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Newsletter How to Make the Most of Office 365’s

April 2018
Hello! We’re pleased to send you this monthly
Data Loss Prevention
issue of [***Your Newsletter***]. It’ s our way of
saying that you’re important to us and we truly Data loss is a real and valid threat in the contemporary business world, and
value your business. Please feel free to pass this security firms continually dish out recommendations as to how to prevent
newsletter on to friends and colleagues. Enjoy! the most significant threats from becoming a reality. Many of the
MONTHLY QUOTES: recommended controls extend beyond security threats alone to take into
"The man who will use his skill and consideration other factors such as controls and ongoing data management.
constructive imagination to see how
The mass migration to cloud-based services has entailed that organizations
much he can give for a dollar,
no longer have the same level of control over their data as they had in the
instead of how little he can give for a
dollar, is bound to succeed." past. As such, services that control access to data that is stored in the cloud
Henry Ford are imperative. That’s where Microsoft’s Office 365’s Loss Prevention (DLP)
"Nothing is so contagious as comes in handy.
enthusiasm. It moves stones, it DLP employs deep content analysis to identify what data is sensitive or
charms brutes. Enthusiasm is the critical for your organization, such as credit cards, bank accounts, and
genius of sincerity, and truth passport numbers. It then helps you track and protect the data across the
accomplishes no victories without it." suite of Office 365 applications.
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
"The gem cannot be polished without Creating a data loss prevention policy is relatively straightforward.
friction, nor man perfected without 1) Open the Security & Compliance center by logging into your Office 365
trials" tenant and selecting Admin Centers > Security & Compliance.
Confucius 2) Click on the Data Loss Prevention menu and select Policy > Create a
IN THIS ISSUE: policy. A wizard user interface will emerge from the right. Use this interface
to select the properties that you require for your DLP policy.
1. How to Make the Most of Office 365’s 3) Once you have selected the properties that are relevant to your
Data Loss Prevention
geography and business, click Next and input the name and description of
2. Microsoft Takes the Pain out of the policy you have created.
Windows 10 Updates 4) Define the locations for the policy. In some cases, “All locations” may
apply, in others, you may only want to apply the policy to certain locations;
3. News Bytes for example, Exchange email, OneDrive accounts, or SharePoint sites.
5) When you have finished assigning the locations, click Next.
4. Question of the Month 6) You will now need to choose between Simple and Advanced options.
When you apply Simple settings, you can quickly and easily create DLP
5. 5 New Exciting Android P Features
policies without having to create additional rules. However, if you desire
6. APP OF THE MONTH: TRAPCALL greater control over the intricate settings that underpin the policy, use the
Advanced settings rule editor.
Once you have created DLP policies, you need to monitor them on an
ongoing basis to verify that they are helping you remain compliant. Using
the DLP reports, you can examine how many policies and rules that have
matched and the quantity of overrides and false positives. You can then use
this information to improve and refine your DLP policy.
Microsoft Takes the Pain out of Windows 10 Updates
You’ll be pleased to learn that Microsoft’s bi-annual Windows
10 update is about to get a little less painful.
offline on average 82 minutes! According to Microsoft, the
Microsoft has introduced a series of changes to the upgradeSpring Creators Update (build 1803), which is expected to be
process which will be more closely aligned with that on offerreleased in April 2018, will reduce the update time down to 30
from other online software offerings. As such, instead of aminutes.
major all-singing, all-dancing update every few years, Microsoft
will roll out small changes every six months. However, there is a trade-off to be had. Instead of taking the
computer offline to perform the installation process, the
This has come as good news to the users who have long beeninstallation will essentially run while the device is online. As
complaining about Microsoft’s lengthy upgrade process. Somesuch, users can expect to observe increased system activity
of the recent issues encountered when a new version ofduring this phase.
Microsoft’s operating system is rolled out include inadequate
notifications, slow updates, disruptive installations, andTo prevent the installation while in the midst of an important
compatibility problems, among others. task, make sure you prevent automatic updates from running
and schedule them to run at a time of your choosing; e.g., at
Microsoft has promised to address all these issues with a newmidnight when you’re away from your desk.
upgrade process that will be implemented as part of the 1803
build. So, can we expect pain-free updates? Will the Spring Creators
Update solve the other problems users frequently complain
The biggest change that users can expect is a significantabout? We will know more next month when Version 1803 is
reduction in the amount of time the computers will need to bereleased.
offline during updates. This is certainly called for. Build 1703, for
example, which was launched in April 2017, took computers

News Bytes
Google Chrome to Block Autoplay Videos That Have Sound
This will come as welcome news to many: Google is set to put an end to those annoying autoplay videos that blast out sound
upon loading. Version 66 of Chrome contains changes to autoplay settings that will block videos from being played if the
sound is set to play by default.

