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Average Response Time:

The Sum of (WAIT TIME+ROLL-in+Roll-

Execution Time= Response Time-Wait Time.
Wait Time+Execution Time=Response Time

GUI Time: The Time taken by the User Request to reach the
is called as GUI Time. Generally, it should take around 200 ms. if it
more then this then considers the following.
1.Network traffic/Bandwidth Usage is too high or Some other
Groups of Users are sharing the same network.(switch, router, hub
issue). The Users are logging to the server using VPN
2.Presentation Servers are outdated…(due to resources(CPU, mem,
3.The Request from the user is Expensive.(check
4.GUI version is outdated(Update the GUI to the latest) 740 PL 6
5.GUI is Virus Prone.(Update the Systems with Antivirus)

Wait Time: The Amount of Time the User request waits in the
queue to allocate a process based on FIFO. Generally, the wait time
should not be more than 50 ms or 10% of Response time. if it is
more consider the following.
1.The Work processes are not sufficient. Configure Processes based
on ST07
2.The Work Processes are sufficient but handling the load due to
peak Hours. Advice the Users to perform the tasks during off-peak
3.The Work Processes are sufficient but an expensive
program/Transaction which is consuming the system resources is a
4.Configure Operation Modes if Possible to handle the peak hours.

Roll-in/Roll-out Time: The Time is taken to roll-out/Roll-in the

User Context into and out of Work Process Task Handler.
Generally, the Roll-Time should not be more then 50ms, if it is more
then consider the following.
1.The User Context is expensive i.e the User has more
Authorizations and More User parameters.
2.Reduce the parameters and Authorizations
3.Check whether sufficient memory is available for roll-in.

Enqueue Time: The Time taken to communicate with Enqueue

process and obtain a lock on that record is referred as Enqueue
Time. Generally the Enqueue Time should not be more then 1ms to
5ms if it exceeds then consider the following
1.Enque/table_size is not sufficient to hold the number of lock
arguments, owners and lock objects
2.Load on the Enqueue Process is huge due to blocking in Update
Process(Update Deactivated)
3.if required then increase the Enqueue Process by using par

Processing Time: The Time is taken to process the User requests in

ABAP/SCREEN and SQL Processing.
The ABAP Screens, ABAP Programs and SQL Code in the Programs
may be Expensive.
ABAP Screens and Code are finely tuned by using CPU Time.and
SQL Code is finetuned by using Database Time.
Generally, the Processing Time should not be more than twice the
amount of CPU Time.
CPU Time. it is the total time consumed by work processes to
process the requests in SCREEN/ABAP and SQL Interpretations.
Generally, the CPU should not be more than 40% of Execution
Time(Response Time-Wait time)
if it exceeds then consider the Following.
1.The ABAP Code and Screens in the Program/transaction are
Advice the ABAP Development Team to fine-tune by using
SE30(runtime Analysis of ABAP Programs)
2.Check the CPU Utilization in ST06(it should be less than 30% in
IDLE Time)
3.Worst Case route the Programs to another Application Server else
Add CPU or ADD one more Application Server

LG(Load and Generation Time): The Time taken to load and

generate the response from the Buffers is called as LG time. it can
go up to 200 ms.when it goes beyond the Time then consider the
1.ST02 SWAPS are more due to Insufficient Memory or Directories
2.The Data that is fetched from database is Expensive

CPIC Time/RFC Time(Common Programming Interface for

it is the taken by the process to communicate with External Systems
like BW, CRM, SRM, SCM and Other Interfaces like weighbridge,
Biometric etc..
Generally it should be as minimal as possible.
1.Check the RFC Connections and Network Communication

Database Time: The Time is taken to communicate with the

database and get the response from the Application
Server.Generally, the Database Time should not be more than 40%
of Execution Time(Response Time-Wait time)
if it exceeds then consider the Following.
1.Database Buffer Hit Ratio is less than (ST04) 94%(Increase the DB
Buffers Size using parameter DB_CACHE_SIZE
2.The SQL Statements are expensive(ST05)
3.Resource Bottle Neck on the Database(CPU, Memory, and Disk)
4.Monitor the Locks Waits in DB01
5.Database Statistics are Outdated.(Schedule Them in DB13)
6.Missing database Tables/Indexes in DB02/DBACockpit
(Recreate them in DB02)

ST03N displays the Following: Work Load Analysis):

it displays the Workload based on Sender Mode/ Expert Mode.
Service Engineer Displays the data specific to last week and last
day.The Expert Mode Displays the Data based on day, week and
Months. It displays the Workload of all the configured
Instances.Click on the Instance to Display the Workload of that
Instance. it displays the Workload Overview which specifies the
time consumed by each Component. The User tab provides the
Number of High, Medium and Low Users.Transaction Profile
Provides each Transaction along with dialog steps and response
Time Components. Time Profile Specifies the Time Interval along
with dialog Steps. This Tab is Used to Identify the Peak and Off-
peak Hours along with transactions executed during that
displays TOP Response Time Programs(Bottleneck Programs in the
CPU Perspective), Top Dialog Steps in DB(Bottleneck from DB
Perspective). Memory User Statistics displays the memory
consumed by User and Transaction.It displays the top Memory
Consuming Users and Transactions.RFC Profile Provides the
Information about the communication to external or Internal
programs/systems while executing SAP Programs.User profile
specifies the name of the User along with Transnational Steps and
Executed Transactions on that Day/week/Month(Used for Auditing
who has executed what transaction) Settlement Statistics Provides
the Number of dialog steps based on Client.Front End Statistics
specifies the Number of Terminals(presentation servers logged on
to the Application Server). it displays the amount of Input/Output
Data, GUI Time along with the number of trips. Spool Statistics
specifies the Number of Spool requests, No of pages, Average Spool
Response Time.Response Time Distribution specifies the Average
Response Time Split for each 100ms (Individual/Cumulative). Load
from External Systems Specifies the number of dialog steps from
other systems in the landscape.

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