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aX|— . Linear Algebra (2-4) Sob Lopicd ES deter minanks », dckominan t mebtx algebra 3) Ramk I; ; 4) Solobion of Slum & lincan Eauationg . 2 Eigen valoc®, Eigen Veckors g cag ley Hamilkon Eheovem. Dekuminaml: Mobis: Mabrix 1s. reprbented by ( J, C ) | If aa |! ae --—-~aim : Nor a21 Qee ~~ agen ! (co) a ~--- amn mi ame re P= Ci) men -) Aa @ iy) soheve hyoigm 2 “ Neke is jsn (9 A= Cif) men : ohne aif = ity Hoff = fy +e = Ty j+8 ' A= CP axg aij = ity 942 = 4a Bs nant zy am order dchn & pa [at az) then the exprosion | a2) aeg . 5 called gndorler deborminamk & Paya £15 dunoba an aie ag azz by tAl cat) det cA). w Here the colaee ge, [eae orEaETf |S xpamsion f called | Value 41) Expre®eion d- 9% order deb CAgxe) » 3! oder debaminaml-> 231 | azq a33 ‘Ale T= ay [os oo | at az aes | ars acer age | “32 935 asl a5> a3) ase. and method - : @ © as a IAL= (O@+@+@) —Cuts+s) 4) Witordey debut Abin =F = tal = ay aie aig Ay a ag}; age a23 agy A5] ase aAz3 assy B41 a4e2 a4yZ aqy 'Al= any a ee! a2g Aey 932 033 as —aiz | a3; a3g asy O4e a4s aay a4 , aig | a2! a2e acy 23] 932 asy | — aly y Sap 842 any _ 4% a4y ag; ave ae3 a31 ase azz Sar aye aug Elementary opgia Eon i— . > gmbuichamging of — olkiply the fing rom fe colomn alae R? Lae rows. Es by a condbe, Ri —» KRi] CK =O) —> multiply by a conttamk amd odd with the othe oO vows. Rr ene +KR “7 1A 1 Rj RE+KRr Rj RF +KR The openalionS an wed bor the maktic @ dekuminamts. oe Ri FRR: D [[Raxn Saxal =~ [Raxnl [Brxo! | “tei > 12 3 7 | oa°o =o: & the eElemunkts by the vo0§ C31) 44-5 colomrd omy gnc Sore then bool dekrminant value iS _au70- ; - Le > ee L238 4 8qf/ =o, | sto is{=o [| 4S e 1H tes 369 239 yaevls gh e 56°28 123 : |} eo. 31/5 10 15) =e. 9 ton 12 1e3 13° [4 15 lef id 1¢ candecukiv - no & the uth orded > fry ordcy ac aon . ordey amnd higher => chon the boo vows anc Same cat) be vows we propor Honal then the dehnminenk iS _79- > 123 nm l4o4 45 6) +24 om 2 5 ¢| se +349 Simic * “Qmbn chomging 0009 by colomnay ond vice Venda the value & the dekaminamk docdnot homer ums | s ee 4 5 6 ~ ee ie 3] sence?) +8o0]7 ae — +80 x = -1) 24 te 9] =c-yc-) Cet) = 24 ic {oo 6 > For jnkuichamging the 1008 My pia . . ° © thon the value 18 Negative previ > Value ; > gmbuchamging tows by von no d- Hime thon » dekmminamk valut 7S Same o& the previow vali ) @ 7,123 les , 4K 5K GK = K 4 5 ¢ |] = CePCK) + Bo = Ao ; oT? Ae 123 ‘ - [2 4 5 | epper kvomgle 2 a 2 8 a aa Aa {se °| Looser biomgte ae = 3 ~~ Ae ogo regen a= 3°00 een cos mabix 0-30 - OOS) ete oo 0 bao ao sabe [ee e|-» i y e bf mB . ath 7 Th total no Eeim in he cxpambion & order deka minamk is 5 aon by) n& .e)nm _d) None ra A= Candie —> IAl=lauj san —1 ! A= (3 ae | sal — fan ate ag! age = | oot aco | = G@uaeo~ — > el! Az an ale aig a2] age agg Mml= 6-3) 93! 0302 a3z A= CN Caij nxn ——p [Aan | = — nip | © ine vajue ay oy Oracy decuIMinami— 19 1 3 e@]° i Hort a eq bey c) 82. 136 2 1 3 % = 1 (3-1) —3 (12-2) + 2 C4-2) ee Ot CP) Ue Qe 24 . ! e@Qoao°o 7 The deknminamk ob a matrix 9®= Iron t 0 6 »S diig Comer frlamgolan Matix fics s00 1 6 amd deknminank 7s prodock ob he L!0? 200 soo J all the diagonal Elements. OMe =a > Re deknminenk ta malix given beloos 75 oto ge a " b=-1 e)9 8 None ee < tyial , "20 4 ‘ eae : ee oben tame t0) : : o-! [- ' — ~fce -1 co} : : : 1-20 : = -10= -! 7 & = toa b ; = ° Ehen cahich & the holloos z 1b eq | ¢ ab Sa factor 4 A % a+b eee ue Oy bab ce) abe dyathte 1 ( b¥a —cta) 1 (atb—c%b) +1 atc— bee) = acbte2) —blarter) +o carbe) = albte) cb-c) —blate) (a-c) + ccatbhy ca-b) RI Ri-Re °- a-b ~e(a-b) A = ' b ca ; e ab ee | fl i b | ' c ab Honce [mem this cat) tsa sackor da > BR squene mabix 86 iS 8ymmcltic a %) gt. gt P Boece let E dees symmebie ee a 4 oof il be be applicable roy the Squone Mabix only ) nen Ehen the Mabiz TS Symmebitc gb P= ci vod els [EET] fst * e-j 4 SH) ros A=/ 4 o ow ee ee sti ai 3 ®= Caij) axn —> aif = aj ¥ wy meee eal aif=—ajp => eaij=o0 => ajj=e ; Ee Oo, izj P= Gif) oxn —> aij = ee) aie TET Sz a [oH —4r oo e 3-7 6 a orthogonal Mabias— Puxn —>? [Aat=.alRer oe compokalive propuily d Molt plicabtc ) oe » Ege E —SinO os8 —Sing a : oo [ “5 AT= at Sin cose ° SinQ@ cos 3 oO I ta = calf) is debined by aif = 4p eal abhor ism @lejgn then bind the Som & the allthe Is Elements & the eae Sol, Given aij = ig A= ee ~ oe Cy ett 949 243 --— 2ta @ ' i \ 1 G ) +h omPe TT mtn] j : bin 21314 ,5 -— — (ntl) Sn= 2- Cax0)) = nfo Cerne!) = Beats) — 2 ymthe Same manner all yawS Sem iS caledlabed ak Lak Som dy all vows 13 Srindool 8m = D Caty) I method: tail) be split tate beso catal rarabties - fi _—— A= fe g terran noe +] ) &-——9 '--—— b m In 7. aoe uw oe —_ 11? n Sm= 9 (cramer ) +m (255g) z = Som. = mn oo = th | maktix, % 190 gnal mabti S 4 pis 2 exe real or Og , veal veckoy (x! ney? aith Jength HRN = SRrag (he een eee Solloeing kabememts 19 eoneel- a) Npxll< Wall cohaie «aklea®e «one veekor 6 sacassm PX STE a Hell b [px > EM» i u i pxil > LA pal = IIx] veckor © bles Upxll 21x “dy No yclation can be cBbablished I pz! Sh oe coSO —Sin® es sin8 cose | 1 Sven X=] ao ext exe Then px = [ x1c089—x2 Sin® x1 SING +22c0SO on y = al Wort -———__-—¢ =(: 2) IR , (aicose — casinb) usin ae eeyt ’ | u2eaS2O + x9? Sin2Q + xi28in2e4 292 e052 ; "pxll = Tata : = [xl $908 4 —7 3m the makiice3 oo88 —Sin@ & (oe com moke Sin@ coSO undey multiplication? . > @ al wagB by never ¢) dy acos8 == bsino > ah o=b @) Gant, nex so Lee ge f 0089 ~ sind ] > ) ; . Sing ca88. ’ J B= (271 ae uwsog She [ asine bease | Ba= acos@ = ~—asin9 [ bsing bese | @hen a=b thon [RE=sA [co when Qeorr Fol be sahis hicd. ImvanBe ofa Sauane Malti xi- Minor g co- hackoy of an Element :— 4 A= Calf) nxn then @ The rninoy dy ayy is my = enn ordey detomia ashich vermain® afer deleting conrcsponding ith ooo % jth colomn in ftnxn 7 he We chor & aff iS =i © 35 Re 12 3 [a 2© a2g=C —> Meg 5 = 7 ° O43 =-, Rega c-1) Me3 ~ ¢-NC3)=3 3 asiz oO Mar= [72] =-9 tel” Asi= cp mg = yea =-9 CoPeckor Matix i~ a aliz’® alg d p= then the agr age agg A3t axe ass . a Matiz B= |r ue ne | ts called the “co~ bee Rel Age fag Ast Age A383 Makriz of Agx3. » Adjeink Mabix?— 4 Bn is a eofacker matrix & Feaxn then xn [a= aT] Singelon mabix:— | | Roxal = Ne Singolon mrakrix Smvare SF) Reciprocal be Ain Anxn S. ——— db AB=BA =Tn hey [Aaxal +o @ 1Baynl =E° then Bis called invothe of Frnxn - ) , , > ) ; BoA? 2 AatsatA=in >Néke di = > | Roxal=eo then fam = Se] d —b — 4 a= [e e) then at= adjer) _ io 2] a cad-be) — A edf A= adjcar A = (AlLo] ber omy Aaxe a s od tn bor [Raxal=po @ | Bax al fo Khon BE ead Every add order Skea. sammelte Matix 1S ; alasag a Sfnqelen > Siageior ; prommyni yas a f= B+2) = then sind a7 \ i 3-2 IAl= 13-1=12=¢0 ate ( -2) 7 adfcA) _ ao 3-2 7 tal la { 7 g-et & — too-t . [z: | then Lind ant eto tee tAl= + Ce+8)-1 (6-2) = S-H=!l a At. adjca) lal Ree (Al 1 Cersy=5 Aes = Rie= 9g ABs —-Ne-2) = CW =-4 : . x a 43 3 ' . i a [ <= e+e ~2+! 6-2 -3 t-a ae ! = (6 3 1 —6 4 -I 4-31 de Av B)01O) By ErG ane Neon Singolan Matricc® » af Same order Such that GFEBDEAS In thon 1 bind 67 Sl Given 4 Sj ; (are 8 0c A)=Gn) (as) = elat Teta eto eted =x ~ alot)” 1 Te Elominake am! moltiely both sid® by AR. => ACATET DA BIT ETG") G = Axe, Eeceto et ct EI) F= ERAGE DEA GFce aE method (Gre eved =r 81_ DEAGFe => = OC pt gcd) cw => weer’ on Gols FeBDEA Kya Matix me [3s 415) The bram% pose & x 85 the Mabiiz is caual 0 TnvenBe A Mabix thon bind value of Sx’ YN, Te mt = adjcm) aa ml Irl= eg +4lox Tris: outll be compane oith the veal artheg onal Mabiz (= —sin@) - Sin9 = co. e(a 3) 46s] - 4 at q-leé 152-12 es L sewte cet sa| =('SJ (See : eg a 4 R,B one Ego non ano Makri«e o& game ord R= (aij) 1S debined -by aip= Te Gt wv IT re@hne 1Si,jgn hon bind al fro nag Sol ‘_Noke Ever gd! order Skea 8ymmek'- Mabrix. fs Stngolan. Given A= Calf) ye cohone aij 5 ii —aji = Bexs 7S a Skew Symmchic » Bok odd ordcy Skeoo gym mebic Mabiz is alaagB ; Singolan. ) “! pet docd nok Exist. Singolan. Mabix, JS? & pis Non—Singolan matria ob order a then yk : » hind iy Ladjenyf = J ) cf) adj cadjca)) & vy jadjcadjayl = ol Given Raxn => | Anxal =o => AT exists R= adjca) ——— “TAT fadjcn) = (Rl AT J] ) ladjcay] = condidcy adjcna) = tAlaql => ladjcml= | taraq] => ledjc@l= jal? /a-t| ladj cml = tain tal Hladjcpl= yar a I 2 adj cadjcA) adjca) Ist Bot 4 = fadjca)] cadjca) -l tar” c tata) tay -I 7 tar! Can) = A. apr WD ladjcadjcayl= fa. 1a! at ne rAlral lad? cadfay)) — ra ON Jady Cady Cacyurty yyy) = In wre Rank dba Malrix Sob Matias dra matrix Si) is obbained rome given Mobrix by deleting only rows (37) only columnd bok} ¥0OS ard coomn%. then Khe Makré B’ iS calle a Sobre brix bad » Ea (oa ce ; 5648 ) glo tl te ) , 3axy ; B= (eJixy CRIRB, cre31c4) egy ; c= (Fw a) en CR Re) > D= [5 it (e Re) 62,63 5 eae! , 3) (eel eay slo 1% 3x3 o> The Sobmabrie may be Sansone (8) may nok be a » Sayers: ne &s 3x4 Mabrix conkain highev oder Sobmatirx > fa Ceci) ——~cy) °S the minimom po inthe mobtiz, 3x3 Mabiix obkained 78 Lhe Maximum nyo in Ehe ondcreb- the Makrix. y ' ‘tno cb a Mabrix:- The dekenminent & Every Sauorre sobmabrixd-agiven Malttiz 18 called minoy d& a Mabix Pexe —>lo| —2?dorder 4 @ E3x3—*/e| ~ 3'd oder ——@ oy atlcadk one 4 the hightSb-ordey Square Sobmabtix. & given order is ‘Neon stngulan then the thet Saprone Stbmobte is the Rank ba a> Asxy E Bix, —> 16/— (border minov-—(2) ordey Mabix. cay) Y ableoSt one ob the highBt erdey minor obo Jivon mabix A TS =o thea the order ox that minor 78 called ronk 4 Molitx and ILis doncbel fe ayy? oles Romk& a Nall mabiixo” D . Bind the gonkh Mobtiz p_fi e fo = ee lo @ -g : 4 30 8x@ - On on =o = -8 (6-4) = ~8ce) = —[6 + 2) bind Lhe Romk meabix A = ee er JCH 3x4) =3- ~ , '* ; j ox, Go@ 2 7 3 = “CHR 4) 42.04) = —'€8)4+8 = 8+8=0 2 2 -2 |< 2 6 (uce-I8) ~2 (6) 2-2) [3 I oe = —Ile+12+4=0 Ge Cl _ _e¢y-tey—2 (12-4) 23 | = —2(-8)—-2(8) =o- 9° —8+8 = ( oF eale acute -2CH}.. “PTS =e 2 | | US ie ho @ 16 24 32 bia apie 3 4 i) hind Lhe Rome & ma 4 8 Ie te = 32 |! 2 34 '@ By SCA) ES '@ 3 y SCA) 9 ScAle} Rarnis of- Mabyix. =! Joke = Romkd-a Mabiz is vntqoe > SCOmxn) =o * cb Apo thon SASH SF Amen eo then $CAmxn) = mio [min Hi Pnxnl tothe £CAaxn)=h > bt Paxal ’ $CDa)= n Romk droit mabe is iksordey * CAB) < min { Scr S68) 7 7 SCAB) = pcm 4SeB) > St a >see -sey 9 od S(Raxnd= n thon § Cadjca)=n =H s(Anmn) =coy) thon gtadjcay) =! > + GC Paxn) S (n-2) then S Cadjca)) =o. Echelonhorm:- A mabit Amxn 1S Said bebe Tn Echelon form if Tk satis bicd @ he Nod aus beborea brek- Non— %no No Inamy re +8 LoBthan Blo ob : foe Soch wes INcNe NCXS KOGD. Re Sona vowS mut be beloa Lhe Neon ~Beno rows > € . Nokes . TE nen finan Echelon oun thon S(Pamxn) =r & fon — ane oS tran Echelon orm. Sisal: Samco Ehe Nodb independent VeoborS Rods & colomnd. Era A= SA) =3. ole 2 0-4 oS lo ° 99 OF Bxy 20 F 2 A= (23 | SCA) =3 , Go 5 \ Nod Non —acno fowS =3. 3 . oF 4 , Phe | BH) ] sean ‘ ; ° } hy a- [°# 8 ‘ =loooe SCA)=! a aodgo0 y ° of ; Evevy upper Fiomgle 3 in Echelon form bok Eve Echelon hovm iS robe oppevbivarnde form 5) A= (280 ) SCR )=3 2e2q eUEe Ue ee ds 8) ae (268) FAHD t ppely only Echelon bom J 8 CAmxo) not Neon “Ser ao exu) 7 3 +3 74 y 3," t2 UF 1q R= go 25 2 te ule 5s 4 “3 2-1 0 3 0 o | -2@ 8 oO 0 4 Ey SC. A3xX3) =0 Is Linceny Gmdepengene Cl) dcpundun& _veccurs »— gx amd xg avte bao Veckors Xr=KXO a both Xpand Xe. anc depundc J nk- veckors . dy Qunde pundenk Veekors Xe = Ox Roamk da makrix = No ‘ telhod:- ge Xt Xe -—— Xn oe Row veckors & ) Same order m ornd nD + fcA) = nlo d given VeeborS =n 5% then x1) x2 -—-xn ane | Tade pondonk 7 Veckors. @ A sun =bo mod given vedors =n ; then Xi Xe --—-— Xn ane FL. Ocpendenk Vecke coho pe | oe ! T= (xupxe —-— Xm J xd axm © check chcthey the bolloootng Veckors a7c linconly independemb ca) linearly depende pe ONO ee sk (ices) eee X ee (Romine!) Xe=(euc] xole (re 3f Xo ov, — wi =tloxe Bee GUN X1yx@ anc Gnconly dependenk | Vectors. tethed —aC "= be J = (ey ' a] 2x3 Seca) = nod, given veckorg = 2% Se xX1rX@ ane lincoaly dependenk veckers . ) Pe econ aN epee (erg, 3] rickhed -T:~ xe= fe 4 ¥) Xesfekx, (XI taxa then x1) xe arc Lincorly indcpendenE veckors. bekhod —cbhod —T1? __ = Cal = (2, a] exe , SCA) = 2% = Noh given vedsors =% . . "xy xe one EL veckors- W xa (ita) Xt= (254), xge (252) *4s (as 2 xe 14 = [x | ygf = |*s 4 ; x eo ? ae . 