Seminar Assignments Online Clothing Store

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Seminar assignments - online clothing store

Software Requirements and Specifications (Concordia University)

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SOEN 6481
Software Systems Requirements Specification
Fall 2015

Deliverable 1
Your Style System – Online Clothing Store

Team - F
Amritpal Singh
Deepinder Singh
Hardilpreet Singh
Harsavroop Singh
Jasminderjit Singh
Sagar Manojkumar
Shubham Vashisht
Tapsvini Shingala

These are base marks. The marks of individual members can vary.

P1 (12/15) + P2 (20/25) + P3 (32/40) + Organization and Presentation (12/15) + Miscellaneous Support

for D1 (Wiki, Glossary, Other) (5/5) = 81.

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1 Introduction..............................................................................................................................................3
2 Scope........................................................................................................................................................3
3 Context of Use Model (CUYSS).................................................................................................................4
4 Stakeholder Model (SMYSS).....................................................................................................................6
4.1 Prioritizing stakeholders.....................................................................................................................6
4.2 Mind Map diagram for stakeholders..................................................................................................7
4.2.1 Positive Stakeholders..................................................................................................................7
4.2.2 Negative Stakeholders.................................................................................................................8
4.3 Stakeholder Model.............................................................................................................................9
5 Glossary..................................................................................................................................................10
6 Team Contribution..................................................................................................................................10
7 References..............................................................................................................................................11

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1 Introduction
The online clothing stores are very popular Present data in support. for hassle free shopping
nowadays, they are used by customers to get hand in hand with latest trends, and moreover,
they can explore best places to buy clothing and accessories. The main purpose of online
clothing system is to offer customer effortless and stress free shopping of broad range of
products at competitive prices. It also targets to improve sales for online retailers and create a
global chain of connectivity for all users in the world; they can be offered anything from
anywhere and can be delivered with efficiency and customer satisfaction.

2 Scope
Your Style System (YSS) clothing store comprises of two subsystems; Online Shopping System
and Inventory Control System. It has No, it aims to have! user friendly interface for easy
browsing of wide variety of products. It also provides high definition images of all the available
products, further; it allows users to browse products without being a registered member of
store. User will get an option to register as a member for store upon final checkout. Transaction
of Payment is highly secured and follows all legal banking rules and regulations. It ensures that
no order confirmation is generated without successful payment, upon successful payment of
purchases; an automatic email invoice is send to customer including an order number and
confirmation number which can be used by customer to track or cancel order.

YSS provides an option for product search and adding products to wish list/cart, using which
user can have quick access to previously viewed products in future. Store also advertise popular
products on its website and provide option to users to rate and post review about product.

YSS also provides inventory controlling to owner where he/she can add new products; increase/
decrease price, change quantity and product description. System will generate unique product
id for every product. Once order is placed owner will be notified with order details and shipping
information. It also maintains controlling of inventory, whenever availability of any product in
stock drops to 10%, an automatic email is send to the owner to replenish product in the stock.

YSS provides high level of security with encryption of user password and highly secured (SSL)
payment gateway. All the user information is confidential and it doesn’t disclose with any public
or private enterprise.

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3 Context of Use Model (CUYSS)

Based on the technical and non-technical environment, we have prepared context of use model
which could be part of concept of operations document [IEEE, 1998].

The proposed model of Context of Use is as under:

Type of factors Examples Description
Knowledge User should have basic knowledge of the web and at-
least some knowledge about online shopping website.
Skills (language) User must be able to read and understand
User English/French in order to use YSS store.
Experience Even if user is not experienced, Graphical user interface
of YSS should be in such a way that the user can use it
without much knowledge of online shopping.
Attention User must be completely attentive.
Age Minimum age should be 16 to buy any products from
YSS store, if age is below 16 then parent/guardian has
to buy products. OK.
User Role Registered To buy any products from YSS store, user has to register
or login. Existing user can directly login into their
account. User can view all the products without
registration or login.
Task-Specific Desired task of the user should get completed without
Goals any difficulty and user should reach specific expected
Risks from error Proper records of all orders and payment transactions
of all users should be maintained properly to avoid
merging the record with other users.
User Task
Sometimes errors can cause server crash which can
cause website to stop from working correctly so it
should be avoided.

Website should block the user for particular duration, if

the user enters wrong password for 5 times,
notification should be send to registered email address
for security reason.
Frequency of use User can use account multiple times. Most importantly,
User Task website should not allow user to login from multiple
system at a time.
User Goals Overall Goal for Website has to be available all the time and work with
software system same accuracy and efficiency.

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Criticality of Goal Very high.
Time Zone YSS must always be in synchronized with local time.
Spatiotemporal Current Time Recipient should get documents with local timings.
Location YSS should be location independent of country.
Network To access the YSS system, user should have internet
Technical access.
Environment System Software To access the YSS system, user should use latest
version of google chrome, mozillaozilla firefox or
safari browser.
Reliability YSS should be reliable to send data over network
without delay or loss of data and user should also get
proper response of actions performed.
Career After achieving experience on small scale, YSS look
Aspirations forward to international market for better competition.
There has been much focus over the years on individual
pressure management and what are now commonly
known as “Resilience Programs” to help individuals
Organizational Organizational cope and indeed perform better under pressure, but
Environment Pressures emphasizing on Resilience Program YSS will emphasize
on organization pressure in which YSS will train every
employees for better performance so that employee
can become assert of a company.
Schedule of work YSS store will provide online service with delivery
system 24x7.
Type of Work It will depend on demands generated by user end,
(Individual/Team when it is about to delivery it will be individual and
) when its customer satisfaction then it is teamwork.
YSS should work under certain laws and
Legal Constraints
regulations and which will be approved. This is a
bit general.
Ethical Standards It will always deliver an honest service and best user
Social experience. This is a bit general.
Environment Economics YSS store should have enhanced entrepreneurial skills,
(Market) so that, they can maintain demand & supply of product
to every user and regulate their spreadsheet.
Social Network Better communication facility to know what actually
user demand and what they are delivering, able to
reach every user need & demand and according to that
demand and need they should be able to fulfill the
requirement, for that they can interact directly or
indirectly to customer by social media. Be specific.
Mention in what kind of social media environment a

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user could find himself or herself.

