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LEGAL ETHICS - He may only practice in Shari’a courts and entitled with
Preliminary - Ratiocination, valid or not (even if it provides confusion
other connotation), does not warrant the use of title of
- Legal ethics – branch of moral science which treats of the duties attorney.
which an attorney owes to the court, client, colleagues in In re: Garcia
profession and to the public as embodied in the constitution, rules Facts:
of court, code of professional responsibility, canons of - Arturo Garcia, Filipino citizen, finished law course in
professional ethics, jurisprudence, moral and special laws. Spain and was allowed to practice. He filed petition to
- Significance of legal ethics practice the profession in the Philippines without
o To guard against the abuses and ills of profession such as passing the required exams
dishonesty, deceit, immorality, negligence, slothness, lack of Issue: Can Garcia be allowed?
diligence, and many other malpractice of members of the Ruling:
Bar. - Petition was denied.
o Raise the standard of the legal profession, encourage and - Cannot invoke the Treaty on Academic Degrees and
enhance the respect for law, assure effective and efficient the exercise of professions between RP and Spain. The
administration of justice, assist in keeping and maintenance treaty is for Filipinos to practice in Spain and Spanish to
of law and order in coordination with the other departments practice in Phil. Garcia is a Filipino to practice in the
of the government. Philippines. Hence, he is subject to the laws of his own
o Basis for weeding out of the unfit and the misfit in the legal country.
profession for the protection of the public. - Cannot invoke the Treaty since it is still subject to the
- Bases of legal ethics laws and regulations of the state. Hence, passing the
1. Canons of professional ethics – framed by American bar necessary exams is needed
association in 1908, adopted in 1917, revised and adopted in - Treaty does not intend to modify the laws and
1946 regulations governing admission to practice of law as it
2. SC Decisions will amount to encroachment of the executive of the
3. Statutes- NCC, RPC, etc. prerogative of judiciary (SC)
4. Constitution – Art VIII section 5  Attorney-in-fact – agent whose authority is strictly limited by
5. Treatise and publication the instrument appointing him, including those things which
6. Code of Professional responsibility – present basis initially authority is implied. It is provided in SPA or GPA or letter of
drafted in 1980 by IBP Committee on Responsibility, attorney. It is not necessarily a lawyer
Discipline and Disbarment chaired by Dean Irene Cortes.  Counsel de oficio – appointed by court from among members
Promulgated by SC in June 21 1988. Importance are: of bar in good standing who, by reason of experience and
a. Provided legal profession an impression of identity and ability, may adequately defend the accused. It needs not to
sense of independence attuned to local traditions, be a lawyer.
practices and customs in the country.  Attorney ad hoc – person named and appointed by court to
b. Emancipation from foreign canons defend an absentee defendant
- Definition of terms  Attorney of record – Name to appear in permanent records,
 Bar – whole body of attorneys and counselors, collectively files, pleadings. He filed notice of appearance and formally
the members of legal profession mentioned in court records as official attorney of the party.
 Bench – whole body of judges He often cannot withdraw without the permission of court
 Bar admission – act by which one is licensed to practice  Of counsel – associate attorneys
before courts of a particular state or jurisdiction after  Lead counsel – charged with principal management and
satisfying certain requirements direction of party’s case
 Lawyer – general term for a person trained in the law and  House counsel – employee of business in which he acts as an
authorized to advise or represent others in legal matters attorney not as an independent lawyer.
 Trial lawyer – lawyer who personally handles cases in court,  Amicus Curiae – A friend of the court. Person with strong
administrative agencies or boards which means engaging in interest in or views on the subject matter of action but not a
actual trial work either for the prosecution or defense party to the action, may ask permission to file briefs
 Practising lawyer engaged in practice of law, any activity in  Amicus Curiae Par Excellence – Bar associations who appear
and out of court which requires application of law, legal in court as amici curiaes or friend of court. They cannot file
procedure, knowledge, training and experience. pleadings and no control over the suit. They are consultant to
 Client – one who engages the services of the lawyer for legal guide the court in a doubtful questions or issues.
advice or purposes of defending a suit in his behalf and  Bar association – IBP is compulsory
usually for a fee  Advocate – lawyer, learned in law and duly admitted to
 Attorney-at-law- class of persons licensed officers of courts, practice law, who pleads on behalf of someone else.
empowered to appear, prosecute, and defend and upon  Solicitor – Government lawyer attached with the office of Sol
whom peculiar duties, responsibilities, and liabilities are Gen
developed by law as a consequence.  Titulo de Abugado – not only academic degree of Bachelor of
Alawi vs Alauya Laws but membership in the Bar
- Alauya is incumbent executive clerk of 4th judicial Admission to Practice Law
shari’a district in Marawi - Constitutional power to admit candidates to legal profession,
- Sophia Alawi filed a complaint seeking dismissal of vested in Supreme Court (judicial function) – 1987 Constitution,
Alauya due to the latter’s malicious and libelous Art VIII, Section 5(5)
charges as contained in letters to EB Villarosa and - Court acts through Bar Examination Committee, 1 chairman, 8
Company. Alauya affixed in this signature, Atty. examiners of 8 Bar subjects.
Issue: As officer of Shari’a court, is he entitled to use Atty? - Basic requirements – Section 2, Rule 138 RRC
Ruling: 1. Citizen of the Philippines
- No. Person who passes the Shari’a court is not a full- 2. At least 21 years of age
fledged member of Philippine bar.

3. Good moral character  Worked in law office, Operations Officer in Costa Rica and
4. No charge involving moral turpitude, filed or pending in Panama, and various corporations as legal and economic
Philippine court consultant or chief executive officer
- Academic requirement
 He appeared for NAMFREL in its accreditation hearings
1. Pre-law
2. Law proper – Civil law, commercial law, remedial law, before the Comelec.
criminal law, public and private international law, political  Member of Davide commission, con commission, Chairman
and social legislation, medical jurisprudence, taxation and of its Committee on Accountability of Public Officers
legal prudence. Ruling:
- Requirements to practice law - Passing the Bar, taking the  Petition dismissed.
lawyer’s oath before SC, signing of roll of attorneys. Upon
 Monsod possessed the necessary qualification.
issuance of certificate of membership by the Clerk of Court of SC,
he is deemed authorized.  The power of the Commission on Appointments to give its
- Practice of law is a privilege and has a nature of right consent to the nomination of Monsod as Chairman of the
a. In the matter of the petition for authority to continue use of Commission on Elections is mandated by Section 1(2) Sub-
fir, name Ozaete, Romulo, etc. Article C, Article IX of the Constitution
 A partnership for the practice of law is not a legal entity. It  It is well-settled that when the appointee is qualified, as in
is mere association or relationship for particular purpose. this case, and all the other legal requirements are satisfied,
The use of assumed or trade name is improper.
the Commission has no alternative but to attest to the
b. Nature of right since lawyer cannot be prevented from
practicing law except for valid reasons. appointment in accordance with the Civil Service Law.
 Limitations indicated in the constitution  If the COAp rejects a nominee by the President, may the
 Member of Philippine Bar may practice law anywhere, Supreme Court reverse the Commission, and thus in effect
before any entity, whether judicial or quasi-judicial or confirm the appointment? No
administrative.  may the Court reject the nominee, whom the Commission
- Persons entitled to practice law – Admitted members of Bar who
has confirmed? No
is in good and regular standing. (Rule 138 Sec 1 RRC)
- Characteristics of the Practice of law
- Practice of Law
Renato Cayetano vs Christian Monsod a. Not a matter of right but mere privilege bestowed upon
Practice of Law: individuals who are not only learned but also possess good
 Practice of Law - The rendition of services requiring the moral character
knowledge and the application of legal principles and b. Not money making, not a capital that yields returns
technique to serve the interest of another with his consent. c. Privilege burdened with conditions
 It embraces all advice to clients and all actions taken for - Exceptions given to non-lawyers
them in matters connected with the law. a. In MTC, with aid of appointed agent/friend
 attorney engages in the practice of law by maintaining an b. Personally conduct of litigation before any courts
office where he is held out to be-an attorney, using a c. In criminal case before MTC, where duly licensed member of
letterhead describing himself as an attorney Bar is not available (counsel de oficio)
 business of advising as to their rights under the law, it d. Senior law student enrolled in recognized law school’s clinical
embraces the preparation of pleadings and other papers education program approved by SC for pro-bono cases to
incident to actions represent indigent clients. It has to be directly supervised and
 "To engage in the practice of law is to perform those acts controlled by IBP member
which are characteristics of the profession. Generally, to e. Under labor code, in NLRC or labor arbiter, personally, upon
practice law is to give notice or render any kind of service, written authorization of organization/members thereof, and
which device or service requires the use in any degree of members of legal aid office duly accredited by DOJ
legal knowledge or skill. f. Under Cadastral Act, in cadastral court
 Private practice - The term, as commonly understood, g. Person appointed to appear for government of the
means "an individual or organization engaged in the Philippines under rule 138 sec 33
business of delivering legal services.: Sole practitioners, h. Before Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board
Firms, - Prohibited to practice law (private practice):
 business lawyer has been described as the planner, the 1. Judges and other officials and employees of superior court
diagnostician and the trial lawyer, the surgeon. (RRC)
 A corporate lawyer, for all intents and purposes, is a lawyer 2. Officials and employees of office of the solicitor general
who handles the legal affairs of a corporation. 3. Government prosecutors
 "intersecting managerial jurisprudence," it forms a unifying 4. Pres, VP, cabinet members and deputies and assistants (Art
theme for the corporate counsel's total learning. VII, section 13)
Facts: 5. Members of con-com (art IX-a sec 2)
 Christian Monsod was nominated by Cory Aquino, 6. Ombudsman and deputies (Art IX sec 8(2))
Petitioner opposed the nomination because allegedly 7. All governors, city and municipal mayors (RA 7160)
Monsod does not possess the required qualification of 8. Those prohibited by special laws (RA 6713)
having been engaged in the practice of law for at least ten - Practice law with restriction
years. 1. Senators and members of the house cannot personally
 CoAp confirmed the nomination. Monsod took oath and appear as counsel before any court (Art VI Sec 14)
office. 2. Sanggunian members (RA 7160) - in civil case wherein the
 Monsod is member of PhilBar, paying fees for 10 years. local government is the adverse party, or criminal case
wherein an officer or employee of the local or national

government is accused. Administrative proceedings involving - Lawyer’s primary duty to society or state is to uphold the
LGU which he is an official. constitution, obey laws of the land, and promote respect for law
3. Retired justice or judge receiving pension from the and legal processes.
government (RA 910) – in civil case wherein the government - Should delay no man for money or malice
is the adverse party, or criminal case wherein an officer or - Not only uphold the constitution and laws but also obey legal
employee of the government is accused. orders and processes or else, may be disciplined. Lawyers are
expected to recognize authority of SC.
Background of Code of Professional Responsibility - Significance of lawyer’s oath – guardian of truth and rule of law,
- Drafted in 1980 by IBP Committee on Responsibility, Discipline and an indispensable instrument in the fair and impartial
and Disbarment chaired by Dean Irene Cortes. Promulgated by SC administration of justice
in June 21 1988 - Cases:
- SC not persuaded to grant full independence to IBP a. Luzon Mahogany vs Castro – Failure to file comment required
- Binding to all lawyers. Violation thereof is a ground for disciplinary by SC may be reprimanded
action. Greater respect as it was promulgated by SC in exercise of b. People vs Dalusag – Admonished for failure to inform SC his
constitutional authority concerning admission to practice of law. reaction/answer to his appointment in court as counsel of
Hence, canons, if not conflicting any legal provision, have the one of the appellants
effect of law c. Casals vs Cusi – Suspension for failure to file comment
- In limited sense, attorneys are officer of court and considered despite the several extensions he asked for and granted by
public officers in quasi-judicial office as directly participating in the court
administration of justice, judicial machinery sets in motion by his d. Geeslin vs Navarro – Continuing practice of law despite
filing of cases in courts. His intimate and indispensible relationship suspension may cause removal from roll of attorneys
to court makes him part of the court. e. People vs Tuanda
Duties of Attorneys:  Lawyer was convicted of violation of BP 22 (Bouncing
1. To maintain allegiance to the RP and to support its constitution checks law), suspended by CA
and obey the laws  Contention is the violation does not relate to exercise of
2. To observe and maintain the respect due to the courts of justice legal profession
and judicial officers Ruling:
3. To appear or maintain such actions or proceedings only as  Suspension was affirmed.
appear to him to be just and such defenses only as he believes  Crimes committed import deceit and violation of
to be honestly debatable under the law attorney’s oath for which she was bound to “obey the
4. To employ for the purpose of maintaining the causes confided laws of the land”
to him, such means only as are consistent with truth and honor  Moral turpitude affects not only the person injured but
and never seek to mislead the judge or any judicial officer of an also the public and it affects the good moral character of
artifice or false statement or law. the lawyer, not only a sine qua non to admission to
5. To maintain inviolate the confidence and at every peril to practice of law but also essential for remaining in the
himself, to preserve the secrets of his client and to accept no practice of law
compensation in connection with his client’s businesses except
from him or with his knowledge and approval Rule 1.01 - A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest,
6. To abstain from all offensive personality and to advance no fact immoral or deceitful conduct.
prejudicial to the honor or reputation of a party or witness, - Ground for Disbarment
unless required by the justice of the cause with which he is a. Unlawful acts or violation of laws
charged - Lawyer should be a role model in the community in so far
7. Not to encourage either commencement or the continuance of as respect to law is concerned
an action or proceeding or delay any man’s cause from any - Lawyers involved in cases involving moral turpitude had
corrupt motive or interest. shown unfitness to protect the administration of justice or
8. Never to reject for any consideration personal to himself the no longer of good moral character.
cause of the defenseless or oppressed. - Crimes involving moral turpitudes:
9. In defense of the accused, by all fair and honorable means a. Estafa
regardless of his personal opinion as ti the guilt of the accused b. Bribery
to present every defense that the law permits to the end that c. Murder
no person may be deprived of life or liberty, but by due process d. Bigamy
of law. e. Seduction
f. Abduction
h. Smuggling
Chapter I – The Lawyer and Society i. Falsification of public documents
j. Violation of BP 22
THE LAWS OF THE LAND AND PROMOTE RESPECT FOR LAW AND a. In Re Terell – Suspended for promoting an organization
LEGAL PROCESSES. designed to violate or evade the law against crime with
knowledge it aims

