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The Expression Of Command / IMPERATIVE SENTENCE (Perintah)

a. Close the door.
b. Give me the keys.
c. Stand up when I speak to you (order)
d. Press the button in order to activate the machine (instruction)
e. Do not touch it, it is hot! (warning)
f. Take a left at the corner (advice, suggestion)
The imperative form can also be used to make a request, if you add “please” to the imperative
sentence (which can be a polite (sopan) .
a. Please come, I need you there.
b. Please leave me alone. I’m trying to lern English.

The Expression of Prohibition (Memberi Larangan )

Prohibition is the negative imperative. We can use “don’t + positive imperative” to state
prohibition, meaning that we are not allowed to do something.
a. Please don’t bring any animals.
b. Could you please don’t enter that room!
c. I’m really sorry, but don’t step on the grass!
d. Don’t come late!
e. Don’t be noisy!
f. It is forbidden to ...
g. You aren’t allowed to ...

The Expression of Invitations ( Mengundang)

Making invitation (mengundang):
a. Could you come to …
b. Would you care to come to ….
c. I’d very much like you to come.
d. Would you like to ….
Accepting invitation( menerima undangan) Declining invitation(menolak undangan)
a. I’d love to, thanks. a. I can’t. I have to work.
b. That’s very kind of you, thanks. b. I’d love to, but ....
c. Sure c. I really don’t think I can.
d. What a great idea.
The Expression of Permission
a. Asking for permission ( meminta ijin )
- Can I go out, please?
- May I open the window, please?
- Please, can I have a look at your photo album?
- Please, may I taste that hot spicy dish?
- Would it be all right if I borrowed your mobile phone?
- Can I close the window, please?
- Would you mind if I went with her?

b. Giving Permission: (memberi ijin)

- Yes, please do.
- Sure, go ahead.
- Sure.
- Why not?
- You have my permission.

c. Denying permission (menolak)

- I don’t think so.
- I will not permit you to.
- I absolutely forbid you.
- No, you may not.
- You can’t.

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