Generic Billing Solution Proposal

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Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Date: <Date>

Confidentiality Statement
This <document title> along with all attachments hereto shall be considered <company>’s
Proprietary/Confidential Information Generic Billing Solution Proposal

1 Introduction/Background.........................................................................................4
2 Objectives...............................................................................................................5
Overall Objective................................................................................................5
3 Scope......................................................................................................................7
Solution Scope...................................................................................................7
Functional Scope...............................................................................................9
Project Scope.....................................................................................................9
Overview of Approach......................................................................................12
Phase 1 – Program Start-up............................................................................13
Phase 2 – Program Baseline and Environment Set-up...................................17
Phase 3 – Business Functionality Release (Delivery).....................................19
Phase 4 - Deployment.....................................................................................21
Phase 5 – Product Management.....................................................................23
4 Deliverables..........................................................................................................26
Main Deliverables............................................................................................26
Deliverable Description....................................................................................26
Deliverables by Service Parts..........................................................................27
Other Deliverables...........................................................................................28
5 Methods & Tools Used..........................................................................................29
Purpose of Methods.........................................................................................29
Main Phases/Activities.....................................................................................29
Tools Used.......................................................................................................32
6 Organization.........................................................................................................36
Phase 1 - Program Start-up Organization.......................................................38
Phase 2 - Program baseline and environment set-up.....................................39
Phase 3 – Business Functionality Releases (Delivery)...................................42
Phase 4 - Deployment.....................................................................................44
7 Progress Control & Monitoring.............................................................................46
Program Steering and Control.........................................................................46
Integrated view of Application Development infrastructure.............................48
8 Change Management & Configuration Management...........................................49

©2007 2 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Change Management Procedure....................................................................49

Configuration and Change Management.........................................................53
9 Integration.............................................................................................................56
10 Risks & Risk Management................................................................................58
11 <Company> Credentials....................................................................................62
Specification and Design.................................................................................63
Build & Deployment.........................................................................................64
Post-Deployment Warranty Support Services.................................................64
Product Management......................................................................................64

©2007 3 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

<Briefly describe the project, the mission statement, and the goals the project is to

By <When>, <Company> agreed to deliver the following to <Client>:

 <Deliverable>

 <Deliverable>

It was intended that the content of the above deliverables would contribute to Client’s
decision to complete further phases.

The deliverables described above were developed with a number of <Client> staff <How
and When>.

State <Which> existing models were used as ‘straw men’ to assist in shaping ideas,
clarify and determine requirements, and aid productivity.

The high-level analysis work completed during this phase has been captured and will
contribute directly to the next phase of the project. This allows a quick start to the main
phase of the project as described in the approach section below.

In terms of the prototype, the following key requirements have been addressed: (These
are samples. Your requirements might be different!)

 Scalability – The prototype’s architecture is designed to operate on multiple

databases and/or database partitions. Increase in customer base or additional
products can easily be accommodated without disrupting operations. During day-
to-day batch runs, reallocation of resources between partitions can be managed
through batch monitoring processes.

 Multi-Product Capability – The prototype design supports the addition of new

products. Existing customers may avail of these new products offering through
the web interface.

 Customer-Centricity – The prototype’s web interface demonstrates the ability to

show multiple product charges on a single bill. Moreover, the customer can also
define the payment method, including the allocation of his payment to the bill,
through the prototype’s web screens.

Overall Objective

The overall objective of the program is to develop a generic billing solution that allows
<Client> to competitively respond to the heterogeneous needs of multiple sector clients
in a consistent and cost effective manner. (This is a sample objective. State your own
objective here in a clear, concise manner.)

<Company> understands that <Client> will use the solution to <Do What>.

To support the program objectives, guiding principles were established to guide the

1. Flexibility - Ability to easily interface into legacy and future systems

©2007 4 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

2. Scalability - Capable to grow in line with business demands

3. Re-usability - Maximum reuse to support new customers

4. Cost Efficiency - Creative commercial propositions; life cycle costs

5. Timely - Pace to build and deploy

Fundamental to our consideration has been the determination to structure a program

that supports the build of the basic functionality of a quality Generic Billing System in
<State Timeframe>.


The Generic Billing Program is essentially a major change program. <Company>

characterizes such programs as consisting of four dimensions – Management,
Operations, Social and Technical (MOST). Independent industry experience highlights
that many programs focus too much effort on the Technical aspect and neglect the other
key areas that contribute to success. Our approach will assist <Client> to achieve its
commercial objectives in a number of areas. We have examined the program from a
business, technical, and program perspective (note that the relevant dimension of
change is indicated against each objective):

Multi­Client,  Provide pace to market for complex products and services. Ensure 
Multi­Service,  that operability is managed and maintained. 
Multi­Product (O)
Scalable  (O) Allow deployment for different size clients with different service 
level requirements, allowing for significant future growth.
Lifecycle Cost (O) Minimize the cost of support, deployment and system 
Introduce New  Ensure new products and services can be introduced quickly and 
Products Quickly  easily.
Transaction Costs  Minimize transaction costs and transaction processing times by 
(O) strict validation.
‘End to End’  Provide a capability that supports the ‘end to end’ integration.
integration (O)
Operating costs  Reuse of existing infrastructure where appropriate to minimize 
(O) costs. 
Management and  Provision of appropriate dashboard of information to support 
operational  management decision making
reporting (O)
Customer Centric  Maintain Customer related information at a single point of access

©2007 5 Generic Billing Solution Proposal


Simplification (T) Minimize the duplication of functions and systems, reduce 
the interfaces and introduce stringent controls to the 
Reduce Impact of  Create a flexible component­based architecture that controls
change (T) change and manages interdependencies.
24 x 7 availability  Design the system to support 24 x 7 system availability.
Align IT and  Create business systems that support current operational 
Business (T) requirements yet are capable of enhancement to support 
future needs.
Scalability and  Component Based Architectural Design that supports 
speed of  business growth and responds to the pace of business 
deployment (T) requirements.
Maximize existing  Design an environment that allows for the development and 
Client Investment  reuse of existing systems, data and components enabling 
(T) seamless integration with the new applications.


Holistic View (M) Deliver a program structure that manages the dimensions of 
a large and complex change program. The Management, 
Operational, Social and Technical implications are 
understood and incorporated during the formulation and 
implementation of the overall program plan, as well as the 
supporting project plans.
Program  Introduce the standards, controls, methodology and 
Management (M) disciplines necessary to deliver a program of this nature.
Architectures (O) Refine, integrate and complete the application, data and 
technical architectures.
Tools / Methods  Introduce the necessary tools and methodologies to support 
Support (T) the architectural implementation alongside the bespoke 
development and any package integration required.
Business Benefits  Provide a release strategy that delivers a continuous stream 
Stream (O) of business benefit through the life of the program linked to 
<Client>’s strategy.
Knowledge  If required, transfer the skills, techniques and process to 
Transfer (S) <Client>’s staff to facilitate their on­going personal ability 
to support the System.

©2007 6 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Solution Scope

<Company> is proposing to assist <Client> with the development and building of a

Generic Billing System. The scope of the proposed solution is shown in the diagram
below and described in the subsequent sections:

<Insert a Graphic Depicting Solution Scope Here>

This first phase will provide a generic billing system. The different areas of this system
are described below. (These are sample topics. Yours might vary.)

Customer Set-up

The set-up of customer accounts. This area receives contracts from such
sources as customer-submitted contracts, sales agents and express contracts. It
is responsible for performing all actions that are required to set up a customer
contract and permit the delivery of a service to a supply point.

Customer Retention

Retention encompasses the business areas for queries, complaints and closure
of accounts. The main objective is to respond quickly and appropriately to
customer queries and complaints. In the event of closing of accounts, services
should be properly terminated. This major area also handles maintenance of
customer contracts.


The management of the following processing in relation to calculation of usage:

 <List items>

The calculation of bill items and generation of bills for single or multi-services to
cover various media (print, web and others). Bills can be triggered by a cyclical
period whether measured or non-measured, or upon customer request. This
business area also includes maintenance facilities for complex billing elements,
i.e. tariff, discount and tax calculations.


The management of the following functionality:

 Receiving payment from different sources, reformatting it to a common format

and allocating the payment to account receivables based on defined
allocation rules;
 Recording of unidentified payments whose accounts are not known at the
time the payment is received;
 Transferring of payment from one account to another;
 Rejecting of payments due to acceptable reasons like bouncing checks,
closed accounts or insufficient funds;
 Refunding of outstanding payments;

©2007 7 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

 Creating a payment plan that involves the estimation of consumption for a

certain period; and
 Maintaining of a standard payment plan that will be used to validate which
payment plans can be offered or applicable to certain customers based on
specific parameters.
Assistance and Non-Payments

Assistance is designed to keep track of all transactions from the time the
customer service representative receives a customer or agency request. It
accounts all customer information and details related to a particular Assistance
agreement, e.g., time period, agreed fixed arrears, current amount, etc. It also
maintains and records any agencies that interact with the client and the
customer. On the other hand, Non-Payments covers the processing that is
involved in administering a debt. This includes ageing the receivables and
determining what actions to take, depending on the age. This also covers the
creation and monitoring of the payment arrangement.

