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Unicuique suum Non praevalebunt
Fifty-second year, number 10 (2587) Vatican City Friday, 8 March 2019

On Ash Wednesday Pope Francis explains the meaning of Lent

Time to rediscover the direction of life

Bangui paediatric centre Interview with Microsoft president To World Congress in Brussels Beginning 2 March 2020

Bring relief to An alliance of ethics For the total abolition Pope to open files on
suffering children politics and law of the death penalty Pontificate of Pius XII
page 2 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 8 March 2019, number 10

of Fresno. Until now he has served

as titular Bishop of Trofimiana and

VATICAN Auxiliary of Los Angeles (5 Mar.).

Bishop Brennan, 64, was born in
Van Nuys, USA. He was ordained a

BULLETIN H.E. Mr Faustin-Archange Tou-

adéra, President of the Central
African Republic with his entourage
priest on 21 June 1980. He was or-
dained a bishop on 8 September
2015, subsequent to his appointment
titular Bishop of Trofimiana and
AUDIENCES the Episcopal Conference of Mexico Auxiliary of Los Angeles.
with: Archbishop Carlos Garfias CHANGES IN EPISCOPATE
Thursday, 28 February Merlos, of Morelia, Vice President; The Holy Father appointed Bishop
Bishop Alfonso Gerardo Miranda The Holy Father appointed Bishop David Prescott Talley as Bishop of
Cardinal Manuel Clemente, Patri- Adair José Guimarães as Bishop of Memphis, USA. Until now he has
arch of Lisbon, Portugal Guardiola, titular Bishop of Idicra,
Auxiliary of Monterrey, Secretary Formosa, Brazil. Until now he has served as Bishop of Alexandria (5
Archbishop Andrés Carrascosa General; Bishop Ramón Castro served as Bishop of Rubiataba-Moz- Mar.).
Coso, titular Archbishop of Elo, Castro, of Cuernavaca, general treas- arlândia, Brazil (27 Feb.).
Bishop Talley, 68, was born in
Apostolic Nuncio in Ecuador urer Bishop Guimarães, 58, was born Columbus, USA. He was ordained a
Archbishop Launay Saturné of Cap- Members of the Catholic Bishops’ in Mara Rosa, Brazil. He was or- priest on 3 June 1989. He was or-
Haïtien, Haïti Conference of Kazakhstan, on a visit dained a priest on 21 December dained a bishop on 2 April 2013,
ad limina Apostolorum: 1986. He was ordained a bishop on subsequent to his appointment as
Prof. Carl Albert Anderson, Su- 17 May 2008, subsequent to his ap- titular Bishop of Lambaesis and
preme Knight of the Knights of — Archbishop Tomash Bernard
pointment as Bishop of Rubiataba- Auxiliary of Atlanta. On 2 February
Columbus Peta of Maria Santissima in Astana
Mozarlândia. 2017 he was appointed Bishop of Al-
with the Auxiliaries: Bishop Ath-
Participants in a meeting to com- exandria.
anasius Schneider, ORC, titular Bish- The Holy Father accepted the resig-
memorate the 50th anniversary of
the death of Cardinal Augustin Bea op of Celerina; Bishop Adelio nation of Archbishop Lionginas The Holy Father appointed as Aux-
D ell’Oro of Karaganda; Bishop José Virbalas, SJ, of Kaunas, Lithuania (1 iliary Bishop of Los Angeles, USA,
Members of St Peter’s Circle Luis Mumbiela Sierra of Santissima Mar.). Msgr Alejandro D. Aclan, from the
Friday, 1 March Trinità in Almaty; clergy of the said archdiocese, as-
— Fr Dariusz Buras, Apostolic The Holy Father appointed as Aux-
Archbishop Franco Coppola, titular signing him the titular episcopal See
Administrator of Atyrau iliary Bishop of the Patriarchate of
Archbishop of Vinda, Apostolic of Rusicade (5 Mar.).
Lisbon Rev. Canon Américo Manuel
Nuncio in Mexico — Fr Anthony James Corcoran, SJ, Bishop-elect Aclan, 68, was born
Alves Aguiar from the clergy of the
Apostolic Administrator of Kyrgyz- in Pasay City, the Philippines. He
Archbishop Rogelio Cabrera López, Diocese of Porto, assigning him the
stan titular episcopal See of Dagnum. was ordained a priest on 5 June 1993.
of Monterrey, Mexico, President of — Fr Pedro Ramiro López of the Until now he has served as director He holds a bachelor’s degree in med-
Institute of the Incarnate Word, Su- of the National Secretariat of Social ical technology. He has served in par-
perior of the Mission sui iuris in Communication of the Church and ish ministry and as: director of Voca-
Tadjikistan President of the Council of Admin- tional promotion in the San Gabriel
For Cardinal Parolin — Bishop Jerzy Maculewicz, OFM istration of Radio Renascença (1 Valley pastoral region; assistant vicar
Conv., titular Bishop of Nara, Mar.). and then vicar for the clergy.
Pell case: shocking Apostolic Administrator of Uzbek-
Bishop-elect Alves Aguiar, 45, was
born in Leça do Balio, Portugal. He RELATIONS STATES
and painful — Fr Andrzej Madej, OMI, Superi-
or of the Mission sui iuris in Turk-
holds a Master’s in Communication

Sciences. He was ordained a priest The Holy Father appointed Arch-

Shocking and painful. These are menistan on 8 July 2001. He has served in bishop Pedro López Quintana, titu-
the words used by Cardinal — Fr Vasyl Hovera, Delegate of parish ministry and as: private sec- lar Archbishop of Agropoli, as
Pietro Parolin on Thursday morn- the Congregation for the Oriental retary to the Bishop of Porto; vicar Apostolic Nuncio in Austria. Until
ing, 28 February, to describe the Churches for Greek Catholics in general and Head of the Episcopal now he has served as Apostolic
events that led to the conviction Central Asia Commission for Culture, Cultural Nuncio in Lithuania, Estonia and
of Cardinal George Pell on Saturday, 2 March Heritage and Social Communica- Latvia (4 Mar.).
charges of sexual abuse. Speaking tions.
on the sidelines of a meeting at Cardinal Marc Ouellet, PSS, Prefect
the Pontifical Gregorian Uni- of the Congregation for Bishops The Holy Father appointed Bishop CONGREGATION FOR THE
versity, the Secretary of State ad- Italian Association against Leuk-
Oscar Jaime L. Florencio as Military D O CTRINE OF THE FAITH
ded that among other things, the Ordinary of the Philippines. Until
emia, Lymphoma and Myeloma
Pell case “is a further incentive to now he has served as titular Bishop The Holy Father appointed as Of-
of Lestrona, Auxiliary of Cebu, the fice Head of the Congregation for
continue along the lines of the
Monday, 4 March Philippines, and Apostolic Adminis- the Doctrine of the Faith Msgr Ric-
Pope: to fight this phenomenon
trator of the said Military Ordinari- cardo Bollati, Official of the said
and pay attention to the victims”. Archbishop Marek Solczyński, titu-
ate (2 Mar.). Dicastery (4 Mar.).
Additionally, in reference to the lar Archbishop of Caesarea in
Meeting on the Protection of Mauretania, Apostolic Nuncio in Bishop Florencio, 53, was born in
Minors in the Church, which was Tanzania Capoocan, the Philippines. He was PONTIFICAL ACADEMY OF
held in the Vatican from 21-24 ordained a priest on 3 April 1990. FINE ARTS AND LITERATURE OF
Bishop Vitus Huonder of Chur,
February, Cardinal Parolin stated He was ordained a bishop on 4 THE VIRTUOSI AT THE
that “it was moving to hear the September 2015, subsequent to his
Bishop Santiago Olivera, Military appointment as titular of Lestrona PANTHEON
victims”, whose testimonies “left
no one indifferent”. Now, thanks Ordinary for Argentina and Auxiliary of Cebu.
The Holy Father appointed as Or-
to the Meeting convoked by the Group from the Pontifical Commis- dinary Members of the Pontifical
Pontiff, the Cardinal concluded, The Holy Father accepted the resig-
sion for Latin America Academy of Fine Arts and Literature
the consciousness of the entire nation of Bishop Armando Xavier
Officials from the Vatican Secret Ochoa of Fresno, USA (5 Mar.). of the Virtuosi at the Pantheon the
Church has been raised, along following: Archbishop Santiago Cal-
with “a call for transparency and The Holy Father appointed Bishop
for an ever clearer Gospel witness”. Tuesday, 5 March Joseph Vincent Brennan as Bishop CONTINUED ON PAGE 4

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number 10, Friday, 8 March 2019 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO page 3


“‘Thy kingdom come!’. Let us sow this word in the midst of our
sins and our shortcomings. Let us give it to the people defeated
and bent by life, to those who have tasted hatred more than
love, those who have lived aimless days without ever
understanding why”. The Pope offered this advice to the faithful
who had gathered in Saint Peter’s Square for the General
Audience on Wednesday, 6 March. As he continued his series of
reflections on the Lord’s Prayer, Francis focused on the second
invocation. The following is a translation of the Holy Father’s
catechesis, which he delivered in Italian.

