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PANOPIO, Shainna

Signos and Oras Na

The issue of global warming has been overrated ever since I was in high school.The
moment I watched the documentary film that is about the the world's changing climate as a result
of decades of unchecked human activity that brings a comprehensive look at the impact of
climate change. Global warming is one of the most serious hazard that we our facing today. The
alarming signs were seen, even here in our country. Drought happens during rainy season
while typhoons come upon summer months. The abnormal rainfall causes the rise of sea water
level and more areas experience flooding. These are only some of the signs of growing global
phenomenon. This environmental crisis brings risk to a million lives. Signos is one of a
documentary that will awaken our minds on what is happening in our world. It aims to bring the
realization closer to home through a nationwide investigation of the manifestations of climate
change. Signos delivers Filipino viewers an extensive look on climate change; its causes,
effects and how to prevent its disastrous outcomes. This documentary makes me realize that
we should take global warming seriously and I also realized is not just the result of volcanic
eruptions and greenhouse effect. It is caused by people and their carelessness. I believe that it
is possible to solve all environmental issues easily. Unfortunately, people do not want to change
their lifestyle. They continue cutting down forests, killing animals, littering, increasing the
number of automobiles, plants and factories. They do not care about pollution and its harmful
effect on their own life. They build a factory, which pollutes water and air and consume this
polluted water and breathe in the contaminated air eagerly. People have got used to pollution,
production of wastes, deforestation and extinction of biological species. Now there are solutions
that we can stop global warming. However we human and governments need to move forward
to implement the global warming solutions. To reduce global warming is to recycle. Recycle can
reduce garbage by reusing plastic bags, bottles, papers or glass. For instance, when we buy
foods, we can use our own containers instead of plastic bags.

I have understood that our earth is “sick”. We humans need to “heal” the earth. Global
Warming have causes many problem for human but we human who make global warming
happens. Many people have died because of disease or disaster. It also affects the economics of
the country. However, we need to be reduce the global warming by using less gasoline, recycle
and human should help to reduce global warming instead of making the earth temperature
increased. Our generation should start taking care of the earth because in the next generation
they will suffer if we do not do reduce global warming. Therefore, global warming is a serious
issue now. As a business student we are learning it because we need to understand the effect of
climate change that will affect us when we have our business and we can start saving the earth.

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