2 ve _--xa]" : mt SCA) ux3 S3=f No & given So we x1 xO) XBIX YG ane Lncenly dependents: veckors- bh shoal © isa Non ~30” uh a)l bo e190 din akvple vecbor FIST ee al Haw) < mia | scar, 8H4 SA) = ScAT) sO): ; Qiven X= ' 7 fF po An nxt SCX ant) x Ce ean ! [stay at # $Crben gH) FCM axe VS min { soy, Sard = min {a4} =4 SUXxT) x'eo = xx'f0) GB) oo) =x 09g xx 3 E ‘ [ ° :\ + oo a Soe p= Caij) is dbined by ai f= TJ My ahne IS Gs Ehen sca) —— ayo byt ayn dy Nene. eon ee le era a n= lou ¢ ----— en a jl calaacne an n @n 39 ~-- ——9Y ayn _ Ro—-@Ri, R3-GRI — — i 123-7777 7 "7 Eicioit 4-1 140 000 —- ~~ --0 Ep ee FCA ¢ > + a is Singolon makrize <> ovdey ‘n? then § CA adj ca)) 1 =o 3a Given fnxn => | Anxa Bok A AMC) = adj¢@-A = tal To A+ Adj (A) = 1Al to => A Adj) = oT => [& adjca) =o | Soe Fov Non dingelay I Ae CHdy orm) = 5) & Ais mxn bell vomk mabrix athh msn, xr is onk mabix 4 at @TA~) al Eben chichd Ehe Lollostng ts_balse : 2 ~& cCraty=Aat by ataae d) anata =A Ur fatas at St pte carey A = 97) AT] LTTRIS propoty 7s aded ber producl> + buso Non — ; Singo lost coll the Same order Given Amxa => §(Amxn) =n => Fl Ahxm) =n , => FATA) ay -) ae ae => then the makete is Nom Sing olen : : [aT Al =o => Caray? Exist => (atat) ata =2 => [eta=r | (i Aa*= @Ta) at) foe qty L2---- Em ane veccura ay vame ardey ‘ny ) Zith meny the Sd vectors 15 lincanly dependent Sck amd QiS a mobic coith given Veckor 0% colomg then 3(@) a) om bn ©) - isk laatl=o Caet)" doDnok Exi > ) @oxs axe > Cae) 6x6. a isk:, 'gTal=o (arayts da-DBnok Exist & CAtmen ) = then iLewill have ‘v) an yous amd ‘¥) Ind cpordemE thea columnd » FL coil be obkained : Selotion oF sys a — | Dor homogunoud gxpkvmn:- _by oF ) cardi dey airy Fle not ) , , —b ap rxit age xet —— — —aanxa= Pe t | amiat -ameret ~~ --amnan=bn ~ m- Fauation® Tn n —onknoond. cohene As [a aiz—-- 410 [ 922 —— —aen am} ame@—-— amn mnxn co ~ Abictenk Mabix xe | Vaniable Mabie cvector) r ca) x onknown Mabrix Cveckor) as nxt (a) b Soletion Malte € Vector) H B= | be } cordtonk Mabriz Cveckor ) : , ~~ bn} mxt ' Fog mented Mari x + Care] — fon aie ---4., tb ae] age —aen be skep 1: conbidey AX=6 ' 2) ambider (lB g veduec iE Calin peer eee inko Echelon Gorm by applying only eee yous oporatior& « ry bind ramk & A) scale) g node Vortabkd Nd) oy sc@ = scAlB) =n then ax=6 te ansigtent oma nae unyve A pepRoUE ci) & sea = scalp) amd had No Solution . 5) dy the Solotion Exisk then veorite the Sxbum i Equation’ prom the Echelon berm (fo) mobite amd ‘bind the elution by backeoord Substi kubion Nokeq:- ax =B + Penn t $744 , tal=eo tal =o » ante 2 ) only enique 7 v . J golokien No Solution Momy Solution : Hamogynou® sySbum— cond tdev 9 » debinikion ob B= ' =o Yeckor in AK=B Oo , , 1 d ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) mx) then Ax=@ iS called hemogenou S$ 13 denoked by ax =o Note: > Every Axso 15 aleoayS coriSbenl- a Baa. yokem arrd il 1 \ Xn nxt tivial Solvtion (61) omidve S! ) Gintke Solotion ; ) ‘+ omy Solution” Exist other than Grivtal Solobion bor = Ax=o then Sucha Solution is called Non —biviel (a) Non —ano cay) gnbini kely mam Solukiond. viekhod :- D cordidey Ax =0 2) condideyr Mabiz Sa) and Echelon * orm by applying om. rom opurakions . & 3) Find fea) & nz ro dy Vorianled i 9 a & §cA) =A then Ax =o coll have only biv tal Solobiond @ dy SCA) =n then Ax = hivial g algo Nen —byvial — solobond ry) dL the Non bivial Solokion Exist then veooibe the sypkum dy Equation from the Echelon boimee matixSa! amd bind the x= 3} : “ey 8 i = 0 iS alway a Solokion & "J Every Ax=0 amd iis called lotion 7) den0 Solotion yedoced tk inko tés 0 coil have 1s Solokion bY Ehc backward Subst EVO Noke :- Ax =O 1 De “tal=o {Al =o Trivial Sollion & Non -Erivial Solution - only ontque Solvbion gy & SecA) =v & nano & Voriabls tn Ax =o Ue yw Ax =o @il| have cn-r) gmdependunt SolotionZ . “Ore chat vaload ~ gz satis by the fbrollosing Sydskvm of lincan Equation 12 3 x ¢ 1 3 sfly]}=] 3 2e B37] {et 19 = =3),) £2= 9xa) x= 101 Y=3, E=-4 co) x=le, J=37 4 ’ >A ane) y=) E=H4 » Method I~ ateyr3E =6 d) z=G, Jae, F=y (a2) 12+6-12 =6 x+3y tHe =8 '2+9-16 8 by ctie—le=6 GtI8-Il6=8 a ’ > d ’ > 2 9 D y bv d 2x42G4+3E 12 , Method (2) ar) cle =[ie y ono) 6 8 12. Re—> Roki RB RB ~ PRI [:: ~2 ifs ‘| R38 —> Rg +2Re [ 12 3 :| o td 2 oo + 9 / cA) = $cngy=3. 0H 3° Bk §cA) =scAlG) =3=Nn Hence from this ontque golution 1S obkat ned. ab ey+3E =F 5 gre =2 —Z=y4 tha y= 2-2=6 a= 6- 2y—-3e eS o~fhtl=e KY t=- y=s6 2-6 . . \4 4) JOR 8x3. Matrix hod rank % Enon HX =O has (9) only brivial Solotion ‘ One indipend unk SolobionS ° ey Teo gonde pund eal Sol ong d) Three i 5 Sel Ax =o 4 AR 8x3 v= Ye @arg)= 2=N=3 : + : cn-r) = (9-2) =| @rdepen Fev fekee value bc the hollowing valued ly \incon Eaualion® havea onique Solubion donk sotubion ; Mgrs =3 the cof sion for unique Solokd d = ; wey + 3e=4 HX=B IS . , huytk z =e. scr) =ScB)=n a) [Rlxo ? ' t [Rl =o rot y (e “| =F 0 , a I C4+2k+3) —CkHe+l2) a9 3 k-y apo. a) ke Fer all valuc® 4 ko cxeepE K=4 will have p ontqoe Seletion ) FA 1S myn Matrin then Ay=B hey YF only 2~ Sdlubiong ©) Mammy Solokion by onique Solobion d) NO Selobion @IEN A omd AIS real A Given Ax=B Anyn veal Aer SS / [al=fo vaiqoc Solubign [Re] =] Amr ta2l = (zy A=+1~b0 D For wbak valo®& 4amd wu the SySbum ho® in®inike no & Solobiond adhure the SySbum is a2tg+t= 6 at4y+GZ= 20 abuy+az = awe VazG, = 20 oe) Aree, u=20 2 Azo wteo by ate, a=e99 me condiingn yer Mlomy bolotion of SM = 5CA[B) MK! then cohich & the | Bolloaing sbakememb Shalem eb. 15 balse a Sofotum had 2 Solaken fe and only if Scr) = scr ib & men 3° B! ig.a Bow Veebor then she Sy8bum ha mamng Solebion® - oD The systum ha a bivial Sololion ahen men, PcA)=n & BIS Bono Veel-ov or m=n @ B=Eo then the satu have unique ” Sol obion AX =O 2 4 f fimxn ) Pr Amend 7 men pceemen) A=) Eigen volo % Eiyot veccors, cayieg — amy ee theorem Eigen Mabix, & Eigen polynomial , Eigen Feuati @ Etgen valoc® Valoc® #— & A = Caij) axa , A tsa Sco! then @ the mabix A-AL 18 called chanackn istic ; mabiix of Penxa Ke debaminamt & Sa-r ; chana chun sic polynomial &- Anvn Gi) he Equation (r-ar[=o is called chane chiiish Equotion & Ann a) The Rook of chonacknistic Equation a Anxn i called .Efgen value +) chanadani she rei lay % En 73 onik- maby xr’ cte fanart is called : Anxa seul! ons [$9] 0 Inast. (£2) pete 5] @ }A-az} cay } ur “| 2 yy , ce AB aa tie A) IR-AT] =o cay prea +ie ao , ETD © ere Etgen valucd bp? yer veces A Non Boe commen veekor Xnx 1S Satdbobe an Eigen veebor &- matrix. Ana »& [AX=AR] bor ome Scaler \ aD Ae Cee) , xX CI) so = (2 J = (8) = efi] =o x (1) 73 calleda® an Eigen vector aon (23) exe x=(t]_fo => Ax = (#5) (4) rs = 2[a) sax calle AX EAX . Honce x= (3) 18. Nok an Elgon Veckov Joker): Ax =k , ae cme, =o Trivia} GD [Ta-art=o | [Ta-azt=o J Se nectn solution 9 [Azar x so] ae veckoy D bind the Eigen Valued & Eigen Vectors bq roa: = {3 mae (84 Sl ; ‘ ) Eigen valocd (Patio => | 4 wealica C8-A)* (BA) “16 = 0 ~9-p~rtH +A ~Ile = 0 eu : Muesco => ECT = AHLSM © Eigen valuedh Aexe: ", 2) Eigen veekov CA-AT)X =0 GALE G9 » code pok A=5 in © 2 oe 4 4) _f? : 4 ~8 (22 -(] —@2 H12x2 =90 kx —822=0 Leh ye =K where ts an OF Libary cordbonk Then XP =2K ecg fi el ote gamthis corre ponding one Eiger valoc® thurs WIC inbinike no de Galukionh we exist. Xie [7] boy Je=! t gis stmpld Eigen VeckoYr weedy pk a= 8 19 O ; ay ay ° ee eee bait929=0 = 22, $xre=0 tel yak) chore ki iS an aybibarsy conSbount Ren XQ = — 2K) x= x) = LE] =kt [4] Cki =e) Xga (2. bor Ki =} o_ SimpkSE Eigen vector PropathS of" Eigen valu: d hb App X@—~— AN BIE Eig ‘then Gy) Arbagt—--— +An= Gace (Anxny D $ gf A Eigen value de Ainxn ond K=b0 khon d) a™ Eigen valyc & am. em value & nxn @ - Fea ‘isan Eigen valic de KA - di) Are isan. Eigen value ARE WN) gataratazr® is an Eigen Value dy 3) ha iS an Eigen Makix | Anxn |=eo valueds OM Sing olor then 9 a 1S an Eigen valocoy An! 9 @ wl yn -agieny : . "23 WW) Eigen value eo a siagenaty zeotozr gitiey) 1999C4 biomgle a) opper biangle dea Makin ane gubk i . diagona | Elements: e383 ? / Ext @ A= E a °| Az24F a q ) et 0 o @ ne [ 3 to | Qa 4lor9 o , Od dy A= (° ¢ ‘al A= 819 1o 1 ° o t iv) 7 hoo ; $ f= (28 ° A=H41h : a 4 , ” i A= oo : ea A=nul i ao] ' 5) Eiger Value8, A. Aramd al one Samer 79 d Ais at GF Eigen valuco an -arthogona | Makrix. Anxa Ehen + iS also amothey Eig value d& Same Matrix ‘A? *) ge atib Co) atvb) isan Eigen value o- real = Mabiz Anxn then a-ib (@) avg) i8 als fmother Eigen Value & Mabie nxn % f the Etgen value dra real sgmmelric Mak ore — alcoag® real n=a L Eigen valoda real Skew Symmetric Matrix cither j=o cd?) porely gemaginary a * i) The Eigen valued oa 3x3 mabrix A= 8 -6 @ -e F 4 onc @ —4 3 a3, 418 by 2r2tly rays d id =ErcA) =/8 x +A x 2-4 3 AFAR +A3 [* 2 A Ageg = (Al =o 8 ~s 2] Re+3Rr @ 4 37 R874RI [: “2 ° oe lo 2 Ae 3 ° -5 5 wo (2 7: ee a gee 2) The Eigen valocs b Mabix sa (s =] one 514. chak onc the Eigen value of $.S= 327 eon ons Tues dj) None gs—a~ 8 a st__ at =1% 59 = "eS D Foe amabixA a {*% % 3 oncok Khe Eigen - “|e 6 ! 200 yalocis 3 thon bind other bwo Eigon valu mp Qe 2 wry wey gro: A, tAa tag =bren) =! B8HAC+AR3 =! AM+ASZ = -—2@ bo . ; 1 .» dt areal matrix A= Calf) axa is debined ” ° aif = [ y¥isj them bind the Semof all 2 , othnoise Eigen valod- Q ntl by nen-l) oc we dy nent) Te a om x , 1000 0-~—oO ’ A= , of cod at Lo s ©0 | 00--~—-o § qa9a0—~ — Axn A= tpt) poet oO. (Sem = Bren=r] 3) A. 3x3 Makitx hab Eigen VO 12 beatpact_adjca)) = Dinan adjca)| = luc tr ey-l bbe Sol: eve Eigen valuc® 1217! A>») AL at Atty TPN adjcn) = tal polit Be Amie | ce) eter = nee uU A a Bebe =] : ey — tal ot. =4 7 2 A A Yo. a = Ye + ie oy ae be Ate At ~adjca)) = 44 Wlg-e = ete = Isle [PrAt_adscr)| = C4) cil/a) C2) = ~4Gy4 Popnkidef Eigen veckors OD gf mae —~——anane the different valoead- Elgen vedsors d- Ann Ehen Bee 9 Lincorly gindepundonk Eigen Veckors . 2) fome clgen value & = Anya then the Eigen the Eigen vecbers may (oY mag nokbe Tr-!-pemden 1b one dy Elgon Valoc ob Malrt Ode moked fAinxn iS vepeatred mbim& thenthe Eig Valocs comdponding to thak repeaked Een. values A cahich’ onc lincooly independent od cohih one given by the Not Indcpendonk- veeboy they P= nv ~ Seed vaniobles tn Eigen Vedor 7 ~8CA-AD) whe 1S Pm ona ar we mae Ar) AG Pan-r I< PS 2% AAS M=Ae } J xt xp Xe \/ J ur Lr vy. '® A3ax3 Atp Ad) AB -———— m=3 = A = AAD 23 AM =AL=AS P=n-+ (=p AL Lot L xp xe 3 ISps3. X11 X% ur xt xX? xi. X%21X38 a | | d up ) xr aera Lee ees en @ problems ca Ls “© ophich dy the Lolloosing ts nok an Eigen Vectors a Same 2xe Mabix ; a) ( yt by (9 a)" oe [8 oj? Se oT The au Vedsor cannok-be an Eigen vector & amg exe Matiz 2) The Nods Lincanly independent .Een veckors da Matix A= (34) 73 »0 br] o) &@ a) co a= [24] Geis o opper biongle Matix 7 of Azer eal the chanadu istic Eauakion {[A-arl =o =| ae A=ectn Bhis A-AT= [eal == CA-AT)=! ne p=crn = 24=1 —> ae gmdcpendenk- veckoy + hich of the hollowing igan Eigen veckor 4, Mabix A = (ee 2] 90 ° - i 2c a (032) » (or-2]' © (009) vs a (A-Az) x =0 an . |p _o oA o MDP vi [. io ° or | L*5 [o ao) a ‘0 ~ ©. x=|a2| = Ez ca oflas ad ° tick al=Ki no=ke KI @) [:] (a) (| hd 3G 7 : 3b Every Nonama colomn veckoy with Ene Lost Bige age 130) Ehen Tk-ontll be a Eigen Vector. The = Ejgyn Valoce ond = Ejgen Veclsors dae 2 : Mabie ane givenby ary z [}], (J Eheunthe Maks SA! 7s ow (4) » (ee) tex) oO cs a “= [1] ) AIHAe = 12, : ArtAe =3e = IAI 1B AX=Ax . aby atb= Ke = = =8 yg (e)('] = BJ cHd=8 (nese ;@ Ax=ax oi (20) =sc) 7 ot ee cayley — Hamilkon theorem BS cay 5 _atakumenk Every Seuore mMabit 8) Gory 5 Sakis hi tks own chanackntskic te, > Equation, a & Azeatie=o FS a chana chun Stic Izauanon OF AS (25) Ehun by cay ley — Hamil bon theorem wchave A%&8A +12 =O." » +c power of Ayn :- oe [t2]=— ALBA tle =o " pisgaAtizr=o A= BA-lex AAS A ceA—I2T) 3 simtlonly ad = 8A —leA® 1 l 2) ~ve power of Pan i- ‘> AL BAFTIZ=O) fae OF a= (3h - Ai gatliexr=6) Ao! CAL BAHIZT) =o a—er+ica t=O pts te (8r-A) at ats the at (er-A) Act at (3 Gam is) Note ~4-— ‘ . oa Gr A= [eZ] Ehon the chanackwii Stic Equation of ARexe 1S xX catdyA+ IAl=0 OF = [8 1) then bind 3 e AeA = Ae 2 9-9) A-5= (2-2) A - 5 =0 Rona oe q. = xe 5—_ ae si=o . sn =A AE Sry pee a9 AML 8 A As_ pcp t= acer)! = A(625T) = 625 AL 2008 [ai_= ses do 3x3 paatrhx E % The chanachniskic Eauakion 9 debined 0 ptr = Jax- P| abate antl: : then hind p-, » Sot Poxg = AMA LAT! =0 ete 0 p-) (p3p-peteptr) = ptlO ; ; przyplper+p! =0 ea eo - 2 aor pl = —cptp+2D 5? -f-3 2% i ; t+ A= es a then hind Aq > oy Bu A+seLb) Bo9A #30FA Cc) (SyAFI55L ? dyeIa. Ate CBA)re=O AY-BA FR =O Atpoat er =O) [w= —sa—2r] ————", — ~9¢-3A—9T) -2 AS. AC-gA-ox) = —9AH 2A = —3CBA—eT) EP a4 _oadeat —> A= = IA+exr—2A - = FA+6LD = —3C4A+46L) _9(-sq-ex) tebep pa in 8 ota ~'8r 466A 4+4r Ay = IGA a actya lar) = —l4A 14h AS = = 1 (-3A-exr)-14A 4oAatesr—Il4A 28A+ 287 2 egat+egn F ee x eg(—ga—er) +288 Sy 28 —84yA—SeL+28A 5¢ \ 6 = -sen-s6er A! SEA SOXF 68 PIL gor SEA —56 re — 56(-3A—22) A 7 = l6gA+II2 LT —5S6A ‘sg = NloA+Hiler nen 2 9a ke A® =e C-gA-2T) FLA “2x3 63 330 22 = -336A—2247 +ueA tye | _ : A8 = —224r—eeyp 224, AI- _ 96 see = ~@2y (-3A-2T) _s04 4 | SF = 6F2A+448r —224A awe \ = sun &ugA baud & h) Given batch a= [Fe] gt= ('8J Ehen if sat 2 the valve of Adis a 6) HATS AL CH5HO)AFE=0 ce) IFAHEIT AY cater =o 3} laAtsor a —sa-er Roe Aon P4= —5 (~Sn* 6p). sA APS 1FA480E Compicz% Vaniavico- amplez No: complex Za veiS fzl =lveial = trbtet®l = evil cose+i sine | Cam plex Naniableo we [— 79 rmplez Noi A No & the horm Zeaxtty (5 called a complex No. whic wy ore veal Nembun® omd taf ; ls called real ponk omnd gis called imaginary pork cprcrontakonok. Complex No Tathe f lanc :~ gerogire oalS onjegate of xHy conjugate dy xtiy is z= x-ig tiodluiled) a Ot Comptol slo. 9-35 Modolu& cary) iS I2l= aege ‘ Polun Gorm dpa com plex Noi Z= atiy ecosé) 4 =Sind x= voosG, Y= rsing | Za vos +ivsing Zev (cosS-+Li8in8) Z= yeild Izt —teatel = tvltet8l vil eose+isine | HI Tostg¢sinte =F’ bane = glx nat Cy/~x) > & Q=0 then Z= y Ccog8-+HtSing) =F? Z=v Ci) = dy o=mle then Ehe Nois purely imaginary “wy x9 shore xa fat Sal . . = i i= (7 i (Re sol corbidey F= qortle be tle = Giga aie CVle Chetile) ~ Cife-ife) telly ge a) x Se ad ian cca) gett lyl= SH = G ae mekhods— 4 Sm cen wpa at+lY ) F , athe HCY>O a (24g) ; aHY ck jay 8) _— J Carter) Cet) - oo yr _*% _ —fg ate e C%g%) - Given condition lzI<1 : §=% => z= "ly ; [gl =lz1<1 I"gh<1 => I< tgl—s[Talsi] Leigh bour hood of a poink+— The Sck of all poinks li teBide the cirde cith conte Zq dy Some sadiau% i8 called acigh @ poink Zo 12-201 55 vepr&Sunts sebof all Points ashich [ic osthin ond am the etrele catkh cenbre £9 ond rads o¢! Prnaly gic A ackion we A compler Sumelion ecz) [8 Said bo be Fraly bic aka pink %. gy pez) Exisk nok only Sthe Poink 24 bot also Some neighbour hood poink Z, Noke: Pr frumnetion PCz) 73 Satdko be Analytic in the vegion & #'CZ) exisk ab every poirk-b He Fegion. _Singp lonity.