The Analisys of Laura The Day After By:: Tomorrow

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(Edit David Brenner,A.C.E)

In this story tell about how importance this word

for live, which is this story study of climate change
risk perceptions, is an importance contribution to
special field that assessed a new types of impact:
that of climate change communication via media on
the general public. In this story have many
characters. One of them is Laura. In this story there
are Laura personalities, Laura conflict, and moral
message too.

A. Laura’s Personality

Laura is one of character of this film. She

is beautifully. She has long and black hair, oval
face, sharp nose, red lips, tall and slim, and
also she has white skin.

In this film Laura have many personality.

Laura has personality such as strong, smart,

uncommunicative, standby, peaceful, and

1. Strong Personality

Laura is on of this character in this story.

She is strong when she fight to still alive in
the plane, when she was sick, when she
helps her friend.

a. When she in the plane

Laura is strong people when she

meets with her friends. When the plane
was flied and begins through cumulus, she
just read a magazine and then when the
plane begins to through cumulous she is
close her eyes and keep her position. She
doesn’t care about happen after the plan
through the cumulus.

b. When she was sick

Laura is strong people when she was

sick. She has accident when rescue
herself, than her leg was bruise but she
doesn’t care. With bruise on her legs, she
stills try to rescue people was trapped in

the taxi. Until she was infection because of
bruise, she stills hold out and doesn’t
share to another people.

c. When Laura helps her friend

Laura is strong people when she helps

her friends. When she was sick because
infection, she helps her new friend. In the
library has many book, with her condition
she stills help her friend to bring many
book. She runs to the fireplace and bring
many book, than she burns the book to
make warm room.

2. Smart personality

Laura is smart person in this story, when

she joins in the Tim Scholastic Decathlon,
when Laura meets with J.D, when Laura
helps Sam.

a. When Laura join in the Tim Scholastic


Laura is smart person when she joins

in the contest with her friends. They can
answer question from judge. They become
the win in that contest with many students

from different school. She has good idea
and support by her friends.

b. When Laura meets with J.D

Laura is smart person when she

meets with J.D in the canteen. She can
make conversation and make him comfort
with she. They are continuo talk about
education, so she smart when she makes
conversation with new friend and can
make good relation.

c. When Laura helps Sam

Laura is smart person when she helps

Sam. When Sam fell coldness and she
has good idea to find dry jacket in the
library, and also she still remember if their
teacher trick to rescue someone. She
embraces Sam bodies to make Sam
warms, and his hear not stopping to work.

3. Standby people

Laura is standby people when he face

in some situation. When she is alone on the
way which full of water or was flooded. When
she help Sam, when she help Sam, and
when she helps people to warm the room.

a. When Laura on the way

Laura is standby people when she

helps people was be trapped in the taxi.
She runs with pass many care and flood it
is too high until her knee. At that time she
hears if people who was trapped in the taxi
scream, they want to out. Laura turn back
and break the glass of taxi. And she can
rescue herself and another people.

b. When Laura helps Sam

Laura is standby people when she

help Sam. When Laura gives suggestion
to Sam. She give motivation Sam to try
share what will happen after flood extinct.
Then Sam goes and stop all of people in
library to stay, because in outside it is too
cold. She tries to explant if in outside very
danger, but they are don’t care. Some
people believe with she, and they stay
until someone rescues.

c. When Laura helps people to make warm


Laura is standby people when she

help people to make warm room. When
Laura sick, she search and take many
book in the library. She needs that
because to make their body still warm.
She finds snack from a canteen, she tries
to break box to get snack and water. She
gives that snack to them.

4. Peaceful Personality

Laura is peaceful people when she

face in some situation. When she is on the
plane, when she in competition, and also
when she watch news.

a. When Laura on the plane

Laura is peaceful people when she is

still on the plane. When a plane was
problem, she just read magazine and
doesn’t care with weather. She look Sam
and Brain, they so afraid if suddenly a
plane will be fall and they dead.

b. When Laura in competition

Laura is peaceful people when she in

competition. When competition was
happened, Brain is so nervous. He
nervous and always give wrong answer to
Laura. Laura still peaceful and think the
answer, and suddenly Sam says about the

answer. She gives the answer to the

c. When Laura watches news

Laura is peaceful people when she

watches news on the TV. When news
inform to people about change weather,
and that time situation it is so very danger.
Laura watches and doesn’t give respond.
Laura afraid but she just keep calm and
hope anything will be controlled.

