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Write an essay about what love is. Check page 88 as reference.

It is often said that the love is most important feeling on the earth .The love give happiness
because it is a pure feeling. However anyone people do not value this feeling because the
love is surreal that do not to see .Actually the people are accustomed a the things
material, things that can to touch, that can to use ,things that can help they to live
comfortably ,but for me love continues to help us to live happy.

It is true that material things are important and necessary for living; however the families
are the most important source the love. This feeling goes beyond the physical, a clear
example of these is a pregnant woman, She cannot see your baby but still loves him. For
the human being is essential ,when he feels loved he feels full, that drives us to do things
that are called crazy ,as Nietzsche said “ There is always something crazy in love, but
there is always some reason in madness ”

I think that we can say that love is the little things we do for that other with kindness and
patience without thinking about ourselves and forgetting the mistakes of the other ,and
nothing is small if it is made out of love .This way we can see that it is not just a feeling
,love is affect and effect. It can have infinite definitions since each one has his way of
loving .It is a universal language that goes, beyond the language barrier, love is for
everyone .

In conclusion I dare to say that love is a feeling so strong that you do not need to see, are
the everyday things we do for others, love is madness, is patience, kindness, mercy, is to
stop thinking about yourself and look the needs of the other.

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