b. Platt vs Abordo – Purchase of opium/prohibited drugs c. Breach of promise to marry, reason to have a carnal
whether sale is consummated or not knowledge
c. In re Quiambao – Engineered a scheme to defraud d. Seduction and adulterous relationship
another e. Inveigling to believe of civil marriage to have carnal
d. Fernandez vs Grecia – stole exhibits and tearing them knowledge
off f. Undue influence to have carnal knowledge
e. Bautista v Gonzales – Violation of art 1491 of civil code, g. Concubinage and lack of support
even if not penal is sufficient ground for sanction. h. Bribery
- Cases:
b. Acts of dishonesty Royong vs Oblena
- Essential to retain membership of the bar Facts:
- Sample acts of Dishonesty and Deceit: - Respondent contended that he did not falsify his
a. Misappropriation of client’s funds petition to take the bar, according to his opinion and
b. Act of fraudulently concealing dutiable importation or estimation of himself, he is of good moral character
smuggling Ruling:
c. Giving false statements or oath in an information sheet - One own’s approximation of oneself is not a gauge of
submitted in connection with the lawyer’s application moral character; it is not subjective but objective
for the position of Chief of police reality.
d. Wanton falsehood made in an ex parte petition in - It is what the person really is and not what other
court wherein the lawyer attached affidavit of his people think he is.
grandfather and which affidavit he notarized knowing - As have been living with adulterous life with Angeles,
that the affiant is dead he does not possess good moral character, regardless
e. Manuevering reconveyance of property in the name of of discovery, then or now, since he is unfit to remain a
lawyer instead of client member of Bar.
f. Submission/presentation of mutilated copies of certain
documents to court for the purpose of deceiving and Rule 1.02 - A lawyer shall not counsel or abet activities aimed at
misleading it defiance of the law or at lessening confidence in the legal system.
g. Falsification of grades in the bar exams - Should not render any service or advice which will involve
h. Collecting money on pretense that counsel would disloyalty to the laws
allegedly appeal the complainant’s case despite it can - Lawyers to advance the honor of his profession
no longer be appealed a. Strict compliance with moral law
i. Inducing to buy piece of land knowing it is not for sale b. Advise client compliance with statute law
j. Delayed failure to account money collected for the c. To be honest, patriotic and loyal
client - Respect for law is gravely eroded when lawyers engage in
k. Stealing evidences attached to the court’s records unlawful acts
l. Adamant refusal to return money he received and - Unlawful, dishonest, immoral, deceitful acts corrode public
issuing bouncing checks confidence in legal system
m. Notarization of falsified deed of sale of his client’s
property Rule 1.03 - A lawyer shall not, for any corrupt motive or interest,
encourage any suit or proceeding or delay any man’s cause.
c. Gross immorality - Duty not to stir up litigation
- Morality involves relations between human acts and norm - Barratry – offense of frequently exciting and stirring up quarrels
- Morality is human standard based on the natural moral law and suits, either at law or otherwise.
which is embodied in man’s conscience and which guides - Ambulance chasing – Act of chasing of ambulance carrying a
him to do good and avoid evil. victim for the purpose of talking to the said victim or relatives
- Moral turpitude includes everything which is done contrary offering legal services
to justice, honesty, modesty or good morals - Ambulance chaser – haunts hospitals or visit homes of afflicted,
- Immoral conduct – willful, flagrant or shameless which intruding their presence and offering his services on basis of
shows moral indifference to the opinion of the good and contingent fee
respectable members of the community. - Evils of ambulance chasing:
- All aspects of moral character and behavior may be a. Fomenting of litigation burdening the courts and public
inquired into in aspect of those seeking admission to b. Subornation of perjury
practice of law c. Mulcting of innocent persons
- Requirement of good moral character is more stringent d. Defrauding of injured persons
than norm of conduct expected from members of general - Unethical to volunteer advice to bring a lawsuit except blood ties,
public relationship or trust
- To be grounds for disciplinary action, must be grossly - Lawyers must not add to workload of judiciary by filing pointless
immoral petitions. Lawyers must temper client’s propensity to litigate
- Instances of Gross immorality: - Lawyers should not be instigator of controversy but a mediator
a. Abandoning of wife and cohabiting with another for concord and ciliator for compromise.
b. Bigamy - Appealing a case for purposes of delay is obstruction of justice

- Signature of the counsel constitutes a certificate that he has read - In case of non acceptance for valid reason of the case of the
the pleadings. Filing of unsigned pleading shall be subject to defenseless or oppressed, legal advice should still be rendered to
appropriate disciplinary action safeguard their rights
- Instances of Delays Condemned by SC
1. Resort to technicalities Rule 2.03 - A lawyer shall not do or permit to be done any act
2. Befuddling of the issues designed primarily to solicit legal business.
3. Filing multiple or repetitious petitions - Practice of law is not a money making trade, not a business but a
4. Filing of several actions covering the same subject matter profession
5. Filing of frivolous appeals – means to drain resources of - Counsel of refute and of eminence welcome opportunities to be
poorer party compelling him to submit out of sheer appointed as counsel de officio for this makes manifest the
exhaustion principle that the practice of law is dedicated to the ideal of
6. Filing of motions for postponement service and not mere trade
7. Indiscriminate filing of suits against a party clearly intended - Characteristics of legal profession vs Business
for harassment 1. Duty of public service, emolument is by-product and in which
one may attain the highest eminence without making much
Rule 1.04 - A lawyer shall encourage his clients to avoid, end or money
settle a controversy if it will admit of a fair settlement. 2. A relation as an officer in court to the administration of
- Compromise – nature is such that a party must give up some of justice involving thorough sincerity, integrity and realibility
the rights that he has in consideration of the same act on the part 3. A relation to clients in highest degree of fiduciary
of the other side 4. A relation to colleagues at the bar characterized by candor,
- Settlement of cases authorized and encouraged by law (Civil fairness, and unwillingness to resort to current business
code). Can be about filed, pending or with final judgment cases methods of advertising and encroachment on their practice
- Lawyer must encourage fair settlement to prevent clogging of or dealing directly with their clients
docket and save the client from additional expenses. - Improper solicitation of legal business is prohibited (to advertise
- Right of lawyers to fees cannot have a higher standing than the as merchants)
right to compromise. Lawyer can enforce right to fee in proper Director of Religious Affairs vs Bayot
proceeding but such cannot be used to prevent approval of Facts:
compromise. - Respondent is charged with malpractice for having published
- A lawyer without special authority cannot compromise his client’s advertisement in Sunday Tribunal
litigation. Without special authority, unenforceable but can be Ruling:
ratified. - Advertisement is flagrant violation of ethics of his profession. It is
- Lawyer has exclusive management of procedural aspect of the a brazen solicitation of business to the public.
litigation including rights and remedies of client. - The practice of soliciting cases at law for the purposes of gain
constitute malpractice.
CANON 2 - A LAWYER SHALL MAKE HIS LEGAL SERVICES AVAILABLE - It is unethical to advertise his skill or talents
IN AN EFFICIENT AND CONVENIENT MANNER COMPATIBLE WITH - Lawyer degrades himself and his profession who stoops to and
THE INDEPENDENCE, INTEGRITY AND EFFECTIVE-NESS OF THE adopts practice of merchantilism by advertising his services or
PROFESSION. offering them to public.
- To handle a case or to extend his legal services, do so with - Most worthy and effective advertisement possible is the
efficiency and convenience to maintain independence, integrity establishment of well-merited reputation for professional capacity
and effectiveness at all times. and fidelity to trust. This cannot be forced but must be the
outcome of character and conduct
Rule 2.01 - A lawyer shall not reject, except for valid reasons, the
cause of the defenseless or the oppressed. In re Tagorda
- Defenseless are those who are not in a position to defend Ruling:
themselves due to poverty, weakness, ignorance, or other similar - Condemn solicitation of lawyers. It is destructive to honor of great
reasons profession and it lowers it. It work against the confidence of the
- Oppressed are the victims of acts of cruelty, unlawful exaction, community in the integrity of members of bar and results to
domination or excessive use of authority needless litigation and in incenting to strife otherwise peacefully
- Except for valid reasons, cause of the defenseless and oppressed inclined citizens
must not be rejected. Duty is to see to it that justice be accorded - Ground for disbarment or suspension
to all without discrimination
- In attending to clients, whether paying or not shall observe same People vs McCable
standard. Delay no man for money or malice. Facts:
- Not decline appointment as counsel de oficio unless with valid - Publication: If you like divorce, communicate with me and your
reasons desire may be gratified.
- Legal aid is not a matter of charity but a public responsibility. It is Ruling:
for correction of social imbalance that may lead to injustice. - Highly reprehensible and encourage people to make application
for divorce. It is a false representation and a libel upon court
Rule 2.02 - In such cases, even if the lawyer does not accept a case,
he shall not refuse to render legal advice to the person concerned Ulep vs The Legal Clinic Inc.
if only to the extent necessary to safeguard the latter’s rights. Held:

- SC enjoined the publication or dissemination of advertisement - Name should be dropped from firm name if in public office –
except a law allows him. Rule is to prevent making use of public
Solicitation when permissible: official to attract legal business, avoid suspicion of undue
- Compatible with dignity of legal profession influence.
- In modest and decorous manner - Prohibited are:
- Use of simple signs, stating the names of lawyers (simple a. President
professional cards) b. Vp
- Publication in refutable law lists in manner consistent with the c. Members of cabinets
standards as imposed by canon of brief biographical and d. Members of congress
informative data e. Members of con com
- Modest announcement in newspaper about opening a law firm is f. Governors
not improper. g. Mayors
- Unprofessional to solicit professional employment via circulars, h. Prosecutors
personal communication or interviews not warranted by personal i. Solicitors
- Radio program of lawyer advertising his skill, receiving phone Rule 3.03 - Where a partner accepts public office, he shall
questions about law and answer by legal advice is improper unless withdraw from the firm and his name shall be dropped from the
for public service. firm name unless the law allows him to practice law concurrently.

Rule 2.04 - A lawyer shall not charge rates lower than those Rule 3.04 - A lawyer shall not pay or give anything of value to
customarily prescribed unless the circumstances so warrant. representatives of the mass media in anticipation of, or in return
- Some approved schedules of AF providing specific guidelines for for, publicity to attract legal business.
fixing AFs for legal documentation
- To avoid any demeaning and degrading competitions, should be in CANON 4 - A LAWYER SHALL PARTICIPATE IN THE DEVELOPMENT
unison in respecting such custom or tradition. Refrain from OF THE LEGAL SYSTEM BY INITIATING OR SUPPORTING EFFORTS IN
charging rates lower than customary unless justifiable: Poor, LAW REFORM AND IN THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE
- Law is not a business but a noble profession with attendant social - Enhancement of the system by:
responsibility. 1. Presenting position papers or resolutions
2. Introduction of new bill in Congress
CANON 3 - A LAWYER IN MAKING KNOWN HIS LEGAL SERVICES 3. Petitions for amendment of Rules of Court or introduction of
INFORMATION OR STATEMENT OF FACTS. 4. Petitions with IBP relevant to system
5. Devise and maintain programs for continuing legal education
Rule 3.01 - A lawyer shall not use or permit the use of any false, 6. Creating of law centers or libraries for legal research
fraudulent, misleading, deceptive, undignified, self-laudatory or 7. Writing legal publications or books
unfair statement or claim regarding his qualifications or legal
services. Cordova vs Labeyan
- Unethical: Self praises or false claims on qualification or quality of Facts:
legal services, whether done by him or another with his - Atty. Salvador T. Sabio, counsel for herein complainants, to show
permission cause and explain why he should not be administratively dealt
- Lawyer should not pretend to a prospective client just to get trust with for violation of Canon I, Rules 1.02 and 1.03 of the Code of
and confidence that he is seasoned lawyer when is not. Professional Responsibility.
- Firm may adopt a name, but not false or misleading names. No - offshoot of an administrative complaint 5 filed by complainants
name not belonging to partner should be used. Maribeth and Christopher Cordova, through their aforesaid
- Deceased partner may still be used, provided there is indication counsel, Atty. Sabio, against herein respondents for disbarment,
that such is already dead. dismissal from office and disqualification to hold public office
- Name inscribed in Roll of Attorneys Issue:
- Name of partner should be dropped if appointed as judge or other Whether or not the filing of administrative complaint is acceptable
positions not authorized to be in private practice Ruling:
- Use of foreign firm name is unethical - Administrative complaint was filed after the Court of Appeals had
- Presumption of dissolution: done in regular manner rendered a decision in favor of plaintiffs. Such are valid and legal.
- Main law office and branch office do not constitute two law firms Yet, Atty. Sabio persisted in instituting these baseless charges.
- Death of a partner does not extinguish the client-lawyer - Filing totally baseless and unfounded charges against judges and
relationship with the lawfirm court personnel in a vain attempt to escape the dire
- Negligence of a member of law firm is negligence of law firm consequences of their own negligence or in an effort to transgress
the lawful orders of the court is reprehensible. Judges and court
Rule 3.02 - In the choice of a firm name, no false, misleading or personnel should be protected from unjust accusations of
assumed name shall be used. The continued use of the name of a dissatisfied litigants, abetted by counsel who seek thereby to
deceased partner is permissible provided that the firm indicates in camouflage their shortcomings.
all its communications that said partner is deceased. - As an officer of the court, a lawyer has the sworn duty to assist in,
not to impede or pervert, the administration of justice. The

