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Section A: Forces and Motion

1. a) 7.75 m/s.
b) 0.00775 km/s.
c) 27.9 km/h.

2. a) 500 seconds and

b) 8⅓ minutes.

3. 39 735 360 000 000 kilometres (roughly 40 trillion kilometres).

4. a) Graph (b) (the steepest straight line).

b) Graph (d) (change in gradient from positive, moving away from the start, to negative moving
c) Graph (c) (the gradient is continuously increasing).
d) Graph (a) (straight line, less steep than graph (b)).

5. a) 25 m/s.

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b) 3.125 m/s2.

6. a) 3.5 m/s2.
b) At a constant velocity of 14 m/s.
c) 140 m (area under graph = area of triangle + area of rectangle  (2 × 14 + 8 × 14) m).
d) 7 m/s.
7. a) b) The sum or resultant of balanced
forces is zero as they are equal
in size, but opposite in direction.

8. a) b) When the string is cut the tension

force will no longer act on the

c) The forces will no longer be balanced; there will be a resultant force upwards which will cause
the balloon to accelerate vertically upwards.
d) As soon as the balloon starts to move it will be subjected to a (viscous) drag force opposing its
upward motion through the air. This force will increase with the speed of the balloon, so the
balloon will accelerate quickly at first, then more and more slowly until the three forces balance
once again. The balloon will then rise at a steady terminal speed.

9. An unbalanced force can cause an object to accelerate (speed up), decelerate (slow down) or change
the direction in which it is moving.

10. a) Between A and C (the straight part of the graph) Hooke’s Law is obeyed. At C Hooke’s Law
ceases to be obeyed.
b) The elastic limit or the limit of proportionality.

11. a) 54 000 000 N (b) The drag force due to its movement through the water. (c) It must be greater
than the drag force by 54 000 000 N to cause the acceleration.

12. a) 8500 N.
b) 1.9 m/s2. (If the LEM weighed 7500 N on the Moon, its mass = weight ÷ Moon gravity, approx
4490 kg).
c) As the rocket expels the products of burning fuel, the mass of the rocket decreases; if the thrust
is constant then the acceleration will increase.

13. 0.008 kg (or 8 grams).

14. a) Car C. It has the largest area under the graph line.
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b) Car A. The horizontal section of the graph shows no braking (constant velocity) because the
driver has yet to react to the hazard – in the graph for car A this is the shortest. The reaction time
for the other two graphs could be because the driver was tired, under the influence of alcohol or
other drugs, was distracted by use of a mobile phone or because visibility was poor (any two).
c) If you cannot see the car in front you cannot ensure you have left enough braking distance and
you are likely to take longer to realise that there was an emergency stop required. The faster you
are going and the longer you take to react (graph C) the greater the distance needed to come to a
d) The slope of the braking part of the graph would be less steep because you could not brake as
hard without skidding. This would mean that the total stopping distance (thinking distance +
braking distance) would be greater still.

15. a) The hammer and feather hit the Moon’s surface at the same instant. It showed that in the
absence of an atmosphere, all objects fall with the same acceleration.
b) The hammer would hit the ground after a shorter time than it did on the Moon, because the
Earth’s gravity is about six times stronger than the Moon’s. The feather would also accelerate
more quickly, but the effect of air resistance would mean it soon reached a terminal velocity and
therefore took noticeably longer to reach the ground.

16. a) The acceleration is virtually constant because the resultant force on the object is virtually
b) When the speed of the object increases, the drag force due to air resistance increases. Eventually
this becomes significant and the resultant force becomes noticeably smaller – so too does the
c) The terminal velocity.
d) Zero. The forces on the object are balanced.

17. a) 30 kg m/s.
b) The same, 30 kg m/s, but in the opposite direction.
c) 0.3 m/s.

18. 3.2 m/s.

19. a) 360 000 N.

b) The average force is now only 28 800 N. Large decelerations involve huge forces – these are
transmitted to the human occupant, when they hit the windscreen for example, and cause
extensive damage to bones and internal organs.

20. Although it is clearly the astronaut who is doing the throwing she cannot apply a force to the box
without experiencing a force herself, equal in size (magnitude) but opposite in direction. The force
she feels is the reaction force to the action force she applied on the box.

21. Least (d), (force acts through the turning point or pivot so turning moment is 0). Next (c) (because it
is clearly less than (a) and (a) is just less than (b): (d), (c), (a), (b).

22. a) The order is (d), (a), (b), (c).

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b) The most stable object is (d) and (c) is the least stable.

23. 400 N (left-hand diagram); 300 N (right-hand diagram).

24. The Sun generates energy in the form of light (and heat of course) by the continuous fusion reaction
going on; the Moon merely reflects some of the Sun’s energy back to Earth.

25. a) The gravitational force of attraction between objects which have large mass.
b) The order is (c), (a), (b). The more massive the bodies and the closer they are together, the
bigger the gravitational force attracting the bodies is. (c) exerts a smaller force on the satellite
than (a) because the satellite is further away; (b) exerts a larger force on the satellite than (a)
because it has greater mass.

26. a) 10 N and 1 kg; on the Earth a mass of 1 kg experiences a force due to gravity of approximately
10 N. Both spring balances are correctly calibrated for use on the Earth.
b) 1.7 N and 0.17 kg; the gravitational field at the surface of the Moon is about one-sixth of that at
the Earth’s surface. The mass is still 1 kg but the spring balance calibrated on the Earth will give
a false reading; this is because the extension of the spring depends on the weight of the 1 kg

27. Our solar system is made up of a star called the sun which is orbited by a number of planets. Some
of these planets have moons orbiting them, including the Earth. There are billions of stars in the our
galaxy which is called the Milky Way. The universe itself is made up billions of galaxies.

28. A is a galaxy, B is a comet, C is a star, D is a planet.

Remember that the comet has the ‘tail’ and eccentric orbit. The planet Saturn has rings and a galaxy
is a huge group of billions of stars.

29. A is the orbit of a planet, B is the orbit of a comet. Comets have highly eccentric orbits, planets have
orbits that are nearly circular.

30. Earth orbital speed: 108 000 km/h, 30 000 m/s.

Mercury orbital speed: 1.8 million km/h, 480 000 m/s. [All figures rounded to no more than
3 sig. fig.]
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Section B: Electricity

1. B.

2. Paper clip used as a fuse!

A loose strand from live wire (brown).
Neutral wire (blue) has damaged insulation.
Outer plastic casing is not secured under cable anchor.
Screw missing from the cable anchor (left).

3. The fuse melts if the current exceeds a safe level , breaking the circuit. Its purpose is to prevent
cables and appliances from overheating and causing fires. Key points: breaks circuit, too much
current, risk of fire.

4. The earth wire ensures that any exposed metal parts of an electrical appliance are at 0V by providing
a very low resistance path to the earth. In the event of a live wire touching the metal casing a large
fault current will result. This will blow a fuse or trip a circuit breaker, switching the mains supply to
the appliance off. Key points: metal casing cannot become ‘live’, fuse blows.

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5. A hair drier. There are no exposed metal parts that can become ‘live’.

6. Electric fire, toaster, electric kettle, hair drier, electric iron.

7. When an electric current passes round a circuit, electrical energy is converted to heat wherever there
is resistance. In a lighting circuit the cables carrying electricity to the lamp have very low resistance
so very little heat is generated in the cables (so they shouldn’t overheat). The same current in the
high resistance filament produces a great deal of heat making it get hot enough to glow white hot and
give out light. Key points: in a series circuit the current is the same throughout; you want the heat to
be generated where you need it, not to be wasted in the cables.

8. a) The circuits in a house are protected by fuses or circuit breakers to break the circuit if the
current reaches a level that will cause the circuit cables to overheat. (Faults like a live wire
touching an earthed casing cause large fault currents.)
b) Use I = P/V to find the working current for an appliance. The working current is the normal, or
safe current.
i) I = 900 W/230 V so the working current is 3.9 A; a 3A fuse will therefore quickly blow, so
the correct fuse is rated at 5A; choose the smallest fuse available that can handle the
working current.
ii) 3 A.
iii) 10 A (Remember to convert 1.2 kW to 1200 W when substituting into the formula).

9. a) Energy = current × voltage × time.

b) i) E = 0.22 A × 230 V × (2.5 × 60 × 60)s. Ans: 455 400J (Remember to convert current
into amps and time into seconds if necessary, as
shown in this example.)

ii) Here you do not need to calculate the current in the lamp (which happens to be 3A) – just
Energy = power × time: E = 36 W × (50 × 60)s Answer: 108 000 J.

10. Air flows backwards and forwards through the mouth organ; in an AC circuit the electric charges
move backwards and forward in the circuit as the current changes direction continuously.

11. a) Rubbing has caused a small amount of electric charge to be transferred between the comb and
the cloth; this means that both the comb and the cloth will now be electrically charged.
(Remember that objects are usually uncharged or neutral because the numbers of positively
charged protons and negatively charged electrons balance exactly. If electrons are removed from
the cloth and transferred to the comb, the comb becomes negatively charged leaving the cloth
positively charged.)
b) Metal rulers conduct electricity. As soon as charge starts to build up it can flow away through
the metal.
c) The tiny droplets of ink are given charge and the paper attracts the charged droplets.

12. a) Katie’s strip attracts the polythene strip because it is positively charged and opposite charges
Physics Revision Guide

attract. It repels the acetate strip because like charges (positive in this case) repel.
b) Shazia must have a negatively charged strip.
c) Joe has not managed to charge his strip, so both the suspended charged strips are attracted.
d) Amar must have been charging a polythene strip as this gains electrons from the cloth, leaving it
with a positive charge, which attracts the negatively charged polythene strip.

