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What is the Internet of Things? And why should you care?

| Benson Hougland | TEDxTemecula

Sumber video :

What is The Internet of Things?, Internet mostly the product of the people (the data are from the people) such as
video, audio, books, etc all of that was created by people for people and about people, its connecting the user in
this case people. But there are a new “Internet” Emerging and now the user is the Things such as watch, air
condioner at your home,your phone, or your home door ,etc . So This “Internet” the product (Data) was create
by The Things for The Things and about The Things and That is whats called The Internet of Things, “The
Internet for all of the things”, Benson Hougland said that this Internet of Things is a big deal because the Things
can share its experience to other Things.

How is it work? Well, you take things that you add the ability to sense and communicate, in that way we give
the Things the ability to interact with each other , we as a human we have 5 senses sight, touch, smell, taste,
hearing and we use all of our sense to interact with other people or other things, and the things already has a
couple of our senses for example your smartphone, your smartphone can hear what you saying to it, it can see
trough camera, it can speak, even it can knows whether you were driving or walking. It just one of many
example of The Internet of things and it just right around the corner.

Benson Hougland said that There are alot of things that were manufactured and build before The Internet of
Things, and now we have tools to add sensing and comunication capability to the Things we have Arduino board
and programmable automation controler. Both of this device can give Things The ability to comunicate and
sensing its surrounding.

Benson Hougland in the video give and example of The things that can interact with each other or what i called
a “Working Internet of Things”. The example that he give is his life rootine, he had an arm band that he wear
when he was asleep and that arm band is sensing his sleepcycle and it knows when to right time to wake him up
by vibrating and blinking a light, when that happens his braclet send a message to other things at his house like
his house fan starts up and draw all of cool morning air to his house to pre-cool his house so that he doesnt have
to turn on his air conditioner later save him alot of electricity, and then his coffee maker starts up and his lamp
turn bright. And thats is how The Internet of Things really help human we can see that it can save you alot of
electricity, it can call a doctor if you have heart attack while you were asleep , it can see how well you slept,
even they can wake you up and make you a good cup of coffee at the morning.

So we can see that The Internet of Things are the future of our generation where the Things are starting to serve
us the human more that ever before.

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