Sales Agent Management

This business area maintains the sales agency details and the financial
relationship of the client with a sales agent. It records and maintains the basic
details of a sales agent and has the facility to capture of the commission
agreement between the client and a sales agent. The commission agreement
defines the amount of commission awarded to a sales agent for the submission
of a contract. The commission is dependent on the type and details of the
contract and is awarded at certain points in the lifecycle of the contract. The
commission agreement also defines the claw-back mechanism that will be
applied to the commission in the event that a contract is withdrawn or is

Alliances Set-up

This provides the facility for supporting the alliance agreement between a client
and an alliance partner. It includes the entry of the details of an alliance
agreement in terms of inbound and outbound alliances. It also allows the set up
of customers as subscribers to an alliance agreement.

The solution architecture will support future integration of additional components.

These components may be:

 Extensions of the business needs to incorporate <What>.

 Components further developed to customize and/or optimize the generic
system for use by <Client>’s clients
 Legacy system components that can be ‘wrapped’ to work with the generic
 Developments of the overall business solutions incorporating new
technologies and approaches. <Client> has specifically identified Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) as an example of a development that must
fit with the generic system.
<Company> has further identified that new technologies allow use of digital
business based approaches to managing and working with customers.

To take the opportunity of web-based digital business opportunities, business

intelligence (BI) can use data warehousing technology to feed a relationship

©2007 8 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

management (RM) system. That can then tie to an electronic commerce (EC)
front-end to facilitate ordering, support functions, and communications between
<Client> and the customer.

<Company> will design the generic system to allow full benefit of these
technologies to be easily added at a later date.

Regulatory Reporting

All billing reports necessary for <Client> to meet its regulatory reporting

Functional Scope

The functions that are included in the scope of the project are:

<Insert Functional Scope Diagram>

 Set up new account

 Registration
 Losses
 Flow management (including mailbox)
 Usage
 Bill production
 Tariffs set-up and provision
 Payment processing
 Assistance and non-payment
 Budget schemes
 Sales agent management (including commissions)
 Alliances and promotions
 Queries and maintenance
 Complaints and disputes
 Closed accounts
 Operational reporting
 Client reporting
 Regulatory reporting
Project Scope

The project will include:

 The overall program management of the analysis, design and building of the
required solution
 Technical architecture
 Integration
 Testing
 Implementation
©2007 9 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Program Management

Program and project plans will be created as a baseline against which to

measure progress and to understand what corrective actions the management
team need to take.

Areas within the scope of this project that will help to exercise this control are:

 The installation and definition of the necessary standards

 A program office to support the development teams and to co-ordinate all the
projects within the program.

The architectures necessary for successful delivery are included in the scope of
this program. They will be fully integrated with <Client>’s current architectures.

Broadly, there are considered to be four (4) types of architecture which will be
implemented during the early phases of the project, these are described below.

 Information architecture
 Technical architecture
 Business systems architecture
 Management organization architecture

Typically a large program is broken down into manageable components to

ensure ease of delivery. While this helps delivery of the program, this approach
increases the complexity. Therefore, the integration aspects of the program are a
critical part of the successful delivery. The integration elements that are included
in the scope of this program are:

 Development Coordination
All projects within the program are integrated into an overall application

 Release Management
A detailed breakdown of the program into manageable releases that are linked to
the delivery of business benefit and their position in the administration lifecycle.
This is achieved through a Release Management role.

 Application and technical integration

Developing a clear picture of the current applications, how they are linked
together and how they support the business process, plus an evolutionary
migration plan showing how this picture changes by program release. An
important goal here is to define and understand the application interfaces.


This will include all aspects of component, integration and user testing. The
diagram below depicts the different testing phases.

<Insert Testing Diagram Here>

©2007 10 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Unit Tests

Unit testing focuses on individual objects within a design area and ensures that
each one of them is performing its defined tasks.

Component Tests

After unit testing has been performed, a component test is run to verify the
integration of all objects within a component.

Integration Tests

Integration testing is performed on a series of inter-related components to satisfy

interfacing conditions prior to the execution of the user acceptance test.

Stress and Performance Tests

Architectural components are load and stress tested individually and as a

complete to gain confidence that the system will perform as expected when it is
out there in production.

User Acceptance Tests

User acceptance testing covers an end-to-end view to prove that the system is
performing according to the business requirements.

Operations and Commissioning Tests

The operations and commissioning test phase involves testing that pertains to
the execution of operating procedures, ensuring that the operating procedures to
be turned over to the operations and support team are fully tested.


Although not included within the scope of this document, <Company> would like
the opportunity to work with <Client> staff to implement the system for use by


<Company> recommends that the scope of this implementation utilizes the

‘MOST’ techniques that have been so successful for clients working with

Creating business impact is not achieved by delivering new technology. Impact is

the result of a business change program. Whether that change is large or small it
always has the same dimensions - every change program must address
management change, operational change, social change and technical change
(we use the acronym ‘MOST’ to remember these four dimensions).


This addresses the business drivers for the change and focuses on business
measurement. Unless the business defines the desired outcomes and designs
an effective means of measuring and monitoring them the program is unlikely to
be successful. The management dimension designs the roadmap for the
business and provides the tools to navigate.

©2007 11 Generic Billing Solution Proposal


This addresses the mechanics of the new business. We focus on the business
rules rather than specific processes (although new processes will almost
certainly emerge). The goal however is to provide a framework in which there is
room for ongoing change and the dynamic development of the new business


This addresses the people aspects of change. This will include customers and
staff. In almost all cases business impact can only result from a change in the
behavior of people. These may be buying behaviors or work practices. The social
projects will address things like communications, education, incentives, career


This addresses the successful implementation and operation of technology to

support the business change.


Our approach is described in some detail in this section. There are some key drivers that
influenced our thinking greatly in defining the approach. These are: (List your own aet;
what’s below is an example):

 Early and recurring business benefits linked to <Client> sales cycle – The
generic billing product is being built as a series of components. For economic
reasons and to aid <Client> sales, we must structure the projects to deliver real
business and benefits as early as possible in support of <Client>’s sales effort. The
approach is designed to deliver full business functionality and benefits within six to
nine months of starting the project, and allows for phased component releases in
support of <Client>’s sales effort and client acquisition strategy.
 Integration – Each GBS client implementation will be different because there will be
many legacy systems and packages to integrate with. Our approach is designed to
allow ease economy of integration. This is achieved through considering the end-to-
end process, designing a component based solution, and establishing core
components prior to designing the specific client versions.
 Change program – Any project, but especially one of this scale, is a complex
change program. It is not simply about building and implementing systems; rather,
it’s about managing a complete set of changes in the business. We characterize
such a program as having four dimensions – Management, Operational, Social and
Technical. We will manage the Generic Billing program under the MOST framework.
[This ensures the support mechanisms are in place for client installation.]
 Achievable projects – There is compelling evidence in our industry that large
projects fail and small projects succeed. The scope of an achievable project is such
that the manager can understand all of the key components. The only safe approach
is to define pragmatic, manageable development projects and co-ordinate their
development. We have broken the program down into three releases, each release
comprising a number of projects.
 Controllable program – Breaking a program down into small projects obviously
requires an equal ability to reassemble the pieces. This requires a high degree of
control and co-ordination of the components being built. We deliberately manage the

©2007 12 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

number of concurrent components such that it remains manageable. There are

never more than five concurrent development projects.
 Productized – The generic billing solution must be developed as a componentized
product that can interface to standard packages and legacy systems to allow delivery
to a wide range of utility clients. When building the GBS solution, consideration must
be given to product management.
 Component approach – A key to the power of components is moving the control
logic or flow outside the component. In practice, changes to control flow are more
common than changes to business logic. In traditional development, business logic
and control flow are intertwined. As a consequence, any change requires opening up
the complex code of the application. With components the change is isolated, and
updating the control flow cannot impact the business logic. The advantages of a
component approach are flexibility, ease of maintenance, potential of reuse, lower
risks in development and maintenance.
The release strategy will be covered in more detail later in this section. We will not
attempt to execute the project as one large solution. This approach leads to failure –
cost and time overruns and poor functional fit. We believe our incremental, release
based approach is critical to success.

Overview of Approach

Our overall approach to the program is divided into four areas of activity. These are
defined as follows:

 Program start-up is a short but key set of activities to get the organization, detailed
plans and specific resources in place.
 Program baseline and environment set-up is a number of parallel activities to set
up the environment for the program.
 Business functionality releases represents the bulk of the development work on
the project organized into a number of concurrent and sequential releases.
 Deployment covers client deployment.
 Product management covers the management and support of the generic billing
The following graphic is just an example. Insert your own project diagram here.