13. An electric current is the rate of flow of charge in a circuit. The amp is the unit of current and the
unit of electric charge is the coulomb . The relationship between current, charge and time is given by
the equation charge = current × time .

14. a) Electrons.
b) Negative.
c) From the negative terminal to the positive terminal.

15. a) Voltage is the measure of how much energy in joules is transferred per coulomb of charge that
passes through a component.
b) 12 J per coulomb of charge. The energy is converted into heat and light.

16. a) i) Series ii) Parallel

b) In the series circuit all the lamps turn off. In the parallel circuit the remaining two good lamps
still light up.

c) They are connected in series. This means that the blade cannot be made to spin unless the lid is
in place; this means that you cannot accidentally turn it on when your fingers are next to the

17. (b), (c), (d), (a).

18. a) A filament lamp. As the current increases it get very hot and its resistance increases.
b) A diode. When reverse biased it has a very large resistance; when forward biased by 0.7V its
resistance becomes very small.
c) A resistor. Provided its temperature doesn’t change significantly its resistance is constant.
d) A filament lamp. Note that the axes in this graph are the opposite way round from graph (a).
The first three graphs plot current on the vertical axis against voltage on the horizontal – in these
the steeper the line the lower the resistance of the component is.

19. a) X is a variable resistor, Y is a thermistor and Z is a light dependent resistor (LDR).

b) In (a): Moving the slider upwards makes the resistance smaller, so the current increases.
In (b): Making the thermistor colder makes its resistance larger, so the current decreases.

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In (c): Shining more light on the LDR makes its resistance smaller, so the current increases.

20. a) V =I × R.
b) I = V/R.
c) R = V/I.

21. V = 0.02 A × 1800 Ω Ans: 36 V.

I = 6 V/250 Ω Ans: 0.24 A.
R = 9 V/0.0002 A Ans: 45 000 Ω.

22. a) “Without R” is intended to mean connection of the LED directly across the 9 V battery when the
switch is closed. The result would be a large current passing through the LED destroying it.
b) The voltage across R is (9 – 1.8)V Ans: 7.2 V (Voltage across the LED + voltage
across R = 9 V).
c) R = 7.2 V/0.012 A Ans: 600 Ω.

Section C: Waves

1. a) A transverse wave.
b) The tank is level.
c) The corks do not move across the tank with the ripples, but they do move up and down, which
requires energy.
d) Because as the wave front becomes larger and larger, the energy at any point on the wave front
must get smaller.

2. It reminds her of a longitudinal wave. Sound waves are also longitudinal waves.

3. a)

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i) Wavelength, λ, the distance between two successive crests.
ii) Frequency, f, the number of waves produced per second.
iii) Period, T, the time for one complete cycle of the wave.
b) i) Metre (cm or nm also).
ii) Hertz.
iii) Second.
c) Speed = frequency × wavelength.
d) Frequency (Hz) = 1/Period (s) or f = 1/T.

4. a) Upper: 20 kHz lower: 20 Hz.

b) i) Air: λ = 340 m/s ÷ 20 000 Hz Ans: 0.017 m.
λ = 340 m/s ÷ 20 Hz Ans: 17 m.
ii) Water: λ = 1500 m/s ÷ 20 000Hz Ans: 0.075m.
λ = 1500 m/s ÷ 20 Hz Ans: 75m.

This illustrates the answer to (b) (iii).
Increased diffraction means the
waves curve and spread out more.
Less diffraction means that the
spreading and curving is less

a) Diffraction. The left-hand diagram above shows how ripples behave when they pass through a
narrow gap.
b) i) The waves would diffract less because the wavelength would be smaller.
ii) The waves would diffract more because the wave speed is reduced, therefore the
wavelength is greater.
iii) Reducing the gap size will increase the amount of diffraction. See the right-hand diagram

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7. a) They are all transverse waves that travel at the speed of light in a vacuum.
b) X-rays have a much higher frequency and much shorter wavelength than infrared. (You can feel
infrared radiation as heat; X-rays cannot be immediately detected but, in large doses, kill cells
and can cause cancer. X-rays can pass right through soft tissue and low density material,
infrared can only pass through certain types of material.)

8. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

9. Microwave: used in microwave ovens; can cause burning in deep tissue indirectly.
Infrared: used for taking night-time images; can cause burns directly.
Visible light: essential for our vision; only hazardous if the light source is very bright, like the Sun
which causes damage to the retina.
Ultraviolet: used influorescent lamps; causes skin burns and cancer.
X-rays: used for imaging bones in the body; can cause cancer.
Gamma rays: used for sterilising medical equipment; can cause cancer, cell death.

10. Light waves are transverse, electromagnetic waves.

EM waves require no material medium in which to travel, the transverse waves on the rope are
mechanical, requiring a medium – in this case the rope. Waves on a rope cannot travel at anything
remotely approaching the speed of light!

11. a) i) B. ii) A. iii) C. iv) D. v) E.

b) The angle of incidence = the angle of reflection.

12. a)

b) This is a virtual image, that is it cannot be formed on a screen and is not formed by real rays of
light. The dotted lines show where the reflected light appears to come from.
The image is the right way up (though left and right are reversed) and the same size as the
object. The image appears to be the same distance behind the mirror as the object is in front of
the mirror.

13. a)

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b) n = sin i / sin r.
c) The angles of incidence, i, and refraction, r, are labelled on the diagram. Note that these angles
are measured from the normal – a construction line at right angles to the surface of the water
where the ray enters the water.
d) Shown in yellow on the diagram – the ray is refracted more when the refractive index is greater.

14. 40°.

15. a) The reflection that occurs when a ray of light meets the boundary between the material that it is
travelling in and another (less optically dense) material at an angle which is greater than the
critical angle. At GCSE this will be a reflection when light travelling in a glass block (or
similar) or in water meets the boundary with the air. Total internal reflection does not occur
when light is travelling in air into glass, perspex, water, etc.
b) Use refractive index, n = 1/sin c, rearranged to give sin c = 1/n,so sin c = 1/1.4 = 0.7143
Therefore the critical angle, c = inverse sin (0.7143)
[This maybe expressed as sin-1 0.7143 on some calculators.]
Therefore, c = 45.6°.

16. a)

b) See diagram C.


18. a)

At A, the ray of light meets the outer surface of the optical fibre at an angle greater than the
critical angle for glass in air. It is reflected completely and continues to travel within the optical
fibre. This happens repeatedly, as at B, so that the light energy travels within the optical fibre.
b) Telecommunications and computer networks, and endoscopes (used for internal medical
examinations without the need for an operation).
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19. a) Echoes are an example of reflection.

b) You can hear someone talking when you are not in the direct line of sight because sound waves
can bend round corners (diffraction).

20. Sound waves are longitudinal, so B and D are FALSE. C is TRUE. (If you answered A, that is not
false, but the frequencies that humans can hear include frequencies below 200Hz!)

21. a) Use: speed = distance ÷ time Ans: 348 m/s.

b) Human reaction time introduces errors of ± 0.2 s (or more) which makes it difficult to get
reliable timings of intervals as short as this.
c) Advantage: Timing over a greater distance means that the effect of timing errors is reduced.
(Any timing instrument will have an error margin, the larger the time interval measured the
smaller the effect is on the accuracy of the answer.) Disadvantage: It will be more difficult to
measure the distance accurately – the error margin on the distance measurement increases.

22. Use: distance = speed × time 348 m/s × 5.0s Ans: 1740 m (1.7 km).
This makes the sound assumption that the time for the flash to reach you is so tiny that it can be
ignored. (Also that there is no wind, which could have a significant effect.)

23. a) Answer (iv): ACBD.

c) Answer (iv): BADC.

24. a) One full cycle occupies two divisions so the period, T, of the wave is 4 ms which is 0.004 s.
Frequency in Hz = 1/T in seconds Ans: 250 Hz.
b) The amplitude is the distance from highest point of the wave (a peak) to the midway point, so 3
divisions (approximately) where each division on the vertical scale is 5 mV.
Ans: 15 mV (or 0.015 V).

Section D: Energy Resources
and Energy Transfer

1. When the trampolinist is at the lowest point of his bounce he is momentarily stationary and the
trampoline bed is in the most stretched condition for that bounce. At this point, all the energy is
stored as elastic potential energy (EPE) in the stretched materials. No kinetic energy (KE) is present
because the trampolinist is not moving. (You should take the reference for zero gravitational
potential energy (GPE) to be at the lowest point of the trampolinist’s bounce.)
The EPE is converted to KE as the trampolinist accelerates upwards, and to GPE as his height above
the reference level increases. (The trampolinist will reach maximum velocity when the net upward
force is zero, which occurs when the upward force exerted on the trampolinist by the trampoline bed
is equal to the downward force on the trampolinist due to his weight.)
After the point of maximum KE the trampolinist will continue to move upwards, gaining GPE and
losing KE. (EPE will fall to zero when the trampoline bed is in its flat, unstretched condition.)
At the highest point of the bounce, the trampolinist comes to rest and all the energy is now stored as
GPE. After this, the trampolinist falls back down to the trampoline and the same energy changes
occur but in reverse.

