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Woman: yellow

Man: grey, green

Chapter 1

Would You Fill out this form, please?

Activity 6
Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks. Afterwards, fill in the form.
Woman : Good morning, sir. What can I do to help you?
Man : Good morning. I’d like to withdraw some money from my saving account.
What should I do?
Woman : All right. Would you please take a withdrawal slip at the form desk near the
entrance door over there, please.
Man : Over there? Behind the security guard?
Woman : Yes, that’s right.
Man : Well, here you are. What should I do then?
Woman : First, write the date, the month and the year at the right top corner.
Man : Right corner. Okay. The date se-cond oc-to-ber twen-ty thir-teen. Is that
Woman : That’s right. And then write the amount you want to withdraw.
Man : Hmm….one hundred and twenty-five dollars.
Woman : Good. Now write it in letters below the amount.
Man : one-hun-dred twen-ty-five do-llars.
Woman : Right. Oh, don’t forget to put your signature and complete name at the
bottom of the slip.
Man : Here you are. Danielle Bedfort.
Woman : Mr. Danielle Bedfort. Would you like the money in ten dollars or in one
hundred dollar?
Man : I’d prefer in ten dollars.
Woman : Okay. One hundred and twenty five dollars. One, two, three, four, four, five

Activity 9
Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks. Afterwards, fill in the form.
Man : Good morning, Mr. Randolph. My name is Batara Surya. I’m from data
processing department.
Woman : Good morning, Mr. Surya. What can I do to help you?
Man : This morning I read information about external training course and I think I’m
interested in it.
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Woman : That’s good, Mr. Surya. The human resource department is looking for the
position of senior computer analyst. This position is open for any employees
in this company.
Man : Oh, that’s wonderful, Mrs. Randolph. I feel excited about it.
Woman : Thank you, Mr. Surya. To be able to take the course, you have to do a
preliminary interview. Now, the first step to do it is to complete the form.
Man : Okay. Let me try my luck then, Mrs. Randolph.
Woman : Good. Let me write your name on the form. Batara Surya from data
processing department. Is your office in the C building near the parking lot?
Man : Yes, that’s correct. What’s the name of the organization that conduct this
training course, Miss?
Woman : Media Informatika Nusantara. This organization is certified to conduct
training in some leading companies in Indonesia.
Man : Incredible. I think I’m taking a computer analyst course. And may I know how
much the course cost?
Woman : It’s $350, but this is on your own expenses, Mr. Surya. The company doesn’t
pay the cost of this course.
Man : I understand. And when does the course start?
Woman : It lasts for 6 months and it starts at this beginning of the month.
Man : Thank you for the information, Ms. Randolph.
Woman : One moment, Mr. Surya. What’s your office number?
Man : 22-86-70 extension 4
Woman : Thank you, Mr. Surya and good luck.
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Chapter 2

What should I do?

Activity 4

Listen and repeat these sentences. Pay attention to their intonation.

 The government should do something about the economy.

 You should go and see by yourself.
 You shouldn’t smoke so much.
 I don’t think you should work so hard.
 Do you think I should apply for this job?
 Yes, I think you should obey your parents.
 Those children shouldn’t be playing online games at this hour. They should be at
 I feel sick. I shouldn’t have eaten so much spicy food at the party.
 What should I have been doing to win the match?

Activity 5

Listen to the recording and write the sentences on a piece of paper.

Number one You should get more exercise.

Number two I’d better go on a diet.

Number three I’d better consume some fruits.

Number four You should have reserved a table.

Number five I think you had better reduce consuming fatty food.

Activity 9

Listen to the dialogue and act it out in front of the class.

Wayne : Fiona, I don’t feel like going to the movie tonight. I’m too tired.

