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Generic Structure Review Text

Generic Structure dari Review Text terdiri dari :

 Orientation : places the work in its general and particular context,

often by comparing it with others of its kind or through an analog with
a non–art object or event. (menempatkan karya yang ditinjau pada
konteks umum ataupun khusus, biasanya dengan membandingkan
dengan karya lain yang sejenis atau melalui analogi obyek yang bukan
karya seni.)

 Interpretive Recount : summarize the plot and/or providers an

account of how the reviewed rendition of the work came into
being.(meringkas alur cerita "jika mereview buku" bagaimana cara
penyampaian karya tersebut)

 Evaluation : provides an evaluation of the work and/or its

performance or production; is usually recursive.(memberikan sebuah
evaluari karya ataupun penampilan, produksi; evaluasi ini biasanya
Name: Annisa Adelina Fajri
Class: XII IPA 3
Title : The Signalman and the Ghost at the Trial
Author : Charles Dickens
Genre : Horror
Levels : Beginner
Serial Number : ISBN 979-523-612-1
Publisher : Dian Rakyat
Year : 2003
Reviewed By : Annisa Adelina Fajri

The Signalman and the Ghost at the Trial is a ghost book story which written by Charles
Dickens. The original book was published at 1866. It is one of some Charles Dickens’s books
that had been filmed. Now, the books were published and distributed by PT. Dian Rakyat for sale
in Indonesia. This book is used to help the learners at beginner level of English. This book
contains 2 short stories, the first story is The Signalman, and the second story is The Ghost at the
Trial. In this change, I will explain the second story, The Ghost at the Trial.
The Ghost at the Trial tells about a man, George Fotherly. He had a job in a famous bank
in London. He lived in his apartment with his servant. He had no wife and family. One day, he
was reading a newspaper on is sitting room. On the front page, there was a news about a horrible
murder. After he read that news, he had a dream about the victim’s room that he read before.
When he woke up, he saw a strange thing happened in front of his apartment. He saw a
frightened man who was followed by a pale face’s man. Both of them are staring at him. Three
days later, some police arrested a man who accused as the murderer.
Two month later, George and his servant saw a ghost in his dressing room. They were
frightened. The next morning, George got a letter from the Law Courts. He was asked to be a
member of the jury in a trial. He must stay together with the other members of jury at night. The
jury has a job to find out the fact of the case in the trial. They must discuss about the truth based
on the evidence from the witnesses. In the trial, George had some strange experience again. First,
he saw the frightened man that he saw in front of his apartment two months ago as the accused
person. And he lifted his hands up when the judge asking who wants to be the foreman between
the jury, and the last, He saw thirteen juries in the trial. Meanwhile in the list there were only
twelve juries. The thirteenth jury is a shadow of the ghost. And he recognized the ghost face’s as
the pale man’s face that he saw two months ago in front of his apartment and followed the
accused man.
On the fifth day of the trial, George realized that the ghost who kept following him
during the trial is the victim of murderer case and he wanted him to recover the fact. The ghost
wants George to prove that the accused man is guilty and must be punished. George decided to
help the ghost. And at the last day of the trial, the judge spoke to the jury. George as the foreman
told the judge about the accused man, the victim, and the witnesses. At that time, the ghost
appeared in the trial room. But, George was the only one who can see him. When the judge
finally decided that the accused man is guilty, the ghost disappeared. His revenge has been paid.
The story told us a strange relation between the death and life people, I think it’s hard to
believe that they can make a contact. But from this story we can learn one thing, we should help
each other. However, the truth will always be the winner and the bad one will get punishment.
George character’s reminds us that we must help to recover the fact.
I recommended this book for the reader at beginner level in English. This book using
simple vocabulary and it’s easy to understand. It also explains us about the condition of the mid-
nineteenth century with some picture. Besides, the size of this book is small so it can be brought
everywhere easier than another book which much thicker.
1. Blind Date

Aliazalea second novel, first novel "Miss Pessimistic", entitled "Blind Date" tells the love
story of a 27-year-old girl named Titania. Titania is an Indonesian girl who lives in the
U.S.. Cultural differences are encapsulated in the theme of love becomes the background
of this novel.

Setting of the novel that takes an area in North Carolina, America, is well described by
the author so that the reader can imagine the situation there. Once Titania was
heartbroken because of her love affair with Brandon, a young lawyer, expired. The end
of the relationship because of Titania caught Brandon was cheating. Not only that,
Brandon also have the heart to say that no man wants make a relationship with Titania.

