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1. Amebic Eye Conjunctiva Acanthamoeba The amebas enter the Inflammation Different regimens
Infections eye from include topical
Cornea Escherichia coli or of the conjunctiva,
preparations of
(Eye) another member of the ameba-contaminated corneal
family waters. Infections have
ulcers, pus formation,Neomycin-Polymyxin
occurred primarily in
Enterobacteriaceae. and severe pain. B-Gramicidin,
These infections can biguanide (PHMB),
who wear soft contact
lead to loss of chlorhexadine, and
lenses and have used
non-sterile, homemade vision. The disease voriconazole. Some
cleaning process is more practitioners
recommend oral
or wetting solutions, or rapid if corneal ketoconazole.
have become infected abrasions are present.
spas or hot tubs.
2. Toxoplasmosis Central nervous Toxoplasma gondii Humans usually Brain inflammation, The usual treatment of
system, become infected by causing headaches, choice is
eating infected raw or seizures, confusion pyrimethamine
eyes (chorioretinitis),
and coma. combined with
lungs, muscles, or under cooked meat
sulfadiazine. Other
(usually pork or A lung infection,
heart drugs that may be used
mutton) containing the causing cough, fever,
cyst form of the and shortness of trimethoprim-sulfamet
breath, hoxazole
parasite or by
(Bactrim, Septra),
ingesting oocysts that an eye infection,
have been shed in the causing blurry vision
and atovaquone (Mepr
feces of infected and eye pain.
swollen lymph nodes,
especially in the neck.
muscle aches and
sore throat.

3. Amebiasis Mucous membranes of Entamoeba histolytica (a) Via ingestion of Mild or severe Treatment of
the colon, fecally contaminated dysentery, fever, amebiasis includes
food or water chills, bloody or pharmacologic
Tract) liver, lung, brain, and
containing mucoid therapy, surgical
other organs.
intervention, and
cysts, (b) by flies diarrhea or
preventive measures,
transporting cysts from constipation, and
as appropriate. Most
feces to food, colitis.
individuals with
(c) via the fecally amebiasis may be
soiled hands of treated on an
infected food handlers, outpatient basis.
(d) by Severe colitis and
hypovolemia requiring
oral–anal sexual
intravenous (IV)
contact, or (e) by anal
volume replacement
intercourse involving
multiple sex partners.
4. Balantidiasis Colon Balantidium coli Transmission most Diarrhea or dysentery, Tetracycline is the
(Gastrointestinal often occurs via colic, nausea, and treatment of choice,
Tract) ingestion of B. coli vomiting. with metronidazole
cysts in fecally being the primary
contaminated food or alternative.
water. Iodoquinol,
puromycin, and
nitazoxanide are also
5. Cryptosporidiosis Intestines Cryptosporidium Fecal–oral May be asymptomatic Nitazoxanide has been
parvum or may cause diarrhea, FDA-approved for
(Gastrointestinal transmission; from
treatment of diarrhea
Tract) person to person, from cramping, and
animal to person, or abdominal pain. Less
by Cryptosporidium in
common symptoms
via ingestion of people with healthy
contaminated water or include malaise, fever, immune systems and
food. anorexia, nausea, and is available by
prescription. However,
the effectiveness of
nitazoxanide in
individuals is unclear.

6. Cyclosporiasis Intestines Cyclospora Transmission is Causing watery Trimethoprim/sulfame

cayetanensis diarrhea thoxazole
(Gastrointestinal primarily waterborne,
(TMP/SMX), is the
Tract) but outbreaks have (6 or more stools per
usual therapy for
involved contaminated day), nausea, anorexia,
Cyclospora infection.
raspberries, basil, and No highly effective
lettuce. cramping, fatigue, and alternative antibiotic
weight loss. The regimen has been
identified yet for
diarrhea lasts between patients who do not
9 and 43 days in respond to the standard
immuno- treatment or have a
competent sulfa allergy.

patients, and months in

7. Giardiasis Duodenum (the Giardia lamblia (also Transmission occurs Asymptomatic, mild, Metronidazole is the
uppermost portion of called or most commonly
(Gastrointestinal via the fecal–oral
the small prescribed antibiotic
Tract) Giardia intestinalis) route, usually by severe. Patients
for this condition.
intestine) ingestion of cysts in experience diarrhea,
fecally steatorrhea
contaminated water or (loose, pale,
foods, or from person malodorous, fatty
to person by soiled stools), abdominal
hands to mouth (as cramps, bloating,
occurs in day care abdominal gas,
centers). fatigue, and
possibly weight loss.
8. Cutaneous Mucous membrane Cutaneous A vector-borne disease Crusted papules or Cutaneous ulcers will
Leishmaniasis leishmaniasis (CL). through bite of ulcers on exposed often heal without
Three species, infective female skin; lesions may be treatment. However,
Leishmania major, L. phlebotomines associated with treatment can speed
tropica and L. (sandflies). L. major is sporotrichotic spread. healing, reduce
infantum. transmitted scarring, and decrease
by Phlebotomus risk of further disease.
papatasi from the Any skin ulcers that
animal reservoir to cause disfigurement
humans. L. tropica is may require plastic
transmitted by P. surgery.
sergenti from person
to person.

