To Make A Day of It (Doing STH) : A Small Piece of Land Surrounded by A Fence in Which Farm Animals Are Kept

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test 5

section 1
1 steamship (n) a ship driven by steam
2 assume (v) think
3 be on board on or in a ship, an aircraft or a train
to make a day of it(doing
4 sth) To do something for most of or an entire day.
5 off the boat go off the boat
a small piece of land surrounded by a fence in
6 holding pen which farm animals are kept
7 trek (n/v) a long walk
8 at so's best at the highest standard of quality possible.
9 in terms of in related to
10 repair kid a set of tools/ equipment
11 take along with s.o bring sth with s.o
a place, building or set of buildings where journeys
12 terminal by train, bus or boat begin or end
a long line or series of marks that is left by
13 trail somebody/something
by the lake = along side of
14 the lake
section 2
1 get shouted at
straightaway (adv) (tell you
2 straightaway) immediately/ directly
3 show up (pv) turn up
no longer stopping somebody from moving or doing
4 out of the way something
5 safety hazard safety danger
6 out of bounds not allowed to do sth/ go somewhere
7 on your feet (exp) be standing
8 all day long (exp)
9 take it easy relax and avoid difficulties
a very efficent air
10 conditioning system
11 give/get the treatment
12 smash crash/ break sth
13 perishables (n) foodstuff that easily go decay or badly
14 put sth in order arrange
1 like (v) never get bored
2 the variety of work so many different things to do
3 be almost fully booked not any tables free/ a few for lunch
4 allowed to use >< out of bounds
5 follow orders immediately do it straightaway
6 phyaically demanding be on your feet all day long, lifting and carrying
decide who does during the day and how long they
7 timetable work for
8 first aid give basic treatment
9 breakage (the one you need to see if you )smash a plate
10 food stock all the stores of perishables
section 3
1 think of an angle (exp) way of thinking
2 look into examine/ investigate
3 the source of funding
4 go into sth in detail
5 brainstorm ideas
to change data into a digital form that can be easily
6 digitalise (v) read and processed by a computer
7 access (v) to reach, enter or use something
no longer used because something new has been
8 obsolete (a) invented
9 *out of copyright
point ( that's important
10 point ) exp
11 a physical book
12 personal preference
13 (financial) implication involvement
to make an in-depth study
14 of
15 all sorts of issues

the organization that provides services in a city or

16 council county, for example education, houses, libraries, etc.
17 employment law
an official action that is done in order to achieve a
18 measure particular aim

an organized set of data that is stored in a computer

19 database and can be looked at and used in various ways
to get an archive of (local
20 newspaper) a collection of historical documents or records
1 main topic concentrate on

how changes in society are relate the changes in libraries to external

2 reflected in public libraries developments
one disadvantage : so you won't find the lastest best-seller or up-to-
3 generally old date info
4 expect (v) what I am afraid will happen is

5 to have a budget of its own to have its own budget

to take the safety of
6 customers into account what measure does it take to ensure the safety

