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Common conclusions in writing essays for section C yang I ask my pupils to memorise so far Alhamdulillah

they did it:

1. Even though they were very exhausted but they were over the moon

Usage: Untuk essay yg berbentuk activites suces as camping, trip, picnic, visit, gotong royong, sports day
and any essay that you think suitable.

2. They hope it will not happen again in the future/They promised to be extra careful in the future.

Usage: Untuk essay yang berbentuk kemalangan, kecuaian, jatuh basikal, kebakaran rumah, rumah kena
rompak etc. Senang cerita utk karangan bencana/malapetaka

3. They were very proud of their noble action.

Usage : Untuk essay yg berbentuk perbuatan baik like tolong orang, tolong haiwan or anything that is


Aiman is my friend who studies at SK Tambang. He is a boy who has a heart of gold.

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