9. Mucocutaneous Nose, throat and L. Amazonensis, Infection is transmitted This may be Sodium,
Leishmaniasis mouth by the bite of female accompanied by fever,
L. (Viannia) Stibogluconate
phlebotomine fatigue, and general
(Skin) braziliensis, (Pentostam),
sandflies. Sandflies illness. The
Amphotericin B
L. (V.) guyanensis, acquire the parasites complications may
(Fungizone), and
and by biting infected include secondary
Cycloguanil pamZoate
reservoirs. infections and
L. (V.) panamensis. (Camolar)
Transmission from complete destruction
person to person by of the face
injected blood or (particularly the region
contaminated syringes around the mouth and
and needles is also nose)
10. Visceral Spleen, liver, bone L. donovani Sandflies; small flying Irregular bouts of Intravenous
Leishmamaniasis marrow and lymph insects that are smaller fever, weight loss, medication (that may
L. infantum
(Skin) nodes than mosquitoes and enlargement of the include intramuscular
less noisy. The spleen and liver, and injections).
sandflies transmit anaemia.
Topical ointments, if
Leishmania organisms,
required. For fungal
which are protozoan
(secondary) infections
parasites, in blood
that develop due to
causing the infection.
Blood transfusion, Leishmaniasis,
antifungal medication
sharing of
are prescribed.
contaminated needles.

11. Trichomoniasis In women: Trichomonas vaginalis Transmission occurs In women: Metronidazole (Flagyl)
by direct Metronidazole is
(Genitourinary Tract) vagina, urethra, or Vaginal discharge,
highly effective in the
both. contact with vaginal which can be white,
treatment of many
and gray, yellow, or green,
anaerobic bacterial and
and usually frothy
urethral discharges of protozoal infections.
In men: with an unpleasant
infected people during Oral metronidazole is
urethra sexual intercourse. the drug of choice for
Because this organism Vaginal spotting or trichomoniasis.
exists only in the bleeding, Single-dose therapy
with 2 g orally is as
fragile trophozoite genital burning or effective
stage (there is no cyst itching, asprolonged therapy
stage), it cannot with 500 mg twice
genital redness or
survive very long swelling, daily for 7 days.
outside the human
frequent urge to
urinate and
pain during urination
or sexual intercourse.
In men:
Discharge from the
burning during
urination or after
ejaculation and
an urge to urinate

12. Primary Amebic Brain and meninges N. fowleri, an The amebas usually Stage 1: Treated with
Meningoencephali ameboflagellate, enter the intravenous and
Severe frontal
tis Amebas in the genera intrathecal
nasal passages of a headache
Acanthamoeba amphotericin B,
(Central Nervous person diving and/or
Fever intravenous and
System) and Balamuthia can swimming in
cause similar ameba-contaminated miconazole, and oral
conditions. water, such as ponds, Vomiting rifampin.
lakes, “the old
swimming hole,”
thermal springs, hot Stage 2:
tubs, spas, and Stiff neck
public swimming Seizures
Altered mental status

