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To cross something of: Things that you have already done, for example do the chores or feed the

pet are kinds of jobs that are on the ‘’things to do list’’ but you cross them of when you make

To have your feet on the ground: to be very practical and sensitive, so you see things as they really
are and do not have unrealistic ideas. Eg. She's really creative, but she also has her feet firmly on
the ground.

Of being a daydreamer: a series of pleasant thoughts about something you would prefer to be
doing or something you would like to achieve in the future. Eg. He never paid attention in class
and seemed to be in a permanent daydream.

No matter how much time has gone by: no importa cuanto tiempo ha pasado it doesn’t matter
how much time has gone by you continuous been friends

To run an errands (to run some errands): to do some important activities such as going to the
back, asking for an appointment for eg. I will not plan a trips if I know I will not save money

Naïve: it’s an adjective and a personality feature. An innocent person that believe almost
everything he or she is told. Too willing to believe that someone is telling the truth, that people's
intentions in general are good, or that life is simple and fair. People are often naive because they
are young and/or have not had much experience of life. Eg. She was very naive to believe that he'd
stay with her.

To look forward to something: be excited about something which will happen in the future. Eg. i'm
looking forward to working with you

Owl: a bird with a flat face and large eyes that hunts at night.

Night owl: a person who has a lot of energy at night and stays up late. Eg. My sister is a night owl,
but I like to be in bed by 10 o'clock.

Busybody: is a person who pay attention to other people’s life. Eg. Laura is a busybody, she always
comments on matters that she should not comment
Chatterbox: a person, especially a child, who talks a lot (a talkative person). Eg. Your sister's a real

Social butterfly: A very outgoing and friendly person who likes to meet many people. Eg. I’ve been
a real social butterfly this past Friday… I hanged out with 5 different groups of friends in one night.



A go-better

A couch potato

A troublemaker

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