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Bernstein 1

Chad Bernstein

Mrs. Flowers

10 H Literature

1 May 2018

1 Million Dollars

It was a windy Sunday morning, I had just woken up to the sound of a knock at my door.

I stumbled out of bed and opened the door. A tall, well-dressed man introduced himself as Oliver

Dimmadome and he came from Ustinkastan to bring me some urgent news. He informed me that

I had a long-lost brother who had been killed during a civil uprising in his hometown and I had

just inherited his fortune since I was the only living member of our family. I was extremely

skeptical hearing this news, yet I was quite intrigued. I let him in my house and we sat and

discussed the fine print in Oliver’s will. He had 1 million dollars in Euros that I had just

inherited. I was in shock. I had not been doing so well since I had just lost my job and was on my

way to becoming poverty-stricken. Oliver said his goodbyes and handed me a check on his way

out. It was for me; 1 million dollars.

I rushed to the bank to see if the check was real. The bank teller told me it was real, and

gave me a strange look since checks with such amounts don’t go through banks that often. I had

just become rich. I could finally buy all the things I wanted. I knew I had to be fiscally prudent

with my inheritance, so I decided to invest a fraction into some stocks and cryptocurrency. I no

longer had to bike everywhere and take public transportation. With that money, I bought my

dream car; An Audi a3. The car could fly down the busy suburbs of Charlestown. I still had 75%

of my fortune left.
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I decided that I would move to a nice apartment in downtown Charleston. Suddenly, I

realized that this inheritance wouldn’t take care of me forever. I was still unemployed. I looked

through the local newspaper for openings in restaurants since I had recently graduated from

culinary school. There were no openings. I slowly drove home and went to bed. That night, I

dreamt of opening a restaurant. It was called La Avenue and served Italian American food. The

very next day, I set out to make my dream a reality.

There seemed to be very little options when looking for space to open a restaurant. I was

giving up hope until I stumbled upon a small, two story shack. I fell in love with the place. I had

my mind made up on virtually every detail. I knew what color I wanted the interior, how

everything would be laid out, and so on. I purchased the small shack for 200,000$ and started to

hire chefs, busboys, and hostesses for La Avenue. Within 3 months of hard work, I was getting

ready to open in the coming weeks. I had recently purchased state of the art kitchen equipment.

Convection ovens, salamanders, enormous flat tops and ranges filled the kitchen. It looked spot

on to what I had dreamed of.

It was opening night, I was nervous, but ready to take on this new adventure. We had a

slow night at first, but the customers seemed to love the food. Some of them left very positive

reviews which led many, many more patrons into our establishment. Within weeks, La Avenue

began to flourish. I began break even from this business venture. 6 months after opening, I had

doubled what I put into the restaurant. I had more money than I knew what do with. It shocked

me that I was nearly broke a year ago and my luck turned around from a distant relative’s

inheritance. I wondered what else I could put my money into, rather than letting it sit in an

account. I had began to think about opening up a second restaurant. I was uncertain what the

style would be, but I knew I had the funds to do anything.

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