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2017 International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS)

Detection of Leaf Diseases and Classification using

Digital Image Processing
R.Meena Prakash G.P.Saraswathy, G.Ramalakshmi,
Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and K.H.Mangaleswari, T.Kaviya,
Communication Engineering Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
V.P.M.M.Engineering College for Women V.P.M.M.Engineering College for Women
Krishnankoil, India Krishnankoil, India
disease segmentation approach in which texture based
Abstract— In this paper, image processing techniques are used clustering for segmentation is done [6]. Du & Zhang proposed
to detect the plant leaf diseases. The objective of this work is to a technique to segment leaf image with non-uniform
implement image analysis & classification techniques for illumination based on maximum entropy and genetic algorithm
detection of leaf diseases and classification. The proposed (GA) [7]. Dhaygude & Kumbhar proposed agricultural plant
framework consists of four parts. They are (1) Image pre-
leaf disease detection using image processing in which the
processing (2) Segmentation of the leaf using K-means clustering
to determine the diseased areas (3) feature extraction & (4) texture statistics are computed from spatial gray-level
Classification of diseases. Texture features are extracted using dependence matrices (SGDM) [8]. Diao et al reviewed the
statistical Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) features different methods including edge based, region based,
and classification is done using Support Vector Machine (SVM). Artificial Neural Network (ANN) etc., for segmentation of
plant disease spot [9]. Different methods for automatic leaf
Index Terms— leaf diseases, classification, SVM, K-Means image segmentation and disease identification have been
Segmentation. proposed in literature [10-14].
In this paper, segmentation of leaves is done using K-
Means algorithm. Texture features are extracted using GLCM
In India, agriculture is the backbone of economy. 50% of and then classification is done using SVM.
the population is involved in farming activities directly or
indirectly. Many varieties of fruits, cereals and vegetables are II. P PROPOSED METHOD
produced here and exported to other countries. Hence it is The overview of the proposed methodology is shown in
necessary to produce high quality products with an optimum Figure 1.
yield. As diseases of the plants are unavoidable, detection of
plant diseases is essential in the field of Agriculture. In plants,
diseases can be found in various parts such as fruits, stems and Image Acquisition
leaves. The main diseases of plants are viral, fungus and
bacterial disease like Alternaria, Anthracnose, bacterial spot,
canker, etc.,. The viral disease is due to environmental changes, Image Preprocessing
fungus disease is due to the presence of fungus in the leaf and
bacterial disease is due to presence of germs in leaf or plants.
The proposed framework can be used to identify leaf diseases. Image Segmentation using
Automatic detection of plant diseases is an important research K - Means Clustering
topic since it is able to automatically detect the diseases from
the symptoms that appear on the plant leaves.
Barbedo proposed an automatic method of disease
symptoms segmentation in digital photographs of plant leaves, Feature Extraction Using GLCM
in which color channel manipulation & Boolean operation are
applied on binary mask of leaf pixels [1]. He proposed the
method of semi-automatic segmentation of plant leaf disease
Classification of Diseases Using SVM
symptoms in which the histograms of the H and color channels
are manipulated [2, 3]. Pang et al proposed the method of
automatic segmentation of crop leaf spot disease images by Figure 1 – Overview of the proposed Method
integrating local threshold and seeded region growing [4]. A. Image Acquisition
Singh and Misra proposed detection of plant leaf diseases
using soft computing techniques [5]. Prasad et al proposed Firstly, the images of various leaves are acquired using
unsupervised resolution independent based natural plant leaf a digital camera with required resolution for better quality. The

2017 International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS)

input image is then resized to 256x256 pixels. The construction N−1

of an image database depends on the required application. The Contrast= Pij (i − j)2 (1)
image database has to be carefully constructed in that it b) Energy
generally decides the efficiency of the classifier and Energy is a measure of uniformity with squared elements
performance of the proposed method. summation in the GLCM. Range is in between 0 and 1. Energy
B. Image Pre-Processing is 1 for a constant image. The equation of the energy is given
by equation (2)
Image pre-processing is used to enhance the quality of the N−1 2
image necessary for further processing and analysis. It includes Energy= Pij (2)
color space conversion and image enhancement. The RGB
images of leaves are converted into L*a*b* color space. The c) Homogeneity
color transformation is done to determine the luminosity and Homogeneity measures the similarity among the pixels. Its
chromaticity layers. The color space conversion is used for the range is between 0 and 1. Homogeneity is 1 for a diagonal
enhancement of visual analysis. GLCM. The equation of the Homogeneity is as follows.
C. Image Segmentation Homogeneity = [1+ ( − )2 ]
Image segmentation is the process used to simplify the i,j=0

