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My full name is Alin Jamrud Rahma Dewi.

My friends, relatives, and many people who

know me usually call me Alin, but there’s some people who call me Jamrud. I don’t exactly
know what the meaning of my name is. Once, my mother told me that the meaning of my name
is a high-minded girl who has sympathy to others. I hope I can apply that meaning for a lifetime.
I was born at October 2nd 2000 in Ngawi, East Java province. I have no sibling. My
parents have passed away. I live with my step-father and his children now. I was born as an
ambivert. I have a small talk with new people and talk too much with my friends. My face also
shows the “bad” looking in front of people. So they mostly think that I don’t want to talk to
them, whereas I always try to say “Hi”. I’m actually a good, patient, loyal, easy going, and a hard
worker person. To solve that face problem, I’m always trying to smile now.
When I’m in 10th grade of senior high school, I got bad scores and I can say that I failed.
But from that failure, I realized and learnt what my purpose on studying and it motivated me to
study harder so I can get the score that I want. But then, the biggest trouble in my lifetime came.
My mother suddenly passed away in the morning without any sickness or injured. I felt so sad,
stressed, and depression. My only support system has gone forever. I didn’t know what should I
do. But I didn’t get into sadness for long time. I burnt my spirit again and study hardlier than
before. And then I achieved what I want. Become a college student of IPB University with the
major is Food Science and Technology.
I didn’t join any organization when in senior high school because the distance between
my house and school is far and I can’t ride the motorcycle. But for joining IAAS, I hope that I
can start my organization experience here.

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