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Mineral Nutrition

• Overview

• Criteria for essentiality

• Functions

• Deficiency symptoms

• Reasons for Soil Fertility Decline

Criteria for Essentiality of Element for
Plant Growth

• Daniel Arnon and Perry Stout (1935)

Essential Elements for Plant Growth
Two Main Groups
1. Macronutrients- nutrient elements needed by
plants in large quantities. (Ex. N, P, K, Ca, Mg,
S, C, H, O,).

2. Micronutrients- nutrient elements needed by

plants in small quantities at about less than
50 ppm. (Ex. B, Cu, Mn, Mo, Cl, Fe, Zn).
When are nutrients considered
1. Element is needed for the completion of the
vegetative and reproductive stages of the
2. The deficiency or absence of element can be
corrected only by the addition of the element
in question; no other element can substitute.
3. When the element is directly involve in the
nutrition of the plant and performs a specific
Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms
By: Taiz and Zeiger, 1998 , Plant Physiology, 2nd Ed.

• Require in greatest amount
• Constituent in cell
component, including
amino acids and nucleic
• Chlorosis- yellowing of the
leaves; starts from the
older leaves; younger
leaves may not show
symptoms initially because
nitrogen is mobilized from
older leaves
• Integral component of important
compounds of plant cells,
including sugar phosphates
intermediates of respiration and
photosynthesis and
phospholipids that make up plant
membranes; component of
nucleotides in DNA and RNA
• Dark green coloration of the
• Necrotic spots
• Stunted growth
• Delay maturation
• Regulates osmotic potential
of plant cells.
• Activates many enzymes
involve in respiration and
• First observable
– Mottled or marginal chlorosis
followed by necrosis (brown
like appearance or dead
tissues) at the leaf tips,
margins and veins.
• Curl and wrinkled leaves
• Slender and weak stem
• Leaf symptoms appear
initially on the older leaves
• Many symptoms are similar
to nitrogen deficiency since
nitrogen and sulfur are
constituents of proteins.
• Chlorosis starts at the
younger leaves rather than
mature leaves because
sulfur is not easily
remobilized. Many plant
species occur
simultaneously in all leaves
• Specific roles in the
activation of enzymes in
photosynthesis and
respiration and synthesis
of DNA and RNA.
• Is also a part of the ring
structure of chlorophyll
• Chlorosis between leaf
veins occuring on the
older leaves
• Synthesis of new cell walls;
mitotic spindle during cell
• Messenger for various plant
response both environmental
and hormonal signal.
• Necrosis of young meristem
regions such as root tips, young
leaves where cell division are
• Deformation of young leaves
• Brownish and short root system
• Severe stunting
• Cracking and deformation of
fruits and flowers
• Component of enzymes
involved in the transfer
of electrons such as
• Intervenous chlorosis
same as magnesium
deficiency but symptoms
appear on the younger
leaves cause iron is not
readily mobilized from
older leaves
Element Soluble forms in soil
Nitrogen NH4+ ; NO3- (Ammonium; Nitrate)
Phosphorus H2PO4 ; HPO4 (Hydrogen Phosphate; P
Potassium K+
Sulfur SO4-
Calcium Ca++
Magnesium Mg++
Iron Fe+++ ; Fe++
Boron H3BO3
Manganese Mn++
Zinc Zn++
Copper Cu++
Molybdenum MoO4
Chlorine Cl-
Reasons for Soil Fertility Decline
1. Crop removal
2. Soil erosion
3. Conversion of nutrient to unavailable forms such
a. combination with other elements forming
insoluble forms
b. Immobilization
c. Denitrification
d. Volatilization
e. Leaching
Combination with other elements
forming insoluble forms
Acid soils also contain high amounts of hydrous oxides
of iron and aluminum which react with the soluble
orthophosphate anions and precipitate them as
insoluble iron and aluminum hydroxyl phosphates.
Combination with other elements
forming insoluble forms
The increase in soil acidity increased the hydrogen ions in
the soil solution leads to decomposition of clay that would
liberate more aluminum ions in the soil solution.
The aluminum hydroxide thus formed, reacts with the
orthophosphate anions to form insoluble aluminum
hydroxyl phosphate
Immobilization refers to the process in which nitrate
and ammonium are taken up by soil organisms and
therefore become unavailable to crops.

Incorporation of materials with a high carbon to nitrogen ratio

(e.g. sawdust, straw, etc.), will increase biological activity and
cause a greater demand for N, and thus result in N
• occurs when N is lost through the conversion of
nitrate to gaseous forms of N, such as nitric oxide,
nitrous oxide and dinitrogen gas. This occurs when
the soil is saturated and the bacteria (Thiobacillus
denitrificans, Micrococcus denitrificans, and some
species of Serratia, Pseudomonas, and
Achromobacter) use nitrate as an oxygen source
• is the loss of N through the conversion of
ammonium to ammonia gas, which is released
to the atmosphere. The volatilization losses
increase at higher soil pH and conditions that
favor evaporation (e.g. hot and windy).
• is a pathway of N loss since soil particles do
not retain nitrate very well because both are
negatively charged.
• As a result, nitrate easily moves with water in
the soil. The rate of leaching depends on soil
drainage, rainfall, amount of nitrate present in
the soil, and crop uptake.
• Downward
movement of water
passing through soil
• the flow of water that
occurs when excess.
• occurs when there is
more water than land
can absorb
• cause soil erosion

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