Sofronio A. Cordovero Integrated School: Thesis Statement

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Roxas City
District III – Cluster IX


Jumaguicjic, Roxas City


June 28, 2019

Directions: Read and analyze each statement and select the letter of your best choice from the given options.
1. It is a sentence/s which summarizes the main idea of the paper or the passage.
a. Abstract c. Thesis statement
b. Paraphrasing d. Summarizing
2. This is a shorten version of the passage or text?
a. Abstract c. Thesis statement
b. Paraphrasing d. Summarizing
3. Mark, students of ISAT was tasked by Sir Sonny to read the story “The Wedding Dance” and write what did he understand
on the on the story. What activity did Mark do?
a. Abstract c. Thesis statement
b. Paraphrasing d. Summarizing
4. What do you call the act of rewording or stating on your word the original text read?
a. Abstract c. Thesis statement
b. Paraphrasing d. Summarizing
5. What do you call the process of organizing the information gathered in reading a text or passage?
a. Outlining c. Paraphrasing
b. Summarizing d. Synthesizing
6. Ms. Lhan Dee, SHS teacher group her students and gave a selection. The students needed to identify the main idea of the
of the selection. What activity did Ms. Dee give to her students?
a. Identifying the Title c. Identifying Thesis Statement
b. Summarizing d. Outlining
7. What feature of academic text requires a language that has relatively more standard and well-structured grammar than
spoken language?
a. Complexity c. Formality
b. Objectivity d. Precision
8. This is a feature of academic writing in which the main focus is to inform the reader that you want to give and the
arguments you want to make.
a. Complexity c. Formality
b. Objectivity d. Precision
9. Ms. Boo let her students to construct an essay regarding their insights about Marawi massacre. She told then they should
avoid colloquial words and expressions. She is pertaining to what feature of academic writing?
a. Complexity c. Formality
b. Objectivity d. Precision
10. In situation # 9 one of the students put some facts and figures that are stated correctly according to what they
watched on the television. What features of academic writing did the students considered in constructing their essay?
a. Complexity c. Formality
b. Objectivity d. Precision
11. What features of academic writing requires clear relationships and relatedness of various parts of the text.
a. Complexity c. Accuracy
b. Explicitness d. Precision
12. Mr. Yoso, electricity students, wrote on his essay “The electrician loose some of their materials during their On-
the-Job Training.” He used loose instead of lose. What features of academic writing did he miss to consider?
a. Accuracy c. Hedging
b. Responsibility d. Organization
13. Khu Rod, a bartending student is writing a reaction paper about their activity. Their teacher tells them that they
should be cautious on the concept they should be writing in their reaction paper. What features of academic writing they
should consider?
a. Accuracy c. Hedging
b. Responsibility d. Organization
14. Mr. Moony is discussing the features of academic writing. He tells to his students, “As a writer you need to
provide evidences and justification that support the concept to make it real and valid. He is discussing what features of
academic writing?
a. Accuracy c. Hedging
b. Responsibility d. Organization
15. In academic writing, what feature talks about the smooth flow of the information given in certain point or idea?
a. Organization c. Panning
b. Responsibility d. Precision
16. Teacher You, a facilitator on essay writing contest, she gives a briefing to the contenders that they should provide
the reader with a clear idea of the focus and aim of the text or essay they will write. What part of the essay did the facilitator
pertain to?
a. Conclusion c. body
b. Introduction d. Title
17. Providing an information and evidence makes statement facts. Which of the following sentences are facts?
i. Louis Viton bag is too expensive.iii. May bought a bag worth P12,000.
ii. Louis Viton bag cost P10,000. iv. May bought a very expensive bag.
a. i and ii c. iii and iv
b. ii and iii d. i and iv
18. A broad information makes a statement opinion. Based on the sentences on in #17, which of the following are
a. i and ii c. iii and iv
b. ii and iii d. i and iv
19. Citing a reference is very important in writing a research in order to prove your source. Which of the following
references is cited properly?
a. 1995..Cabang c. (1995,Cabang)
b. Cabang (1995) d. Cabang_1995
20. In indicating references, what does the abbreviation f Ed. (Eds.) stands for?
a. Edition(s) c. Editor (Editors)
b. Education (s) d. Editorial (Editorials)
21. Critiquing is a very challenging task. The following are the purpose of critiquing, EXCEPT?
a. Evaluating c. Developing
b. Assessing d. Writing
22. What do you call a judgment, viewpoint, or statement about matters commonly considered to be subjective?
a. Opinion c. Facts
b. Critique d. Reaction
23. What do you call this concept that have been verified and can be objectively proven to have occurred?
a. Opinion c. Facts
b. Critique d. Reaction
24. “Globe Plan 2599 is the best plan because it has best and fastest internet connection.” What form of situation is
presented in this statement?
a. Opinion c. Facts
b. Critique d. Reaction
25. In the definition below, which words has been defined?
“ These qualities are inherent which means that they were passed on from parents to offsprings.
a. qualities b. inherent c. parents d. offsprings
26. Which of the following definitions uses synonym?
a. There is a flaw or defect in the way he speaks, so I don’t understand him well.
b. The garrulous girls is like a parrot everytime she speaks with us.
c. Esophagus is the tube that lines the mouth through the throat to stomach.
d. Anorexia is a serious physical and emotional illness characterized by loss of appetite.
27. Looking at the unfamiliar emboldened words in each statement below, which of the following statements uses
comparison for them to be defined?
a. There is a flaw or defect in the way he speaks, so I don’t understand him well.
b. The garrulous girls is like a parrot everytime she speaks with us.
c. Esophagus is the tube that lines the mouth through the throat to stomach
d. Anorexia is a serious physical and emotional illness characterized by loss of appetite.
28. Which of the following definitions uses description?