Fiona : Oh, Wayne, you are always complaining about feeling tired. You should get
more exercise. Do you play any sports?
Wayne : No, I don’t.
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Fiona : Well, you should. You should take a sport – swimming, jogging , running
Any sports as long as you get some exercise. Then you won’t feel so tired.
Wayne : I see.
Fiona : And I think you had better reduce consuming fatty food. You’ll feel much
better if you do.
Wayne : Oh, dear. I’m getting fat. I’d better go on a diet.
Fiona : Yes, you should. Look, what are you eating now? You really shouldn’t be
eating so much junk food. Things like that are very fattening.
Wayne : Yes, you’re right. I’d better consume some fruits and vegetables. Thanks for
your advice, Fiona.
Fiona : That’s okay.

Activity 10

Listen again to the second dialogue and act it out in front of the class.

Ben : Hi, Terry. How was your weekend?

Terry : Oh, it was a terrible thing.
Ben : Really? What happened?
Terry : You know, my family and I planned to dine out at the weekend in “Paradiso”
restaurant. When we got to the restaurant there were no empty tables.
Ben : Had you made a reservation before?
Terry : No, we hadn’t reserved one.
Ben : You should have reserved a table. The restaurants are usually crowded at
the weekend.
Terry : Yeah, I should have, but I didn’t. By the way, how was your weekend, Ben?
Ben : It was terrific. We went to Blue Mountain. The view was so lovely and the
weather was nice.
Terry : Oh, you’re so lucky, Ben. I should have gone there with you last week end.
Ben : It’s alright, Terry. I think you can go there next time.

Activity 11
Listen to the dialogues and match to the appropriate pictures.

Dialogue 1
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Woman : Good morning, sir. May I see your driving license, sir?
Man : Here you are, ma’am?
Woman : Do you know your mistake, sir?
Man : No, I don’t, ma’am. What have I done wrong, ma’am?
Woman : You are driving the car over the speed limit?
Man : Am I? That’s impossible, ma’am.
Woman : No, This is your record. Look at it carefully. You shouldn’t be driving more
than 55 miles an hour.
Man : I’m sorry, ma’am.
Woman : Now, here I give you a ticket.

Dialogue 2
Woman : Hey, kids. You shouldn’t be playing computer games at this hour. You should
be at school. Why don’t you go to school?
Man : I’m late to school, ma’am. I overslept.
Woman : What time did you go to sleep last night?
Man : At 11 o’clock ma’am.
Woman : 11 o’clock?! That’s crazy. A child like you should have gone to bed earlier.

Dialogue 3
Man : Honey, I’m sorry, but I think I can’t ignite the engine.
Woman : Why not?
Man : I don’t know, but I think the auto battery won’t charge. We have to push the
Woman : What? Push the car? No way! How many time I tell you. You should use the
hybrid battery, but you won’t listen to me.

Dialogue 4
Man : What a terrible thing you look! Drenched with rainwater and benumbed with
Woman : Yeah, I didn’t expect that it would rain so heavily.
Man : You should have taken an umbrella or a raincoat.
Woman : How do I know about the weather. It was a fine day and suddenly it was dark
and it rained heavily.

Dialogue 5
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Man : I’m sorry, mom. I disappointed you. I failed my examination.

Woman : So, what do you expect? Have I told you that you shouldn’t have played
online game so much, but you won’t listen to me. It’s no use crying over spilt
Man : I’m sorry, mom. It’s my fault. But I promise to be a better son for you.

Activity 12
Listen to the statements and give the correct responses.

Statement 1 : My legs are tired.

Statement 2 : I want to lose weight.
Statement 3 : I don’t feel well.
Statement 4 : I’ve just won a large sum of money in the lottery
Statement 5 : I’m late for my appointment. What should I do?
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Chapter 3

Whatever Will Be, Will Be

Activity 3

Listen and repeat these sentences. Pay attention to their intonations.

1. He says he will meet us at the bus stop.

2. Don’t ring her now because she will be cooking the children’s supper.
3. We will be taking off in a few minutes. Please fasten your seatbelt.
4. Come back in an hour. I will have done my packing by then and we will be able to
have a talk.
5. I keep warning the driver to reduce the speed but he will not do it.
6. What will you do with your new house?
7. Will the snow be melting and skiing be over by this time next month?
8. Will that oak tree still be standing there fifty years from now?

