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Miau•t 3, 1966
Condition• and Attitude• ln laat Nuaatengpra

Hr. -t. . . rox, an American mo baa 11.-d for th• p . .t

year and a half on the of ioti near 'fimor lD &ut haatnaaara,
and hi• wit. recatly caDad at the ld>any OD their way to Oxford
Uniwr•it:J in lnglad. Hr. l"oz, . . .1atec1 bJ hia wife, ,.,,. the
reporting officer an mmwally perceptiw md cobareDt .ccount of
political .,,.nta ed attitude• in laat Buutenggara. 111ll• 8Cllll9 of
llr. JPox 1 a obaervatl0118 apply only to ldt Wuaatenggara, hi• account
.., alm be resardecl in mmy respect• .. a kaleidoscope of nent• lD
proviDClal lndonena durtna the ldt tumltucus ,._. Bi• obanTationa
oa the 8Uppn•aion of the PD, the ldlltna• and local attitude• toward
the lam'! prob.t>ly are -i>Pllcabl• to 1IUCb of the country.
Aftermath of the S!Ptember 30 Havwnt. ID lotl, mere the fo••
_.:tualiy U."V'8Ci, commmtat influence Vd atron.g onlJ OD the waatern
ead of the lalud. A few wek• befon Septemer 30, a JnaneM
com-mlllt n_.., lukimo arrived from Djakarta to take charge of the
local •arc,. It l• widely beliftlKI that brought: aome kind
of lutructlou for a local follow-up to blpaDdlna denlopmnta in
DJ.urta md the AJ:S1 ha nportedl.7 dlacoftncl a of lnteaded
.ntl-cca •at llt victlu in the area.

A -11 a., dettdmmt uriwd tn lotl on17 in .1aauary or

hbnar, to f.Dftatipt• "Geat.pu" .ctf.viti•• but 11m1ted their
pUDl~lw .ctiou to eacutf.OD of luktrno and the local PD leader
oa Iott. Iba 1i:1:wJ then withdrew but nturmd ln llld-Karch. 'lht•
ft.•lt nmlted ln the uac:utlon in lotl of bet'WMD 40 ad SO local
Iott. cc enl•t• plua another 30 cca--mf•t• froa the 11BarbJ lelmd

lroup ' - Dnasr• each 12 Jr•&

•t mt~lcally declaanfiecl.

tC1.1Ullartem/ao 8/1/66 !tl.:Mftzeat

,.-. ., OECLASSlfiEom1 ,,.. i

Authority NNO '7"2. ~1 \
.... 2
A-6.5 Djakarta

of law. A thtr.1 a., ..S.•lt occurncl in J'una nnltlng in the eDCUtloa

of .,... or tw eddltlonal ru .......r. who he earlier "-*' captun but
h.S . . _ t1ppnbended la the lntert.a.

•-Yi.alt•• e.,eclally the woad (Karch) ftdt, aa- ri• to•

feel.ins of great tenaion tn the population end ~n wn rife of
uacutiona far ta exce•• of tboH that: Mw.1ly occurnd • .._... of vlde-
11pra.r Ulllag• .re rife throuabout lat•a•ra, ta fact. llr. rox
beaTd ou ••t•m ml.eldoaary bom ThDr report th.t ~ 30,000 people h.S
Ma eucuted la th•t l•l.-1. liDce be felt that thl• fipn wu•. roz trneled through 1'111Dr ta11dq to •• ..., people . .
po•d.ble and alllO NUght infomatlon on meutf.ou ta other l•lmd• of
~ 9ueatngua. Be feel• that approzimatel1 800 per8GU, or at a
Nxl.nw 1,000 perw, wn .-cuted ta Tt.mor, lualb•, Al.or, Iott, law
md in other wller talad9 coq>ri•lna all of last lluaatenaara other
than non.. llr. l'ox bed DO reliele lnformatton 01l aacutioaa ta ftona
mtch, bouner, bu ..,,.ral time• the population of all the other lalwla
of ...t llusatenggara combiMcl. Hr. hx •aid that the ID.,.. better
•.t•lllh.. lD Alar than eom of the otbn l•land• mcl that 10.5 co •i•t•
wre ••cated the~ lidch vu a higher proportion of the populatioa thm
elHWben. Ba aald that the top eoa-mi•t lD ...t ._atenaara, Toblaa
t-1.l11U.a Ue•i, 1• •till allw and being held at the prl8Clll in l'Pp-a.
llul vu llr.t Secntal'J of the la•t llu•atenggara CDI o a s 1 '+er of
the l'D Ceatral Co-dttee.

