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1. Lisa is newly diagnosed with asthma and is being discharged from the hospital after an episode of
status asthmaticus. Discharge teaching should include which of the following:

Limitations in sports that will be imposed by the illness

Specific instructions on staying cal during an attack

The relationship of symptoms and a specific trigger such as physical exercise

Incidence of status asthmaticus in children and teens

2. Which of the following symptoms is most characteristic of a client with a cancer of the lung?

air hunger

exertional dyspnea

cough with night sweats

persistent changing cough

3. The client has ST segment depression on his 12-lead ECG. The nurse determines that this would
indicate the following:




nothing significant

4. Red has just returned from the postanesthesia care unit (PACU) from a hemorrhidectomy. His
postoperative orders include sitz baths every morning. The nurse understands that sitz bath is use for:

promote healing

relive tension

lower body temperature

cause swelling

5. Trousseau’s sign is associated with which electrolyte imbalance?





6. A 36 year old female complains of headache and neck pain. The nurse’s assessments reveal painful
flexion of the neck to the chest. The nurse understands that nuchal rigidity is associated with:

brain tumor



subdural hematoma

7. The nurse teaching the client about behavioral changes, which can affect development of
atherosclerosis, should discuss which of the following as a non-modifiable risk factor for atherosclerosis?

cigarette smoking


female over 55 years of age

sedentary lifestyle

8. A 76 year old man enters the ER with complaints of back pain and feeling fatigued. Upon examination,
his blood pressure is 190/100, pulse is 118, and hematocrit and hemoglobin are both low. The nurse
palpates the abdomen which is soft, non-tender and auscultates an abdominal pulse. The most likely
diagnosis is:

Buerger’s disease

Secondary hypertension


9. Nurse Fiona is caring a patient with Raynaud’s disease. Which of the following outcomes concerning
medication regimen is of highest priority?

Controlling the pain once vasospasm occur

Relaxing smooth muscle to avoid vasospasms

Preventing major disabilities that may occur

Avoiding lesions on the feet

10. Mr. Roberto Robles complains of a severe headache and is extremely anxious. The nurse checks his
vital signs and finds him to have a heart rate of 57 bpm and a blood pressure of 230/110 mmHg. The
nurse should also assess for?

presence of bowel sounds

presence of babinski reflex

fecal incontinence

urinary catheter patency

11. A 40n year old male patient is complaining of chronic progressive and mental deterioration is
admitted to the unit. The nurse recognizes that these characteristics indicate a disease that results in
degeneration of the basal ganglia and cerebral cortex. The disease is called:

multiple sclerosis

myasthenia gravis

Huntington’s disease

Guillain-Barre syndrome
12. Dianne Hizon is a 27 year old woman who has been admitted to the ER due to severe vomiting. Her
ABG values are pH= 7.50, PaCO2= 85, HCO3= 31, and SaO2= 93%. The nurse interpretation of this ABG
analysis is:

respiratory acidosis

respiratory alkalosis

metabolic acidosis

metabolic alkalosis

13. Mr. Perkson has a parkinson’s disease and he finds the resting tremor he is experiencing in his right
hand very frustrating. The nurse advises him to:

take a warm bath

hold an object

practice deep breathing

take diazepam as needed

14. A shuffling gait is typically associated with the patient who has:

Parkinson’s disease

Multiple sclerosis

Raynaud’s disease

Myasthenia gravis

15. The priority in preparing the room for a client with a C7 spinal cord injury is having:

the halo brace device

a catheterization tray

a ventilator on stand by

the spinal kinetic bed

16. A 47 year old man with liver failure who has developed ascites. The nurse understands that ascites is
due to:


protein deficiency

bleeding disorders

vitamin deficiency

17. A client with rheumatoid arthritis may reveal which of the following assessment data:

Heberden’s nodes

Morning stiffness no longer than 30 minutes

Asymmetric joint swelling

Swan neck deformities

18. Elsa Santos is a 18 year old student admitted to the ward with a diagnosis of epilepsy. She tells the
nurse that she is experiencing a generalized tingling sensation and is “smelling roses”. The nurse
understands that Esla is probably experiencing:

an acute alcohol withdrawal

an acute CVA

an aura

an olfactory hallucination

19. Mr. Lucas, a 63 year old, went to the clinic complaining of hoarseness of voice and a cough. His wife
states that his voice has changed in the last few months. The nurse interprets that Mr. Lucas’s symptoms
are consistent with which of the following disorders:

chronic sinusitis

laryngeal cancer
gastroesophageal reflux disease

coronary artery disease

20. Sarah complains of a nursing sensation, cramping pain in the top part of her abdomen that becomes
worse in the afternoon and sometimes awakes her at night. She reports that when she eats, it helps the
pain go away but that pain is now becoming more intense. Which of the following is the best condition
for the nurse to draw:

these symptoms are consistent with an ulcer

The client probably has indigestion

A snack before going to bed should be advised

The client probably developing cholelithiasis

21. Nurse Cynthia is providing a discharge teaching to a client with chronic cirrhosis. His wife asks her to
explain why there is so much emphasis on bleeding precautions. Which of the following provides the
most appropriate response?

“The low protein diet will result in reduced clotting.”

“The increased production of bile decreases clotting factors.”

“The liver affected by cirrhosis is unable to produce clotting factors.”

“The required medications reduce clotting factors.”

22. Betty Lee is a 58 year old woman who is being admitted to the medical ward with trigeminal
neuralgia. The nurse anticipates that Mr. Lee will demonstrate which of the following major complaints?

excruciating, intermittent, paroxysmal facial pain

unilateral facial droop

painless eye spasm

mildly painful unilateral eye twitching

23. A 38 year old woman returns from a subtotal thryroidectomy for the treatment of hyperthyroidism.
Upon assessment, the immediate priority that the nurse would include is:
Assess for pain

Assess for neurological status

Assess fluid volume status

Assess for respiratory distress

24. Nurse Shiela is teaching self-care to a client with psoriasis. The nurse should encourage which of the
following for his scaled lesion?

Importance of follow-up appointments

Emollients and moisturizers to soften scales

Keep occlusive dressings on the lesions 24 hours a day

Use of a clean razor blade each time he shaves

25. A 48 year old woman presents to the hospital complaining of chest pain, tachycardia and dyspnea.
On exam, heart sounds are muffled. Which of the following assessment findings would support a
diagnosis of cardiac tamponade?

A deviated trachea

Absent breath sounds to the lower lobes

Pulse 40 with inspiration

Blood pressure 140/80

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