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EUROPEAN UROLOGY 60 (2011) 1190–1192

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Platinum Priority – Editorial and Reply From Authors

Referring to the article published on pp. 1184–1189 of this issue

Hypospadias Classification and Repair: The Riddle of the Sphinx

Antonella Giannantoni *
Department of Urology and Andrology, University of Perugia, Opsedale Santa Maria della Misericordia, Perugia, Italy

Hypospadias is the most common congenital anomaly of curvature. As suggested by Snodgrass et al, patients with
the penis, affecting 0.4–8.2 of 1000 live male babies [1]. The hypospadias present with a continuum of abnormalities
term hypospadias stems from two Greek words: hypo, which ranging from simple glanular forms to perineal presenta-
means ‘‘below,’’ and spadon, which means ‘‘hole.’’ The tions with different degrees of penile curvature, and it is not
anomaly is characterized by a urethral meatus ectopically clear in what situation the adjective severe should be
located proximal to the normal place on the ventral side of applied [3]. The assessment of severity is obviously
the penis. Different anatomic presentations can be ob- influenced by subjective judgment, which can differ among
served. The position of the urethral meatus can be classified surgeons. Is it possible to create a more objective severity
as anterior or distal (glandular, coronal, or subcoronal; classification taking into account meatal position, quality of
60–65% of cases), middle (midpenile; 20–30% of cases), urethra and urethral plate, and presence or absence of
or posterior or proximal (posterior penile, penoscrotal, penile curvature? Or as some maintain, can the assessment
scrotal, or perineal; 10–15% of cases) [2]. The subcoronal of hypospadias severity be adequately performed only in
position is the most common. Proximal cases are considered the operating room [3]? Indeed, the solution is of great
severe and can be associated with chordee [2]. The term importance, as the choice of surgical repair is based on it.
chordee derives from the Greek word chorda, which means While the goals of hypospadias surgery have been clearly
‘‘string’’ or ‘‘rope’’ and indicates the ventral curvature of the stated—create a functional penis adequate for sexual
penis. intercourse, produce a correct urethral reconstruction to
Clinical symptoms vary and depend on the severity of the allow the patient to stand to urinate, and offer satisfactory
disease. In mild hypospadias with a urethral meatus located cosmetic results [4]—the choice of urethroplasty is still a
on the glans, a normal urinary flow can be maintained. In matter of debate. Many types of urethroplasty can be
cases with a stenotic meatus, a weak urinary flow can be performed with the goal of adequately correcting the
observed. Children with proximal hypospadias with penile congenital disorder (Duplay/tubularized incised plate [TIP],
curvature might not be able to void while standing. Mathieu, onlay, Koff, Bracka, Duckett, and Koyanagi/
Actually, we do not know precisely what degree of penile Hayashi) [3,5]. In addition, Nesbit, tunica albuginea plica-
curvature in children will inhibit sexual intercourse in tion, ventral plasty, and many other techniques have been
adulthood or what the long-term psychosexual outcome developed to correct the chordee [3,5]. To date, also in
will be in these patients. systematic reviews of hypospadias corrections, no ure-
Many questions still arise on several aspects of the throplasty technique appears to be definitively superior
disorder, such as how to objectively define the severity of [4,6]. What we know is that in most cases, hypospadias can
the disease, what is the real benefit of preoperative be repaired in a single-stage operation that includes meatal
hormonal stimulation, and particularly, what is the best advancement and glanuloplasty (MAGPI), glans approxi-
surgical correction to adopt according to type and severity mation procedure, and tubularization following incision of
of hypospadias [3]. Generally speaking, the assessment of the urethral plate (TIP) [5]. A two-stage operation may be
severity is based on meatal position, quality of the urethra required for more severe forms of penoscrotal or perineal
and urethral plate, and presence or absence of penile hypospadias [5].

