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Hello :

I am Wahyu Pratama
Food technology 15’
State Politeknik Of Lampung
Implementation of Statistical Process Control In
Analysis Process Control of Breaded Shrimp
Case Study : PT Indo American Seafood’s, Tanjung Bintang
1 Preliminary
Backgrounds, Purposes, Contributions, General Conditions of the

The production process of breaded shrimp in PT Indo American Seafood's

is still constrained by the supply of raw materials. Due to the limited
supply of raw materials, the production process of breaded shrimp in PT
Indo American Seafood's must be done well and controlled, so that the
losses caused by broken of breded shrimp can be minimized by the
Purposes and Contributions

Purposes Contributions
The purpose of this final assignment is: This final assignment is expected to:
1. To know the flow of breaded shrimp 1. Adding insight in analyzing and solving
production process at PT Indo American problems especially about controlling the
Seafood's. production process of breaded shrimp.
2. To find out whether the production process 2. As a consideration in determining the
of breaded shrimp in PT Indo American company's policy regarding the control of
Seafood's has been under control. breaded shrimp production process at PT
3. To know the factors that cause the Indo American Seafood's.
occurrence of broken (broken product) on 3. Provide information on the production
the processing of breaded shrimp in PT Indo process of breaded shrimp at PT Indo
American Seafood's. American Seafood's.
General Conditions of the

PT Indo American Seafood's (PT IAS) is a subsidiary of PT Indokom

Samudra Persada (PT ISP) established in 2007 to produce value added
PT IAS is one of the many companies in Lampung province that process
shrimp into a high value product and become an export commodity.
PT IAS is located at Jln. Ir. Sutami Km. 13 Sukanegara, Tj. Bintang,
3 Method of
Time and Place, Tools and Materials, Work Procedures
Time and Place, Tools and
Time and Place
The final assignment of is based on Praktek Kerja Lapang (PKL)
held on 19 February to 19 April 2018 at PT. Indo American
Seafood's, Tanjung Bintang, South Lampung.

Tools and Material

The tools used in completion of this final assignment are
notebooks, pens, flashdisk, and one unit of laptop.
Work procedures

Data Data Analysis

Collection Procedure
Data Collection Procedures

Literature review Interview Documentation

Data collection is done by Questioning with Data obtained from records
reading books, literature, Production Manager, Head or archives of the company
journals, references related of Production, QC / QA and about the number of
to Statistical Process Production Staff. production, the number of
Control (SPC). broken products, and other
data that can support the
writing of this Final Project.
Data Analysis Procedure

Data obtained from the company in the form of production data per day
and data of broken product from January 3, 2018 until March 30, 2018.
Then processed into tables in a neat and structured.
The next step is:
1. Creating a Pareto Diagram
2. Creating a Control chart (P-Chart)
3. Creating a Fishbone Diagram
4. Making Recommendations for Improvement of Production Process
4 Results And Discussion
Process flow of production & Data analysis
Breaded Shrimp
Production Process Flow Peeling

Intestine Disposal

Receiving Belly cut

PT.IAS Stretching

Grading Soaking

Sizing HO PT ISP
Batter Mix
Deheading Breading

Final Check
Packaging & Storage

Data analysis

1. Pareto Diagram
2. Control Chart (P-Chart)
3. The Cause-and-effect Fishbone Chart
4. Repair Recomendation
Pareto Diagram
Pareto Diagram of Broken Products Breaded Shrimp Production Process at
PT Indo American Seafood's
900.0 120%
785.1 100%

Accumulated Number of Broken

700.0 86%
Number of Broken

600.0 80%
500.0 56% 420.3 60%
300.0 40%
0.0 0%
Soaking Breading Peeling & Streching
P Control Chart

P Control Chart Broken Products Process Peeling & Stretching

0.04000 27-Jan; 0,03654
Number of Broken Process

18-Jan; 0,02651
Peeling & Stretch

3-Jan 10-Jan 17-Jan 24-Jan 31-Jan 7-Feb 14-Feb 21-Feb 28-Feb 7-Mar 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar

Proportion Of Broken CL LCL UCL

Fishbone Diagram
Fishbone diagram on peeling & streching Process
P Control Chart
P Control Chart Broken Products Process Soaking
Number of Broken Proces Soaking

17-Feb; 0,05022

0.04000 16-Feb; 0,03946

20-Feb; 0,03285
03-Jan; 0,02735 19-Feb; 0,03189
0.03000 28-Feb; 0,02694



0.00000 13-Feb; 0,00118

3-Jan 10-Jan 17-Jan 24-Jan 31-Jan 7-Feb 14-Feb 21-Feb 28-Feb 7-Mar 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar

Proportion Of Broken CL LCL UCL

Fishbone Diagram
Fishbone diagram on Soaking Process
P Control Chart

P Control Chart Broken Products Process Breading

03-Jan; 0,02800
Number Of Broken Proces Breading

08-Feb; 0,02069
0.02100 30-Jan; 0,01790
13-Mar; 0,01738
05-Mar; 0,01644



3-Jan 10-Jan 17-Jan 24-Jan 31-Jan 7-Feb 14-Feb 21-Feb 28-Feb 7-Mar 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar

Proportion of Broken CL LCL UCL

Fishbone Diagram
Fishbone diagram on Breading Process
5 Closing Chapter
Conclusion and recommendation
Closing Chapter
1. The production process of breaded shrimp in PT Indo American Seafood's is still
uncontrolled, because there are still points that come out of control and there is
an irregular point.
2. The flow of breaded shrimp production process at PT Indo American Seafood's
starts from the receiving of raw materials then, Grading, Sizing, Deheading, Final
Check, Peeling, Intestinal Disposal, Belly Cut, Strecthing, Soaking, Predusting,
Butter Mix, Breading, Freezing, Packing , Storage, and Loading
3. Factors that cause of broken on Processing of breaded shrimp in PT Indo
American Seafood's, among others human, tools, methods that are wrong and
raw materials that have been broken so as to have low quality.
Closing Chapter

PT Indo American Seafood's needs to make special training for quality control to
employees from the receiving of raw materials of breaded shrimp, during the
production process until the handling of finished products. With the training is
expected employees / workers can be more thorough, skilled, careful and
responsible in carrying out the job or work, so that the resulting product can
comply production targets and can keep the quality of the company.
Any questions ?

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