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Eight (8th) Judicial Region

Municipality of Palo, Leyte



FOR:Unlawful Detainer




(Pursuant to SC A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC)

I, DANN LIM, of legal age, single, Filipino, and residing at Cavite East,
Palo, Leyte after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law in
answer to the questions asked of me by Atty. Laureen Uy-uy in her office at
Real St., Tacloban City, on August 3, 2019 at 08:00 A.M. fully conscious that
I do so under oath and that I may face criminal liability for false testimony
or perjury hereby depose and state:

Q: Please state your personal circumstances.

A: I am DANN LIM, Filipino citizen, legal age married to JOAN LIM and a
resident of Cavite East, Palo, Leyte.

Q: What brought you to this office?

A: I am going to execute a Judicial Affidavit.

Q: What is this Judicial Affidavit for?

A: I am executing this Judicial Affidavit in order to state the truth regarding
the circumstances and violations made by Stephanie Mae Wong in our
Contract of Lease.

Q: In which language would you prefer your affidavit to be made?

A: In English, ma’am.

Q: Do you know defendant Stephanie Mae Wong?

A: Yes. Stephanie Mae Wong is the lessee occupying the subject property
since February 10, 2018 which I own.

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Q: How did the defendant Stephanie Mae Wong was able to occupy your
subject property?
A: Stephanie Mae Wong leased my property for a period starting on
February 10, 2018.

Q: What did you do after defendant’s failure to pay her monthly rental and
to voluntarily vacate the occupied property upon expiration of the agreed
lease period?
A: On December 1, 2018, I then sent a letter of demand to the defendant to
vacate the townhouse, which was received by the latter as shown in the
registry return receipt hereto attached as Exhibit “A”

Q: What was the action of defendant after receiving the demand letter?
A: None. The defendant refused to vacate and surrender possession of my

Q: What step did you take after the refusal of the defendants to vacate the
subject property despite demand?
A: We initiated a complaint against the defendant before the Katarungan
Pambarangay. The Lupong Tagamayapa issued a Certificate to File Action
on December 15, 2018, copy of the said certificate is hereto attached as
Exhibit “B” and made an integral part hereof..

Q: In your complaint you are asking for rental for the use and occupation of
the defendants in this case, how much is your claim for said rentals?
A: The agreed rental per month which is P15,000 for the use and
occupation of my property starting from February 10, 2018 until the
possession of the subject property is turned over by the defendant.

Q: Finally, do you know why you are executing foregoing sworn statement
in this case?
A: Yes. I am executing this sworn statement to be adapted as my direct
examination in this case to prove my causes of action for unlawful detainer
against the defendants in the above entitled case, and this Judicial Affidavit
be marked as Exhibit –“D”.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereby affix my signature this 30 th day of

July 2014, in the Quezon City.


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I hereby attest that on this 3rd day of August 2019, I have personally
examined the plaintiff DANN LIM; and that I have faithfully recorded or
caused to be recorded the questions asked and the corresponding answers
thereto made by him. I further attest that I nor any other person herein
present, or assisting me, never coached DANN LIM regarding his answers.

Tacloban City, Philippines. August 3, 2019


Roll of Attorney No. 00001
IBP No. 1234567/1-05-19/Tacloban City, Leyte
PTR No. 50504/10-10-06/Tacloban City, Leyte
MCLE Compliance IV No. 0001212

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 3rd day of August 2019

in the City of Tacloban , Leyte, affiant exhibiting to me her Driver’s License
No. 09123 and 12345 issued by the Land Transportation Office on
February 14, 2017 at the City of Tacloban.


Notary Public until Dec. 31, 2019
PTR No. 34343434 issued on Jan. 10, 2019
Catarman, Northern Samar

Doc. No. ________

Page No. _______
Book No. _______
Series of 2019.

Copy Furnished:


Counsel for Defendant
2nd Floor, Uytingko Bldg.
Burgos St., Tacloban City
Leyte 6500

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