present administrative charge seeks to cast doubt on the integrity - This Court finds that the Court of Appeals did not commit a grave
of respondent judges, the judicial personnel and the court which abuse of discretion when it denied petitioners’ motion for
they represent, in flagrant abdication of the bounden extension of time to file a motion for reconsideration, directed
responsibility of a lawyer to observe and maintain the respect due entry of judgment and denied their motion for reconsideration. It
to courts of justice. correctly applied the rule laid down in Habaluyas Enterprises, Inc.
v. Japzon
CANON 5 - A LAWYER SHALL KEEP ABREAST OF LEGAL - Petitioners contend that the rule enunciated in the Habaluyas
DEVELOPMENTS, PARTICIPATE IN CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION case should not be made to apply to the case at bar owing to the
PROGRAMS, SUPPORT EFFORTS TO ACHIEVE HIGH STANDARDS IN non-publication of the Habaluyas decision in the Official Gazette
LAW SCHOOLS AS WELL AS IN THE PRACTICAL TRAINING OF LAW as of the time the subject decision of the Court of Appeals was
STUDENTS AND ASSIST IN DISSEMINATING INFORMATION promulgated. Contrary to petitioners’ view, there is no law
REGARDING THE LAW AND JURISPRUDENCE. requiring the publication of Supreme Court decisions in the
- Judges must also keep abreast of the laws, rulings and doctrines Official Gazette before they can be binding and as a condition to
of SC their becoming effective. It is the bounden duty of counsel as
- Legal education – Special training that goes into the making of lawyer in active law practice to keep abreast of decisions of the
lawyer and does not end with the admission to Bar Supreme Court particularly where issues have been clarified,
- Take active part and not just passive onlookers or listeners in the consistently reiterated, and published in the advance reports of
pursuit for Continuing legal education program Supreme Court decisions (G. R. s) and in such publications as the
- Mandatory Continuing Legal Education as per SC Supreme Court Reports Annotated (SCRA) and law journals.
- Purpose of integration of Bar
1. Elevate the standards of legal profession Zualo vs CFI of Cebu
2. Improve the administration of justice - Attorneys are also chargeable with notice of changes in the rules
3. Enable the bar to discharge its public responsibility more including not only express reglementary provisions but also
effectively regular practice under rules of court
- Obligations of lawyers admitted to Bar
Uy vs Capulong 1. Owe to self Continue improving his knowledge of law
Facts: 2. Owe it to his profession to take an active interest in the
- Presiding Judge of the RTC is charged 1 with gross incompetence, maintenance of high standard legal education
3. Owe to public to make the law part of social consciousness
gross ignorance of the law and grave misconduct in a complaint in
- Obligation of SC
relation to settlement of the estate of the late Ambrocio C. 1. Encourage and foster legal education
Pingco. 2. Devise and maintain program of continuing legal education
- Despite the Decision of the Court of Appeals and the pendency of for practicing attorneys in order to elevate the standards of
the petition for review by way of certiorari before this Court, profession throughout the country
respondent Judge continued issuing various orders resulting in the 3. Conduct campaigns to educate people on their legal rights
issuance of new titles to the properties in the name of persons and obligations, importance of preventive legal service and
true functions of lawyers
stated in the project of partition, to the damage and prejudice of
- To fulfill this mission, the judge should keep abreast of the law, TASKS.
the rulings and doctrines of this Court. 7 If the judge is already - A lawyer does not shed his professional obligations upon his
aware of them, the latter should not deliberately refrain from assuming public service. Incumbent judges and magistrates shall
applying them, otherwise such omission can never be excused. be governed by Code of Judicial Conduct
- Government lawyers are not allowed to private practice unless
- In cancelling the titles of complainants over their properties on
allowed by law and not to conflict public function. Prohibition is 1
mere motion of a party and without affording them due process, year after separation from public office.
respondent Judge violated her sworn obligation to uphold the law - Misconduct of lawyer in public office in the discharge of official
and promote the administration of justice. It has been held that if duties as government official is of character as to affect his
the law is so elementary, not to know it or to act as if one does qualification as lawyer or moral delinquency, he may be
not know it, constitutes gross ignorance of the law. disciplined as member of Bar for such ground.
- Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards under RA 6713 – All public
- Utter disrespect for the judgment of a higher court constitutes
officials (appointive or elective, permanent or temporary, career
grave misconduct prejudicial to the interest of the public, the or non-career, including military or police, receiving compensation
bench and the bar. or not) and employees, whether lawyer or non-lawyer are
De Roy vs CA - Norms of Conduct of Public Officials
Facts: 1. Commitments to Public Interest – public over personal
- to declare null and void two (2) resolutions: denied petitioners’ interest. Government resources must be employed and used
efficiently, effectively, honestly and economically.
motion for extension of time to file a motion for reconsideration
2. Professionalism
and directed entry of judgment since the decision in said case had 3. Justness and sincerity – True to people, no discrimination,
become final and second denied petitioners’ motion for respect rights of others, refrain from doing acts contrary to
reconsideration for having been filed out of time. law, good morals and customs, public policy, order, safety
Issue: and interest.
W/N SC decisions should be published in Official Gazette 4. Political neutrality – service to everyone without
Ruling: discrimination

5. Responsiveness to Public – prompt, courteous, and adequate 3019, otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices –
service to public Act
6. Nationalism and patriotism – Ruling:
7. Commitment to democracy – upheld the constitution,
- The conscientious study and thorough analysis made by the Office
maintain public accountability and supremacy of civilian
authority over military. of the Solicitor General in this case truly reflects its consciousness
8. Simple living – lead modest life according to positions and of its role as the People's Advocate in the administration of justice
income to the end that the innocent be equally defended and set free just
as it has the task of having the guilty punished.
Rule 6.01 - The primary duty of a lawyer engaged in public
prosecution is not to convict but to see that justice is done. The Rule 6.02 - A lawyer in the government service shall not use his
suppression of facts or the concealment of witnesses capable of public position to promote or advance his private interests, nor
establishing the innocence of the accused is highly reprehensible allow the latter to interfere with his public duties.
and is cause for disciplinary action.
- Prosecutor-quasi-judicial officer and as such, he should seek equal Rule 6.03 - A lawyer shall not, after leaving government service,
and impartial justice. No innocent man suffers and no guilty man accept engagement or employment in connection with any matter
escapes. in which he had intervened while in said service.
- Interest of prosecutor is not to win a case but to see that justice is - Misconduct in discharged of official duties as government official
done. is generally not disciplinable except if the character of misconduct
- Should not present evidence of guilt which are illegally seized and affects his qualification as lawyer or show moral delinquency. He
should not suppress facts capable of establishing innocence. may be disciplined as member of the Bar
- Public prosecutor should recommend the acquittal of accused - Violation of restriction is tantamount to representing conflicting
whose conviction is on appeal if he finds no basis for conviction claims.
- Facts should be laid methodically and meticulously by prosecutor.
US vs Barredo
- The appellants in this case were convicted in the court below of AND DIGNITY OF THE LEGAL PROFESSION AND SUPPORT THE
the crime of attempted rape. It is urged that the court was ACTIVITIES OF THE INTEGRATED BAR.
without jurisdiction in the premises because the information
charging the commission of the crime was filed, and the trial Rule 7.01 - A lawyer shall be answerable for knowingly making a
conducted by a special fiscal, improvidently appointed by the trial false statement or suppressing a material fact in connection with
judge without authority of law. his application for admission to the bar
Ruling: - Requirements Admission to the Bar
- Provincial fiscals have not the power to dismiss criminal actions 1. Citizen of Philippines
pending in Courts of First Instance without leave of court; and 2. At least 21 years old
that this limitation upon their power extends to the dismissal of 3. Satisfactory evidence of Good moral character
complaints upon which accused persons have been committed or 4. Resident of the Philippines
admitted to bail to await the action of the judge of the Courts of 5. No charges filed against him involving moral turpitude
First Instance. 6. Regularly studied for four years in approved law school
- a conscientious prosecuting official, whose investigations have 7. Certificate from University
satisfied him as to the innocence of persons charged with the 8. Completed: Civil Law, Commercial Law, Remedial Law, Criminal
commission of crime, should not institute criminal proceedings Law, Public and Private International Law, Political law, Labor
against such persons. But we are of the opinion that in the event and social legislation, medical jurisprudence, taxation and legal
that criminal proceedings have been instituted, and the ethics
investigations of the provincial fiscal have satisfied him that the 9. Completed Pre-Law – 4 years in high school, BS or BA,
accused person is innocent, or that evidence sufficient to secure - Consequences of making false or suppression of material fact:
conviction will not be forthcoming at the trial despite the exercise  If discovered prior taking the Bar, denied permission to take it
of due diligence to that end, it then becomes his duty to advise  If discovered after passing the Bar and before taking oath, not
the court wherein the proceedings are pending as to the result of allowed to take oath
his investigations, and to move the court to dismiss the  If discovered after taking oath, name to be stricken out from
proceedings, leaving it to the court to take such action as may be Roll of Attorneys
proper in the premises. In this jurisdiction provincial fiscals are not - Concealment of an attorney in his application to take the Bar of
clothed with power, without the content of court, to dismiss or the fact that he had been charged with, indicted for, an alleged
dicit nolle prosequi criminal actions actually instituted, and crime is ground for revocation of license to practice law.
pending further proceedings. The power to dismiss is vested - Concealed is a crime not involving moral turpitude, still taken
solely in the courts, that is to say in the presiding judge thereof. against him as moral unfitness. It is the fact of concealment and
not the commission of the crime.
Triente vs Sandiganbayan - Candidates are barred from influencing or communicating for
Facts: assistance with any member of the committee
- case relates to an appeal of the decision by the Sandiganbayan
convicting the herein petitioner, Generoso Trieste, Sr., of twelve
(12) separate violations of Section 3 paragraph (h) of Republic Act

Rule 7.02 - A lawyer shall not support the application for admission  Dignified and temperate
to the bar of any person known by him to be unqualified in respect - Consequences of Abusive language:
to character, education, or other relevant attribute  Courts may expunge improper language from the records
- No recommendation or endorsement of any applicant for  May be subjected to disciplinary action
admission to Bar those not qualified due to lack of good moral - Instances of disrespectful language:
character, educational requirements or other relevant attribute 1. Referral to SC as civilized, democratic tribunal but innuendo
- A lawyer should aid in guarding the Bar against admission to suggest that it is not and its decision false, erroneous and illegal
profession of candidates unfit or unqualified for being deficient in 2. Veiled threat to prosecute for knowingly rendering unjust and
either moral character or education negligent judgment
3. Judge’s attitude as unjust, hostile, vindictive and dangerous
Rule 7.03 - A lawyer shall not engage in conduct that adversely 4. Reference to resolution of SC as sadistic
reflects on his fitness to practice law, nor shall he, whether in 5. Calling decision as outrage and mockery
public or private life, behave in a scandalous manner to the 6. Labeling judge as corrupt
discredit of the legal profession 7. Calling adverse counsel as bobo
- A lawyer must at all times conduct himself properly as not to put 8. Lawyer stating that justice is blind, deaf and dumb
into question his unfitness to practice law. 9. Attributing to SC as without rhyme and reason, disbarring
- It is essential during the continuance of the practice and the lawyers without due process
exercise of privilege to avoid brushes with the law, assisting - By claiming that his words did not mean what any reader must
anyone, even clients in commission of any crime or unprofessional have understood them as meaning not an excuse for disrespectful
act language used.
- A lawyer must be faithful to his oath includes: - Strong language is justified when the language has been impelled
 Payment of membership fees and special assessments in IBP by same language used by the judge
 Payment of privilege tax
- Unlawful act though not related to his duties as lawyer as long as Rule 8.02 - A lawyer shall not, directly or indirectly, encroach upon
it puts his character to serious doubt renders him unfit to the professional employment of another lawyer; however, it is the
continue in practice of law right of any lawyer, without fear or favor, to give proper advice
- Avoidance of scandalous act: Not only required to refrain from and assistance to those seeking relief against unfaithful or
adulterous acts but must also behave himself as to avoid neglectful counsel
scandalizing the public flouting moral standards - Lawyer should not steal other clients
- Lawyers shall stand as shield in defense of right and in warding of - A person without a retained lawyer is a legitimate prospective
wrong: Truth-speaking, high sense of honor, of granite discretion, client
of strictest observance of fiduciary responsibility - How to steal:
 Retained who is not dismissed
CANON 8 - A LAWYER SHALL CONDUCT HIMSELF WITH COURTESY,  Giving promise of better service, lower fees or downgrading the
FAIRNESS AND CANDOR TOWARD HIS PROFESSIONAL qualification or services of the first lawyer
COLLEAGUES, AND SHALL AVOID HARASSING TACTICS AGAINST  Any act calculated to ease out the previous lawyer with intent
OPPOSING COUNSEL to grab the case
- Courtesy to fellow lawyers, necessary – to maintain dignity: - No encroachment when the lawyers is already dismissed
 Lawyers must conduct themselves honorably, fairly and - Lawyer should not negotiate with opposite party already
candidly toward each other represented by other counsel:
 Avoid resorting to harassing tactics against opposing counsels  Communication of controversy
and participate in battle for justice with courtesy and fairness  Negotiate or compromise the matter with him
 Following the Golden Rule  Should not undertake to advise him as to law
 Attempt to interview the opposite party and question him as to
Rule 8.01 - A lawyer shall not, in his professional dealings, use the facts of the case even if the adverse party is willing to do so
language which is abusive, offensive or otherwise improper. - Lawyer may however interview any witness or prospective
- Abusive and offensive language has no place in pleadings and is witness for the opposing side in any civil or criminal action
contemptuous. without the consent of opposing counsel or party. However, he
- Words tending to obstruct, embarrass or influence the court in should unscrupulously avoid any suggestion calculated to induce
administering justice or to bring it into disrepute have no place in the witness to suppress or deviate from truth, affect his free
pleading as they serve no useful purpose constituting only direct conduct in appearing in trial
contempt or contempt in facie curae. - Advice and assistance to victims of unfaithful and neglectful
- Disrespect to court disgraces the bar and invites disciplinary counsel, allowed. Assistance extended after proper verification is
power not encroachment and not abet activities aimed at defiance of law
- Language used must be: or at lessening confidence in legal system
 Forceful but dignified - A lawyer acquired knowledge of malpractice must inform SC or
 Emphatic but respectful as benefiting advocate and in keeping IBP of such and expose without fear or favor corrupt or dishonest
with the dignity of legal profession conduct
 Gracious to both court and opposing counsel
 Shall refrain from offensive personality and advance no fact of CANON 9 - A LAWYER SHALL NOT, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, ASSIST
prejudicial honor or reputation of a party or witness, unless IN THE UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE OF LAW
required by the justice of the cause with which he is charged - Only those licensed by SC may practice law