- A poink ak which the fumdtan is , nok Analytic is called Singoloniby Ext- +) = St = eas Buqso ay FSET Bi, —Si anc SingoloriLicd. 2) fie cz-2yil® -l Flay= Ye C2) Ie zee 19 Singolority nction:- ft frumebion oahich is fmalybic Entire plone iS called oar : Lhrogghouk: the hintke came lex ' Entire frumetion : ' . eu we ( Gotay Zt AER AKT Sind, SZ) et -— » fee = ocayytty cag) iS Pmalgkic ) BS caill sabishicd the bol lowing condition® »@ 3 av 2.1 Ge 1 Se) “eg 2) | do = ov d = Rea tee Ee es Equationd . couchyd Ricmann Souchy Riemann Equation in polan fromm + Fc?) = oor @) +ivcv,8) COM LrvcLiIU Or EEG BU CLIY LBe vcuyyttiv Cag) 1S Analytic Swnetion Ss Real pank is givm (ois giv) eS V= —| oo ‘ je da + 5} Clem of -92- osithook x) dy te take \y) o% corstank . 5 gemaginary pont is given” oe [Fe = [cam deri |g cao dete fal o= OT ke = | cone of av aatthook x) dye bake Sy? ab cordkenk oa : Noke? & ecz)= oF iS Pmaly bic thon 17S callec hanmente conjog abe & y) omd Cy) §S calleo hos monic conjogabe of Su! «1 Sy) gothak Peed=oriv o£ on get 3y™ aie [aire] a ori 3S Fmalyktc- : cby6xytk a) ayt axt+k by eareytk . 9 agente By Sry Sa pez 19 pmalytic =y o2= “y @ oye-V¥n Or=Vy -—6y = —¢ Ox = 6X 8 8 . “SI, * Sy Vac% Sing Enon Aa nasieNIe conjegarcoy v’ Gotha fez vtiv iS fmalykic 1 Ni a etsing bye cosy 53e* 88 y ene veer Sing ege —Ve Ox = Vy ~ ov ocx sing Jv x dy = 6 co9Y Be = -e% sing x» dh ceetigy axdseyret gd Cugy cohme Feettg iS Pnaly ¢ then Aind gcxe¥) ; 1 @) ydenty barg-yd 9 rH oy 0 8 Evaloa tion d, tnkcgral da complex furnckion alonga conkinowS conve e IS called o complex inkyigakion amd ig ddd by jeans a d ane Se J cortv) (dx tidy) ~@ = | Coda —vdy) Ht Jedgt voy) ar 7 Ze sinus dz Jev= oy, —vlvetrel! vg~ olllvy +---~ % vis Sv,- VeeJdvi 5 VvaeSve dW! = deo) 7 Ot= deer) 7. oll = deo) . Re | Jo prsinuede = |e [scouts cout { —cez) 1 ee + C42) [+s oS z ye | (en) Elly) — Cum) Co) Le w $e | = —4m? _ = a q — Hi tei eit * J ctdt = (<®) = ¢ =e el, e'T_e = e(wstrti sint ] -c = ¢(1to}e -c-< = —2e * J Mae tod? along yar? "i % jydz Yard op dg= anda +Sol J in “ot tg) Cdavtdy) “2 d A, i) Cdatier ) , =" » da Citt24) | criyaede crrely) neat oa +io | a each { aayetiag | ° = cH) (Ya+i/e] = tg—ils rte tHe = sla ater Uo —tlay ate trite) , ow “o Ehe veal axis ‘2! and Evaluate 4 Cz) dz along ce veal a then bo e+f Moke + dr Se! ts the cunve abkained the er) e213 by combining then Jtcade= J rcande+ | fader | faedt “ cw. c3 oti J cE) dz = J ede +) cede of AB along oA yz=o dy=0 | @taz = Jot” ceri) 2 2 ONS) ” = J oot det = 3 ands ¢ FP) aM plong ABE . \ corde 2, cate cat 88) eo 2 dx=o (yr? ko y) = < digt Cdatidy) de fie: 4, cay =] ce-iyy” Cidy) ~ AB I o = J cei+gy di i i —33f, — sig ele =| cq-gtaigridg = i (4y-8 Is" a ° = (u-1Y3-27] at ie art ; ; J cE)*dz = ala + Wate = teal 1” Evaloake J (gydz here Se? 1S 9FBE ; causchy jnbegral Lhoorom LL pea) bean Praly Fic . a closed curve “e! khen Jeet =e | a? couch yo ‘foicae ral formule ° Lek ez) bean Ana ly Ee : dumckion cotth in amd ona obSed conve ; ? amd Sa) 18 Pry poink teide th frorction’ coith in kar ) ) d > , canye‘e’ Ehon fa) dee era ; (eo, imoks devivabived coushys inke gral formola ete) ors J Ea dt = emifta) differmtiake wnto a ee amie! 4, dt= C£-0) . differen Hake cory'bo Oo? | 282, d= om eulca) Ce-a)F pz) dee ua pn oe" _ a : © ce-a)3 ZI $lcay J fc) 3 4@_ dee eat ; our” “eo - find [ Zeet! yo shaw ce? 18 t#=! é si = omea = 20 q-t)) J ee = ent ; ahone Se the 7 sple closed conve * Sond oO oi onoond co origin J etde _ ont) or if - 90 . = emifoo) =—2T¢ _ ent r JS eee cll) ett 2 chore “) 7 _ £ Gee phone () ig IH=3 \ t= ota ea] © CHA) CE®) a5 eH e we =] #lee Gol * e2t gee cet = ] #2) 1 Gy) de = emi“lce) — emiFc) Se eth eon erica ae oti (e Lex ® Bind [22% dz oohere Se? #8 : e C24) (#3) = = ett . , ep) de = eTFO) , C2) © falav @ je-al=v y \z-atbil =v ore one at re eee jue i eles 4 |_9 ti dz | ta de Fit Japan =J cei) Te > cz-1) +7; = emFci) = wt = 1 a ergo Ried pr@yamd Ft3) ahr Peay = S2=22 ye é &) cz-a) “ lz] =2-5 ives fir= | (eee) re © Cz-8) Fas [ (@2be-e) yy _ eri Fre = Ee) : = emi C@-2-2) x = emia) = am hind J feds along the onik ctrele sohine. fz) = 008% lzl=1 a J 08% de = emipce) é (fo = eT Ceoso) = em * 4+ the Semi cirevlan eonbouniby coboun D ct radiuh Se) i$ Shown Inthe Soig. Thon the Valve d- inkeg ral C ose-1gy a) -e1g by ony 1 dg = 4 a, dS = — _ cs!) +)C3-1) = f oH ds : 2 0S) = emfa = eicie) =i ion ° e -*| ee de ahne ) fs xy" =I. en ay | a +] Ge) ge ora © (z-3)) o { cz78) c C3) ® ecg) = cote! -% P _ooeTe 3 eg dz de = eCemprej) = ua Gare) = —4Ty thon find the valve of lzl=1 fe $ (ete) de = f Boer C22-1) C23) “4 __ 082 e “CEo5)C# 3) Cc 2 = ent elco) = @th (I+eo) ahuze Sc) 1S ont circle CoS 27 . oe Cea) = ony Catt) FE =m os CW) —O5 eee eee Ci 2. Sintze 3 dz aoa € cee) The we have : = 7 "TECH= aotar (2a) tag (£0) + ---- FA CAD + 2 = : a9 (%-q) a-3 (4-9) on i , fa- 52 Fae a ae) , n=o Pmal ybical pork hep ponk 7 poink ak aahich Lhe Srumckion 13 S10 rs called ano of fae usnckion . a Fe = Gy) ztq 24450 = = Z- ej, tei ance ands igolabed Singolonity:— “The Singolanibic® onc Said bobe jsolabeo! A Singoloniky Zo is Saidkbe bean isolated Singolanity fe thre czisk Some Nelghboun head ak- © poink Ze. ahich docBnok conbain aony othey Strgol aniky dy the Srernckion Fi2)= Zt l=" Cg) Cz-2) C241) E= %-l one called oF isolated Sing vlonitics Removable singoloni tic :— ftz) = Sine ze = 423/31 + z5/5, 4-7 ££ PEI 1 B49) 424] 51 . wo 9M the Experdion de the fumetion by ene Sonic ge ik cankain® only the Enma & Analy ice ponk then the Singoloniby 7s called removable Singoloniky gm the above z=0 1S Removable Singularity - | dev 2:- a we Expand the frumcion tn Lhe Brome Lament Sonic go Te cbnin® the Eoimg bill Gea only then zeais alled poleof order 4? t ha ale he Fezy= aotar Cea) F 0% CE +o oe oleof order 2: gm the Expondion &, the frusnction &F * =e “. £c@)= aotar C2-a) + - — aagay to" eal on ) E=aig called pole of ordcy 2 ‘ Poleof ovdey ni— e oe a | fee = aot Cea) $92 (zZ-0) + >> + 0-1 ¢z a) ) za 7 ! ~ oe ant ’ Q-2 aye 40-8 53 te a-n ya)" ) Ext e oe F@)= et ; Zs a a = eh Ceytfert -— ; ae ) = teow tle + Hor 2 —— — eee zat Fels Lose Z3 = t-fi- ete; HEL y cee ae J zo a =. _ i ze! va + eee polcof. order £ Zeoisa removable SSen al Singol aniby :~ Stagolonity gm os Expambion of- the fuonckion Pik xmbainy inbinike nod. bnimStn the principle ponk- then the Singolantky 1S called Qeential Singolarrthyy AC a 2) = ¢ CEFR) t a La +t . Cera) Czyey® Care? Z=-2 15 called uontio | Singolont bss, ISolaked ¢9enbial Stogularity — “tre limik poinks 4 sos 19 aalled iselabed cWenHal Sting olas ike =H f 1 Ex fcz) = Sin Gozay) Zoos: Sin (ee) mo =Sincnn al =o Cea) =" (29) =-be —— LL ot Ta Znds 2 at hr: Atllom, Atlfar ~ W\ eo 11> ow = =e E= at ar =F Zeaig called plan Isolabed SBembial Singularity " Non fSolabed Smenbia! Stag olonity:- rez limik pomnk & polis called nen ~isola Led Benbial Singolonity ‘Bet fcw= Ge) pold: Sin Cha) =0 = SincnTr) te =o = GO)= a CHa) Ze apt Yona bt e13-- ~~ a+ a oe » Pold: Ea ote, at Si pat gtr : d eh n—>oo = es en or Z=at—+- =als calledo® Non isolal ) Henbtal Singol oniky ye ceo Cameras c2-3)* (24+) z= 378 poleof order 2 Byy-0 = yotel one called a Simele polc> Wo pe ar Zam Sing OSE PL e=Ty Stnty —coStTy =o Z=my 13a poleof order L D pare tct® ace z4 ree orest elt >) EY —2E—Qeit — =4 = —2/23 - Qt - Hona fromthe above Expamaten Tkisa poled ordev 3. . {| yo em stt = &) ies cz#H)Cz-) boat onc the Singe lon. 3B &- the given bp 7a, Yoe@m= 2 =. Ghee _ CH) CES Czy 73 (aye z= -1 is he Removable Sirgolonity . Z=1 18 the poleoP orderSe? i . __! L we ent yy) fa) =~ ae OE Ea OT RC) = a ele ~ 23 gr — —— We ~2-2Jel — 23/3, tee2M_ 1 (cosen+ isin ery =I-(1+0] =o Then zg=er} iSthe poled orev ‘1? FH) = I Ecc? -1) ace Ae = —L ess : BC peat ee + Fo) = Fa= —P—______ C22 B8/g¢+ —-——) Hona Z=0 1S a poleof ordey~e) * pegys sto (st A@ = - 4 2, Ct-%) Lt-2)” + -- ) at (Then 7k 15 ‘solabed Stngolanity , ft Son's + Stn C7-#) =o t . CI-z) = nT : d-w) = m7 = tet 2 Bors : a) I~Yfetr, '~ Var a= oh n> ge jo Hida jsolabed = or =H. + BmbLal Semavlarths, ReBidve: — Tre zxpamdion dr the 15 called Re@iduc of Lhe fwndtion ab 5a dy 6B) 1g 0 complex bun frumclion oaith F=as oY co-ebbicient of & ea tn the hacwenS Sorted jundson re abouk- the poink- t=a pole dy ordev 4 hun Teaidie oF Payal =a Se CE ayrt ° Za | & Zea 1S a pole f ode @& (Them RQidoc of- the fusncion pce] tk al z=a ren Zs (east hey D ds: t=0 1S pole of avdev Sn ) ) idoe oF ai ee ( Redidve Ff Fce)] = eal #4) ee) p= 62% gk eel “an? > | Casje, 247 $5, aca aL Sarl = Io fe Get _ ace * Faer= 1 — ak zei eny> wot 158 the pole of odey 2 . _ E41 = GD 1) eH) = catan)* a), = tk LO amen] elk rt - -2@ 2 =e = -ifr Zi @at)3 cas aie + ep ape) (RD) _ = tb -hcre2) ia Feo 39 Fae) [Re] co i tk CANCE) zt 2G 2-2) = (aes = foe Ge )0-28) = Ja Enc : ieee (Ye) (24-9) Che) ak Z=2 Lk d @ _! do | @f) 2 eas Bi d- A eter] eee “ae Zi a0)? “FPO! —eai at en. 1-1 + 1 t+ --- - - Cha) cea? 2! Redick + - {r idee of. cea) ois co- Abicient of. aa in the CapamBionel. Fz =] ~ Zz Fa 2 Hee ob gag Bind (ze), 42+ 2% py Ce2) Gaz * —_ (2-2) +2(2-2) Shouid nok Expornd — Nok ™ hacoren3 form z Z2+e. Hoe Ete e ge te CY Zz 2 Caz el. e [z2 = eet py ll om Wa) Gar at J [ ReBidve of oe), =¢e co-chbrictent of . x GHW Expomtion ee at * E)= (2-3) Sin a) ak Z=-e (Ere) =8 $= o-d (2-3) gin Bis = cots) sincilo) = Cot cl{o) i Uc.) (ume cap Ge ke coaach a ~-~J , al \ feos I Sly — zai + Sr wat @-3) Sin eS = = J — 1-S]y -—— + 2 ae -- lo o23f ay 8 ) ) > ) ) ) > ) d a ft — Sint = ESinz ) Ze Ze z3 ; Se _ 23 +29 Soc =z (= 4 er + J Rei duc =o ee ce eee SINE + ZeoSZ Se Z=0 Ig pole of ordey 1 Raz, te Ceci) _ E=0 255 aes Colo) cos Zé +008 —ESin Z- =e seke I+1-—9 * f 2 de a=! S ce-2) (2419 Let pce) be an C and ana closed Cunve © Rmaly LHe function aatth In ) cree pi aba Ganike no ds poink then / J ecde = etiL&m de ReBidue of cz) —) ak each of t pole ahich licd Indide the conve [t+e% Sind + Boose J cE da chine Sc) isthe Simple closed dz at [#l=i f9 2m cine along the origin . Ks £=0 19 Yinguianniey (+ e+ laze ‘et (eJz-0 =! 