The following diagram illustrates these areas:

©2007 13 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Programme Start-up Plan


Programme Baseline and Environment

GDC Set-up Complete Complete People

Basic functions Infrastructure Technical Analysis Stream Component
Set-up Architecture Preparation
configuration Set-up
o Review
n Transition
t Plan
o Business Functionality Releases (Delivery)

Management Operational Social Technical

Change Change Change Change

Deployment /

Product Management


It should be noted that this diagram is illustrative rather than time-based. For example,
deployment can start for systems as they are delivered incrementally, not at the end of
the program as it appears, and product management must be considered throughout the
life of the program.

The following sections describe these areas of activity in more detail.

Phase 1 – Program Start-up

The initial phase is dedicated to program start-up. It is essential with a program of this
size to establish a well-defined and disciplined environment in advance of starting the
individual projects. The following are the focus of the start-up area:


Both <Client> and <Company> must plan and review the plan in this proposal,
create a program definition and the project definitions for each project.


Both <Client> and <Company> must plan the specific resource requirements and
ramp up in a timely manner. <Company> will create an induction plan to get
resources effective as quickly as possible. These tasks include:

 Confirmation of roles and responsibilities

 Initial core team building
 Mobilizing resources required within <Client> and <Company>
 Initiation of methods and tools stream
©2007 14 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

 Equipping the team

 Daily communication at every level in the program
Program Office

The Program Office is a key mechanism for managing the program overall. One
of the first activities will be to put the office in place and execute the following set-
up steps:

 Producing the Terms of Reference

 Confirmation of budget
 Establishing the Steering committee
 Preparing a framework for communication and reporting
 Communicating with the business and internally within IT
 Identifying the key milestones and critical path
 Examining the costs, benefits and risks
 Any necessary contractual amendments
 Implementation of strict change control procedures
 Agreeing subsequent program deliverables
 Hard resource estimates for next phase, soft for subsequent phases
 Hard time frames for next phase, soft for remainder
 Risk review procedures
Deployment Scoping

As part of start-up, we plan to inventory all the deployment components and

activities to ensure that a successful client implementation can be achieved. For
example, data cleansing and data conversion could compromise a client
implementation unless it is fully prepared for during the development project.

The diagram below shows how the phased approach fits into the client
acquisition lifecycle and indicates possible components that may be required.
(This is a sample diagram. Yours might be different.)

©2007 15 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Data Cleansing

Client Warranty &
Acquisition Data Take-on Maintenance


Phase 2 – Program Baseline and Environment Set-up

The second phase is focused on establishing a firm baseline for development releases
and setting up the environment for the program. There are several factors to consider in
setting the development agenda and priorities. These will lead to an integrated
component development plan.

Setting the Development Agenda

Functional Requirements

Business Component
Priorities Dependencies
Set by sales Priority


Evolutionary Deployment Model

Infrastructure Set-up

This stage is responsible for establishing the hardware and software environment
for running all the tools to be used in the program. This will include the loading
and configuring of the tools selected for the program and setting up access
rights. The required servers will be commissioned and made available for the
program team.

©2007 16 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Basic Functions Configuration

As part of the set-up activity, the development team will develop the base
functions for the project. Basic Functions is the collective term for the
development guides, technical standards, reusable components and services,
and program templates/libraries established for the mandatory use of every
developer in the project. It serves as the link between the technical architecture
and the application development.

The approach in setting up the Basic Functions is to determine the basic

functions/objects/standards by systematically visiting each key integration area
specific to the technology used:

 GUI (look and feel)

 Systems integration
 System performance
 Interfaces
 Reports
 Data communications
 Data access and integrity
 Naming conventions
 Programming standards
 Security
 Error-handling
 User help
The resulting basic functions are then organized according to each specific
technology. Thus, a typical set of basic functions would appear as:

 Oracle Basic Functions

 NAME OF TOOL Express, Visual Basic Functions
 NAME OF TOOL Conductor Basic Functions.

For the <Client> program, <Company> will use this approach in developing the
basic functions and draw from its component/object/template libraries.

The basic functions are used effectively to promote reuse, design consistency,
productivity, and quality assurance.

Complete Technical Architecture Definition

The primary objective of Technical Architecture (TA) is to provide a cost-effective

combination of hardware, packaged software, application architecture, custom
applications, and operating environment to develop and deploy the required

The main driver of the technical architecture is a set of business requirements or

business benefits. These drivers are commonly named “key performance
©2007 17 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

indicators” (KPI). They resemble the “key success factors” (KSF) identified within
<Client>. These business benefits are translated into “‘volumetrics” stating a
measurable target performance (for example, ability to process one million
transactions within two hours usage). The concept of “volumetrics” is much
broader in scope than the timing implied in this example. Volumetrics include: (a)
work capacity and timing, (b) availability, reliability, maintainability, (c) security,
and (d) service level agreements. Technical Architecture provides the means of
satisfying all these measures of performance.

The Technical Architecture will result in both a framework for ongoing

management and maintenance based on KPI/KSFs and a set of implementation
projects or project options, which would feed into the deployment strategy

The technical architecture was started in phase 0, and this activity builds on that

Complete Business Analysis

This activity will complete the analysis process. Full data, process and interaction
matrices will be produced. In addition, this will allow the component delivery
phasing, the release priority to be established and ensure that the necessary
controls and architectures are fully defined integrated.

The basis for the analysis will come from the models developed during phase 0
of the project and existing documentation.

The requirements will be detailed to a level that allows the start of design.

Component Preparation and Design

Map the possible reusable components to the <Client> business process. Once
mapped, each component should be prepared for reuse.

People Stream Set-up

The pressures created by a program of this nature are particularly telling on the
participants’ (stakeholders’) staff. A change in culture is required to move towards
a business outcome-focused organization. The transition to a component-based
architecture environment presents a significant challenge in the management of
the staff.

It is essential to rapidly align the with the new approach, define the roles, the
tasks, the new disciplines and show where and how everybody fits into the
organization and how they will contribute to the success of the program.

Transition Plan (or Release Plan)

One of the key deliverables from this stage is the transition plan. The options that
will be considered during transition planning are:

 Build only a core set of components.

 Consider reuse of legacy systems, by wrapping as components, to speed up
deliver and reduce cost.
 Use existing packages, if possible, for the option components (e.g., customer

©2007 18 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

In producing the transition plan, great care will be give to linking the deliverables
to the sales requirements.

Phase 3 – Business Functionality Release (Delivery)

Phase 3 represents the bulk of the program. This phase produces the business solution
in five release increments. Each release will be addressed using the ‘MOST’ approach.
The release approach and the five proposed planned releases are described in this

Release Approach

The traditional approach to development projects is based on a large and

monolithic program addressing analysis, design and build sequentially. This
approach, as we have stated before, has proved problematic for many large
programs in the past.

Our alternative approach is to break the program down into smaller releases and
build the solution incrementally. However, this is more than just a
project/construction approach as the releases are chosen to deliver business
benefits and are put into production as they are completed.

The key elements of this approach are:

 Releases are designed to deliver business benefit.

 Releases are sized for small teams and short time scales.
 A single team works on a release from beginning to end. This has been
shown to dramatically improve quality.
 A coordination team focuses on maintaining consistency across the releases
and managing communication between the release teams.
The benefits of the approach:

 Improved quality
 Visibility of progress and achievement
 Proven delivery capability
 Early and continuous learning
 Redefining the cost/benefit curve
 Higher probability of success
Planned Releases

The approach is based on five example releases that will be finalized during
transition/release planning. Each release addresses one or more aspects of the
business functionality. The releases will be sequenced to support the <Client>
sales effort. The table below describes the releases, the principal ‘key success
factors’ they support, business support, the software functionality to be delivered
and the associated organizational changes.

©2007 19 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Business  Key Success  Business  Software 

Release  Factors Release  Functionality
Number  Description
Multi­Client,  Contract validation
Multi­Service,  Set up  Account setup
Multi­Product customer  Industry Flows for 
Fast introduction accounts Gas and Electricity 
of new services Set up  setup (Supplier to­
Speed of  customer  and­ from external 
delivery contracts organization)
Reduced  Setup tariffs Meter reading 
lifecycle cost Capture  automated
‘End to end’  service usage Create calculations 
integration Produce  Integrate  all 
Improved  customer bill products in billing
service through  Process  Group billing
links to partners payments
Manage non­
Customer­ Service queries Single set of 
centric and  customer 
Respond quickly maintenance information
Customer  to change Complaints /   
Retention Disputes
Increased  Define  Sales agent 
customer base commission  information
Sales Agent  agreement
Management Monitor 
Customer  Define alliance Alliance information 
retention scheme and schemes
Alliance Setup Increased  Maintain 
customer base alliance 

The above timeline indicates a potential phasing for the individual releases. It is,
however, important to recognize that each release may well have multiple
delivery drops to allow coordination of the component dependencies between
releases. The arrows indicate these potential links and are by no means
©2007 20 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Process Definition

<Company> will be collecting any new processes and modifications to current

processes throughout the Program – a standard exercise for <Company>
projects. These improved methods will be available to <Client> during the
Program and after implementation. This will mean all best practices will be
captured and available to all current and future staff.