To prove the words of Brandon is not true, and also because her brother's insistence,
Titania register at a dating agency to meet with someone who fits the criteria. While
waiting list of men who will met by Titania, Titania met a programmer named Rilley, in
the "Fresh Market".

The first meeting of unintended continued to other meetings that make Titania felt
something in her heart. Not allegedly also turned Rilley is one of the list of the men who
organized the matchmaking. The stories of romance was continued after they realized
about it. The depiction of American men on Asian girl becomes the topic that I love from
the whole story, even though overall I liked this novel.
The nice delivery story that deliverd by the author, Aliazalea, will make the readers will
not be willing to blink their eyes when reading the novel "Blind Date". The attractive
story packaging that flows from the back yard increment to the flesh, not far from the
previous page.

With the advantage of the novel "Blind Date" is, it is proper novel "Blind Date" this
could be a recommendation for readers of romance novels lovers.

Novel kedua dari Aliazalea, novel pertama "Miss Pesimis", yang berjudul "Blind Date"
mengisahkan kisah percintaan seorang gadis berumur 27 tahun bernama Titania.
Titania adalah seorang gadis Indonesia yang hidup di Amerika, perbedaan budaya yang
dikemas dalam tema cinta menjadi latar belakang novel ini.

Setting novel yang mengambil sebuah daerah di North Carolina, Amerika

digambarkannya dengan baik oleh penulis sehingga pembaca bisa membayangkan
keadaan disana. Alkisah Titania sedang patah hati karena hubungan cintanya dengan
Brandon, seorang pengacara muda, berakhir. Berakhirnya hubungan mereka karena
Titania memergoki Brandon selingkuh. Tidak cuma itu, Brandon juga tega mengatakan
bahwa tidak akan ada laki-laki yang mau menjalin hubungan dengan Titania.

Untuk membuktikan perkataan Brandon tidak benar, dan juga karna desakan adiknya,
Titania mendaftar di sebuah biro jodoh untuk bisa bertemu dengan seseorang yang
sesuai dengan kriterianya. Sembari menunggu daftar pria-pria yang akan memenuhi
kencanya, Titania berkenalan dengan seorang programmer bernama Rilley, yang secara
tidak sengaja bertemu di "Fresh Market".

Pertemuan pertama yang tidak disengaja tersebut berlanjut ke pertemuan-pertemuan

yang lainnya yang membuat Titania merasakan sesuatu di hatinya. Tidak diduga juga
ternyata Rilley merupakan salah satu dari daftar pria-pria yang diatur oleh biro jodoh.
Kisah-kisah romatis pun berlanjut setelah mereka menyadari akan hal tersebut.
Penggambaran pria Amerika mengenai permpuan asia menjadi topik yang saya sukai
dari keseluruhan, walupun secara keseluruhan saya suka dengan novel ini.

Penyamapian kisah yang sangat apik oleh penulis, Aliazalea, akan membuat pembaca
tidak akan rela mengedipkan matanya ketika membaca novel "Blind Date". Kemasan
ceirta yang mengalir menarik dari halaman pertam dengan flesh back yang tidak jauh
dari halaman sebelumnya.

Dengan keunggulan novel "Blind Date" tersebut, sudah selayaknya novel "Blind Date"
ini bisa menjadi rekomendasi bagi pembaca penikmat novel-novel romantis.
2. Laskar Pelangi

The work of Andrea Hirata's novel with 534 pages thick book contains a very interesting
story. The story in the novel is a true story of the journey of a writer in pursuit of his
dream to the French State. This story was touted to be crowded very interesting film by
renowned director Riri Riza and Mira Lesmana. This novel is able to make the reader
feel like drifting and brought into the story in it.

The story begins in Laskar Pelangi from the life of a boy named Curly who start school
with had to wait ten children who want to attend school curls. Anxiously curls, Sahara,
Trapani, Leek, Syahdan, Mahar, Latitude, Borek, A kiong, Bu Mus, Pak Harfan, and
their parents waited to see if there is one more person who wants to go to school in SD
Muhamaddiyah when, not ten children then, they will not be able to attend school.
Because, SD Muhamaddiyah be finished. They waited so long finally a man fifteen years
old witty and somewhat developmentally disabled his ninth save Elementary School also
Muhamaddiyah. Curls and friends - his friends are very happy, they were finally able to
go to school in SD Muhamaddiyah to achieve dreams and goals - goals as a couple -
exceptional in his Belitong.