DOI of original article: 10.1016/j.eururo.2011.08.031

* Department of Urology and Andrology, University of Perugia, Opsedale Santa Maria della Misericordia, Perugia, Italy. Tel. +39 075 5784416;
Fax: +39 075 5784416.
E-mail address:
0302-2838/$ – see back matter # 2011 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
EUROPEAN UROLOGY 60 (2011) 1190–1192 1191

But what is the actual evidence from the literature on the surprisingly, this choice is not influenced by the personal
preferred method of urethroplasty by surgeons to correct number of surgical repairs per year [8].
primary hypospadias? In a previously reported North We all well know that to establish the best treatment for a
American survey, Cook et al. found that 90% and 83% of pathologic condition requires evaluation of the reported
pediatric urologists used a TIP procedure to repair distal and results. To date, the reports on outcome of hypospadias repair
midshaft hypospadias without penile curvature, respec- are sparse, and results of prospective studies with long
tively, and only 6% preferred an onlay island flap [7]. In that follow-up are still lacking. In addition, functional and
study, the preferred surgical procedure to correct proximal cosmetic outcomes are generally assessed in a subjective
hypospadias without penile curvature was, again, one-stage manner, and a standardized evaluation of these outcomes is
repair (TIP repair and onlay island flap repair were each urgently needed.
preferred by 43% of participants). When considering the Use of the same language is necessary, particularly in the
preferred surgical urethroplasty to correct proximal hypo- surgical field. We need to better define moderate and severe in
spadias with severe penile curvature, 40% of urologists in regard to penile curvature and high quality in regard to
that study preferred the Duckett repair, 11% preferred the urethral plate. Perhaps having more reliable results and using
onlay island flap, and 3% preferred the TIP repair [7]. a more comprehensive classification could help solve the
What emerges from the interesting study of Springer Riddle of the Sphinx in hypospadias classification and
and coauthors is consistently different [8]. The authors correction.
tried to identify actual international trends in the
management of hypospadias by inviting pediatric urolo- Conflicts of interest: The author has nothing to disclose.
gists, pediatric surgeons, urologists, and plastic surgeons
worldwide to participate in an anonymous multiple-choice
online questionnaire. Completed questionnaires were References
obtained from 377 participants from 68 countries. From
[1] Baskin LS, Ebbers MB. Hypospadias: anatomy, etiology, and tech-
the results, it appeared that in distal hypospadias (sub-
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coronal to midshaft), TIP repair was the preferred method
[2] Leung ARC, Robson WLM. Hypospadias: an update. Asian J Androl
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repair was the preferred method to correct proximal dilemmas: a round table. J Pediatr Urol 2011;7:145–57.
hypospadias for 43.3–76.6% of participants, which is in [4] Castagnetti M, El-Ghoneimi A. Surgical management of primary severe
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These data are also of particular interest considering the Int J Urology 2008;15:651–63.
recently published excellent long-term results of island [6] Snodgrass W. Hypospadia reporting—how good is the literature?
flaps or tubes in the correction of proximal hypospadias, J Urol 2010;184:1255–6.
[7] Cook A, Khoury AE, Neville C, Farhat WA, Pippi Salle JL. A multicenter
which should convince surgeons to use these techniques in
evaluation of technical preferences for primary hypospadias repair.
hypospadias repair [9].
J Urol 2005;174:2354–7.
Once again, we have to admit that publications do not
[8] Springer A, Krois W, Horcher E. Trends in hypospadias surgery:
represent what happens in everyday clinical practice, and results of a worldwide survey. Eur Urol 2011;60:1184–9.
there may be additional factors influencing the choice of [9] Snodgrass W, Bush N. Tubularized incised plate proximal hypospa-
surgical technique in hypospadias correction. As suggested dias repair: continued evolution and extended application. J Pediatr
by Springer et al, ‘‘personal taste, training, experience and Urol 2011;7:2–9.
personal success’’ lead surgeons every day to choose a
proper surgical technique for hypospadias repair, and doi:10.1016/j.eururo.2011.08.057

Platinum Priority

Reply from Authors re: Antonella Giannantoni. Hypospa- We appreciate the thoughtful editorial by Dr. Giannantoni
dias Classification and Repair: The Riddle of the Sphinx. [1] regarding our article about an international hypospadias
Eur Urol 2011;60:1190–1 surgery survey [2]. There are still many questions to be
asked. In a field where hardly any valid data exist besides
Alexander Springer * retrospective studies and reports of single surgeons or
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Medical University of Vienna, Austria single centers, we thought it would be particularly exciting
to have a close look at worldwide current trends in
DOIs of original articles: 10.1016/j.eururo.2011.08.031, hypospadias surgery.
10.1016/j.eururo.2011.08.057 Depending on personal concepts of surgical correction,
* Department of Paediatric Urology, Leeds Teaching Hospitals, Leeds, UK.
Tel. +44 (7412) 690107.
surgeons define severity of hypospadias based on degree
E-mail address: of chordee, hypoplasia of ventral tissues, need for transection

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