Client Training

<Client> indicated they would like to use <Client> Training Services and facilities
to develop and perform client training.

<Company> have already performed, developed and delivered training for a

large number of its clients, but are happy to support this approach.

Phase 4 - Deployment

A deployment package will be produced as part of the development project, which will
include user guides, data migration plans, operation guides, training courses, etc. The
key issues that compromise the speed of a client deployment are data migration and
data cleansing.

Data Migration

<Company> believes that Data Migration is one of the most important areas of
an application implementation, and one of the most difficult to implement
successfully. Therefore, it is important that a tried and tested approach is
followed when implementing GBS at a client site.

Data migration will have its own problems, but using a standard migration
process will increase the quality and the likelihood of success.

Because a data migration exercise is quite often difficult, it is important to start it

early in the project lifecycle, ideally during the user requirements capture phase
of the project.

<Client>’s clients rely on the quality of its data to conduct their business. To
reduce the risk that the data migration exercise does not compromise <Client>, it
is important that both the business and auditors are involved in each stage of the
migration process.

The approach <Company> follow on any data migration exercise can be broken
into the high level activities detailed below:

 Analyze the current data structures

 Analyze the target data structures
 Map current data structure to target data structure
 Analyze the data quality
 Define data migration strategy
 Build contingency plans
 Perform migration dry runs
 Data reconciliation

©2007 21 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Data Cleansing

The data to be migrated from the current client systems will not be clean. Many
of the older systems may have had poor data entry validation allowing unreliable
or incorrect data to be entered. As part of the data analysis exercise, the current
data should be assessed to ascertain its quality. This analysis may result in any
or all of the following:

 Replacement of missing data

 Removal of duplicates, e.g. Names, Addresses, etc.
 Correction of data integrity rules in the new applications
 Implementing data standards, e.g. Naming, Abbreviations, Dates, etc
 Improved data consistency
Once the data cleansing issues have been addressed, the necessary processes
and procedures should be put in place so that <Client>’s data quality remains
high. This may involve checking the data validation rules in the new application to
test for data quality. It may also mean changing some of the data entry processes
by the business or may mean additional business users training.

Phase 5 – Product Management

A product management agreement will be developed, with <Client>, during the

development of GBS. <Company> recommended this, based upon a clearly defined
service level agreement. The service level agreement will define the scope of the work
that needs to be supported, the staffing levels necessary to support the effort and the
turnaround expected. <Company> are committed to a service delivery that will meet your
expectations. The approach is based on the belief that as <Client>’s partner for the
Generic Billing Program, <Company> must become an extension of <Client>’s

Service Level Agreements

The scope of the work will be based upon the service level agreement jointly
defined during the pre-production phase of the program. The service level
agreement will be utilized as the foundation of the project delivery expectation. It
is standard practice to develop a unique service level agreement with each client.
This forces complete focus on the key drivers to client success and deliver to the
agreed upon goals.

The following are some of the components that are considered as part of a
service level agreement. It is only possible at this stage to give an indication of
the types of service and the associated levels that may be required by <Client>.

Level Description
Base Support Support personnel will be available to address any application­
related issues on a 24x7 coverage basis. This will be a local 
based support team.
Rapid  For emergency level problems a highly trained rapid response 
Response  team with highly experienced locally based expertise will be 
Team available on call and have dial­in access.

©2007 22 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Level Description
Defect  The recommended approach is to categorize all defects based 
Response  upon severity. The service level agreement will address the 
Type/  escalation, prioritization and turnaround expectations based 
Volume/  upon the type of defect and the agreed upon volume to be 
Turnaround supported. 
System  A service level agreement will be established with the 
Support computer operations team for inclusion in the planning of 
availability of system resources for use in support of the 
system. This section will address expected system downtime, 
maintenance outages, turnaround time on system requests, 
timeframe of technical support and level of support available. 
Enhancement  If required a standard level of enhancement hours can be 
Implementati included within each release. Staffing of the team will reflect 
on Support any additions beyond the agreed upon enhancement hours. 
Since the new system will be under development during this 
timeframe, it is recommended that enhancements to the system
be minimized and agreed upon. The implementation of 
extensive enhancements will cause significant cost and time 
impacts to both the maintenance team and the new 
development team. It will also increase the level of co­
ordination and communication between the teams. 
Technical  A baseline technical configuration will be established within 
Configuration which <Company> will be responsible for supporting the 
& Upgrade  system. Additionally, it will include any agreed technical 
Schedule platform upgrade schedule. This schedule will be critical so 
that the appropriate levels of staffing are available to support 
the upgrades according to the agreed upon schedule. 
Staff Support  It will be necessary to agree upon a level of support from 
Availability <Client>’s staff in making production release decisions. 
Previous experience has been that a minimal level of support 
will be required from <Client>’s team to address complex 
issues that may arise.
Ad­Hoc  These are generally requests for reports or views of the 
Requests database to answer a specific problem or question. It is 
required that all requests be tracked because this is often a very
time­consuming effort for the team. <Company> will 
incorporate a defined amount of ad­hoc support in the service 
level agreement. 

©2007 23 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Level Description
Firm­wide  <Company> anticipates that the support team may be required 
Initiatives to support firm­wide task forces or initiatives that are in need 
of system knowledge or support. This is very difficult to size 
and manage, so we would expect that this support level will be 
incorporated within the service level agreement and the 
specific firm­wide support requirements will be defined within
each quarterly release. 
Internal  <Company> expects that the systems interfacing with GBS 
Systems/  will be undergoing change throughout the support agreement. 
Interfaces These teams will require some design assistance and support. 
To address this need, the support team will include a system 
analyst who will be responsible for working with the other 
systems and users in defining requirements and design issues. 
The level of support will need to be defined within the service 
level agreement and planned with the necessary release plans. 

Priority – Proposed Service Level Agreement

Priority A Priority B Priority C Priority D Priority E

Response  5 Minutes 15  1 hour 1 day 2 days
Resolution  30  1 hour  5 hours 2 days 4 days
Plan Minutes
Work  2 hours 2 hours 1 day 7 days 14 days
Call  2 hours 4 hours 2 days 14 days 28 days or 
Closure* such other 

Severity  Escalation Procedures
Priority A Support Team works on the problem for a maximum of two 
hours, until the problem is either fixed or identified as a bug. If 
a resolution is not available at that time, the Priority A Problem 
Report is escalated to the Escalation Support Team.
The Escalation Support Team works continuously on the 
problem, and will work directly with Engineers as needed.
The Management team is briefed on the status of Priority A 
every four hours until the Problem Report is downgraded or 
Priority B Support Team troubleshoots and/or gathers specific information
©2007 24 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Severity  Escalation Procedures
pertaining to the suspected problem. The Support Team actively
pursues problem resolution for a period not to exceed one 
business day. If resolution is not available at that time, the 
Problem Report is escalated to the Escalation Support Team for 
resolution assistance.
Support Team continues active involvement by working with 
the team toward resolution.
The Management team is briefed on the status of Priority B 
problems at the beginning of each week in a review meeting.
Priority C Priority C problems are forwarded to the Support Team for 
isolation and/or resolution. The problem must be resolved or 
identified as a bug within two business days before it is 
escalated to Engineering for resolution.
The Management team is briefed on Priority C problems on a 
weekly basis in a review meeting.
Priority D Priority D problems are handled by Support. The Support Team 
investigates electronic databases available for solution. When 
the question is answered the Support Engineer will ensure the 
information is saved in a solutions database.
Escalation to Engineering may become necessary when the 
ordinary customer support practices have been tried and the 
question persists or whenever customer satisfaction is at risk.
The Management team is briefed on Severity 4 problems on a 
monthly basis.
Priority E Priority E problems are handled by Support. The Support Team 
investigates electronic databases available for solution. 
Generally they are minor requirements with no need for 
escalation. Escalation to Engineering may become necessary 
when the ordinary customer support practices have been tried 
and the question persists or whenever customer satisfaction is at
The Management team is briefed on Severity 4 problems on a 
monthly basis.
*upon call closure the priority condition shall revert to a lesser priority (e.g., A to
B, B to C, etc.).

Main Deliverables

There are literally hundreds of possible deliverables throughout the life of the program.
In this section we focus on the most significant deliverables. Others can be seen in the
<Company> architect product, which is in use at <Client>.

©2007 25 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Deliverable Description

The key deliverables are described in the following table and in the diagrams on the
pages following this section.