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2. a) The law of conservation of energy states that energy is neither created nor destroyed; it is simply
transferred to other forms of energy.
b) He is wrong. The transfer of energy from GPE at point A, to KE at the bottom of the trough is
not 100% – some energy will be ‘lost’ by the ball due to friction and air resistance. As a result,
the ball will not have enough energy to reach point B. Eventually, all the GPE is lost in this way
and the ball will come to rest at the lowest point.

3. Movement energy of the wind  movement energy of rotating windmill blades that drive a
generator  electrical energy output.

4. This means that only 8% of the total electrical energy supplied to the lamp is converted into useful
energy, which is in this case, energy in the form of light. The remaining 92% of the energy supplied
is converted in to unwanted forms, mainly heat.

5. A lift motor is 70% efficient. It does 450 000J of work lifting a load to the top floor of a building.
450 000 J × 100/70 Input energy is 642 857 J (643 kJ is an acceptable answer here.)
Thermal energy is produced by friction in many parts of the system and some of the total energy will
also be transferred into sound energy.

6. Conduction, convection and radiation.

7. a) By radiation (infrared electromagnetic waves).

b) By conduction through the metal of the saucepan.
c) By convection. The water in contact with the heating element expands as it is heated, thereby
reducing in density, and is displaced upwards by colder denser water sinking downwards. The
movement of the warmed water carries thermal energy to the top of the water in the kettle.

8. During the day, the air over the land is warmed more quickly than that over the sea. It therefore
expands and is pushed upwards by colder air from the sea during the day the breeze blows from
the sea to the land as an onshore breeze. At night the situation is reversed and an offshore breeze is
the result.

9. The heat exchanger will be made from a good thermal conductor (such as copper) to allow the
thermal energy from the coolant liquid within to conduct rapidly to its outer surface. The heat
exchanger has a matt black finish and a large surface area; both these features make it more efficient
at radiating thermal energy to the surrounding air. Air can circulate freely around the open structure
of the heat exchanger, which allows convection currents to carry energy in warmed air away from
the heat exchanger.
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10. Thermal energy is transferred from radiant heaters as infrared waves. The heaters can be angled
downwards to direct the infrared radiation towards employees and shoppers without taking up floor
space. Convector heaters are placed at floor level because cold air is denser than warm air. Convector
heaters set up circulating currents of warmed air and will only be efficient at heating air above the
level of the heating elements.

11. a) Shiny metal surfaces are good reflectors of thermal radiation; the shiny inner surfaces of the
containers tend to reflect heat back into the food. Shiny surfaces are also very poor radiators of
thermal energy, so they transfer heat from the outer surface of the container much more slowly
than a dull or dark surface would.
b) Lids trap a small amount of air above the coffee thereby reducing heat transfer by convection
from the air above the hot drink into the rest of the air outside of the cup.
c) The cardboard is a poor thermal conductor, so the outer surface does not get so hot. The
cardboard is ridged to reduce the area of the hot surface that is in contact with your fingers
which reduces the rate of transfer of thermal energy into your fingers.
d) Birds fluff up their feathers to trap a thicker layer of air. Air is a very poor conductor (therefore
a very good thermal insulator) provided it cannot circulate easily as a convection current
transferring thermal energy away from the bird.

12. a) Fibreglass insulation is placed between the rafters in the attic space. The fibres trap air and air is
a good thermal insulator. This reduces the amount of thermal energy escaping into the attic and
from there through the roof.
b) Cavity walls are made with an inner layer of thermalite blocks designed to insulate rather than
conduct thermal energy. The cavity may be filled with fibre insulation or injected with foam,
which sets hard. Both these methods work by trapping air, which is a very poor thermal

c) Windows are double glazed (in very cold climates triple glazed). Double glazing traps a layer of
air a few centimetres thick which acts as a good insulating layer. This relatively thin layer
prevents effective convection currents being set up.

13. White clothes are better at reflecting thermal radiation from the sun. Wearing loose clothing allows
air to circulate more freely across the body surface allowing convection to transfer thermal energy
away from the body more readily.

14. Water is a very poor thermal conductor. If it is able to circulate freely it will transfer thermal energy
away from the body quite rapidly by convection. Trapping the water layer prevents convection and,
once warmed to body temperature, the water acts as a good insulating layer.

15. a) 660 J.
b) 15 000 J.
c) The force causing the acceleration is 11 000 N, therefore work done is 7 150 000 J (or 7.15 MJ).

16. a) The weight has gained 660 J of GPE (gravitational potential energy).
b) The car has gained less than 15 000 J because much of the energy will have transferred to

Physics Revision Guide

thermal energy due to friction – the car will have gained some KE (kinetic energy).
c) The rocket has gained 7.15 MJ of KE.
a) The weight.
b) The car.
c) The rocket.

17. a) 30 kg × 1.7 N/kg × 50 m. Ans: 2 550 J.

b) 0.5kg × 10 N/kg × h m = 2 550 J, therefore h = 510 m.

18. B A C D (43 200 J, 40 000 J, 6.3 ×10−12 J).

19. B: Amelia does work on the ball

C: The ball has only kinetic energy (KE) (C & H are interchangeable.)
F: KE is being converted to GPE as the ball slows down
A: The ball has only gravitational potential energy (GPE)
E: GPE is being converted to KE as the force of gravity does work on the ball
H: The ball has only kinetic energy (KE) (C & H are interchangeable.)
D: All the energy is converted to heat and sound.
(This answer neglects the small height difference between the ground and the point at which Amelia
releases the ball.)

20. a) Power is the rate of conversion or transfer of energy from one form to another. Example: a light
with a power rating of 60 W converts 60 J of electrical energy into heat and light per second.
b) The Watt.

21. a) 18 000 W.
b) Electrical  KE  GPE at the top of the ride. Also energy is ‘wasted’ as heat and noise
through friction in the system.
c) The useful energy conversion is electrical energy to the gravitational potential energy of the
train at the top of the ride. Other, unwanted, energy conversions mean that not all the electrical
energy input is converted to GPE, so the system is less than 100% efficient.

22. Solar power and tidal power.

23. Fossil fuels are fuels formed from the decayed matter of plants and animals over millions of years.
Examples: coal, gas and oil.

24. His computer games run on his computer which runs on electricity. In the UK and many other
countries the majority of electricity used is produced by burning fossil fuels. This produces carbon
dioxide which is a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases prevent heat from escaping from the Earth’s
atmosphere, leading to an increase in the average atmospheric temperature.

25. a) Stored GPE in water contained by reservoirs in mountainous regions is allowed to fall to a
generating station in the valley below (GPE to KE). The KE of the moving water is used to
Physics Revision Guide

drive a turbine which in turn spins a generator which converts KE into Electrical energy.
b) Stored chemical energy is converted to heat by burning coal. This heat is then transferred to
water to produce steam which drives a turbine (heat  KE). The turbine spins a generator which
converts KE into electrical energy.

26. a) An oil fired power station. Advantage: It can be switched into service quickly. Disadvantage: It
produces greenhouse gases.
b) A tidal power station. Advantage: It is a renewable energy source so it will not run out.
Disadvantage: Energy is not constantly available.
c) A nuclear power station. Advantage: It does not produce greenhouse gases. Disadvantage: It
produces dangerous waste which is difficult to store safely and which remains dangerous for
very long periods of time.
d) Wind farms. Advantage: They are a renewable energy source. Disadvantage: They damage the
environment both visually and through noise pollution.
e) Photovoltaic cells. Advantage: They are a renewable energy source. Disadvantage: They are
expensive to install and maintain and not suitable for more northerly latitudes.

Section E: Solids, Liquids and Gases

1. Density is a measure of how tightly packed matter is in a particular substance. To calculate the
density of the substance an object is made from you must divide the mass of the object by the volume
of the object. The units of density are kilograms per cubic metre or grams per cubic centimetre.

2. In every case divide the mass of the object by its volume:

a) Measure mass on an electronic balance, measure length, l, breadth, b, and height, h, of the block
with a half-metre rule and calculate the volume using V = l × b × h.
b) If the object is small, use an electronic balance to measure the mass of ten of the same object.
Then divide the reading by ten to find the mass of just one of them. Now measure the diameter,
d, with callipers (three times and take an average) and calculate volume using:
V = π d2/4.
c) Measure mass on an electronic balance, measure the volume by a displacement method;
submerging the stone completely in a beaker filled to the brim with water and collecting the spilt
water in a measuring cylinder calibrated in cm3.

3. a) Pressure = force acting on a surface ÷ the area of the surface.

Physics Revision Guide

b) Pascal (Pa). 1 Pa = 1 N/m2.

4. a) 2.6 kg × 10 N/kg = 26 N. Remember gravitational field strength and acceleration due to gravity
have the same numerical value.
b) Maximum pressure (when standing on smallest face) is 26N ÷ 40cm2  0.65 Pa.
Minimum pressure: 0.325 Pa.

5. a) In a) the pressure acting on each side of X is equal. In b) the pressure acting from the column of
water on the right-hand side is greater than the pressure of the water in the left-hand column.
b) If the water in the set up in a) was at rest, it will stay at rest. In b) the water will move from the
right-hand side to the left-hand side because of the pressure difference. The water will flow
backwards and forwards between the two sides until the stored potential energy is dissipated as
sound and heat. The water will then come to rest with the same level in both sides, as in a).

6. This is true provided that the fluid (gas or liquid) is at rest. The movement of particles within fluids
at rest is a continuous random motion with equal numbers of particles moving in any direction on
average. This means that the pressure exerted in any direction at a point in a stationary fluid will be
the same.