19 OT ro . ce dz (Z/=2 c c#z) C2) cz1 pet) lance Simple polcd- (z2l=e ck e z Bei app yi GT) : ak = el _ ak =e Zi a” aif ai emt [ et -s) ; ei 8 =pe-ct)em =o( YJ j ei ¥ F : z+ dz (z=! ; © LecezH) ; 220) -!]2 © Jz1=1 Stmple | (RS), = Ue) (ee 2) Wg Z(@tH ) (9) ate _Cenley EH E= =e toe ZECEH|2) wueEveGves oO Ce a eee = emi (sae Mme « J kongdz whe [H=% j Sint a e cose cosz=o0 7 81712) ee Zo me, “M21 only z= Me) —m2 & [zl=2 PolSok ovdey L (Rd), ang = a ae _ tk Cink) + CEM) cose 7&2 —_____# Sine —Siné = He a4 = Z= Ne J tanzdt = 2m Lej= —im J * Fea) dx oO ecn) — 6a? 2) Frx)=fo Wh J LEY de = ont { Sem po ee edocs ee FH) 2 ngide the opper hott p ° | J fe de ig the Rabional framdion dy! | 5 Sakis Sying CuuEUUdY 2) Fer) ghootd nok be Geno hoy omy o F(x) degree shoo fel be minimom oe) oniES role than the degree of Fox veal valoe then a '. eo ent [ Sent Rediducs 4 the ‘on —od —_ o FE) gk Bachof iks pole | FR ohich lied Tn the upper half Lan J. ne de 2) 2 The pale ove ! > Ee) tt a only t=i € oppey half plone ~ . & Mae a ceri) dog Tt = 2M [ei J = ao a ati = crprgy® RD - d op | a = & AD —— J mel du Cone = = d pty OAD =} 4 . mal - zu! = Wep = i/3 citys (2t)3 lai = emi cia) = —™m4 expand te en nhc vegion [Zlel C2) (2-2) Q le + (Haw) = 1-ac J-+(ace] + ---- ZB. 4 (i-acz)] = 1+ace)+ (az) J +-~-~ ®O tz<1 F(w= le 1 -J (4-1) (2-2) (22) GD eee ae slo) ~acr2l2) Ie G-2/2) = -lhe { (+@fe) + (zee -~ ] wt = ot ty Jefe pce —ecr-#e) U2) 7 ( J [z1e1 t. [efel Uz (1-27 . alts (h fet Be 4+—--J =z (rte + (tes fm - _1- ae) Ce) = 4) ——. +) Zc-el Zz) Zaz) = Ie (22) 2 fre} 7 2 tle (wale ele Je Cede tit = to Se oe tes oe ei \ * cth ak z=] C23 lee z1=9 Z= a+ ete 29 et C243 03 = [ peo + Got 4.203 » __ } el 3h e (Sot Se tet +3 of} — - ee 44 a+ se! =e? (a3 apt eH i: i we Laplace _tlam% Formation 2 — T(etbj= J thy kesibidk =H) es k¢sik)—s Kernev hoot @ Kegiky= 2 ISE en) SE — hounter bro borm L{pcbj= J ot ptydk =Fes) 2 Cs Bilakna} 7 & Ftky 18 debined vw Exo beeckyJ =. | S-sk edd —» onilabral LT ‘ o 5 mag be veal (7) caomplex=> oot is the Kernel & or ao oo = Laplace re ech Exisk gt S sk rdéidt fs 3 conver geml- te Wintke. ; NeedBary condition for -Exiskuncy: ° , =e J = eck dé —> convergenk- he pintke Soffictenk condition hor Existongs G) FEY IS picceaise eontinouD 4) Sectionally conHi nod. PL ee EN Se Lepore Urey ropentic:- inconiky -PYOPEY L [afd t bgce] = at (Fcki} +b acy caplace bram&borm of Same Elementary frurnction®:— 6) L[Sinhak 3 = ox s>lal 2 » L{coshel} = uz? (s>l@)) "chip =s 3 $70 ) Llcat] = cee on Vv L [eat] = an 3>-0 negt i =e L[ sinak]} = at — > tleosak } =) 2 a. ind gt : —— Bi a Seo apt Gamma & metion :~ 1 -2) n-3) ———. D) Se ™ oy +ve Valocd dn? Die male sc) ee 9 sg te er 4) pre IRF for nis —ve 2) [oy ty et IS ~ 2 — ane ongemnco. a) Frequency shitting of tarloce barn breve :— bs check} = Fe) Of cabediy = FS *) Lf este} =. Ecsta) "Second shiFbing theorem of fT? a Lf pcb j= FO and Gtk) = [ee Ez ° ikea. Lha@cky y= - AS Fes? ‘ Sealing ropaiby 7— @ Lf Feaky} = faFcsle) SLC pcklay} = aces’ : MolEipli cation by En nezt) @ tleecb) = L( eckrock-a J = er %S Lf Ect) | Leckey = eS LL} ckrey®/ Veuve te = ees [ Pruera] = 28 | 209 4 Yon +415] Ye peby= be + Eze 95 Leo. a Atk) = Leocky [Ry =e/s8] 7 LLY SIN CE-8) OLE? J = 2854 | 4 Sin esta) f = 3s Lf b sink | —teS / =S CG C zx) 7 a fk) = reece ee ae : cle j= ae MeF L { Btn e+e) | = —e-mMes @) F Pib= sink 3 ERT |. oak jo ¥® C[ be-B coset] corvidey tLEcosek) = a este4)* Ens shifting propenty se best coset} = csra)—4 [csres44]> RL End et ( =a = ct ent cet) = t({env) Cuetpet te t+ Le < o-kk ert] E=0 Biv Shifting propenty a pa Tn K=9 Vogue (stk) wus eh ‘ y c | 2geey oo} oo = ban+ cme) —ban-t(Sla) = me —ban (sla) ca) . : cob-"(Sla) 641) ban cals ) L Copal) ondebined doc noe xfst co S . a 2 aay 18 =e [lastrax | Ss Stmil only tle, doSrok Exists L( NE) —» dodnok Exists. euf ab be (<"] J “l at - 3 Sta sth gndectumi nation oun [leg (sta) —log a ° ~ le Gy) ce = lo BCIFAY?) ° L- oe a — leg (eam ttals 4 b/s = ly gab] t [ eeteaaee) i Ss San ~ She be Yo log L | L | kre?) — ondebined doc nok Exisl eH al éesal: roosbE) _, doSnol- Extsk [E L [ atk] UB] ee la [Ss] LL ees > docpnos Exists ; ee ie L ( — ue) es _ Sinak) —> Exist L( strye) nee uch og ale ROL 00S SE (4) Fck) =Sin JE fb) = CoS ye JE “Ee “Jo = SLFch) -FOc of a 8 peels —eesle = fr ev llus * Lf pb) >< then bind at \F e steak dt] _ : Snkegral — (o) ells {<3 Fab | = Ig c[ et cecsty] S—> $43. = t Ug els | - Is L I s|3 - S—> S+3 = IIs —3is+3 B. b cs+3) * [Leta a : el | et Sink dt] fs [L su) } S—> Stl = 'Is L cob Tk Js Stl = tg. cok (HD mw tet JF sink se] : = cok! (S41) P&)= | Stnwk o 20 Bt1]0 Que. cate Tie £03) = J cst sinwkdk ° Grom uy) [ Sinbxde = Segal csinke boobs] | J c9% coshxdx = cox —el et be ~ ost ~ “ = ot [ cs -o] wot C-ste) — cote } (1%. ~ 28a) = ae rertas Q- e~$ ™s) Cer jo) = wo Sot C1-e 8M a) : e Fix | Singol] 60 = Ss | be MOS Star pac! icc ae te ele = o ° (et3fen w/ec ) S40 ee (< StIf20 _ - St/203) | coh Cc 13/20) Sar sb © Ys banheas) 2) ije coth case) 3) te tanh casle) 4) Ye cakhcasy s et dt + [{ _ [" co ye fore] ch) THe J Sin-dL —» divergent doc nok Exisk 00 (cost } —s t Stak Shovld be comvengent fe 4° best cost- dk —> divengenk dosnt Exisk ° . J? sink (© (eme) ) de Stntje =! Ss gin ocE—my) dE ‘ j™ es d, “Gne-de _ divergonk. gmvrde Laplace oe bormakion a $ Cincar:— La [ are tb ae] Cec) = Fe) = cI (FS) att (F351) tb 1g | — El Lifer) FA (cea aeak a Ce eral) aeak J ( sSae] = Yo Sinak : $ 7 ee L a0] = cosa aa (ecz] = te Sinha oe Ha | Fs cos hak end + 4 [I i Ss [ Ise] = cre) | tae nVO Le Gee r 7 ES theorem of UTI— Ow [etea ja Bae, cl | Fes! 2 [Foto) = oak ct [ ts] SS theorem of mou r & AL Fe) © ecb L-l [ -33 Fis) = ece-ay ott) eee rend @ 1 (Fas) = Ha flEla) yt [FE Glaj= afcak) LH [sf] =plcl) provided Foleo >i ( s%ee)] =F" provided F=f!) £9100) =0. diviSion by $8? cne-z*) Lt [-4F 00) = [Fedde . - ee ut tre] =| J ~e- FY cde)? ELT of devi vai --% +— ve s = Cy e'CcFe) Ct [dpee) = cb o1CFy) ou (3 Fo) = co cl (Fo ol "re 7 oe (Fe) convolution Kheorym +— L[ pe) - geo) | = &) ¥9¢k) i & . Pea) ack) de. . 7 WLI vive Leute 7 S yuicias q [pene ins Wiesner es he (eck) = Fes) 5 = Fc) = te SFi)— gmitial valoc bheoren { valve theorem . % tk pee tb Skt — Fir ae FCs) [ d polden lepk Sideonly FMT is valid (Fo fae, Me coe) too theovem 15 applicable gh bhe ) ’ , condition :— The binal Valve feta Ehe Lefk pleme > ) ) ) y » pol of Fes) | id : , las ' = ae { Gramy'e} , F-3 Eheorom = eshte [Tot] 2 , = 1 _3lek tle-t —sleb ) id ¢ - ee) : . Fie Sent - ane] : Lam = na eblak pnd : Tr fais ao sn oem ameneo,! 3 e %S=9 rest9 "lL “ystq Tes@4 | eee noo maamar en -t “(25 le = oH y je © Seaic {6 1 _ Sraiic| + { scosh slat +5 Woo sinh 9 “Te ( % 09 9), Hoty Sm Sly Ef Ll S-8+3 [2224 = cBt el (“322 53 | eat pt [ YIs+alse] = ¢3t cyst) ta [| S=uty L G-2) eaet tH [ (cs-a+2] i) 6-2)* Fountey Sentch bron borm | 7 ct ct [| SEP*] ck Ly [42 Su it} Mf = ct [ 41944] J = cab © [ es Pcbie ) ee > L-l _oore ek se 49438 zt ee ¢S-3) (S-1) old He $b 3-3) | = We ec ak —5[e ck ww ¢ ttf eset 4 o4St! Se ecotlle) tH L cotlje) + t-HG J Counter Soiic Era bern eet ut (Sain J = He [_ eces fet] Ne OL 1| a 2S13 ot 55+3 i [ 2S-sle) +549 Cs-S[e.)*— rly +3 e slat (4 [ 25)+8 — 1314 = eset 2.008 h he) tes ( 73 [2 al inh [S/o LY “* Lernctia J ca [ ~she + Gste)_) (+8) = co dificiombof S* slg 4+B=0 B=3[19 ah +3c=0 c= 18 =! tf a3lie Siaseie] (s+3) a = Sig cSt 4-3[)g cosak + ‘le: I/3 ape {4 rel ae] = yf wk = J 4 J sink (diy? IF _«& - J {sink +E] dé = (cost + EX/o)~ ° = cosk + E2le- ow ofa [- S | : cstat)™ f= ee —as cS}a2) aul te Fs) = Eu re) ) ; ; : (4 25] = be tf Stna ; ; 5 d Fig) = S5 FS) shar) : = Esina b Olé 2 ul L Ss xan) 4 [bazt Renae Noo ( acasal-4-Sinat-] a . Soy aaa co) a ot S¥a® cs}be a vues weuuUYUN “eae Lcosak ~cosbt-} wf (Starz) cs4-b2) ] ese or | Stetet se On She Sar a ( Sax) Ci- =) ptae [ —aginal-++bsin be] x 2. # Ss L ta oS | cote4y Ca-S2) J a [ z - S__ - 3 _ (es SY 4 S=q = =- [ coset —cosh ot] ao L street sh+yay tH Lz “Boar oas) (84902) 006) (Steak eas) C Tatras] [—sea (styeat)e coast | = —— 2 ta “(are ” ee. Stear_eag St 2a} 209 = — 1 —- L ote 'Lerarret corapsae | = te (eat sinak — ena Sina] Ga ate o a =e stnak (ete _-0F] a sinak £stahal- ae ot Lea Sinak ath hat & pb m L eaane | - jo = b® 1-1 LexmeJ = bee Pace oo estby*J = sf tsinbk dk: 2b ° a lH [38 Pecsrs) és ] =% 5 i { Fests? J =i [ F(scseso) J weeULee = co ok - sink 5 oe as Hs: sing (ef8) 6b, MISE EOIN LIU d F costs J = Ee 2 ee co | —-3s | F casts)ds | 3 = 27913 CES) ginck-a) ok-9) oF : 6 (8) -tt[ ets [lsu + 5/53) | = 263 4+ 5E* “er el = (ecu? + sctcut Jak rit] ans] a ( sad) ~ Atal Le, ets | : —2S eu[ ¥ 5 Ce Se a es yam Cea), E=o # [boot case | Foy= kant c2isz) = ft [~as | [+c2[se) > eh = 1 _ —4s3 SU+4 = —4s S4u+4 d 1 ( Fes) “4 | ts Fe) — Ect (Fo) 4 | =43 —-b or [ ben els Lai) anber L 2) sh+4 = cs42)> —ces)*> cste425) (S¥2-29) Gye cst = yt swnksinhk 2 py [ ban ~cels%)/ = a Se 4 | & cotis)J tt (4. Fer) = (4 (Fe) SG coil =k tt (Fe)/ Sine = (owt 48) J = SinE cll) = Ih Cosh) roy Hs “ S¥e) | “teeta t(tmjJ= St sceste then LE a eae ee ? 20 Pol anc Iti. Prd o. b ea mC (fe ) = SyeSt+e pole ore ~l£/ find o == 3s » dele) = Fy thn [kL Hbh=? b> q | b Ss c) 1g RlExgy —> divergenk Coxcitlake d) Ainitely - None po . Gsonproper_ ddbinite gntegralS:— (ealeole ) tre gmbegral &- Ghe ener, b eo oD , al Fou dx. 2) J faydx 3) J Fou de a —od “the ‘above gokegrals ane called oh TmprePcr dcbinite takegrals- ~ 92 (ata) = x2(a—r) sobélibube yo—y thon Ehure 15 Ne change in anit this. Heme TE iS 94mm ctrical abook- the x y= +2 [or (ata) @hun x=0) Y=o inbinit =a) Y=0 az—a, y= ba- © vegior Gizam chicall 7 Geom chically: Arca dr inbinike vegion Evalvabed b gm proper debintke tnkegrals ore 3 ing the Itmt Eing procc®e - Po Dy. 4 J Lx d: ao b fod = te [Fovde = Bites then ik one P iS satd bo be emnverg ae ee Hen tk 18 dati tobe diveigenk H aie =-- faeces ade = eal eS oe fis conver gD ont: ° ce de = frantx| = Taatcoy— Gant (co) oO converge bo Ie VY t = a+mq = We Ceanvergen|: , , ) : = 1 = -Hos -/ L - -|! = -+t3 = j_ 0” Ge) dx = | ll “ Ceanvergenk i ' ' ! tg) —ScetC~20) . dx = =I = Seettt) w hye, = [ce col See! (-0) =X €2) = Seely) sy = bs =o Ga cos-!(o) = Te = See ti)—See _ 9) ae tonk ' = oT = Te cconverg ont ) oes deo = — [leg anol = = logcey tlogeyy ° = 0 dt vergenk:) a —= P A . J fend = th J pce de = dente THis said a Pod 3 Eabe convergenE = te then tk to Satdbobe divergenk : Pn F J orsimede = (K coo + Sinz) ° oa ° = [— res 0+ 8incoo] — Core) = aa co oo a dx = Hartel) = ban-t (00) — Gan tlt) 2 = me-my = Ty ceomy 2 J Cee) dx = ~ [teed =—G+th=2 CdivergenE, Ce a © a ara J 2Ade — alaaere ' =_'3_ Coonvergenk ) 2 [er de = [rope] . Oo = 2) +<-%] —c- = ote t CoonvergenE) eg wet = Efex) Le fim . 4, = +, = 'lo=@ XD “Fay on e T method s— an F J fra de = J Forde + J Fear de a) od c = Mtoe Caonver gent) Chinike) other G8 IL is ding ¢ 0400) Sc ones ee (he) dx = -[el = alae +5 ° i. — (o+9) ~ J Ge) dz + J Cieayde - ° =-| tal, — [tele = —[o] 4 faf= — ee @) = —c ¢ divergenE). a oo © Jy, ae) de = & | Che) = —[eal, ' = a cdiving 2) J Gs) due = 2 | cums) dx = eal = @ Cdivoigd) aD _ al t l, 1422 de = [ana] ,, = Gne+me) = ___Leonvergenk) ie # The valucof a | eoxele dx en J. a) a b) To ¢ ! ye LP led iad c 2 hm ) , 4) ‘J © nah dy * ° 2 J ce de ro} “Gamma _fumetion: eS 79. callec Li Ta) jes aotde cn>o) iS odbia -. o= gamma humetion. We! Fea Te3) = Ty) = Re placing es-nl =eh=2 capl = ab=¢ =n =ol n bg +) then Pent . Fie = 7 Tee prc gle de glee 2 te Cott Joe * Ty = de my > Fee) =~ 2 Mee) Pje= Forme = (el re = -2 yr Oy a fe] « a oD & 1s Even furncion Ted veretle dx c pok- x2[q =Eé ae ek t~= i o& JE dea tlede ge J elt de na=-le nao Se eae ce 4 SIA a . fax J eo tl8de nok 21g =t ear rae gkb exdx = Bdkb “* See = ck = fz Elledk a ° area ( nate -[e = Ia a J e . Fe TNO = ftw sy 3) J — o de ° poe nek dx = ett n=fe CELE ESTEE ae [*etotde 2 nse 3 a = 26a = 2Xx2=4 ( ea) @ Je de = Yo J ae pile dé nara fe . o = = '0 Me 5) J°oVide 0 pok *x=E* dx= ob dk o 7 0 =< * J eo catdk S 2 | ec kdb n=2 Q o = 2efes= ec=2e -q 1 © fe a = J eae loge yy (ate 3, =, lexdrsd& e leg Fea) = pea) | hae) Leto bere fe) - puk gx loge. =f ata E qloge x= & 3, Tog & doa tbe de ere = cue) S Tog 2 a_i. Sr S flog ob a J ytd = J ott leay dx oO oO pol 22 log 4 =F n= E logy a= ele dxe_t eM a oa egy “Slog y = J cE 1 Elle dk 3 © Sieg y a = -1 i, et Ee ! J = Te = PSiegy “Teg yj 6 JEanz dz & bignomebric osrd tohon the gmbegrals all eDe diffeyenk jrumction® ane given : . framclion. Amo khev Special horn ction pero ” Beko faumdion > n-l 1 —t porn =) ag" Cuma) de 1 Emre nro) a thon vc - : le lgeaiaee oie 1 F j ~ “| GEG Cueececrce 15. called peba Jumetion .. “fe pomin) = pom) —> 8y menckry -Bemin) = 7 7 J o™ era ed | 2 pme 4 al am caine de 2 : pok- x=Sineo dez 29inO@osado @hen x=9 @=0 eal) G=T1e me . od . =J ging cisinte) *8in® cos & 48 °o tO —~ seminjy= 2 | gin = 8 coS d8 3 Relation sc pemin) asnd Tm, Trim Bemim = itm) Ten) me ere emt any J oma 0s 8 doe ‘12 pom ° ~ te fe tm me cmtn) J sine cog “le cos '“9do cae =lle, en=-Ye M=Sly) nelly Yo T3iq My * J "Texae d0= fe Teta My Le rity My TE3lytlly) co co Lek j= dx _ Hl 1 22 che) amd “Fe = J ee es cahich of the Lrollocing stake onl is Fue Qe =i convengyn®) Te diverge 27 Te " oe ) Bok converg D ) Both divenged- du rie 1 meee t o, © d td +) Qe Te= j re * J le > = 2 [ral heheh Te = © (dtvenger®) @ De dx. atcite®) aye te fa arcite®) gamete 0 o - : ) gad -J CYx2) du = —[Yol, "a1 C env) r By companision J Reade algo converged 7 o dx “T32cipee) cahak is the Nature of the Soricd aa Hl = nt citds) LX 1+4n&) net ee Fl ns Cie tg) ce ins) ie eanvong:} g- Oo ns. Tva=ts. _ Wo7g) ip uly} «OP [ere era JS deg? Cn _——— Sa a 13 Ts +33 os og. Here por = C71) Henne the given Said 75 converged: Cdebinike integrals) Aipplicationd:— is eymrnebrica Pircad:— gy a cane | then fonca = | yde | abou x -0%iS “by gra cunve .1S symm chical abook y—aziS- Area= | q dj 2D Area EncloSed blew bax cave: Sep, Bea gx) 1S A= fMeruerde fk argo Ros sy cge—-4) dx & 52 >g1 J the once bended by the pomabohs: QO gequ ond Say 1S lo e i o$ d) 20. | an yy) > lL Rrea blaokhe porrabo 1a% = leet penny) ; ash be! - A = te - 26) GNTL : The once bounded by the pone ola eee eon S=2 q=* dt) io A ped 5 e) Ie \ a ya & Ie Scar, ger : eara> xbt=0 ) x¢(a-l) =O ; X=0) XSI 5 = ca-a2/dac [2e -25 | = | I -/ = O J cnx? Bs 5 | (Ye-ip} = Ue 3 Soxcr-) 6 t=O) zal (3) ~~ . “€N ' ! | can de = [3- of tle. }O o = 2 gex® neu) G20 4 fico. = | git Z a =) netde ° og )t = 3] = Y3 ey) = ey 3 Jo 3 % Re onca bounded by the cunve x=co339) G= Srn88 , 9-0, B=Me 19% on zl me cae yde me =J ao (—3c0s2-8 9in8) d& THe SS -J stato costed = -a HU TS _ gr rPaes e Be * The anca dra Loopdy a curve = Suez gre atCak 2¥) fs a S= ta yQgge cohen a X=ai yeo =e f%gh =e [P< peta de ° ° chen x20) O=0 pok w= asin’ , dx = acosedo x=q/ 8=THNe , we 7 poe =e2f ys snacstede - o oe 2 Fa = - asfageel™ math of: Lhe eunve -— =< fo angth of the ancof the cunve / | “3 Ee ds “dx = te (a ‘tom the btomgle Par! Qa (Pay*= CPN) CN@) ' O3)= (Sy + 7 ~ a ea a Cs + = H/9¢g 7 ox ob @-=p « oso dg > P Giay* ds _ “k= ) Cg We)* eeqever cele et c 47 = |P — ° J J ta a ‘D2 Re length dh the canve gae]a Ale ble x=0fo z=! iS ; a) tres by bee co) 134 d) '86. 