5. Respectful People

Laura is respectful when she meets with

someone who doesn’t know before in new
place also. When she talks to taxi driver,
when she meets with J.D, and she meets
with new people in the library.

a. When Laura talks to taxi driver

Laura is respectful people when she

talks to taxi driver. When she and friends
trip to place for competition, they were
late. So that Laura asks taxi driver to fast
on the drive. But, because of the way is to
crowd and traffic jam, so she decide to

walks. Impossible if she asks driver to fast,
they will be late if use taxi.

b. When Laura meets with J.D

Laura is respectful when she meets

with J.D in the party. She is wearing black
dress at that time and J.D invite her to
walk around the building. Although he is
competitor in competition, but she doesn’t
care. She wants get many friend and
always peaceful to another people.

c. When Laura meets with new people in the


Laura is peaceful people when she

meets new people in the library. She finds
some of jacket or clothes can they wear.
She gives one by one clothes to people on
the hall, to make they are warm at that

B. Laura’s Conflict

Laura not only has personality, but she

also has conflict. She has conflict with
herself, other people, and she has conflict

with area also. She has psychological
conflict, social conflict, and element conflict.

1. Psychology Conflict

Laura life has many problems,

especially about her live in the future, about
her country. When the disaster in
everywhere, she is always get information
about that.

She begins to think anything will be

nothing someday. She was prepare and has
plant what she will be doing in the future, but
accident sometime make her so sad.

a. When Laura invited by J.D

Laura has psychological conflict

when she invited by J.D. Laura wants
round the building, but her heart want
Sam follows her. She doesn’t want J.D
invited to ask round the building. With
pressure Laura leave Sam and Brian in
the canteen.

b. When Laura’s sick

Laura has psychological conflict

when she was sick. She doesn’t wants

people knows if at that time her legs was
infection. She breathe not a syllable to
other, that became Laura’s secret. She
doesn’t want make anyone worrying at
that time.

c.When Laura worrying about her country

Laura has psychological conflict

when she fells worry about her country.
She so afraid if this world will be end.
She doesn’t can sleep in every night.
She thinks about her family and her
friend in the different place. Sometime
she cries without people know.

d. When Laura decide came back home or


Laura has psychological conflict when

she decide back to home or stay.
Because of the situation and she far from
her house, she wants to go to home.
That time impossible to go home, which
is plane not operation because the bad

e. When Laura not useful because infection

Laura has psychological conflict

when she not useful because infection.
She is so weak and at that time she fell
coldness, and also she doesn’t can doing
anything until she unconscious. She
doesn’t wake up more than five hour.

f. When Laura worries about she dreams

Laura has psychological conflict

when she worries about she dreams. She
prepares and make plan what she wants
to do. She fells anything was not
importance and nothing. She hope if
someday the world became friends to the

g. When Laura listens Sam stories

Laura has psychological conflict when

she listens Sam story. Sam stories talk
about his live. She cries when listened
Sam’s story, she doesn’t can call her
family and how about situation in their
country at that time. Laura fells sorry
because she leave her family and join in

h. When Laura makes people stay in the

Laura has psychological conflict when

she makes people stay in the library. She
tries to help Sam, and make people
believe if in outside they will be coldness.
Because of the people don’t care they
leave the library and that time Laura fells
failed to help someone, and she lives is

2. Social Conflict

Laura has conflict with other character.

Like Laura Vs Brain, Laura Vs policemen,
Laura vs Sam, Laura vs homeless, Laura vs

a. Laura Vs Brain

In this film Laura has conflict with Brain

which is her friend. When Laura and
friends go to New York, Brain always
disturbs Sam along the trip. And they have
different opinion about answer test.

1. When Laura on the Plane

Laura has conflict with Brain when

he disturbs Sam on the plane. When
Brain says to Laura about that is Sam
first time become passenger. Laura
gives command to Brain “stop” don’t
ridicule Sam, she so angry if her
friends always disturb one of each

2. When Laura gets suggestion from


Laura has conflict with Brian when

she gets suggestion. When in the
room she sits between Sam and
Brian, Brian directly give answer
without think first. So that makes
Laura emotional, because the answer
is wrong. Laura wants to be a win, so
that why she is so carefully when
answer question in that competition.

