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You might hear the Holy Guardian Angel re-

ferred to as the Higher Self. This is not inaccu-

rate, but it can be misleading. The Holy Guardian
Angel is not you in any sense of your cur-
rent concept of you. Many people think of their
Higher Self as the best and most spiritual part of
their personality. The Higher Self is their gen-
erosity, loving-kindness, intuitiveness, and so
forth. None of this has anything to do with your
Holy Guardian Angel. Your Holy Guardian Angel
might encourage you to be generous, or may in-
spire loving-kindness, but it is not any part of
your personality. It would be safe to consider it as
a separate being, because it is so foreign that you
may be unable to reconcile your Angel with your
self, even though your Angel dwells in your own
innermost center.
The reason for this is quite simple. You are not the
product of your own being. You are currently an
amalgam of family and cultural tendencies
combined in a unique way, juxtaposed on top of a
spiritual infinity. The real you is something of
which you are, for the most part, unaware, al-
though you may feel some faint cry of longing
from this inner being as you wake up each morn-
ing to go, once again, to a job that you did not
choose for love but rather for convenience, to
work on projects that are not your own. This is
certainly not to say that quitting your job is the
key to spiritual unfolding. Spiritual unfolding
takes place as you awaken to the karmic forces
that have propelled you to where you are now and
discover that you do not even know the real

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