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By Anto. I
A boy studying +2 on his first government exam going to school, tensed about his exam. On his way school
he notices a board with words “God is in for you”. Noticing that he goes inside to request God to help him to
do well his exam. He finds inside a 7 ft. tall black wooden Holy cross in a greenish and few flowered garden.
He goes close to it with a strange stare and draws the sign of the cross. Then he goes to school. Few weeks
later, the same boy comes with same bi-cycle to the same cross with an immense joy and happiness. He goes
in front of the cross and utters word of gratitude in very causal but with deep gratefulness for few seconds
and at the end he places a beautiful flower under the cross and says “let me go, for a party is awaiting for
me”. While he is returning he finds an old man begging in the gate. He notices him and moves on without
botheration and after crossing the gate he comes back and gives some telling “I wish u to have a good meal
today because I’m happy, take this”. Then he returns home.

After few years the same young man comes to the cross, on his way to interview. He prays as he prayed last
time. And goes back. After few weeks he comes back joyfully and thanks and keeps a beautiful flower. Then
he says “God I can feel you so much here than in the very big churches. Thank you so much for your
goodness”. With that he returns and by the way he sees the same old man and he gives him some money
wishing him a happy day and departs.

After few months he comes to the cross and prays that he may be accepted by the girl whom he loves
genuinely. That too happens as he prayed. So he returns with a joyful and grateful hearts and gives some
help to the same old man in the gate and goes back.

Once again after few months he comes back to pray for his marriage. Then as he goes out, he does the same
act of charity to that old man in the gate.

After few months his wife is admitted in the hospital for delivery. But a very big problem arises that the
delivery has become complicated. As result either the mother or the child will be saved the chances of saving
both has gone out of hand. At this point he cries with tears and stands without help. So he goes to the same
garden to pray but as soon as he enters he was blocked by a man saying that no one is allowed to enter. He
asks why, then the reply was that the garden is going become a resort so it is a private property. Then he
looks inside to get the view of the cross but he finds that the cross was already removed and thrown down
and was about to be chopped. And he looks at the time and realizes that it’s time for operation. Then he sits
sadly near gate for some time. And when he is about to go back he remembers the old man and goes back
and gives him money and shed tears. Then he go out of the gate as he goes out, the old man calls him but his
voice is not heard so he throws a small stone and calls him and says “I don’t know really why you came to
pray today, but I understand that you got a big problem. Listen, the black wooden cross doesn’t exist
anymore but the God who carried it still exist, and even at this difficulty you came to help me that goodness
is itself a faithful prayer for your need.” Old man sheds tears and says “I say this because the only mouth
that consoles me oft is now sad. Don’t worry….everything will be fine.”

Suddenly his phone rings and he gets a message that he has got a girl and his wife is safe. immediately with
no words he hugs the old man.


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