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This chapter provides an overview of previous research on knowledge sharing and

intranets. It introduces the framework for the case study that comprises the main focus of the

research described in this research.

Related Literature

An achiever would be an understudy who gets high stamps and decent evaluations. They

take every necessary step that is required and do it well. They will in general be efficient, with

great time the executive abilities, which is the reason they turn in flawless and clean work on time.

They likewise will in general be respectful, altering great to the classroom condition and partaking

excitedly in classroom exchanges.

2.1 According to Woldetsadik & Lumadi (2014) Academic achievers engage themselves

in academic activities in school or at home, that can lead to better academic results. The wider

academic experiences they acquire during their schooling time can be imitated by the other

students of a school. An organized effort exerted by school leaders, teachers and parents can create

a better situation for academically weak students to make use of these experiences.

2.2 In this study, it is really possible for a non-achiever student to imitate the routine of the

achiever students. According to Lumadi & Woldetsadik (2014) A school is where students can

pick up information, create expertise and change their conduct. Subsequently, students roll out

steady improvement as a part of their identity. This reality turns out to be clear when one considers

the time run for the students remain in schools. Therefore, change is a certain common procedure

that can be experienced by all students. The change, in its totality, can be made a decision regarding

social satisfactory practices. In similarity with the social standards, individuals learn by mimicking
others. Information picked up along these lines will get the opportunity to be exchanged to another

circumstance. This may proceed with constantly and all over the place. In similar,it can contend

that students invest a large portion of their energy by learning. This can occur in various

circumstances. It very well may be found in gatherings while with others. In any case, this sort of

action is powerless against social weight by others. For example, peer impact appears to be high

amid the season of pubescence and youthfulness period. This sort of social gathering can assume

a job in the scholastic existence of students. Students in a class, either in gathering or exclusively,

can make effect on certain pieces of life. As it tends to be seen in schools, students may do

assignments in gatherings, may take an interest in clubs and may think about together. This

procedure proceeds till the finish of students’ tutoring time and may compel them to act even in

their later life. Therefore, one can say that a companion amass is an exceptional social power that

can apply a change on students’ scholastic life. A cautious report on friends' persuasions can

contribute positive outcomes to scholarly exercises. This is because of the way that it can

concentrate on better scholarly encounters of students. In the long run, it can possibly share

scholastic encounters for other people.

2.3 According to (Sharma 2016) the term study habit implies different techniques and

practices received by the students to learn in a deliberate and productive way, when opportunity is

given. It calls for realizing where and how to acquire actualities, have the capacity to sort out, order

and mastermind certainties and set aside few minutes. Study propensity is auto ostensibly,

educated personal conduct standard that empower the understudy to gain how to consider. A decent

report propensity has really built up a personal conduct standard which empowers him to take a

seat and started chipping away at his task with a base object and most extreme focus. According

to the dictionary of education (2007) “study habit indicate settled tendency of practice and thought
to acquire knowledge and information from the book.” Study propensity is likewise characterized

as the commitment of time and consideration regarding procedure data or information particularly

from books in other words it’s the quest for scholarly learning by a detailed investigation of a

subject or circumstance.

2.4 Sarwar, Muhammad, Bashir & Khan (2009) The creation and organization of a study

plan is the main consideration in accelerating the advancement of students. Lalitha portrays that

studying is basically diligent work and presumes that students who are not prepared to make

appropriate efforts are squandering their time. Rote memorization does not achieve continued

learning and to be a decent student the student must arrange a study time and spread it over a

period. This conclusion has implications for educational systems that encourage strategic

repetition learning to students by putting together their assessment methodology completely with

respect to high stakes one off testing and tests. Time the board aptitudes are fundamental for

fruitful understudies. A key to academic survival and accomplishment in the classroom is

effective utilization of time outside the classroom. Time management is an aptitude few

individuals ace, yet it is one that most of many people need. Developing time management is a

journey that needs practice and direction.

2.5 According to the study of Shanmukananda & Padma (2013) it is seen that regardless

of being presented to a similar teaching modalities and embracing similar techniques, other

students still perform better than their peers. And this can be seen thru their academic

performance in assessments they take.

2.6 According to Salikin (2017) Learning strategies has a factors that play an important

role in learning. It could affect the learner’s achievement in learning the student’s learning

process which could be divided or separated into high achiever and low achiever. The goal of

this study is to know the learning strategies and its role in students who are high achiever

student’s achievement and what are the advantages of their strategies in learning. Learning

strategy is important in learning and because it is a tool for active, self- directed involvement,

and in which an essential for developing communicating competence.

Related Study

Student’s academic performance occupies a very important place in education as well as

in the learning process. It is considered as a key criterion to judge one’s total potentialities and

capacities (Mendezabal, 2013) which are frequently measured by examination results.

