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Direction for questions 1 – 8

Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below: There are total 17100
eligible voters in a constituency. P, Q, R, S, T, V and X are the castes of voters. Following are the
distributions of eligible voters of different castes and the eligible voters who actually voted.

Eligible voters in % (Total 17100)

P; 22.00%
X; 16.00%
V; 12.00%

S; 17.00% R; 10.00% Q; 15.00%

T; 8.00%



1) What percentage of voters voted from caste T out of the total number of voters from the
same caste?
a) 50 % b) 62.5 % c) 75 % d) 80 %
2) Which of the following caste has the highest percentage of voters voted out of its eligible
a) Q b) R c) V d) T
3) The number of votersvoted from castes S and P together exceeds the number of voters
eligible from castes T and R together by-
a) 798 b) 897 c) 399 d) 1824
4) What is the percentage of voters voted together as a percentage of voters eligible for
castes Q and R together?
a) 65 b) 68 c) 75 d) 80
5) What is the ratio of voters voted to the voters eligible from caste P?
a) 11:9 b) 9:11 c) 11:6 d) 6:11
6) What is the difference between sectorial value of P and S (Consider the data of eligible
a) 50 b) 100c) 180d) 360
7) What percent of the total eligible voters did not vote from caste P and Q put together?
a) 2% b) 13.67% c) 65%d) Can’t be determined
8) What is the population of the asked constituency if 60% of the population is not eligible
to cast their vote?
a) 42570 b) 28500 c) 42750 d) Can’t be determined

Direction for questions 9 – 13

Monthly expenses (in %) of

Mr. Bhat

Transport; 8.00%
Others; 17.00% Food; 22.00%
Entertainment; 5.50%
Medicine; 12.50%

Education; 20.00%
Rent; 15.00%

9) If Mr. Bhati’s expenses on education are Rs 1600 more than expenses on rent, then what
are the expenses on entertainment?
a) Rs 1200 b) Rs 2000 c) Rs 1600 d)Rs 1920
10) Find the angle made by the expenses on food, medicine & entertainment put together.
a) 1080 b)1440 c) 400 d) None of these
11) If Mr. Bhati’s income is Rs 60000 per month and his saving is equivalent to 33⅓% of
expenses on food & transport put together, what is his saving?
a) Rs 4200 b) Rs 600 c) Rs 20000 d) Rs 6000
12) If expenses on education are increased by 10% and expenses on rent are decreased by
25%, while other heads shown remain same, what will be the total expenses in percent on
food and rent put together?
a) 28 %
b) 34 %
c) 20 %
d) Can’t say
13) The expenditure on medicine is what percent of expenditure on entertainment?
a) 50 %
b) 200 %
c) 20 %
d) Can’t say
Directons for questons 14 to 18:

% of patent visitng a hospital in a month

Cardiac Arrest; 17.00% Tuberculosis; 8.00%

General; 22.00%
Dental; 5.50%

Hepatitis; 12.50%
Cancer; 15.00%
Asthma; 20.00%

Rato of patent to doctor in the hospital

General 1100:1
Asthma 400:1
Cancer 500:3
Hepatts 300:1
Dental 150:1
Cardiac Arrest 170:1
Tuberculosis 200:1

14. If patients of Cardiac arrest are 1800 more than the patients of Tuberculosis, then what
are the number of patients of Asthma in that hospital?
a) 2000 b) 4000 c) 20000 d)40000
15. What is the angle in pie- chart made by the patients of Asthma, Cancer, Tuberculosis &
General put together?
a) 1800 b)1080 c)1440 d) 2340
16. If total 50000 patients visit that hospital in that month, what is the number of doctors
available for looking after cancer patients?
a) 100 b) 300 c) 45 d)30
17. What is the ratio of doctors who are looking after the patients of Dental to Cancer?
a) 1:3 b) 10:9 c) 9:10 d) 4:9
18. If the total number of doctors available for general patients is 20, what is the total
number of patients visited that hospital?
a) 100000 b) 75000 c)50000 d) Can’t be determined

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