- Not allowed to practice law: dignity and authority not to promote distrust in administration of
 Taking partner who is not a lawyer justice
 Disbarred - Example of displaying candor: Attorney for claimants and
 Suspended appellees informed the court that the case had been decided in
 Foreign lawyer unless licensed by SC favor of said claimant by CA sent to him by said court to save
- Act of pretending or assuming or assist whether directly or appellant the trouble of waiting for the reconstitution of the case
indirectly is subject to disciplinary action and the tribunal the trouble of deciding the case
- Reason: Need of public for integrity and competence. Assures - Refiling a case which was already litigated before is not forum
public because of fiduciary and personal character of lawyer-client shopping but violation of canon 10
relationship, inherently complex nature of legal system - Forum shopping – 2 or more cases are still pending

Rule 9.01 - A lawyer shall not delegate to any unqualified person Rule 10.01 - A lawyer shall not do any falsehood, nor consent to
the performance of any task which by law may only be performed the doing of any in Court; nor shall he mislead, or allow the Court
by a member of the Bar in good standing to be misled by any artifice.
- Arraignment and promulgation of decision should be attended - Truthfulness and good faith
only by lawyers - Violation of lawyer’s oath is ground for suspension or disbarment
- Qualified to practice law: - Not candid or fair knowingly to misquote, trying to misled SC by
 Duly qualified in moral character – sworn to observe rules and raising issues long laid rest by final and executory judgment
ethics - Some cases of falsehood:
 Education  Falsely stating in deed of sale that property is free from liens
 Passed the Bar Exams – tested qualification and subject to and encumbrances when it is not
disciplinary control  Making appear that a dead person executed deed of sale in his
- Lawyers cannot delegate his authority without client’s consent favor
even to a qualified person. The reasons are:  Concealing the fact that he is charged of a crime when seeking
 public policy employment
 Client-Lawyer relationship is personal  Encashing checks payable to dead cousin forging his signature
 Lawyer is selected on account of their special fitness  Falsification of power of attorney to collect money due to
- Assistant or associate in law firm may appeal for a client unless principal and improperly appropriate it
the client has contracted otherwise  Lawyer alleging in wrong pleading
 Uttering falsehood in motion to dismiss
Rule 9.02 - A lawyer shall not divide or stipulate to divide a fee for  Denial of receipt of notice to file brief as belied by return card
legal services with persons not licensed to practice law, except:  Presenting known falsified documents
a) Where there is a pre-existing agreement with a partner or  Filing false and groundless suits
associate that, upon the latter’s death, money shall be paid  Falsification of Sheriff’s return and seeking the default of
over a reasonable period of time to his estate or to persons defendant
specified in the agreement; or  Use of another lawyer’s IBP number
b) Where a lawyer undertakes to complete unfinished legal  Use of fictitious residence certificate by a notary public
business of a deceased lawyer; or
c) Where a lawyer or law firm includes non-lawyer employees in Rule 10.02 - A lawyer shall not knowingly misquote or
a retirement plan, even if the plan is based in whole or in part, misrepresent the contents of paper, the language or the argument
on a profitable sharing arrangement. of opposing counsel, or the text of a decision or authority, or
- Division of attorney’s fees with non-lawyers is prohibited except knowingly cite as law a provision already rendered inoperative by
given to other lawyer who rendered legal services with him in repeal or amendment, or assert as a fact that which has not been
case or legal work proved
- Reason: to avoid confusion on the side of the public as to whom - Prohibited acts:
to consult in case of necessity and also to avoid chaotic condition  Knowingly misquoting or misrepresenting – verbatim to avoid
in bar since non-lawyers are not amenable to disciplinary misleading the court. Reason: Judicial decisions forms part of
measures the legal system of the Philippines. Mere typographical error in
- Non-lawyers are not entitled to attorney’s fees even as authorized citation is not, however, contemptuous.
representative of respondent appearing in NLRC  Contents of paper
 Language or argument of opposing counsel
CHAPTER III. THE LAWYER AND THE COURTS  Text of decision of authority
 Knowingly citing as law a provision already rendered
CANON 10 - A LAWYER OWES CANDOR, FAIRNESS AND GOOD inoperative by repeal or amendment
FAITH TO THE COURT  Asserting as a fact that which has not been proved
- Candor – impartiality/ openness/ freedom from prejudice  Foisting a nonexistent rule
- The burden cast on judiciary would be intolerable if it could not
take at face value what is asserted by counsel. Counsel is Rule 10.03 - A lawyer shall observe the rules of procedure and shall
expected to display utmost zeal in defense of client’s cause not misuse them to defeat the ends of justice.
- Lawyer is an officer in court and like the court itself, an - Aim of lawsuit is to render justice
instrument to advance the ends of justice. Duty is to uphold - Rules of procedures – designed to attain such aim. It facilitates
delivery of justice without unnecessary expense and waste of time

- Judges should not condone the deliberate abuse of procedural - Raising one’s voice is a sign of disrespect. Argument must be
rules gracious to both courts and opposing counsel. Disavowal of
- Litigation is not a game of technicalities, which one more deeply offensive intent is of no avail
schooled, entraps and destroys other. It is contest in which
contending parties fully and fairly lays before court facts in issues, Rule 11.04 - A lawyer shall not attribute to a Judge motives not
brushing aside trivial and indecisive imperfection of forms and supported by the record or have no materiality to the case
technicalities - Reassertion of platitude (meaningless)
- Avoid filing pointless petitions that only add workload to judiciary - It is not contemptuous if misbehavior of judge is demanded to be
- Technicalities should give way to the realities of situation. put on record
- Understandable to make full use of every conceivable legal - Lawyers, however, be courageous enough to expose arbitrariness
defense the law allows. It must kept however in mind that and injustices of courts and judges – never sacrifice principle for
procedural rules are intended as an aid not means of frustrations the sake of personal friendship and avoid at all cost launching
groundless and irresponsible derogatory remarks against member
SHOULD INSIST ON SIMILAR CONDUCT BY OTHERS. Rule 11.05 - A lawyer shall submit grievances against a Judge to
- Where duties to the courts conflict with duties to his clients, the the proper authorities only
clients must yield to the former. A lawyer’s duty to the court is - Complaints against judges are to be coursed to proper authorities
not secondary to that of his clients only
- Reason: to avoid loss of confidence in honesty, integrity of - SC through Office of Court Administrator if administrative or
members of court and avoid the belief that public cannot expect Office of Ombudsman if criminal in nature. In case of
justice therefrom, hence taking justice from their own hands impeachment, to HOR
- Highest sign of respect to courts is lawyer’s obedience to court - It should not be coursed to media, military authorities, other
orders and processes. Ex: Failure to appear in court hearings or elective officers and institutions other than the 2
not complying with court’s resolution - RULE 139-B - The IBP Board of Governors may, motu propio or
- Freedom of speech is not absolute and that freedom of upon referral by the Supreme Court or by a Chapter Board of
expression needs an occasion to be adjusted to and Officers, or at the instance of any person, initiate and prosecute
accommodated with the requirements of equally important public proper charges against erring attorneys including those in the
interests, like maintenance of integrity and orderly functioning of government service
administration of justice - Disbarment cases pending in the office of Sol Gen, transferred to
- Pleading containing derogatory, offensive or maliscious IBP except those substantially complete
statements submitted to the court or judge which the - A judge who falsifies his certificate of service is administratively
proceedings are pending constitutes direct contempt liable to SC.
- Indirect or constructive contempt – contemnor may only be - In absence of administrative action, investigation by Ombudsman
punished after charge in writing has been filed and an opportunity encroaches into the Court’s power of administrative supervision
given to the accused to be heard by himself or counsel. pursuant to a doctrine of separation of powers. Court has the
Appealable necessary records to make such determination, and Ombudsman
- Direct contempt – may summarily judged and appealable if MTC cannot compel SC to submit its record

Rule 11.01 - A lawyer shall appear in court properly attired. CANON 12 - A LAWYER SHALL EXERT EVERY EFFORT AND
- Traditional attires for male lawyers: CONSIDER IT HIS DUTY TO ASSIST IN THE SPEEDY AND EFFICIENT
 Long-sleeve Barong Tagalog ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE.
 Coat and tie - Joint responsibility and aim of judges and lawyers.
- Traditional attires for female lawyers: - Acts which obstruct administration of justice:
 Semi-formal attires 1. Instructing witness not to appear at scheduled hearing
2. Asking client to plead guilty knowing it is the opposite
Rule 11.02 - A lawyer shall punctually appear at court hearings 3. Advising client to escape prison
- Reason: Lawyer’s oath: Delay no man for money or malice 4. Employing dilatory tactics
- Consequences: 5. Prosecuting frivolous cases or appeals to drain the resources
 Non-suit or dismissal of other party and to compel him to submit to exhaustion
 Contempt 6. Filing multiple petitions or complaints for a cause already
 Interference in speedy administration of justice rejected

Rule 11.03 - A lawyer shall abstain from scandalous, offensive or Rule 12.01 - A lawyer shall not appear for trial unless he has
menacing language or behavior before the Courts adequately prepared himself on the law and the facts of his case,
- Abstain from all offensive personality and advance no fact the evidence he will adduce and the order of its preferences. He
prejudicial to the honor or reputation of a party or witness unless should also be ready with the original documents for comparison
required by the justice of cause with which he is charged with the copies.
- Abstain from scandalous behaviors like unnecessary display of - Lawyer must be ready when he goes to trial:
passion, provocative or challenging gestures shouting at judges,  Mastery of facts, laws and jurisprudence applicable thereto

 Collated every piece of essential evidence and to demolish Rule 12.06 - A lawyer shall not knowingly assist a witness to
pretenses and offering his evidence in smooth and orderly misrepresent himself or to impersonate another.
manner without provoking valid rejections - Can be criminally liable for False testimony under Art 182 ans 183
 Presenting documentary exhibits, ready with originals for of RPC
purposes of comparison of copies.
- Inadequate preparation obstruct the administration of justice Rule 12.07 - A lawyer shall not abuse, browbeat or harass a
witness nor needlessly inconvenience him
Rule 12.02 - A lawyer shall not file multiple actions arising from the - Always treat the witness with fairness and always be dignified
same cause - Judges are equally mandated to be courteous to litigants and
- Forum-shopping witnesses
 Filing multiple actions with intention that if he does not get
the order/judgment he needs in one case, he refiles it in the Rule 12.08 - A lawyer shall avoid testifying in behalf of his client,
hope that in another sala, the judge will grant it. except:
 Reprehensible manipulation of court processes and a) on formal matters, such as the mailing, authentication or
proceedings custody of an instrument, and the like, or
 Elements: b) on substantial matters, in cases where his testimony is
1. 2 or more cases are pending (if not pending, defense is essential to the ends of justice, in which event he must, during
res judicata in violation of Canon 10) his testimony, entrust the trial of the case to another counsel.
2. Same parties are involved - Rationale: Difference between respective functions of witness and
3. Same cause of action and reliefs prayed for advocate. Witness is to tell facts, advocate is partisan. Difficult to
- Prevention of forum-shopping: Sworn Statement (certified and distinguish between the two and hard for lawyer to disassociate
signed by client) that: his relation to his client as attorney and his relation to the party as
 Party has not commenced any action or filed any claim witness.
 If there are pending action, a complete statement of present - It invites criticism and confusion and hard for stenographer to
status should be indicated record the proceedings accurately
 In case of discovery of same action, should report the same
 Indirect contempt COURT
 Administrative sanctions - Lawyer is minister of justice, that is rendering or giving one what
- Instances of forum shopping: is due him.
 Administrative case is still pending, another is filed - Cases must be won because they are meritorious and not due to
 Pendency in SC petition for certiorari filed another complaint connections, clout, dominance or influence
in RTC of same allegations - Avoid:
 Second suit is filed in court without jurisdiction  Display or boast of being influential to court
 Counsel omits to disclose pendency of an appeal  Judge has corresponding duty not to convey or permit others
to convey the impression that they are in special position to
Rule 12.03 - A lawyer shall not, after obtaining extensions of time influence the judge
to file pleadings, memoranda or briefs, let the period lapse
without submitting the same or offering an explanation for his Rule 13.01 - A lawyer shall not extend extraordinary attention or
failure to do so hospitality to, nor seek opportunity for cultivating familiarity with
- Asking for extension must be in good faith Judges.
1. Extraordinary attention
Rule 12.04 - A lawyer shall not unduly delay a case, impede the a. To protect good name and reputation
execution of a judgement or misuse Court processes.  Opening the door of office
- Execution of final judgment should not be unduly thwarted  Carrying things
through subterfuge and deprived of the verdict  Lighting cigarettes and serving food
- Lawyer should not enter his appearance in a case which had long  Spending for his birthday parties
been terminated by final decision b. To avoid misconstructions of motives on part of both judge
- Not to appeal for purpose of delay and lawyer
c. To avoid public from jumping to conclusions that lawyers do
Rule 12.05 - A lawyer shall refrain from talking to his witness things in anticipation for some favorable reciprocation on the
during a break or recess in the trial, while the witness is still under part of judge
examination. 2. Opportunity to cultivate familiarity
- Basis: Lawyer’s oath: to do no falsehood, nor consent to the doing a. Joining club or association for the purpose of infiltrating the
of any in court circle of judges
- Reason: to avoid coaching, teaching in certain way, to rectify b. Making the judges godfathers of their children
certain statements damaging to his cause at the resumption of - Discussing with judge privately in chambers on matter related to
trial case pending in court should be avoided
- To uphold and maintain fair play - It is impropriety for judge to meet the accused privately

