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Dyscalculia, is it really existing?

In this generation, many students were complaining about the difficulty in solving math
problems in their school. It is common for a students nowadays to share their struggles on social
media about it. One example of their posts, “Solving mathematics is just easy. You’re like using a fork
in a soup.” But why do this happen? Even though some people who we call ‘Math Wizards’ say that
it is easy? What makes this subject so difficult to learn?

There is a learning difficulty that we call ‘Dyscalculia’. It makes a student to experience on

formulas, shapes and any number-related concepts that makes them hard to understand and for
their brain to process these math problems. A poor foundation can be also the cause of this problem
leading to failing grade.

They tend to think that this subject is boring which makes their body and mind to feel tired
and unable to concentrate due to this belief. Their excitement on the other subjects are much higher
than in mathematics that makes them spend minimum time on studying and focusing on it. They
believe that this subject is hard for their own capability of understanding. As learnings here re much
more different than to other subjects. They do not try to give more effort especially to those
problems that needs deeper understanding.

It requires a lot of practice before a person masters a certain topic that makes other to feel
tired and uncomfortable. So, when a person stops practicing, their mind stops learning more things
and only has a small amount of knowledge that had been the cause of difficulty in answering those
questions that the level of difficulty has raised.

Time is also needed in mathematics. You need to exert more time in analyzing the question
for you to be able to understand and start to answer it. As some people see examining question
boring and is not the right thing they do to waste their time, they just end up on losing interest on it.

Students attend different subjects that sometimes focuses on memorizing details and
information that push them to just memorize things than understanding them. Which in
mathematics, understanding is kore important and it is the secret of those students who answer
math problems faster than others. It had stayed on their minds that when a test is coming, they
memorize things and they forgot to understand the situation that became the hindrance of passing
math subjects.

A person should give a lot of effort on understanding mathematics. It might be not that easy
to master things on math but try to learn tings from the easier one up to the hardest. When you
already have mastered the things on the lowest level of difficulty, it will be much easier for you to
learn on the next level as you already know the first thing to do on how to solve. It will lead your
mind your mind to answer more as you will feel satisfied on answering problems. Just practice, as
practice is the key to master mathematics.

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