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Mapua Institute of Technology School of Civil Environmental and Geological Engineering STEEL & TIMBER DESIGN LABORATORY MANUAL Workout 1.B Review of Section Properties name:_Petterson, Royell B- Course and Section: CE/S4P__AS student No: 2OMSITIOAT — x Seat No.: __/8 Terminal No.: Date Performed: 17 October 2016 Date Submitted: 19 October 20/6 Engr: Edgardo Cruz ot fe — le Pellirsem, tebsearhy sitar tok Mi whi a Sd cae, eee kn lliclze, ooyd retarnrertihect OYELL PETTERSON Edgardo S. Cruz ‘STEEL & TIMBER DESIGN 7 WORKOUT NO. 1.B Review of Section Properties jon: This workout serves as a review on the calculation of properties of typical steel cross sections both single and combined sections. This includes calculation of area, centroid location, moment of inertia, section modulus and radius of gyration. It also involves calculation of section properties with respect to an inclined axis using Mohr’s circle. Tim: me: One (1) Laboratory meeting Indivi mittals: Hand computations right after the laboratory schedule. Suggested References: 1. Engineering Mechanics , 2". Ed., Singer Steel Design, 5™ Ed., William T. Segui ASEP Steel Manual wn STEEL & TIMBER DESIGN 8 Edgardo 8. Cruz Problems on Section Properties: Note: A, B and C are the last 3 digits of your student number. Ex. Student Number 2011110962 “A”=9 ; "B’=6 ; " (For Problems 1-2) Determine the properties of the combined sections shown below a. Area b. Centroid c. Moment of inertia (Ix and ly) d. Section Modulus (Sx and Sy) e. Radius of gyration (rx and ry) f. Maximum section modulus (Smax) g. Minimum radius of gyration (rmin) ¥ Channel Section “Cc” _| Wide Flange Section | “A” Angle Section oO € 9x20 oO W10x68 0 L6x4x7/8 1 C 9x13.4 a W10x60_ 1 L6x4x % 2 C 9x15 a W10x54_ 2 L6x4x5/8_ 3 C 8x18.75 3 W10x49_ 3 L6x4x9/16 4 C 8x13.75 4 W10x45_ 41 L6x4x1/2 5 C 8x11.5 S W10x39_ 5 L6x4x7/16 6 C 7x14.75 6 W10x33 6 L6x4x3/8 7 C 7x12.25 7 W10x30_ 7 L6x4x5/16 8 C7x9.8 8 W10x26_ 8 L6x3.5x1/2 9 C 6x13, 9 W10x22 9 L6x3.5x3/8 Use the Steel Manual for the properties of the Wide-Flange & Channel Sections. 1. Channel section and angular section with longer leg vertical 2. Two identical Channel Sections placed back to back with a clear distance of 50mm. 3. Given a Wide Flange section, (see above table for your WF section) a. Determine the maximum moment of inertia in mm‘. b. Determine the minimum moment of inertia in mm*. c, Determine the moment of inertia in mm* with respect to the x’-axis,rotated clockwise 35° from the x-axis. | d. Determine the product moment of inertia in mm* with respect to the x'-axis. e. Determine the maximum product of inertia in mm‘. f. Determine the minimum product of inertia In mm‘. | at F : H = STEEL & TIMBER DESIGN 8 Edgardo S. Cruz ae student Number: 201511104 1 A ‘B "¢ ° Problem | 16x4x7/8 Figure Required : @. Area 6.Centroid COx 15.75 c. Moment of Inertia Cl, and ly) di Section Modulus CS, and S,) e.Radius of Gyration (r, and ty) f Maximum Section Madulus (Sax ) g-Minimum radius of gyration Chrin) Taken from Stee] Manuo! : By computation: Ee | Nodata for L6x4x7/6 Area (mm *) | 2606 $1016} 5151.2 Depth(mm) | 03.2 152.4 tecram) 27 ale le 22.225 bp (mm) 59.51 \ 101.6 t, (mm) 9.91, |" a 152. 4mm, 22. 22S % (mm) 14.05 A 26.51 Ie (mms) — | 15.03x10% | 11.54 x 10° |, Gmm*) | 0.64 x 10% 1 4.06 x 10° Tr 22. 225mm g$3-9lmm C8 x 18.75 ve lec | e.zzs J ——~ itt, Eq u Se Area = 22.225( 152.4) +22.225( 101.6 ~22. 225) Area = 5151.2mm?* 5 am =a [2 225 (152.4 (eed HEUS), 22.225(79.575) (22. 225+ r9.575)| ¥+ 28.51mm ai 22.225. ge siete! 225 (152.4) (“5 L) + 22.225(79.575) (2222) | g°53.9lmm 162.4 : Jp ELEN oo. cases ay(LES -gfh M1Ke2- 229) 12 +79.375(22. 225g - =5?)* «7 11542504.49mm4 152.4 (22.225)? mye PCHECICTI. 