Rule 13.02 - A lawyer shall not make public statements in the

media regarding a pending case tending to arouse public opinion
for or against a party.
- To avoid interference with a fair trial
- Ex Parte reference should be limited to quotations from records
and papers
- Test to determine if public statement is contemptuous: Character
of act done and its direct tendency to prevent and obstruct the
discharge of official duty
- Trial by publicity is prejudicial except when there is no allegation
and proof that judges have been duly influenced
- Lawyer is equally guilty if he induced the client to cause publicity

Rule 13.03 - A lawyer shall not brook or invite interference by

another branch or agency of the government in the normal course
of judicial proceedings

THE FOUR-FOLD DUTIES OF A LAWYER (PER THE CODE OF Rule 16.03 - Delivery of Funds - when due or upon demand with
PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY) have a lien over the funds to satisfy his lawful fees and
disbursements, judgments and executions.
Rule 16.04 - Borrow unless the client’s interests are fully protected
and lend when he has to advance necessary expenses in a legal
Canon 1: Promote and Respect the Law and Legal Process matter he is handling for the client.
Canon 2: Provide Efficient And Convenient Legal Services
Canon 3: Information On Legal Services That Is True, Honest, Fair CANON 17 - A LAWYER OWES FIDELITY TO THE CAUSE OF HIS CLIENT
Canon 4: Support For Legal Reforms And Administration Of Justice REPOSED IN HIM.
Canon 5: Participate In Legal Education
Canon 6: Canons Apply to Lawyers in Government Service

LAWYER’S DUTIES TO THE LEGAL PROFESSION Rule 18.01 - not qualified to render unless with the consent of his
Canon 7: Uphold Dignity And Integrity In The Profession client, he can obtain collaborating competent counsel
Canon 8: Courtesy, Fairness, Candor Towards Professional Rule 18.02 - Adequate preparation.
Colleagues Rule 18.03 – Negligence on legal matter entrusted to him
Canon 9: Unauthorized Practice Of Law Rule 18.04 - Duty to Apprise Client


Canon 10: Observe Candor, Fairness And Good Faith Rule 19.01 - A lawyer shall employ only fair and honest means to
Canon 11: Respect Courts And Judicial Officers attain the lawful objectives of his client and shall not present,
Canon 12: Assist In Speedy And Efficient Administration of Justice participate in presenting or threaten to present unfounded criminal
Canon 13: Refrain From Act Giving Appearance of Influence charges to obtain an improper advantage in any case or proceeding.
Rule 19.02 - A lawyer who has received information that his client
has, in the course of the representation, perpetrated a fraud
LAWYER’S DUTIES TO THE CLIENT upon a person or tribunal, shall promptly call upon the client to
CANON 14 - A LAWYER SHALL NOT REFUSE HIS SERVICES TO THE rectify the same, and failing which he shall terminate the
NEEDY. relationship with such client in accordance with the Rules of Court.
Rule 14.01 - A lawyer shall not decline to represent a person solely Rule 19.03 - A lawyer shall not allow his client to dictate the
on account of the latter’s race, sex, creed or status of life, or procedure on handling the case.
because of his own opinion regarding the guilt of said person.
Rule 14.02 - appointment as counsel de oficio or as amicus curiae, or CANON 20 - A LAWYER SHALL CHARGE ONLY FAIR AND REASONABLE
rendition of free legal aid. FEES.
Rule 14.03 - representation of an indigent client unless: Rule 20.01 - A lawyer shall be guided by the following factors in
a) he is in no position to carry out the work effectively or determining his fees:
competently; a) The time spent and the extent of the services rendered or
b) he labors under a conflict of interest between him and the required;
prospective client or between a present client and the prospective b) The novelty and difficulty of the questions involved;
client; c) The importance of the subject matter;
Rule 14.04 - person unable to pay, same standard of conduct d) The skill demanded;
governing his relations with paying clients. e) The probability of losing other employment as a result of
acceptance of the proffered case;
CANON 15 - A LAWYER SHALL OBSERVE CANDOR, FAIRNESS AND f) f) The customary charges for similar services and the schedule
LOYALTY IN ALL HIS DEALINGS AND TRANSACTIONS WITH HIS of fees of the IBP chapter to which he belongs;
CLIENTS. g) The amount involved in the controversy and the benefits
Rule 15.01 –conflict with another client or his own interest, resulting to the client form the service;
Rule 15.02 - privilege communication h) The contingency or certainty of compensation;
Rule 15.03 - A lawyer shall not represent conflicting interests except i) The character of the employment, whether occasional or
by written consent of all concerned given after a full disclosure of established; and
the facts. j) The professional standing of the lawyer.
Rule 15.04 - A lawyer may, with the written consent of all Rule 20.02 - in cases of referral, with the consent of the client, be
concerned, act as mediator, conciliator or arbitrator in settling entitled to a division of fees
disputes. Rule 20.03 - Fees from other persons not allowed unless with the
Rule 15.05 - candid and honest opinion on the merits of case full knowledge and consent of the client,
Rule 15.06 - A lawyer shall not state or imply that he is able to Rule 20.04 - Controversies with Clients - shall be avoided and
influence any public official, tribunal or legislative body. resorted only to prevent imposition, injustice of fraud.
Rule 15.07 - A lawyer shall impress upon his client compliance with
the laws and principles of fairness. CANON 21 - A LAWYER SHALL PRESERVE THE CONFIDENCE AND
Rule 15.08 - Concurrent Practice of another Profession - make clear SECRETS OF HIS CLIENT EVEN AFTER THE ATTORNEY-CLIENT
to his client whether he is acting as a lawyer or in another capacity. RELATION IS TERMINATED
Rule 21.01 - When Allowed to reveal the confidences or secrets of
PROPERTIES OF HIS CLIENT THAT MAY COME INTO HIS POSSESSION. a) When authorized by the client after acquianting him of the
Rule 16.01 - A lawyer shall account for all money or property consequences of the disclosure;
collected or received for or from the client. b) When required by law;
Rule 16.02 - A lawyer shall keep the funds of each client separate c) When necessary to collect his fees or to defend himself, his
and apart from his own and those of others kept by him. employees or associates or by judicial action.

Rule 21.02 - Prohibited Disclosures and Use to the disadvantage of that no person may be deprived of life or liberty but by due
his client. process of law.
Rule 21.03 - auditing, statistical, bookkeeping, accounting, data
processing, or any similar purpose needing written consent.
Rule 14.02. A lawyer shall not decline, except for serious and
Rule 21.04 - A lawyer may disclose the affairs of a client of the firm
to partners or associates thereof unless prohibited by the client. sufficient cause, an appointment as counsel de officio or as amici
Rule 21.05 - A lawyer shall adopt such measures as may be required curiae, or a request from the Integrated Bar of the Philippines or
to prevent those whose services are utilized by him, from disclosing any of its chapters for rendition of free legal aid.
or using confidences or secrets of the client. - Duty to appoint rests upon the judge
Rule 21.06 - A lawyer shall avoid indiscreet conversation about a - Lawyer cannot decline appointment except for serious and
client’s affairs even with members of his family. sufficient cause
Rule 21.07 - A lawyer shall not reveal that he has been consulted
- As counsel de officio, to exert his best efforts and professional
about a particular case except to avoid possible conflict of interest.
CANON 22 - A LAWYER SHALL WITHDRAW HIS SERVICES ONLY FOR - Presiding judge must give the counsel de officio ample
GOOD CAUSE AND UPON NOTICE APPROPRIATE IN THE opportunity to examine not only the records of the case but also
CIRTUMSTANCES. to confer with the accused lengthily so that he can properly,
Rule 22.01 -A lawyer may withdraw his services in any of the intelligently, and fully represent and defend the interest of the
following cases: accused
a) When the client pursues an illegal or immoral course of
- For purposes of arraignment, given at least 1 hour to consult with
conduct in connection with the matter he is handling;
b) When the client insists that the lawyer pursue conduct the accused as to his plea before proceeding with arraignment
violative of these canons and rules; - Right to a counsel de officio does no cease upon conviction, if
c) When his inability to work with co-counsel will not promote wanted to appeal, court must still assign a counsel for the
the best interest of the client; purpose.
d) When the mental or physical condition of the lawyer renders - Judges are cautioned not to frequently appoint the same lawyer
it difficult for him to carry out the employment effectively;
as counsel de officio for 2 reasons:
e) When the client deliberately fails to pay the fees for the
services or fails to comply with the retainer agreement;  Unfair to the lawyer concerned saddled with cases
f) When the lawyer is elected or appointed to public office; and  Compensation
g) Other similar cases. - Accused can refuse counsel de officio
Rule 22.02 – withdrawal or is discharge of lawyers, to turn over all - Amicus curae
papers and property to which the client is entitled  friend of the court is an expert or knowledgable on certain
matters to which judge may be doubtful or might go wrong
CHAPTER IV. THE LAWYER AND THE CLIENT  A “friend of the court;” a “bystander” usually a counselor who
- Nature of attorney-client relationship: interposes or volunteers information upon some matter of
(1) Strictly Personal law in regard to which the judge is doubtful or mistaken.
(2) Highly confidential [Agpalo]
(3) Fiduciary  Impartiality of AC must be considered
- Forms of employement  AC is not party to the action, he may petition the court for
1) Oral permission to file brief on behalf of the party, suggest
(2) Written rationale consistent with his own views
(3) Implied  Briefs may be filed also if accompanied by written consent of
all parties or the request of court
Canon 14. A lawyer shall not refuse his services to the needy.  has no right to interfere or control the condition of the
record, to institute any proceedings therein, cannot assume
Rule 14.01. A lawyer shall not decline to represent a person solely the functions of a party and cannot file a pleading in a cause
on account of the latter’s race, sex, creed or status of life, or - Free legal aid on request of IBP must not decline the request
because of his own opinion regarding the guilt of said person. except for serious and sufficient cause. Rendition of free legal aid
- Rationale: It is a declared policy of the State to value the dignity of is part of lawyer’s bounden duty to society
every human person and guarantee the rights of every individual, - Legal aid is not a matter of charity. It is a means for correction of
particularly those who cannot afford the services social imbalance that often lead to injustice
- Incentives for Giving Free Legal Services - Lawyer to render free legal aid to destitute upon being assigned
- A lawyer or professional partnerships rendering actual free legal by the judge
services shall be entitled to an allowable deduction from the gross - Rules of Court, Rule 138, Sec. 20 (h). Duties of attorneys. It is the
income, the amount that could have been collected for the actual duty of an attorney…never to reject for any consideration
free legal services rendered or up to 10% of the gross income personal to himself the cause of the defenseless or oppressed;
derived from the actual performance of legal profession, - Rules of Court, Rule 138, Sec. 31. Attorneys for destitute litigants.
whichever is lower. The free legal aid contemplated here is A court may assign an attorney to render professional aid free of
different from the 60-hr mandatory legal aid services under BM charge to any party in a case if upon investigation it appears that
2012.(RA 9999, Free Legal Assistance Act of 2010) the party is destitute and unable to employ an attorney and that
- Rules of Court, Rule 138, Sec. 20 (i). Duties of attorneys. In the the services of counsel are necessary to secure the ends of justice
defense of a person accused of a crime by all fair and honorable and to protect the rights of the party. It shall be the duty of the
means regardless of his personal opinion as to the guilt of the attorney so assigned to render the required service unless he is
accused to present every defense that the law permits to the end excused therefrom by the court for sufficient cause shown.