3. When Laura in the taxi

Laura has conflict with Brian when

she different opinion with Brian in the
taxi. When the way it so traffic jam
and taxi can’t pass that ways. Brain
says to his friend if decrease two
block away, than she panic because
late in competition, so they decide to

b. Laura Vs Sam

In this film Laura has conflict with

another character, the name is Sam. Laura
has conflict when they are different opinion
in some situation.

1. When Laura in the plane

In this story Laura has conflict with

Sam when they are in the plane.
When a plans fly, and Sam so afraid.
Suddenly when Sam afraid, he holds
Laura’s hand. Than after good
situations, she asks Sam to relinquish
her hands. Because she doesn’t
comfort when someone who hold her

2. When Laura out of from J.D houses

Laura has conflict with Brain when

she offers to stay at J.D houses.
When she and all her friends out of
the room and back to home, but in

outside the situation is to crowd and
everyone busy to rescue their self.
She wants to stay because situation,
but Sam wants to go home at that

3. When Laura rescue people in the taxi

Laura has conflict with Sam when

she rescues people in the taxi. When
she can rescue people was be
trapped in the taxi, Sam leave she
without knows what happened with
Laura. Laura runs and following him
until finish to library.

4. When Laura prohibit Sam

Laura has conflict with Sam when

she prohibit Sam go to underground.
When Sam going to underground,
because he wants to call his parents.
The other hands Laura prohibit Sam
don’t do that, because the location
was full of water. At that time the
water it so could, so that danger for

5. When Laura has sick

Laura has conflict with Sam about

her condition. Laura has sleep in the
sofa and Sam looking at it. Sam Ask
Laura is she sick. Laura doesn’t want
her friends know about her condition.
So she answers, if she is ok that time.
She is actually was infection on her

c. Laura Vs Policeman

In this film Laura has conflict with

another character, she has conflict with
policeman. They have different opinion
when rescue people.

1. When Laura on the way

Laura has conflict with police when

she on the way. When she on the way
to rescue herself, she listen police
and two people was be trapped in the
taxi. Suddenly she approaches a
police and says if they want to out
from taxi. The police don’t understand

what they mean. So that Laura talks
to police to rescue them.

2. When Laura after rescue the


Laura has conflict with a police

when she wants to rescue the
passport and money was leave in the
taxi. When the passenger asks a
policeman to rescue their bag was
leave in the taxi, but a police doesn’t
care about that. Laura says to
policeman to rescue, but a policemen
says to Laura and passenger, if that
bags not importance.

3. When Laura prevent people on the


Laura has conflict with a policeman

when she prevents people to stay.
When a policemen say to people to
out from library and find new location,
at that time Laura prevent the people
to stay. She tries to explant to a
policemen, if all of people leave the
library they can be died. Because she

was young, so that a police don’t care
with her opinions.

d. Laura Vs J.D

Laura has conflict with another

character in this story. In this story a
character has conflict with Laura is J.D.
When Laura different opinion, when she
tries get Laura love, when Laura wants
follow Sam.

1. When Laura different opinion

Laura has conflict with J.D when

they different opinion. Sara has
opinion about a building it’s very
amazing, which many attribute and
information about animals. J.D just
say if this building isn’t good place.

2. When J.D wants get Laura love

Laura doesn’t know if J.D love her.

He always make small conversation
with Laura, and suddenly he shoot
Laura. He talks if he love her. Laura
says she doesn’t want it, she just
want J.D became friend.

3. When Laura wants to follow Sam

Laura wants to follow Sam, but
J.D. asks her to follow him. She runs
and leave J.D, because she wants to
know what happened with Sam.

e. Laura Vs A Homeless

In this story Laura has conflict with

another character, the character in story is
a homeless. Laura has conflict when a
homeless stolen some food, when a
homeless makes wrong, and when a
homeless without help Laura.

1. When Laura knows a homeless stole

some food

Laura has conflict with a

homeless when she knows if he stole
some food. When on the street
indirectly Laura see homeless stool
hot dog, which is that condition and
situation make him must stole. Laura
says give back hot dog in your hand,
she is angry but a homeless runs and
leave she.