Deliverable Description Purpose Content Format
Project  The Terms of  Define the  tasks,  Word Processor
Management  Reference for  project  deliverables, 
Plan the Project. structure effort
Project  A Gantt Chart  Schedule the  tasks,  In ABT PMW
Schedule for the project activities for  resources, dates
the project
Spotlight  A high level  A spotlight  key  Word 
Report summary of  status for  performance  processing 
program status  management. indicators by  document 
with a stoplight project type cataloged in 
(r,y,g) indicator Deliverables 
for each  Manager
Progress  A detailed  Project  Time, effort  Word 
Report description of  Managers  and cost  processing 
the project  report expended  document 
status for a  against plan  cataloged in 
period of time. and estimate to  Deliverables 
complete Manager
Risk Issues An ongoing list Focus attention  risk,  Word 
and assessment  on risks and  assessment,  processing 
of risks for a  mitigation mitigation  document 
project. actions cataloged in 
Issue List An ongoing list Track  issue, status,  Word 
and assessment  outstanding  severity, date  processing 
of issues for a  issues raised, date  document 
project. resolved,  cataloged in 
responsibilities, Deliverables 
resolution Manager

©2007 26 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Deliverable Description Purpose Content Format
Change List An ongoing list Track changes  change item,  Word 
and assessment  requests and  change request, processing 
of change  disposition date, impact  document 
requests for a  assessment,  cataloged in 
project decision, status Deliverables 
Acceptance  A definition of  To ensure  Conditions of  Word 
Plan the terms under quality and  acceptance processing 
which the  agreement document 
business will  cataloged in 
accept the  Deliverables 
release. Manager
Project  A post project  Learn from  description,  Word 
Completion  record of  project  benefits  processing 
Report project results  experience achieved,  document 
and assessment  metrics, lessons cataloged in 
of project  learned Deliverables 
performance. Manager
Quality Plan A statement of  State quality  quality targets,  Word 
quality goals  target and  issues,  processing 
and the  achievement measures document 
mechanisms to  cataloged in 
achieve them. Deliverables 
Project  A definition of  To facilitate  Procedures,  Word 
Offshore  processes,  offshore  standards and  processing 
Strategy procedures and  development. controls document 
controls for the  cataloged in 
joint onshore/  Deliverables 
offshore team  Manager
DAD Deliverables
The Distributed Application Development (DAD) method is the primary approach that 
we will use at <Client>. As this is a major element of the overall approach, we have 
listed the deliverables on the following pages. These diagrams show the relationships 
and flow between the deliverables and include illustrations of the key deliverables.
Testing Deliverables

©2007 27 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Deliverable Description Purpose Content Format
Testing  Description of  Document the  Test goals,  Word 
Strategy the test  testing strategy approach and  Processing 
strategy. costs document 
cataloged in 
Test Plan Description of  Plan for testing  Test steps,  As above
the test plan a release responsibilities
Test  List if test  Define the  Test scenarios  Mercury test 
Specifications scenarios,  actual test and cases director and 
conditions and  word 
cased processing
Test Incident  List of test  Document and  Test executed,  Mercury test 
Report results  analyze the  test incidents reports and 
including  results of the  word 
incidents noted  test. processing
Technical Architecture Deliverables
Technical  A diagram of  Define the  domains and  Word 
Domain Map technical  technical  interactions Processing 
domains. domain document 
cataloged in 
Domain TA  A diagram of  Illustrate  technical  As above
Diagram an individual  domains components
Domain  A spreadsheet  define  performance  SS cataloged in 
Performance  documenting  performance  targets Deliverables 
Model performance  targets Manager
Domain Flow  A diagram  Illustrate  technical  Word 
Diagram illustrating a  domain support components  Processing 
business  for business  and operation  document 
function  requirements steps cataloged in 
mapped on top  Deliverables 
of the domain. Manager
Domain Detail  A spreadsheet  Specify and  bill of materials SS cataloged in 
Configuration defining the bill cost  Deliverables 
of materials for components Manager
the domain

©2007 28 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Deliverable Description Purpose Content Format
Domain  A diagram  Understand  business  Word 
System to  mapping  usage of  systems,  Processing 
Technical  business  domain by  technical  document 
Mapping systems and  systems domains cataloged in 
components  Deliverables 
onto domain  Manager
Domain  A description  Define  operations  Word 
Operation of operations  operations  requirements Processing 
requirements. requirements document 
cataloged in 
Domain  A diagram of  Document  technical  As above
Physical  the physical  physical layout components
Layout layout for a 
Domain  A description  Define  requirements,  As above
Maintenance  of maintenance  maintenance  procedures, 
and Support and support  and support  service levels
requirements. requirements 
and approach

Deliverables by Service Parts

Develop Deploy Operate

“PACE”    
DAD  
Testing  
Technical   

Other Deliverables

The majority of the deliverables are directly or indirectly related to the three parts
requested in the proposal. The technical architecture deliverables listed above are
delivered in advance of the three parts but then are both reviewed and updated in the
context of each project starting and on a regular periodic basis over the life of the

Methods & Tools Used

©2007 29 Generic Billing Solution Proposal


The methodology proposed is based on the DAD process. It will be

supplemented with enhancements based on (a) experience with relevant client projects
and (b) emerging approaches not yet in the commercial products – but in use within

The principal extensions that will be used are:

 A modified version of DAD for development with NAME OF TOOL which was
developed at <Client> X and <Client> Y
 A method for technical architecture specification and maintenance based on several
large, performance-intensive projects
 A business contingency planning method
 Note: An integrated test strategy will be implemented as part of this program.
It is our standard practice to modify our methods at a client to fit their environment and
challenges. <Company> has a commitment to continuous learning and improvement that
is supported by process management tools and a process improvement culture.

Purpose of Methods

There are a number of key methods for the work at <Client>. While they each have a
different purpose they are related to and integrated with each other. The key methods
are listed in the following table.

Method Purpose
DAD (Extended) DAD is a process to guide the development of object oriented,
n­tier client server applications. It uses UML standards for 
modeling and software construction but assumes a relational 
database implementation. 

The DAD process includes a project management component 
which is focused on action and completion.  It includes the 
stages: Plan, Activate, Control, End.
Architecture  The Architecture Planning method drives technical 
Planning architecture decisions from business benefits. It creates 
linkages to ensure that the architecture is maintained to date 
with changes in the business or, alternately, that periodic 
assessment of technical changes can be evaluated in a 
business context.
Business  Business contingency planning is a new approach. It is used 
Contingency  to analyze the business impact of significant events and create
Planning response plans. 
Testing Method The testing methods are integrated with the other 
development approaches used by <Company>.

©2007 30 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Main Phases/Activities

As described above <Company> will use a range of methods to complete the program at
<Client>. These methods all come from a common framework of approaches used in
<Company> They work with each other to provide a single complete approach.

The major activities within the methods are described below:

Main Activity Purpose Description Outputs When used

DAD Method
Plan Produce a  Plan the  business case,  At the 
realistic and  activities of the project plan,  beginning of 
practical plan. project. success criteria each project 
and program
Activate Prepare for  Prepare the  Educated team  As above
start and for  environment  and prepared 
success. and team for  environment
Control Ensure  Control the on­ Progress  At milestones 
successful  going project  report, issues  in each project 
completion. and drive for  list, project  and program
completion. assessment, 
spotlight report
Architecture  Maintain  Ensure the fit  Infrastructure  At the start of 
(Project) integrity of  of the project  Changes,  each program
architectures in with the overall Standards 
projects. technical  Changes
Plan extension 
projects as 
Domain  Plan release  Understand the High Level  At the start of 
Modeling based  program at a  Models,  each program
incremental  high level for  Release 
builds. planning and  Strategy, Co­
co­ordination  ordination 
purposes. Model

©2007 31 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Main Activity Purpose Description Outputs When used

Business  Understand the Analyze the  Business  During each 
Object  business  future business  Object Model,  project within a
Analysis requirements. requirements  Business  program
and produce a  Process 
model as the  Threads/ Use 
basis for  Cases, 
design. Business 
Confirm  Scenarios,  
business rules  Business 
before  Events, 
building. Business Rules
Solution  Design  Design the  Class Diagram, During each 
Design solution and  business and  Component  project within a
plan  systems  Packaging,  program
component  solution.  Application 
based build. Specify  Prototypes
physical design
in terms of 
databases and 
components to 
be built. 
Build Construct  Assemble  Physical  During each 
components  existing and  Design,  project within a
and databases. build new  Component,  program
components  Component 
and databases. Flow, 
Database, Test 
Deploy Put the  Develop  Training Plans, During each 
business  materials to  Training  project within a
solution into  support the  Materials, Help program
action. system in the  Materials
End Plan for  Gracefully end  Lessons  At the end of 
continuity and  the project,  learned, project each project or 
learn from  capture  assessment,  program.
project. materials for  team 
ongoing  assessment, 
maintenance  library of 
and capture  materials