- Counsel de Officio - A counsel, appointed or assigned by the court, by his complaint or filed against him. The allowance shall cover
from among such members of the bar in good standing who by actual transportation expenses by the cheapest means from his
reason of their experience and ability, may adequately defend the place of residence to the court and back. When the hearing of the
accused. case requires the presence of the indigent litigant and/or his
- Who may be appointed indigent witnesses in court the whole day or for two or more
1. a member of the bar in good standing consecutive days, allowances may, in the discretion of the Court,
2. in localities without lawyers, any person of good repute for also cover reasonable expenses for meal and lodging.
probity and ability - RA 6035 - A stenographer who has attended a hearing before an
- P.D. 543 (1974) authorized the designation of municipal judges investigating fiscal or trial judge or hearing commissioner of any
and lawyers in any branch of the government service to act as quasi-judicial body or administrative tribunal and has officially
counsel de officio for the accused who are indigent in places taken notes of the proceeding thereof shall, upon written request
where there are no available practicing lawyers. of an indigent or low income litigant, his counsel or duly
- Appointed by court depending on: authorized representative in the case concerned, give within a
1. the gravity of the offense reasonable period to be determined by the fiscal, judge,
2. the difficulty of the questions that may arise commissioner or tribunal hearing the case, a free certified
3. the experience and ability of the appointee. transcript of notes take by him on the case.
- In a criminal action, the court may appoint a counsel de officio in - Only Valid Grounds for Refusal - A lawyer shall not decline, reason
any of the following instances: is that one of the burdens of the privilege to practice law which an
(1) Before arraignment, the court shall inform the accused of his attorney voluntarily assumed when he took his oath as a lawyer is
right to counsel and ask him if he desires to have one. The to render, when so required by the court, free legal services to
court must assign a counsel de officio to defend him, unless indigent litigant.
the accused is allowed to defend himself in person, or has
employed counsel of his choice. Rule 14.04. A lawyer who accepts the cause of a person unable to
(2) It is the duty of the clerk of the trial court, upon filing of a pay his professional fees shall observe the same standard of
notice of appeal, to ascertain from the appellant, if conduct governing his relations with paying clients.
confined in prison, whether he desires the RTC, CA or the - Same standards of conduct to be employed for client unable to
SC to appoint a counsel de officio. pay lawyer’s fee since profession is not a money making trade but
(3) If it appears from the record that: (a) the accused is confined noble involvement in the administration of justice
in prison, (b) is without counsel de parte on appeal, or (c) - If a lawyer volunteers his services to a client, and therefore not
has signed the notice of appeal himself, the clerk of CA entitled to attorney’s fees, nevertheless, he is bound to attend to
shall designate a counsel de officio. (Agpalo) a client’s case with all due diligence and zeal. By volunteering his
- An appellant who is not confined in prison may, upon request, be services, he has established a client-lawyer relationship. [Blanza v.
assigned a counsel de officio within 10 days from receipt of the Arcangel (1967)]
notice to file brief and he establishes his right thereto. [Sec. 2,
Rule 124, Rules of Court] People vs Cawili
- Atty Zapata failed to submit the brief within reglementary period.
Rule 14.03 - A lawyer may refuse to accept representation of an Required to explain, he said the client is in state of indigence not
indigent client if: being paid, but also partly assuming the expenses. Court ruled
a. he is not in a position to carry out the work effectively or that failure of counsel to submit entails disciplinary action. At very
competently least must have informed the difficulties. It is elementary courtesy
b. he labors under a conflict of interests between him and to court
the prospective client or between a present client and the
prospective client. American Home vs NLRC
- Coverage of the rule – indigent clients who come to lawyer for - Extreme poverty of client is not justifiable excuse for the failure to
legal services, judge may assign free of charge file motion. It amounts to gross negligence
- Who is an indigent?
(a) a person who has no visible means of income or whose Canon 15. Observe Candor, Fairness and Loyalty in all his Dealings
income is insufficient for the subsistence of his family, to be and Transactions with his Clients.
determined by the fiscal or judge, taking into account the
members of his family dependent upon him for Rule 15.01. A lawyer, in conferring with a prospective client, shall
subsistence. ascertain as soon as practicable whether the matter would involve
(b) an "indigent or low income litigant" shall include anyone a conflict with another client or his own interest, and if so, shall
who has no visible means of support or whose income does forthwith inform the prospective client.
not exceed P300 per month or whose income even in
excess of P300 per month is insufficient for the subsistence Rule 15.02. A lawyer shall be bound by the rule on privileged
of his family [RA 6035] communication in respect of matters disclosed to him by a
- RA 6033 - All courts shall give preference to the hearing and/or prospective client.
disposition of criminal cases where an indigent is involved either - Candor
as the offended party or accused.  give honest opinion on the merit or lack of merit of the case,
- RA 6034 - Any indigent litigant may, upon motion, ask the Court  futility of their cause to avoid unnecessary expenses,
for adequate travel allowance to enable him and his indigent  neither overstate or understate the prospects of the case
witnesses to attendant the hearing of a criminal case commenced - Fairness and loyalty

 Inform his prospective client of involvement of another client  encourage the client to make full disclosure of the facts of the
or his own interest in the case which will result to conflict of case to his counsel without fear
interest  allow lawyer freedom to obtain full information from his
 Not allowed except with written consent of all concerned client
after full disclosure of the facts - Burden of proof – party who avers that communication is
- Loyalty privileged unless appeared from the document itself
 Keep confidences and secrets of client even after termination - When not privileged
of professional relationship  Made to a person not a lawyer even if such person
- Possible involvement in conflicting interests to be disclosed committed himself to render legal services
immediately to prospective clients  Made to lawyer for some other purpose like lease other than
account of lawyer-client relationship or when advice is not
Mejia vs Reyes legal
- Reyes, practicing lawyer was appointed bank attorney and notary
public of PNB. He as well accepted the case of Mejia against PNB. Regala vs Sandiganbayan
When Mejia wanted to appeal, Reyes advised him not to. Court - Several ACCRA lawyers were included as defendants in a case filed
held that lawyers are prohibited from representing conflicting by PCGG against Cojuangco. The inclusions was intended to
interest. compel them to reveal the identity of their clients. Court ruled
that lawyers may invoke the privilege and refuse to divulge name
- Lawyers shall not place his private interest over and above his or identity of his client.
client - Where disclosure would open the client to civil liability, it is
- Failure to disclose prior engagement or interest ground to privileged
discharge the attorney
- Preservation of confidences and secrets of clients – preserve even - Parties which can invoke privilege
after the attorney-client relation terminated. o Client primarily intended to be protected
- Exceptions to the prohibition/privilege: o Lawyer or client’s employee
a. When authorized by client o Attorney’s secretary, stenographer, clerk
b. Required by law - Doctrine of imputed knowledge - that an attorney, who has notice
c. Necessary to collect attorney’s fees or defend himself. of matter affecting his client, has communicated the same to his
Employees or associates or by judicial action principal in the course of professional dealings. The doctrine
d. When the client discloses the intention to commit a crime applies regardless of whether or not the lawyer actually
or unlawful act. (Future crime) communicated to the client what he learned in his professional
- Privileged communication safeguards the revelation of capacity, the attorney and his client being one judicial person.
confidences and secrets - For attorney-client privilege to apply, however, the period to be
- Privileged communication - An attorney cannot, without the considered is the date when the privileged communication was
consent of his client, be examined as to any communication made made by the client to the attorney in relation to either a crime
by the client to him or his advice given thereon in the course of committed in the past or with respect to a crime intended to be
professional employment; nor can an attorney’s secretary, committed in the future (if past, privilege applies; if future, does
stenographer, or clerk be examined, without the consent of the not apply). In order that a communication between a lawyer and
client and his employer, concerning any fact the knowledge of his client be privileged, it must be for a lawful purpose or in the
which has been acquired in such capacity. furtherance of a lawful end. [People v. Sandiganbayan (1996)]
- Revised Penal Code, Art. 209. Betrayal of trust by an attorney or
solicitor. - Revelation of Secrets. In addition to the proper Rule 15.03. A lawyer shall not represent conflicting interests except
administrative action x x x shall be imposed upon an attorney at by written consent of all concerned given after a full disclosure of
law or solicitor (procurador judicial) who, by any malicious breach the facts.
of professional duty or of inexcusable negligence or ignorance, - There is conflict of interest when a lawyer represents inconsistent
shall prejudice his client, or reveal any of the secrets of the latter interests of two or more opposing parties. The test is "whether or
learned by him in his professional capacity. not in behalf of one client, it is the lawyer’s duty to fight for an
- Mere prospective clients are protected issue or claim, but it is his duty to oppose it for the other client. In
- Requisites of Privileged Communication [Rule 130, Section 24 (b) brief, if he argues for one client, this argument will be opposed by
of the RRC]: him when he argues for the other client." [Hornilla v. Salunat
(1) There is an attorney-client relationship or a kind of (2003)]
consultancy requirement with a prospective client; - General Rule [1]: A lawyer may not represent two opposing
(2) The communication was made by the client to the lawyer in parties at any point in time, need not be the counsel-of-record of
the course of the lawyer’s professional employment; either party, enough that the counsel had a hand in the
(3) The communication must be intended to be confidential. preparation of the pleading of one party
- Duration of privilege – even after termination of attorney-client - Exception: When the parties agree, and for amicable settlement
relationship, ceases when client waived or if after his death [Agpalo]
waived by his heirs. - Tests to determine conflict of interest (probability, not certainty
- When pleading ceased to be privileged – after pleading has been of conflict)
filed (1) When there are conflicting duties
- Purpose of the rule (2) When the acceptance of the new relations invites or actually
lead to unfaithfulness or double-dealing to another client

(3) When the attorney will be called upon to use against his first Canon 16: A lawyer shall hold in trust all moneys and properties of
client any knowledge acquired in the previous employment his client that may come into his possession.
- General Rule [2]: A lawyer must name the identity of all his - Civil Code, Art. 1491. “The following persons cannot acquire or
clients, when so demanded. purchase even at public or judicial auction either in person or
(1) The Court has a right to know that the client whose through the mediation of another:
privileged information is sought to be protected is flesh and (5) lawyers with respect to the property and rights which
blood. may be the object of any litigation in which they take part
(2) The mantle of privileged communication begins to exist only by virtue of their profession.”
after the attorney-client relationship has - Requisites for 1491 to apply
been established. The privilege does not attach until there is a a. Attorney-client relationship
client. b. Property or interest is in litigation
(3) The privilege pertains to the subject matter of the c. Attorney takes part as counsel in the case
relationship. d. Purchase, acquisition by attorney, by himself or through
(4) Due process considerations require that the opposing party another, during pendency of litigation
should know his adversary. (Metaphor: He cannot be - Prohibition includes mortgage and assignment
obliged to grope in the dark against unknown forces.) - Article 1491 is not applicable:
- Exception: He may refuse to divulge the name or identity of his a. When attorney is not counsel in case involving the same
client property at the time of acquisition.
(1) Where a strong probability exists that revealing the client’s b. When purchaser is a corporation, even if the attorney was
name would implicate the client in the very activity for an officer [Tuazon v. Tuazon, 88 Phil. 42]
which he sought the lawyer’s advice. c. When sale took place after termination of litigation, except
(2) Where disclosure would open the client to civil liability. if there was fraud or abuse of confidential information or
(3) Where the government’s lawyers have no case against an where lawyer exercised undue influence.
attorney’s client unless by revealing the client’s name, i.e., d. Where property in question is stipulated as part of
the said name would furnish the only link that would form attorney’s fees, provided that, the same is contingent upon
the chain of testimony necessary to convict an individual of the favorable outcome of litigation and, provided further,
a crime. that the fee must be reasonable.

Rule 15.04. A lawyer may, with the written consent of all Rule 16.01. A lawyer shall account for all money or property
concerned, act as mediator, conciliator or arbitrator in settling collected or received for or from the client.
disputes. - A lawyer, under his oath, pledges himself not to delay any man for
money or malice and is bound to conduct himself with all good
Rule 15.05. A lawyer, when advising his client shall give a candid fidelity to his clients. He is obligated to report promptly the
and honest opinion on the merits and probable results of the money of his clients that has come into his possession (otherwise
client’s case, neither overstating nor understanding the prospects a violation of Sec. 25, Rule 138 of ROC). He should not commingle
of the case. it without his client’s consent. He should maintain a reputation for
honesty and fidelity to private trust. The fact that a lawyer has a
Rule 15.06. A lawyer shall not state or imply that he is able to lien for fees on money in his hands would not relieve him from
influence any public official tribunal or legislative body. the duty of promptly accounting for the funds received. [Daroy v.
- protects against influence peddling. Some prospective clients Legaspi (1975)]
secure the services of a particular lawyer or law firm precisely - Money collected by a lawyer in pursuance of a judgment in favor
because he can exert a lot of influence on a judge and some of his clients is held in trust and must be immediately turned over
lawyers exact big fees for such influence [Agpalo] to them. [Busiños v. Ricafort (1997)]

Rule 15.07. A lawyer shall impress upon his client compliance with Rule 16.02. A lawyer shall keep the funds of each client separate
the laws and the principles of fairness. and apart from his own and those of others kept by him.
- Civil Code, Art. 19. Every person must in the exercise of his rights
and in the performance of his duties act with justice give Rule 16.03 - A lawyer shall deliver the funds and property to his
everyone his due and observe honesty and good faith. client when due or upon demand. However,
(a) he shall have a lien over the funds and
Rule 15.08. A lawyer who is engaged in another profession or (b) may apply so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy
occupation concurrently with the practice of law shall make clear his lawful fees and disbursements,
to his client whether he is acting as a lawyer or in another (c) giving notice promptly thereafter to his client. He shall
capacity. also have a lien to the same extent on all judgments and
- General Rule: Exercise of dual profession is not prohibited but a executions he has secured for his client as provided for in
lawyer must make it clear when he is acting as a lawyer and when the Rules of Court
he is otherwise, especially in occupations related to the practice - Rules of Court, Rule 138, Sec. 37. Attorney’s liens. An attorney
of law. shall have a lien upon the funds documents and papers of his
- Reason: certain ethical considerations may be operative in one client which have lawfully come into his possession and may
profession and not in the other. [Agpalo] retain the same until his lawful fees and disbursements have been
paid and may apply such funds to the satisfaction thereof.