Continuing catecheses on the Lord’s Prayer

The seed of the Kingdom

sown in this world
Dear Brothers and Sisters, about child trafficking, for example. All to him, the night of Good Friday is fol-
Good morning! these facts are proof that Christ’s victory lowed by the dawn of the Resurrection,
has not yet been completely attained. able to illuminate the entire world with
When we pray the “Our Father”, the
Many men and women still live with closed hope.
second request we address to God is “Thy
hearts. It is above all in these situations “Thy kingdom come!”. Let us sow this
kingdom come” (Mt 6:10). After praying
that the second request of the “Our Fath- word in the midst of our sins and our short-
for the sanctification of his name, the be- er” emerges on the lips of Christians: “Thy
liever expresses the desire that His King- comings. Let us give it to the people de-
kingdom come!”, which is like saying: “We feated and bent by life, to those who have
dom may come soon. This desire poured need you, Father! We need you, Jesus. We
forth, so to speak, from the very heart of tasted hatred more than love, those who
need you, Lord, to be everywhere and for have lived aimless days without ever under-
Christ who began preaching in Galilee by ever, in our midst!”. “Thy kingdom come,
proclaiming: “The time is fulfilled, and the standing why. Let us give it to those who
may you be in our midst”. have fought for justice, to all the martyrs in
kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and
believe in the gospel”, (Mk 1:15). These We sometimes ask ourselves: why is this history, to those who have come to the con-
words are in no way a threat. On the con- Kingdom so slow to come about? Jesus clusion that they have fought for nothing
trary, they are a blessed proclamation, a likes to speak of his victory in terms of and that in this world evil always domin-
parables. For example, he says that the ates. We will then feel the prayer of the
joyful message. Jesus does not want to
Kingdom of God is similar to a field where “Our Father” respond. It will repeat those
press people to convert by sowing fear of
weeds and good wheat grow together: the words of hope for the umpteenth time, the
God’s imminent judgment or a sense of
biggest mistake would be to immediately same words with which the Spirit sealed all
guilt for the wrongdoing committed. Jesus
intervene, by uprooting from the world the Sacred Scriptures: “Yes, I am coming
does not proselytize: he simply proclaims.
what appear to us to be invasive weeds. soon”: this is the Lord’s reply: “I am com-
Rather, what he brings is the Good News
God is not like us. God is patient. It is not ing soon”. Amen. And the Lord’s Church
of salvation, and, starting from this, he through violence that the Kingdom is es-
calls us to convert. Each of us is invited to responds: “Come, Lord, Jesus” (cf. Acts
tablished in the world: meekness is its 2:20). “Thy kingdom come” is like saying
believe in the “Gospel”: God’s authority is means of propagation (cf. Mt 13:24-30).
brought close to his children. This is the “Come Lord Jesus”. And Jesus says: “I am
Gospel: the authority of God drawn near The Kingdom of God is certainly a great coming soon”. And Jesus comes, in his way,
to his children. And Jesus announces this strength, the greatest one there is, but not but every day. We have trust in this. And
marvelous thing, this grace: God, the Fath- according to worldly criteria. This is why it when we pray the “Our Father”, we always
er, loves us, is close to us and teaches us to never appears to have the absolute major- say: “Thy kingdom come”, in order to feel
walk on the path of holiness. ity. It is like leaven that is kneaded with him say in our heart: “yes, yes, I am coming
flour: it apparently disappears and yet, it is and I am coming soon”. Thank you!
The signs of the coming of this King- what makes the dough rise (cf. Mt 13:33).
dom are multiple, all of them positive. Je- Or it is like a mustard seed, so small, al-
sus begins his ministry by caring for the most invisible, which, however, carries SPECIAL GREETINGS
sick, both in body and in spirit, for those within it nature’s most explosive force, and
who were socially excluded — lepers, for I greet the English-speaking pilgrims
once fully grown, it becomes the largest
example — and sinners who were looked and visitors taking part in today’s Audi-
tree in the garden (cf. Mt 13:31-32).
upon with scorn by everyone, even by ence, especially those from England,
In this “destiny” of the Kingdom of Wales, India, the Philippines and the
those who were greater sinners than them
God, we can sense the tenor of Jesus’ life. United States of America. May the Lenten
but who pretended to be just. And what He too was a frail sign to his contemporar-
does Jesus call them? “Hypocrites”. Jesus journey we begin today lead us to Easter
ies, an almost unknown event to the offi- with hearts purified and renewed by the
himself indicates these signs, the signs of cial historians of the time. He described
the Kingdom of God: “The blind receive grace of the Holy Spirit. Upon you, and
himself as a “grain of wheat” that dies in your families, I invoke joy and peace in
their sight and the lame walk, lepers are the earth, but only in this way can it bear
cleansed and the deaf hear, and the dead Christ our Redeemer!
“much fruit” (cf. Jn 12:24). The symbol of
are raised up, and the poor have good the seed is eloquent. One day a farmer I extend a special greeting to young
news preached to them” (Mt 11:5). plants it in the earth (a gesture which re- people, the elderly, the sick and newlyweds.
“Thy kingdom come”, Christians persist- sembles a burial), and then, if he “should Today, Ash Wednesday, is the start of
ently repeat when they pray the “Our Fath- sleep and rise night and day, and the seed the Lenten journey. I hope you will all be
er”. Jesus has come; but the world is still should sprout and grow, he knows not able to experience this time in an authentic
marked by sin, inhabited by many people how” (Mk 4:27). A seed that sprouts is penitential spirit of conversion, like a re-
who suffer, by people who do not want to more the work of God than of the man turn to the Father who awaits everyone
reconcile and do not forgive, by war and who planted it (cf. Mk 4:27). God always with outstretched arms to grant us the
many forms of exploitation. Let us think precedes us. God always surprises. Thanks most intimate communion with him.
page 4 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 8 March 2019, number 10

Video message for inauguration of paediatric centre in Bangui

To bring relief to suffering children

In Bangui, Central African Republic, on Saturday, 2 March, Cardinal
Konrad Krajewski, the Papal Almoner, inaugurated the ‘Complexe
Pédiatrique’, the newly renovated and expanded paediatric healthcare centre
specializing in the treatment of malnourished children. The centre is the
only paediatric hospital in the country. The construction work was carried
out at the behest of Pope Francis, with support from various initiatives
and collections, and was planned and overseen by Rome’s ‘Bambino Gesù’
Hospital. The following is a translation of the Holy Father’s video
message, which was recorded in Italian for the opening ceremony.

