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Manuel L.

Quezon University
Basic Education Department


Name:_____________________________________ Date:__________________________
Grade:__________________ Score:_________________________

I. Identification: For numbers 1-8, write the names of the robots being featured below:

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

6. 7. 8.
II. Organize: Arrange the fictional robots in chronological order based on the dates the
movie/television show was first released. Put letters from A to D.
9. Transformers
10. Wall-E
11. Voltes-V
12. Doraemon

III. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer.
13. The singular form of automata.
a. automaton b. automata c. autonomous
14. The first automata were seen during the
a. stone age b. medieval times c. industrial revolution
15. Automata were used in
a. farms to scare birds
b. in battle to scare their enemies
c. in churches to make peasant believe that they move of a higher power
16. The reason why these automata moved was…
a. God made them moved
b. it operates on batteries
c. they are machines that utilize mechanical processes such as gears, cams, pulleys,
ratchets and cranks
17. Later on in 18th century, automata were sold to rich people as
a. toys
b. kitchen equipments
c. factory helpers
18. With the advent of the industrial revolution, the idea of automata was first used in…
a. ship building
b. tax collection
c. cloth production
19. The first fully automated weaving machine was called…
a. Pascaline b. Jacquard’s loom c. The Difference Engine
20. Designing Automata help people develop their skills in
a. proper etiquette b. history c. Art, Engineering and Science
21. Joseph Marie Jacquard was born in
a. Italy b. France c. England
22. Jacquard loom use this to control the weaving.
a. wind mill b. thread mill c. punch cards
23. Joseph marie Jacquard was born in..
a. 1801 b. 1752 c. 1800
24. The automaton toy have moving arms and legs around what year?
a. 1890 b. 1820 c. 1801
25. A mechanical figure that could strike time on a bell with its axe.
a. Automaton toy b. Clock Jack c. Automata
26. Which of the following was the first production to be completely automated?
a. cement production
b. food production
c. clothing production
27. Jacquards parents were involved in the weaving industry.
a. Yes b. No c. maybe
28. Jacquard was loved by everyone because of his invention.
a. Yes b. No c. maybe
29. Jacquards invention increases productivity and diminished human error.
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe
30. The term robot was invented during medieval times.
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe

IV. Modified True or False: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and supply the correct
answer if the statement is not correct. (2pts. each)

31-32. Mary Shelly was the author of Frankenstein.

33-34. RUR was a novel.
35-36. Frankenstein was created using all metal parts.
37-38. Isaac Asimov wrote I Robot.
39-40. The word “robot:” in Czech means “idiot”.
41-42. Frankenstein is a story about a man who got lost at sea.
43-44. RUR stands for Rolling Under the Rug.
45-46. The word “robotics” was first used by Isaac Asimov.
47-48. Karel Kapek wrote RUR.
49-50. The two robots that were Helena and Damon.

V. Enumeration
51-57. Places where you can find robots.
58-66. Ways robots can help people.

VI. Essay
66-70. What is an autonomous robot? What was the first and who developed it?
71-75. In your own words, describe or define what robot is.
76-80. Can you explain 3D jobs for robots mean?
81-86. What do you think is the reason, why most people associate robots to human-like
figure? Is it true that robots exist only as human-looking machine?
87-92. Do you think robots are helpful or dangerous to humans? Explain your answer.
93-100. Do you think robots will replace people in their jobs in the future? What do you
think will happen?

“You shall not steal.”-Exodus 20:15-

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