01 = J= eign a eg. sf te = de 1 o* ! J rae = ef Gol, = 23 cet i)y = [roo % $= log Secx ¢ X=O) x=Tmy then $= Y= log Seow / te (alr bane) = bane dx = Sex dy fda. = bane My my ee | tthantz de = J (Seer) JX ° Ty * (Seca Hea | fle (Sec o) S= log (eH) Re lengeh & the porta bola ea neo) x=1iS =| 'YoSin-t Ce) + = 213 [ $5 rime = 0 - Yo sinh4 ceytvs i fe dg |d2 = 32% \ SJ Fitaxg de = 54 Th Length dy the canve §=%=00938, j=3in38, &=0, ce e=me iS a «) We dy ls of slo b) ae i Y= Sind 8 St = —3gine9cos8 St x26), gegc8) then B = | 2 J [ers gear de r Sere 3 a = He S= [aco8hd Sint® | asinbo w || qco84 8 sint® 4 aginyo won iia S= 3 J ee ae cost SIn2B Castotsined) do a = 3] “cosesine dO= ajo [ sine8 | ™ ° 3!) =8lec) als ray Spi ld® 45-42 @+sin8) 9) Ling the the canucd ante given ‘ x=a Yea I-88) , 8=0,'me Khon 8 = ——— J "Fezcrasey*4 avone8 80 a Pqaste p ums 4sIneb teost@ 4+ 038 +9inee do 9 — yu 4 J 2420088 de Ie a Bo. | Jv waose do — Te = a 0S 8/e d& oO {! me a gd . axe.| sin6 le | = tal. nope ie = lore 2- : fe Volume of solid of — Revo lution abool x-axis 7S = | a a The Volume of solfd of Revolution tbo y-axis 1S V= b , = | tae dy j a 4 Y-aniS+ > y 2 an gave gal aee , > ONec ancof the ponabola revolved aleouk- Xai ¢ Volume of Saltd So guncraked by the cunve iS y we vale ine =] Wade — we = We) ; t = 3772 Ysoosy, x=0) t=Te Revolved onound the y-axis che Volome of- the Solid TS" a Ve J Mr cent) ome ° = 4 ] costn due = TF feo = wi, “The onco b the perrabolo. ye ax ee reyalved BEC Se onoond arts thenthe lomedr Soltde Revolution fS . 4k Seen v= Te dy J 2ydy = 8 de *=G2/g y= Ie eee ears dg my dx a ‘ uy : LS R_ vow] Bidy om al gH dy —y oO 4 1 5 Se 5 - ~ “Be (32). Bax S (4] = 52/5 pontial differentiation :- Fonchi beso Voriabled :— ; Function f Emo vomiab'® vem jourelton zig funelic Lek Zafcxty) be given n dy ug VeForih): Z=Fczty) chore xasd y anc Ewo independenl— Veniable the valve of “2! depending, opon xi y and this fype dy bumeliond ane called o implictey frosnciond. Ege a 3 -YP+ Bry : o= fog x3.4g9 +z3) o=pe mtyrast Sib ~ ) Burebion of gevera| Vaniablid- Limtbof dusmnction of Faso Voniab|e:- b Fatg) RAL 49, 22a gab Ehen raw-2)se /e79 yowcver 2= epsilon = -oogal h-al <5 1 d1>0 ly-bl< 2 5e>0 Boch that = LE pean xa yob ) th ay a>! gee 8 tE fargy= th Paty gb aya =X then only limik Exisk obhewiS< lienik: nok Exisk. lth “a, J i le (4) = 2/3. oe Bs, 4, ] i Heme both one Eaual- = 2/3. ': ub, Hey, =" |. Hone limik Exist. pe en'D = do C Limi do rok Exigb) goo te B Dees = wey a | Ck Seo [ 4, se | - Lb 42, as | rd oc tk -yly- 0 gly= , eee . cis ws Feary) - as Feag) Ehen Lami £- doc noi §>a A>e Extsk, Foy Selving the above fy pct Eauraliond Sebstibube gama. Io = mi~—so = lt ea TRelimiL depend vpan xe thon ma sg Sn? For differen E valoc® Eotm) @c gck differant lrmiks ik ts Nok onique. TRenckrove ltmik doce nof- Exisk. Senkinvowd— weg FEM =Featby bomthe feumekion Fn card bobe sa 1b cankinvou® . © Fag) = age ahen Cig) =f Cue) = We when Catyy = cue) Te Fary iS combinveuw® abc tb — ~ a Reatgy = ae Peay) =4l5 = fete) mt HS conlinvoess eerree inition of pantial differentiation :- tek zapcuy) bea given frusnction whic ay wick tadcpondemk vorlab} Greametiteally ponlial differentiation repraeen ES the Eaualien db Surface - J8= Jay | = 3S, au IB" coos Equation of- Lhe surface: Equabior® of- the level surat: dttferentiakion 18 Lhe SCuryiA =a F CargrB) =e > thadeve pontial ordinary dibberen biakien exit omc \raniable coretamb- © k Cotv) = 20 + are “ig cotY) = ag £ + » wv) sodl ty be cov) = ov. Dog s_colv) = ‘ Ng 7 ovo ( = ge o=x 9 then [Sg- 7% blog o=xlog cay) Ehen a = ¥ og It log cxy ) do = I+log (x: oe 58) & o= log (234g3 +32 3xgz) 2 4 go ones) ot dg 95 = EG hE do oF a satay Z xByg 34-25 s2y% oo _ ayh axe os x34 g9+2> Meg ze do ggh dz ima) xB yi +E? —Beg% aratgets = dg-g 2-22) B+ +00, = Jd J catyte) CA 3% ay-y2—-Z ) =_3 Caty+z) Dp dr x= rc098) Y= 1Sin® Loe oe a) sine —-b)- cosh co) —Sine dz. a v v d) tos ly CECeUECELCeeew~ el oe ewe Tand=yle' eye ye B= Lan! (Ylx) do i = g 2 _t— (-ghe-= 24 __(-8la®, du Le gene x2) ge C ) = —rsin® _ Sind dPlax = Sind ve Vv v yer @x+o0 = ey _dr dx th 9=¥% osnd = 2tghas® then dv pee + one | ge dvs dat "8 2 ne 2 n-% oc) nentr2)¥ AEM by acn-v¥ ) YY acn—ay Ea Vern ov ny net 2 sx = ony Sos nv Zs dx Pe = ny ee o2V o-3 To = nWN-2)y Maer ne dxe oe eel = nen-ay VO AP py re vty + OV 4 gov ny =. 1 = n-2 xD aye a ncen-2) x ody? et )p 307 ~ a = nen-2 ey gnv™ = [ nea-ey +90 Jy = ncont) y 17 —e Gros otegrrae) He Ehon bind re hug gy +0335 »-1 bre yg Yo ads 3/2 gu -—'t Rp se aa [ecg 22) Can) —3le = —(+y243t) CY do _ —S[e 44 ? xz = ~( xc-3[P) ORY?) Cet) + GHB), Sle. = t[ axe cxhgt a2) — Cdgteee) "ey a xtogy +058 = 3ext4-gt+32) Ug ttse) Sle — 3c gtys 2) oe = & o=fay ohare ve ateg> Chon , to +O ) xe dye ie Ucy) — 1 ficv ) fF v ) Y fuensee piv) 2) filler) —y filer) a 7] Filey) +-thy elev) ) ; x) o= Fev) : 1 do ple 2G = flay = af ae tu. = phigh v Late on-2e zeta: 1] x flee = igh rLattenSe sents fe, = 2eplleyy rf lev) aa fie) 26 = aly ye So 4 fo = C&tygy filer) -evF w) = (x32) ) gi ox dy® ye = tency) +evfly) — +e fle) y% Sy filen) + evetey —veler) yo — , | Ro 4 Be 4 to = ftleyp- 2 gl 1 age = FO) - Hom ogeun coud peunction :— spilion : 4 a dbinition- (.b ga pea graee Gt-— ¥ any” bea polynomial & ath ordey In xg ; (2 t= xn {20 +a (glx) + 02 Cyle) +- an yo] Zz =x Egle) 19 called hemagenoud hrusnckion of nth order a cohene § FCYlz) = aot ar cylx) faecglx) F--—— 2 @O a yyrrery =ae [ (gk 2 led] ordey_n=g o=latly = ety os zesty RD = 2-lFcyle) eli $ the given function 1S hornogemou frarnckion chen oidey iS HE 3 os 25rg° _ sc Gls] = x Fcyia) “6 eid ovdey =} Hs ts =x -y = then ordev= 3-Yo = fe xe ag l® d= agtaszyaye = xecgle) aye { t+Gla)? ] 2g 0 253+g3) © cect) BIEL TEC cor) acityle) = 28 poylay = 2 Fegla) o= «343-324 de 1S No ExprOPed TL catlbe oka hormeg onou® frumekicn , inkhe above form thon ee ee Elid Eheorrm:— . ee > - £ is 73 applicable to fomog enoed Grunt < e nt - fo —spcuy) bea hemag enon frurnction Pe n - ardey then [xs e9 ae = 00 a tS og | BC Han)) > & o> x3443 oo = "+9" then 202 Fyey =O LC gle) “J Ordev= Lb y veattgtirg leone nor Fyoy =20 ovdev=e D ox vy YE 3 B on atey® then nox tyyyg = (os dv. = then KO, FYI = bosu ordev=d d gros oe 13 Ig an aoe tyige eggs Pm HG You I Hi va Sey 3 } ch 19g oT me Ug Ayey L “YE Sof Freya PF @ by-y 9 3 nae t S oohenevev log ) frundion given khen wer mont goy iS the ordevee Ehe frunclion Sh leg (EC Hoey) 9 ACU gla) orev =o C= Sint a (-3s"/ Ehen Rox Hyg ia os +50 2 ARO) epee Clee eee Hona from oe ee feormola Ox + = Sinu ox FY Ug @[. es = banv Fa) = Sine. d= bont xSpy43 th (ee) Ge ak) SS ew! fo= Eanu Fico) flc= Secu oo = eh = 2 ( Sigu. ) (ase) cond ovder theorem in rabur~-rnkt- 7 “go ecugy bee here, meu Sumelion bee cer then Rac EB Cag FSG = PTT | . a a then xg + 22g Oxy +9 yy ACHE gl) a ncat)o [ae = --2)0 = eu —= f c= 7 = agtleg then ULUex He eay vag ty reyg Gveeececoceecucevvevey a es xf Ceca?) neo |) = Nino x4 CYIX) ~ oco-no =-u ) ve | r4p-43 ° —., 9 om tog [S82 them a8 obo, 4 ge ate y ony ZO “J dxdY —_ 4 : Se a ) 7 i bumboarne given > a the logy cos; Sin different 2 = nf) = Fw) then @ * ao +8 “Og rE = FO) G 2@ Ju gto 2 gto _ (0) elcol-! @ » do, +244 rg + Ee = [ 4] 30! Pw ce me +980. = eery = 22] of =ee-1)= =e d aru ty? yy ery Ixy =2e y= re > = e054 (288 then a2une ey tony HPAI % Ox+g oY = —coko = Fcv) gq TY Uy F2AY Oy = —coko [ cosce*o~1] = ~ab3v D O02 Sin-I aye FE) then aLortyr wry Ary Oxgq eS xOL+Y WG= fone = feu) Donn tye ogy Ferg ag = banu (Scc2o4t) = Lande nivative of composite frumekion i Lee zepcatyy be a given freonction md xa ptt), $= Oy thon BIS Satd Lobe smposite fruncktion of ‘L) z E dz, dE dy| IS called dotivative | de = ae de danivabive , ) ) zz eye ack, g= ehtl » d% 1, ‘& dx Pero egos de ** gz “dE og “dE. J ) , ) = cebtex) + c2)(ey) = GEe+ uy d= = yb Cedi) +4 (2& : je EC $1) +4 (2E +1) Ze xtygrt , eck, GHEE ; dz : , EE Chey= x0) + 2 O79) ; = GeO —4e cee) . ey a BE Cpa { = xt 2F dy TS He fe oahen ) Epon do= -2E-d te Sg 49 catled total dnivative of xty 7s vanrty 2 & o=r1y then doz xdyt+ydx ; o= x log (2g) then du= Lésy _ 4) + leg sip ca dg | ; Y= x Sinzy do= (x cos cagr(y) tsinay | det (8 cagncn]ey = (myoostag)+ Sinay ) dat (ares Cam] dy To & ozpengyy bhen = SE + gE dy kde 18 calted bbe Gokaf deitvative dol erbo Se? Re total. donivabive dy x2y when xcg ane laked by the xSey erg =) 7S: vEreg. ate exy =| do 10 +g _ se = exg + xe €exty) = ye 2 Ide f eg +x < de = do. = exy— x2.(2449)|(a+eg) ere dg ldx (eg +2 =- (2e+yJ "dy lde = —Cexty) Cage x % v= glogcxg), ~y3=3xy then do = (od _1_%)4 [6 cei) dg &, (: 7H + logy] + eg | ge. = ( wlegeal + (rly) “le 34 y= Bxy Bxt4+aye dg ide = 3x dy [de +39 [3x%2y] = Sy (dx _— ly fob. = ey | 2 2 Bn y™ > GS: dz = S*gt we i) ont og dyldx +d ) (xg= | G(x an dy [da % = gl=—Uge ow dg ldXXe [oe d = do gidx = 1k) “dx = e+ 2 EY) (tin 2) do _ Tide = Ox 2G Cat) wg os Feng =e bhen faos dE de +E dy = Je oy J =O => ce) du +(&) dy=o eenckion iS called denivabive of tmplictby 5 & o= log caty) + Sin (244) =e then the valve of dg Jd iS dy. _ ae 44 fcer3) dx oo cos (2 TY) Ct) / [datex= | ge 05 x8iry) =o Khon : dyin = [= seotewg H8tory | + & coS(2y)(2) dgide= XY CoS (zy) +Sinxy AX COScry) [Sl = ay > =H tle Eanceg) ! t v=F ( x8 gt) Bx) then bhe valuc of Oo. — ra hie = > “The mekhod is ssy-t baer thenthe wmetion 9 =pcrsiky —» 1S called the Anunction of bermekion of implieity _ frum Grumebion thon oe. of . dy 4 of . dS + of. dE dE Uck vox-y 1 on dr. de go. oe d dr =| a we _ Je ok dx = = Gr 36 —=0 Wey or os dk of a a i a ae dS Kb do. = ~ dF +4 df Jy “ar Ae —@® = — dh + of —@ Cae come) dF + sates =~ fen 1 is ie Ox+-Uy tY, gu go aay - = pay, glx) Ehen 2 p Geom F (olen wu + ihe v= aly S= gle 5 ly @E) —g)xe ( F109) —@ ay a 2 (ag?) + We Se ae or. Gorey = FE L tg—aly® ] + of [a -Slx*] Application® of partial denivakive® = | and iifnimem valve fey _Et the aximom Yalue bw cHon of Single vantable i bumction ec Necctiary condition ber the 1 Maxima & Minima |. (05 fea) 18 said to have Selve bor **” Lhe value of? anc called Che abionary Valo FFici: enk condition + _ hind the flex) mate Lhe pote b filcay>0 ak the poink then fce) TS See Jestma ak the point ¢ Local mIntma ) ninfma » Ob 41 caro at-khe potnk Lhon fextS said bo be Maazima qe poink ¢ Local Maszima) & ila) =o atthe point then fx 8 nok an Eybeme. CNo mazima; No minima ) . TAS poink TS called point of infleckion. PI gil0 mtatma flee) = Rca) e200) <0 Maximum ak x=2 . ton The} Maalma ond minima dy the frwncki Fa) = @x9_igz%3ex +19 occand ab Y az (87) 1=2 J a=e@) wa Sr=3hrel y Teco eae eae eee ee ee acy Axa! fi(z) = ext Sox +36 flex) = xi sx +6 fica) = 2 cx) R=203 $legy = (2x39 Luce) = 1ece) —3o La Maxima fica) = 1203) -B0 >a Minima “TR frumetion Fos 2 & fea) Trthe closed intenval [-at4) 7S 2-2 the maximum valee a) 18 b) lo e) —225 dy Nene fica) = @x-l =o xelle Fqw=e fey =. lety-2@= 18 et ue cee one afmom valve [3 fea sfc) then the Ma lazima g Minima ckian of- 0 Yonta rosime 4 rine uekin of tan vsntallds Lek fcary) so be given fronckion the necc®B" condition kor fray) 1S said Go be 26 dF 9 =o, Saye > solving ead) @ hor xamdy SQ Le SetficionE _ condition:- Bind r= 8F]ge E= Plage ¢ SHEE t S g ak xd che pofnt £ yb-Stre 1 Fro ak the potnl: thon ecxig) 7S ito be minima o& thal point. ge tks? zor vo Saddle potnk AE (oc? the function feasts: = 2bye had Minima 6) Marima 9 Saddle potnk di Nene 1 nn a oxo 2 oe =v dé £ Sg = —2y a each pl JE =o =S dye re-S*- = _4eo = Saddle poinE The minimom Valucof. Peuy= agt9 43 yg em “gy 8 OR CN Oy eee eee) = wae =e BE=q —> gd, af ae eae age 3 eee ET, te-f sas w=3 Se] $=) Cacg) = Cat!) Fcanl= 3¢3t3 =4q Zany 7S. y+ the minimom valueok fexyy =23+4 ay eee ars SE = 3y atky =o oy = Lerzo gf “5 = “Bree s - d20y ay a4¥-n =o xCati) =? Roo t=] => yoo YHl Sakionery valued coro) C414) ! Yo Gn E=ey 823. Hee) eon bot Se vE-S* = 36-7>9) YOO" min ab Cth) fen) = 4I-3=- , ) Deep 2 eee gx—ay +6 the optimal veluc of "gy is Minimum valve Eo ‘9/3 Mazimom Valve Ee 9/3" miin g/g 4) Max 8/3 ~ oe 8 g2-8 =9 => x=! - . (2g-4 =0 => g=l/3 v= 8 vE-S*= CBICIY) = IEP) YO: bal(e ae atnimom ak cl 3) | Fella) =y+elq —8[3 —4]/3 +8 Ee of3 ) tne distomee ble the origin amd the point J neande to ik snbhe Surface 2 Hay iS ; J a) \ b) S/o 9 6 dy % 3 Cop) *: : a ce, LAGI) ye erPEY-GH) HC I-BI)D V Cie poe i } COPS ga egret : a pul B= rey Fag = ategeitay fo = arty =a —@ from OO) of gkabionar: poinks- “ag = ttt no © ae So d = a =ech ql =| =S Pf s0esk ree, =e Sal dg 2 re-s* = 44>? Vo: Miatmom ak (0/0) frayy= l+ototo =! ait ol total etet tole tote totale teteneiotateialeke late io leis te) o\ Nometical MebhodS Ce-7), sf Solution boy Lincan Equations | Non lincarr Eaxnabior® | tambidental Equation . Solution for N differential Golobion bor N-Eq | eg lt 2% dbinikion & bromsdentel Eaua Lion Ay Equolien ohich tavol ve, bignomebiic amd logenthemic bum then on iS Known 0& xanddentel Eauation Equation Exporsial, the Eauals Pa = xe ox fey = cose loge + 2% gmk mediake valve eropunls fea iS conbinow fark]. differmL Sign Cfeay-Ftb)<0) then ee able one Rook fnthe inbrvel alb) Zean {bone xi a gn gencral @c can rind the Tatkial approxtmebiond boy the Slobtond bram%dunkal Fauabion useing inkeumedfobe ~ \atue. propery fakeok converge — _citl 79 almost = alamt. the Rabe of ci nvekgern cL is Knocn dev convergence iS lincon oe) birsbeorde y. db cit] {S$ Neanev both. condbemt the Rake eP th © convergena [S Known od fyodk-cr. ond G atderdy convergena 7s pth ordcy Cpr) cbhadd :- Biscckion method oD sloco comvergen ce osnd the Regolon false mekhed Seeank methed ; > Nebobon Rapsond ticthod . Biscdlien I nods — CHalving) Stenokive formola = Gove) tee) tacedove ?