©2007 32 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Main Activity Purpose Description Outputs When used

Testing Method
Test Design Design  Plan the test,  Test  During each 
efficient,  analyze the test conditions, test project within a
effective,  purpose and  cases, test  program
reusable test  function,  scripts
strategies. design and 
prepare the test
Test Review Prove system  Review the  Test report,  During each 
capabilities. specifications,  incident reports project within a
conduct the  and analysis program
tests, report 
and manage 
Technical Architecture Method
Understand  Drive TA from Examine the  Business  At the 
business  business. business  benefits  beginning of 
benefits benefits and  assessment the overall 
understand the  program within
measures  <Client> and 
associated with renewed each 
them. six months.
Translate to  Define TA  For each of the  Technical  as above
Volumetrics measurable  business  Domain Map
targets benefits define 
a measurable 
Map to  Describe the  Associate the  Domain  as above
Technical  requirements  benefits and  Performance 
Domains for each  volumetrics  Model, 
domain. with technical 
Define Domain Detail the  For each  Domain Detail  as above
Technologies technologies in technical  Configuration, 
each domain. domain define  domain 
the  physical layout
and their 

©2007 33 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Main Activity Purpose Description Outputs When used

Expand  Test the  For each  domain flow  as above
Technical  domain  domain map  diagram, 
Domains technologies  the systems to  system to TA 
through system the TA and  mapping
and function  illustrate a 
mapping. function 
Plan  Plan  Define the  domain  as above
Technology  technology  projects  maintenance 
Projects implementation necessary to  and support, 
projects implement TA  domain 
changes operations, 

The team mix listed below is indicative only. It represents a theoretical mix for a generic
project. The mix will be determined on a project-by-project basis and will be influenced
by both skills and availability.

Main Activity Inputs Outputs Team Mix Tools/

Architecture  50% 
(Project) <Company> 
50% <Client>
Base  Infrastructure 
Infrastructure Changes
Base Standards Standards 
Domain  75% 
Modeling <Company> 
25% <Client>
Business Case Release 
Business  High Level 
Benefits Models
Existing  Co­ordination 
Models Model
Business  50% 
Analysis <Company> 
50% <Client>
Release  Business 
Strategy Object Model
©2007 34 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Main Activity Inputs Outputs Team Mix Tools/

High Level  Business 
Models Process 
Business Rules
Solution  50% 
Design <Company> 
50% <Client>
Business  Class Diagram
Object Model
Business  Component 
Process  Packaging
Business  Application 
Scenarios Prototypes
Business Rules
Build 90% 
10% <Client>
Class Diagram Physical 
Component  Component
Application  Database
Test Scenarios
Deploy 50% 
50% <Client>

©2007 35 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Main Activity Inputs Outputs Team Mix Tools/

Business  Training Plans
Business  Training 
Scenarios Materials
Business  Help Materials
Business Rules

Tools Used

The solutions required could be constructed by <Company> in any of the environments

suggested by <Client>. Equally component-based development is a function of approach
and attitude and can be achieved in all of the suggested environments though supported
better in some.

<Company> has defined an approach using NAME OF TOOL as the foundation for the
preferred solution. <Company> believe that this offers the best long term solution for
<Client> for the following reasons:

 Strong support for component based development

 RAD support available through the generation capabilities of NAME OF TOOL
Express and further enhanced through the ease of maintenance/regeneration
available in the inheritance model it supports
 The integrated nature of the ‘middleware’ product NAME OF TOOL Fusion (with
XML) which acts as a component orchestrator
 Inherent capability to wrap legacy code as a component
 Inherent support for compatibility matching and version control for components
 Demonstrated support for high availability and high performance situations
 Support for standards (DCOM, CORBA, IIOP) in the tools and the component
approach create an open solution with a relatively easy migration path

The high degree of flexibility offered by component development and the orchestration in
Conductor provide flexibility in the business and support rapid product development or

While component development with the other toolsets is possible, NAME OF TOOL
offers the most natural and mature environment on the market. This will aid in the
change and learning expected in <Client> over the period of the project. The negative
with NAME OF TOOL is that it virtually demands good architecture and design to get the
best result. On this project <Company> will put the architecture in place, define design
guidelines and quality assurance procedures and effect a skills transfer to <Client> staff.

©2007 36 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

To complete the development environment around NAME OF TOOL there are a number
of additional tools required. These address visual modeling, repository, program and
project management and configuration management. For these products you can either
select point tools and put effort into integration or try to find a single source with
integrated solutions. <Company> favors the latter approach.

Tool Descriptions

Category Tool Description

Visual Modeling CaseWise CaseWise is an object­
oriented visual modeling
facility. It supports a 
number of modeling 
methods, including the 
UML notation standard. 
It is an open and flexible 

©2007 37 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Category Tool Description

Information Repository Platinum Deliverables  Platinum Repository 
Manager (PROEE) is, according 
to Gartner, one of the 
leading products in the 
industry. The underlying 
engine is the Microsoft 
Repository, which 
Platinum built for 
Microsoft. The value of 
this is that all tools 
interfacing to the MS 
Repository will link to 
PROOE. More than 65 
tool vendors have 
committed to interface 
their tools with the MS 
Engine and over half of 
those will house their 
products directly on it. 

PROOE has links to the 
other Platinum Tools 
proposed for use, with 
ETI/Extract and with 

PROEE currently runs 
on Windows NT. It is in 
test on Unix and MVS. 
Platinum has a current 
MVS product but we 
believe that it is an 
inferior product and will 
be superseded by 
Change Management Platinum Deliverables   Addresses change and 
Manager configuration 

©2007 38 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Category Tool Description

Project Deliverable  Platinum Deliverables  Deliverables Managers is
Management Manager a project oriented 
documentation and file 
manager. It provides a 
means of locating and 
controlling all 
deliverables on a project.
Its strength is that it 
manages project output 
at a practical level – the 
individual products or 
deliverables. We are 
recommending the use of
deliverables manager on 
each project team – a 
minimum of one copy 
per project.
Process Manager Platinum Process  PE is the process 
Continuum/PE management and process
improvement tool.  We 
will provide the key 
extended method (DAD)
as a process in PE.
Project Management ABT Project Workbench ABT Project Workbench
is a project management 
and project­reporting 
tool. It is already in use 
at <Client>.

©2007 39 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Category Tool Description

Development Tools NAME OF TOOL Tools Gartner describe NAME 
OF TOOL as the de 
facto choice for 
enterprise­level OO4GL 
TOOL is the 
development language as
part of the NAME OF 
TOOL environment. It is
in fact more powerful 
than a language as it 
leverages a systems 
framework provided in 
Express Express is a rapid 
development generator 
for the NAME OF 
TOOL development 
environment. In addition 
to rapid development, its
great strength is its 
flexibility and support 
for customization and in 
particular it’s ability to 
preserve customized 
extensions over new 
Fusion Fusion is a component 
integration and flow 
automation tool. It 
supports flexible 
integration of 
components to support 
dynamic business 

©2007 40 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Category Tool Description

MS Visual Basic MS Visual Basic is one 
of today’s most popular 
and powerful 
environments today. We 
may use VB to develop 
some complex user 
Data Cleansing and  1) Informatica Data cleansing and 
Transformation 2) ETI/Extract transformation tool.
Testing Mercury Test Suite Mercury Test Suite is a 
collection of tools for 
testing applications. 
Mercury supports 
business function, load 
and stress testing. It not 
only performs the test 
but manages the test 
environment allowing 
for tracking of testing 
and control of test 
scenarios. It facilitates 
efficient and robust 

Activity/Tool Cross-Reference

Tool Activity
CaseWise E2e business modeling tool, 
Business Object Analysis
Platinum Repository (DM) Throughout
Platinum Deliverables  Throughout
Platinum Process  Throughout
ABT Project Workbench PACE
NAME OF TOOL Tools Solution Design, Build
Informatica or ETI Build
Mercury Test Suite Testing

Tool Reference Sites

©2007 41 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Tool Reference
Platinum Deliverables 
Platinum Process 
ABT Project Workbench
Mercury Test Suite

Tool Integration

Tool integration is critical to the success of the program. It is a concern primarily

because it impacts the efficiency of the development teams. It is also a concern
because incompatible tools can take a lot of time and resource from the technical
staff to keep the tools working together. This represents an initial cost in setting
up the environment and an ongoing cost as new versions of the various tools are
released. This is a double downside as this cost is largely unproductive – the
effort is going into making infrastructure tools work as opposed to delivering
business benefit.

Maximizing tool integration and minimising the cost of initial set-up and of new
releases was a key factor in our decision-making. We could have satisfied the
need for tools with each tool coming from a different company. This could be
described as a ‘best-of-breed’ approach. However with the leading tools there is
often little to choose between them and they play leapfrog with each other for
leadership every six months. With best-of-breed <Client> also take responsibility
for integration.