Activity 5

Listen to the dialogue and act it out with your friend.

Prita : Hey, Ben. What’s your plan for the coming vacation?

Benjamin : Well, I haven’t decided yet, but I think I’ll go camping.

Prita : That’s awesome! And have you planned when you are going?

Benjamin : I’m not sure. I’ll probably leave around the end of May. Where do you
recommend as the best place for camping?

Prita : I guess the Yellowstone National Park will be appropriate for you.

Benjamin : That sounds like fun.

Prita : Are you going to rent a camper?

Benjamin : I’m not sure. Actually, I probably don’t – it’s too expensive.

Prita : Are you going with someone?

Benjamin : No, I need some time alone, so I’ll go there by myself.

Activity 7
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Listen to the monologue and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

Super Junior is a group of Korean popular singers. At present, they are visiting Indonesia.
They will be arriving here at 11 o’clock a.m. tomorrow. They will be coming by Korean
Airlines and most of the young people in Jakarta will be at the airport. Tomorrow evening,
they will be singing at Eagle’s Eye International Stadium (EEIS) at Ancol Jakarta. 10,000
spectators will approximately be watching this boy band’s spectacular performance. The
Super Junior will be staying in Jakarta for five days. During this time, they will be giving five
performances. As usual, the police will have a difficult time. They will be trying to keep order.
It is always the same on these occasions.

Activity 14

Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answers.

Dialogue 1

Woman : We bought a new house in this suburb and we will build it ourselves.

Man : That sounds interesting. I will come and help you if you like.

Woman : That would be great. Thank you very much. How kind of you.

Question : What will the man do for the woman?

Dialogue 2

Woman :I wonder if Ratih knows that the time of the meeting has been changed.

Man : Probably not. I’ll drop by her place on my way home and tell her. Thanks for
reminding me about Ratih. Otherwise, she will be angry with me tomorrow.

Question : What will the man probably do?

Dialogue 3

Woman : Leave a note for them on the table and they will see it when they come in.

Man : I think that’s not a good idea. The wind will blow the paper away.

Woman : What should we do, then?

Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Man : I think we should write a message ofn a piece of paper and attach it on the

Woman : Sounds like a good idea.

Question : What will the man and the woman probably do?

Dialogue 4

Woman : We have some very nice strawberries.

Man :All right. I’ll have a pound.

Woman : Anything else?

Man : No, how much is that altogether?

Woman : That will be 3 dollar and 24 cents.

Question : What is the dialogue about?

Dialogue 5

Woman : Here’s a letter to Mr. Ross. If there’s anything I should add, tell me and I’ll
add it.

Man : It’s fine, but your handwriting is illegible. He won’t be able to read it.

Woman :Okay, I’ll type it.

Man : Good, then we will have a copy.

Question : Why will the woman type the letter?

Dialogue 6

Man : Miss Young, I’m so grateful for the help you’ve given to my son, Jack. I hope
you’ll be able to go on helping him.
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Woman : I’m afraid I will not be teaching him next term because I only teach the fifth
grade and he’ll be in the sixth.

Man : That’s too bad. But anyway, thank you very much.

Woman : You’re welcome.

Question : Why won’t the woman be teaching Jack?

Dialogue 7

Woman : What is Tom doing in the garden?

Man : Oh, he is planting trees. He spends all his spare time planting trees. He says
that by the end of next year he will have planted 100 trees.

Woman : Oh, that’s ridiculous.

Question : What do we learn from the dialogue?

Dialogue 8

Woman : Do you know Ronald Kent?

Man : I think I know him. Wait a minute. Isn’t he the guy who is rather bald?

Woman : Exactly. Ron is only 35 but he’s started losing his hair already. He will have
lost it all by the time he’s fifty.

Man : How poor!

Question : What would you describe Ronald?

Dialogue 9

Woman : What time will you arrive, Mr. Jones?