— & fcay 1S ankinoud in: Labs, Rais Negative, Achy +ve Faz fab) f@y=—ve #ctby+ve - Pa o=_ brefe = ma Fen) ave, CLeeEeececCye llc ew love eve y rt Az Sa = baa =xe 7) FRM, = 4VE Sa = tpet 2x3 (Bill accomey ) a THIS mekhed iS geuwntce bo anvevt- bok very Slow Tne ge ane reachtng to the tue. value om Lovo Sidhe the poly nomial. +> overall raked; anvergena 1S omd order dy aonvergena 1S free 7 gn this mekhed @e one vedveing (le backoy of Eno on ohep by Step. Thnckove long tht Mee Prtinvel at-the nthskep- _[t-al_ se en ehure 6) 1S Serol| Error auernkiby- bev C=jor% 9-9 Slooo ceomvergune Example Cot i) 7 1-0 an to paaleee - Qn S Joo aoe > By bing this methed < cannok esm Plex Rooks of the eauabton locate the Bind 3x4 appro ximaLion ov the Aesndion foe x3q 2-9 > (213 J Fe) = @P_8-49 = -79 . Fa) = 2@7-l2-4= 6. r= 23. eos 7 FHS) =-Ve A= 253 _9,95, Ft) =tve 2 A= 25275 _ 2.695 z = faa rce1 blo 'Lort) Chon find the ard rpprozimation . Fo) = ae®-| =-1 Fade pocl =a 418 5 fae OF ~o5: f£-l0-5) = +Ve a SA= Hed ~ 9.455 Furs) =tHe “TAS 854045 z = 0625 Regelon false Method (balse posilion) ceeers Be eee ee rere eee As A= tgt IH AL_ .Fcx0) Fcx—F ae) Roe Negative — Rook 4 the found Hem eth) Xi= positive on y > ans mckhed isalso gquorentee bo convert amd a le foxley Eben tthe Bideckion — pickhed. —> Bince we veaching Lethe bre value on one Side. > overall vale. convergence, is Slew ama! order de anvinge §S lincon 1 > dthe ivak appraimation Valu one a ve En! che onde problem ; sproximakion 97% a —ve C Rook 78 approach bo positive obhunosise oppoSibc. diveelion ) By uding urs method 2180 oe cannek hind ook the complet Rooks cy the Eaualion - EF bird 3°S approxi mation Qhov Ehe fromdion Faye xcbcost —y (oi! ] Fov=~r a e1eq Cradiam ) [-o fa =o - ——— cH) QED = [3-199 = o3the eee _ 2 co 3146) = — 051984} frestue Coe 51984) SA= o3the — 2149 $0-519 “Feo lee) = 0.2049 Ae otyoe + Loehuet _ Cro2049) Q1FQ+ 0:2049 Fo = xleg, r-1-2 which lie blo (2/3) ; isa bram@idern Le | foonetion £2) = 0 59F4F FO= 0.23/6. eae ao ae emo) 0. 2316+ 9 59749 fp = Blot fc 248102) = _o.0/209 eae erecta ee anaes ener ee ee ~ 9 (B-2F210% 69.0109) 1 SA= 232102 + 0:23le 0/01 FOF Sp = B40! S 2440 fi @.tyo) = —0'000 38 Ta= 2%t4ol— on icles (0.00038 ) 0.2316+ 9:00038 = @-440y Dm uayo. True Value =2-44o4 Seeank metho d:- Ccherd rekhed ) hormolo feene Sec ont method - The ikuakive anml= an fan Fier) ov oy vevl. Since to om >This mekhed 7S Ne guaran bee hor binding the SoccBive approzimation [ab kao coren cambanation? ¢ bol-h Ver both -vey l4tve, Ve > overall vate ob convergena. 7S bodke ond the order & conyergiS eC > drokall anveg3 this poate thom the Vegolon fralsc rictshod heeling y conve vg unt By ading this mcthee! ocan Coca be the nples Rooks ab the Equabion 7 hind aid app frasnction Pons %cLoasy (arg J Mode! Rad] Fo) =-l Fay= 2149 fA =i- _1t-0 C29) QAqQ4+l FA = o314e Flosiye) = —o5t984- o- 6-l SA= Sear C~-9- 51983) SA =o-4yee Fenqyen = ent] TA= otye2- ol4Ee— OSHS C_o.2049) — 92049 #0'5I9B+ TA = 7 5314 Neateon Rap sand Method: Crangenk “Packhod) Mnti= a_—- Ale Dee f' (xn) oA F\Cxn) bo} ecececeseucvecece TRIS ~mekhod (S alge grestombec bo converh. ce the initial peo (SS Wleanecy tebhe =tue Value) Poverall yaked, conveigene 79 bodker convergeng amd ovdey eb- convergene. 18 Second ordey CQuadnatic ) > Poy binding felon SocccBBive approxima Liond Ce postlive veld femnckional value. — > the deniva Live & hurnckional value (S$ Longer then mekhod moved divecktyy otherwise te 1S very Sloo Sametime diverged. —> this method batts [flren)=0) apply Khe Regolay false Mckhed, —> 7s method cana Igo t Knocona% Leng efi Method (Geomebreally) STIS 15 the baL mebhad Bor Locaking Fhe comple Rooks Equation. + By using tis method awe can Brn YOR, 03 = Moa tm -— Squave Rook = fy * gmvebe anti= te CaneSn) antHl= x0 C2-Nxn) cobe Rook ~- (n) "9 gmvatse Sauare ree a inti etig C22ob ey) ww oH ask cul money (onset) | ces Genes +e las aaa ep pth Rot tS mons ae > cath elle on CeHI—NxnP]: hind re by Bing _Neakets acthed. moze 8t4 L': ae ; is approctenalion SG (35+ 12/35) araciniotes SR= ve Cayeya+ (2[aye4e). = Shoal ° TA= He (a-yout t2[a-yeal) 22464! 2 bind 377 by eding Nekaon method. / 4 sg. J cyl? cal? cons! A Mo = 249 | o Haz -—= Ah n= Ms Cean#N fane) Fa = 2(2-5) + = ee Is ( 2ce5 cad Sa = ts [ecee)+_1o_ f= t1993- C222. TA = 3 [ 2 (21553) 4 2} = = 21543. ass fas —mell) 2cetsy3) +12 __) _ og, iE Geaisuae) = wis: » Sind the Second approxi mation bor the. 2 Foy = XeL xo=l Sol fexy= xe~I : : faye belt = he Be ea flop = clpel= 5496. Lg = 0.6854 ee ee Fen = S436 mat) = An — a F'(an) Fw.6esq) = 855% Ff co.6999) = 3:998% Oo355C _ op Stty: = 0.6839- 2°27 = SA= 0.6839 Bsr Qu Eien: Equation :— Sololion hor Che Nlomerica) gifFermbie! d di nition single Eee method :- t the § valoe con be fnerememt- be enley one Skepaka timethen the methedS ane Krocan a single: Skep prebhod: “The Gioneval rele IS - Newvalue =otd value + slop) (step Si¥e) ag! valu® wie tnevemurited by more Eben ne Skepak abime Ehon the Methods ane known oD Molkiskep Mekhad. TRo&e Method ® one alSo ‘nocned predicbors conechors Method Single skcp motliskep rt rained oa act Sori chee by Step r predicbors ah | @ i Piconds Evol nd Pam corrector. - Taylor's Rete ohe icandd method :- dy [dx = Feary) 7 yao) =Jo dy idx = Feu) 3 x J dy = J fcwey? dz ‘fo to x Byo -2 J Peeryide RO fa IF Yo +J F.cxryo) a. ? a oh SI= Yo J Fcreyo) de . no Ce Sez got Jo feetgi) de xO ' 1 ' ‘ : Yn= got J fou yaa) de xO & Solve the differen Hal Eauation dyldx =xty- Swch tab ycoy=t opke gid approximation. Sa Farg) =2tY > xe=05 go =! wm Ha t+ f cards = Htxexefe ° uy ee See J Creede = +] upite $x2fe ° 2, : = Ihfebins ‘2 a os = text 2S 4 * uo B= it J feugede = WJ abi etee + Ble ° a eS (xefey +23 24 tat 2 (at[ey F275 = gg = Hate 23/3 +x4/e4 iylors Method + isthe applicalisn bor khe ifferenbiaHon ty =Fay) 5 Ylxo) =Jo = Jo cx-x0)! cy"o + Cxexo) CYyo 4 ~ == -fa-x0) ome a ti : al CB)a =! (Sulds) cxorge) Go= ryldz®) caoigo) gmthis mekhod the SoccBive approximation anc represen Ling aikh Secc@wve onder & derivative fa Gy, SAG") and ——, oa Dy Idx = wyrre Xb Solve the differential Eanation ex gech that yer. Bind gtd approximation. yu) uw g'= ey tre tye 5 xozo Y=) oO “er: = wre gle ey dtze +e ; (8.5 = ; 1 = @y+ netbo% Heth 5 (a) 2 eceprotiet Corl 1 =4 = ell pyer Hettet 4 yet gm con = UC HIRT Hy = ey > > , fice ee eee ae Stney = He Cx-9)! HON capt CAO) Cat, (2-0)? u el “Sr SF) Jane = +3R + SAE x3 $ —--—-— Edlow’ tethod gis the application do Ebe ambzgration amd ExEurBion of Taylor's method. dyldx = Fenty) 7 C2 =go- Gi= Yo +-hF (2014o) Se= y,+ be ce gy “ = YethF (x2 Y2) ) t Sn= yaa + he (er gor) 7 The degree of the polgnamtal intewation Method |S 1s degree >The order dy Encation “Error 1S _0Cb®) —o Sms methed aan also be Known predictors & > Gonectorg Method (single Step) > dis a application Bev the biepe sida role bor Ehe olen _* Solve the diftervenHal Eaualbion dy [dz = ag) Sech thal gej=) + bind geo) fo steps & a0 30], feng) Sty, Ne=0; Yet ( heowe, x oy Gexeg) =A4Yy Neco Value . Vo yo=! Fix; Yo) =1 Siz tto-oecl) = 08. 20% Yg = Oe Ffeangy = boy Je= ogo (p04) = poy : ooy gage hoy Feaerye)=108 Yaa [04 to.09 Cl-08) af : =|/-06, , 0106 yg hoe 43199 = Hie 4G = 106+ O-08¢y 429), = 0g. ¥ 8s 08 40-0246) | Srl | > 0008 Yy-tog -txtgq) = FIC Somme yo seelcal Pycon=ll 3] > Kokhi® method: 8y defaniE tEISa kbh » ™: » ordey ag mpcurey y(ro) =Yo. ce ; dz ; Sager ; _ 2 — - FESIER Ke er reKe +23 + ky] ) ) Ki= hf (ogo) be Ke = hf (act hes Yo + ki] 2) Ko = hE (aothle, yo kele) ky = hc xoth, Sots) ee¢cee cece } a a oe © Apply R-K Method arad Solve Ehe differentia | beeWelereg el Ep sxty, yo=l hind go?) 301 ae Feary) = x+y 9 xo=0, Yo=l Roth=0.e k= o@ fil) = of [ott] -oe orh=ort heoie ss Colter] =or24 KB= 02 F Col, IZ) = oe (olti-12) = 0-24 Ky= ag FCP, 62GG) = 0-2 CrGYRy) =o 2Bg. Kae tr +exe eks +k | k= tle ( %@+ecoey) +2 cozuy) +oe8s | K = aeU4eg G2) =Yotk = [+o-eyesg YOrr) = | 2428 Rik 3" order): Sr= YotK K- aealt ki take + kg) ki = hfe, I) ko=h FC xothle, Sotkl2) Kg-hp caxothle, York!) kl= ‘ hf crzoth, Yok) (c Rong Method) k Cand): Yi= Yok an a Ki=h Fceotgo) ke=he croth, Yotkr) “lodibicd — Exlen® —packhod. dete CISE order ):~ S1=Yo+ he (xo Yo) Evlurd (Stenple). olEistep method: rdilnd. ol thod:— _ dg idx = Frey) YCx0) = Yo dyip = Yor 4h { eFi-Fe +eFa J Sue= goth ( fer4 patted) Su, ca) = Ye + h13 ( fe+ue3 +Fy J Ceri] accoracy) > The otigtn do-thig Method 73 Neoker® freccoond into polation formola (gim%aA3 le) yoo - gmthis methed iE approximation 7S ath iberation for Evaloating EhIiS oc necd stonting 3-Thnabiond C8 Ye) G3) cohtch canbe guncrabe w%Ing amyone of the Single Skcp method « = conlinve the coneckor thnakicn® enbill Khe accor Aon ae ° R-k Method 7S meame Qhor Smalley Valocde—t amd iftings Mieckhad ber the lorgey valocab—t “TRS method give more gtable Solobion thornon encof. Lhe Single Step method. Frdame% _Ba%h Forth Method + dy Idx =fexcy) Yczo) = Yo Sup = yotBy ( sefo var rath ths 1 She= Sort; [ar + 19Fo — SF +f-2] Yr eC) = Yor b ( afue +19fo ~ 2F-1 +F-2J gnitfal = x-3 ga FS sk x3rh X2 G-e fe qnd a—aHeh xtgy-p FY 33h: 3 rd a Jo fo oh this pckhed #3 Neokar& ‘backosond = origin burps lation gathis mckhed also Birsk approxtmalten iS ith thnakion - “ , ‘or Evaloating this we need skanking valecd / #5, f-2, f-1 eahtchean be generate by eBing uayene of- dtngle skep Mmebhed asntinve the corrector ikerabion ‘oatil the accoracy . 2) (Z-3) ‘ (4-2) (2-3) = (att + can vecn) = i = (et can ocn) = [Heth cond orn } - 2 ent) —3 wt ot-n) | -_ _ 9 ean ame at = em gM a) nan m=o a : . a ») eqn Rl, OP = TE 9 ose atean ancnt) aan n W ; ame bP = p= gm pe m=o , mn Sn= acy) 9 = bp (alb) r=) m=o i 2 a = bn tealb +0al by + a © on 5 in Ge =I a wae 0 - py = = = antl w/z. z co-b) | oo C= ) [z zt [far gte)J= = remains golge #2 _ zn] Ua) CG) ae (2 Sea) = (ect 4 pat = ant_ pw 2 Ca-b) 7 ca—b) - } gif ze 27 nant | ; i ae ) =< #1 el , em] =k come” J (z-a)® 70 3 7 4 , 4 = Cnt)a” 4 jor a be (Papp os ee Cele) C2-3) AY) then Fe =? ae fon) = 24 pd C#/e) Cz-3) (242) aoe ed [ aa Th * (zl safe ee CHi/e) (2-9) C42) =y" lz-ve = lle)” Cie-3) Cye+2) = ~4jes ciey% ="4 lzes = C3) a (349 - e(an) C3-112) CB+2) Gle(s) ac Bince [Z1= 3/2 IS the circle condition asnd cea Z= Ile 7s ‘only lic trBidle gL the civde and vera int - PG feo one |e ovk8ide this . Hona fin) = —4]e5 cle)? fu = -4les Cie) = 2/25: | Application ZebomBborm fo differential Equations + Equation comBisting dy denivatic® 18 called | differential Eauatton | 1 Eauation com2isting br dewercke furnetiond #9 Knoan D diffewnc® Eanabion Solve onti ten = 9) voz} z[( ontiton) = eloJ z (ote —09] ~o3C#) =0 C2) (2) = Evo =e sw = one ET (4e] =e)". ~ +l . Vo = ) onte —Bontl F2On oem FS ‘ , Z( onpe —30nt1 +209] = gloca] ; pe EU ocz) to-tz] ~3t (TH vo] +20) = = , Ec0(z) — EF -3E OH 420%) — = z1 : ule) ( 2=se+2J oo : Zz! 2 ow ( ce cen] = Ee) = hte @G) ce) , oe) Lene] ole ) Cz0 , e>) =[ Ze 2 7 2 (ene (2%) » ent As J G= xl ELE 5 cen C2) ; = fey + re] Zee = tt ze) nH 4 ~ at ae ez * “Zh, fesierme =] +e ea = & salcoa) “) pot = oad ee, a ott pet a nat o+l (os Poorfer Tram bormalion H fox) 1S a pentedic fwnclien arnd sakis by the condil; % of dirichlelts then tk can be Expr%®ed 0% beounicy || id " By Exponding this concep bor Non poritodic i. uncon ie can te Expr2dead ob bounter tokegre! ranticy, inkegral oe ig debined tnc-ere) omnd satis by the condi om of divchleL 0 e-> co ro m= tJ | eck) cos Ack») ded Po Ls bounier jn-egral A1Sa_ ponamebey tL Fx) 1S an odd Ge-—ebion we vot | ‘one J ecty sin AE ded . Tw ° Ly Sine inkegral & fer) ig an Eyun benciem om el coSAX ie fey eoBAE dE dA ° Ls combine Inbegral porate Je pay bad ee bormd-an inkegral PCC CeCe EAC CLL ‘ De 2 aaa = cece) * ra J