319) ly» TS + 190 (22.225 )(5 ~ FEES)", —— é 79. SL, z)¥ + 22.225(79.375)(22.225+— = -7 ly = 4059081.3 mm4 a. Area 4, + 6. Centroid G06 + 5151.2 2 4 | [F287 Grom (starting from the leFt most) 4 Global Centroid ta 67.366, 69.93)GC @Global Centroid 5151.2 (101.6 - 28.51) + 2608 (1016 14.05] J : Cc. Moment of Inertia 1, = 11.54 x10% + 5151.2(69.95 - 53.91)* + 15.03 x10° 203.2 + 2606 ( -69.93)° [ly -50506159.16 mm" My * 4.060109 5151-2 (67.368- 101.64 26.51)*1 0.64108 + 2606(115.65 + 67.360) * ly = 76336 75.678 mm4 d. Section Modulus 508/59. IG Ea, 2070019 1226919. 7806 mm? Cu 203.2-69.93 _ 76336 75-676 .[ 99642.4415 mm] 67.366 e. Radius of Gyration te fF +f SLOSISI-56_ 162mm 7 7757.2 7 : eee pe fib. 2 [78536 75 678 | |5).776mm ae 7757.2 f Maximum Section Modulus |, Smay * Solving fr Imay ANd Imiy through Mohr's Circle: Point | Ci, Ry) By? Point 2 ty : Bu) By 72 (Ry + Any) For angular section: (local Ry) XM ip If 152.4 [yt Ay], « Ly Ary], ae Oe HY fsa «fos 22.225(79.375)(- (61-9125 - 28.51) ie [= (53.4 -0. N25) ] ares 26.31 fo+ 22. 205(152.4)(26.91* 11.125) : bis | (76.2 -53.91)], Ry = 5635351.642mm4 for channel section : “hog BR OR PG Be ee ~ [o+9.91(99.51-7.7) (33.605 -.05)( 23 - 21)) + fo] « [0291951 -7.7)(58.605 14 on(- (222-39) By +0 for sections w/ symmetry along xor y, product moment of Inertia is Truly 2¢ro. For entire section: / By - [3655351642 DS [arash 09) € (69.93 -53.91))] + [ 0 + 26 (105,65 ~ 67.368) (191.6 - 69-93) ] 101.G apf fa en |S P 347774 35 mm! " EEE Point 1 (80:51, 7.35) Point 2 (7.63 , - 7.35) " D 51 - 11.3374 13.5] Inox 732,661. % 32661000-2]_7™ bain © [oy Mca = 30.91 -17- 597 - 13.5] Inin #5661 * 5560612 633 mm @=sin (2s) & =32.946" Solving fOr Cmax? (Analytical Geom) From the figure, coordinates f of global centroid: ! ™ 6C(67, 506, 69.95) y Equation of the axis of maximum 4for Pe(io1-6, 203.2) moment of Inertia: Z slope =m= tané =) d= 15105 mm point (67.566, 69.95) poinr-slope form: y-y,=m(x-x) xfer P5(0,0) d=91.64mm ” y-69..95 = ton( 22) (x -07.560) Seago . 2 max frie we aM Fre 0 Equation of the. tine | 32681000.21 148.70 Distance from a point 10 a line» Snare ® 2197 70.5 Term * For PI(161.11, 205-2) . lax, + By, #C] d= 22957(61,11)4 (203.2) - 99.772 = 148. Tom = Cmax [ee | (0.2957) 1 g: Minimum Radius of Gyration Loin Bie. 63 oe oa ~ | 2550612 . 633 a 7757.0 min = 27.0/39 mm Problem 2 figure Cx 13.75 COx15.75° ome a. Areq A, +2(2606) [5212 mm*| b. Centroid v I ; 7 059.51) +90[[z] + x | 101.6 1 a Global Centroid (64.51, 101.6) c. Moment of Inertia ae hy = 2 (15.03 x loSmm) i, #30. 06x10%mm4 i =e[o.6gxio*s 2606(14.05+ 25)" ] ly #922779 1.85mm4 8 RETTH.O3 | 3 d. Section Modulus SG” at 10919{.7/(5mi ‘x, 30060 COO aes (eeaay 22268 tar 2 Sx y . e. Radius of Gyration Ik tx fe = [30.060 000-175. 944mm 7 S22 5 fh _ [9227791.63 [az.077mm a ie oie f£ Maximum Section Modulus | ‘A : Ss = 5 Since section is symmetric, Ry 0,8 ,7y why Imax 295866. [417 mm* SoS, Problem 5 figure : W10x60 Required. Area = 11355 mm* a. ae Moment of Inertia Depth = 259. 59mm Minimum Moment of Inertia tw = 10.6 7mm . | Moment of Inertia with bp = 256.05mm 35) respect to x*axis, rotated 35° = 17.27mm a clockwise from x-axis. 1, = 142 x10°mm* 1d Praduct Moment of Inertia Sx = 1093 x103mm* with respect fo x-axis KT. Simm eMaximum product of Inertia 4, = 46(0%mm4 Sy = 577 x107mm? ty 7 05.28mm Ff. Minimum product of Inertia a.Maximum Moment of inertia Pl Gly, 0): Fe (ie 0). 8 tes b.Minimum Moment of tertta ji v tnin = y = 48.000 000mm4* c. Moment of Inertia with d. Froduct Moment of Inertia, By respect ta »’-axIS, Is : Rsin 70° Vor] Ino ly x R= '. 47 Ley 44165553. 18mm 2 = Reos(70") «6,075 ©. Fagin Py FO] Io t ly tR*Z = 48+ 47416075 Ip = 11074946. 7mm4| F.By = Py £0 Ls Yonin |

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