The main character of the story he was named Curly A boy - a tough man, smart, brave,
and willing to learn to dream like accomplishment. Latitude character is A boy - a very
intelligent man, a genius, brave, but because that makes him keadaanlah Dropout. A
figure is Mahar boys - men who sing smart, intelligent, and love the things - things
unseen (mystery), Bu Mus is a woman who is very kind, thoughtful, and well-loved
teacher students - students, and many figures other.

Style of language used Andrea Hirata considered good style and very interesting, in it
other than the Indonesian language Bahasa Melayu also use that makes the reader look
a little confused and have to guess what the purpose of that language. However, in every
sense of the Malay language used there is always dikalimat bottom, so after reading the
definition of the language in which we can digest back Malay was a little less

The flow contained within the novel is groove mix, but more predominantly use Path
Forward. The author uses first person perspective, as an author of this story in the Main
Store. So the story is intriguing for the reader to want to quickly finish reading it. The
novel contains a lot of useful message for the readers. Andrea Hirata teaches us not to
Desperate advance, if it is to achieve the desired dream.

The interesting thing about this novel is that it can awaken us not to be easily
discouraged if, to achieve a dream. Teach us to be kind to your fellow and willing to help
each other. In His novel, Andrea Hirata clever tuck questions are constantly implied,
from the beginning of the story until the end of the story there is a sense of the Malay
language and how to read it. However, with all its beauty and kelebihannnya, this novel
makes the reader gets a little difficult because of the Malay language, the phrase and the
sentence khiasan make this story a little difficult. Even so, the story is still compelling
and loaded with messages that can be translated to contemplate and more deeply.

Novel Karya Andrea Hirata dengan tebal buku 534 halaman ini mengandung sebuah
cerita yang sangat menarik. Cerita yang ada didalam Novel ini merupakan kisah nyata
dari perjalanan seorang Penulis dalam mengejar mimpinya hingga ke Negara Perancis.
Cerita ini pun ramai dipuji hingga dijadikan Film yang sangat menarik oleh Sutradara
terkenal Riri Riza dan Mira Lesmana. Novel ini mampu membuat pembaca merasa
seperti terhanyut dan terbawa ke dalam cerita didalamnya.

Kisah dalam Laskar Pelangi ini diawali dari kehidupan seorang anak yang bernama Ikal
yang memulai sekolah dengan harus menunggu sepuluh anak yang ingin bersekolah di
sekolah Ikal. Dengan cemas Ikal, Sahara, Trapani, Kucai, Syahdan, Mahar, Lintang,
Borek, A kiong, Bu Mus, Pak Harfan, dan para orang tua murid menunggu apakah ada
satu orang lagi yang ingin bersekolah di SD Muhamaddiyah jika, tidak sampai sepuluh
anak maka, mereka tidak akan bisa bersekolah. Karena, SD Muhamaddiyah akan tamat
riwayatnya. Sekian lama mereka menunggu akhirnya Seorang pria jenaka berusia Lima
belas tahun dan agak terbelakang mentalnya menyelamatkan kesembilan temannya
juga Sekolah SD Muhamaddiyah. Ikal dan teman – temannya sangat senang, akhirnya
mereka bisa bersekolah di SD Muhamaddiyah untuk meraih mimpi dan cita – citanya
bersama teman – temannya yang luar biasa di Belitong.

Tokoh utama dari cerita ini bernama Ikal ia adalah Seorang anak laki – laki yang
tangguh, pintar, berani, dan mau belajar demi mimpi yang ingin diwujudkannya. Tokoh
Lintang adalah Seorang anak laki – laki yang sangat cerdas, jenius, berani, tetapi karena
keadaanlah yang membuat dia Putus Sekolah. Tokoh Mahar adalah Seorang anak laki –
laki yang pintar menyanyi, cerdas, dan suka terhadap hal – hal yang gaib (misteri), Bu
Mus adalah Seorang wanita yang sangat baik, bijaksana, dan guru yang sangat dicintai
murid – muridnya, dan masih banyak tokoh lainnya.