7. a) Pressure, p = hρg. Therefore, atmospheric pressure is 101 293 Pa (to the nearest whole number).
In the exam you will be given g = 10 N/kg or 10m/s2 which would give the more approximate
answer 103 360 Pa.
b) The height of the mercury column would fall a little.
c) Mercury is a much denser than water. The column of water supported by atmospheric pressure
in a similar arrangement would be around 10 m high (which is not very convenient!).

8. When a solid substance is heated to its melting point it starts to turn into a liquid. When it has all
melted, further heating will raise the temperature speeding up the process called evaporation by

which the substance changes state to a gas. When the temperature of the substance reaches its boiling
point the temperature remains constant until all of the substance has changed state from liquid to gas.

9. Evaporation can take place at any temperature whereas boiling can only occur at the specific boiling
point of the substance.


Property Solids Liquids Gases

Has a definite shape YES NO NO

Easily compressed NO NO YES

Relative density HIGH HIGH LOW

Can be poured (fluid) NO YES YES

Expands to fill all available space NO NO YES

Physics Revision Guide


Key points:
The molecules are closely spaced in solids and liquids, whereas in gases the molecules are widely
In liquids and gases molecules move randomly, whereas in solids they vibrate about fixed positions.

12. Jiggling motion is due to the impacts of tiny particles (too small to see). The particles must be
continuously moving in a random way. The particles must be moving fast for their impacts to have a
visible effect on the much larger smoke particles.

13. The behaviour of gases is explained in terms of the movement of the molecules of the gas; a theory
called the kinetic theory of gases.
a) Pressure is the result of large numbers of impacts from gas molecules, each of which exerts a
tiny force dependent on the speed at which it collides with the walls of the container. On
average, the sum of all these tiny forces over an area results in pressure. As the motion is
random this average is the same in any direction.

b) The result of transferring energy to the gas molecules by heating the gas, is the increase of the
average kinetic energy of the molecules in the gas. An increase in the average KE increases the
average speed of the gas molecules which then strike the walls of the container more frequently.
This results in an increase in the average force exerted on any area of the container wall and
hence an increase in pressure.
c) They move more slowly on average.
d) Yes, absolute zero. Once the gas is cooled to the point that the molecules are no longer moving
it is impossible to reduce their kinetic energy any further.


15. T1 = 250 K (-23 + 273) T2 = 500 K. Since P1/T1 = P2/T2, doubling the absolute temperature must
double the pressure exerted by the gas on the container walls provided the volume of the container
remains constant.

Physics Revision Guide

16. If the volume of the car tyres is approximately constant then the fall in temperature will result in a
drop in the pressure exerted by the air in the tyre.

17. So, P1/T1 = P2/T2 P1 = P2/T2 × T1.

18. Use the above equation rearranged to give: T2 = P2/P1 × T1

So, T2 = 300Kpa/200Kpa = 283K. Therefore the new temperature is 425 K or 152°C.

19. a) As the temperature of the trapped gas is increased, the gas pressure will increase meaning the
pressure acting down on the surface of the mercury in the left-hand side of the U-tube will be
greater than atmospheric pressure. Since the mercury is free to move, the level will fall in the
left-hand side tube and rise in the right-hand side tube. When the trapped gas is at a steady
temperature of 100°C the volume will stop expanding and the levels of mercury in the U tube
will stop changing. By measuring the difference in height of the mercury in each side of the U-
tube you can calculate how much greater than atmospheric pressure the pressure of the hot
trapped gas now is.
b) For this you need to use the formula: P2 = P1/12 × T2 So, P2 = 76 cm Hg/273 K × 373 K
This gives the new value of pressure for the gas as 104 cm Hg (to the nearest whole number).
This means that the difference in the mercury levels will be 28 cm with the right-hand level
being above the left-hand level. Note that it is most convenient to express the pressure in this
question as an equivalent height of mercury (Hg is the chemical symbol for the element
mercury). The new pressure of the gas is balanced by atmospheric pressure (equivalent to 76 cm
of mercury) plus the extra 28 cm Hg in the right-hand side of the U-tube.

20. As the pressure of the atmosphere decreases the volume of air in the balloon will increase, provided
the temperature remains constant.

21. The pressure exerted upwards on the trapped air in the diving bell increases with the depth of the
driving bell as it is lowered. Since pressure × volume is constant for a fixed mass of gas at a constant
temperature, increasing the pressure on the gas in the diving bell will result in a decrease in the
volume it occupies.

22. a) p1 × V1 = p2 × V2.
b) Substitute the known values in the equation, then calculate the initial pressure of the gas before
it was expanded, p1 × 40 cm3 = 25 kPa × 200 cm3  125 kPa.
c) Since the pressure of the gas is initially greater than the atmospheric pressure on the right-hand
side of the piston I would expect the trapped gas to expand pushing the piston to the right, out of
the cylinder. As the piston is pushed out the volume occupied by the trapped gas increases and
so the pressure of the gas decreases. The piston will stop moving when the pressure of the
trapped gas is equal to the exterior (atmospheric) pressure.
If the piston had been released when the gas was expanded the reverse direction would have
been observed.
Physics Revision Guide

Section F: Magnetism and

1. Object A attracts either pole of the magnetic compass needle therefore it must be a piece of iron or
similar unmagnetised (ferromagnetic) material. Object B attracts one particular end of the compass
needle so it must be a magnet.

2. Hard means that it is difficult to magnetise but once magnetised it retains its magnetism well.

3. a) The closer the field lines are the stronger the magnetic field.
b) The arrows on the field lines show you the direction that a magnetic N pole would move if free
to do so. (This would be along a filed line moving away from the N pole of the magnet towards
the S pole of the magnet.)

4. When a steel paper clip is suspended from a permanent magnet it is then able to pick up another
paper clip, and this may be repeated several times to form a chain of paper clips hanging from the
magnet. The paper clips have temporary or induced magnetism.

5. a) b)

Physics Revision Guide


7. By increasing the current through the solenoid or by having more turns on the coil per unit length.
8. They deflect in opposite directions.
9. Fleming’s Left-hand rule is used to predict the direction of the force on a current carrying conductor
in a magnetic field. The thumb, first finger and second finger are arranged to point in three mutually
perpendicular directions; the first finger points in the direction of the magnetic field, the second
finger points in the direction of the current and the thumb indicates the direction of the force on the
conductor. Fleming’s Left-hand rule is also known as the motor rule.

10. a)

b) Reduce the size of the current in the wire or reduce the strength of the magnetic field.

11. Fig 4a: A bar magnet moving into a coil. Yes.

Fig 4b: A bar magnet moving out of a coil. Yes.
Fig 4c: A bar magnet moving whilst completely inside a coil. No.
Fig 4d: A bar magnet at rest inside a coil. No.

Physics Revision Guide

13. Have a 20:1 turns ratio, for example two hundred turns on the primary coil and ten turns on the
secondary coil. The 120V supply is connected to the primary and the 6V supply is obtained from the

14. Stepping up the voltage steps the current down by the same ratio. This is because energy losses, due
to the resistance of the transmission cables, are proportional to the square of the current. This
enormously reduces energy losses in transmission.

15. In the transformer, output power is equal to input power so no power is dissipated (converted into
unwanted forms such as heat).

16. a) The coil has more turns  Increases the size of the induced voltage.
b) The coil rotates faster  Increases the size of the induced voltage.
c) The magnetic field is made stronger  Increases the size of the induced voltage.

Section G: Radioactivity and Particles

Particle Relative Mass Relative Charge Location

Proton 1 +1 In the nucleus

Neutron 1 0 In the nucleus

Electron ~ 1/2000 −1 Surrounding the nucleus

2. a) Atomic number equal to the number of protons in the nucleus.

b) Atomic mass  equal to the number of nucleons in the nucleus, i.e. the number of protons + the
number of neutrons.
c) Isotope  a form of the element with the same atomic number but a different atomic mass,
because there is a different number of neutrons in the nucleus. Isotopes have the same chemical
properties but different physical properties.

3. a) Both have the same number of protons (for all isotopes of uranium this is 92).

Physics Revision Guide

b) Uranium 238 has 146 neutrons in its nucleus and uranium 235 has 143 neutrons in its nucleus.
Isotope Element Protons Neutrons Electrons

U Uranium 92 147 92

C Carbon 6 8 6

Ba Barium 56 83 56

5. Alpha radiation takes the form of energetic helium nuclei ejected from the nucleus of an unstable
isotope when it decays. Beta radiation is the emission of a very fast moving electron from a decaying
nucleus; a neutron in the nucleus is transformed into an electron (the emitted beta particle) and a
proton. Gamma radiation is very penetrating high energy electromagnetic (EM) waves emitted from
a decaying nucleus.

6. a) Ionising radiation has the energy needed to dislodge one or more electrons from an atom or
molecule leaving it with an overall electric charge.
b) α radiation is heavily ionising. ß radiation is much less ionising. λ radiation does not directly
ionise but causes ionising particles to be emitted from atoms with which it interacts as it passes
through matter.