Man : I will be travelling on the 4.30 train from Surabaya tomorrow. Will there be
taxis at the station?
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Woman :Don’t bother about the taxis, Mr. Jones. We’ll send the hotel station wagon
down for you.

Man : All right. Thank you.

Question : What time will Mr. Jones take a train?

Dialogue 10

Man : Did you make an appointment with an optometrist?

Woman : Yes, I did, I’ll consult the optometrist this Thursday.

Man : What happened to your eyes?

Woman : Oh, nothing. I won’t be wearing glasses when you see me next month. I’ll be
wearing contact lenses.

Man : So, I will probably not recognize you, then.

Question : What can we learn from the dialogue?

Activity 15

Listen to the dialogues and choose the correct response.

1. Man : I’ll get you some bread if you like. The shop will still be open.
Woman : What’s the best response for the man’s offer?
2. Woman : Are you in a hurry for this letter, Mr. Jones?
Man : I’d like it a little earlier than four if possible.
Woman : What’s the best response for the man’s statement?
3. Woman : Will you be using my dictionary this afternoon?
Man : No. You can borrow my dictionary if you like.
Woman : How will the woman reply?
4. Woman : Okay, Mr. Willford, what do you do?
Man : I’m a bank employee.
Woman : how long have you been working for the bank?
Man : What is the best response for the woman’s question?

Woman : I won’t have boys in this school with long hair, so get your hair cut. If you
come here tomorrow with long hair, I’ll send you home.

Man : What would the best response for the woman’s statement?
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Chapter 4

Both You and I

Activity 2

Listen and repeat these sentences.

o Either you will confess, or I will complain to your boss.

o You fail not only in chemistry but also in physics.
o He is neither dependable nor trustworthy.
o Not only is he dependable, but he is also trustworthy.
o I do not write Arabic, nor do I speak it very well.
o Dolphins are not only friendly but also intelligent animals.
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Chapter 5

Why Were They Famous?

Activity 2

Listen to a dialogue and fill in the blanks.

Pendawa has read the blurb above and is calling up the company to make enquiries
about the product.

Mr. Bone : Good afternoon. What can I do for you?

Pendawa : Good afternoon. I’m interested in the VCD Anne Frank by Jenniver
Rosenberg. Could you please tell me if the VCD shows the true life of Anne
Frank? I need the information to teach about a biography to my students.

Mr.Bone : Yes. It contains useful information during the two years and one month Anne
Frank spent hiding in a Secret Annex in Amsterdam during World War II. After
watching the VCD, you will know better both the tensions and difficulties of
living in such a confined space for that long a duration as well as Anne’s
struggles with becoming a teenager

Pendawa : How much does it cost?

Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Mr.Bone : It costs Rp 150.000. Would you like to order?

Pendawa : What should I do if I want to order on line?

Mr.Bone : It’s very easy. You can visit our web and fill in the online order form.

Pendawa : Thank you very much for your information.

Mr.Bone : You’re welcome.

Activity 4

Listen and correct the numbers.

For her thirteenth birthday on 12 June 1942, Anne Frank received a book she had shown her
father in a shop window a few days earlier. Although it was an autograph book, bound with
red-and-white checkered cloth and with a small lock on the front, Frank decided she would
use it as a diary, and began writing in it almost immediately. While many of her early entries
relate the mundane aspects of her life, she also discussed some of the changes that had
taken place in the Netherlands since the German occupation. In her entry dated 20 June
1942, she listed many of the restrictions that had been placed upon the lives of the Dutch
Jewish population, and also notes her sorrow at the death of her grandmother earlier in the
year. Frank dreamed about becoming an actress. She loved watching movies, but the Dutch
Jews were forbidden access to movie theaters from 8 January 1941 onwards.

Activity 6

Listen to the following monologue and fill the blanks with the words provided.

Do you know that Adam Malik was born in Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra, Dutch East
Indies to Abdul Malik Batubara and Salamah Lubis? He was from a Batak Mandailing Muslim
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

family of Batubara clan. After completing Junior High School, he received his first job as a
shopkeeper, filling in time by reading books and increasing his knowledge.