13. African Bloodstream T. brucei ssp. The parasites then Severe headache, Pentamidine, which is
Trypanosomiasis gambiense, in western personality change, the recommended drug
multiply and mature
(African Sleeping and weight loss, for first stage T. b.
within the infected
irritability, loss of gambiense infection, is
Sickness) central Africa, causes tsetse flies. Humans
concentration,progress widely available in the
most cases of sleeping
(Circulatory System) become infected when ive confusion, slurred U.S. The other drugs
sickness; the
mature trypanosomes speech, (suramin, melarsoprol,
disease may last (trypomastigotes) eflornithine, and
Seizures, difficulty
several years. T. nifurtimox) used to
are injected into the walking and talking,s
brucei ssp. treat African
bloodstream as the leeping for long
rhodesiense, in trypanosomiasis are
infected tsetse flies periods of the day and
available in the U.S.
eastern Africa ansomnia at night
take blood meals. only from the CDC.
14. Babesiosis Kidney, Lungs, Liver Babesia microti and Transmission Fever, chills, myalgia, The most common
other fatigue, jaundice, treatment given is a
(Circulatory System) occurs by tick bite and
combination of
Babesia spp., rarely, by blood and anemia. It is
quinine (650 mg of
including Babesia transfusion. potentially severe and
salt orally, three times
divergens sometimes
daily) and clinamyacin
fatal, especially in (600 mg orally, three
splenectomized and times daily) for 7-10
elderly people. days. Other drugs have
also been used in
treatment with varied
results. These
medicines include:
pentamidine and
15. Malaria Red blood cell, Liver, Four species in the Most human infections Malaise, fever, chills, Chloroquine phosphat
Spleen genus sweating, headache, e
(Circulatory System) occur as a result of
and (Aralen) Chloroquine
Plasmodium: injection of
phosphate is effective
Plasmodium vivax (the sporozoites into the nausea. The frequency
against P vivax, P
most common with which the cycle
bloodstream by an ovale, P malariae, and
species), P. of
infected female drug-sensitive P
falciparum (the most Anopheles mosquito chills, fever, and falciparum. It can be
deadly), Plasmodium while sweating is repeated is used for prophylaxis or
malariae, and referred to treatment. This is the
taking a blood meal. prophylactic drug of
Plasmodium ovale. Infection may also as periodicity. choice for sensitive
occur as a result of
In addition to these malaria.
blood transfusion or symptoms, falciparum
the use of malaria may be
accompanied by
cough, diarrhea,
and syringes. respiratory distress,
shock, renal and liver
failure, pulmonary and
cerebral edema, coma,
and death.
16. Ascariasis Small Intestine Ascaris lumbricoides Transmission occurs Abdominal symptoms Medications such as
Infection when eggs are (discomfort, single-dose albendazol
swallowed from soil e (Albenza)
(Gastrointestinal contaminated with swelling, pain), or mebendazole (Verm
Tract) human faeces or ox) are drugs of choice
nausea, vomiting,
consumed with for ascariasis. Health
Helmith Disease
produce contaminated fever, coughing, care providers
with soil containing administer the drugs
infective eggs. It does wheezing, passage of for only about one to
not occur from direct parasites and their three days. Other
person-to-person eggs in stools. drugs such
contact or from fresh as ivermectin (Stromec
faeces. tol), levamisole (Erga
misol), pyrantel pamoa
te (Pin Rid, Pin
X), nitazoxanide, and
piperazine citrate have
also been used
17. Hookworm Feet Ancylostoma The larvae mature into Infection may be One of the following
Infection duodenale or a form that can asymptomatic, but a drugs may be used:
Necator americanus penetrate the skin of pruritic rash may
(Gastrointestinal Albendazole 400 mg
humans. Hookworm appear at the site of
Tract) po as a single dose.
infection is transmitted larval penetration, and
Mebendazole 100 mg
Helmith Disease primarily by walking pulmonary
po bid for 3 days or
barefoot on involvement may
500 mg as a single
contaminated soil. One cause cough and
dose. Pyrantel
kind wheezing.
pamoate 11 mg/kg
of hookworm (Ancylo
(maximum dose of 1
stoma duodenale)can
also g) po once/day for 3
be transmitted through days.
the ingestion of larvae.

18. Pinworm Infection Around the anus and Enterobius Pinworm infection is Discomfort in the anal Usually, a single tablet
(enterobiasis) vagina vermicularis spread and/or vaginal area. of mebendazole (Verm
person-to-person. ox) is used for
(Gastrointestinal Rash or skin irritation
Within a few hours of treatment. This can
Tract) around the anus or
being deposited on the sometimes be repeated
Helmith Disease skin around the anus, a week later or, if
pinworm eggs become Insomnia or difficulty infection persists, the
infective (capable of sleeping. medication is given
infecting another again three weeks
person). Infection is Pinworms can often be later.
acquired when these seen on the anal skin
eggs are accidentally or in the stools, Another effective
swallowed, usually sometimes detected in medication
due to inadequate hand the vagina and may are albendazole (Alben
washing by the parents produce some vaginal za), Pyrantel pamoate
discharge. (Pin-Rid, Pin-X), oral
and children.
However, eggs on Some infected (Vermox)
bedding or other individuals may and ivermectin (Strom
objects that are have abdominal pain. ectol).
touched while the eggs
are still viable can Some infected
individuals can get
cause infection or secondary bacterial
reinfection of people. infections from intense
skin scratching.
Infrequent infection of
the ureters and/or
bladder may
cause dysuria or
bladder discomfort.

