Cinnamon Laurel Tree: EXERCISE 1 Finding Nouns Number Your Paper 1 To 10. Then Write The Nouns in Each Sentence

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Vishnoriva Zakiyatul S

04 2 16 0754
EXERCISE 1 Finding Nouns
Tingkat 3B
Number your paper 1 to 10. Then write the nouns in each sentence.

1. Cinnamon comes from the bark of a laurel tree.

Cinnamon, laurel tree

2. The Gorilla was almost unknown to science less than 150 years ago.

The Gorilla, science

3. When Cecilia went to London last summer, she rode a double-decker for the first time.

Cecilia, London, double-decker

4. Diamonds are the hardest gems in the world.

Diamonds, gems

5. According to a law, buried treasure belongs to the person who finds it, not to the owner of the

Treasure, person

6. A wadding ring is a traditional symbol of love.


7. Cows throughout the world supply over 200 billion quarts of milk each year.

Cows, the world, milk

8. On warm days bees will fan the air with their wings to air-condition their hives.

Bees, air, wings

9. To my surprise my little brother has no fear of bees

Brother, bees

10. More than 90,000 vehicles travel some 30 million miles each week to deliver daily newspaper.

Vehicles, newspaper

EXERCISE 1 Finding Personal Pronouns

1. Janice told Bonnie, “We should have brought our raincoats with us.”

We, our, us – Janice and Bonie

2. “I wish you could go to the exercise class with me,” Gwen said Kara.

I , me – Gwen and you – Cara

3. Armon gave his speech after Karen gave hers.

His – Armon, hers – kara

4. The two children wrote poems and showed them to their parents.

Them, their- the two children

5. Stacy unexpectedly found her pink and white sweater at Marcy’s house.

Her - Marcy

6. “Did Miguel say that he would try out for the team?” Rob asked.

He - Miguel

7. “Your report is fine, but I think it should be retyped,” Mrs. Johnson told Leon.

Your – Leon, it Leon’s report

8. The twins said that they are moving to South Carolina in the spring.

They- the twins

9. “Lani said she couldn’t meet us after school,” Lily told Pearl.

She- Lani

10. Did Kent take his parents out to ItIvanan restaurant on their anniversary?

His-Kent, their-kent’s parents

EXERCISE 2 Finding Pronouns

1. Aren’t these ones yours?


2. Others may seem nicer then Willis, but no one could be.


3. Someone told me to give this to you.


4. What did you say to him?


5. Most of the books I need for my report are not in the library.

I, my

6. These are difficult problems for me to solve.


7. They congratulated themselves on their victory.


8. Several of my friends stayed and helped me clean up.


9. Did you make that by your self?


10. Which is the best car for my needs?


EXERCSE 1 Finding Action Verbs

1. The first “airmail” letter in the United States was written by President George Washington.


2. The letter was transported by balloon from Pennsylvania to Now Jersey.


3. The first aerial photograph was taken from a balloon during the Civil War.


4. During the first space walk by a United States astronaut a camera was dropped.


5. The Camera will now orbit the earth indefinitely.


6. After the first moonwalk, Pan American Airlines accepted reservations for commercial flights to
the moon.


7. More than 80,000 requests immediately poured in.


8. Orbiting astronauts may see 16 sunrises and 16 sunsets each “day”


9. Hot-air balloons are having a commercial comeback.


10. They are lifting huge loads of timber in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest.

EXERCISE 1 Finding Adjectives

1. The doughnut has been called the most delicious accident in history

Delicious-the doughnut

2. Doughnut were probably first made in a French hamlet in 1917 during World War I

First- in a french

3. Nearly 1,000 American soldiers were stationed in a tiny out-of-the-way village

Nearly - 1000 American soldiers

4. Rain, cold and heavy, had fallen for many days.

Cold and heavy- rain

5. The morale of the man was low.

Low – the morale

6. Two top-notch representatives of the Salvation Army looked for a quick remedy.


7. According to the story, they mixed a pot of dough and rolled the lumpy mixture with a large

Lumpy- pot of dough, Large - bottle

8. Then they cut round pieces from the dough wit a can.

Round - dough

9. The small pieces of dough were then fried on a crude, homemade stove.

Small – pieces of dough, crude-dough

10. The unusual results, warm and tasty, did the trick.

Warm , tasty , unusual- results

11. Temporarily the men didn’t feel homesick.

Temporaily, homesick- the man

12. Further experiment resulted in the small center holes.

Small – center holes

13. Creating holes was the easiest way to eliminate the soggy middles.

Easiest,soggy - holes
14. The name for the new pastry probably came from the nick name for the lonely soldiers-

New – pastry. lonely - soldiers

15. The tasty discovery eventually made an Atlantic crossing. And the modern doughnut was born.

Tasty- doughnut.

EXERCISE 2 Finding Adverbs

1. The candidate unexpectedly won by a very narrow margin.


2. Walk slowly and carefully over the ice on the sidewalk.

Slowly, carefully - walk

3. The coach has strongly disagreed with the referee.

Strongly - disagreed

4. Don’t speak to rapidly during your speech.

Rapidly- speak

5. The turtle’s head moved in and out.

In, out

Exercise 1. Finding the Prepositional Phrases

The greatest mountain range, called the Dolphin Rise, lies under the sea! It extends from
the Arctic to the Antarctic. At certain points the tops of the mountains rise out of the water.
Some of these points are the Azores and the Canary Islands. In some place the deepest valleys
between these mountains are more than five miles below the surface of the ocean. Mount
McKinley is the highest mountain in North America. If it were dropped into such a spot, it would
be completely covered with water on account of great depth.

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