Adam Malik quickly developed an interest in politics and when he was 17, he became the
Chairman of the Pematang Siantar branch of Partindo (Indonesia Party). In this position, he
campaigned for the Dutch Colonial Government to grant independence to Indonesia. As a
result of this, he was put in prison for disobeying the Colonial Government's ban on political
assemblies. Once he was freed, Adam Malik left Pematang Siantar for Jakarta.

Activity 7

Listen to the following monologue and then read it aloud.

Ismail Marzuki also known as Bang Ma'ing was born on May 11, 1914. He was an
Indonesian composer, songwriter and musician who wrote between 202 and 240 songs
between 1931 and 1958, including numerous popular patriotic songs. Among his best-known
works are "Gugur Bunga" and "Rayuan Pulau Kelapa". In 1968, he was honoured with the
creation of the well-known Taman Ismail Marzuki or the Ismail Marzuki Park, often called
TIM. It is a cultural centre in Menteng, central Jakarta. In 2004 he was declared one of the
National Heroes of Indonesia. He passed away on May 25, 1958.

Activity 22

Listen to the dialogue. Practice it with your friends.

Man : I think Nelson Mandela is a great man.

Woman : Nelson Mandela? He is a musician, isn’t he?

Man : Oh no! he isn’t a musician. He is a freedom fighter.

Woman : Is he? Where does he come from?

Man : He comes from South Africa. He is a South African politician.

Woman : I’ve never heard about him. What did he do?

Man : He fought for the rights of his people in South Africa.

Woman : Freedom fighter? Did you mean he got involved in the war against the
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Man : No… no… it’s not like what you think. Nelson Mandela fought the freedom
for his people politically. He went against the South African government who
kept their policy of apartheid. He wanted to free South African without

Woman : That’s awesome.

Man : Yes, and because of this he was put in prison for over 26 years. Eventually,
his fight was successful. He becomes the first native president of South

Woman : Tell me much about him.

Man :Why don’t you search his biography on the internet?

Woman : Oh, that’s a great idea. Let’s go to the library.

Chapter 6

Too Hot, Too Cold

Activity 3

Listen to the recording and repeat. Pronounce the sentences correctly.

1. This soup is too hot for me to drink

2. It’s too cold to go outside
3. This book is too difficult to understand
4. You’re too young to drive a car
5. Dewi is too weak to walk alone
6. Munandar is qualified enough to have that job
7. That music is soft enough to hear.
8. It’s hot enough to go out
9. The mountain is high enough to climb
10. I am tired enough to sleep all night.

Activity 4

Listen to the dialogues. Which picture best describes each dialogue?

Dialogue 1
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Man : Mather, Jack plays baseball very well.

Woman : That’s nice, Dany
Man : I want to learn, too. But nobody wants to teach me.
Woman : You’re too young, Dany.
Man : You always say that. I’m big enough for my age.
Which picture best describes Dany’s intention?

Dialogue 2
Woman : Roses are too expensive. They’re eighteen dollars a dozen.
Man : Really? Eighteen dollars?
Woman : Right. How about tulips? They’re not too expensive.
Man : You’re true. They’re only ten dollars a dozen.
Which picture goes well with the cheaper flowers?

Dialogue 3
Man : Jakarta is larger than Medan, but I prefer to live in Medan.
Woman : Is that true? You know Jakarta has more modern facilities.
Man : Right. But I think it’s too hot and crowded
Woman : Well, I agree with you.
Which picture goes well with the man’s opinion about Jakarta?

Dialogue 4
Man : It’s nine o’clock. Don’t you think it’s too late to go to the party?
Woman : It’s okay. The party is until ten o’clock.
Man : But by the time we reach the place, the time will have been over.
Woman : How about calling a taxi?
Which picture best describes the woman’s suggestion?