7 what insurance is required kind of insurance the library need to have

8 accident anyone gets injured
9 how it's different from what difference between
section 4
take sth for granted
to be so used to somebody/something that you do
not recognize their true value any more and do not
1 show that you are grateful
collaborate (with s.o on work together with somebody
2 doing sth) -> collaboration
3 *over-simple (view) Lacking sophistication and subtlety.
4 theoretical concept(s)
involving the usual events or tasks of each day
day-to-day (removed from
the reality of day-to-day
5 business)
6 by all means
7 at all the intention "which is not at all the intention"
o have the opposite effect to the one intended, with
8 backfire (v) bad or dangerous results
an unexpected result of a situation or course of
(potential) side effect(s) action that happens as well as the result you were
9 aiming for
10 encourage teamwork
11 descend into confusion
prevent somebody from doing something; to
12 get in each other's way prevent something from happening
13 to solve the changllenge
14 to comply ( the rule) obey the rule
15 with an aptitude for sth natural ability or skill at doing something
to make something appropriate for
16 to suit th to sth/s.o something/somebody
17 inconsistency the fact of not matching a set of standards, ideas, etc.
18 target (v) try to have an effect on a particular group of people
19 *business market
consumer-friendly (name)
used to describe something that is good for people
who are buying products and services for their own
20 use:
21 a common cause of
launch (v) make a product available to the public for the first
22 time
to meet the needs/
23 demands
industrious ->
24 industriousness hard-working
to laugh at somebody/something in an unkind way,
mock (V) especially by copying what they say or do/ show no
25 respect
26 man-hour
27 rush into to do sth without thinking about it carefully
28 valuable (a) very useful and important
29 display (characteristics ) show
look for/come up with
30 (effective) solution(s)
31 carry out tasks
32 criterion/ criteria a standard
33 grabbing-attention
different from anything known before; new,
34 novel (a) / a novel product interesting and often seeming slightly strange
35 strive (for) try very hard to achieve something
36 bring out (products) produce/ publish sth
get/ have
command (v)/ to
command an average
37 market share of
the amount that a company sells of its products or
market share services compared with other companies selling the
38 same things
39 second-rate not very good or impressive
o not get something you wanted or feel you should
40 lose out (on sth) have
1 result in cause (v)
2 deal manage (v)
3 build construct
4 experience confusion descende into confusion
5 sales/ poor meet the needs of neither group
a bad use of various
6 company resources waste the resources that companies value most
7 memorable the plenty of consumers remember the ads
8 fail to boost sale have no idea what being advertised
a response to a particular to solve the problem that the company has
9 problem identified
10 aim at exellence insisting on exellence
11 miss opportunities lose out on opportunities
avoid doing tasks that are have a rational determination not to carry out
12 unneccessary unneccessary tasks
tàu thủy
nghĩ rằng/ cho rằng
trên tàu/ máy bay

hưởng 1 ngày vui

xuống tàu

chuồng trại
đi bộ đường dài
trong điều kiện tốt nhất, hoàn thiện nhất
liên quan đến
hộp/ đồ dùng sửa chữa
mang theo

ga, trạm cuối

đường/ lối mòn

lớn tiếng

trực tiếp/ ngay lập tức ( đi thẳng vào vấn đề)

có mặt

không còn cản trở/ làm khó

mối nguy hại về an toàn
tránh xa/ để xa tầm tay
cả ngày
thư giãn/ thoải mái

hệ thống điều hòa "tuyệt vời"

chữa trị/ điều trị
làm vỡ
thực phẩm dễ hư/thối
sắp xếp
khía cạnh/ quan điểm
nghiên cứu/ tìm hiểu
nguồn tài trợ
tìm hiểu chi tiết/ kĩ về
động não/ suy nghĩ lên ý tưởng

số hóa
kết nối/ tiếp cận

lỗi thời (= out of date)

quá hạn bản quyền

đó chính là điểm mấu chốt

sách giấy
sự yêu thích cá nhân (tùy gu mỗi người)
sự liên quan/ can thiệp

hội đồng
luật lao động

phương pháp/ biện pháp

kho dữ liệu

lưu trữ
xem điều gì là hiển nhiển, không biết trân quý/ xem thường
điều gì

cộng tác

thường nhật/ gần đây

bằng mọi giá/ cách
nằm trong dự tính

phản tác dụng/ đem lại kết quả k như mong đợi

tác dụng ngược

cản trở

làm theo/ tuân theo luật

có năng khiếu/ giỏi về

thích hợp làm gì đó

tính không nhất quán
nhắm vào đối tượng

thân thiện với người tiêu dùng

đưa ra thị trường/ giới thiệu

đáp ứng nhu cầu

chăm chỉ, siêng năng

chế giễu/ nhại lại

hữu ích,, quan trọng

biểu hiện

tiêu chuẩn
thu hút sự chú ý

mới mẻ
phấn đấu nỗ lực
sản xuất/ đưa sp ra thị trường
chiếm/ có

thị phần

loại thường, hạng nhì

tụt mất

motto a short sentence or phrase that expresses the aims and
1 beliefs of a person, a group
2 apt- aptitude likely or having a (natural) tendency to do something
3 apt characterization
4 kid (v) -> I kid you not joke/ deceive
5 meet the academic requirements exp
6 sign up for sth exp
prospective (a) expected to do something or to become something/ to
7 happen soon (potential/ forthcoming)
8 to establish a chain of evidence
prosecution ->Prosecute (n) the process of being officially charged with a crime in
9 court
part of the increasing
10 professionalization exp
11 torch (v) set fire to sth in order to destroy it
creep into every aspect of (public
12 and business life) exp
13 anew (adv) start doing sth again in different way
take the cue from sth to copy what somebody else does as an example of how
14 to behave or what to do
15 after all exp
16 codify (v) arrange laws, rules, etc. into a system
used as a way of emphasizing something negative or
17 downright (adv) unpleasan
Drawing knowledge or information from; taking
18 in the light of (something) into consideration.
the act of getting something, especially knowledge, a
19 acquisition skill, etc.
20 scrutiny inspection/ careful examination
21 supremely extremely
used to say that you think that something is probably
22 presumably (adv) true
23 ethical (sense) moral
24 articulate (v) to speak clearly
having fine personal qualities that people admire, such
25 noble as courage, honesty and care for others
26 personal profit exp
27 principled >< unprincipled (a)
28 it is at the point that exp