fe st db — Fes) Ly bounter Frama bor maki a Jer J poe fb= de J ~isk ds. Ly gmvube Gounicy bom be ? “cetiel Fl) = J tebrelBFsk = Fw a) o ., Fck) = + nese PFds: een : © . — ) ret) = te J pckye SE dé = FOS) —o oo - Fe) = J Fesle BE ds. —o} Founicr Sine [ceSine Trampbrorm a D Fe Cet) = fcs) fi eck) Sinsk dé ° Cy F-SeT pie o (ho) = fe J Fees) ainsts 8 ° ie hes T ®) Fecech)) = Ecg = * Fe (8) = EJ Fk) os sk dé ° : to . oe ; = Fe" CFS) “Je | fe cg) cos sk ds 7 L. meee oT nike Louniey Sine [cosine “rarn% borm ic Fen) 19 debined in Ca¥) fem © Feet) = J peu) sin SEE de Ceres) 18 en inkeger ) = Jay 0 i a a oke Founley HamSbermakion is applicable bor zable usn hionS. Nok applicable hov ogbable ernckand The 10 dh disconbinos Peuits anc hintke oe FT of pay = [i ; o oe N= J Fx) B® dy —-o Q * = J cy elBH dae oO D 23inas B @ ae @Sinas @ noah esioas or go hind Gounter bam berm fa = t Inxs [xls © 5 Ial>l a 1 Fis) = J ci-x%) clu da foe Leib nik 3'3 _Role jo > vv, -olve Fell vg —olllyy $---—~ My VQ > gmkegrals. vo ols panivakicd. ’ Fes) = J (x2) ¢ 18% de SL Lew 28 —(-24) ee] + es] ) ee eles moral a i me soe —ecne® 4 ge!S i sf ~153 —2[oe ; IS CelSpe15 ) + (ei3-<~i5) =e" +2 istasy Beat C2c0s 3) 25 celsiasy = 4. (ging- ScoS $ ) $3 F(ab] =1 Fl st-a}= 18? cane 18% Fs [sck-a)} = Sinas Founter bra borm cb Sinz derek Exisk becaude TiS poriodic signal. ST of < Fs cece) = j= | otk Sin (ax5) de. ° — a . = Je | o-8% Sincsty dn oO F5(e-ax) = [Phar (ex) oD ee = Jeltr } ct aps (94) du. oO ~ Sri Cae) cece. tee ere ener ~ a wi ” ~~ tes F5 (0%) onSkable SySkum. . FS (Sinz) —> docnok- Exist bind pig. of eat ot Fs cs) = 2 i a ed ee tw J = ie Sin Se = Jefar [ cot! tals] i) a Fscs) = apr J 2% SinSe dx °° ot diffcremake aorbo 9° diz 7 te aoa a) = fan J c 2 Leos s be 4. | Bes)]= “a3 LBOJ> fer Ape gmlegrake avio Ss: #58) = [ern bent (sla) C8) Sef cok tals a bind FST of erat = 0 ies ler J Ye AX Sine HL ° a : - ; be, BO ae eae Fahy J foe e288) gmbogra o% x © fer | (e*) (-2os Sx) de 2 oo Jr J st ds. o Stat differentiale ako S: Teisy= _298 Sat Bind pSer of Ci/x) sa [Pn J “Cif) (SINK) dx By Laplace bLamndhorm = Fela Cry i fs5(S) = Site bind rata pe fa) = “° Jnr J Fe stosn de T= i ant oy Cea _ eb _ Fe is) =-SFlar J oe Stee det eek Srmaginary pork of rake ! oo _ = —Img postk-of Je | te ot “e dx= de] rs Ir 3 Jas L oO = —Img pank of ge _t- sje Ee 4 oa =! Elie © ab = eye (7) — Cam + i) t = (mgt [rime ) = JE (amg be J vS = Jel [-oomyt isiatrey | = le Cer] othe. Fe tof( Ze) = B. he bra bor mation dy a bwnekion *S iksele wm ik 13 calleda% Sele rect proca | frumelion3 ; Ea” a iSa Self veel procal hurnckiond . er2]2 ts also Self teciprocal ondey hounier Homdbermation . \ Flew) mm 4 SYe a = coe ; Sar, ) ka | ; oo J Fou Sinkxdx = [= isk og eth) = Fo. “ee e-isk en ak oF J thon BY feb lak = Festa) Fea F (4b etek) = FU) Fiestas FleckaJ= cl Frey Sa £w dolation pro porky :~ te ect) = Eco) ) echt esak) = te (Fest+Fs-a)] Fs Chik) sinak) = +[k& (s-a) —f, ta) } Fs (Ftk) cosak) = +/ & esta) + Fy (8-21) Fe( fcby sinak) = tle [ Fcsta —Fe (s-a)]} Fe Cftky Sak) = le [ Scste + Fe aa] lation ble Laplace bamp bomation % Levater amb brommation bt tty = { ek acky ; by 0 3+ ko ON Phen FEC RCE) = th gb} _convolokion, theorem ‘ et Feo) -Zis)} = Ftbxgtk aoe © wee) gtk-a)de “ poteval’s sdenbibicd FUS) eth , FLE) Gus) ETO, gtk) as) jegake GCS) Fe) —conlogabe gt) oO Br, — oO — Far ds =| pee) gckydb; —w Go as © 2 #) er J Jecolds = J lfcel de. =O 2 re ae] Fs chew Fs gen ds = J Fougenda +®@ oO Dd Y $e | relece)-Fe Wace) ds = | fongcry de a °o + t ae ° aan J dx Hae | pok- x= akan® dx = aSec%o do (cetagi® conyya® (2) (3202) Cox) (X39) = fuk ~ J art Lant& ° — a Sectad& ( oat banes) = me = J sttanee 4 grea : AU Seek & = % me “a J Smrade °o = me = | CS do 3} a peter (8- sinad | ° 19, i . - =7 = fg [menilesinn] = Hes eae =H . —— ds: $ Gr LS) (Ga) i oO = We } IK CHK fy eRVELULLCL SOC ULE > 0 3 \ = me (oun): = we[otea] aya: | I —1—.da: Cara®) po x=akand dx x adec®?O dd J ema a Secthd& _— we ° Cattanz8 40%) ° all Sech me = +, [(C.,\d® Co J zee) ° = “te ~ a3 | 00328 d& 2 me. oe = aaa [4c0576 a TR = ga3 [or Ho sin2® | ° a3 [Te J = T1409 Graze 1 f - a = ad 5 Sar aaa ds co lle | e-ax, Cc -A% ds oO = Meare (ee |= Teas (ot (2a) sa |, 2a Pt —— dx 3 caja) (262) t on Jb ab | Sue) comp be) = Weab | © 2-9%, cbt dx 3 oo = x. —be tab ( aT | gab Carb): - — = " & egm)= FO Lhen fe L Q i ECfeu= J pene de oO — Ha Ed 1ceOE isc) . ecb ef ) ae | oe dk Oo F(fx) = £CS) } = TWya3+ FCF) a a=—& dac—dl. BREE CE Cee Ee es wei we Se UE & WwW i “ iS dS [Foj= J en cie dx —od td 1s . +93 LF) = J te elt de. Similavt ly this proc conbinod - Flanemj = ci mu) [x cx) ch” ‘on (Feoi] fF) = 1a] oukSideof a circle. Fe 2 of LefkSided LrarBfbormakion inthe pom Eletal. chic Sa fs Amy potnk mag be real (oJ omplex Rocof bkexSided bromBbrormakion tal<(zre(bl PrnolaSs region acantey~ . e[ atom t+ bgen} =z [femjieb zlgemj bons bermof Some Shama! frumetion®:- 2(tj= = : [zt>t a en) = lle ze b}—— n=o =! are - ) eanl=z _ — tzrr ial Zz-a } EN ol eee eto eee se etl (cl oe m ELCOCLC SS e eee DY 2f[car} = 2 * lari) ws Z4a 5) Eley = (2): ler | 9 zlomy= Ez + lzi>l che cn) tS the onik Skcp frusnckion . onik Step Sequence +~ 12 zo ven) = “ o*% No emt gmplde Scqwente*- Stn-k) = to on 2 ¢ [Sean J =tes re % =Letm) = We Vz(4] at ® pt_>z-9 I tl —_ Ge" = et eit sea" 22) + £2, -~ | Me ler, = it lzeF 0) ’ 2 am | ad = raed ! -—n Il oS ‘Heo ne! = = tte? + att ae oe i e 7 I cn | aay Cn! F = ec He tory +3 = 2 inn) Cz-n) no = = Cin) (2-9) n=] 1 a Soe ee ee ~ og? 329 (ee = leg (1-2) bor leis! zie} ='? &) bev ‘zi hy ache ee a 1 a) Sac | Tegan-ay = xa efy. a 43/9 —aTy = zlq EF) ; Ag ae a es n=0 + --—— W yet 2feeF 3[z3 ~ ¥L 4 ejetatget-- Hs Cee = = : lei! Cent z = Recuwence Relakion :- %[aP}) =-t de (ZcaP4y] : Ee: =[ne] = -2 4. (zen) oe 35 L Gat] = “+(e weet apt - a Ce4 a (5 whee CzH)4 = EC#ELE aa i = e one | ony nee zLon) =? =e 8 = HHI CER) C22) = (8-#) C (3-2) = f2rts2~ 6 —_—- Cz-2) (3-%) Roc = = 2o. (a) 2=to 1 Yo Yn * b Ug = { Var 5, 7° 14 Slosh= 234 5e% p52 4949/22 e J = C#la-y® Ceay® , z[ ea : [-*.00] =c-a 2 (2%) = e%,.'(cely Cina ele = 4, Alt =e le) ; i ceri) oe . #) 2t38D — ez t -f cofiy zr} PR» © z[ea sinnd } = =& i (<9) * sind} = Feet Sind a (zea) —e ceca) 99+! ~tfok] ou (e gee] Le [ d&lesz “rhe re Oe ee J 2(nsite] = -2 de [Fe dé (“Zt %— 2 €c089 + “J . Sin' _ ( Ceseesen Greer) ead ———. (22-20 (2b ezcset!)® Q 5. =e [ oped -2 2 cost + G59 ~ 22? SinB— 22 9/6) (222 zc088H)* —— [ _2% sind — yz Sin® coS8 +sind | czhezesdtHl )* o z( crv] = os a by ge ) zie ay eee BEEYE cent ce43 ? es? a 0) a £ [ ntenti) “ = #42 - 22, a cen? ca)™ ce) cz-1)3 . 2 = Che-ee pert ete) = e924 4e Cen3 ; ; ~ ENS f-onen® then Zl ona} =? som the bis Shifting Ebcorem . tfonajp= FE Con =z Zhe ce (n2] = ccml =] Flood EE Z(sinen8] = z% [sinnO cose —cosn9 sind} < seers eee Zeindeos8 —C¥—2c088) 97nB- Cz 2%c088 +1) zon} = =+ a then %Lonte]= 9 241 Z[ onge] = 2% [sc —vo~ lz J —O vor Le Oz = LE ce - ar =a tHo=! Eva 220 C21 CEH) oc LE z[s@-t] = LE 2( 3+ ta - Evo Ere elk @f 2-8), 2 J Gees C2) 241 = tb t Zz z-—> z( ee) ‘al eS ltoe aE method. ep Apply trom berm on = (tS8in MT12 Ont@= Sin Cnbe) WIR < Onte= t—Sinnt7e tLente] = ne] = 2 ZH zlonj= ZzogEty frov [H<3 then 03 =7 cz-3)3 = 2532+4 = e3tty froze] 23 (1-3/2)? Z! 3 — uaa ee ccie eagle +6(ale + 10 (B/E) FO — z3 =(etozty [ eat ett sleet ~~~ -] > B= co-ebbicionk & Wz? , = ciesy) +€ax-3) FED = sy—et+4 = 3g-2F = 3il. * gmverse z—bamsborm:~ 4 z(Fen)) = £(2) then Ros 24 (Fl) : Lincavity + 27 Cart bye) cazt (Fa) £ be Gf) Mcthels:- © Storndond bornola ( Sormola bahed fir) powcy Soik® | division eee gmbhis Methd txpan flz)0% inbinike ric In pooxn® of °%) o& per Roc, By uding ecloninu® ; Eaglrsg 1 Launents omd cke. Ehonit canbe Expresecd ad IT fem 27? ; pontial fraction " Here Splith the pontial frockion® hoy Foe) nok oy f(z) dircebly- convolotion property ; z! (4a + gee] = fen ¥ gem) = To fem gu-m m=o e @n 3 inkegration s- be 8 7 pte de 2z-! (ftw) = ta 3 eT Faydz. cauchy® eouke tee a pedi dod ak each pole = oH x emi ( Sem £2 bez) — cahich one iailedg: = a ni 3 vu u D db t=0 78 a poleoft order one \7 Rd (fc#): =a) = i Cz-a)h.CZ) 2 & E=al8 a polef avdev «mm m! RSet fe et fea msc cm! Zsa m-t nd cb So) 1S nok given 7 conidey all fhe pol@anc. IrBide > zy = én) > 2432) = canard an Z) aa ~ FICE = Scent?) 7a (a) = cayocn) > z'( lz9) = &(n-2) eB ) = anocn) =uen-2) ~00n-3) “ t a > 21 (ctl) = zt [14 Ye + ep (Rlz) +e cepere : er =e as qn = ee = 2" ven) n=0 “pl al 1 (ha GB) = et (og ct) =-21 (( log ctHlfz)) =-21( We-Yexe Hes aLys----] sog acs oom an) yr 4 : = 0 wen) n = CH ent) a Zz ez) bor 1Z172 at n 2 een) by eMoen-1 Fe. vcr) gd eon) lefzl <1 4 ete ng (tre) Eci-elz) t vu 3 oe = Ue (eee cele) + cel2y + — J = z+ 2jze + Yfze3 F8lz4 + ~~ = = enter = e™Meny n=! cs] ia Bq eding —Rebldue_- Eheorem =u [z=e atk G ) z= = @focn) Eve . GA) zl ( 22 Bz. eet =] cz-3 CH) = 28 + we Jeces euceccee: ea = n- en ~ [ 25 areal oon) - et [ ! =) CZNCEt8) = (1+ cont] ocn-1) woe [een cyz-) c2e4H) =e [ gz ew = ean) PTT] Zr =" / alae ata | z=-Ye 1 ” (1m + eye) Ny+Hl]e. =yently = ais (cu eae eae ven) e sif_% =i zf =— Zyeete an =¢ [ gat =e | ¢z-B1) CE-E®) S vif zee + rl Z=be = (@!" + cas) eee Ze-ZI = [ cre cri") 4 el goo Ze=-i-t ~ aer"[ cole) Ce ioc") oe [ coon etme " ocn) et Con) ae cinema) ef cz-8)> | [ ge. emt "| Cz3I9, eat lees ‘ t 2 | 1 Zp. cs)! i a “Cap? 2 | > at ul ( carp cmon) en-2) C3) vs | ocn}1) gt |= __ ees kev zis 21 ( zgrl (2-221) | WW [ zoe + he |z=-3 to Qf _3)9 (StS . ow =F oa oct) 12Z[>3) l2lye ay Necker calcolu® res @ vector differenti Hien C2) Veekor gmnbegration Vector a= ah taej a,agk b= bit fa bof +b3k lok praduck + ab= (a1 bleos8- coS8 = =e jwi= [Se he ta SUE! = Samaras” = fje eK =! hie jek = kT=0 wbe0 ty be pale] povelle| cr098 produc *= z a onik yeckor T= 5 . axbeli J * leis jxge kek <0 ay a2 a3 _ x _ br be bg ixnf= FE a jeeat Exit ay =i caabg—beas) J Carbs —biaa) + Co bo-aebr) ue maak al bi Cl s & ChxD = (axb)-e = (abc) = [= be ce > + a: (bxe)=0 then the Cee ag 63 cg % Bee ane called coplanen VeckorS- sition vector + c2-0) T+ (go Gr tae) ike Te Dat +aR 13 called position _ _ Vector & coyoya) l= ftgtge => ve 2tg+3® = uth) pe yckig+ BCLVK 7S called ponamebtic Sorm & position veckov , cohtne SL? iS pana meter. Peg, zy . = yodia| T= wsk7 +SinEp+Ek= Ft cnivabiveof aveckov thion veebov & (eae bea given posi Teore peeyets aT= echest) ~ FH Tr. 4° +o “SE = gh-so 7436) —F(E) 5 called. of J Pe ivakivelia bic Lome u + & ‘Lisa Gime Variable then gE 79 called “ Nectov | Sa nageitede of wet Veckov Ts} Y= EF4ES+ ESK a/de = t+rebj + skek Veckov , 3 NS ene = ipep+3k [diel = ears = vie Propenticd d cap p= Se a @ $e CRE B) qi = i cohone ack) do ch = = daz — B= wel » Ge CAB Ada +9A Tez) “ae de® 8) Se CAxB) = Ax de 4 oe “ae * ae *® yeckor opmator WCPEL): dbinition:— ms bo vet tir “35 +d 78 called vector OF cnakey P Geis nek veebor, Nok [x] Nok possible. Sealay Gi only Gwadiont? gf olay % fumetion thon ve [5 alled gradient. opsakey. Ss bea given Scalay Ve = te Hie +k do : “dé | v¢l= Une ve mog nitude oft grodiont-& Sealan humetion physically gradient gives vatked- change , 4 6 eorr-Eo ay ® mebrically G(rY3) =e bea given level Surface. @hich jg always Nermat ke the 1e] SunFace, vs B= 1Ys ; tie $e (xg 3) +J-gg (42) falas) Yo = gate aai+ xg kl ge g= xgre d the gotnk pciers ) 7G = yrait east agtk ae ait gp +a E then oe’ aaa. WwrEE 3 YD (aya) oN . & v= gk = gts > ri = xr) ie Sly, Ag aly Vve fal) tts + (aly) = Tex 4GC) KS) _ SU ane v ) * Gradiom (v9) C Vr) \es : . Jy? ws eer ay cre) +e Or) = nr mt fae pide + RSE J need f i(xly) +h cg +R I] hy? ( xT+gy+ ak) 5) v7 Clogr) = ie Clogry +5 -3, Clay 5 clogy) --t dr dr a+r (ite Wy vag ve PCIW)+S (ly) + cstv / 6) Vv (sinv) = jc ke catty (Siny) Heo (sir a ; co Bh 7, Vle 24+Y+3) = < tte Chg tk veskor bo the ganface Bnigue No rmal The unfque Novmal Vecbor te the Samface PCary a) is ddbined a% 7 22 a M ds G=ryg3 ¢ pc2rs) then bind N ‘ va =gal trajtry F - = Gi+aj+2k N= oe _ Ivgl lval= J Senne = "2 ; = citgf+ek z ga xtgtea—e ak poink cl-/®) ao Va = ext—ey if +k = 4 Jes Ial= [apy =3 r we 2tHep+e - 3 ingle bla Guo Sunfacc®!