Dear Friends of the Bangui nel, and more. I hope that it may
Paediatric Hospital, become a centre of excellence,
where children may find re-
I greet all of you with joy on this
sponses to and relief from their
festive occasion of the inaugura- suffering, with tenderness and
tion of the new healthcare struc- love. I do not forget! I hold in
ture dedicated precisely to the my heart the suffering eyes of the
children of the Central African many malnourished children
Republic. This site was developed whom I met during my brief visit
with the support of ‘Bambino to the hospital on the occasion of
Gesù’ Paediatric Hospital, com- my journey to your country. People cheer as the Pope passes the paediatric hospital in Bangui during his November 2015 visit
mitted since the spring of 2016 to And I still recall the words of
the formation of medical person- the doctor who was beside me: lifeblood to this Paediatric Hospi- I address a deferential greeting
“Most of these children will die tal and to all those who will work to President Faustin-Archange
because they have resistant mal- there. May you always remember: Touadéra. I also greet the
aria, and are malnourished”. I “many concrete acts of goodness Apostolic Nuncio, Msgr Santiago
heard it myself. No, this must no
With the President longer happen! Children’s suffer-
and tenderness are shown to the
weak and the vulnerable, to those
De Wit Guzmán and the Presid-
ent of Bambino Gesù Hospital,
ing is without a doubt the hardest
of the Central to accept. The great Dostoyevsky
most lonely and abandoned.
There are true champions of char-
Ms Mariella Enoc, who worked so
hard on this construction project.
African Republic posed the question: “Why do chil-
dren suffer?”. So often, I ask my-
ity who show constant solidarity
with the poor and the unhappy”
And a greeting goes to Cardinal
Konrad [Krajewski], who renders
self the same thing: why do chil- (Apostolic Letter Misericordia et the Pope’s charity present in the
dren suffer? And I find no explan- Misera, 17). world. Those who take care of the
ation. I simply look to the Cruci- Thus I encourage all of you to little ones are on God’s side. Do
fix and invoke the Father’s merci- carry out your work of caring for not forget: those who take care of
ful love for so much suffering. children, inspired by charity, al- the little ones are on God’s side
This structure which is being ways thinking of the “good and overcome the throw-away cul-
inaugurated today is a tangible Samaritan” of the Gospel: may ture! May this new Hospital be-
sign of mercy, which originated in you be attentive to the needs of come a model and reference point
the Holy Year that I wished to your little patients, may you ten- for the entire country. Remember:
open in advance — on 29 Novem- derly bend down to their frailty, in the sick there is Christ, and in
ber 2015 — precisely in Bangui. and may you be able to see the the love of those who bend down
The first cathedral door to be Lord in them. This Hospital re- to His wounds lies the way to en-
On Tuesday afternoon, 5 March, opened was Bangui’s, not Saint minds all of us that what we are counter Him!
Pope Francis received in audience Peter’s. It was a gesture the Lord living “is the time of mercy be- I bless you! And please, do not
H.E. Mr Faustin-Archange Tou- had inspired. Passing through the cause those who are weak and vul- forget to pray for me! Thank you.
adéra, President of the Central Holy Door of the Cathedral, I af- nerable, distant and alone, ought
African Republic, who subsequently firmed: “Bangui now becomes the to feel the presence of brothers
met with Cardinal Secretary of State spiritual capital of prayer for the and sisters who can help them in
Pietro Parolin, accompanied by Father’s mercy. Let us all implore their need” (ibid., 21).
Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher,
Secretary for Relations with States.
peace, mercy, reconciliation, for-
giveness and love”. I like to think
Dear brothers and sisters, in
practicing your medical profes-
During the cordial discussions, that that Holy Door is still open sion, may you be artisans of
the existing good bilateral relations and that the river of mercy gives mercy!
were evoked, as well as satisfaction
at the ratification of the Framework atrava Valls for the Section of Archi-
Agreement between the Holy See tects; Mr Marco Tirelli for the Sec-
and the Central African Republic. tion of Painters and Filmmakers; Mr
In this context, the parties under-
scored the contribution of the Cath-
Framework Agreement between the Giuseppe Penone and Ms Elisabetta
Benassi for the Section of Sculptors;
olic Church in the construction of
the nation, and acknowledged the
Holy See and the Central African and Fr Antonio Spadaro, SJ, Mr
Alessandro D’Avenia and Mr An-
valuable role of Catholic institutions Republic on matters of mutual interest drea Moro for the Section of Schol-
ars and Poets (26 Feb.).
in the fields of education and
healthcare. Particular mention was On Tuesday, 5 March, Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin and
made of the recent inauguration of H.E. Mr Faustin-Archange Touadéra, President of the Central African
the Bangui Paediatric Hospital, for
Republic, met in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican.
which the President expressed spe- On this occasion, Cardinal Parolin consigned the Instrument of On Sunday, 3 March, Cardinal Gi-
cial gratitude to the Pope. Ratification of the Framework Agreement between the Holy See and
Attention then turned to the cur- useppe Petrocchi, Archbishop of
the Central African Republic on matters of mutual interest, which was L’Aquila, Italy, took possession of
rent situation of the country, with
signed on 6 September 2016 in Bangui. the Title of San Giovanni Battista
particular reference to the recent un-
derstanding reached by the various The aforementioned Act completed the exchange procedure of the dei Fiorentini, Rome.
political actors, with a view to the Instruments of Ratification of the same Framework Agreement, given
resolution of conflicts and the integ- that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and of Central Africans Abroad
had previously conveyed the Instrument of Ratification on the part of NECROLO GY
ral development of the Central
African people. Commitment was the State to the Apostolic Nunciature in Bangui.
The Framework Agreement, which entered into force on 5 March in Bishop Elliott Griffin Thomas, Bish-
encouraged in promoting peaceful op emeritus of Saint Thomas, Virgin
coexistence and national reconcili- accordance with its article 2.1 § 1, establishes the legal framework for re-
Islands, USA, at age 92 (28 Feb.)
ation, as well as the effort to bring lations between the Church and the State, which, safeguarding each
an end to every type of violence, one’s independence and autonomy, undertake to collaborate for the Bishop Rafael Torija de la Fuente,
and to make it possible for refugees spiritual, moral, social, cultural and material wellbeing of the human Bishop emeritus of Ciudad Real,
to return to their homes. person, and in favour of the promotion of the common good. Spain, at age 91 (2 Mar.)
number 10, Friday, 8 March 2019 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO page 5

In his Ash Wednesday homily Francis explains the meaning of Lent which we must invest. Lent, therefore, invites
us to focus, first of all on the Almighty, in pray-

Time to rediscover er, which frees us from that horizontal and

mundane life where we find time for self but
forget God. It then invites us to focus on oth-

the direction of our life ers, with the charity that frees us from the
vanity of acquiring and of thinking that
things are only good if they are good for me.
Finally, Lent invites us to look inside our heart,
with fasting, which frees us from attachment
“Lent is the time to rediscover the direction of sessions are temporary, power passes, success
to things and from the worldliness that
life”. Pope Francis recalled this in his homily at wanes. The culture of appearance prevalent
numbs the heart. Prayer, charity, fasting: three
Mass on Ash Wednesday, 6 March, in the Santa today, which persuades us to live for passing
investments for a treasure that endures.
Sabina Basilica in Rome, the destination of the things, is a great deception. It is like a blaze:
penitential procession he led from the Church of once ended, only ash remains. Lent is the Jesus said: “Where your treasure is, there
Sant’Anselmo all’Aventino. The following is the time to free ourselves from the illusion of will your heart be also” (Mt 6:21). Our heart
English text of the Holy Father’s Homily. chasing after dust. Lent is for rediscovering always points in some direction: it is like a
that we are created for the inextinguishable compass seeking its bearings. We can also
“Blow the trumpet […] sanctify a fast” (Joel flame, not for ashes that immediately disap- compare it to a magnet: it needs to attach it-
2:15), says the prophet in the first reading. pear; for God, not for the world; for the self to something. But if it only attaches itself
Lent opens with a piercing sound, that of a eternity of heaven, not for earthly deceit; for to earthly things, sooner or later it becomes a
trumpet that does not please the ears, but in- the freedom of the children of God, not for slave to them: things to be used become
stead proclaims a fast. It is a loud sound that slavery to things. We should ask ourselves things we serve. Outward appearance, money,
seeks to slow down our life, which is so fast- today: Where do I stand? Do I live for fire or a career or hobby: if we live for them, they
paced, yet often directionless. It is a summons for ash? will become idols that enslave us, sirens that
charm us and then cast us adrift. Whereas if
our heart is attached to what does not pass
away, we rediscover ourselves and are set free.
Lent is a time of grace that liberates the heart
from vanity. It is a time of healing from ad-
dictions that seduce us. It is a time to fix our
gaze on what abides.
Where can we fix our gaze, then,
throughout this Lenten journey? It is simple:
upon the Crucified one. Jesus on the cross is
life’s compass, which directs us to heaven.
The poverty of the wood, the silence of the
Lord, his loving self-emptying show us the
necessity of a simpler life, free from anxiety
about things. From the cross, Jesus teaches us
the great courage involved in renunciation.
We will never move forward if we are heavily
weighed down. We need to free ourselves
from the clutches of consumerism and the
snares of selfishness, from always wanting
more, from never being satisfied, and from a
heart closed to the needs of the poor. Jesus
on the wood of the cross burns with love, and
calls us to a life that is passionate for him,
which is not lost amid the ashes of the world;
to a life that burns with charity and is not ex-
tinguished in mediocrity. Is it difficult to live
to stop, to focus on what is essential, to fast On this Lenten journey, back to what is es- as he asks? Yes, it is difficult, but it leads us
from the unnecessary things that distract us. sential, the Gospel proposes three steps which to our goal. Lent shows us this. It begins with
It is a wake-up call for the soul. the Lord invites us to undertake without hy- the ashes, but eventually leads us to the fire
This wake-up call is accompanied by the pocrisy and pretence: almsgiving, prayer, fast- of Easter night; to the discovery that, in the
message that the Lord proclaims through the ing. What are they for? Almsgiving, prayer tomb, the body of Jesus does not turn to
lips of the prophet, a short and heartfelt mes- and fasting bring us back to the three realities ashes, but rises gloriously. This is true also for
sage: “Return to me” (v. 12). To return. If we that do not fade away. Prayer reunites us to us, who are dust. If we, with our weaknesses,
have to return, it means that we have God; charity, to our neighbour; fasting, to return to the Lord, if we take the path of
wandered off. Lent is the time to rediscover ourselves. God, my neighbour, my life: these love, then we will embrace the life that never
the direction of life. Because in life’s journey, as are the realities that do not fade away and in ends. And we will certainly be full of joy.
in every journey, what really matters is not to
lose sight of the goal. If what interests us as
we travel, however, is looking at the scenery
or stopping to eat, we will not get far. We
should ask ourselves: On the journey of life,
do I seek the way forward? Or am I satisfied
Pope’s sorrow for tornado victims in Alabama
with living in the moment and thinking only In a telegram addressed to voked “the Lord’s blessings of survivors immediately, but
of feeling good, solving some problems and Archbishop Thomas John peace and strength” upon all the tornado had destroyed
having fun? What is the path? Is it the search
Rodi of Mobile, USA, and those “who are suffering the power lines, forcing them to
for health, which many today say comes first
signed by Secretary of State effects of this calamity”. use flashlights and vehicle
but which eventually passes? Could it be pos-
sessions and wellbeing? But we are not in the Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Pope The string of tornadoes headlights. Rita Smith, a
world for this. Return to me, says the Lord. To Francis conveyed that he had that struck central Alabama spokesperson for the Lee
me. The Lord is the goal of our journey in been “deeply saddened to on Sunday, 2 March, killed County Emergency Manage-
this world. The direction must lead to him. learn of the tragic loss of life 23 people and caused exten- ment Agency, reported to
and the injuries caused by the sive damage, most of which “The New York Times” that
Today we have been offered a sign that will
tornado which struck Ala- occurred in Lee County, 120 more than 150 people had
help us find our direction: the head marked
by ash. It is a sign that causes us to consider bama in recent days”. The km from the state capital. joined in the search and res-
what occupies our mind. Our thoughts often Pontiff expressed his “heart- The weather service in cue operations. East Alabama
focus on transient things, which come and go. felt solidarity with all affected Alabama reported that one of Medical Center in Opelika
The small mark of ash, which we will receive, by this natural disaster”, and the tornadoes measured at admitted more than 70 pa-
is a subtle yet real reminder that of the many prayed “that Almighty God least a half-mile wide with tients on Sunday night alone.
things occupying our thoughts, that we chase may grant eternal rest to the wind speeds ranging from Tornadoes are very com-
after and worry about every day, nothing will dead, especially the children, 220 to 265 kph, earning it a mon in the area at this time
remain. No matter how hard we work, we will and healing and consolation rating of EF-3 on the En- of year. In 2011 some 60 tor-
take no wealth with us from this life. Earthly to the injured and those who hanced Fujita Scale. Rescue nadoes hit Alabama, killing
realities fade away like dust in the wind. Pos- grieve”. The Holy Father in- workers began searching for more than 240 people.
number 10, Friday, 8 March 2019 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO page 6/7