- The failure of an attorney to return the client’s money upon cannot be heard to complain that result might have been
demand gives rise to the presumption that he has different had his lawyer proceeded differently.
misappropriated it for his own use to the prejudice of and in - Exceptions:
violation of the trust reposed in him by the client. (1) Where it results in outright deprivation of client’s liberty or
- Retaining lien. — A right merely to retain the funds, documents property or where interest of justice so requires
and papers of his client which have lawfully come into his (2) Where error by counsel is purely technical which does not
possession and may retain the same until his lawful fees and affect substantially client’s cause
disbursements have been paid. (3) Ignorance, incompetence or inexperience of lawyer is so
- The requisites for validity of a retaining lien. – great and error so serious that client, who has good cause
(1) Attorney-client relationship is prejudiced and denied a day in court
(2) Lawful possession by lawyer of the client’s funds, (4) Gross negligence of lawyer
documents and papers in his professional capacity (5) Lack of acquaintance with technical part of procedure.
(3) Unsatisfied claim for attorney’s fees or disbursements - Some examples of negligence of attorneys. —
- Charging lien. — An equitable right to have the fees and lawful (1) Failure of counsel to ask for additional time to answer a
disbursements due a lawyer for his services, secured to him out of complaint resulting in a default judgment against his client
a money judgment. [Mapua v. Mendoza (1993)].
- The requisites for validity of a charging lien. — (2) Failure to bring suit immediately. When the belated suit
(1) Attorney-client relationship was filed, the defendant had already become insolvent and
(2) Attorney has rendered services recovery could no longer be had. The lawyer was declared
(3) Money judgment favorable to the client has been secured liable to the client [Filinvest Land v. (1990)]
in the action (3) Failure to ascertain date of receipt from post office of
(4) Attorney has a claim for attorney’s fees or advances notice of decision resulting in the non-perfection of the
statement of his claim has been duly recorded in the case appellant’s appeal [Joven-De Jesus v. PNB (1964)].
with notice thereof served upon the client and adverse (4) Failure to file briefs within the reglementary period [People
party v. Cawili (1970)]. Failure to attend to trial without filing a
motion for postponement or without requesting either of
Rule 16.04. A lawyer shall not borrow money from his client unless his two partners in the law office to take his place and
the client’s interests are fully protected by the nature of the case appear for the defendants [Gaerlan v. Bernal (Jan. 28,
or by independent advice. Neither shall a lawyer lend money to a 1952)]. Failure to appear at pre-trial [Agravante v. Patriarca
client except when, in the interest of justice, he has to advance (1990)].
necessary expenses in a legal matter he is handling for the client. (5) Failure of counsel to notify clients of the scheduled trial
which prevented the latter to look to another lawyer to
Canon 17. A lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of his client and he represent them while counsel was in the hospital [Ventura
shall be mindful of the trust and confidence reposed in him. v. Santos (1993)].
- When a lawyer takes a client’s cause, he thereby covenants that (6) Failure to appear simply because the client did not go to
he will exert all effort for its protection until its final conclusion. counsel’s office on the date of the trial as was agreed upon
The failure to exercise due diligence and the abandonment of a [Alcoriza v. Lumakang, Adm. Case No. 249, (1978)].
client’s cause make such a lawyer unworthy of the trust which the (7) Failure to pay the appellate docket fee after receiving the
client has reposed on him. [Cantilller v. Potenciano (1989)] amount for the purpose [Capulong v. Alino (1968)].
- Instances where the client is not bound by counsel’s negligence
Canon 18: Serve client with competence and diligence. (1) In the case of an irresponsible lawyer who totally forgot
about the case and failed to inform his client of the
Rule 18.02. A lawyer shall not handle any legal matter without decision, the Supreme Court held that the client should not
adequate preparation. be bound by the negligence of the counsel. [Republic v.
- Lawyer should safeguard his client’s rights and interests by Arro (1987)]
thorough study and preparation; mastering applicable law and (2) A party is not bound by the actions of his counsel in case
facts involved in a case, regardless of the nature of the the gross negligence of the counsel resulted in the client’s
assignment; and keeping constantly abreast of the latest deprivation of his property without due process [Legarda v.
jurisprudence and developments in all branches of the law. CA (1991)].
[Agpalo] (3) “Where there is something fishy and suspicious about the
actuations of the former counsel of petitioners in the case
Rule 18.03. A lawyer shall not neglect a legal matter entrusted to at bar, in the case he did not give any significance at all to
him, and his negligence in connection therewith shall render him the processes of the court, which has proven prejudicial to
liable. the rights of said clients, under a lame and flimsy
- actual loss has been caused to his client, actionable. However, for explanation that the courts processes just escaped his
the lawyer to be held liable, his failure to exercise reasonable attention, it is held that the said lawyer deprived his clients
care, skill and diligence must be proximate cause of the loss. of their day in court [PHHC v. Tiongco (1964)].
[Callanta] (4) Application of the rule, “results in the outright deprivation
- Lawyers’ Negligence General Rule: Client is bound by attorney’s of one’s property through a technicality.” [Escudero v.
conduct, negligence and mistake in handling case or in Dulay (1988)]
management of litigation and in procedural technique, and he (5) In the case of an irresponsible lawyer who totally forgot
about the case and failed to inform his client of the

decision, the Supreme Court held that the client should not (1) Cause of action,
be bound by the negligence of the counsel. [Republic vs. (2) Claim or demand sued upon
Arro, et al.,(1987)] (3) Subject matter of the litigation
- As to matters of law: In matters of law, the client should yield to
Rule 18.01. A lawyer shall not undertake a legal service which he the lawyer (not the lawyer to the client) for the lawyer is better
knows or should know that he is not qualified to render. However trained and skilled in law. Also, proceedings to enforce remedies
he may render such service if, with the consent of his client, he can are within the exclusive control of the attorney.
obtain as collaborating counsel a lawyer who is competent on the - A lawyer should seek instruction from his client on any substantial
matter. matter concerning the litigation which requires decision on the
- When a lawyer accepts a case, whether for a fee or not, his part of the client (i.e. whether to compromise the case or to
acceptance is an implied representation: appeal an unfavorable judgment). In procedural matters, the
(1) That he possess the requisite degree of academic learning, client must yield to the lawyer. [Agpalo]
skill and ability in the practice of his profession;
(2) That he will exert his best judgment in the prosecution or Canon 20: A lawyer shall charge only fair and reasonable fees.
defense of the litigation entrusted to him; - Rules of Court, Rule 138, Sec. 24. Compensation of attorneys. An
(3) That he will exercise reasonable and ordinary care and attorney shall be entitled to have and recover from his client no
diligence in the pursuit or defense of the case; and more than a reasonable compensation for his services with a view
(4) That he will take steps as will adequately safeguard his to the importance of the subject matter of the controversy the
client’s interests. [Islas v. Platon, 47 Phil. 162] extent of the services rendered and the professional standing of
the attorney. No court shall be bound by the opinion of attorneys
Rule 18.04. A lawyer shall keep the client informed of the status of as expert witnesses as to the proper compensation but may
his case and shall respond within a reasonable period of time to disregard such testimony and base its conclusion on its own
the client’s request for information professional knowledge. A written contract for services shall
control the amount to be paid therefore unless found by the court
Canon 19: A lawyer shall represent his client with zeal within the to be unconscionable or unreasonable.
bounds of law. - Right to compensation
- In the absence of an express contract [for attorney’s fee],
Rule 19.01. A lawyer shall employ only fair and honest means to payment of attorney’s fees may be justified by virtue of the
attain the lawful objectives of his client and shall not present, innominate contract of facio ut des (I do and you give) which is
participate in presenting or threaten to present unfounded based on the principle that “no one shall enrich himself at the
criminal charges to obtain an improper advantage expense of another” [Corpuz v. CA (1980)]
- Rules of Court, Rule 138, Sec. 20(d). Duties of attorneys. It is the - The Counsel if worthy of his hire, is entitled to be fully
duty of an attorney: to employ for the purpose of maintaining the recompensed for his services. With his capital consisting solely of
causes confided to him such means only as are consistent with his brains and his skill, acquired at tremendous cost not only in
truth and honor and never seek to mislead the judge or any money but in the expenditure of time and energy, he is entitled to
judicial officer by an artifice or false statement of fact or law. the protection of any judicial tribunal against any attempt on the
- Under this Rule, a lawyer should not file or threaten to file any part of a client to escape payment of his fees. [Albano v. Coloma
unfounded or baseless criminal case or cases against the (1967)]
adversaries of his client designed to secure a leverage to compel
adversaries to yield or withdraw their own cases against the Rule 20.01 - A lawyer shall be guided by the following factors in
lawyer’s client. [Pena v Aparicio (2007)] determining his fees:
(1) Time spent and the extent of the services rendered or
Rule 19.02. A lawyer who has received information that his client required
has, in the course of the representation, perpetuated a fraud upon (2) Importance of the subject matter
a person or tribunal, shall promptly call upon the client to rectify (3) Novelty and difficulty of the questions involved;
the same, and failing which he shall terminate the relationship (4) Skill demanded;
with such client in accordance with the Rules of Court. (5) Probability of losing other employment as a result of
acceptance of the professed case;
Rule 19.03. A lawyer shall not allow his client to dictate the (6) Professional standing of the lawyer;
procedure in handling the case. (7) Amount involved in the controversy and the benefits
- Rules of Court, Rule 138, Sec. 23. Authority of attorneys to bind resulting to the client from the service
clients. Attorneys have authority to bind their clients in any case (8) Customary charges for similar services and the schedule of
by any agreement in relation thereto made in writing and in fees of the IBP Charter to which he belongs; and
taking appeals and in all matters of ordinary judicial procedure. (9) Contingency or certainty of compensation;
But they cannot, without special authority, compromise their (10) Character of the employment, whether occasional or
client's litigation or receive anything in discharge of a client's established.
claim but the full amount in cash. (11) Capacity of the client to pay.
- As to substantial matter: Employment itself confers upon the - Contingency Fee Arrangements
attorney no implied or apparent authority to bind the client on - Quantum Meruit - Means “as much as a lawyer deserves”.
substantial matters which the attorney may not impair, novate, - Quantum Meruit is authorized in the following instances.—
compromise, settle, surrender or destroy without the client’s (1) There is no express contract for attorney’s fees agreed upon
consent or authority: between the lawyer and the client;

(2) When although there is a formal contract of attorney’s fees, Rule 20.03. A lawyer shall not, without the full knowledge and
the stipulated fees are found unconscionable or consent of the client, accept any fee, reward, costs, commission,
unreasonable by the court; interest, rebate or forwarding allowances or other compensation
(3) When the contract for attorney’s fees is void due to purely whatsoever related to his professional employment from any one
formal matters or defects of execution; other than the client.
(4) When the counsel, for justifiable cause, was not able to finish - Rules of Court, Rule 138, Sec. 20(e). Duties of attorneys. It is the
the case to its conclusion; duty of an attorney… to accept no compensation in connection
(5) When lawyer and client disregard the contract of attorney’s with his client's business except from him or with his knowledge
fees and approval.
(6) When there is a contract but no stipulation as to attorney’s - Rationale
fees o ensures protection of lawyers in collection of fees.
- Guides in Determining Attorney’s Fees in Quantum Meruit Basis. – o secure the lawyer’s wholehearted fidelity to the client’s cause
(1) Time spent and Extent of the Services Rendered – A lawyer is o prevent that situation in which the receipt by him of a rebate
justified in fixing higher fees when the case is so complicated or commission from another in connection with the client’s
and requires more time and efforts to finish it. cause may interfere with the full discharge of his duty to the
(2) Importance of Subject Matter – The more important the client.
subject matter or the bigger value of the interest or property - The amount received by lawyer from opposite party or third
in litigation, the higher is the attorney’s fee. persons in the service of his client belongs to the client except
(3) Novelty and Difficulty of Questions Involved – When the when the latter has full knowledge and approval of lawyer’s
questions in a case are novel and difficult, greater efforts, taking [Agpalo]
deeper study and research, are bound to burn the lawyer’s
time and stamina considering that there are no local Rule 20.04. A lawyer shall avoid controversies with clients
precedents to rely upon. concerning his compensation and shall resort to judicial action
(4) Skill demanded of the Lawyer – The totality of the lawyer’s only to prevent imposition, injustice or fraud.
experience provides him the skill and competence admired in - Judicial actions to recover attorney’s fees
lawyers. (1) File an appropriate motion or petition as an incident in the
- Champertous Contract - One where the lawyer stipulates with his main action where he rendered legal services;
client the prosecution of the case that he will bear all the (2) File a separate civil action for collection of attorney’s fees.
expenses for the recovery of things or property being claimed, - Suits to collect fees should be avoided and only when the
and the latter pays only upon successful litigation. Void for being circumstances imperatively require should a lawyer resort to
against public policy. lawsuit to enforce payment of fees. This is but a logical
- Contingent Contract - It is an agreement in which the lawyer’s fee, consequence of the legal profession not primarily being for
usually a fixed percentage of what may be recovered in the economic compensation. [Agpalo]
action, is made to depend upon the success in the effort to - An attorney-client relationship can be created by implied
enforce or defend the client’s right. It is a valid agreement. It is agreement, as when the attorney actually rendered legal services
different from a champertous contract in that the lawyer does not for a person who is a close friend. The obligation of such a person
undertake to shoulder the expenses of the litigation. to pay attorney’s fees is based on the law of contracts’ concept of
facio ut des (no one shall unjustly enrich himself at the expense of
others. [Corpuz v. CA (1980)]
- Concept of Attorney’s Fees
o Ordinary Concept - An attorney’s fee is the reasonable
compensation paid to a lawyer for the legal services he has
Rule 20.02. A lawyer shall, in case of referral, with the consent of rendered to a client. The basis of this compensation is the
the client, be entitled to a division of fees in proportion to the fact of employment by the client.
work performed and responsibility assumed. o Extraordinary Concept - An attorney’s fee is an indemnity
o for damages ordered by the court to be paid by the losing
party to the prevailing party in a litigation. The basis of this
is any of the cases authorized by law and is payable not to
the lawyer but to the client – unless they have agreed that
the award shall pertain to the lawyer as additional
compensation or as part thereof. [Traders Royal Bank
Employees Union-Independent v. NLRC (1997)]
- Factors of the value [Rule 138, Sec, 24]
(1) Importance of the subject matter of controversy;
(2) Extent of the services rendered; and
(3) Professional standing of the attorney.
- Additionally, the court is not bound by the opinion of attorney’s
as expert witness as to proper compensation and that written
contract shall control the amount paid unless found by the court
to be unconscionable or reasonable.
- Modes of payment