7. The experiment needs a detector like a Geiger–Muller tube connected to apparatus that counts the
number of ionising events detected by the GM tube. You also need sheets of paper, some card, thin
aluminium sheeting and a range of thicknesses of lead up to about 1 cm. Alpha particles will be
blocked by paper or thin card. Beta particles will pass through card but cannot pass through
aluminium sheeting. Gamma radiation passes through matter easily and can only be blocked by lead
of thickness around one centimetre. (If the gamma radiation is of very high energy, it will take a
much thicker layer of lead to absorb the radiation completely – hopefully you will not encounter this

situation in your laboratory.) So, place your source close to the GM tube (not more than 5 – 6 cm as
alpha particles have a short range in air) and the counter will start to count. If the count drops to
zero* when paper is placed in front of the source then the source is an alpha emitter. If the count is
unaffected try aluminium sheeting. If the count now drops to zero* the source is a beta emitter. If the
count is unaffected, the source must be a gamma emitter which you can block a cm or two of lead.
(Most sources will emit more than one type of ionising radiation. In this case, a screen will cause a
drop in the count. For example, an alpha and gamma emitter will have a count that drops when paper
is placed between the source and the detector, but it will not drop to zero. The count will be
unaffected by aluminium sheeting, but will drop to zero* when the thicker lead screening is used.
Questions involving this are unlikely.)
* Remember that there will be a count due to background radiation. Your readings should subtract
the background count.
8. a) 92U + 01 n → 301 n + 139
56 Ba + 93
36 Kr (Note that there are three neutrons on the right-hand side.)

b) 1H + 13 H → 24 He .

c) 13 Al + 01n → 24
11 Na + 24 He .
Physics Revision Guide

d) 92U + 24 He → 242
94 Pu + 01 n .

9. An ionisation chamber like a Geiger–Muller (GM) tube or photographic plates which are fogged by
ionising radiation.

10. Radiation from radioactive isotopes in the Earth’s crust. Cosmic rays.

11. a) One Becquerel is one decay per second.

b) That the rate of decay becomes slower as the amount of radioactive material decreases (as a
result of radioactive decay).

12. a) The half-life of a radioactive isotope is the time it takes for half the atoms in a sample to decay.
As the decay is measured using a GM tube connected to a rate meter (measuring number of
decays per second) the half-life will be the time it takes for the initial measured decay rate to fall
to half. (Again such readings must be corrected to take account of background radiation.)
b) Isotope A halves in quantity five times (because ten days is five times its half-life) so 10 µg will
remain after ten days. Isotope B halves just once in ten days, therefore 160 µg will remain after
ten days. The initial amounts of both these isotopes is 320 µg.
c) No. Radioactive decay is a random process. It is not possible to predict when a decay will occur
or which atom of the isotope will decay. (The half-life gives a statistical probability of the
number of decays that will occur in a given time.)

13. a) Iodine is concentrated in the thyroid because the radioactive form behaves, chemically, in
exactly the same way as the stable isotope does.
b) It is a beta emitter, so the radiation does not penetrate the outer layers of tissue in the neck. It
therefore does not pose a radiation risk to other people. Beta radiation will kill cells only in the
thyroid gland when placed in close contact with it, which is the purpose of the treatment.

The relatively short half-life means that the effect of the radioactive iodine diminishes quite
quickly – after 32 days the activity will have reduced to about 6% of its original activity.
(Questions in an exam will make it clear how many of these points are required, or which
particular feature is required in your answer.)
c) Excreted bodily fluids will contain radioactive material. If these are transferred to the body of
another person the beta radiation can be dangerous to them.

14. Ionising radiation can cause cells to be destroyed, or cause them to mutate and become cancerous.
Ionising radiation can cause genetic changes which may affect the function of vital organs.

15. a)

Physics Revision Guide

b) The size of the repulsive force between the positively charged alpha particles and the positive
gold nucleus becomes stronger as the distance between the alpha particles and the nucleus gets
smaller. α particle 1 suffers only a small deflection because it is passing the nucleus at a larger
distance than α particle 4 and α particle 2, which are closer and closer to the nucleus. α particle 3
is strongly repelled because it comes closest to the gold nucleus.
c) The α particles do not get as close to the gold nucleus and the scattering angles are smaller.

16. That most of the matter in the atom is concentrated in a very tiny volume (the nucleus) in the middle
of the atom and that most of the atom was empty space.

17. A fissile material is made up of atoms with unstable nuclei that can be ‘triggered’ into fission
(splitting apart) when hit by a suitable particle, like a neutron moving ‘slowly’.

18. When an atom of uranium–235 splits, two smaller nuclei are produced together with two or three
neutrons and some energy. The original nucleus that splits is called the parent and the two fragments
are called the daughter nuclei.
(Sometimes called daughter nuclides, but basically these fragments are the nuclei of lighter

19. A ‘slow’ neutron. When a U–235 atom splits apart (either spontaneously or because it has been
triggered by a slow neutron) it produces two or more neutrons (as well as lighter nuclei). If these
neutrons go on to hit other U–235 atoms they may trigger these to split. In a nuclear reactor the
neutrons are moderated to make them have the right energy or speed to trigger further fission (make
the U–235 nuclei they hit split). Since each split cause 2 or more further splits the number of
neutrons generated increases rapidly causing more and more fission. This rapid progression is called
a chain reaction and results in the rapid release of huge amounts of energy.

20. Nuclear power stations use a controlled chain reaction to generate heat to boil water and ultimately
drive a turbine. The reactor core is encased in a steel vessel surrounded by concrete and contains a
moderator into which the fuel rods are lowered. Another set of rods called control rods can be
lowered into the core or raised out of it.
a) To contain dangerous nuclear radiation, particularly the highly penetrating gamma radiation.
b) To slow down fast moving neutrons so that they will trigger further fissions more readily.
c) Fissile material like U–235.
d) To absorb neutrons so that they do not go on to produce further fission events. When the control
rods are fully lowered they will reduce the rate of fission to a very low level, shutting down the
e) To lower the control rods entirely to shut the reaction down so that the core starts to cool down.
Physics Revision Guide

Section A: Exam Style Questions –
1. a) Average speed = Distance travelled ÷ Time taken [1]
b) i) 12.6 km/h [1]
ii) 3.5 m/s [2] (a method mark if the answer is wrong but an attempt has been made to convert
km  m and hours  seconds)
c) i) Slowing down (decelerating) [1] (ii) at rest [1] (iii) constant speed [1] (then stopping
suddenly at 3.5 hours).
d) To calculate the distance covered by the runner in the period AB, you need to find the area
under the graph line up to the time at point B [1]. You need to know the initial (starting) speed
at point A and the final speed at point B [1].

2. a) A scalar quantity has only size (or magnitude) [1]; a vector quantity has both size [1] and a
particular direction [1].
b) i) A scalar quantity: mass. [1]
ii) A vector quantity: weight (force due to gravity). [1]
c) Velocity increases [1] by 1.8 m/s every second [1].

Physics Revision Guide

3. a) [1] for each arrow
[1] for Tension forces labelled
[1] for Weight labelled

b) The forces are balanced [1] so there are no resultant forces acting on the tight rope walker [1].
c) Because there is no upward force [1] acting on the tight rope walker to balance his weight [1].

4. a) Sharlini should calculate the extension for each load (subtracting lo from the readings in the
table) [1] by plotting a graph of load on vertical axis [1] against extension on horizontal axis [1].
The graph should be a straight line passing through (0, 0) if Hooke’s law is obeyed. [1]
b) Axes labelled [1]; all points plotted accurately [2] or at least 5 point plotted accurately [1]; line
of best fit drawn [1].
c) No [1] because the graph does not pass through the origin [1] and the last point of the graph
does not follow the straight line [1].
d) The spring has not returned to its original length [1]. It has been overstretched/stretched beyond
its elastic limit [1].

5. a) 30 cm/s [2] (1 mark for correct method if answer is wrong)

b) Travelling at constant speed (or velocity). [1]
c) i) Tape B reveals that the car is speeding up [1] because the spacing between the ‘ticks’ is
decreasing [1].

ii) The end toward which the car is travelling has been lowered so that the car is now
travelling downhill. [1]
d) i) Tape C reveals that the car is slowing down [1] because the spacing between the ‘ticks’ is
increasing [1].
ii) The end toward which the car is travelling has been raised. [1]
F = ma, m = 1.2 kg and a = 0.045 cm/s2 [1] Correct substitution into equation [1] with
correct answer of F = 0.054 N. [1]

6. a)

b) B: Speeding [1]; the speed during the thinking time is greater [1].
C: Braking less effective, due to poor tyre condition or adverse weather [1]; smaller slope during
Physics Revision Guide

braking section [1].

D: Slower reaction time, due to alcohol/drugs/tiredness etc... [1]; horizontal section of the graph
is longer.
c) Divide the graph into rectangle (thinking distance) and triangle (braking distance) [1]. Then find
the areas of each [1] and add them together to find the total stopping distance [1].

7. a) a = F/m [1] Correct substitution into equation [1] with correct answer of 11.33 m/s2 [1] (Correct
answer gets [3] otherwise the examiner then looks for method marks.)
b) time = increase in velocity/acceleration [1] Correct substitution into equation [1] with correct
answer of 988 s. [1]
c) Mass of the rocket decreases [1] as fuel is burnt so acceleration will increase [1] or air resistance
increases with speed [1] so net accelerating force decreases [1] or thrust from rocket motor is
not constant [1] reduced thrust smaller acceleration [1].

8. Up to time t1: Straight line indicates constant acceleration [1] because air resistance is negligible [1]
so the net accelerating force is constant [1].
t1 – t2: Acceleration decreases (gradient getting smaller as graph curves) [1] because air
resistance increases with speed [1] so net accelerating force gets smaller [1].
t2 – t3: Parachute opens [1] causing the air resistance to exceed the weight [1] and parachutist
decelerated to a lower terminal velocity [1].

