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ETHICS when a family member is on board or when

the number of lives to be saved by swerving

Our driverless dilemma gets larger. As one might expect, people are
even less comfortable with utilitarian sac-
rifices when family members are on board
When should your car be willing to kill you? and somewhat more comfortable when sac-
rificial swerves save larger numbers of lives.
But across all of these variations, the social
By Joshua D. Greene of harm, even at the expense of their passen- dilemma remains robust. A major determi-
gers, but are not enthusiastic about riding in nant of people’s attitudes toward utilitar-

uppose that a driverless car is headed such “utilitarian” cars—that is, autonomous ian cars is whether the question is about
toward five pedestrians. It can stay on vehicles that are, in certain emergency situ- utilitarian cars in general or about riding in
course and kill them or swerve into ations, programmed to sacrifice their pas- them oneself.

a concrete wall, killing its passenger. sengers for the greater good. Such dilemmas In light of this consistent finding, the au-
On page 1573 of this issue, Bonnefon may arise infrequently, but once millions thors consider policy strategies and pitfalls.
et al. (1) explore this social dilemma in of autonomous vehicles are on the road, They note that the best strategy for utilitar-
a series of clever survey experiments. They the improbable becomes probable, perhaps ian policy-makers may, ironically, be to give
show that people generally approve of cars even inevitable. And even if such cases never up on utilitarian cars. Autonomous vehicles
programmed to minimize the total amount arise, autonomous vehicles must be pro- are expected to greatly reduce road fatalities
grammed to handle them. How should they (2). If that proves true, and if utilitarian cars
be programmed? And who should decide? are unpopular, then pushing for utilitarian
Department of Psychology, Center for Brain Science,
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. Bonnefon et al. explore many interesting cars may backfire by delaying the adoption
Email: variations, such as how attitudes change of generally safer autonomous vehicles.

1514 24 JUNE 2016 • VOL 352 ISSUE 6293 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
day’s subway trains. As our thinking shifts IMMUNOLOGY
from personal vehicles to transportation
systems, people might prefer systems that
maximize overall safety.
In their experiments, Bonnefon et al.
assume that the autonomous vehicles’
emergency algorithms are known and that to adapt
their expected consequences are trans-
parent. This need not be the case. In fact, Gut microbiota affect
the most pressing issue we face with re- T cell plasticity in the
spect to autonomous vehicle ethics may be
transparency. Life-and-death trade-offs are intestinal lining
unpleasant, and no matter which ethical
principles autonomous vehicles adopt, they By Marco Colonna and
will be open to compelling criticisms, giving Luisa Cervantes-Barragan
manufacturers little incentive to publicize

their operating principles. Manufacturers ffective immune responses rely on
of utilitarian cars will be criticized for their balancing lymphocyte stability and

Downloaded from on June 23, 2016

willingness to kill their own passengers. plasticity. Lymphocytes have regula-
Manufacturers of cars that privilege their tory circuits that control phenotypic
own passengers will be criticized for devalu- and functional identity. Stable circuits
ing the lives of others and their willingness maintain homeostasis and prevent
to cause additional deaths. Tasked with sat- autoimmunity. But plasticity is needed to
isfying the demands of a morally ambiva- integrate new environmental inputs and
lent public, the makers and regulators of generate immune responses that subdue
autonomous vehicles will find themselves the eliciting agent without damaging tis-
in a tight spot. sue. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are a subset
Software engineers—unlike politicians, of CD4+ T cells that control effector T cell
philosophers, and opinionated uncles— responses and prevent excessive inflam-
don’t have the luxury of vague abstraction. mation and autoimmunity (1, 2). On page
They can’t implore their machines to respect 1581 in this issue, Sujino et al. (3) report
people’s rights, to be virtuous, or to seek jus- that intestinal Tregs convert into CD4+ in-
tice—at least not until we have moral theo- traepithelial T cells (CD4IELs) to adapt to the
ries or training criteria sufficiently precise
to determine exactly which rights people
have, what virtue requires, and which trade-
offs are just. We can program autonomous “…Foxp3 + cells might rapidly
vehicles to minimize harm, but that, appar- convert into another T cell
ently, is not something with which we are
entirely comfortable. subtype.”
Bonnefon et al. show us, in yet another
Moral dilemma. Should autonomous vehicles protect way, how hard it will be to design autono- local intestinal environment, thus identify-
their passengers or minimize the total amount of harm? mous machines that comport with our ing the intestinal epithelium as a compart-
moral sensibilities (6–8). The problem, it ment that enforces lymphocyte plasticity.
As the authors acknowledge, attitudes seems, is more philosophical than technical. CD4IELs are implicated in various immune
toward utilitarian cars may change as na- Before we can put our values into machines, responses, including tolerance to dietary
tions and communities experiment with we have to figure out how to make our val- antigens (4). They originate from CD4+ T
different policies. People may get used to ues clear and consistent. For 21st-century helper cells in the intestinal lamina pro-
utilitarian autonomous vehicles, just as moral philosophers, this may be where the pria, and can produce interferon-γ (IFN-γ),
some Europeans have grown accustomed rubber meets the road. j a cytokine that triggers immune responses
to opt-out organ donation programs (3) to infection, as well as promote cytoly-
and Australians have grown accustomed sis. Differentiation of T cells into CD4IELs
1. J.-F. Bonnefon et al., Science 352, 1573 (2016).
to stricter gun laws (4). Likewise, attitudes 2. P. Gao, R. Hensley, A. Zielke, A Road Map to the Future for is governed by the reduced expression of
may change as we rethink our transpor- the Auto Industry (McKinsey & Co., Washington, DC, 2014). ThPOK (T helper–inducing POZ/Kruppel
tation systems. Today, cars are beloved 3. E. J. Johnson, D. G. Goldstein, Science 302, 1338 (2003). factor), a transcription factor that drives
4. S. Chapman et al., Injury Prev. 12, 365 (2006).
personal possessions, and the prospect 5. D. Neil, “Could self-driving cars spell the end of car owner- the CD4+ T helper cell program. More-
of being killed by one’s own car may feel ship?”, Wall Street Journal, 1 December 2015; www.wsj. over, increased expression of Runx3 (runt-
like a personal betrayal to be avoided at all com/articles/could-self-driving-cars-spell-the-end-of- related transcription factor 3) drives the
costs. But as autonomous vehicles take off, 6. I. Asimov, I, Robot [stories] (Gnome, New York, 1950).
CD8+ T cell program, i.e. IFN-γ production
car ownership may decline as people tire 7. W. Wallach, C. Allen, Moral Machines: Teaching Robots and cytolysis (5, 6). CD4IELs in the intestinal
of paying to own vehicles that stay parked Right from Wrong (Oxford Univ. Press, 2010).
8. P. Lin, K. Abney, G. A. Bekey, Robot Ethics: The Ethical and
most of the time (5). The cars of the future Social Implications of Robotics (MIT Press, 2011). Department of Pathology and Immunology, Washington
may be interchangeable units within vast University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA.
transportation systems, like the cars of to- 10.126/science.aaf9534 Email:

SCIENCE 24 JUNE 2016 • VOL 352 ISSUE 6293 1515

Published by AAAS
Our driverless dilemma
Joshua D. Greene (June 23, 2016)
Science 352 (6293), 1514-1515. [doi: 10.1126/science.aaf9534]

Editor's Summary

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