6ttltudes 'lowrd the Armz• 'l'h• taaga of the IDdonasim ._,bu
r.UcallJ lD la.It Jlusatenggara •1Dce Sept.mer 30. !be area t• larplJ
Gart•tla ad conta!D9 a dlvar• uaortment of non-Javmue peopl••·
!he knit milt• that .,,,. . lato the area •lace &ept.-.r 30 are compoNd
of llo•lw frUll Jna and b.,.. • 11 md to the local population to be a
fonlp oceup•tf.oa fora. '1'he Ar81 bae 91>parently dou little to ewreome
tht• lnltlal liotU.ty ad h.. acted ta a heavy-handed MDDft' wltlJGK
meh nsarct fol' local••· According te llr. hx tb• a.,
....... la amptaoua f!eaet• dq after dq at the upeaM of the local
populatloa, raaltllla apeclally in a 8Ubstmtial depletion ta the l•lmd'•
1lwstock (goat) papulatloR. In the p'l'a"fincid capltal of Kupang,
conupt!oo - eatbated to have lDCreand tm-fold ainee Sept-.r 30
..a the Anti. 11hlcb.., 1-..r f . . t natrdnt• !mm other J>O'Mr factor•,
wa lG:PlY re~l•. 8nera1 ahtploads of rlee from abroed thd wn
mlo_... I.a Sup- wat lato u., bllld• md cauld be purdiaMd bJ the
popalattoa ODlJ at w&f)ltat price•. It.nee period• ot f-1• ocaur
~ cs.. te time la dtffenat enaa, the coatr..t bet,... the blab·
lt-.toa Jo••• 111.lttar, force• a tba local population ... urked.
ea •f.C• wu !ollowd, for ample,
•1• lrn1zr.
Ille ArmJ ~•lt to lotl ta lfarc:b that took the 11ve1 of "ome 70 or 80
a period la jpril of cauict.r•
.... ,
A-65 Djakarta

s•• Towmd tort:um••• Til:ior. Hr. Wo• eald then vu COD8lder.t>l•

atloa befon SeptaDber SO llbclut a U.kely lndomelm iDYMioa of
tortugueM ftmr vf.thill the not 11<> dietmt futun. that l•• vlthill the
,.... llr. rox empbdi..S that thl• . . . lov-lnel 11peculation 8*>GI junior
offl.cer• and enlieted mn ad equivalent layer• of the ci.t.llan bun.ucracJ
rather thm lltat~t• by n9P0Uibl• Hid.or official•.

feopl• in IDdoneaim Timor pnerally regard fortuguea Ti-.>r . . a

ld.D4 of paradiM. 1.'hia view :I.a baHd primarily on tM lack of ~r
pod8 la IDdomaian Tillor ad a conalder.t>l• of ..agglina betwen
the t'10 . . . . . . Good• brouaJit ill froa rortu~ Timr not only include
tuperior ...relOD8 of ac:h evaryciq naceaaiti•• .. aoap but alao included
cattle. wbic:h for 11oma naeoll are plentifUl 1D the Jort:ugueN half of
the islmd but DOt lJ1 the lndonealan half e