9. a) momentum = mass × velocity [1]

b) Total momentum is conserved during collisions (and explosions) [1] if there are no forces acting
on the colliding bodies other than the forces each exerts on the other (no external forces act on
the colliding bodies) [1].

c) Momentum before: 20 kg × 5 m/s = momentum after: 20n kg × 1.25 m/s where n is the number
of trolleys moving off together after the collision. [2 for method and substitution of values]; n =
4 [1]; therefore there were 3 trolleys in the stack [1].

10. a) In an elastic collision objects rebound [1] without loss of kinetic energy [1]. In an inelastic
collision objects do not rebound but stick together [1]. In a partially elastic collision objects
rebound but there is a loss of kinetic energy [1] (energy is transferred in the form of heat and
sound to the surroundings).
b) i) Inelastic: A fly hitting the windscreen of a car (and very much sticking to it). [1]
ii) Partially elastic: A ball bouncing on the ground [1] (it rebounds but with less KE than it
started with).

11. a) i) Diagram b, during collision. [1] (Each body exerts a force on the other and experiences an
equal and opposite reaction.)
ii) Diagram b [1] and diagram c [1]. (The balls are either moving in a straight line at constant
speed or are remaining at rest.)
iii) (Assume that the balls both have mass m.) The change in momentum for the red ball is
mVR −mUR and since UR = 0 the change (increase) in momentum of the red ball is mVR

Physics Revision Guide

[1]. Similarly for the blue ball change in momentum is m(VB − UB) [1]. The gain in
momentum of the red ball is equal to the loss of momentum of the blue ball [2].
b) i) If VR = UB then mVR = m(VB − VR) [1] therefore VB = 0 [1] (blue ball comes to rest).
ii) Elastic [1] since kinetic energy is conserved [1].

12. All three safety systems are designed to cause the people in the car to be brought to rest over a longer
period of time [1] than the car they are in, which may be brought to rest within a very short period of
time. Since deceleration is defined as the decrease in velocity divided by the time taken to come to
rest [1], increasing the time period reduces the size of deceleration experienced by the people in the
car [1]. Reducing deceleration reduces the forces which act on the people [1] (since F = ma).

13. a) It is subject to a resultant force [1] because it is continuously changing direction [1]
(continuously accelerating towards the Earth).
b) i) A trampolinist is subject to a resultant force at the lowest point of his bounce [1] due to the
stretching of the trampoline bed [1].
ii) A trampolinist is subject to the resultant force of gravity at the highest point of his
bounce. [1]
c) No resultant force [1] as there is no acceleration.

14. a) Weigh 100 pellets [1] and divide the mass by 100 [1].
b) Inelastic. [1]
c) KE of mass of block + bullet at the start of the swing [1] is equal to GPE of the balance as it
comes to rest at its highest point in the swing [1]. So, ½ (m + M)v2 = (m + M) g h [1].
d) Total momentum before the collision is mu since the block is at rest. [1] Immediately after the
collision the total momentum is (m + M)v [1]. Equating these give u = (m + M)v/m [1].

e) The collision is not elastic [1] (it is inelastic). Energy is transferred to heat and sound, not only
to the block as KE [1]. The answer will be smaller than the actual speed of the pellet [1].

15. a) Each will move away from the other [1] along the same straight line [1] at different speeds [1].
b) Although Jane is the one doing the active pushing she will also experience a force equal in size,
but acting on her, in the opposite direction to the force she has applied to Chris. (According to
Newton’s 3rd law). [1]
Each will experience the same size of momentum change but in opposite directions, hence they
move away from each other [1]. Chris has more mass than Jane so he will move more slowly
[1]. (The figures given in the question do enable you to work out their velocities after the push,
but the question only asks for a qualitative answer.)

16. a) Moment of a force = F × d [1]. The diagram should clearly show distance d from pivot [1] and
that the distance is the perpendicular distance to the line of action of the force [1].
Physics Revision Guide

b) The force is equal in magnitude (size) [1] and opposite in direction to that of the force shown
[1]. (From Newton’s 3rd law.)
c) clockwise moments = anticlockwise moments [1] so 30 N × 0.8 m = downward force of the
block on the short end of the crowbar × 0.05 m [1]. From this (and part b) the upward force on
the block is 480 N [1].

17. a) The stability of the bus depends on its wheelbase (which cannot be altered) and the centre of
gravity of the bus + passenger load [1]. Loading the upper deck of the bus raises the centre of
gravity to its highest possible point [1]. If the bus can pass the topple test in this unusual
condition it will be more stable than this under typical loading conditions [1].
b) The mass of the base should be larger than the mass of the umbrella itself [1]. The concrete base
should have a large diameter [1] and a low profile (height [1]. (This is to keep the centre of
gravity of the umbrella + base as low as possible and to make the angle to which must be tilted
before toppling as large as possible.)

18. a)

b) i) 40 N each.
ii) Total downward force = 80 N + 200 N [1] therefore total upward force exerted on the plank
by the pillars is 280 N [1] because the vertical forces must balance [1]. As the boy is sitting
above the centre of gravity [1] each pillar provides the same force; 140 N each [1].

c) In position B, taking moments about the left hand pillar:
clockwise moments = anticlockwise moments [1]
weight of plank, 80 N × 0.75 m = F2 × 1.5 m [1]
Hence F2 = 40 N as it is in equilibrium. [1]
In position C anticlockwise moment about the left hand pillar is 100 Nm so > clockwise [1]
moment [1]. Plank overbalances to the left and F2 is zero [1].

19. a) Comet. [1]

b) Moon (or natural satellite). [1]
c) Solar system. [1]
d) Galaxy. [1]
e) Star. [1]

20. Objects with mass exert a gravitational force on each other. It is this force that keeps the planets in
orbit around the Sun. This size of this force depends on the mass of each object and the distance they
are apart. This force gets smaller (larger) as the distance between the two objects increases

Physics Revision Guide

(decreases). [Total 7: One mark for each correct response.]

21. v = 2πr ÷ T; r = (385 000 000 m)/2 [1] T = (27.4 × 24 × 3 600)s [1] Correct substitution into equation
[1] with correct answer of v = 1022 m/s. [1]

22. a) v = 3 100 m/s, T, period of orbit = period of Earth’s rotation, (24 × 3600) s. [1]
r = (v × T) ÷ (2π) [1] therefore r = 4.26 x 107 m. [1]
b) Height above Earth = 4.26 x 107 m − 6.4 x 106 m. Answer: 3.62 x 107 m. [1]

Section B: Exam Style Questions –
1. a) The blue (neutral) wire and the green and yellow (earth) have been reversed. [1]
b) No, not unless there is a fault in the appliance. [1]
c) No, not unless there is a fault in the appliance. [1]
d) Yes, because the currents flowing in the live and neutral wires are not equal. [1]
e) To break the circuit by melting [1] should the current become too great [1]. (To stop overheating
and possible risk of fire).
f) I = W/V [1] therefore normal working current, I = 2 000W ÷ 230 V  I = 8.7 A [1] therefore
the 5A fuse is too small [1].

2. a) Energy = power × time [1] (This is not a given equation, so correct recall gains 1 mark.)
Therefore energy in joules = 1 000 W × 3 600 s [1]  Answer 3 600 000 J. [1]
b) Energy per 90 minutes, i.e 1.5 h [1], use = 1.2 kW × 1.5 h  1.8 kWh [1].

Physics Revision Guide

therefore 3.6 kWh per week [1], and 187.2 kWh per year [1].
c) Power = voltage × current [1] therefore power rating of the lamp is 230 V × 0.255A
 59 W. [1] Since P = E/t, t = E/P so t = 3 600 000 J / 59 W [1]  Answer 61 000 s [1] (or 17

3. Graph a shows an AC supply [1]. Graph b shows the output of a microphone [1].
Graph c shows the output of a battery (a DC supply). [1]
4. a) Rubbing plastic with a dry cloth [1] causes some electrons to be transferred either to or from the
rod [1] leaving the rod with either a net negative or positive charge respectively [1].
b) Charge your different types of plastic strip, A and B, by rubbing them and suspend them by
nylon threads [1]. Charge a third strip of type A and bring it close to each suspended strip. It
will repel the first charged strip of type A and attract the charged strip of type B [1]. Repeat the
experiment with the third charged strip of type B [1]. This will repel the first strip of type B and
attract the strip of type A, showing that the strips have different types of charge [1].
c) Metal is a conductor, so any imbalance in charge caused by rubbing [1] will result in the excess
positive or negative charge being neutralised by a flow of electrons through the ruler and
through the person holding it – either to or from the ‘earth’ [1].

5. a) Photocopiers [1] and inkjet printers [1].

b) Sparks igniting flammable fuel when refuelling planes [1] and damage to electronic
components [1].

6. a) Good conductors have a large number of ‘free’ electrons [1] but in insulators charge is not free
to move away from the atom [1].
b) Current is measured in amps [1], charge is measured in coulombs [1].
c) Charge = current × time. [1] Charge is in coulombs if current is in amps and time is in
seconds [1].
d) Charge = current × time, so Q = 0.05 A × 1800 s [1 for unit conversions]  90 C. [1]

7. a) One volt across a resistor means that one joule of energy is transferred to the resistor per
coulomb of charge passed through it. [2]
b) i) 0.5 A × 100 s [1]  50 C [1]
ii) 12 V means 12 J/C [1] therefore total energy transferred in 100 s =12 J/C × 50 C [1] 
600 J [1].

