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Contract Rate not filed in contract
Quote Number QT-MAEU-36797909-2
Quote Date 05-Sep-2019

Offer 1-1
Spaichingen, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany --> NTB North Sea Terminal Bremerhaven,
Scheduled Route Bremen, Germany --> Coega Terminal, Eastern Cape, South Africa --> Inland Rail Terminal,
Gauteng, South Africa
Mode of Transport RAIL COMBINED > Ocean > RAIL
Spaichingen, Baden-
Place of Receipt Rate Validity From 07-Sep-2019 to 30-Sep-2019
Wurttemberg, Germany
Johannesburg, Gauteng,
Place of Delivery Service Mode SD / CY
South Africa
Last Acceptance Date 07-Sep-2019 Commodity FAK
Transit Time 33 day(s) Quoted for weight 18.0 TONS
Surcharge Name Basis Currency 20DRY Surcharge Type
Basic Ocean Freight
Container USD 750 Freight
Peak Season Surcharge
Container USD 0 Freight
(floating as per tariff)
Emergency Bunker Fee
Container USD 0 Freight
(floating as per tariff)
Low Sulphur Surcharge
Container USD 20 Freight
(floating as per tariff)
Congestion Fee Origin
Container USD 0 Freight
(floating as per tariff)
Emergency Risk Surcharge
Container USD 0 Freight
(floating as per tariff)
Congestion Fee Destination
Container USD 0 Freight
(floating as per tariff)
Total for Freight USD 770
Terminal Handling Service - Origin
Container EUR 245 Origin
(floating as per tariff)
Inland Haulage Export
Container EUR 625 Origin
(floating as per tariff)
Documentation Fee Origin
Bill of Lading EUR 15 Origin
(floating as per tariff)
Total for Origin USD 975
Documentation fee - Destination
Bill of Lading ZAR 730 Destination
(floating as per tariff)
Import Service
Container ZAR 665 Destination
(floating as per tariff)
Inland Haulage Import
Container ZAR 5866 Destination
(floating as per tariff)
Terminal Handling Service - Destination
Container ZAR 1909 Destination
(floating as per tariff)
Total for Destination USD 617

Thank you for giving Maersk Line the opportunity of quoting on your business.

Maersk Line General Disclaimer:

1. This quotation shall be considered accepted by the Merchant if the Merchant confirms its acceptance in writing. Provided that if the
Merchant does not provide its acceptance in writing, then the Merchant shall also be deemed to have accepted the quotation by the
following actions: (1) verbally agreeing to the quotation, or (2) making a booking or tendering a shipment to Carrier for the trade
lane covered by the quotation. For trades subject to the US Shipping Act, the parties shall, in the case of (1), subsequently confirm
this agreement by agreeing to a writing that will be filed with the FMC as the service contract amendment.

2. This quotation voids, replaces and supersedes any previous quotation for a booking under which the PCD has not passed, whether or
not it has been accepted by the Merchant. The Merchant agrees that if it requests a subsequent quotation for a booking before the
booking PCD has passed, the subsequent quotation will void, replace and supersede this quotation. The Merchant shall not request
quotations after the PCD for a booking placed under this quotation has passed. If the Merchant receives a subsequent quotation after
the PCD for a booking placed under this quotation has passed, any such subsequent quotation provided by the Carrier for that
booking shall have no effect and will not be legally binding on either party.

3. It is a condition of placing a booking under this quotation that you agree and accept that you will be deemed a “Merchant” as defined
in the Maersk Line’s Terms for Carriage and as such will be responsible for all the obligations and liabilities of the shipper, whether
disclosed or not. Any subsequent nomination of a shipper or other party in relation to the booking shall be subject to our
discretionary acceptance. In nominating a shipper or other party in relation to the booking you warrant that you have authority to
legally bind the nominated shipper or other party relating to the booking, as applicable, and, should that not be the case, you will
assume full liability and shall indemnify us for any and all loss suffered or cost incurred as a consequence of the absence of such

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4. Unless otherwise specified herein, this quotation, bookings and carriage are subject to Carrier’s Terms for Carriage, including in
particular its choice of law and jurisdiction, available at:, the additional Service Contract Terms
available at: and the terms for Detention and Demurrage available at

5. Quotations are subject to all applicable charges, surcharges, fees, adjustment factors (including local ones) rules, exceptions and
exclusions pursuant to the tariffs set out by Maersk Line (the “Maersk Line Tariff”) or as indicated by, but not limited to, the terms of
this quotation (the "Additional Charges and Terms"). Such Additional Charges and Terms may include, but are not limited to,
terminal handling charges, port fees, overweight charges, documentation fees, customs charges and seasonal charges such as peak
season surcharges, congestion, winter fees, and emergency risk surcharges. Where the "Contract Number" field above is populated
this quotation (incorporating the Carrier’s Terms for Carriage and Service Contract Terms) shall prevail in case of a conflict between
this quotation (incorporating the Carrier’s Terms for Carriage and Service Contract Terms) and the contract referred to by reference
to the “Contract Number”. These Additional Charges and Terms shall be provided by Maersk Line upon request.