Dialogue 5
Woman : Is my son bothering you?
Man : No. He’s helping me.
Woman : Thank you. Actually he wants to go to school by motorcycle.
Man : Really? But he’s too young to ride a motorcycle.
Woman : I think so. That’s why I bought him a new bicycle.
Which picture best describes what the woman bought for her son?
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Chapter 7

Calendar of Events

Activity 5

Listen to the recording and say these words correctly.









Activity 6

Listen to the advertisement and answer the following questions. Put a tick by suitable
answer describing the ads. You may find more than one correct answer.

Are you looking for a special event? Do you want to be a special guest with the reasonable
prices? Just come to “Legend Concert “! We’ll give you the best price for the best moment in
your teenager. We present famous singers, bands, dancers and many more. We open a
ticket box from 7am to 9 pm. Our management is at Suyudono Street 121 Solo. Or you can
contact us at
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Activity 7

Listen to the following advertisement. While listening, fill in the blanks with the words

Haven’t got any plan to spend your Saturday with your family? Don't worry! Just visit “Retro”.
“Retro” has an experience for more than 10 years to present the best films. We provide
excellent films every Saturday night so that you'll not forget your special Saturday with your
family. So contact us at 0212000674 ‘Retro’ for a special discount. We serve the best for you
from February 2nd until February 23th.

Activity 10

Close your book. Listen and repeat these sentences. Then, write these sentences on
the provided space.

a. Are you looking for an unforgettable concert?

b. Are you planning to get more income?
c. Do you want to learn how to connect with and influence people to your way of
d. Do you want the best quality with the reasonable prices?
e. So contact us at 2000674 ‘Bee Event Organizer’.
f. Just come to ‘Kiddy’s’!
g. So let’s join in an exclusive workshop.
h. We invite the best trainer for you!

Activity 16

Now listen to the following advertisement and read it with correct intonation.

“Mitra” computer course is opening a “Plug-in” course for the new learning group. The
course includes macromedia flash and adobe photoshop. The course lasts for 10 time
meetings. It begins this semester on the first week of this month. Anyone who wants to make
a different presentation, please join us. “Mitra” computer serves you the best. So get enrolled
at Jasmine Street Block B number 7789 Makassar.
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Chapter 8

Inventions Make Life Easier

Activity 4

Monologue 1

A dishwasher is a mechanical device for cleaning dishes and eating-utensils. Dishwashers

can be found in restaurants and private homes. Unlike manual dishwashing, which relies
largely on physical scrubbing to remove soiling, the mechanical dishwasher cleans by
spraying hot water, typically between 55 and 75 °C at the dishes. A mix of water
and detergent is circulated by a pump. Once the wash is finished, the water is drained, more
hot water is pumped in and a rinse cycle begins. After the rinse cycle finishes and the water
is drained, a heating element in the bottom of the tub heats the air to dry the dishes.

Monologue 2

An overhead projector is used to display images to an audience. An overhead projector

typically consists of a large box containing a very bright lamp and a fan to cool it. On top of
the box is a large Fresnel lens that collimates the light. Above the box, typically on a long
arm, is a mirror and lens that focuses and redirects the light forward instead of up.
Transparencies are placed on top of the lens for display. The light from the lamp travels
through the transparency and into the mirror where it shines forward onto a screen for

Monologue 3

Digicam encodes digital images and videos digitally and stores them for later reproduction.
Most cameras sold today are digital,and digicams are incorporated into many devices
ranging from PDAs and mobile phones to vehicles. Digicams share an optical system,
typically using a lens with a variable diaphragm to focus light onto an image pickup device.
Digicams can display images on a screen immediately after being recorded, and store and
delete images from memory. Many digicams can also record moving video with sound.

Monologue 4
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

A telegraph is a machine that is used for transmitting messages in the form of electrical
impulses, which can be converted into data. A message sent this way is called a telegram or
cablegram, while someone who operates a machine is known as a telegrapher. Telegraphy
was a major mode of communication from the middle of the 1800s until the 1900s, before
ultimately being supplanted by inventions like the telephone and the Internet.

Activity 5

Listen to the monologue. Circle the words you hear in each monologue.