The <Company> recommendation for development tools around NAME OF

TOOL is to choose a family of tools from a single vendor. In this way integration
is immediately and dramatically improved. <Company> does not anticipate
perfect integration from such an approach, but the responsibility to fix problems
becomes the vendor’s and not <Client>’s. Each of the tools is rated as leading or
visionary by industry analysts. Equally <Company> have had good experience in
working with these tools.


This section outlines the organization structures and roles required to deliver this
program successfully.

Organization structures are proposed for each stage of the project, i.e.:

 Program start-up
 Program baseline and environment set-up
 Business functionality releases
 Deployment
 Product management

©2007 42 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

The staffing requirement from <Client> will be:

 A steering or governance group (continue from phase 0)

 A reference group (continue from phase 0)
 During the completion of the analysis phase:
 There is a requirement for <Client> business experts from Gas and Electric [2 full
time and 4 half time for 2 weeks].

 System experts. Staff who understand the current systems and their interfaces. This
may be the core team.

 Technical and infrastructure support

 During the build phase there will be a continued requirement for the full time
business experts, plus access to staff who will use the system. This is to ensure that
any system produced is easy to use. The business users will also specify the
acceptance test cases, perform some of the acceptance testing
 There is also a need to include infrastructure and operations support when
performing ‘end-to-end’ integration testing
If <Client> treats the project as a Package delivery, the only staffing requirement that
would change is the governance structure. <Company> would perform the key roles in
the governance or steering group.


A deployment package will be produced as part of the development project. This will
include user guides, data migration plans, operation guides, training courses, etc. The
key issues that compromise the speed of a client deployment are data migration and
data cleansing.

Data Migration

<Company> believes that Data Migration is one of the most important areas of
an application implementation, and one of the most difficult to implement
successfully. Therefore, it is important that a tried and tested approach is
followed when implementing GBS at a client site.

Data migration will have its own problems, but using a standard migration
process will increase the quality and the likelihood of success.

Because a data migration exercise is quite often a difficult exercise, it is

important to start it early in the project lifecycle, ideally during the user
requirements capture phase of the project.

<Client>’s clients rely on the quality of its data to conduct their business. To
reduce the risk that the data migration exercise does not compromise <Client>, it
is important that both the business and auditors are involved in each stage of the
migration process.

The approach <Company> follow on any data migration exercise can be broken
into the high level activities detailed below:

 Analyze the current data structures

 Analyze the target data structures

©2007 43 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

 Map current data structure to target data structure

 Analyze the data quality
 Define data migration strategy
 Build contingency plans
 Perform migration dry runs
 Data reconciliation
Data Cleansing

Data migrated from the current client systems will not be clean. Many of the older
systems may have had poor data entry validation allowing unreliable or incorrect
data to be entered. As part of the data analysis exercise, the current data should
be assessed to ascertain its quality. This analysis may result in any or all of the

 Replacement of missing data

 Removal of duplicates, e.g., names, addresses, etc.
 Correction of data integrity rules in the new applications
 Implementing data standards, e.g., naming, abbreviations, dates, etc.S
 Improved data consistency
Once the data cleansing issues have been addressed, the necessary processes
and procedures should be put in place so that <Client>’s data quality remains
high. This may involve checking the data validation rules in the new application to
test for data quality. It may mean changing some of the data entry processes by
the business or may mean additional business users training.

Phase 1 - Program Start-up Organization

<Insert organization diagram here>

The program organization structure that will be discussed in this section is shown above.
This structure is only part, although a significant part, of the overall set of business
processes changes and systems improvements in <Client>. <Company>’s
understanding is that <Client> is managing this overall change program. GBS is one
element of that change program.

The program will ramp-up through each phase and the role descriptions that follow relate
to roles within phases. Roles that continue through the program are described only once
for the phase in which they appear. The following narrative describes the key roles in the
organization of the program and the typical skills, abilities and knowledge required for
the role.

<Client> has proposed two different scenarios:

 Software Development
 Package Solution
To ensure that the Generic Billing project is delivered successfully, <Company> feels
that a closely-integrated team is required for both of the above scenarios.

GBS Steering Committee

©2007 44 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

The GBS Steering Committee will be ultimately responsible for owning the
program and the realization of the business-wide benefits from the program. The
Steering Committee will:

 Ensure that the objectives of the program are fully in accordance with
<Client> and, if necessary <Client> business strategies
 Appoint the Program Manager
 Appoint the Benefits Manager
 Appoint the members of the Sales, Business and IT Review Group
 Ensure that the business case is produced
 Sign off the business case
Sales, Business and IT Review Group

The Sales, Business and IT Review Group should have a good understanding of
<Client>’s business strategy and how the program will deliver benefits to the
organization. Each member of the group will have specific roles and specific
inputs to the project, and are required to render advice, guidance, business and
technical input.

The Review Group will:

 Ensure that the program objectives are fully in accordance with the business
unit’s strategies
 Sign off the business case on behalf of the business units
 Ensure that the necessary people, finance and other resources from within
the business unit are made available, as required
 Ensure that business unit policies, principles and procedures are complied
 Ensure that the benefits and operational costs are included in business unit
plans and budgets
 Resolve any issues raised by the Program Manager
 Escalate issues which cannot be resolved to the Steering Committee
 Arrange for reviews of the project
 Be responsible for the delivery of the business benefits from the program.
Program Manager

The Program Manager will be a senior manager with broad-based business and
IT background. He should have delivered multi–stream programs for business
benefit and should have an excellent knowledge of the systems development
lifecycle and issue resolution processes. The Program Manager should be a
<Client> employee ‘shadowed’ and supported by a <Company> consultant.

Key areas of focus:

 Leadership
 Team Building
 Motivation and driving
 Directing
©2007 45 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

 Coordinating
 Program decision making
 Monitoring Time, Cost Quality
 Relationship management (Accountable Execs, Steering Comms,)
 Understanding the work and seeing the big picture
 Setting Program direction and defining projects
 Resolving conflict and priorities between projects
 Risk Management at program level
 Planning and defining deliverables
 Managing resources at program level
 Managing program documentation
 Forward planning
Phase 2 - Program baseline and environment set-up

The descriptions that follow relate to the key roles during this phase and are shown in
following diagram.

<Insert diagram here.>

GBS Steering Committee

The Steering Committee shall be responsible for:

 Ensuring the viability of the program and business case throughout the life of
the program
 Ensuring that the necessary people, finance and other resources are made
available to the program as required
 Ensuring that the program complies with all company policies, principles and
 Resolving any issues raised by the Program Manager
 Arranging for reviews of the program
 Managing the external communications of the program
 Ensuring that the business-wide benefits of the program are realized
Sales, Business and IT Review Group

The Sales, Business and IT Review Group should have a good understanding of
<Client>’s business strategy and how the program will deliver benefits to the
organization. Each member of the group will have specific roles and specific
inputs to the project, and are required to render advice, guidance, business and
technical input.

The Review Group will:

 Ensure that the program objectives are fully in accordance with the business
unit’s strategies
 Sign off the business case on behalf of the business units

©2007 46 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

 Ensure that the necessary people, finance and other resources from within
the business unit are made available, as required
 Ensure that business unit policies, principles and procedures are complied
 Ensure that the benefits and operational costs are included in business unit
plans and budgets
 Resolve any issues raised by the Program Manager
 Escalate issues which cannot be resolved to the Steering Committee
 Arrange for reviews of the project
 Be responsible for the delivery of the business benefits from the program.
Program Manager

The Program Manager will:

 Appoint the Project Managers in conjunction with the Steering Committee

 Produce the program plan for <Client>
 Ensure that the projects are coordinated and sequenced as a whole
 Ensure that the dependencies between projects are identified and managed
 Report progress to the Steering Committee
 Resolve any issues raised by the Project Manager
 Escalate issues which cannot be resolved to the Steering Committee
 Coordinate the hand-over of the program deliverables and the completion of
the program
Benefits Manager

The Benefits Manager is an experienced <Client> manager who has a broad

business background in project management and also in identifying and
exploiting benefits. This role should be undertaken by a <Client> employee,
possibly supported by a <Company> consultant part-time, especially during
project review. Initially a direct report to the Program Manager but later becoming
part of the program office, the Benefits Manager will:

 Produce a benefits realization plan

 Define the measurement criteria for the benefits
 Report progress to the Project Manager and Accountable Executive
 Ensure that the benefits realization is actively managed through the life of the
project and post project
 Ensure that any corrective action is taken to keep the benefits realization on
The role will continue after the completion of the program until the benefits review
is completed.