19. Whipworm Large and small Trichuris trichiura A whipworm infection Bloody diarrhea, The most common and
Infection intestines can develop after painful or frequent effective treatment for
(trichuriasis) ingesting water or dirt defecation, abdominal a whipworm infection
contaminated with pain, nausea, vomiting is an antiparasitic
feces containing medication, such as
Tract) headaches, sudden and
whipworm parasites. albendazole and
unexpected weight
Helmith Disease Anyone who has come mebendazole. This
loss, fecal
into contact with type of medication
incontinence, or the
contaminated feces gets rid of any
inability to control
can also contract a whipworms and
whipworm infection. whipworm eggs in the
body. The medication
usually needs to be
taken for one to three
20. Strongyloidiasis Intestine Strongyloides Through direct Mostly affect the Vermectin,
stercoralis penetration of human intestine (abdominal thiabendazole and
skin by infective pain and intermittent albendazole are the
larvae when in contact or persistent most effective
Helmith Disease with soil; walking diarrhoea), the lungs medicines for treating
barefoot is therefore a (cough, wheezing, the infection.
major risk factor for chronic bronchitis) or Albendazole is
acquiring the skin (pruritus, considered the least
infection. Strongyloide urticaria). Although effective. Ivermectin,
s spp. larvae penetrate strongyloidiasis has the drug of choice, is
the human host and usually mild not available in all
reach the intestine manifestations, the endemic countries.
where they mature into infection may be
adults and produce severe and
eggs; the eggs hatch in life-threatening in
the gut lumen and cases of
yield larvae that are immunodeficiency
evacuated in faeces. (haematological
The peculiarity of this diseases,
worm is that some immunosuppressive
larvae are not excreted therapies).
but reinvade the
intestine or perianal
skin to perpetuate the
21. Beef tapeworm Intestine Taenia saginata Develop taeniasis by Pain, unexplained Medications for the
Infection eating raw or weight loss, blockage treatment of taeniasis
undercooked beef or of the intestine include praziquantel
pork. Contaminated (Biltricide) and
Tract) digestive problems.
food can contain albendazole (Albenza).
Helmith Disease tapeworm eggs or
Both drugs are
larvae that grow in
antihelmintics, which
your intestines when
means that they kill
parasitic worms and
their eggs. In most
cases, these
medications are
provided in a single
dose. They can take a
few weeks to fully
clear an infection. The
tapeworm will be
excreted as waste.

22. Dog tapeworm Small Intestine Dipylidium caninum The dog will ingest a Another telltale sign of A prescription drug
Infection host that is harboring worm infestation is if called praziquantel is
tapeworm eggs, most your dog scoots his used to treat
often an adult flea. anus across the tapeworms, either
There are a few ways a ground, on a rug, or orally or by injection.
Helmith Disease dog might ingest a another rough surface. The medication causes
flea, such as This is due to the the tapeworm to
self-grooming, or irritation the segments dissolve within the
grooming a canine or are causing his skin. intestine. The drug
feline housemate. You may see your dog generally does not
Other animals that are licking or biting at the have adverse side
potential transmitters area. Occasionally, a effects.
of eggs include birds, portion of the
rabbits, or rodents, tapeworm will be
which even a well-fed released when your
dog might scavenge dog vomits.
for. Once digested, the
tapeworm eggs settle
into your dog’s small
intestine. There it will
develop into an adult