Brad Smith (centre) on his

visit to the Vatican Library


in ways that exacerbate societal is-

sues. By that time, these challenges
will be much more difficult to
bottle back up.
In particular, we don’t believe
that the world will be best served
by a commercial race to the bottom,

Technology needs an alliance of ethics

ANDREA MONDA with tech companies forced to
choose between social responsibility
Brad Smith, seeming younger than and market success. We believe that
his not-quite-60 years, smiled the only way to protect against this

politics and law

brightly as he observed the manu- race to the bottom is to build a
scripts of Raimondo Lullo and Ga- floor of responsibility that supports
lileo, and especially the Gutenberg healthy market competition. And a
Bible, in the halls of the Vatican Li- solid floor requires that we ensure
brary. The president of Microsoft and touch the lives of almost every- volves policy issues that range from this technology, and the organiza-
had just met privately with the one on the planet. The evolution of ensuring the protection of individu- tions that develop and use it, are
mankind can be seen in terms of high-minded actors use it for writ- tions, private sector and civil society. al privacy and the safeguarding of governed by the rule of law.
Holy Father on the importance of
technological evolution as well. ings that are far less noble. As Ein- How can we build this alliance? Who sensitive and proprietary informa- Business leaders, policymakers,
an ethical approach to technology,
Like the steam engine that triggered stein had in effect warned the world, is leading this transformation, as well tion to answering a range of new researchers, academics, and repres-
which has reached the point of cre-
the First Industrial Revolution, new in the wrong hands every tool can as the huge amount of data being pro- competition law questions. A care- entatives of nongovernmental
ating actual artificial intelligence,
technology, like artificial intelli- become a weapon if humanity’s or- duced? How should private companies ful and productive balancing of groups must work together to en-
that today is seen as a crucial fron-
gence, is changing how we work ganizing power fails to keep pace relate to politics? What are the mutual these objectives will require discus- sure that AI-based technologies are
tier for human destiny. We need a
and live. And like the railroads that with the technology itself. limits that business and politics will sion and cooperation between gov- designed and deployed in a manner
“human voice”, Smith said to the have to respect? What is the area of
Pope, “a human voice, loud and in- those steam engines powered, these To ensure that people have con- ernments, industry participants, aca- that will earn the trust of the
new inventions will need to be fidence and trust in technology, we influence and participation of civil so- demic researchers and civil society. obligation not just to continue to in- Mondo Digitale and other partners
fluential, like that of the Church”. novate, but to build technology to — aims to reach over 2 million people who use them and the indi-
managed and ultimately regulated need to think beyond the techno- ciety? On one hand, we believe govern- viduals whose data is being collec-
A voice, the Pope added, that “re- solve big problems and to be a force young people, students, NEETs and
covers human words that today are by societies. Any new technology logy itself and address the need for As technology evolves so quickly, ments should help accelerate AI ad- ted.
that has broad societal impact will strong ethical principles, the evolu- vances by promoting common ap- for good in the world. professionals across Italy by 2020,
at risk of being dropped from the those of us who create AI, the cloud We recognize that the bigger a training more than 500,000 people
dictionary, such as tenderness, ca- require new laws. tion of laws, the importance of and other innovations may know proaches to making data broadly Let us return to the Pope’s Message
Technology is a tool that has pro- training people with new skills, and available for machine learning. A company is, the more responsibility and certifying 50,000 professionals.
ress, fraternity”. Archbishop Vin- more than most about how these for the World Day of Communica-
foundly impacted humans around even labor market reforms. If we large amount of useful data resides it has to think about the world, its tions. Social network usage is comple-
cenzo Paglia, President of the Pon- technologies work. But that doesn’t Artificial intelligence is always connec-
the world in both good ways and are to make the most of powerful in public datasets — data that be- citizens and their long-term oppor- mentary to face to face meetings. If the
tifical Academy for Life (PAL) — necessarily mean that we know how ted with responsibility in your words
bad. Even a broom can be used to and promising AI technology, all of longs to the public itself. tunities. We approach this goal by web is perceived as an expansion of
which promoted the meeting be- best to address the role they should and you often spoke about the need of
sweep the floor or hit someone over this must come together. At the same time, it will be im- focusing on multiple strategies and the opportunities to meet with other
tween the Pope and the president play in society. This requires that regulations to provide tech players with
the head. The more powerful the AI will impact every sector of so- portant for governments to develop constituencies; leveraging our core people and share experiences, it clearly
of the largest tech giant — ex- people in government, academia, an ethical framework. How can we
tool, the greater the benefit or dam- ciety and won’t be created or used and promote effective approaches to business for positive social impact; represents a great resource for every-
plained that the PAL has announced business, civil society, and other in- direct artificial intelligence to the com-
age it can cause. by the tech sector alone. That’s why terested stakeholders come together privacy protection that take into improving personal productivity; body. Yet unfortunately social network
an award in cooperation with Mi- making sure our business is socially mon good?
crosoft for the best doctoral disser- Communications technologies the world needs to come together to help shape this future. And in- consideration the type of data and does not automatically mean cohesion
from the telephone, to word pro- to address these issues with a sense creasingly we need to do this not the context in which it is used. To responsible by investing in sustain- As computers gain the ability to and inclusiveness. Sometimes they rep-
tation on the topic of artificial intel- ability, accessibility, privacy and se-
ligence at the service of human life. cessing software, to the internet have of shared responsibility. just in a single community or coun- help reduce the risk of privacy in- learn from experience and make de- resent the basis for violent discussion
enabled people to connect with each try, but on a global basis. Each of trusions, governments should sup- curity; and through philanthropy cisions, what type of experiences do and even social laceration: what can
In an exclusive with L’Osservatore with more than $1 billion in contri-
Romano, Brad Smith gave an inter- other, learn about the world and ex- Referring to the transformation pro- us has a responsibility to participate port and promote the development we want computers to have and be the antidote to these risks?
press themselves in new ways. One duced by the cloud, you spoke about — as well as an important role to of techniques that enable systems to butions across a wide variety of what decisions are we comfortable
view inspired by the text of the causes including teaching digital At Microsoft we have a respons-
Message for the World Day of of the world’s ubiquitous tools is this “shared responsibility” and about play. use personal data without accessing having them make? The ability for ibility to create online services and
our own Microsoft Word. Many trust and inclusiveness. To make this For example, the development of or knowing the identities of indi- skills like coding and computer sci- a computer to see and recognize
Communications in which the Pope ence. Here in Italy with the cooper- communities where people feel safe:
stated that “the use of the social days Word is used by dedicated transformation “non-inhuman”, we more effective AI services requires viduals. faces to recognize people’s faces last Feb 5th, on Safer Internet Day,
writers to advance the world’s need both the coexistence of these three the use of data — often as much rel- At Microsoft we believe that fos- ation of the local NGO Fondazione from a photo or through a camera
web is complementary to an en- Mondo Digitale, we’ll be able to the international day of action to
counter in the flesh that comes alive highest aspirations. But no doubt requirements as well as the develop- evant data as possible. And yet ac- tering dialogue and the sharing of — facial recognition — has brought promote safer and more responsible
there are darker days when less ment of an alliance between institu- cess to and the use of data also in- best practices among governments, train 250,000 high school students, this into stark relief. This techno-
through the body, heart, eyes, gaze, use of technology, particularly
businesses, representatives particularly those living in disad- logy can catalog your photos, help
breath of the other. If the Net is among children and young people,
from non-governmental or- vantaged areas, and let them dis- reunite families or potentially be
used as an extension or expectation we developed a “Digital Civility In-
ganizations and civil soci- cover the power of AI. misused and abused.
of such an encounter, then the net- dex” to demonstrate that online
ety will be key to maximize Rapidly evolving technology im- Facial recognition technology
work concept is not betrayed and risks have real-world consequences.
the technology’s potential pacting every sector means jobs of raises issues that go to the heart of
remains a resource for communion”. We are deeply committed to the
to deliver broad-based be- the future will require more digital fundamental human rights protec- need to further educate teens,
Hence the challenge is to move skills, from basic computer literacy
from network communities to the nefits. Working together tions like privacy and freedom of young adults, parents, educators,
we can identify issues that to advanced computer science. We expression. These issues heighten and policymakers about the real-
human community, a community
have clear societal or eco- at Microsoft feel we have the re- responsibility for tech companies world consequences of negative on-
that today is suffering from a crisis
nomic consequences and sponsibility to contribute to help that create these products. line interactions, which can include
firstly of mistrust.
prioritize the development provide our youth with equitable In our view, they also call for a loss of trust in others, increased
of solutions that protect access to rigorous and engaging thoughtful government regulation stress, sleep deprivation, and even
Technology is one of the main players
people without unnecessar- computer science courses. If equit- and for the development of norms thoughts of suicide. We hope these
in the change that mankind is going
ily restricting future innov- able access is left unaddressed, we around acceptable uses. In a demo- findings will further serve as an
through. In this historical moment in
ation. will exclude entire populations from cratic republic, there is no substi- evidentiary base for a global drive
which there’s a huge crisis of global
full participation in this new world, tute for decision making by our toward “digital civility”.
confidence (and politics is just the
These transformations should thus creating that “social laceration” elected representatives regarding the The Digital Civility Challenge is
most obvious example), on the one
tend to achieve a more cohes- you mentioned before. issues that require the balancing of also an awareness-raising opportun-
hand one sees technology as something
ive world, guarantee demo- In Italy we have a promising public safety with the essence of ity that encourages consumers to be
to fear; on the other hand, technology
is perceived to be what makes us hu- cratic stability and ever plan in place, “Ambizione Italia”, our democratic freedoms. Facial re- accountable for their online behavi-
man, something that can distinguish to accelerate digital transformation, cognition will require the public or and to serve as a role model
greater “bottom-up” partici-
mankind from every other living spe- leverage AI and ensure nobody is and private sectors alike to step up and/or champion for others. The
pation or on the contrary can
cies. How do you think we have to left behind. At its core there is a — and to act. Globally, this is an is- goal of the Challenge is to support
they create conditions of
look at technology? How can we infuse complete program of skilling, up- sue that’s just getting started. Microsoft’s long-term commitment
greater social laceration?
confidence and trust in the impressive skilling and reskilling training. The Unless we act, we risk waking up to fostering safe, inclusive interac-
potential of technological progress? At Microsoft we recog- program — in collaboration with five years from now to find that fa- tions online and to raise awareness
nize that we have a moral The Adecco Group, Fondazione cial recognition services have spread about the need for “digital civility”.
Science and technology are essen-
tial ingredients of modern life.
They transcend local boundaries
page 8 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 8 March 2019, number 10

