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Job Skills checklist – Katie Powers

adapting new procedures confronting other people proposing ideas

administering programs planning agendas/meetings updating files

advising people planning organizational needs setting up demonstrations

analyzing data and problems thinking of creative ideas defining a problem

analyzing problems motivating others conducting interviews

becoming actively involved maintaining accurate records resolving conflicts

budgeting expenses prioritizing work expressing feelings

calculating numerical data creating new ideas conducting meetings

organizing tasks

counseling / consulting people displaying artistic ideas summarizing information

creating meaningful and challenging work developing plans for projects picking out important information

deciding uses of money enduring long hours persuading others

determining a problem motivating others comparing results

entertaining people supervising employees mediating between people

finding information meeting people classifying records

handling complaints evaluating programs coaching individuals

handling detail work editing work collecting money

imagining new solutions tolerating interruptions inventing new ideas

interviewing prospective employees being thorough managing people

teaching/instructing/training coordinating schedules/times listening to others


negotiating/arbitrating conflicts coping with deadlines investigating problems

overseeing operations encouraging others comprehending ideas

preparing written communications thinking in a logical manner setting priorities

providing discipline when necessary collaborating ideas reporting information

reading volumes of material promoting events making decisions

relating to the public running meetings delegating responsibility

remembering information questioning others organizing files

setting work/committee goals defining performance standards gathering information

supporting others serving individuals delegating responsibilities

Job Skills checklist – Katie Powers

I am currently the administrator of NMLS (Nationwide Multi-state Licensing System). This is a site that is
used to register or update any of our employees that need to be registered a Mortgage Licensing
Originators (MLOs). I will also be the administrator for our Learning Management System that we just

I have many deadlines in my position. I need to prioritize my work daily to make sure my deadlines are
met. I collaborate and communicate with my team and several others in the organization at all different
levels to make sure everyone is on the same page, understands their responsibilities, and questions are
answered. I plan meetings almost daily and schedule agendas for training frequently.

There are several situations that diverse teams are created to come up with new ideas and solutions to
problems. This takes a lot of brainstorming, negotiation, and conflict resolutions as everyone doesn’t
always agree on a solution.

As the Corporate Education Manager it is part of my responsibility to motivate and engage others in the
credit union. I have to be involved as a credit union leader to help others be motivated, and then coach
and train individuals. I am responsible for coaching, training, and disciplining my own staff if necessary. I
also need to make decisions that will impact the credit union and the staff.

Communication is key in my role. I communicate by email or intranet memo to my staff, specific groups
of employees or all staff many times each day. We have almost three hundred employees. I also need
to effectively communicate verbally.

Another responsibility I have is to schedule our all staff training day each year. This is the one time per
year all of our employees get together in one building to have a day of teambuilding and training. I
create the agenda, find the keynote speakers and the venue and negotiate the costs, make hotel and
meal arrangements for about 50 staff that travel from remote locations, and control the audio and video
needs for the day. I plan every moment of the event and am responsible to make sure it is a successful

I have been involved in some aspects of project management including two core software conversions, a
credit union acquisition, and an online banking conversion in the past five years.

In each of the above situations my department was responsible for creating the curriculum and training
all staff on the new systems.

I’m part of the Human Resources department and back up the AVP of Human Resources so I am versed
in labor and leave laws.

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