On the previous research the factors of having an academic success is focusing on

cognitive factors but as the time goes by the non-cognitive factors is growing and the attention of

the research was focused on it. Some argued that Non-cognitive factors are the reason in

academic success but others concluded that this are combination of the two factors, Non-

cognitive and Cognitive.

3.1 Mendezebal and M.J.N. (2013) found that non-cognitive factors like study habit, skill

and study motivation, among other attitudinal constructs, accounted for incremental variance in

academic performance beyond standardized tests and previous grades. Moreover, a literature

review by Nagaraju (2014) pointed out that for good academic success, good study habits and

attitudes are important. That’s why every students’ habits are need to be monitored because it has
a big impact on their academic performance. As well as their environment not just the place but

also the people around them especially the support of their family so they will have motivation to

build a good study habits.

Good study habits are the behavior that students should learn to have a good academic

performance. They must practice it as early as possible so they will be used to it. And study

attitudes are the students’ reaction or the positive attitude and acceptance to the subject or the

lesson. In short, study habits and attitudes of students are determined through their time

management ability, work methods, attitudes towards teachers and acceptance of education.

3.2 Study habits give a significant to the development of knowledge and perceptual

capabilities. Study habit will tell the person how much more he or she will learn from it that will

add knowledge to them and how much more they will earn from it. Study habits correlates of

scholastic or academic achievements. Researchers studied the difference between Study habits

and academic performance of the students; they examined 270 students as samples. They are

using stratified sampling to this kind of study. The results are there is a significant relationship

between study habits and academic performance of the students. A study habit is a dedicated and

uninterrupted schedule of a person that lends their time in such specific tasks or work. Academic

performance is the students’ ability to do in school whether it excel or not. Parents send their

children to school to learn and exposed them in a different kind experience in which will change

their behavior. Learning is a change in behavior, such a change in their mental reasoning,

physical growth, manipulate their skills and development of values and interest. Students will

learn how to read and ‘reading’ is the most important or capable in learning of a students, it also

define that it is an act of getting meaning or information in a printed words. Reading plays an

important role in learning that may affect the students thinking, evaluation, imaging reasoning
and problem solving. This may also increase the knowledge of a student and come up with

reading strategies of their own.

3.3 According to the study conducted at University of Tabuk by the faculty of medicine

(2015) students who sleep 6 to 9 hours per day and spent less than two hours daily on social

media, 73% of them are excellent in academics. So this prove that the daily habits of a student’s

affect their academic performance and associate them too perform and do well in their school.

3.4 Study habit is buying out a dedicated scheduled and un-interrupted time to apply

one's self to the task of learning. Without it, one does not grow and becomes self-limiting in life.

Study habits tell a person that how much they want learn and to earn, how far they want to go

these all could be decided with the help of one's study habits, throughout the life. The researchers

have analyzed the pupil's achievement with classification high, average and low achievers, in this

conventional classification, the point of reference in the average score of group or standard norm,

hence in an attempt to help the learners progress by developing suitable study habits, students

need a different set of studies that takes into account of the individual capabilities.

According to Palani (2012) reading habit is an essential and important aspect for creating a

literate society in this world. It shapes the personality of students and it helps them to develop

proper thinking methods. However, the developments in the Mass Media had continued to

influence interest in reading.

3.5 al (2012) states that reading every day in activities engage the student to influence

their studying skills and academic performance. There is a sense in which one students

appreciates the link between good habits of reading and the academic performance of students

3.6 Many people will ask or compare what is the difference between Gifted Students and

Academic High Achievers. High achiever are expected or people’s expectations that would get

high mark as well as good grades. They do their tasks that requires them to do so. They also tend

to be organized and has good time-management skills. They influence their fellow students to

behave properly, they adjust themselves well to the classroom environment and participate

enthusiastically especially in classroom discussions. High achiever can be gifted but not

necessarily all. High achievers are often motivated by their work that they can see their hard

work is being paid off for it shows high mark and give them good grades. There are differences

of Gifted students and academic high achievers, they learn in different ways. Gifted will learn

things with curiosity and academic high achievers through their interest, Gifted Students learn to

master task in 1 to 3 repetition and academic high achievers 6 to 8 times. But both of these

aspects will help other students in achieving their desired marks and grades. Bottom line is that

we can be both belong in Gifted and Academic High Achievers student’s. We are all the same

that learn things daily that come up with many different unique ways.

3.7 the result of the study of Pak & Padma (2013) said Achievers have a unique way of

how they study the lessons that was given to them they don’t just study regularly instead they are

the one who join group discussion and they don’t hesitate to approach their teacher when they

are in doubt about the topic. Additionally, they are not contented by just reading their own text

books or just listening to their teachers instead they want to do simple research about their topic

and consulting any other sources like the internet.


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