American Jdl.t Harbor. 'J.'be harbor dewlopm8Dt Dear Dap-na being conatruct9d
under all A"1J) coatrst b7 - anerica fira va8 Dearly canpleted 1ibeD Hr• I'm::
left. Al.though the project wae greatly admired b7 the local inhabitant•
becm• of the auperior quality of the mated.ti• 8Dd facilltl••, lt voulcl
prob.l>ly aot be uaabl• •inc•
the harbor w..
located aeveral ad.lea frca
to• and h.s naither drinking water nor adequate road comwctiOD9 vlth
Sup-a. tndqpesla atteq>t• to drill wll• had failed due to a lack of
.,Um equipment and little h*1 been done to buf.lcl a 8dequate ro*1 to
the city. Both of theae taaka wn outside the acope of the AID project
but tha IDdwaiaa Govermmit bad not beea able to fulfill f.t• aide of
the baraain. Hr. Woz obNrwicl that, prior to leptnber 30, it Wd vf.d91J
bellnacl bJ the lndo'Wda population that th• port vaa intended to be a
atasiDa bue i> r aD lavaaloD of fortug11eN Timor • (Hr• fox VU ct.acribina
popular attitude•, and not Dace••arily official 1ntent1on8• .. be himself

Other folitic&l Attitude•. Mr. ~z eaid tUt. froteatmt groups in But

liwtAt•1saara h-1 a linaartaa noatalata for th• old IMS or Republic of the
South Holucca.9 that had rejected acceaalon to the Indonaai11D Republic la
1950. Altbo11p thl• for eeparatlon froaa lndone•ta ad UDlon tJut a>luccu vu a underlying attitude, there ... no organised
effort to puraue the.. a1M u fa u Jae kaav. rrotaatant• are concen•
trate.& in the we•tem part• of lndooaaia '.Umor and in Iott• lncidalltal.17 •
ella the anaa uarer to 1ortugneM Timor are CathoU.c. (lox conaidered
the euteftl Catholic people mar 1ortuaue• Timor to be hlahl1 lntellipnt
1iiil• th• central arouP ... aleo •roteatant waa rather backward md
..tup:l.d. ") Ill 91tlte of the liaaartna 1111 .,mpatby • Protest mt• in &aae
lluaat•~· paradodullJ tmded to cooperate cloee11 with th• ra bee....
of daeir· evez1tdlq tlaar ef m la1-lc .cate. 'Iba Catholic• tead.t to
conparata vltb tbe ••1•
to lndOMd.aD Datioull-.
partlae _. ta ....ral • n mda mre reconciled
tap 4

1.-6.S Djakarta

AlthO'&gb the Tlmn• hinterland i• ani..t:ian, Supang lt•lf l•

COlllpO_. larplJ of .Joane• bure91Crat•• 1m•t of wham are either
pmdoal.J or DaiU,na111 llD•l•. '!be n l ta atlll 8troq - J&Yana•
n other non-C\rlattan group• am, la ~x'• oplalOD1 waa eV'8ll more
radical thm the rn befon leptembar JO. fDx l>ell...S th&& th• na80D
for tbia p~ waa that the JU h-1 c:ouc:loualy cho-.i to infiltrate
it• more radical ~r• into the r:n ~11• the re~Jl.a Pd macl1:lne ,,.....
badled u a more rout!m and bureaucratic operatioa. 'l'b. l'NI not
been ;>\lr&~d s!nce the &eptt!llber 30 affair and 1ta organization re'lairul
largely intact: including it• more leader•• be uid.

lll•cel!.3n90".Js. In discuaslng the area in 1110ra general tnaa 1 Fox ea!.d

that tha large tsl-4 of Buatta vu dry and wry lightly populat:ed. ftmr
too l• not particularly fertile 8Dd ha a relatlwly low population deulty.
nore• la the ••t
fertile, ••t
haaily populated ad ••t
dneloped laland
la lat 'luaateaggara. Although it b . . thr. tt.H the popalation of all tbe
net: of the pnri.nce, lt could 8Upp0rt a mch hiahn' populatloD yet. ID
Dutch tim•, nore• laaecl behind th• rut of the . . . la educatioll ad
popul~ioD *111• but thl• trancl b . . more thm bean nvaned ta ncmt



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