representation of an image into meaningful form, such as to d) Correlation

highlight object of interest from background. The K-means Correlation measures how correlated a pixel is to its
clustering algorithm performs segmentation by minimizing the neighborhood. Its range is in between -1 and 1.
sum of squares of distances between the image intensities and Correlation = Pij
the cluster centroids. K-means clustering algorithm, or Lloyd's i,j=0 σ2
algorithm, is an iterative algorithm that partitions the data and μ is mean value of all pixels in the relationships that
assigns n observations to precisely one of k clusters defined by contributed to the GLCM and σ represents the variance.
The steps in the algorithm are given below. E. Classification using Support Vector Machine (SVM)
1. Choose k initial cluster centers (centroid).
2. Compute point-to-cluster-centroid distances of all
observations to each centroid.
3. Assign each observation to the cluster with the closest Margin
centroid. hyper plane
4. Compute the mean of the observations in each cluster
to obtain k new centroid locations.
5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 until there is no change in
Support Vectors
the cluster assignments or the maximum number of
iterations is reached.
D. Feature Extraction
After segmentation, the GLCM features are extracted
from the image. Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) is
the statistical method of investigating texture which considers
the spatial relationship of pixels [15]. The GLCM functions
characterize the texture of images by computing the spatial Figure 2 – Support Vector Machine Classifier
relationship among the pixels in the images. The statistical
measures are extracted from this matrix. In the creation of Support Vector Machine is kernel-based supervised
GLCMs, an array of offsets which describe pixel relationships learning algorithm used as a classification tool. The training
of varying direction and distance have to be specified. In the algorithm of SVM maximizes the margin between the training
proposed method, four features are extracted which include data and class boundary. The resulting decision function
contrast, energy, homogeneity and correlation. Let Pij depends only on the training data called support vectors, which
represents the (i, j)th entry in the normalized Gray-Level Co- are closest to the decision boundary as shown in Figure 2. It is
Occurrence Matrix. N represents the number of distinct gray effective in high dimensional space where number of
levels in the quantized image. The different features extracted dimensions is greater than the number of training data. SVM
are defined as follows. transforms data from input space into a high-dimensional
a) Contrast feature space using kernel function. Nonlinear data can also be
Contrast measures intensity contrast of a pixel and its separated using hyper plane in high dimensional space. The
neighbor pixel over the entire image. If the image is constant, computational complexity is reduced by kernel Hilbert space
contrast is equal to 0. The equation of the contrast is as follows. (RKHS).
2017 International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS)

The idea of support vector machine is to create a hyper

plane in between data sets to indicate which class it belongs to.
The feature vector is given as input to the classifier. The
feature vectors of the database images are divided into training
and testing vectors. The classifier trains on the training set and
applies it to classify the testing set. The performance of the
classifier is measured by comparing the predicted labels and
actual values.
First, the data base is constructed using 60 images of citrus
leaves, with 35 diseased leaves and 25 normal leaves [16]. The
images in RGB color format are converted into L*a*b* color
space and segmented using K-Means algorithm. The number of
clusters is selected as three. The sample input images and the
segmented images are shown in Figure 3.
Figure 4 SVM Classification of the images
After training of the classifier by training vectors,
classification is done. Classification accuracy of 0.9 to 1.0 is
obtained using the proposed method. The results are shown in
Table 1.
(a) (b) (c) (d) Table 1- Classifier Performance
Diseased leaves Normal leaves Minimum Classification
35 25 0.90

(e) (f) (g) (h)

A method for detection and classification of leaf diseases is
implemented. The segmentation of the diseased part is done
using K-Means segmentation. Then, GLCM texture features
are extracted and classification is done using SVM. The
method is tested for detection of diseases in citrus leaves.
Future work is to be carried out for classification of diseases in
(i) (j) (k) (l) different plant species and to improve the classification
Figure 3 – Segmentation of diseased leaves using K-Means accuracy.
algorithm after color space conversion
(a), (e) & (i) Input images; (b), (f) & (j) Cluster 1; REFERENCES
(c), (g) & (k) Cluster 2; (d), (h) & (l) Cluster 3
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