Monologue 1

Coffeemakers or coffee machines are cooking appliances used to brew coffee. In the most
common devices, coffee grounds are placed in a paper or metal filter inside a funnel, which
is set over a glass or ceramic coffee pot, a cooking pot in the kettle family. Cold water is
poured into a separate chamber, which is then heated up to the boiling point, and directed
into the funnel.

Monologue 2

A detergent is a mixture of surfactants with "cleaning properties in dilute solutions." These

substances are usually alkylbenzenesulfonates, a family of compounds that are similar
to soap but are more soluble in hard water, because the polar sulfonate (of detergents) is
less likely than the polar carboxyl to bind to calcium and other ions found in hard water.
Detergents are commonly available as powders or concentrated solutions.

Monologue 3

A can opener or tin opener is a device used to open tin cans or metal cans. The first can
openers were patented only in 1855 in England and in 1858 in the United States. The first
can opener consisting of the sharp rotating cutting wheel, which travels around the can's
ring, slicing open the lid. Electric can openers were introduced in the late 1950s and met
with success.

Activity 6

Listen to the monologue. Decide whether the statement is True (T) or False (F). If it is
False, make some corrections.

Monologue 1
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

A vacuum cleaner is a device that uses an air pump to create a

partial vacuum to suck up dust and dirt, usually from floors, and optionally from other
surfaces as well. The dirt is collected by either a dust bag or a cyclone for later disposal. The
motorized vacuum cleaner was invented by Hubert Cecil Booth of England in 1901.

Monologue 2

Electrocardiography is a trans thoracic interpretation of the electrical activity of the heart over
a period of time, as detected by electrodes attached to the surface of the skin and recorded
by a device external to the body. The recording produced by this noninvasive procedure is
termed an electrocardiogram.

Monologue 3

A refrigerator is a common household appliance that consists of a thermally

insulated compartment and a heat pump that transfers heat from the inside of the fridge to
its external environment so that the inside of the fridge is cooled to a temperature below the
ambient temperature of the room. Refrigeration is an essential food storage technique in
developed countries.

Monologue 4

A fly-swatter or fly swatter usually consists of a small rectangular or round sheet of

lightweight, flexible, vented material, usually thin metallic, rubber, or plastic mesh, attached
to a lightweight wire or plastic handle. The venting or perforations reduce air resistance,
making it easier to hit a fast-moving target such as a fly.

Monologue 5

A laptop is a portable personal computer suitable for mobile use. They are also sometimes
called notebook computers or notebooks. Laptops are commonly used in a variety of
settings, including work, education, and personal multimedia.

Activity 7

Listen to the dialogues. Match the inventors with the inventions. What are they for?

Dialogue 1.

Man : What is this device called?

Woman : Oh, that’s called electron microscope.

Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Man : Who invented it?

Woman : The inventor was a Russian-American man named Vladimir Kosmich

Zworykin in 1926.

Man : Oh, what is it for?

Woman : It is an instrument used to see objects that are too small for the naked eyes.

Man : That’s a genius idea.

Dialogue 2

Woman : What does this icon mean?

Man : Which one?

Woman : There, near the entrance door.

Man : Oh, that’s the icon of radioactivity. Everyone is restricted to enter that area
due to the radioactivity.

Woman : Do you know the inventor of radioactivity?

Man : She was Marie Curie, a Polish and naturalized

French physicist and chemist. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.

Woman : What a great woman! And what is radioactivity for?

Man : It depends. In medical field, it is used for X-Ray machine. They are most
often intended to kill cancerous tissue, reduce the size of a tumor. In industry
field, it is used to generate electricity.

Dialogue 3

Man : Who’s this gentleman?

Woman : He was George Eastman. He was an American innovator and popularized

the use of roll film, helping to bring photography to the mainstream. Roll film
was also the basis for the invention of motion picture film in 1888.
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Man : What a wonderful invention!

Dialogue 4

Woman : I think this photocopier is new, isn’t it?

Man : No, I heard the office bought a second –hand one. But it’s still in good

Woman : Yeah, I almost think it’s a new one.

