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FORM C: EPE110 - Overall Professional Experience Evaluation Record

In-school Experience Thisform must be returned: ​

Unit Code: EPE110
Pre-service Teacher:​ ​Mandy Leimann

Student No:​ ​***** Date:​ 14/06/2016

School: ​Ardrossan Area School State or Territory:​ SA

Class/year:​ Primary Subject / teaching area:​ ​all curriculum areas

Mentor Teacher:​ ​Jaynelle Le Feuvre Professional Learning Leader: (where applicable)​ ​Click here to enter PLL


FORM A: Provides examples of evidence Form A has been filled out and submitted (​Check appropriate​)
Skill Development that could be used in the final
portfolio. This form is kept by the
Pre-service Teacher

FORM B: Rubric Form B has been filled out and submitted

In-school task : In-school

Five sequenced lessons, Sighted by the Mentor Teacher

planned taught and assessed prior to teaching

The daily journal Sighted by the Mentor Teacher

Was a Concern Process initiated for this student during this placement? Date initiated:​ ​Select date initiated. Date completed:​ Select​ a date completed.
(Please attach completed files as appropriate)
Click here to comment further.

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There are 25 professional experience days attached to this Has there been any variation to the number of professional experience days?
Professional Experience Placement. (EC Students complete 20
days ​plus​ Form C:1)
Has the Pre-service Teacher completed the required number of days?
Note: If Yes please provide details of variation.
Absent due to illness on 27 May therefore 24 days completed.

Each task must be satisfactory to gain an overall Pass for the Professional Experience placement and for the unit

OVERALL RATING:​ Pass Note: if requires more Professional experience to meet requirements, please
provide details.
Click here to enter if more professional experience.

Please suggest an amount of time: ​Click here to enter time if more time is

Mentor Teacher Comment:​ ​ Ardrossan Area School is a Reception—12 school (approximately 190 students) that provides a challenging learning environment
in which all students’ talents can be fostered. Our school is located 150km from Adelaide and serves families living along the northern coastal strip of eastern
Yorke Peninsula. Students are on school property as of 8.35am where the Year 2/3 classroom is opened until 3pm.

Mandy had a 15 minute yard duty most days which rotated between recess and lunch. She attended all staff meetings, two out of school excursions, contributed
to end of term reports and participated in school assemblies. With guidance, she also completed Reading Running Records assessments.

Mandy’s interpersonal skills are mature and always positive. She has shown she can communicate very effectively with students, staff and parents/care givers by
sharing her friendly and approachable nature at all times.

Mandy has acted with integrity, respect and responsibility. She has valued the diverse learning needs of the students and has shown courtesy, compassion,
listened in confidence at all times. She has a genuine interest in learners as individuals and her kind and consistent manner has developed a great positive
rapport. The class responded well to Mandy with trust, enthusiasm and respect.

Mandy has shown that she is developing the principles of teaching and learning and has demonstrated a sound knowledge of children’s development and
learning. Planning of the learning subjects she undertook are clearly set out and realistic. Lessons have been interesting, organised, and thoughtful and have
used a variety of approaches to address the varied students learning types and social backgrounds.

Mandy designed a Maths/Writing lesson around multiplications and procedure writing where the students designed a board game with rules and then played and
shared. The class then needed to reflect and complete a procedure on the task. She also structured a Science/Design and Technology lesson which focused on a
plants life cycle and incorporated decorating a tin with natural resources. A PowerPoint on Bullying was presented, which was age appropriate and relevant.
Mandy spoke with sensitivity and had engaging tasks which enforced the main concepts. She regularly heard students read individually and gave effective
feedback. Mandy also took small groups for spelling rotations and guided reading.

Mandy has demonstrated that the learning environment needs to be positive, creative and motivating for learners. She has shown confidence in establishing

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strategies to maintain a safe and calm space for learning. She has made the children feel proud and valued in the class by using positive comments and feedback
and by showing a genuine interest in their learning. Mandy readily made time to proof students writing and always gave useful and positive feedback. She has
demonstrated a great knowledge of the Australian Curriculum which is reflected in her planning and teaching. Mandy accessed and utilised school resources as
well as observing a range of age groups and teaching styles within the school.

She supported children to recognise that they are in charge of their own actions and chose her questions and wording wisely on all occasions. She enforced the
good choices and behaviours using a reward system for the whole class in which she was consistent and fair.

She has been professional and appropriate in all relationships and contexts. Throughout the practicum Mandy has made honest reflections when evaluating her
performance both verbally and in her journal and has been able to identify, with support, areas for future development and improvement. She has worked very
cooperatively with myself and Junior Primary staff and has been quick to respond and act upon any suggestions or feedback.

Mandy has been a delight to mentor for her first placement and I wish her all the best with her career as a teacher. Thank you for your fresh ideas and hard work
in the classroom.

Pre-service teachers: Please keep a copy of this comment to add to final portfolio

Please send a copy to the Preservice Teacher : Date sent:​ 14/06/2016

Mentor Teacher’s signature:​ ​Jaynelle Le Feuvre

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