8. (a) A2 and A3 both read 5 mA. [2] (b) V2 reads 3.25 V [1]. (c) A2 reads 27 mA [1]. and A4 reads
45 mA [1]. (d) V1 reads 9 V [1]. and V2 reads 6 V [1].

9. a) Voltage across the resistor = current through the resistor × the resistance of the resistor [1]
(or V = IR).
b) X is a thermistor. [1]
c) V = (2 × 10−3 A) × 3 000 Ω [1]  6 V [1]
d) 6 V. [1]
e) R = V/I so R = 6 V/0.002 A [1]  3 000 Ω [1]
Physics Revision Guide

f) It will cause the thermistor temperature to rise [1] causing its resistance to fall [1].
So (i) the current in the circuit will increase [1] and (ii) the voltage across the thermistor will
decrease [1].

10. a) i) A light emitting diode. [1]


b) LEDs have a typical working voltage of 2 V [1]. Applying 6 V across them results in an
excessive current [1] which destroys them [1]. The current through an LED must be limited [1]
by connecting a resistor of suitable resistance [1] in series with the LED [1].

Section C: Exam Style Questions –
1. a) i)

ii) Increasing the frequency [1] of the vibrating bar creating the waves (will reduce the
wavelength and vice versa) assuming the wave speed is unchanged [1].
b) i) See diagrams above [2], (amplitude is half the peak to trough distance).
ii) Varying the amplitude of the vibrating bar will change the size of the waves i.e. creating
different wave amplitudes, assuming the frequency and wave speed are unchanged. [2]
c) i) Transverse. [1] ii) Light waves. [1]
d) i) Count the number of waves that pass a given point [1] in a time measured using a

Physics Revision Guide

stopwatch [1] in seconds [1]. Divide the number of waves by time to get the frequency of
the waves in Hertz [1].
ii) v =fλ [1] Therefore v = 7 Hz × 4 cm  wave speed v = 28 cm/s [1]

2. a) Diffraction is the curving or bending of waves around the edges of obstacles. [1]

[2] for the diagram showing obstacle and

consequent curving of the wavefronts.

b) The effect is not obvious because the wavelength is tiny compared to the gap size so either:
Increase the wavelength of the waves [1] by lowering the frequency [1] or decrease the gap size
[1] until it is only a few wavelengths [1].
3. a) Sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum but light waves can. [1]
Sound waves are longitudinal and light waves are transverse. [1]
b) Measure the distance to the wall, d [1], using a long sports department tape [1].
Measure the time, t, between making the sound then hearing the echo [1] using a stopwatch [1].
Speed = 2d/t [1]. Accuracy improved by making d large and repeating timings and taking an
average [1].
c) Because the speed of light is very much greater [1] making the time impossibly short to measure
with a stopwatch [1].

4. [6]

5. Analogue electrical signals are continuously variable voltages [1] whereas digital electrical signals
can have either of only two possible values [1]:

6. a) b) and d) are correct. [1]

Physics Revision Guide

b) i) 10°. [1]
ii) Also increases by 10°. [1]
iii) Because both i and r increase by 10° [1] the reflected ray has been turned through a total
angle of 20° [1].

i = angle of incidence [1]
r = angle of refraction [1]

Refracted ray bends towards normal. [1]

Emergent ray bends away from normal. [1]
(Emergent ray is parallel to incident ray)

8. a) Incident ray travelling from glass towards air. [1]

Critical angle labelled. [1]
Reflected ray only shown. [1]
Ray reflected at angle c, by eye. [1]

b) i) sine c = ½ correct formula [1] with n = 2 correctly substituted [1].

ii) critical angle c = inverse sine 0.5 (or sin−1 0.5) [1]  c = 30°.
9. a) 20 Hz [1] to 20 kHz [1].
b) i) 2 div [1]  40 mV [1].
ii) 2 div [1]  10 ms [1].

iii) F = 1/T [1]  frequency = 100 Hz [1].

Smaller in height. [1]

Fewer cycles of waveform shown. [1]

Physics Revision Guide

Section D: Exam Style Questions –
1. a) Energy is neither created nor destroyed [1] simply transferred from one form to another [1].
b) i) Use Efficiency = (useful energy output ÷ total energy input) × 100% [1]  useful energy
output 18 000 000 J (18 MJ) [1].
ii) To thermal energy [1] and to sound [1].

Physics Revision Guide

Ratio of arrows 3:2 by eye. [1]
c) Time = Energy available ÷ power (rate of transfer of energy) [1]
Therefore time = 18 000 000 J ÷ 250 W [1] (for correct substitution)  72 000 s [1] (20 hours).

2. a) Thermal conduction [1] is the transfer of heat [1] energy [1] through a substance without the
substance itself moving [1]. Heat energy is transferred in fluids by convection [1]; as the fluid is
heated it expands and becomes less dense [1] and the warmer fluid is displaced upwards [1] by
colder denser [1] fluid. Thermal radiation [1] is the transfer of energy in the form of
electromagnetic [1] waves [1]; this heat transfer mechanism does not require a material [1]
b) In situations a) and b) two things have been changed: volume of water [1] and polystyrene for
plastic [1] so the effect of the change of material cannot be commented on [1]. In situations
b) and c) two things have been changed: volume of water and the use of a lid [1] so the effect of
the use of a lid cannot be commented on [1]. If all three situations had used the same volume of
water (and the same starting temperature) then conclusions about the effect of the change of
material and the use of a lid could have been drawn from this experiment [1].

3. a) Weight = mg  500 N. [1]

b) Work Done = Force × distance [1]  WD = 500 N × 0.75 m [1]  375 J [1].
c) Power = work done ÷ time taken [1]  Power = (375 × 15)/60 [1]  93.75 W [1].

4. a) Electrical energy [1]  rotational energy of the pump [1]  kinetic energy of moving water
[1]  gravitational potential energy [1] of water due to its height above the pumping station.
b) Energy transferred = increase in GPE of water = m × g × h [1]  10 000 kg × 10 N/kg × 600 m
[1]  60 000 000 J [1] (60 MJ).
c) Unwanted energy conversions occur at each stage in the transfer process: in the pump motor
electrical energy will be converted to heat and sound [1]; in the transfer of moving water up to
the reservoir some energy is expended in doing work against the fluid friction in the pipes [1]

(again converting energy to heat and sound); when the moving water reaches the reservoir its
KE will be dissipated as heat and sound [1].
d) It is difficult to store electrical energy [1], batteries are one way but the sheer size of batteries
needed to store significant amounts of energy makes this impractical. Since the facility for
storing energy as GPE is part of the set up for a hydroelectric power station this provides a
convenient way of storing energy which would otherwise be completely wasted [1].

5. a) Coal. [1]
b) Tidal power. [1]
c) Wind power. [1]
d) Hydroelectricity. [1]

6. a) High rainfall [1] and mountains [1] (where reservoirs can be built to store water).
b) Selling surplus electricity involves transmission of electrical energy over large distances [1].
This increases the amount of energy lost as heat in the transmission process [1] (due to the
resistance of the transmission cables).
Physics Revision Guide

c) Concerns about the safety of nuclear power plants [1] meant that the first nuclear power station
was located in a remote area with a very small population [1].

Section E: Exam Style Questions –
1. a) Density = mass of object ÷ its volume [2]
b) i) 15.6 [1] cm3 [2]
ii) Graph axes labelled [1]. Graph scales and units shown [1]. All points plotted to nearest
whole number of units accurately [3] (allow [1] for at least four points plotted accurately
and [2] for at least six points plotted accurately). Straight line of best fit (judged by eye)
drawn [1].
iii) There are, in fact, no anomalous results in this example – they arise from misreading the
scales on measuring apparatus (in this case the most likely misreading would be on the
measuring cylinder) or from copying results down inaccurately or unclearly. [2]
iv) The mass of liquid ought to be directly proportional to the volume of liquid [1]. In this
experiment Martha has forgotten to take the mass of the measuring cylinder into account
[1]. (The cylinder has a mass of 30 grams as can been seen from the intercept on this
graph; the intercept is the value on the mass axis when the volume of water is zero.)
v) If the vertical axis is mass and the horizontal axis is volume then the density can be found
from the gradient of the graph [1]. Draw a large [1] triangle to determine the gradient.

Physics Revision Guide

Gradient = (126 grams − 30 grams)/80 cm3 [1]
 Answer: density of the liquid is 12 g/cm3. [1]
vi) Drawing a graph produces a value based on all the readings taken [1] and draws attention to
anomalous results [1].
2. Shape b) is most suitable [1] as pressure increases with depth [1] so the dam must be
strongest/thickest at the base [1] to withstand the pressure.

3. a) The average pressure acting on both side faces is the same [1] and the side faces have the same
area [1] so the forces acting on the block horizontally sum to zero [1] (no resultant horizontal
b) i) The additional pressure on the top face is ρgh [1] (density of water × gravitational field
strength × height of water) so = 1000 kg/m3 × 10 N/m2 × 10 m [1] giving extra pressure
acting on the top surface as 100 000 Pa.
ii) Similarly extra pressure acting upward on the bottom face is 150 000 Pa. [1]
c) i) Force = pressure × area [1] so downward force [1] on the top surface is (A + 100 000)
Pa × 25 m2 [1] (Accept 2 500 000 N – this is the additional force due to the depth of water
ignoring atmospheric pressure A).
ii) Similarly, upward force on the bottom surface is (A + 150 000) Pa × 25 m2. [1] (Accept
3 750 000 N).
d) The resultant upward [1] force on the cube due to the pressure difference at different levels in
the water is 1 250 000 N [1]. This is called the buoyant upthrust [1]. (Accept just ‘upthrust’).
e) Cannot say [1] because we don’t know the density of the material of the cube or the weight of
the cube [1] so we cannot determine whether the upthrust is > weight (so it will accelerate
upwards) or upthrust = weight (neutral buoyancy so the cube will remain stationary or moving
at a constant speed) or upthrust < weight (in which case it will sink).

