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Peace is not only a value that should govern international relations. Peace is also a human right of
which all people, groups and peoples are holders: we all have the right to live in peace; We all have
the right to a just, sustainable and lasting peace. Peace is not only the absence of armed, internal
or international conflicts. Peace is a much broader and more positive concept that encompasses
the right to be be educated in and for peace; The right to human security and to live in a safe and
healthy environment; The right to development and to a sustainable environment; The right to civil
disobedience and conscientious objection to activities that pose threats to peace; The right to
resistance against the oppression of regimes that violate human rights; The right to require all
States to have general and complete disarmament; Freedoms of thought, opinion, expression,
conscience and religion; the right to shelter; The right to emigrate and participate in the public
affairs of the State in which it resides; And the right to justice, truth and effective reparation that
assists victims of human rights violations.
It has been shown that dialogue is better than violence, the word that weapons. And even if it is not
recognized and is not aware of it, it has been a learning to accept the differences and the
otherness, for the respect and granting of authority to the contradictor. And an example for the
country and the world that when political will exists and peace is placed as the supreme good; We
need peace to strengthen democracy, to ensure the active participation and representation of
women and the effective enjoyment of our rights. Peace is a priority, after so many years of pain
and human rights violations; Because it is necessary to eliminate totalitarianisms, dogmatisms and
fundamentalisms, to advance without hesitation in the construction of a just, pluralist, inclusive and
respectful society of nature. Examples
peace process with the FARC
the completion of the armed conflict in Colombia places us inescapably on the path of agency
transformations from institutionality and multiple subjectivities and identities, and with the effective
participation In the territories. The agreement is the opportunity to integrate, recognizing the
otherness, the various subjectivities and territories, which have been excluded, oppressed and
subordinated. This will require persistence, imagination, creativity and be willing to give, deliver and
leave the comfort zones in which we have lived to get used to how we live in the midst of pain,
desolation, abandonment and violence. The construction of peace in Colombia requires the will of
the government, of the guerrillas to make the weapons stop to make politics and of all/Os that we
are seriously committed with the achievement of the peace and the completion of the armed
conflict. The Times of war once and for all abandon a shared history of pain and useless sacrifices.
1. Colombia is a traditionally violent country whose popularity at international level is negative due
to an armed conflict extended in time that has deteriorated all areas of national life, from the
economy to education

2. Peace is not built from negotiations on paper (although it is a first step), but through collective will
and education, which allow good will and peaceful coexistence transcend in time, and not limited to
the fulfillment of points Negotiated.

3. Peace building in Colombia is marching very slowly because there is no State policy that reflects
all the necessary measures, nor does it assess the resources, risks and possibilities of the peace

4. It is necessary to change the paradigm of education in Colombia, reinforcing humanistic

education and taking it to the level of the pragmatic, the hand of the entire educational community

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