Pope’s appeal to the World Congress in Brussels

For the total abolition of the death penalty

On Wednesday morning, 27 February, Pope
Francis sent a video message to the Seventh
World Congress Against the Death Penalty,
organized by the ‘Ensemble Contre la Peine de
Mort’ (Together against the Death Penalty)
and the World Coalition Against the Death
Penalty. In his video to the participants, who
met in Brussels from 26 February to 1 March,
the Pope expressed his hope that the “necessary
steps” be taken to achieve the “total abolition of
the death penalty”. The following is a
translation of the message, which was recorded
in Spanish.
I greet the organizers and participants in
the Seventh World Congress Against the
Death Penalty, being held in Brussels.
Human life is a gift we have received, the
most important and primary gift, the source
of all the other gifts and of all the other
rights. And, as such, it needs to be protec-
ted. Moreover, for a believer, the human be- Joan Miró, “Hope of a condemned man III”

ing was created in the image and likeness of

God. However, both for believers and non-
believers, each life is good and its dignity no longer employ the death penalty, or have tion of the principle of the dignity of the
must be protected without exceptions. eliminated it completely from their criminal human person and of the conviction that
legislation. the human race can address crime, and like-
Hence, capital punishment implies a
The Church has always defended life, and wise reject evil, by offering the convict the
grave violation of the right to life that every
her view on the death penalty has matured. opportunity and the time to mend the dam-
person has. While it is true that human so-
Hence, I wished that that this point be age caused, to consider the act committed,
cieties and communities must often face
modified in the Catechism of the Catholic and thus be able to change his or her life, at
very grave crimes committed against the
Church. The death penalty was long con- least interiorly.
common good and the security of people, it
is equally true that today there are other sidered an appropriate response to the grav- I accompany you with my prayer and I
means to expiate the harm caused, and de- ity of certain crimes and also to protect the encourage you in your works and delibera-
tention systems are increasingly effective at common good. However, the dignity of a tions, as well as the governments and all
protecting society from the evil that some person is not lost even when he or she has those who have responsibilities in their
individuals can cause. On the other hand, committed the worst of crimes. No one’s life countries, so that the necessary steps may be
we must never abandon the conviction to may be taken away, nor may one be de- taken towards the total abolition of the
offer even those who are guilty of crimes the prived of the opportunity to embrace once death penalty. It is in our power to recog-
opportunity to repent. again the community that he or she has nize the dignity of each person and to work
For this reason, it never ceases to be a wounded and caused to suffer. so that other lives not be eliminated, but
positive sign that there are increasingly The aim of the worldwide abolishment of won for the good of all society.
more countries that focus on life and that the death penalty is a courageous affirma- Thank you.

Holy Father on a pastoral visit in Rome

On Sunday, 3 March, Pope Francis Thereafter, the Pope met with a
made a pastoral visit to ‘San
Crispino da Viterbo’, a parish on the Season of prayer dozen local priests, who later concel-
ebrated the Liturgy with him, and
outskirts of Rome. Looking ahead to heard confessions of five faithful of
the start of Lent, he described it as a ed by Msgr Leonardo Sapienza, Re- In an adjacent room, Francis then various ages.
season of prayer, both for the gent of the Prefecture of the Papal met briefly with the families of in- During the Mass which followed,
Church and for “one another ... al- Household; Pier Giorgio Zanetti, fants who had received or were the prayer intentions included an in-
ways looking to the Lord who gives the Pope’s personal Valet; and about to receive Baptism. Privately, vocation for the San Crispino com-
us the strength to go forward”. Alessandro Gisotti, interim Director away from the cameras, the Pope munity, “that it may grow in faith,
Evening had already fallen when, of the Holy See Press Office, the then had a personal encounter with hope and charity”. Speaking off the
at 6:40 PM, after spending three Pope met with a number of young two groups, first a group of home- cuff, the Holy Father delivered his
hours with the community, the Bish- people. The littlest children per- less and indigent people who receive homily on the day’s Gospel passage
op of Rome bid farewell from the formed a song for him, and older assistance from the parish Caritas from Luke (6:39-45) in which, “with
sacristy of the parish church. “Thank kids asked him questions and sought and the Saint’Egidio Community, parables”, Pope Francis said, “Jesus
you very much for your welcome!”, his advice. At the end of the en- and then with a group of sick, dis- explains Christian wisdom to the
he said, inviting the faithful to recite counter they gave the Holy Father abled and elderly people, accompan- people”. In particular, the Pontiff
a ‘Hail Mary’ and offering a blessing cautioned against looking for “the
two white roses and several rolls of ied by volunteers. In both encoun-
to the many people who, finding the flaws of others”; instead, he said,
paper bound up as parchment in ters Francis embraced each person
church completely full, followed the “first look at your own”.
Mass on the jumbo screen outside. which they shared their thoughts individually, offering a caress, en- Afterwards, Fr Cacciamani ex-
The Pontiff arrived by car at ap- and drawings. couragement and comforting words. plained that the Pope’s visit repres-
proximately 15:45 on the sunny after- ented “a sign of encouragement and
noon, and was welcomed by Cardin- hope. We need to be supported in
al Angelo De Donatis, Vicar General faith”, he said, “helped to live those
of Rome, Bishop Guerino Di Tora, Gospel choices that we have already
Auxiliary for the northern sector of made but which, if not renewed
Rome, Fr Luciano Cacciamani, par- each day with the vital sap of Christ,
ish priest, and his associate pastor, dry out”.
Fr Andrea Lamonaca. In an exchange of gifts, the pa-
A banner behind the barrier read rishioners gave Pope Francis a
“The school of peace loves you”, as painting dedicated to the theme of
a welcome from the Sant’Egidio immigration: the work, created by
Community, which is actively in- the acolyte Meo Carbone, depicts
volved with San Crispino’s Caritas. Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s father and
A yellow poster read “Benvenuto grandparents in the glory of Saint
Papa Francesco” (Welcome Pope Francis Xavier Cabrini. According to
Francis), and was accompanied by a tradition, the Pontiff presented the
festive chorus of the faithful. Escort- parish with the gift of a chalice.
number 10, Friday, 8 March 2019 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO page 9