2. When a homeless makes angry

Laura has conflict with a

homeless when she meets him in the
library. When Laura and friends try to
rescue people in there, but homeless
just keep silent and just stay in his
position until people leave a library.

3. When a homeless make wrong

Laura has conflict with a

homeless when a homeless make
wrong. When Laura tries to rescue
him and give jacket to him, but he
doesn’t accept it. He leaves Laura,
Laura follow him and give it to him.

3. Elemental Conflict

Not only psychological and social conflict,

but also Laura has elemental conflicts when
she is in New York with her friend. Trip to
New York to competition, because they are
delegation from their school.

a. When Laura holds by Sam

Laura has elemental conflict when

she was trip to New York. She shies to

Sam, because when Sam afraid on the
plane, suddenly he hold Laura’s hand.
That make Laura fell shies and think if
Sam has felling to her, her faces change
became red. She hopes if Sam fells to

b. When Laura watches a news from TV

Laura has elemental conflict when

she watches news together with her
friend in auditorium. When she watches
news about disaster some of place in
their country. Laura worries about her
family, and what the disaster will
happened in New York city too. She is
so worry to think about that, because
the news give attention to always
carefully in every situation.

c. When Laura must choice

Laura has elemental conflict when

she is in J.D apartments. When Sam
invite to leave that place with bad
situation, Sara faces in two choices. She
wants to stay but Sam wants to leave
that place, because at that time the
apartment not peaceful again. Finally,
she follow Sam and run to Library.

d. When Laura follows Sam to the


Laura has elemental conflict when

she follow Sam to the underground. At
that time Laura waits Sam on the
staircase, and Sam was call his parents.
Laura it so afraid because underground
full of water and Sam disappear. She
calls Sam but he doesn’t answer. She is
tremble because afraid if Sam was died.

e. When Laura share to the Sam

Laura has elemental conflict when

she share what she fell to the Sam.
When she sits on the sofa in front of
fireplace and Sam sits beside her. She
talks about something that she plants it
is vain. She fells vain, because she has
plan in the future and prepare anything.

C. Moral Message

Every film has moral message. That moral

message can be abstract or concert, because

some film usually moral message wrote by
author in this film has many moral message,
“appreciative, because if we aware to
something God was gift to us, we must

1. “Appreciate, because that is make us be

aware in this areas”

The first moral message is “Appreciate”

because that makes us always care with
around the world. If we never aware and not
appreciate this word, for years we also
consumption natural recourse without
consequence it is wrong, we didn’t
appreciate the nature, so the nature
recourse will be destroys someday.

2. “ Take Over, because we can keep our


The last moral message is “take over”,

because that make us always gave good
moral value. If we always make pollution or
we always thought a rubbishes, and we
didn’t care about that. Someday we will be

regret, which is disaster in everywhere. If
we take over the earth, so the earth will be
take over our live.

3. “Don’t keep grudge to the others because

love each other is better”
The third moral message is “Don’t keep
grudge to the others because love each
other is better”. Grudge is bad for us.
Grudge makes us blind of the rightness. The
best way to solve every problem is by loving
each other. Be forgiving people is
Laura never has grudge to the vice
president although they always debate
every time they meet. Laura tries to
understand the vice president. She is still
help the vice president and does not keep
any grudge to him.
4. “Don’t loss your family time because the time
never comes back”
The fourth moral message is
“Don’t loss your family time because the
time never comes back”. Time is important
thing in human life. Time that has been gone
never comes back. Spending time together
with our family is the best thing for us. We
never know when the time will be stop. So if

we are still have time, please spend it with
people that you love like your family.
Laura feels sad when she knows
that she loses her time for his family. She
loses his time to go to vacation with Her
5. “Don’t be selfish because sometimes we
need the others help”
The fifth moral message is “Don’t be
selfish because sometimes we need the
others help”. Being selfish is useless for us.
We are social human and we cannot live
without other help. So being selfish will harm
for ourselves. If we are selfish, people will
not respect to us again.
The vice president is selfish man.
He does not want to hear other opinion. He
feels that he is the truth one. He does not
care with she suggestions. So he gets
trouble because of it.


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