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Maryam Afifah, General Practitioner at Kenari Graha Medika Women and Children Hospital, Bogor
Camelia Nucifera, Pediatrician at Kenari Graha Medika Women and Children Hospital, Bogor


Stunting is the most prevalent from child malnutrition, in 2018 aproximately

30.8% children in Indonesia are stunting falling below -2 SD from length for
age WHO child growth standards median.


A boy, 4 years old, diarrhea for

3 days, frequency >5 times
daily. There were no blood and
mucus in the faeces. His
mother said that he had fever
for 3 days, and he was a picky
eater. Contact with positive
tuberculosis patient was
denied. Basic immunization
were completed.
Weight/age 73% (<-3SD),
Length / Age 81,7% (<-3SD),
Weight/ Height 64% (<-3SD)
Head Circumference 50 (Mean)
The laboratory results showed
anaemia with 9.5 haemoglobin
and hyponatremia with 132
natrium. Chest xray showed
sign of tuberculosis with
bilateral infiltrate perihiler
around the heart. Bone aged
showed similar to 2 years old
boy, there was delayed skeletal
development. Figure 1: Chest Xray Figure 2: Bone Age

He was diagnosed with severe

malnutrition with diarrhea and DISCUSSION
lung tuberculosis. Broad
spectrum antibiotic, probiotic In line with nutritional status the patien
and zinc were given. He had was diagnosed with stunting. A recent
given formula 175 with 100 kkal study reported children with stunting
/ kgBB / days according to had around 3-4 times higher chance
dosage 1-3 years old, intake tainted with diarrhea, and 3-9 times
were provided by nasogastric riskier infected by tuberculosis
tube in 2 days.


Jahiroh dan Nurhayati Prihartono. 2017. Relationship nutritional stunting and tuberculosis among children under five
years. The Indonesian Journal of Infectious Disease
Desyanti dan Nindya. 2017. Hubungan Riwayat Diare dan Praktik Hygiene dengan Kejadian Stunting pada Balita Usia
24 -59 Bulan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Simolawang. Amerta Nutr (2017) 243-251. DOI :
Kementrian Kesehatan RI. Hasil Utama Riskesdas 2018. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan.

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