Although these changes were initially planned for Chrome 64, which was released last January, they are now appearing in the
beta version of Chrome 66 that will be released to the public next month. Hopefully, unwanted sound blaring from websites
will then become a thing of the past.

Walmart Drones
Walmart recently filed a pile of patents for inventory-management technologies that may fundamentally change how we
shop. One of these patents describes the use of a sensing device to establish a communication link between a mobile device
and a shopping cart, which is likely designed to help shoppers navigate the store, while several others are related to the use
of sensors to help the supermarket manage inventory levels.

The patent that has attracted the most attention is that for the use of drones to enhance the customer experience. If these
plans materialize, shoppers will soon be able to summon drones to their location in the store using mobiles devices. Once
deployed, these drones will provide customer advice and support.

The patents describe technologies that are currently in the planning phase and what lies ahead remains to be seen; however,
it looks like a visit to the store may be set to get much more interesting.
Question of the Month
Question: What Should I do When a Computer Freezes or Locks Up?
Answer: A number of issues can cause your computer to freeze up and stop responding. If you find yourself staring at an
unresponsive screen, try taking the following steps:
Sometimes, it may just be the case that the computer is busy completing a complex task. Having a little patience and giving it
a couple of minutes to get back on track can often be all it takes.
Check if the computer is deadlocked
Hit the Caps Lock key on the keyboard and verify if the Caps Lock LED lights up. If it does, you know that Windows is still
working; however, a program may not be responding. Hit Ctrl+Alt+Del to open the Windows Task Manager, choose the
program that is frozen, and select End Task. Your computer should now be fully responsive. If hitting Caps Lock does not turn
the LED light on and off, the computer is deadlocked, and you’ll need to restart it.
Reboot the computer
If none of the steps outlined above work, you’ll need to reboot the computer. Press the power button and hold it down until
the device turns off. Wait a few moments before you turn the computer back on. During startup, you may be asked if you
want to restart the computer in Safe Mode or normally. Select Start Windows Normally; hopefully, the computer will start up
without any issues.
Address any hardware issues
If you’ve tried all the steps listed above and your computer is still frozen, it’s likely that you have a hardware or device driver
issue. If it is a hardware-related problem, you will need to replace the hardware as soon as possible to limit further damage. If
5 New
a device driver is the culprit, download Exciting
the latest driver. Android P Features

Google has given developers a sneak peek at the upcoming have better access to the fingerprint system in Android P,
version of Android so that they can start preparing their apps for including an enhanced user interface across different apps to
the next-generation of Android features. Let’s take a look at give the user confidence that the fingerprint authentication
some of the features that may be on offer. comes from a reliable source.

Indoor Positioning Multi-Camera support

Google is positioning itself to produce turn-by-turn directions While several Android phone models have integrated rear and
that help people navigate the interior of buildings in the same front cameras, very few of them can work at the same time.
way they can follow directions on Google Maps. All this will be Android P features an API that will allow developers to use
made possible with WiFi Round-Trip-Time (RTT), a simple feature multiple cameras simultaneously, opening up a whole new
that calculates how far you are from the nearest WiFi access world of potential. In addition, Google is incorporating support
point and then uses that information to accurately pinpoint for apps to employ image stabilization and display-based flash.
where you are in a building. In short, cameras are set to get better and better.

Improved Notifications Notch Improvements

Google is looking to improve at-a-glance messaging with snazzy As producers reduce the size of bezels and the front-facing
attachments and stickers. The notification style will give sensors leave a notch on the display, Android P makes it easier
developers the ability to add quick reply functionality that for developers to shape user interfaces around that notch. This
resembles that on offer in Google Allo. entails that full-screen apps with side-positioned buttons will
now be able to avoid the notch areas in the display, good news
Enhance Privacy for everyone.
Android P is taking privacy very seriously. One major change
involves a new restriction system that will stop sensors,Remember that the current release of Android P is an unstable,
microphones, and cameras from reporting to the app as soon as beta version and some of the features that are on offer at the
it becomes idle. Further security changes include enabling moment may not make it to the final release. Unless you’re
encryption for backups with a client-side secret and per-network testing it for an app, don’t install the first version of Android P
randomization of MAC addresses. In addition, individual apps will onto your phone.

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