6. Booking requests against this rate quotation are subject to space and equipment availability at such time (and/or at time of

7. For trades subject to the US Shipping Act or the China Maritime Regulations, quotations or surcharges that vary from the Maersk
Line Tariff shall not be binding on Maersk Line unless included in a service contract or service contract amendment that has been
filed with the Federal Maritime Commission (“FMC”) or the Shanghai Shipping Exchange, as applicable.

8. The FAK (Freight All Kind) commodity group cannot be used for quotations regarding, among others, diplomatic cargo, project cargo
and relief goods. Such quotations shall not be binding on Maersk Line. For the complete list of excluded commodities, please refer to
Tariff Text Rules under

9. This quotation shall not be valid if it applies to: (a) Any cargo being moved pursuant to a US government-related program, which
includes but is not limited to US Military, USAID, International Department of Development, US State Department, US Department of
Agriculture, US Government Household Goods and US Foreign Military Sales cargo, (b) Project Cargo which is construction, building,
manufacturing materials or supplies or any other materials for a named project, or (c) any cargo that must be carried on an US
Flagged vessel as required by Cargo Preference Laws.

10. This quote is not valid for hazardous or pharmaceutical cargo, unless otherwise specified. The quote will only apply to the weight and
type of cargo declared. At time of booking, acceptance of hazardous cargo is subject to the acceptance policy of involved ports &
vessels and pharmaceutical cargo is subject to the pharmaceutical acceptance policy and process of Maersk Line.

11. Transit time, scheduled routing and/or mode of transport, if provided in this quotation, are indicative only and the Carrier does not
undertake that the Goods shall arrive or be available at the Port of Discharge or the Place of Delivery (as applicable) at any particular
time nor that it shall be carried by the scheduled routing or the mode of transport indicated.

12. The invoice issued will be based on information received on the shipping instruction provided.

13. Exchange rates are indicative only and may therefore differ from the exchange rates on the invoice.

14. Please note that the surcharge type classification (freight, origin & destination) and total per surcharge type (freight, origin &
destination) outlined herein are for guidance only and shall in no way prejudice the responsibility of the Merchant for payment of
Freight and other charges in accordance with the terms and conditions of the governing Bill of Lading; including, in particular but
without limitation, clause 16.7.

15. Rates, charges, surcharges etc. applicable to the shipment will be determined on basis of the Price Calculation Date (“PCD”). For FMC
regulated trades the PCD will be the date on which Maersk Line A/S or one of its authorised agent(s) takes possession of the last
container listed on the transport document. FMC regulated trades are shipments exiting or entering a port in the United States,
Guam, US Virgin Islands, American Samoa or Puerto Rico (“US”) where 1) the Carrier takes possession of the cargo in the US
whether in the Port of Loading or at the place of receipt, or 2) the Carrier tenders the cargo for delivery in the US whether in the Port
of Discharge or at the place of delivery. For Non-FMC regulated trades, the PCD will be the date of the Estimated Time of Departure
(ETD) of the first vessel in the most recent booking confirmation issued upon customer request.

16. As a consequence of a requirement from the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the shipper is responsible for the verification
of the gross mass of a container carrying cargo prior to stowage on board. Therefore, Maersk Line reserves the right to charge a fee
in cases where the shipper’s lack of compliance to this regulatory requirement results in additional costs to Maersk Line.

17. The rate quote provided and Maersk Line's ability to transport this shipment are contingent upon Maersk Line's review of all shipment
details prior to confirming the booking (including all parties to the transaction, commodity description, end-use and end-user) and
Maersk Line's confirmation that the shipment is in compliance with applicable international regulations.

18. These rates are unaffected by, and do not affect, any tariff notified, published or filed in accordance with local regulatory

19. If a quotation includes Value Protect, it shall be subject to the Value Protect Terms available at:

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Where can I find tariff rates, news information and advisories?
What should I do if it is the first time I am booking with you?
Please refer to:
Demurrage and detention terms
A full list of all Maersk Line Surcharges can be found here
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Applicable Terms and Conditions

Terms and Condition Applicable to these offers

Rate is subject to DRP - Drop Off Charge(Imports) in the Offer # 1 20DRY
event that empty container is returned to an inland depot
at destination
All rate is subject to Peak Season Surcharge(PSS) Offer # 1 20DRY
whenever applicable
Haulage rates are weight dependent. Unless requested a Offer # 1 20DRY
different cargo weight, we have provided this quote for 18
Tons. Haulage rates would be applicable to the shipment as
per the weight provided in the Shipping Instructions.
Inland Handling Import (IHI) and Intermodal Fuel Offer # 1 20DRY
Surcharges (IFS) are always paid together with freight

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