Man : By the way, do you know who invented the photo copy machine?

Woman : No, what about you?

Man : He was Chester Floyd Carlson, an American inventor.

Woman : What do you know about his invention?

Man : He is best known for having invented the process of electrophotography,

which produced a dry copy rather than a wet copy, as was produced by the
mimeograph process. Carlson's process was subsequently
renamed xerography, a term that literally means "dry writing."

Dialogue 5

Woman : Do you always take cycling for exercise?

Man : Yes, it keeps my body healthy.

Woman : Speaking about cycling, have you ever heard a name Kirkpatrick

Man : No, who was he?

Woman : in the 1890s, Macmillan was the first to invent the pedal-driven bicycle.
Bicycles were introduced in the 19th century in Europe and now number more
than a billion worldwide, twice as many as automobiles.

Man : Yes, at first, bicycles were created the principal means of transportation in
many regions.
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Chapter 9

Why is Water Like a Horse?

Activity 1

Listen and repeat the following words.



Activity 3

Listen and repeat the following English proverbs.

Make hay while the sun shines

Barking dogs never bite

The rotten apple injures its neighbors.

There’s no smoke without fire.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

People who live in glass house shouldn’t throw stones.

Activity 4

Listen and complete the next English proverbs.

1. Haste makes waste.

2. A stitch in time saves nine.

3. Ignorance is bliss

4. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Activity 5
Listen to the following dialogues. Match the proverbs above with the dialogues.

Dialogue 1

Man : You know, I’m very disappointed that you didn’t tell me about this situation.

Woman : Isn’t good for us?

Man : What do you mean?

Woman : As the saying goes, “ignorance is bliss”.

Dialogue 2

Man : Tell me what’s on your mind?

Woman : Hmm…I can’t make a decision.

Man : You mean that you’ve many options to choose from, right?

Woman : Exactly. I can’t make up my mind whether I should quit my job or start my new
business. You know my salary isn’t so big.

Man : You know life is always up and down. But don’t forget what people say, ‘A bird in
the hand is worth two in the bush’.

Dialogue 3
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Man : You know I just want to be independent.

Woman : That’s good.

Man : So what’s your suggestion? I’m thinking of buying a new motorcycle.

Woman : Well, then consider what is more important at this moment. Your mother is very
sick at the moment. She needs your financial support. Just remember, ’Haste
makes waste’

Dialogue 4

Man : Anything wrong? You don’t look very happy.

Woman : My grades haven’t been very bright lately.

Man : Oh, that’s very bad. You should deal with it immediately.

Woman : I don’t know why I can’t concentrate on my studies.

Man : So take an action soon or things will get worse. Do you remember what they say,
’A stitch in time makes nine’.

Activity 6

Listen to the following riddles. Match the riddles with the answers.
Why is water like a horse?

What has four legs and flies?

It grows down

It has legs but it cannot walk

Half of it is sand, but people eat it

Activity 10

Listen to the recording. Practise this dialogue with your friend with correct intonation.

Situation: Ilham is asking Rafi about the importance of friends

Ilham : I don’t believe in the saying ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’

Rafi : Really?
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Ilham : You know my friends always walk out on me, if I’m in trouble.

Rafi : Oh, that’s very bad. Then they’re not your real friends. Friends should help one

Ilham : You’re right. I sometimes wonder, is it really that hard to make friends?

Rafi : No, it isn’t. You can even make friends with a monkey, by giving him peanuts.

Ilham : Right. But it’s not so easy to make friends with people

Rafi : Just try to be nice first, and see if it works. Not all people like to take advantage of

others. Do you remember the saying ‘out of sight, out of mind’?

Ilham : Okay, I’ll do that.

Rafi : Great! And remember, I’m always around if you want me.
Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green

Chapter 10

Make a Peaceful World through Songs

Activity 4

Listen to the recording and repeat. Pronounce the words correctly. Then, find the meanings
of words that are not familiar to you.













Woman: yellow
Man: grey, green






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