4. Initially the temperature of the ice will increase [1]. When it reaches the melting [1] point of 0°C the
ice will begin to melt [1]. When all the ice has changed from the solid [1] state to the liquid [1] state,
its temperature will continue to increase [1] as a result of being heated. During this time some of the
liquid [1] will turn to a gas [1]; this process is called evaporation [1]. When the boiling [1] point of
100°C is reached the temperature will stop rising until all the liquid [1] has turned to water vapour
[1] (gas).

5. a) Labels from top to bottom : Microscope [1], Smoke Cell [1], Smoke. [1]
b) [1] Points of light (smoke particles). [1]
Continuously jiggling in a random way. [1]

c) A molecules are in a state of continuous [1] rapid [1] random [1] motion.

6. Answer D [2] (allow 1 mark for answer E).

Physics Revision Guide

p1 p2
7. a) Use the formula = [1] where p1 = 50 kPa T1 = (−23 + 273) K [1] and p2 = 300 kPa.
T1 T2
T2 = (300 kPa × 250 K)/ 50 kPa [1]  T2 = 1500K so answer 1227°C [1].
b) As the temperature is raised the mean kinetic energy of the gas molecules increases. [1]
This means more energetic collisions with the walls of the container occur more frequently [1],
so a greater pressure is exerted on the walls of the container.

Section F: Exam Style Questions –

1. c) is correctly drawn [1]. a) is incorrectly drawn because the arrows should go from N to S NOT
from S to N as shown [1]. b) is incorrectly drawn as the arrows on the field lines point toward both
the N and the S pole [1]. d) is incorrectly drawn as the field lines are evenly spaced and close
together on either side of the magnet suggesting that these are regions of strong, uniform magnetic
field [1].

2. a) Soft iron [1] as it is easily magnetised and demagnetised [1]. (So the electromagnet can be
turned off.)

Iron core. [1]

Coil(s) of wire around core. [1]
Current passed through coils. [1]

Physics Revision Guide

c) Increase the number of turns on the coil(s) [1]. Increase the current flowing in the coil(s) [1].

3. a) The thumb and first finger point in directions at 90° to each other [1] and they are both at 90° to
the second finger [1].
b) Point your first finger of your left hand in the direction of the magnetic field [1]; point your
second finger in the direction the current is moving [1] (this will be conventional current); the
direction your thumb points will be the direction of the force [1] that acts on a wire placed in a
magnetic field (and the direction in which the wire will attempt to move in consequence of this
c) The field direction is from the N pole (red) to the S pole (blue) [1]. (Remember that the field
between a N and S pole set up like this is nearly uniform.) The current direction in the left-hand
side of the coil is outwards so the force on that side is downwards [1]; as the current flows in the
opposite direction in the right-hand coil side the force on this side is upwards [1]. The coil will
turn anticlockwise as a result of this pair of forces on the coil [1].

4. a) A voltage will be induced in a wire or coil whenever the magnetic field around it is changing; if
there is a closed circuit then the voltage will circulate a current around this closed circuit.
In arrangement a) the magnetic field in the right-hand coil will grow rapidly for a short time
after the switch is closed and this changing magnetic field will induce a voltage in the left-hand
coil producing a short current pulse [1]. Similarly in arrangement b) opening the switch will
cause the current and therefore the magnetic field in the right-hand coil to decrease and this
changing field will induce a current in the left-hand coil for a few moments [1].
In arrangement c) there is no current in the right-hand coil so no magnetic field and, therefore,
no induced effects in the left-hand coil [1]. In arrangement d) there is a steady current in the
right-hand coil so it has an unchanging magnetic field and, therefore, produces no induced
effects in the left-hand coil [1].

b) i) The dynamo tranfers kinetic energy [1] to electrical energy [1].
ii) To increase the voltage induced by a dynamo either increase the strength of the magnet
spinning inside the coil [1], increase the number of turns on the coil [1] or make the
magnet spin faster inside the coil [1].

5. a)

b) Transformers are used to step voltages up or down [1] (and also currents down and up).
Physics Revision Guide

This is achieved by having different numbers of turns on each of the two coils. [1]
The relationship between the voltage applied to the primary coil, Vp, and the voltage induced in
the secondary coil, Vs, is:
Vp Np
= where Np:Ns is the turns ratio [2].
Vs Ns
c) If a transformer is 100% efficient then input power = output power. [1]
so Vp × p = Vs × s [2]
where p is the current in the primary coil and s is the current delivered by the secondary coil to
a load. [1]
d) From the power equation in (c) and the transformer equation in (b):
Vp Np Is
= = [1]
Vs Ns Ip
So designing a transformer to step-up the output voltage by having Ns >Np [1] causes the
current in the secondary coil to be reduced [1]. Since energy losses due to resistance in
transmission cables are proportional to 2 reducing the secondary current 10 times will reduce
losses due to transmission line resistance by a factor of 100 [1].

Section G: Exam Style Questions –

1. a)

b) i) Protons [1] and neutrons [1] make up the nucleus.

ii) The collective term for particles in the nucleus is nucleons. [1]
c) A is the atomic mass, equal to the number of nucleons [1], Z is the atomic number equal to the
number of protons in the nucleus [1].

Physics Revision Guide

2. a) Random means that the time [1] and location [1] of a decay of an individual unstable nucleus is
unpredictable. (Radioactive decay is unaffected by physical conditions like temperature and
chemical configuration.)
b) Ionising radiation has the energy to remove one or more electrons from an atom [1] or molecule
leaving it with a net positive electric charge [1] – this charged particle is called an ion.
c) Alpha [1], Beta [1] and Gamma [1] radiation.
d) i) Beta. [1]
ii) Alpha. [1]
e) i) (↓ "11 " ↑ 26) " Na " → (↓ 12 ↑ " 26 ") " Mg "+ (↓ "("−1 " ↑ " 0 ") " e " [2]
ii) This is beta decay. [1]

3. a) By photographic film [1], used in radiation monitoring badges and using an ionisation chamber
like a GM Tube [1].
b) Medical tracers [1] and radon gas [1] produced as a decay product of uranium in the Earth’s
c) i) Student A: 1 minute [1], Student B: 1.25 minutes [1]. Method: Find the time at which the
initial activity has fallen to one half, so for student A when the activity has fallen from its
initial 300 to 150 [2].
ii) Student B [1]. He has forgotten to take background radiation into account [1]. Background
radiation should be measured on a number of times and an average value found [1]. This
value should then be subtracted from reading made of the activity of the thoron gas [1].
4. a) Medical use: using a radioactive tracer to investigate the condition of an organ in the body
without the need for surgery. [1]
Non-medical use: In smoke detectors [1]. A radioactive source produces ions; smoke removes
the ions and this effect is used to set off an alarm.
b) i) 11000 years is two half-lives so the activity will have halved twice [1]  10 units [1]
activity after 11000 years.

ii) After nearly six half lives the level of activity is too low [1] to measure with reliable
accuracy [1].

5. a) Ionisation may kill a cell [1]; if a significant proportion of body cells are killed then the
organism will die [1]. Ionisation may cause a cell to mutate [1]; mutation may mean the cell will
no longer perform its proper function or become cancerous [1] (growing uncontrollably and
affect the function of vital organs in the body).
b) All sources must be kept in lead lined containers [1] which are stored in a locked metal cabinet
[1]. The sources and the storage cabinet should be clearly labelled with the radiation hazard
sign [1].

6. a) A is made of lead [1]. Its job is to allow radiation to be emitted only in the required direction
[1]. B is made of gold [1]. Gold can be hammered into very thin sheets [1], only ~ 1000 atoms
b) The coating registers the arrival of an alpha particle [1]. Studying the record of alpha particle
impacts allows the number of undeflected alpha particles to be compared to the numbers of
deflected and rebounding alpha particles [1].
Physics Revision Guide

c) Most alpha particles pass straight through the gold leaf [1]. A small proportion are deflected [1]
by the repulsion between the positive charge of the alpha particle and the positive charge of the
gold nucleus [1]. A tiny proportion actually bounce back towards the source [1].
d) Most of the gold atom is empty space [1]. The mass of a gold atom is concentrated in the centre
or nucleus of the atom [1]. The nucleus has a very tiny diameter compared to the diameter of the
atom itself [1].

7. a) Uranium 235 is a fissile [1] material. When an atom of U-235 is struck by a slow [1] moving or
‘thermal’ neutron [1] it splits into two lighter elements and emits energy and two or three
neutrons [1] which, if they strike further U-235 atoms can start a chain [1] reaction. An
uncontrolled chain [1] reaction results in a rapid release of enormous amounts of energy [1].
b) i) A is one of the fuel rods. [1]
ii) The graphite blocks surve as a moderator [1]. This slows down fast moving neutrons [1] to
make them trigger further fissions more effectively [1].
c) i) If the coolant stops flowing the core will overheat [1] as the nuclear reaction will then
produce heat faster than it is being removed [1].
ii) If the core starts to overheat the control rods are lowered into the reactor to slow down or
stop the nuclear fission process [1] by absorbing the neutrons that would normally trigger
further nuclear fissions [1].

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