A ‘bridge’
between two eras
Certain members of the press de-
scribed him as the last representative
of a Church that was anchored to the
past, emphasizing only the discontinu-
ity with his holy Successor. Yet Pius
XII, in the world Eugenio Pacelli, re-
mains a figure to be studied in depth,
and this will be made even easier
when the Vatican Archives pertaining
to his Pontificate are opened. Pope
Pacelli knew up close the dark pages From 2 March 2020
of the 20th century; he was hostage to
the Bolshevik revolutionaries and saw
the birth of Nazism, a danger which
he had ascertained at the very start of
Pope Francis to open Vatican Archives
his service as a young Apostolic Nun-
cio in Munich, and which had led him
to write in a letter to Cardinal Pietro
files on Pontificate of Pius XII
Gasparri “that nationalism may be The Holy Father has decided to “open to the audience with the staff of the Vatican Secret Archive,
perhaps the most dangerous heresy of consultation of researchers the archival documentation whom he received in audience in the Clementine Hall
our time”. pertaining to the Pontificate of Pius XII up to his on Monday morning, 4 March. The following is a
As Secretary of State he was the death”. Pope Francis announced the initiative — translation of Pope Francis’ address, which he
faithful collaborator of Pius XI, shar- which will begin on 2 March 2020 — during an delivered in Italian.
ing his aversion to totalitarian ideolo-
gies but also sharing his attempt to
find with the most hostile States a Dear Brothers and Sisters, with some prejudice or exaggera- niversary, to announce my decision to
modus vivendi that could guarantee a tion). Today he is appropriately open to the consultation of researchers
I welcome you; I am pleased to re-
minimum of freedom to Christians. being reexamined and indeed the archival documentation pertaining
ceive you. I thank Msgr José
He became Pope [on 2 March,] ex- placed in the proper light for his to the Pontificate of Pius XII, up to
Tolentino de Mendonça for the
actly 80 years ago, on the eve of a war multifaceted qualities: pastoral, his death, which occurred at Castel
courteous greeting he addressed to
that would count more than 50 million first and foremost, but also theolo- Gandolfo on 9 October 1958.
me on behalf of all of you. I greet
deaths, and culminate in the abyss of Msgr Sergio Pagano, Prof. Paolo gical, ascetic, diplomatic. I have decided that the opening
the Shoah, the genocide of six million Vian, the new Vice-Prefect, and At the behest of Pope Benedict of the Vatican Archives for the
Jews committed by the Nazis. you archivists, writers, assistants XVI, you Superiors and Officials of Pontificate of Pius XII will take
He was an admired and deeply be- and employees of the Vatican the Vatican Secret Archive, as well place on 2 March 2020, exactly
loved Pope throughout his lifetime Secret Archive, as well as the pro- as of the Historical Archives of the one year after the 80th anniversary
and was known by the title, defensor fessors of the Vatican School of Holy See and of Vatican City of Eugenio Pacelli’s election to the
civitatis, the protagonist of a great Paleography, Diplomacy and State, from 2006 to today have Chair of Peter.
work of charity in favour of all the Archives Administration. been working on a joint project of I take this decision having heard
persecuted. He reigned in the difficult cataloguing and preparing the vo- the opinions of my closest Ad-
The occasion of your visit — at
postwar years, indicating democracy as luminous documentation produced visors, with a calm and trusting
such a short time since my meeting
the way to rebuild all the good that during the Pontificate of Pius XII, spirit, certain that serious and ob-
with you and with the Apostolic
had been wiped out by the conflict. a part of which has already been jective historical research will suc-
Library last 4 December — is part
He was a protagonist in crucial Italian made available for consultation by ceed in evaluating in its proper
of the joyful occasion, which was
political events. A certain histori- my venerated Predecessors Saint light, with appropriate criticism,
ographical debate, less heated today, Paul VI and Saint John Paul II. the praiseworthy moments of that
presented him as the ‘silent Pope’, due Pontiff and, no doubt also the mo-
Therefore I thank you, and
to the stance he held during the Holo- ments of grave difficulty, of an-
through you the other Vatican
caust. guished decisions, of human and
archivists as well, for the patient
But a deeper and more measured Christian prudence, which to some
and scrupulous work you have may appear reticent, and which
appraisal of his Pontificate helps one done in these last 12 years, and
to understand how Pope Pacelli, with were instead human and hard-
which in part you are still carrying fought attempts to keep alive, in
his decisions and his Magisterium, was out, in order to complete the afore-
a bridge between one era and another, periods of intense darkness and
mentioned preparation. cruelty, the flame of humanitarian
even in the ecclesial sphere. In 1952,
during the Cold War, he was the first Yours is a work carried out in si- initiatives, of hidden but active
to modernize, precisely with regard to lence and far from clamour; it cul- diplomacy, of hope in the possible
communism, the traditional Christian tivates memory, and in a certain favourable opening of hearts.
distinction between error and errant. sense it seems to me that it may be The Church is not afraid of his-
Pope Pacelli published doctrinal compared to the cultivation of a tory but, rather, she loves it, and
documents of the utmost importance majestic tree, whose branches would like to love it more and bet-
and contributed to the developments stretch skyward, but whose roots ter, as God loves it! Thus, with the
consecrated by the Second Vatican are firmly anchored in the ground. same confidence of my Prede-
precisely the day before yesterday, If we compare this tree to the
Council, thus becoming the most cessors, I open and entrust this
of the 80th anniversary of the elec- Church, we see that she stretches
quoted Pope: he introduced the ap- patrimony of documents to re-
tion on 2 March 1939 as Supreme heavenward, where our homeland searchers.
plication of the historical-critical meth- Pontiff the Servant of God Pius
od to Bible study, supported the litur- and our ultimate horizon lie; the As I thank you again for the
XII, of venerable memory. roots, however, sink into the soil of
gical movement and renewed the rites work you have done, I hope you
of Holy Week. He took into consider- The figure of that Pontiff, who the very Incarnation of the Word, may continue in the task of provid-
ation the hypothesis of evolution, was was at the helm of the Barque of into history, into time. With your ing assistance to researchers — sci-
open to natural methods for respons- Peter at one of the saddest and patient efforts you archivists work entific and material assistance —
ible maternity and paternity, interna- darkest moments of the 20th cen- on these roots and help to keep and also in the publication of
tionalized the College of Cardinals, tury, in turmoil and largely des- them alive, in such a way that even sources pertaining to Pacelli which
and in 1946 carried out what would re- troyed by the last world war, with the greenest and youngest will be considered important, as in
main for 55 years the most numerous the consequent period of the reor- branches of the tree may draw fact you have already been doing
‘creation’ of new Cardinals in history. ganization of nations and post-war good sap for their future growth. for several years.
By percentage of ceremonies presided, reconstruction, this figure has This constant and by no means With these sentiments, I whole-
he canonized the highest number of already been examined and studied minor commitment of yours and of heartedly impart the Apostolic Bless-
women, more than all of his Prede- in many aspects, at times debated your colleagues, allows me today, ing to all of you, and I ask you,
cessors and Successors. and even criticized (one might say in memory of that significant an- please, to pray for me. Thank you.
page 10 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 8 March 2019, number 10

Thursday, 31 January We all have these moments when “we feel Pope suggested, whether we “feel this invita-
nothing, the illusion of service to the Lord tion to convert, to open the heart to be
The joyful priest does not support us, and doing good is diffi- healed, to find the Lord, to go forward”.
cult for us”. But even Jesus felt such times of But above all, Jesus commissioned the dis-
A priest who is true to his vocation can be re- “desolation”, Pope Francis pointed out, such ciples to “proclaim so that the people would
cognized by the joy he feels and brings to as his “sadness when he cried before Lazarus’ convert”. And this required the authority to
people, Pope Francis said during his homily tomb” and “when he told the Apostles on do so, which, Jesus said, the disciples were to
for Mass at Santa Marta on Thursday, 31 Holy Thursday: ‘My soul is very sorrowful, earn by taking “nothing for their journey ex-
January, the Feast of Saint John Bosco. In- even to death’”. However, the Holy Father cept a staff; no bread, no bag, no money in
deed the Pope’s reflection on the qualities said, we must endure and resist these dark their belts”. Thus, their sole authority came
that should distinguish priests drew inspira- moments with “memory and hope”. from following in Jesus’ footsteps, devoid of
tion from an event from the Saint’s life: “On We should remember the happy moments any attitudes of superiority. Rather, they were
the day of his ordination, his mother said to like “the happy days of the encounter with to be poor, with that “poverty that brings
him: ‘you will be a priest, you will begin to the Lord, for example” or when we have done meekness and humility”. It is with this “atti-
suffer’”, Pope Francis said. The purpose of a good deed and felt Jesus’ presence nearby. tude of poverty, humility, meekness” that we
this warning and “prophecy” from his humble Recalling “those early days when everything can have the “authority to say: ‘Covert’, to
mother was to let her son know that if he per- was luminous” is “the first prescription open hearts”. Through the “meekness and the
ceived no suffering, then that was a clear sign against desolation”, the Pope explained. The authority of their example”, the Apostles were
that “something was wrong”. Why should a second, he continued, is “hope”. Indeed, he able to cast out demons, “not with the author-
priest suffer?, the Pope asked. The reason can ity of one who speaks from above but is not
observed, “you only need endurance, so that
be found in Don Bosco’s life choices. He interested in people. That is not authority; it
you may do the will of God and receive what
“had the courage to view reality with the eyes is authoritarianism”, the Holy Father stressed.
is promised”, quoting the Letter to the
of a man and with the eyes of God”. Indeed, They were thus able to heal not only the spir-
Francis noted, “in those Masonic days ... Hebrews.
Thus, “when the devil attacks us with it, but by applying healing oils, they also
where the poor were truly poor”, Don Bosco healed bodies. Because, the Pontiff added,
was moved to seek new avenues, human aven- temptations, with vices, with our wretched-
ness” we should always “look to the Lord, the “an anointing is God’s caress”. Like the
ues that could help young people grow. Apostles who had to learn the wisdom of the
“caresses of God”, we too can heal people.
“Each of us has the power to heal if we take