a. Adam’s apple is the lump sticking out in front of men’s neck and moves when he swallows.
b. The patients in the doctor’s waiting room look so peevish or irritated, but they could do nothing but wait.
c. The world is like a stage; we are sometimes like actors and actresses performing several roles.
d. In humans, the gestation period or length of pregnancy is approximately nine months.
29. Which of the following definitions uses “examples”?
a. A facade is the front of a building or any establishment.
b. Collage is a work of art that is made by attaching pieces of different materials.
c. A laboratory is a room or building with special equipment for doing experiments and tests.
d. Infrastructures include roads, bridges, high-rise buildings, edifices, etc.
30. All the following are considered standard definitions EXCEPT
a. Enthusiasm refers to the strong excitement about something.
b. Respect is indispensable in our society, so we must learn how to respect one another.
c. Confidence is a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something.
d. Support refers to the act of showing acceptance or approval to someone or something.
31. Why is a position paper so called?
a. It presents an arguable opinion about an issue.
b. It requires you to be in the right position as you read it.
c. It will tell you to contradict the position of the writer.
d. It is using basic positions of words in sentences.
32. All the following are related to position paper EXCEPT
a. It is a narrative that tells a dramatic story.
b. It presents an opinion about an issue.
c. It is often published in academia, politics, and law.
d. It tries to convince the reader that the opinion written is true.
33. All the following are still characteristics of a position paper EXCEPT
a. It presents one side of an arguable opinion about an issue.
b. It presents an opinion that is defensible.
c. It amuses at entertains the readers with the inclusion of humor.
d. It presents a biased solution or approach to solve a problem.
34. What is your purpose in writing a position paper?
a. Your passion will be demonstrated in the force of your argument.
b. Your imagination will become richer and more productive.
c. Your ability to tell a story with full emotions will be enhanced.
d. Your readers will be impressed with the way you use technical words.
35. If you want to present your ideas convincingly, what do you need to do as cited by Shell and Moussa?
a. Make your ideas vivid. c. Give details that have double meanings.
b. Insert humor in giving ideas. d. Use idiomatic expressions.
36. In presenting your ideas convincingly, all the following are considered as cited by Shell and Moussa EXCEPT
a. Put your heart into it. c. Fabricate a story.
b. Personalize your examples d. Make it a puzzle.
37. Still, in aiming to present your ideas convincingly, what should you do?
a. Force your readers to think. c. Force your readers to contradict your opinions.
b. Force your readers to ask questions. d. Force your readers to have sense of humor.
38. What is the purpose of an art analysis or critique?
a. To imitate the work that the artist made.
b. To belittle the masterpiece made.
c. To the strengths and weaknesses of the artwork.
d. To organize the choices the artist made in creating the work.
39. All the following are elements of an artwok for critiquing EXCEPT
a. color b. line c. price d. size
40. In writing visual analysis to an artwork, all the following actions are done EXCEPT
a. You must analyze closely the object.
b. Make claims about the work of art.
c. Translate your observations into a written text.
d. Look at the things that need to be improved in the artwork.
41. Still all the following actions are done in writing a visual analysis EXCEPT
a. Analyze the work in terms of elements like composition, texture, and size.
b. Insert effect in your critique by adding drama, suspense, and even horror.
c. Formulate your claim, and reflect on the overall organizations of the work of art.
d. Support your main claim with visual details, and organize your details in a logical order.
42. What do you call a critique or analysis that aims to assess the over-all success of a program?
a. event analysis b. art critique c. literary critique d. data analysis
43. In critiquing a program, all the following elements are considered EXCEPT
a. audience b. emergencies c. program emcee d. weather
44. What element for program analysis is considered when the critique assesses on how well the program was
a. audience b. emergencies c. program emcee d. weather
45. What element for program analysis is considered when the critique discusses how the host or event planner
handled the problems and emergencies, if there was any.
a. weather b. emcee c. audience d. emergencies
46. What are the things that you need to look into when you are considering the venue of a program?
a. seating arrangement c. audience behavior
b. food services d. program ceremonies
47. In using the formalist criticism approach, the subject can be understood only by an analysis of its intrinsic
elements. What does this mean?
a. Look into the biography and background of the creator of the work.
b. Look into the social and cultural context surrounding the work.
c. Relate how the time and place of creation affect the meaning of the work.
d. Focus on the feature of the subject not on the profile of the creator of the work.
48. Why is biographical criticism so called?
a. Because the critique looks into the life of the creator of the work.
b. Because the critique relates his life to the subject.
c. Because the critique integrates his own biography in criticizing.
d. Because the critique writes his biography after writing his reaction.
49. Historical criticism involves understanding the subject by using an analysis of social, cultural, and intellectual
context surrounding the work of art. What does this mean?
a. Determine the social condition when the subject for critique was created.
b. Connect your culture as a critique to the culture of the creator of the subject.
c. Determine the intellectual capacity of the creator of the subject.
d. Compare your intellectual capacity with that of the creator.
50. What do you call a strategy in writing that explains unfamiliar terms?
a. Defining c. Clarifying
b. Explicating d. Testing

-Don’t give up just because of what someone said. Use that as motivation to push harder.-

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