producer meeting a
Director or Producer and discussing a project. The Executive Producer reviews a pitch deck and
determines if it’s a project and person they would like to support. Most of the time it is a gut feeling
more than a logical strategy that propels them.

Experience & Skills

Any prior experience with the cinematic arts will help an Executive Producer pick good projects. This can
include a knowledge of philosophy and literature. Rau says, “It isn’t just the nuts and bolts of filmmaking
but having a life and interests outside of the field. If you’ve had a passion or worked in a field that a film
engages with then you’ll be able to evaluate its social relevance.”

Most Executive Producers don’t come from the film industry but are people who have been successful in
other fields. They’ve lived below their means and set up assets that allow them to invest without
concern that it could change their lifestyle. For many Executive Producers, contributing to a project isn’t
just a business opportunity but a passion project.


Since the Executive Producer is one of the top bosses on set it is up to them how much they want to
participate in the production process or if they just want to trust that the work is getting done and
watch the end result. Rau says, “For Mary’s Journey, I was quite involved. I helped scout locations and
locked down over a third of the interviews. When we interviewed people I was in the room asking
questions as well.

With my fiction work, I visited set for about a week on each project and then waited for the first cut. The
shooting schedule can be all over the place when making a film so it’s important that a person makes
sure their personal life is flexible so they can be part of the projects they finance.” Usually, set will run
five to six days a week for a month or more. While the Executive Producer doesn’t have to be there at
first call or until the end of wrap, if they want to participate they’ve got to adapt to the shooting

Becoming the Executive Producer of a film at a young age can be a difficult task because they need the
cash to write a check. “Most Executive Producers are people who have already had success in other
fields and now have the extra capital to be investors,” says Rau. However, it is possible to be an
Executive Producer on a lower budget project. Many people collaborate on a film shoot through using
soft money like lending assets they own to a production in return for credit.

Some common examples are providing a shooting location, allowing a car to be used or donating props
and costumes. It’s a matter of being creative and helping the production achieve higher levels of
production value. If someone fresh out of college wants to become an Executive Producer they can work
at a production company to gain practical experience and help artists they admire make work on the


An Executive Producer’s earnings will vary based on the success of his or her projects. Generally
speaking, since this is a career at the higher echelon of the film business, it can usually pay quite well —
as long as the project recoups its original investments and turns a profit.

Unions, Groups, Social Media, and Associations

There aren’t many organizations that are dedicated specifically to Executive Producers. Rau
recommends, “The Producers Guild of America is a good resource. I’d also attend many of the major film
festivals like Sundance, Toronto or Cannes to find the next up-and-coming artists.” There are also non-
profit companies like Film Independent in LA and the Independent Filmmaker’s Project in New York, plus
various other local companies. Each of these resources has an online presence, as well as meetings that
can be attended.

Getting Started

 Make low-risk investments that will pay out over time, providing a solid income stream to invest
in films.
 Research filmmakers who are appealing to you.
 Create a list of soft money assets like state tax incentives.
 Make small investments in larger productions to see how they are run before investing a lot of
capital into one project.
 Create a list of what is personally important to get out of the filmmaking experience.

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