— oe ee Fe ly) 3) ace begiven ‘evel GunRacd Ehen wd) THe Iwai] [vel } Lever dor T ee The Rnglc ble Ewo SunPac® 1S Nothing bol-\o5 asngle blaotheiy Nermals- de [Sap Fe =0)then he Sunfacch ome Sald tobe orthog anal Sunfac® ~ Re Fengle bles tthe Sanfeccd By rS=F amd ee ee epine Coe is “res = yi-ejt4k ee Biz ty 39 VH= extregp Hej go= ey 3-3 veeH= ej +eyy EK Vale SR ; Wi-ej-k- 7, = Iveel= Heygqi = Jat SB = Cyinajrhk) Cuingj“E? | Cs 6 Sar directiona| dotivakive:— a aaa ee ddbtnibion:— The dtreckional derivative do Scalar frumetion gcars1) =E fn the direction a the vecboy IS debined 0 9g. Vez give 4 denivative & Ve. & —o.e 18 Negative then ibis opposite ection — G=xr1y omd ee poink- ect) eckional derivative 1S a= THs thenthe ve =i Voom a = e= WT . fe : & the Scalar frusnckion “The directional denivakive cule) Inthe directiox = ategt aM ak-the poink Roe f ve ° by —& | a 3 ) - vhs exttayy Fak ; = eit+qp +e oe Sal IEE = CHE _ 4g ; fe atog pase ab the poinE peter 3g €C#ecacgervceis a=jj4+er then find the directional dint vakive 75 a) ae by -3g@ 9 BOO Ti= ext regs +45k te Oy = e+ ye uF 11 taper Wt le. vee = ere-@ = —IB = "ae ve Ne divergence ofa veckoy fumetion:~ _debinikion :— wE Is called divergence. whe F= HitreS trek “w = 7 a Te 8 Fe Cie ni-gg + ge) Crut Fej a) VES SF 4 gfe +068 eye PhgBically — dtvengun meoBsund oubploe —fnftlocs de [SF=o] is called divergence fice vector. Grcomelaterlty . dtvergendc givd the vate ab which SHvid emkuring in the peclrosngulen ponallapiped fev oni »Nelome ak the poink is called divengemsy Y ao he tee I+i+t= vor) ~ CPD by ANY Ge APO (nog te a] lg Tarr) a de 2 a) +-Bg cg +35 (2) = l+ltFl =3- dg coho vO, ny” E= ce git GF + catyts) KF then a cay) + $5 cy-3) +-$5 (atgt?) Toutys t+aKk n) +_d_ ¢* +d Carn) Sd +g ar” aateee en yt eee grr dr ir anv” ar - “og d& "(2a +98, + Se) ay ny nd: | ee ev gu ( 2 4g +35 ) 14 ayn Br n tony? ‘Cre ly) ; = (corsry Ye ycrty) | erie MCAS CH Cae ene eet a Prthe dregenad gy 27 isa a fice Veckor Ehon the value & ) is -3 9 votn = Dow WF] r3) = cntg1? = ¢-348) y= 0 gdcal htoid vg=o 2 te Dcargis) scanty “Y8 hor an Tr thal ocde the valucof Colts vy= VOWS) = 2G 4 Io eet ag oe = cary > TH — tay 5 = an =aye = ee 6g: v*tg =0 ea, @y =° aac 8 tb =1y48 then. v(V6) = oC yaitzas t eB) oo fik axy= ~ . eg = fC ae%-asg) fC ars-agx) +k Catg-a2) =O i . A vector QGusnction is give” = f 2 cos ey) FY} T+ Ly 08 ey] S | staceeyt- akg elk thon wv we ‘gelenoon tal % 45 (yes ayy] + 4 ( Sin (32) + Ey 2] = 1% SintaHgy —coSlxy) + copay xy stncxy) + eoS (4%) 2E V.V= 2Fc0scz2) orl aveckor poink fumetior frametion 7S called cor! ‘ebinlkion?— vo HIS dubined a VXF r-{, 2 4 | : VXF= fg 4g «| =i (988 —45F (s3 arr’ dx “8G Ja} ge iN ex ge) Fl Fe Fs gee — JE i +e C85 Soy) & ig called jvrotabional yeckoy -axv =f! 9 K a2 gd 32 | =fofore ox dg dS _ wm g 3 =O Ed OUCLGL ee UL 9 fe Faget xayey F Chen “a vxfF=]i gd F xs) x % 4] cia tia Fre gz x2 xy =o = = = Te at ty js K ) F= aTraejrask ond = “TSS VX COX) = e a yaa b) ga 9 o Z a iJjok ax = . Je ae a3 | = iCaes—aay) —J Cars -93%) x g 8 +k Cary—aex) vyxcxy =| Jj kK sa J a du a4 og es ; meg) (areas) (aig-a2r) C Carg-ae. — 3 (ars-a9x)] (ag owen — 4 [4 Cooney gy Coo any/ +k ( % Cay 3—03%) ~ 55 (aez—aay | fl TCartar) ~§ Cas) 4 cae) +k fag) + 93k LQtayT+ eazy #EABE a ex ive avy Clincon velactly ) G=aFtaej task CAngolon Velocity ) Y= city j+aKk VeV= vx (OxV) = 20° divengen ce of- col F FS alasag® su70 Veckor idembily VXF) =o VxCyxe)= VOW) VE & FeHu-gj y divengenee free | Nok Trrotakiona 6) grrokational bet nok divergence free a divergence fice and vekabional dy nok dtvengen@ tree , bok fyrokaktona | vv F=l = pes VYrF= a & 5g dz = 0 eo GESCOCEGLL EGE : 2 vl = 6 16 '_ _; =~ Ge = +(e 2010 ws the line inkegral of Ba CxSeay Pcp tg id ond i a cwive tine gaining Hhe pinks or) bo cere) a a —8 by y ae dy 8 * sol J Edy =| (aay )dat catey dy é e r= Ses! pol quot => dy ad 4 ee xzoko x=2 g-o= 2 (2) $-2 2x a =J ( 24x22) det Ce-2)-x02-2) é4y | “1 @ yarde~ de ( vigh at ors4] / ] [ sxde —decmeetay J Qa (eeele+ 2 (22/2) —4 +] " a1 a f+4—8 =e al pF dv=o- Honee iE 78 conten Vakive * The valoc of. \F Edy da P= cacteyy t+ Cux—eyyfr — cohorce’ 1S a cunve By%=y veckor gmbegration + 7 AS cE de (Feel) = Fee) Je pecdt = J Fede Fcb= J Eck) de] 18 called veekow gmbegratton thydk = Ech) FO) b JF 9 yu aaa a a 7 cont” “Ep Lest] he [eee] = 1 lg te Une ginte gral 32— ddbtnition:— Am inkegrol which is bo be cvalualted along at = 1S called line fsaral p x oe Mathematically ti’ debined or) a oo Jea = |(r:T+ re Freee) cIdh aj dgtedy) ° e ew A B ; = [Fderre ds re dz | CE dt ad [Lovo Stvi-—zo ds ‘18 a closed cunve then praye called colakfon Sn pok x=reos8) Yy=rSinO B=01=> F= eT ) oe F 13 a horce the Lokal _ = by a bovee is Jew $ [LF =o 18. called cormoivalive Loree > e ca) Less ch Enongy ; 2 F dv=Fo Non corgenvakive bored . ) ) “The J Fe Bayi- gtf and So) Iga cunve G=22e* ; fom (10) bo cine is ; a) ~614 b) -3|e ©) 1) a= J (opicwde] “ @ po& y= 92% dy =hade aco bot d Ee dt = | [ sxcusds — cansfunde J s{3 gd 23. pcg) F = J! (asd lexrde] 2 ) 2 o J 7 J = /eczh)}| —[ACas] - ; Lec] RSS), = $b oe 2010 pre linc inkegrol Fo E> cxkhay Heat eg “2g 6 = alg vol Place = od amd is @ canye line joining Lhe prinks Cor) Lo ce,0) *S— a —8 by gy eo 38 a} Ed = J (tay det catng ty —y = Sey) pol gyoo-2 => dy -—de +e aia x=obto x=o g-e= ee (2) $-2 =x = J ( 24 81+ 67 = 81r he Ine inkegral 4 Vee" frunckion omnd rtye} A) 213 b) sg - Sines = ¢) oT: +e ( ping a ey ° He a1 fT ig x20 .Yyxo FE catagt)i + (ug Std ond © ‘ dy 3/e 5 ) > , ) > ) Sere Gen v xl J Ee. dv aa caxtey2) dar Clg Org) dy a jras | pare | Rare aaa, J J Par nx=0 Bo lmgens— ae ACO) dy = =0, gal j Ly =O * Or % J Seda = 3 (x3l3) =! Along AB*— ya tae dys —de x=t1 Y=a0 0 = {le uae — f aera) — 6x crx) J dx = J | seren g-tex — [fe 2 ear egat | . ro] eee ice -2] JL 496K -(_231g)4+- 26 (2g]e)-le () N = t-te = 23 ©) lenge: Pe dase ,Y=N 3-0 0 o a j Figdy ufc 42/2), a ~We2= en j ear= ‘(48/9-2 = we ats ar = | caxbqy2) dat Gy-ryy ty Prlong cr tat dg= ey dy ore] ] (ate.e)+ Curt ex3) cox) } dz = Jy sigeties = gas on, [ etext +823 wer) de d - } Car 20h 4823) da = typeset along cut Gg=x dy= dx x= l)220 { Clore clone cicrno | ccoccoocs ° : Neo =J (rox ent +an i dx = [ae +a | 2 ees sis +O O+r@ = —-It5/3 = 2lg, GrcenB Hhcorerm i— stakemmmb > gm cacy, NEXtg) having anbine fist orev partial dentvabive line boorded by acanve ©) In Ke -§¥ plame then 3 Crd any) = = ues = an} dady =} fr (28 5 28) ya method ko ae grobeg rater += DH sige anc pamchion’ of. x only ond (2192 one asrdbembsS the oder hd inkegration iS Gissk Inkegrabe avrto'y'omd freaking ‘2 0% ° cerBkomb, Che ematieg Exprasion is Fobsegvalzel wba, nexb geagce) JJ Feary) dy de J] J fcary) dy dz mI 2 FOX) bog Lt Valve & JJ Blt dyde ! we J le ale] cx) dz "y \ = > = Jeacedde = cen] eee [ slike® ° D pee Gent), ) = ; Albnnakive pot glz=k > gaxk . ) « dy = x dk 5 =o, Feo, g=*% b= | = J t acEdk de = Jiefety ee = ce-o|~fe |, a oe ° a = €) J J, “ag dy de je + (ote) da = +t J xbande Q CEESCECSCLE LL Le eves mn a - ee — [| eadaside = Ye { xuly -26/e |! : o 4) = Ue [Uq-le] =e coq) =I 1 Stree Tey J | dyde Jit 2 . eo 68 Hey ; oe tant 4 _ 1 JR? da g = lm Shae J dye = ° (Fast) 8°) J oO "! | = tt [leg cet sre) |, = any log ctyye) end xe= Oty) J! Frag) dx dy = q Peary) dels gice 2 Gey) aes fo |e faaxzanas @ ag decd ‘| Mold dudy 4 bye are dt =|) gfe” bs] dy = =| yeet-1) dy " [got «& , USi—+>o ids is called Sun Fe Fitrej+rsk N=- ovkesand ontk Narmel veckor da projectioncl- Lhe Sunface enko the plame sepincd a eo, face tnbeg raf GEESE CEC bere Method bo cyaluake Sunface Inbegral ) dr the Surface ‘Ss! on uy plone (3=0) ee xe Go JJ F-mds= | J een dude ° u 3 Iw KI ohne N= VS ie Pouyis) =e TS given Ivgl okhuniaide Naik 9 Grthe sunface 63’ 18 om YS plome ( 3 Ne “Nd3= J eon dedy ee ee n=O) hoe go inf] rm N= Vd pe g gia =e given aa ivgl N=} 2 de the gunface “8! 18 | ag—pleme. (gro) « Reo 2 JJ Fd -JJ Ee dade 8 u a Inj ohne N= VS je g(uye)=e given lvgl athnowise Nej _SEoKX theorem :- Cline integral > Stabyment teks! be feo sided opon Sanface ” bonded by ag closed conve e ¢ [ee Fbc a inke Sanface inkeg ral) Jiffectembable Veckoy humetion then - Jras [J CexF)-wds Vv By SkokeS theorem the Valucof Jra ahoc 118 yey, Z=0 - yd wifi dé Sic) Nas VXVe eee ox “Oy dz =JJ oa nds zg & S ° =Tto)-~j(aH- Kw) =9 By Stoke theorem J Khe value of. lst depredy tryd3] Oe ee ee atgel), 350 = geit 2tjt+eyk vxF= [i J kK co +5 dys . = fto) flo) + Ko) =a 93 xz 2Y -JJ Cvxe) NS “J oo NdS=0 3 E- dy whine F= (get?) THE Cyety) Jo2RBR and ‘eS boondary dy the Sunface Athe cobe ee eee ee ceetececey ie xt=0) y=o) S=0 , x= 21 y= above Lhe xy-plane . 4 by ~9 ce) dy 2 io! sol i . _ J VXF= [go 9g gd oo SS, YSt 22 Y = [Co-y) —f CBHI K C-1) = ~—ig ~j ci-z) —k» Since Z=9 ds= dude dds. (xy—plone) aan re dre = “) ‘Cone? « N — above Lhe 1y—— ve tal plas. (wxE) N= P-tyapo-w -F] -k= cl. a a J eae [> [ cpodgde = | Jee pt fevtyte = [ade GxeD E * she valoc of ie i WS choice e= Ataf BytZk amd ‘3? "3 the guntace dhe qylirder 43.4%16 tncloded inthe bist ockamb bckwcen E=0 1%=5 1S "gg by Yo e) le dy is: 2 Ei +xf- BYcER G= byt le Vg= exit+eyl I8I= Suadye) eve . gaityp) _ (vA! Psié = tas EsN= C#i+aj- sytzk) Caitgj) 4 = 2ly Ce+y) LeL's) be on ¥Z-pleme (2=0) ds= a IT] ag ea re ote PVs 4& Zw dadg ait iE Catyydady = 25 Tyke Ie] 4 Boece coeds = Sotyg= qo. 7 \e%\ Haw divergyunce bheorem :— Shek vy be the Volome amd (5) js aclosed jumfacc: amd Fobeo differentiable Vector pumetior then JJ Fenrds = JJ ow.E) dv ; $e Se J" J Coit +23) dady da gr 3 D lee 1x8 ele |? dade. JJ wadadg = Sir xy [82l2|, o oO o : go a = ej ceded t a0 (48), S Vag . 1 = + Jona = © 2 +z da = JJ J ont dadydx = ier | = ex) (ewe), dg da ~ | foreuner - t = oS! fer lew lew dade o 8 t = Cop J! J Gexycet) dgde o 8 = (ey) f' (ce Cegide = cen, Fe Volomeof an object 1S Ex prO%ed fn Spherical -ardinabed .1S givenby or 413 t ve J J | ging drdg@ da he valved ad ©@ © wshe tnkegral is. ans byte °¢ *013 d) ™y Le ve yy ee. ig do °o JPY Rayen 4s 30 oO + 3 . m3 = fed c-08 8), dé oO oT =p } (erp de 2 € [e| a +e (217) = 11713. ° volome Inkegral ~ SS E-dy 1S called volome inkegral . Y xe 92 * J | (riT+res+rsk] dadg dx x & “ Ze pay l P* | Fedady. 2. ai} JU J rdedgde +3] J iy wt 3 > 31 dx xe pye , rr if } yy Fadadg dz xt gt al Ds by Gu Gau9s divengynce oe JJ ia Ss chic Fa 82i—agf+8ek and $1§ x=0 g=o S=0 R=e@ “= 3 3=] Bl) ees =} a edsdgde = ay ixaxo= 4o \vd ) By GawB divergence Gheowon Ehewvaloc oF [fps pe whne FE tH yf+ Sk ond 6 1S xtyS Pgh a4 = = JJ cartdy) = 3 ur, 48) = @xat oe outs divergence Cheowen Xl yz dedy arada de +ry dydx J osys ty os tS Sol Foy3it nape ag k ae cua) + $603) hs CH) SIT coplive SJ odv=e ag2zcsl, By Fo2% divengenee theorem pl = Nds) whe FH= yxi- eg f+etk, Sy=q, E=0 £=3. in a VEE rope (yx) “a C2y2) ae (3y) > J Bwds = cas [on cv.zdv = JJ cya #22) A dy, #23 Ag =y = pol-y=0 => xm=te 4 > a= Jane > _ fie 3 -f J J Cu-ay F238) da dy dx Shae. 3 @ +e “JJ Creag +9) dy de —s 2 ineee =] 2 Iyl dai | s*fo| de. . Tune oe Scents ecee cere. = au(ule Sto (2/2) +2/e rea] ae — ay. £. my +o~-0 = 841 ° Fooricr Suoiicd puttodic_frumebiont~ A frumcion awhich repeats itself caith jn a punted iS called puntodic fumebion - Sinz) Sx anc puntodie frsncion axitch potlod 2” feb) = LCEET) =F CEO) =AbtST) = —--— FlErnT) ahine TIS a poilod. Given NoS orc azoiamg ed accor ding Bothe Same laa 8 called Sorted gto He +3t----- a D dy bhe fesnekion make FRET p----— 3! sl pubinition:— the bounicy Sui fea) 19 debined 0% a a fas 29 4 7- ancosnx 45— bn Stanx. 2 n=l nel 0 Ffay= _00 a+ { aqicosx+ a2 car t~--- fy ( brsinx #besinex + --- 7] thre 29) 80) bn anc called Qountey tort dockion frormolac atte ober ® costnx dx = 1 ol J Stanx dx =o aEeT- 8 > A por coSmx cosnxdx=o » J cogntdx=o Cmaeny, a e| eee ian "sinh Axdu = 1 a C8inme Stana)dx =o 3 d Cmsenp otrerr : , J SinmxcoSnndx =o cm=en) al , 7 . co ~ 1 fone BO ancognn dx. 4-— br sinnzedx 1 = g. — = , nz! us on ater one 2) = a | cndx_+-y—- an | co8nxdx 4 _ ) a now a ~ ‘ - oer TT bn J Sinnt de net g = e+e TT = ao | | +o+o = 20 ( dren] = 2g Br) = aot ecegceceycuoec ce - : har abet J tb eT x+er peyoosnedi. = 28 ese bran | stnade a er nel 2 + bn pen nel y cosne Stane de ae an = +. | fx) cosnt dz t +e or J cx) Sinne dx a aT fexde bas 1. J fer sinned o q 7 1 ar J Forde bree. J Fen stax de ° a b TT ar | fen) SInnx dx rT ane Lb ir = oP | fer) copsnxdx b fy= x& 1K eT is co TNs +4 £2? anne n=! a xq o OTs + ye VF cose n=! n “WR ]g— a ayn dyo nel He | . 003 nt =e)" Sinntr=o. Jov= OV) — olve + ollyg wes xT isan Even finaxt , - 2 x% a0 ~=3 FO ancognx nel Tr a T ee . Z x = aQe= =: : z = & |-= - in J atda 7T car 3 TT J an= & J xecoSnt OX a a = & x2 Stan 4 22 _COSMR + 2Bianx TT n ne n3 = =( of 2nreos OTT to~o] ec. ne ne xe = buond-fon coucouesy c Awe Q. co" AU 4 4 po I? cosne Bx n=l oe !__ coSax+ - “Jj e Wa Wes 4 (je C284 + ye 0089 ab x=ar TE wp (Ger get etd a PEST 4 [at te Pye qet+dette+ ---- =(rtle) » & ee el = Sinn » oO * ft the problem hounicy Expamion ob the frasncion inthe (or ct22) | The co co fix= 22 45> ancosnem™% 4 1 basiont a n=l — n=! Q c+2.0 - 4 og J teayde c C+EQ 7 an= | Lex) CoS NT dy 2 b C+eo rot f Fea) Str OT de. CoJeld Lee) Lo3l= Co ely] ra * $ toys 0 -8e*? =1 ofxn<@ tien the bem Indepen denk dy Sa! Inthe houniey Said is. i 22! o0= te J pends ae | J fonder |) =e hk o tk Qo = Yo («J = Us (2)=1 mthe bountey Socwot. the bunction “Leeq ~-2 ) drt =x iS expriacd o> hal So cB fr cor® 5 wwe FP rarnge. cosine wu 2 co o) ‘a= ao an cosntre ao= | nds 28 . n=! @ J Ss | 2 le ee | X coS nTe de ° a = x Stnntre . oe near, = [o +oosntr tn _ Coe) } = ae [ cos nr—!J = 4 n@ ir Mathematics ave 1.Linear Aljebra—e-- “aw 2.Complex Variables-¢= et. r0,3.Laplace Transformation-¢.» aos 4,Calculus —~ jaw5.Uumerical M thozsp= ps. 6.Inverse Transform ¢.- a2 7.MVector Calculus e ++

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