Table 1- Context of Use model

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4 Stakeholder Model (SMYSS)

Stakeholders for YSS include:
➢ Buyer
➢ Domain Expert
➢ IT Team (Programmer, Designer, Maintainer, Tester, DBA, IT consultant)
➢ Decision Maker (Project Manager, Owner)
➢ Financial Beneficiary (Shareholders, Investors, Government tax, Bank payment gateway)
➢ Regulator (Government officials, Auditor)
➢ Negative Stakeholders (Hacker, Competitor, Fraudster)
➢ IC Team (Logistical Planner, Warehouse manager, Delivery team, Supplier)

4.1 Prioritizing stakeholders

The stakeholders have been arranged in the below graphical representation based on their
importance and influence. The stakeholders with high importance and influence have the
highest priority, and the stakeholders with the least importance and influence have least

Figure 1 Priority of Stakeholders

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4.2 Mind Map diagram for stakeholders

Figure 2 - Mind Map diagram for stakeholders

Tester stakeholder repeats in the diagram, which is incorrect. The same occurs for Maintainer. To rectify
that, they should be given different names.

All stakeholders who have been identified including the ones in mind mapping will be discussed
in detail below. We can classify them into positive and negative stakeholders.

4.2.1 Positive Stakeholders

Users has critical role in YSS project because he is the one for whom this software is developed.
His condition and potential demands could make sudden or long term changes on the software
and consequently to the financial status of the project.
Domain Expert:
The domain expert has a special functional working knowledge and skills about the YSS.

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IT Team:
IT team is responsible to create and maintain YSS system. Their main role is to update changes
and latest technology in the shopping system, and take care of system design and working. It
contains programmer, database admin, software tester, designer, IT consultants and
Decision Maker:
Decision makers, are the ones who make the decision of any changes or any addition and
subtraction of features from YSS and manage the complete ongoing project but they are not
the designers of the system.
Financial Beneficiary:
Anybody who gains an advantage and/or profits from something can be known as financial
beneficiary. Investors and shareholders invest into system while government and bank are
associated with tax and payment related activity. It includes Shareholders, Investors,
Government tax, and Bank payment gateway.
Regulators are the one who takes the decision of authorizing the YSS system as per laws but
once authorized, like Government officials & Auditor, they play moderate role in further
functioning of the YSS until laws or rules changes.
IC Team:
IC team is responsible to handle and control the inventory of product. It consists of logistical
planner, warehouse manager who manages and monitor the progress of inventory. Delivery
team is responsible for shipment of product. Supplier is responsible to maintain efficient stock
of product. It includes Logistical Planner, Warehouse manager, Delivery team, Supplier.

4.2.2 Negative Stakeholders

This Category includes competitor, fraudster and hacker who can cause negative impacts on the
success or progress of the project or sometime cast impact which is not compensable. The
scope of the problems could be taking market share by stealing high secure technical
information of the project, or user’s data and making unsafe environment for customers.
Business competitors are present in almost every kind of institutes which can provide intense
competition among every other institute and which may cause attractions of the user to the

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opponent’s institute and eventually decreasing the profit of the institute. OK, but could you
state a specific competitor in your case?

Fraudster has several negative impacts on YSS projects with stealing user's password or by
using certain kind of software to capture user information, using fake machine etc. This can
reduce business by losing trust on the institute.

Hackers pose a big threat to the YSS because they may infiltrate the machine Be specific..
Hackers are definitely the most threatening stakeholder for a YSS system This is a repetition.
and it is important to control the black hat hackers.

4.3 Stakeholder Model

The diagram quality could improve. Also, the classes should have attributes.


Figure 3 - Stakeholder model

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5 Glossary

Name Description
YSS Your Style System
CUYSS Context of Use for Your Style System
SMYSS Stakeholder model for Your Style System
IT Information Technology
SSL Secure Sockets layer
End user/client Buyer, who uses the services of Your Style System
DBA Database administrator
IC Inventory Control
ICS Inventory Control System
Table 2 - Glossary

6 Team Contribution
Wiki space:

Name Responsibility
Amritpal Singh Analysis of Your Style system and worked on problem 3, review
Deepinder Singh Analysis of Your Style system and worked on problem 1, review
Hardilpreet Singh Analysis of Your Style system and worked on problem 1, review
Harsavroop Singh Analysis of Your Style system and worked on problem 3, review
Jasminderjit Singh Analysis of Your Style system and worked on problem 1, review
Sagar Manojkumar Analysis of Your Style system, worked on problem 2 and
problem 3, final documentation, review.
Shubham Vashisht Analysis of Your Style system, worked on problem 2 and
problem 3, final documentation, review.
Tapsvini Shingala Analysis of Your Style system, worked on problem 2
and problem 3,final documentation, review.
Table 3 - Team Contribution


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7 References





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