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Ítem Pregunta Respuesta Correcta Puntaje Puntaje

1.1.1 b) An interview 1

1.1.2 c) To persuade 1
1.1.3 b) Dreams and goals. 1
1.2 a) job 1
b) dream job 1
c) goals 1
d) steps 1
e) dreams 1
1.3 a) It might be better if you define the steps to turn your 1
dreams into goals.
c) It might be a good idea to talk with your English teacher. 1
e) I think you might find out about the career 1 13
1.4 2 puntos 1 punto
Escribe una idea de persuasión utilizando Respuesta incompleta: sólo
verbo modal Might y una acción. Por nombra la acción.
ejemplo: “It might be a good idea to take Por ejemplo: “Take online
online classes” classes”.
2.1.1 c) a website article 1
2.1.2 b) to advice 1
2.1.3 b) dreams and desires 1

2.2 a) I 1
b) IV 1
c) II 1
d) III 1
2.3 a) I 1
b) III 1
c) II 1
2.4 a) Dream 1
b) Wish 1
c) Goal 1 19
2.5 A dream is idle, there is no movement in a dream, whereas a 1
goal is defined by action energy and direction
2.6 b) A desire for change. 1
c) Goals. 1
2.7 a) She would rid of the nuclear weapons. 1
b) She would protect more animals. 1
c) She would try to find a cure for every illness. 1
3.1 a) It might be a good idea to …/it might be better to … study 2
hard/go to the gym/eat healthy food/take online

classes/contact her
b) It might be a good idea to …/it might be better to … study 2
hard/go to the gym/eat healthy food/take online
classes/contact her
3.2 a) I would… 2
b) I would buy… 2
c) I would give… 2
d) My life would… 2
3.3 If I could have any job, I would be a “teacher” (“Cualquier 2
palabra relacionada con profesiones”). Respuesta completa
(2 pts.).
I would be a “teacher” (Cualquier palabra relacionada con
profesiones) Respuesta incompleta (1 pto.)
3.4 Nombra dos metas personales. Por ej. “ To study medicine”. 2
Listening comprehension Transcript



Counselor : Hi Victoria! Tell me…

if you could have any job what would it be?

What’s your dream job?

Victoria : Well, If I could, I would be an English teacher. That’s my dream job.

Counselor :So, What are you doing about it?, what are your goals?

Victoria : I think that I take advantage of the English classes, I watch English tv series, and I
listen to music in English every day. Goals? What do you mean? I’m not sure about that.

Counselor : It might be better if you define the steps to turn your dreams into goals and achieve
them. I think you might find out about the career, and it might be a good idea to talk with your
English teacher.

Victoria : I’ll do it, thank you!

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