23. Dwarf tapeworm Intestine Hymenolepis nana Indirect 2-host cycle: Infections are often Praziquantel,
Infection Rodents are the asymptomatic, but Alternatively, nitazoxa
primary definitive heavy infections may nide or, outside the
hosts, and grain cause crampy US, niclosamide
beetles, fleas, or other abdominal pain,
Helmith Disease insects feed on diarrhea, anorexia,
contaminated rodent weight loss and
droppings as pruritis ani.
intermediate hosts;
humans can become
infected by ingesting
parasitized insects.
oral-anal cycle: Eggs
are passed from one
human to another or
recycle externally in a
single host. Internal
autoinfection: Eggs
hatch within the gut
and initiate a 2nd
generation without
ever exiting the host.
Autoinfection can
result in massive
numbers of worms,
which can cause
nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea, abdominal
pain, weight loss, and
nonspecific systemic
24. Fish tapeworm Intestine Diphyllobothrium A fish tapeworm Diarrhea, fatigue, Praziquantel. This
Infection latum infection occurs when drug is used to treat
stomach cramps and p
a person eats different kinds
(Gastrointestinal ain, chronic
undercooked of worm infections. It
Tract) hunger or lack of
or raw fish that’s causes severe spasms
appetite unintended
Helmith Disease contaminated with fish in the worm’s muscles
weight loss and
tapeworm larvae. The so the worm can be
larvae then grow in the passed through the
intestines. It takes stool.
between three to six
Niclosamide. This
weeks before they’re
drug is prescribed
fully grown. An adult
specifically for
tapeworm can grow up
tapeworm infections
to 30 feet long. It’s the
and kills the worm on
largest parasite to
contact. The dead
affect humans.
worm is later passed
through the stool.
25. Pork tapeworm Intestine Taenia solium Develop taeniasis by Pain, unexplained Medications for the
Infection eating raw or weight loss, blockage treatment of taeniasis
undercooked beef or of the intestine include praziquantel
pork. Contaminated (Biltricide) and
Tract) digestive problems.
food can contain albendazole (Albenza).
Helmith Disease tapeworm eggs or
Both drugs are
larvae that grow in
antihelmintics, which
your intestines when
means that they kill
eaten. parasitic worms and
their eggs. In most
cases, these
medications are
provided in a single
dose. They can take a
few weeks to fully
clear an infection. The
tapeworm will be
excreted as waste.

26. Rat tapeworm Intestine Hymenolepis diminuta Humans and other Diarrhea The treatment for this
animals become condition is a single
Infection Gastrointestinal
infected when they eat dose of praziquantel,
(Gastrointestinal material contaminated repeated in 10 days.
Tract) by insects (including Itchy anus
Household members
fleas associated with
Helmith Disease Poor appetite may also need to be
rats). In an infected
screened and treated
person, it is possible Weakness because the infection
for the worm's entire
can be spread from
life cycle to be
person to person.
completed in the
bowel, so infection can
last for years.
27. Fasciolopsiasis Blood vessels, GI Fasciolopsis buski; an Human infection is Most infections are Praziquantel 25 mg/kg
tract, lungs, liver intestinal fluke acquired by eating light and po tid for 1 day
aquatic plants (eg, asymptomatic, but
water chestnuts) that heavy infections may
Helmith Disease bear infectious cause diarrhea,
metacercariae abdominal pain, fever,
(encysted stage). Adult and signs of
worms attach to and malabsorption or
ulcerate the mucosa of intestinal obstruction.
the proximal small
bowel. They grow to
about 20 to 75 mm by
8 to 20 mm. Adult
worms have a life span
of about 1 yr.
28. Fascioliasis Blood vessels, GI Fasciola hepatica; a It belongs to the group Acute infection can Treatment of
tract, lungs, liver liver fluke of foodborne cause abdominal pain, fascioliasis is with
trematode infections hepatomegaly, nausea, triclabendazole (10
and is a zoonosis, vomiting, intermittent mg/kg po once after
Helmith Disease meaning an animal fever, urticaria, meals or, for severe
infection that may be eosinophilia, malaise, infections, twice 12 to
transmitted to humans. and weight loss due to 24h
liver damage. Chronic apart). Nitazoxanide 5
infection may be 00 mg bid po for 7
asymptomatic or lead days may be effective,
to intermittent but the data are
abdominal pain,
cholelithiasis, limited.
Treatment failures are
obstructive jaundice,
or pancreatitis.
with praziquantel; it is
Heavy infection can not recommended.
cause sclerosing
cholangitis and biliary
cirrhosis. Ectopic
lesions may occur in
the intestinal wall,
lungs, or other organs.

29. Clonorchiasis Blood vessels, GI Clonorchis sinensis; Infection is acquired Symptoms include Praziquantel 25 mg/kg
tract, lungs, liver) also known as the by eating undercooked fever, chills, po tid for 2 days
Chinese or freshwater fish. epigastric pain, tender
Oriental liver fluke Humans become
Helmith Disease diarrhea, and mild Albendazole 10 mg/kg
infected by eating raw,
jaundice. po once/day for 7 days
undercooked, dried,
salted, or pickled fish In the acute phase,
containing encysted heavier infections can
metacercariae (resting cause fever, chills,
or maturing stage). epigastric pain, tender
hepatomegaly, mild
jaundice, and
eosinophilia. Later,
diarrhea may occur.
Chronic cholangitis in
heavy infections may
progress to atrophy of
liver parenchyma and
portal fibrosis.
Jaundice may occur if
a mass of flukes
obstructs the biliary

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