Morning Mass at the Domus this path”: with a kind word, patience, advice
or a humble glance. Pope Francis concluded
by invoking the Lord to “give us this grace to
heal as he healed: with meekness, humility,
Sanctae Marthae with fortitude against sin, against the devil,
and to go forth in this beautiful mission of

Moreover, the Pope continued, because Friday, 8 February

Don Bosco “had the courage to look with the
eyes of God”, he looked “at reality with a The great gift of martyrdom
father’s love” and “at God with the eyes of a
beggar who asks for something luminous”, in Commenting on the day’s Gospel reading
this way moving forward. Priests “must have which described the martyrdom of John the
these two polarities: looking with the eyes of Baptist, Pope Francis called on the faithful
a man and with the eyes of God” which gathered for Mass on Friday, 8 February, to
means, the Holy Father explained, spending learn how to give one’s life for others as John
“ample time before the tabernacle”. Don the Baptist did, in contrast to Herod whom
Bosco had these two qualities which helped Satan enveloped in corruption, hatred and
him to “see the way” and this is why, rather vanity.
than just imparting precepts, “he drew near” John the Baptist, the Pope said, knew he
to the people, “with their same liveliness.... had to “annihilate” himself, to steadily “di-
He walked with them, he listened with them, minish”, whereas Jesus was to grow. John’s
he saw with them, he cried with them”. light, Francis observed, “slowly burned out,
But he warned there “is always the risk of up to the darkness of that cell, alone in pris-
looking too much at the human being and on, where he was beheaded”. Indeed, “the life
not at all at the divine, or too much at the di- of martyrs is not easy to recount: martyrdom
vine and not at all at the human; however, if endurance of the cross, remembering the first is a service; it is a mystery; it is a very special
we do not take risks in life, we will never beautiful moments of love, of the encounter and great gift of life”. Pope Francis said.
achieve anything”. with the Lord and the hope we are charged The Holy Father then highlighted three at-
Francis thanked God for having given us with”. titudes found in the Gospel. The first of these
Don Bosco, who “knew what it meant to earn The Holy Father concluded with a prayer attitudes is corruption, as demonstrated by
his daily bread, this man who understood for the “grace of memory and of hope, so that the king, who believed John the Baptist was a
what compassion was, what the real truth we may have that “endurance on the journey prophet. Initially, the king protected and lis-
was”. of our life”. tened to John. However his perplexity upon
Describing Don Bosco as a “teacher of hearing John accuse him of adultery led him
joy”, Pope Francis said that joyfulness in a to attempt to strike a “diplomatic balance” be-
priest shows he is doing well and looking at Thursday, 7 February tween his own dubious behaviour and the
reality both with the eyes of a man and with holiness of the prophet before him.
the eyes of God. “Let us ask the Lord for the Humility and healing The second attitude is that of Herodias, the
intercession of Don Bosco today, for the grace wife of the king’s brother. “The Gospel says
Christians must learn the “wisdom of God’s that she ‘hated’ John” because he spoke with
that our priests be joyful”.
caresses” and have the humility “to open their clarity. And, the Holy Father continued, “we
heart to be healed by the Lord”, Pope Francis know that hatred is capable of anything”. In-
Friday, 1 February said in his homily during Mass on Thursday, deed, “hatred is the breath of Satan”, who
7 February. Moreover, Christians should exer- does not know how to love”. Herodias “had
Memory and hope cise this same humility and meekness when the satanic spirit of hatred”.
caring for our needy brothers and sisters. The third attitude, vanity, is exhibited by
Like the many Christians who today are being The Holy Father referred to the day’s Gos- the young dancer, Herodias’ daughter, whose
persecuted and attacked for their faith, all pel narrative which recounts the moment dancing so pleased King Herod that he prom-
Christians should face their darker moments when Jesus sent his disciples out to heal, as ised her anything she desired.
with perseverance. Pope Francis made this af- he did when he came into the world to “heal Satan is behind all these attitudes, sowing
firmation in his homily for Mass on Friday, 1 the root of sin within us”. This healing, the “hatred in the woman, vanity in the young
February. Pope explained, “recreated us from the roots woman and corruption in the king”, the Pope
Indeed, the day’s reading from Hebrews and made us go forth with his teaching, his concluded. And within this context, John the
(10:32-39), which recounts Christians “strug- doctrine which is a doctrine that heals”. The Baptist died alone in a cell “because of the
gling through a dark moment, a bad moment “first healing is conversion”: opening our whim of a vain dancer, the hatred of an evil
because they are being persecuted”, is “a cat- heart, “so that the Word of God may enter” woman and the corruption of an indecisive
echesis on perseverance: persevering in the because “a closed heart cannot be healed” just king”.
journey of faith, persevering in service to the as a sick person cannot get better without a John, the greatest “man born of a woman”,
Lord”, he explained doctor’s care. We should ask ourselves, the Pope Francis said, thus allowed himself to di-
number 10, Friday, 8 March 2019 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO page 11

Domus Sanctae Marthae

minish so as to leave his place to the Messiah. us, like a good father, he disciplines us with
“Life has value only when we give it; when we his heart”, suffering from this more than we
give it in love, in truth; when we give it to do.
others, in everyday life, in the family”. In the same way, “our prayer, our relation-
ship with God is not a relationship of ideas,
but a heart to heart relationship”. Today’s hu-
Monday, 18 February
manity should weep like Jesus “at the prob-
lems we have, at the world’s calamities, the
Compromises in response to poor, the hungry, the persecuted, the tor-
uncomfortable questions tured”. Therefore, the Holy Father continued,
we should invoke the grace to have “a heart
We should stop making excuses or comprom- like God’s heart”, because, like Jesus’ heart a
ises in response to the uncomfortable ques- human heart is “divine”. Thus, “let us enter
tions God asks us, such as where is our broth- the mystery of the sorrowful heart of God
er, the one who is hungry, sick, in prison, un- who is Father, and let us speak with Him as
able to attend school, or who is a drug addict: we witness the many calamities of our time”.
Pope Francis expressed this concern in his
homily during Mass on Monday morning, 18
February. We should not avoid these ques- Thursday, 28 February
tions by making excuses, he stressed, adding
that the Church’s commitment on the front- Five minutes for an examination
line of social work is God’s desire and cer- of conscience
tainly not the desire of a “communist party”.
Referring to the day’s first reading from In the whirlwind of everyday life, in which The Pope advised the faithful to “stop,
Genesis which narrates the account in which people may tend to rely on health, wealth and think: you are not eternal”. We cannot contin-
God asks Cain the whereabouts of his broth- power, they may recklessly go about just do- ue to do just whatever we please, he said,
er, Abel, Pope Francis described God’s ques- ing as they please. Pope Francis cautioned trusting in God’s infinite mercy. We cannot
tion as embarrassing to Cain. And Cain re- be rash and reckless, believing we will get
against this, during Mass on Thursday morn-
sponds defensively: “‘what do I have to do away with whatever we have been doing. And
ing, 28 February, and explained that setting
with my brother’s life? Am I his keeper? I while we may have gotten away with
aside five minutes each day for an examina-
wash my hands of it’. Thus, Cain was trying something once, we do not know when the
tion of conscience can help us take stock of
to escape God’s gaze”, the Pope explained. end will come.
our failures and weaknesses.
Jesus too, the Pontiff recalled, “often asked “Do not say, ‘God’s compassion is great,
Peter uncomfortable questions, for example: The Pontiff’s reflection drew from the day’s
passage from the Gospel of Mark (9:41-50), in he’ll forgive me my many sins, and so I con-
‘Do you love me?’”. He asked the disciples: tinue doing what I want’”, the Pontiff urged.
“what do people say about me?”, and “what which Jesus offers words of “advice”, includ-
ing: “have salt in yourselves, and be at peace A father or grandfather’s advice might be:
do you say?”. In our everyday lives, we an- “Do not delay to convert to the Lord, do not
swer these uncomfortable questions with “gen- with one another”. The Pope explained that
“to have salt in yourselves” means “to have postpone it from day to day, for suddenly the
eral principles which say nothing but that say wrath of the Lord will burst forth”, he
everything, everything that is in the heart”. wisdom, that your life is wise”.
Turning to the first reading from the Book warned.
Pope Francis recommended we ask
of Sirach (5:1-10), which advises against desir- Recalling that no one knows when life will
ourselves the same question: where is my
ing “wealth” and following our own “inclina- end, the Holy Father urged that we take five
brother? As if God were asking us. And our
tion and strength”, the Pope called for a minutes at the end of each day to examine
response, the Pope stressed, should include
those whom Jesus names in Matthew, Chapter change of heart and conversion to the Lord. our conscience, to convert to the Lord, that
25: the sick, the hungry, the thirsty, the naked. He pointed out that wisdom is achieved we not put it off to tomorrow. If we submit to
The Holy Father noted that “we are accus- each and every day by reflecting on our lives one of our passions, we must try to avoid suc-
tomed to responding with compromises, giv- and taking time to carefully consider our ac- cumbing to it again. By dominating ourselves
ing answers to escape the problem, to avoid tions. “Do not follow your instincts, your — rather than by being controlled by our de-
seeing the problem, to avoid touching the strength, indulging in the passions of your sires — we will become “responsible” for our
problem”. Today, he continued, it would do heart”, the Holy Father stressed. Everyone has “actions”. Taking five minutes at the end of
us good to ask, “where is my brother?”, and, desires, he acknowledged, but we “must be each day, the Pope reiterated, “will help us
listing all those mentioned in Matthew, to careful and dominate these passions” or they consider a change of heart and conversion to
“answer openly with loyalty and joy”. will end up “dominating you”. the Lord”.

