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Republic of the Philippines

Central Luzon State University

Science City of Munoz



Submitted by:
BSED 3-7
ALCANTARA, Szarinalyn
AVELLANO, Mark Johndel
BALANGUE, Trisha Allea
COLLADO, Alexandra Danielle
DIEGO, James
FELIPE, Marian Kassandra
LALUAN, Meljorie
LOPEZ, Ma. Lyka
MANALOTO, Patricia
MORALINA, Christine

ULEP, Rosalina


Name:________________________ Score:___________

Section:____________ Date:__________

DIRECTION: Read each question carefully and then write your answer on the space provided
before each number.

______1. What is the scale used to observe behavior over an extended period of time?

a. Simple scale c. Likert Scale

b. Rating scale d. Thurstone scale

______2. It is done by simply tallying the number of times each students is listed.

a. Scoring c. Peer ratings

b. Grading d. Sociometric approach
______3. It is the extent to which the students are involved in trying to learn?

a. Interest c. Self-esteem
b. Motivation d. Self-efficacy

______4. What target refers to the end states of existence or to modes of conduct that are
desirable or sought?

a. Value target c. Motivation target

b. Interest target d. Social Relationship Target

______5. Which of the following is the easiest to construct and most common instrument in the
affective domain?

a. Checklist c. Student self-report

b. Peer rating d. Teacher Observation

______6. It refers to the extent to which students care about each other and show empathy.

a. Warmth c. Cohesiveness
b. Involvement d. Communication

______7. It refers to the extent to which students share norms and expectation.

a. Warmth c. Cohesiveness
b. Involvement d. Communication

______8. This approach reflects the social acceptance and liking patterns of the students.

a. Scoring b. Grading
c. Peer ratings d. Sociometeic Approach

______9. There are only few items in this approach so that students can complete it quickly

a. Scoring c. Sociometric approach

b. Grading d. Guess who approach

______10. What is the key to happiness?

a. Love c. Creative activity

b. Money d. Mental attitude

______11. It pertains to predisposition to respond favorably or unfavorably to specified

situations, conscepts, objects, institutions, or persons.

a. Values c. Interest
b. Opinion d. Attitudes

______12. This is an affective traits that refers to the desire or propensity to select one subject
over another.

a. Preferences c. Motivation
b. Self-esteem d. Academic self-concept

______13. What type of gathering data elicit true feelings and beliefs?

a. Constructed response formats c. Student interview

b. Selected response formats d. Self-report

______14. What is the most common measurement tool to measure emotional or affective

a. Student interview c. Questionnaires and survey

b. Self-report d. Constructed response formats

______15. Nature of interpersonal interactions and functioning in group setting would best
describe to:

a. Altruism c. Emotional Development

b. Social Relationship d. Classroom Environment

______16. Which of the following would best describe attitude?

a. Nature of feeling tones in Class

b. It is the "advance man" of our true selves.
c. Self-perceptions of competence in school and learning.
d. I indicate willingness or desire to engage in a specific action.

______17. Who developed the method of summated ratings?

a. Thurstone b. Newton
c. Likert d. Piaget

______18. Which of the following statement shows an example of intrinsic motivation?

a. “My parents will buy me a new phone if I have no failing grades”

b. “our teacher will bring us donuts if we do well on today’s quiz”
c. “If I fail my chemistry subject, I will lose my scholarship”
d. “I feel good when I succeed in class”

______19. Determine the importance genuine anonymity below:

a. Social desirability
b. Easy to administer
c. Offers many examples of the existing instrument
d. The traits are more personal values and self-concept

______20. The following are the advantages of peer rating except one

a. Easy to administer
b. Can be anonymous
c. Focuses on interpersonal targets
d. Provides check on teacher inferences

______21. Determine the weaknesses of observation

a. Observer bias
b. Can observe natural behavior
c. can observe unobtrusively
d. Can observe nonverbal behavior

______22. What do you call the simple statement respond that is usually written in incomplete
sentences but essay questions?

a. Constructed response formats c. Student interview

b. Selected response formats d. Self-report

______23. Who addressed the issue of how favorable an individual is with regard to a given

a. Thurstone c. Likert
b. Newton d. Piaget

______24. Mrs. Torres gave a task for the students. Ada is her student who believe that she is
capable to perform the task successfully. Ada shows ________.

a. Self esteem c. Self-concept

b. Self-efficacy d. Self-affirmation

______25. In the scale measures, what is the meaning of “directionality of a reaction”?

a. Good b. Bad
c. Slight through extreme d. Both a and b

______26. Which of the following statements is not true about unstructured observation?

a. It is open ended
b. No particular focused trait
c. needs observation in regular basis
d. Make use of checklists and rating scales

______27. What will happen after building your positive mental attitude?

a. Make a habit of looking for the answer to your question.

b. Become solution-oriented with every difficulty you face.
c. Seek for the valuable lesson in every adversity
d. All of the above

______28. The following are all affective learning targets, EXCEPT one.

a. Values
b. Motivation
c. Social Relationship
d. Effort on learning

______29. The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can after their lives
by altering their attitudes. Who states that?

a. David John
b. Ramon Steve
c. William James
d. William Shakespeare

______30. “The student will listen to the lecture of the teacher”. What affective target is this?

a. Values
b. Attitude
c. Motivation
d. Self-concept

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