(1) A fixed or absolute fee which is payable regardless of the - Revised Penal Code, Art. 209. Betrayal of trust by an attorney or
result of the case solicitor—Revelation of secrets […]attorney-at-law or solicitor
(2) A contingent fee that is conditioned to the securing of a (procurador judicial) who, by any malicious breach of professional
favorable judgment and recovery of money or property and duty or of inexcusable negligence or ignorance, shall prejudice his
the amount of which may be on a percentage basis client, or reveal any of the secrets of the latter learned by him in
(3) A fixed fee payable per appearance his professional capacity. The same penalty shall be imposed upon
(4) A fixed fee computed by the number of hours spent an attorney-at-law or solicitor (procurador judicial) who, having
(5) A fixed fee based on a piece of work undertaken the defense of a client or having received confidential
(6) A combination of any of the above stipulated fees. information from said client in a case, shall undertake the defense
- Compensation to which Lawyer is Entitled Depending on His of the opposing party in the same case, without the consent of his
Capacity first client.
- Counsel de Parte – He is entitled to a reasonable attorney’s fees - Duty to preserve client's confidence
agreed upon or in the absence thereof, on quantum meruit basis. (1) Neither attorney nor client nor anyone who stands in a
- Counsel de Officio – The counsel may not demand from the peculiar relation of confidence with either of them can be
accused attorney’s fees even if he wins the case. He may however compelled to disclose any privileged communication.
collect from the government funds if available based on the (2) This canon also applies to prospective clients. Formerly, in
amount fixed by the court. order that a communication shall be privileged, the
- Rule 138, Sec. 32. Compensation for attorneys de officio. Subject attorney-client relationship should exist at the time of
to availability of funds as may be provided by law the court may, communication. But at present, communication made by
in its discretion, order an attorney employed as counsel de officio prospective client is covered for as long as it is made to the
to be compensated in such sum as the court may fix in accordance lawyer in his professional capacity.
with section 24 of this rule. Whenever such compensation is - Duration of duty – perpetual
allowed, it shall not be less than P30 in any case, nor more than - Exceptions:
the following amounts: (1) Some privileged communications lose their privileged
(a) P50 in light felonies; character by some supervening act done pursuant to the
(b) P100 in less grave felonies; purpose of the communication (e.g. a communication
(c) P200 in grave felonies other than capital offenses; intended by the client to be sent to a third person through
(d) P500 in capital offenses. his attorney loses confidential character once it reached
- Amicus Curiae – not entitled to attorney’s fees. the third party).
- Counsel Cannot Recover Full Amount despite Written Contract (2) The privilege against disclosure of confidential
(1) When the services were not performed, and the lawyer communications or information is limited only to
withdrew before the case was finished, he will be allowed communications which are legitimately and properly within
only reasonable fees the scope of a lawful employment of a lawyer. It does not
(2) When there is justified dismissal of an attorney, the extend to those made in contemplation of a crime or
contract will be nullified and payment will be on quantum perpetration of a fraud. It is not within the profession of a
meruit basis lawyer to advise a client as to how he may commit a crime.
(3) When the stipulated fees are unconscionable Thus, the attorney-client privilege does not attach, there
(4) When the stipulated fees are in excess of what is expressly being no professional employment in the strict sense
provided by law - Reason for the rule
(5) When the lawyer is guilty of fraud or bad faith in the (1) This duty exists because unless the client knows that his
manner of his employment attorney cannot be compelled to reveal what is told to him,
(6) When the counsel’s services are worthless because of he will suppress what he thinks to be unfavorable and the
negligence advice which follows will be useless if not misleading.
(7) When the contract is contrary to laws, morals, and good (2) The purpose of the attorney-client privilege is to encourage
policies a client to make full disclosure to his attorney and to place
unestricted confidence in him in matters affecting his rights
Canon 21. A lawyer shall preserve the confidence and secrets of his or obligations.
client even after the attorney client relationship is terminated. - Confidentiality
- Rules of Court, Rule 138, 20(e). Duties of attorneys.—It is the duty (1) A confidential communication refers to information
of an attorney: (e) To maintain inviolate the confidence and at transmitted by voluntary act of disclosure between
every peril to himself to preserve the secrets of his client and to attorney and client in confidence and by means which so
accept no compensation in connection with his client's business far as the client is aware, discloses the information to no
except from him or with his knowledge and approval; third person other than one reasonably necessary for the
- Rules of Court, Rule 130, Sec. 21(b). Privileged communication. — transmission of the information or the accomplishment of
An attorney cannot, without the consent of his client, be the purpose for which it was given.
examined as to any communication made by the client to him or (2) There is a difference between confidences and secrets of
his advice given thereon in the course of professional clients. While confidences refer to information protected
employment; nor can an attorney's secretary stenographer or by attorney-client privilege under the Revised Rules of
clerk be examined without the consent of the client and his Court (information pertinent to the case being handled),
employer concerning any fact the knowledge of which has been secrets are those other information gained in the
acquired in such capacity. professional relationship that the client has requested to
be held inviolate or the disclosure of which would be

embarrassing or would likely be detrimental to client (4) consultation which has to do the preparation of a client to
(information not exactly pertinent to case). take the witness stand
(3) The intent of client to make communication confidential
must be apparent. But once conveyed to lawyer, Rule 21.01. A lawyer shall not reveal the confidence or secrets of
confidentiality attaches not only to statements but also to his client except:
other forms of communication. (a) When authorized by the client after acquainting him of the
(4) Embraces not only oral or written statements but actions, consequences of the disclosure;
signs or other means of communications. (b) When required by law;
(5) Communication may be transmitted by any form of agency, (c) When necessary to collect his fees or to defend himself, his
such as a messenger, an interpreter or any other form of employees or associates or by judicial action
transmission. It is immaterial whether the agent is the - Only when client consents will a lawyer be allowed to make use of
agent of the attorney, the client or both. said information. Use of said information, whether privileged or
- Requisites for Privileged Communication to Attach not, is prohibited if it is to the:
(1) The person to whom information is given is a lawyer. No (1) disadvantage of the client;
attorney-client relation when person is not a lawyer, even if (2) lawyer’s advantage;
such person undertakes to perform legal services. Exception: (3) advantage of third persons.
if a person is pretending to be a lawyer and client discloses - A lawyer may not disclose any information concerning the client’s
confidential communications, the attorney-client privilege case, which he acquired from the client in confidence, other than
applies. what may be necessary to prosecute or defend his client’s cause.
(2) There is legal relationship existing (may be disregarded for - In fact, loyalty to the court may not override this privilege as said
prospective clients) loyalty involves steadfast maintenance of principles which the
(3) Legal advice must be sought from the attorney in his courts themselves have evolved for the effective administration of
professional capacity with respect to communications justice; one of these principles is that of preservation of client’s
relating to that purpose. Not privileged if advice is not within confidence communicated to lawyer in his professional capacity.
lawyer’s professional capacity - Breach of this fidelity is sufficient to warrant disciplinary sanction
(4) Some privileged communication may lose privileged against the lawyer.
character. Client must intend the communication be - If a lawyer manages to acquire information regarding the
confidential. opposing party’s cause, he must withdraw
(5) Question of privilege determined by court. The burden of - Client may not make communications to opposing counsel to
proof is on the party who asserts the privilege. silence him (such communication is not privileged)
- Persons Entitled to claim Privilege - If corporate client, secret of 1 corporate officer may be disclosed
(1) Generally, the attorney-client privilege covers the lawyer, to directors but not to others
client and third persons who by reason of their work have - Involves a balancing of loyalties (e.g. client committed perjury,
acquired information about the case being handled. This should lawyer disclose?)
includes the following: - The Exceptions to the General Rule. – (These exceptions to the
(a) attorney’s secretary, stenographer and clerk; general rule are found in Rule 21.01.)
(b) interpreter, messengers, or agents transmitting (1) When authorized by the client after acquainting him of
communication the consequences of the disclosure
(c) an accountant, scientist, physician, engineer who has (a) A waiver of the privilege must be made in entirety. Only
been hired for effective consultation. the client may waive privilege.
(2) Assignee of the client's interest may claim the privilege as far (b) Consent given by client to lawyer’s secretary
as the communication affects the realization of the assigned (staff/employees) will not give him/her the right to
interest. reveal confidences. Lawyer’s consent is necessary.
(3) Identification of client privilege extends when the ff are not (2) When required by law
present: (a) A lawyer may disclose commission of contemplated
(a) commencement of litigation on behalf of the client, crimes or perpetuation of fraud. For the application of
(b) identification relating to employment of 3rd person, the privilege to attach, the period to be considered is the
(c) employment of attorney with respect to future criminal/ date when the privileged communication was made by
fraudulent transaction, the client to the attorney in relation to either a crime
(d) prosecution of a lawyer for a criminal offense committed in the past or with respect to a crime
(4) This rule does not cover those kept for custodial purposes intended to be committed in the future.
only nor contracts relating to attorney’s fees (3) When necessary to collect attorney's fees or to defend
- Examples of privileged matters himself, his employees or associates or by judicial action
(1) work product of lawyer (his effort, research and thought (a) client waives privilege in favor of lawyer who may
contained in his file) disclose so much of client’s confidences as may be
(2) a report of a physician, an accountant, an engineer or a necessary to protect himself or to collect fees
technician, whose services have been secured by a client as
part of his communication to his attorney or by the Rule 21.02. A lawyer shall not, to the disadvantage of his client,
attorney to assist him render effective legal assistance to use information acquired in the course of employment nor shall he
his client use the same to his advantage or that of a third person unless the
(3) records concerning an accident in which a party is involve client with full knowledge of the circumstances consents thereto

Rule 21.03. A lawyer shall not, without the written consent of his (1) Client cannot deprive counsel of right to be paid services if
client, give information from his files to an outside agency seeking dismissal is without cause
such information for auditing, statistical, bookkeeping, accounting, (2) Client cannot discharge counsel as an excuse to secure
data processing, or any similar purpose. repeated extensions of time
- Reason: work and product of a lawyer, such as his effort, research, (3) Notice of discharge is required for both court and adverse
and thought, and the records of his client, contained in his files party
are privileged matters. (1) Although a lawyer may withdraw his services when the
client deliberately fails to pay the fees for the services,
Rule 21.04. A lawyer may disclose the affairs of a client of the firm withdrawal is unjustified if client did not deliberately fail to
to partners or associates thereof unless prohibited by the client. pay [Montano v. IBP (2001)]

Rule 21.05. A lawyer shall adopt such measures as may be required Rule 22.01. A lawyer may withdraw his services in any of the
to prevent those whose services are utilized by him from disclosing following case:
or using confidences or secrets of the client. (1) When the client pursues an illegal or immoral course of conduct
(a) Professional employment of a law firm is equivalent to in connection with the matter he is handling;
retainer of the members thereof even though only one (2) When the client insists that the lawyer pursue conduct violative
partner is consulted. Members of a law firm are considered as of these canons and rules;
one entity. (3) When his inability to work with co-counsel will not promote the
(b) The client’s secrets which clerical aids of lawyers learn of in best interest of the client;
the performance of their services are covered by privileged (4) When the mental or physical condition of the lawyer renders it
communication. difficult for him to carry out the employment effectively;
(5) When the client deliberately fails to pay the fees for the
Rule 21.06. A lawyer shall avoid indiscreet conversation about a services or fails to comply with the retainer agreement;
client’s affairs even with members of his family (6) When the lawyer is elected or appointed to public office; and
Rule 21.07 – A lawyer shall not reveal that he has been consulted (7) Other similar cases
about a particular case except to avoid possible conflict of
interests. Rule 22.02. A lawyer who withdraws or is discharged shall, subject
- Disclosure and the lawyer's opinion thereon create an attorney- to a retainer lien, immediately turn over all papers and property to
client relationship, even though the lawyer does not eventually which the client is entitled, and shall cooperate with his successor
accept the employment or the prospective client did not in the orderly transfer of the matter, including all information
thereafter actually engage the lawyer. necessary for the proper handling of the matter.
- By the consultation, the lawyer already learned of the secrets of - Conditions for the Substitution of Counsel
prospective client as it is not fair if not bound (1) Written request for substitution
exceptrepresentation of conflicting interests. (2) Written consent of client
- A lawyer shall not reveal the confidence or secrets of his client (3) Written consent of the attorney to be substituted or in the
except: absence, proof of service of notice of said motion to the
(a) When authorized by the client after acquainting him of the attorney to be substituted
consequences of the disclosure; - At the discretion of the court, a lawyer who has been dismissed by
(b) When required by law; a client is allowed to intervene in a case in order to protect the
(c) When necessary to collect his fees or to defend himself, his client’s rights. [Obando v. Figueras (2000)]
employees or associates or by judicial action.

Canon 22. A lawyer shall withdraw his services only for good cause
and upon notice appropriate in the circumstances.
- Termination of Attorney-Client Relation
(1) Withdrawal of lawyer under Rule 22.01
(2) Death of the lawyer
(3) Disbarment or suspension of the lawyer from the practice
of law
(4) Declaration of presumptive death of lawyer
(5) Conviction of a crime and imprisonment of lawyer
(6) Discharge or dismissal of the lawyer by the client
(7) Appointment or election of a lawyer to a government
position which prohibits private practice of law
(8) Death of client
(9) Intervening incapacity or incompetence of the client during
pendency of case
(10) Full termination of the case
- General Rule: The client has the right to terminate at any time
with or without just cause.
- Limitations

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