Tuesday, 19 February

God’s feelings Congregation for the Causes of Saints

“Our times are no better today than they were
during the Great Flood”, and children are the Promulgation of Decrees
first victims of the world’s wars and injustices,
while the poor pay the highest price, Pope On Tuesday, 12 February, the Holy Father received Primate of Hungary, born in Csehimindszent,
Francis said during his homily on Tuesday, 19 in audience Cardinal Angelo Becciu, Prefect of the Hungary on 29 March 1892 and died in Vienna,
February. This is why we should have the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. During the Austria on 6 May 1975;
same feelings as God, and we should feel re- audience, the Supreme Pontiff authorized the Con- — the heroic virtues of the Servant of God
gret and pain, setting aside “sentimentalism” gregation to promulgate the Decrees regarding: Giovanni Battista Zuaboni, diocesan priest,
or abstract ideas and entering “the mystery of Founder of the Company of the Holy Family
— the miracle attributed to the intercession of Secular Institute, born in Vestone, Italy on 24
God’s heart”. Taking his cue from the day’s
Blessed John Henry Newman, Cardinal of the January 1880 and died in Brescia, Italy on 12
reading from Genesis (6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10), which
Holy Roman Church, Founder of the Oratory of December 1939;
recounts the Great Flood, the Holy Father Saint Philip Neri in England, born in London,
paused to reflect on two aspects: God saw the — the heroic virtues of the Servant of God
England on 21 February 1801, and died in Birm- Manuel García Nieto, priest of the Society of Je-
evil of mankind and regretted creating man ingham, England, on 11 August 1890;
on earth and this “grieved him in his heart”. sus, born in Macotera, Spain on 5 April 1894
— the miracle attributed to the intercession of
This means, the Pontiff continued, that God and died in Comillas, Spain on 13 April 1974;
Blessed Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan,
has feelings and is capable of anger. Though Foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of — the heroic virtues of the Servant of God
at first he reveals himself as a father, he is not the Holy Family, born in Puthenchira, India on Serafina Formai (in the world: Letizia),
an abstract God. 26 April 1876 and died in Kuzhikkattussery, In- Foundress of the Congregation of the Missionary
“We know for certain that when he became dia on 8 June 1926; Sisters of the Good News, born in Casola
flesh, he had the capacity to feel like we do, — the martyrdom of the Servant of God Sal- Lunigiana, Italy on 28 August 1876 and died in
with body and soul, to feel in his heart, God’s vador Victorio Emilio Moscoso Cárdenas, priest Pontremoli, Italy on 1 June 1954;
heart”. And, the Holy Father continued, of the Society of Jesus, born in Cuenca, Ecuador — the heroic virtues of the Servant of God
“God the Father who loves us ... is capable of on 21 April 1846 and killed in hatred of the faith María Berenice Duque Hencker (in the world:
getting angry”. However, “our God loves us in Riobamba, Ecuador on 4 May 1897; Ana Julia), Foundress of the Congregation of the
with the heart; he does not love us with — the heroic virtues of the Servant of God Little Sisters of the Annunciation, born in
ideas”. Have you ever thought, Pope Francis József Mindszenty, Cardinal of the Holy Roman Salamina, Colombia on 14 August 1898 and died
asked the faithful, that when “he disciplines Church, former Archbishop of Esztergom and in Medellín, Colombia on 25 July 1993.
page 12 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 8 March 2019, number 10


“Those who have educational responsibility or who

govern” must lead with wisdom; otherwise they risk
“causing damage to the people” entrusted to them.
Inspired by the day’s Gospel passage, Pope Francis
emphasized this on Sunday, 3 March, as he addressed
the faithful who had gathered in Saint Peter’s Square for
the Angelus. The following is a translation of the Holy
Father’s reflection, which he shared in Italian.

Francis’ message to those who govern or have educational responsibility

Be sound and wise leaders

Dear Brothers and Sisters, al. It says: “Why do you see the speck that ers. This destroys. It destroys the family,
Good morning! is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice destroys school, destroys the workplace,
the log that is in your own eye?” (v. 41). So destroys the neighbourhood. Wars begin
Today’s Gospel passage presents brief par-
often, as we all know, it is easy or conveni- from the tongue. Let us consider a bit this
ables with which Jesus seeks to indicate to
ent to see and condemn the flaws and sins lesson of Jesus and ask ourselves the ques-
his disciples the path to follow in order to
of others, without being able to see our tion: do I speak ill of others? Do I always
live wisely. With the question: can a blind own with such clarity. We always hide our seek to tarnish others? Is it easier for me to
man lead a blind man?” (Lk 6:39), he flaws; we even hide them from ourselves; see others’ flaws than my own? And let us
wishes to emphasize that a leader cannot be while it is easy to see the flaws of others. try to correct ourselves at least a little: it
blind, but must see clearly, that is, he must The temptation is to be indulgent with will do us all good.
have wisdom in order to lead wisely, other- ourselves — lenient with ourselves — and
wise he risks causing damage to the people Let us invoke Mary’s support and inter-
severe with others. It is always useful to cession in order to follow the Lord on this
who are entrusted to him. Jesus thus calls help one’s neighbour with wise advice, but
attention to those who have educational re- journey.
while we observe and correct our neigh-
sponsibility or who govern: spiritual pas- bour’s flaws, we must be aware that we too
tors, public authorities, legislators, teachers, have flaws. If I believe I have none, I can- After the Angelus, the Holy Father continued:
parents, exhorting them to be aware of not condemn or correct others. We all have Dear brothers and sisters, I greet all of
their delicate role and to always discern the flaws: everyone. We must be aware of you, coming from Rome, from Italy and
right path on which to lead people. them, and, before condemning others, we from different countries. In particular the
And Jesus borrows a wise expression in must look within ourselves. In this way we pilgrims from Warsaw, Madrid, Ibiza and
order to designate himself as an example of can act in a credible way, with humility, Formentera.
teacher and leader to be followed: “A dis- witnessing to charity.
I greet the community of the Minor
ciple is not above his teacher, but every How can we understand if our view is Seminary of the Diocese of Otranto on pil-
one when he is fully taught will be like his clear or if it is obstructed by a log? And grimage to Rome with their parents.
teacher” (v. 40). It is a call to follow his ex- again Jesus tells us so: “no good tree bears
ample and his teaching in order to be bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear Today many Italian parishes are present,
sound and wise leaders. And this teaching good fruit; for each tree is known by its many young confirmands and many school
is included above all in the Sermon on the own fruit” (vv. 43-44). The fruits are ac- students. It is not possible for me to name
Mount — which, in the past three Sundays tions but also words. A tree’s quality can every group, but I thank you all for being
the liturgy has offered us in the Gospel — also be understood from words. Indeed, here and I encourage you to walk with joy,
indicating the attitude of meekness and of those who are good draw good from their with generosity, witnessing everywhere to
mercy in order to be honest, humble and hearts and their mouths, and those who are the Lord’s goodness and mercy.
just people. In today’s passage we find an- bad draw bad, by practicing the most dam- And I wish everyone a happy Sunday!
other significant phrase, which exhorts us aging exercise among us, which is Please, do not forget to pray for me. Enjoy
to be neither presumptuous nor hypocritic- grumbling, gossiping, speaking ill of oth- your lunch. Arrivederci!

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