1 varied (a) changing often/ different types
to make somebody/something seem impressive/
2 dignify (v) important
3 technical (name) exp
4 archtophilist teddy bears collector
5 philatelist postage stamps collector
6 detiologist postcards collector
*instrumental (an intrusmental
7 reason) important in making something happen
8 sell at a profit exp
triumph ( a sense of triumph) the feeling of great satisfaction or joy that you get from
9 a great success or victory
10 dear (a) very expensice
11 develop social life exp
12 exchange information on sth exp
bring s.o into contact with like-
13 minded people exp
14 like-minded (a) having similar ideas and interests
15 variant (a) a different form/ type from the others
16 motive (a) a reason for doing something
17 particular (a) specific
18 give a purpose to life exp
19 aimless (a) having no direction or plan
20 drive S.O make S.O to do sth
21 educational value exp
22 potential reason exp
23 open a window to (other countries) exp
to collect something, especially in large quantities (=
24 amass (v) accumulate)
25 a vast amount of information exp
26 understanding (n) knowing
27 inferior >< superior (a)
the activity of collecting the numbers of railway engines
28 trainspotting (n) -> transpotter as a hobby
a substance that is produced during the process of
29 by-product making or destroying something else
a person who regularly does a particular activity,
30 practitioner especially one that requires skill
31 go beyond
32 develop an interest
33 to reflect notion of
34 commonplace (a) done very often
the quality of being different from other people and
35 indiviualism (N) doing things in your own way
36 to convey ( s.o's belief) make ideas known to sb

37 engrossing (a) so interesting that you give it all your attention and time
38 give pleaure exp
39 common factor exp
to give a strong sense of personal
40 fulfilment exp
make money sell at a profit
a feeling of triumph a sense of triumph
phương châm

có khuynh hướng/ xu thế

đặc điểm xu thế
lừa gạt
đáp ứng nhu cầu học vấn

triển vọng/ đầy tiềm năng

đưa ra hàng loạt chuỗi chứng cứ

khởi tố
1 phần trong việc tăng tính chuyên
nghiệp/ lành nghề
đốt lửa
len lỏi vào mọi khía cạnh của cuộc sống

lại lần nữa bằng cách khác

lấy ví dụ

suy cho cùng

soạn luật thành văn bản

hoàn thoàn/ rành rành

dựa vào … để suy xét/ cân nhắc

sự đạt được, có được

sự quan sát/ nghiên cứu kỹ lượng
cực kì

có lẽ là/ cho rằng

thuộc về đạo đức
nói/ trình bày rõ ràng

cao thượng/ đáng tôn trọng/ xuấ sắc

lợi ích cá nhân
có (vô) kỉ luật
chính tại thời điểm này

bị thay đổi/ đa dạng

làm quan trọng/ nhấn mạnh/ đề cao

tên chuyên ngành

niềm vui chiến thắng/ niềm hân hoan

đắt đỏ
cải thiện đời sống xã hội
trao đổi thông tin

kết nối những người cùng chung sở thích với nhau

cùng sở thích
sự thay đổi
động cơ/ lí do để làm việc gì
cụ thể
đem đến mục đích/ lí tưởng sống
không mục đích, bâng quơ
thúc đẩy ai đó

TRAINSPOTTING is a hobby in Britain, popular
mainly with boys but also with some adult
tích lũy men. It involves going to places where trains
can be seen, especially railway stations, and
collecting the numbers of railway engines
sự hiểu biết they see by writing them down. People
sometimes make fun of this hobby and the
people who do it because they think it is a
boring and ridiculous thing to do

sản phẩm phụ

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chủ nghĩa cá nhân

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dồn nhiều tâm trí vào việc gì

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