Gaya bahasa yang digunakan Andrea Hirata dianggap sebagai gaya yang baik dan sangat
menarik, didalamnya selain menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia juga menggunakan Bahasa
Melayu yang membuat para pembaca tampak sedikit kebingungan dan harus menerka
apa maksud dari bahasa tersebut. Namun, arti didalam setiap Bahasa Melayu yang
digunakan selalu terdapat dikalimat terbawah, sehingga setelah membaca pengertian
dari Bahasa yang digunakan kita dapat mencerna kembali Bahasa Melayu yang tadinya
sedikit kurang dimengerti.

Alur yang terdapat didalam Novel ini adalah Alur Campuran, namun lebih dominan
menggunakan Alur Maju. Pengarang menggunakan sudut pandang orang Pertama,
karena Penulis merupakan Toko Utama didalam cerita ini. Sehingga ceritanya membuat
penasaran bagi para pembaca sehingga ingin cepat menyelesaikan membacanya. Novel
ini banyak mengandung amanat yang bermanfaat bagi para pembacanya. Andrea Hirata
mengajarkan kita agar tidak terlebih dahulu Putus Asa, jika ingin meraih mimpi yang

Hal yang menarik dari Novel ini adalah dapat membangkitkan kita agar tidak mudah
putus asa jika, ingin meraih mimpi. Mengajarkan kita agar baik terhadap teman sesama
dan mau untuk saling membantu. Dalam Novelnya, Andrea Hirata pandai menyelipkan
pertanyaan yang terus tersirat, dari awal cerita sampai akhir ceritanya terdapat arti dari
Bahasa Melayunya dan cara membacanya. Namun, dengan segala keindahan dan
kelebihannnya, Novel ini membuat para pembacanya mendapat sedikit kesulitan karena
adanya Bahasa Melayu, adanya ungkapan dan khiasan dalam kalimat membuat cerita
ini sedikit terasa sulit. Walaupun begitu, cerita ini tetap memikat dan penuh dengan
muatan pesan yang dapat direnungkan dan diterjemahkan dengan lebih dalam.
Contoh Review Text (1) - A Book Review
Rhymes of the Times By: Harold Matthew Nash
Publisher: Booksurge
Reviewed by: John Lehman

I particularly liked the first few pages of this book where the poet acknowledges those who have
helped him and tells us something about his life. Too often writing is a lonely task and poetry so
personal that it excludes others until they read the final result. But both poets and audiences are
intimately involved in the process. Readers are not consumers looking for a pair of shoes, but
people trying to discover something about how they feel, as well as understand the emotions of
the person writing the poem. This spirit of openness and participation is right here from the start
in this collection.

Harold is one of nine children, raised by his mother. In the Introduction he tells us about public
moments that have shaped his life (Martin Luther King’s ”I Have a Dream” speech, Muhammad
Ali’s “I can float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.”) as well as very private ones like attending
the wedding of a girl he was still very much in love with. This not only gives us an insight into
the person behind these poems, it helps us understand their inspiration and connection to things
outside of the words. “The Bee in the Web” draws on the “butterfly”/”bee” of Ali’s boast, yet
expands on it to a message of racial harmony as opposed to one of militant aggression and

There are some great titles (“The Martian and the Wino,” “W Stands for Wrong", ”Fasten Your
Seatbelt”) and lines that make us think (“Sometimes I feel that life’s a curse, has front-wheel
drive and no reverse” and the very poignant “I hate in order to protect yourself—you pack a gun
or mace. So why don’t I say what the hell and hate the human race.”) There are also some bad
lines: “Her skin is cream, her body is slim. Looking at her makes the average saint sin.”—
perhaps, but what or who is “the average saint”? The book ends with a sweet poem by Charla
Angeline Hultmann (and I really like the candor of her bio) called “Gift” and “giving” is the real
spirit of this book of poetry.

I will be honest, I am not a fan of rhyme. There is a delight in adjacent sounds rubbing
together—vowels held and savored, consonants clicking in a row—but “easy” rhymes
(“head”/“dead”; “love”/”dove”; “moon”/”prune”) tend to overshadow poetic subtleties,
determine word choice and the words themselves lose their meaning, becoming clichés. But this
is the music of this poet’s generation, and there is no denying that poetry is more alive, more
meaningful and more accessible than it has ever been at any other time during my life. PS I do
love the “Osama” “mama” rhyme. In general I think it would benefit Harold Nash’s development
to read more of the published contemporary Black poets.

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