Architecture Manager

This role requires knowledge of good design of applications and technical

architecture. This role will initially be taken by a <Company> consultant though it
will transfer to a <Client> employee during the life of the Program.
©2007 47 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

The Architecture Manager will be responsible for:

 Detailed input to the Application Architecture

 Detailed input to the specification of components
 Detailed input to the design of components
 Advisory role on the finalization of release strategy
 Input to the data conversion requirements definition
 Detailed input to the Technical Architecture Vision
 Detailed input on Development tools
 Detailed input on CASE tools
 Detailed input into Technical Architecture development
 Responsible for specification of changes to technical environment
 Specification of change management requirement
Delivery Manager

The role of GBS Delivery is mentioned specifically because of its importance to

the overall program. The Delivery Manager who will be a <Client> employee here
has a role as outlined for all project managers earlier in this section. In line with
this, there is a need for:

 Awareness of the integration and an understanding of the key dependencies

of the overall program
 Recognition of the importance of the different delivery releases.
Integration Manager

The role of Integration Manager is key to the program. Typically this will be an
experienced <Client> manager who has a good knowledge of <Client>’s
business processes and overall systems architecture. This individual will have
extensive knowledge of existing initiatives in both the business areas of the
<Client> but also the systems developments currently underway. This can be
either a <Company> or a <Client> employee.

The Integration Manager:

 Owns the release plan

 Ensures all dependencies are clearly understood and reflected in the project
 Is the Architect within the overall program
 Gathers a library of all process descriptions documentation relating to
<Client> to allow a full understanding of the boundaries between functions
 Assists in developing a view of the key weaknesses in the current
applications and data architectures
 Specifies how the integration issues identified during the Baseline stage will
be resolved in the new Architecture
 Works closely with the Benefits Manager identify and pursue the synergies
offered by true integration
 Identifies the need for information exchange between projects
©2007 48 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

 Ensures that a process is in place to facilitate this

 Identifies and analyzes all key interfaces between existing applications to
ensure that legacy applications and interfaces can be decommissioned at the
earliest opportunity and with minimum risk
Phase 3 – Business Functionality Releases (Delivery)

GBS Steering Committee

The Steering Committee shall be responsible for:

 Ensuring the viability of the program and business case throughout the life of
the program
 Ensuring that the necessary people, finance and other resources are made
available to the program as required
 Ensuring that the program complies with all company policies, principles and
 Resolving any issues raised by the Program Manager
 Arranging for reviews of the program
 Managing the external communications of the program
 Ensuring that the business-wide benefits of the program are realized.
Sales, Business and IT Review Group

The Sales, Business and IT Review Group should have a good understanding of
<Client>’s business strategy and how the program will deliver benefits to the
organization. Each member of the group will have specific roles and specific
inputs to the project, and are required to render advice, guidance, business and
technical input.

The Review Group will:

 Ensure that the program objectives are fully in accordance with the business
unit’s strategies
 Sign off the business case on behalf of the business units
 Ensure that the necessary people, finance and other resources from within
the business unit are made available, as required
 Ensure that business unit policies, principles and procedures are complied
 Ensure that the benefits and operational costs are included in business unit
plans and budgets
 Resolve any issues raised by the Program Manager
 Escalate issues which cannot be resolved to the Steering Committee
 Arrange for reviews of the project
 Be responsible for the delivery of the business benefits from the program.
Program Manager

The Program Manager will:

 Appoint the Project Managers in conjunction with the Steering Committee

©2007 49 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

 Produce the program plan for <Client>

 Ensure that the projects are coordinated and sequenced as a whole
 Ensure that the dependencies between projects are identified and managed
 Report progress to the Steering Committee
 Resolve any issues raised by the Project Manager
 Escalate issues which cannot be resolved to the Steering Committee
 Coordinate the hand-over of the program deliverables and the completion of
the program
Program Office Manager

The Program Office (PO) is managed by the Program Office Manager and
provides administrative support to the program, thereby allowing the program
management to concentrate on their key responsibilities and avoid being
distracted by administrative aspects. The main responsibility areas for the current
PO are:

 Plans and Timesheet Management

 Risk/Issue and Change Log Database management
 Benefit and Costs Management
 Interfacing to the Resource Management within <Client>
<Company> will need to be directly involved to ensure the proposed work is
managed and integrated with other projects correctly. It is recommended (and
included in the Baseline Positioning Stage of the Program) that <Company>
works with the current PO staff to consider a wider scope for the PO. The current
PO is mainly in the Program Administration area and consideration should be
given to adding

 Extended support -for the Project Managers and team members in using the
right processes and techniques. This is in line with and can work with the
Pioneer Initiative.
 Asset Management – for ensuring that there is minimal ‘re-inventing of the
wheel’ through the program and best practice (process and deliverables) is
 Resource Management – already covered in the current set-up but as the
program grows this may require extra support.
The <Company> view of the key aspect of Program Administration is enlarged

<Insert diagram>.

Delivery Manager

The role of GBS Delivery is mentioned specifically because of its importance to

the overall program. The project manager who will be a <Client> employee here
has a role as outlined for all project managers earlier in this section. In line with
this, there is a need for:

 Awareness of the integration and an understanding of the key dependencies

of the overall program

©2007 50 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

 Recognize the importance of the different delivery releases.

Business Change Manager

The Business Change Manager is responsible for planning and facilitating

cultural, operational and organizational changes in the organization. He shall look
at management style, internal and external communications patterns,
organizational structure, job and role definitions, and the varied components of
the social systems to identify and recommend changes to better support the
business objectives.

Among the key responsibilities of the Business Change Manager are to:

 Assess the organization’s readiness for change;

 Position the organization for change;
 Develop enterprise-wide communication plans and programs.
Phase 4 - Deployment

Currently it is not known who the first client will be. The deployment team will be defined
when the first Client is known.

 Server configuration and performance management: workstation, NT server, RS6000

 DB configuration and management
 Network management system
 Software distribution
 Recovery and backup
 Operation procedures per Business Component
 Application monitoring and control
 Help desk
 Inventory management
 Repository services
 Technical services
 Data take on and migration skills
In addition the main activities that would be performed are:

 User Training (using training material developed during GBS project)

 Acceptance Testing
 Load / Volumetric testing
 High availability testing
 ‘End to end’ integration testing
 Build system infrastructure, production environment.
The duration of deployment will depend on the complexity of the implementation, the key
issues are:

 Number and complexity of interfaces

 Data migration / data cleansing
©2007 51 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Data migration and data cleansing can delay a deployment. We have known data
migration projects to take up to a year when the data in is in poor condition. Therefore it
is important to prepare during the GBS development project, ensuring the approach and
tools have been defined.

We would treat each deployment as a separate project, following the same quality
processes and procedures already described in this proposal.

The length of time a deployment will take depends on the complexity of the
implementation, i.e. whether there is data conversion, new products are being added,

Progress Control & Monitoring

This section describes the procedures at a steering level and also at a detailed level for
the aspects of Program progress control and monitoring.

This section is divided into two parts:

 Program steering and control

 Procedures and automated tools

Program Steering and Control

The process for progress control of the Program, operates at a number of levels. These
different levels are listed below:

 Board Level (monthly)

 Executive Level (monthly)
 Management Level (weekly)
 Support Level (weekly/daily)
All progress reporting on the program is carried out through the Program Office.
Progress is compiled and reported upwards:

 Project Managers to the Program Manager

 Program Manager to the Accountable Executive
The basis for reporting progress is achievement against the program plan. Each project
in the program portfolio will have specific milestones or checkpoints in it. These are
aggregated for use at a program level. A milestone is a significant event in time, delivery
of a specific goal or completion of a deliverable, which will provide evidence that the
program is proceeding satisfactorily and allow a decision to be taken on whether or not
the project should proceed to the next stage.

Board Level

At present the <Client> Program Manager reports to the Steering group on a

regular basis. Should this continue, a review of the information to be reported will
be carried out at the start of the Program. The items for discussion here would
typically be:

 Major milestone or checkpoint reviews

 Reviewing the program returns

©2007 52 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Executive Level

There is a need to review the program in the context of the business benefits
being delivered for <Client>. This will be done using the Steering Committee that
will meet monthly and consist of the Executive Sponsor, all Accountable
Executives and the Program Manager. The items for discussion in this forum
would typically be:

 Progress towards Major Milestones or Checkpoints

 Operational business risks
 Benefits Management
 Summary Level Risks and Issues for the program
 Resources.
Management Level

There will be a need to monitor progress within project teams and consolidate
this to program level. Individual projects will have weekly meetings attended by
senior business users from the areas involved, the team project manager, and
the benefits manager and key members of the team. Other colleagues may
attend on an ad-hoc basis through the lifecycle of the project. The meeting will
report on:

 Progress against milestones

 Summary of actuals vs. variance against budget of cost and man-days
 Resourcing and training
 Variations or changes to benefits
 Project risks and issues for management attention
 Time to completion and outlook regarding future progress
 Scope changes
These reports will be consolidated up to program level by the Program Office for
the Program Manager and circulated to the Executive team.

If there is slippage against the plans, steps will be taken to regain lost time or a
decision made to replan. If it is not possible to regain the slippage, the impact on
the target date must be assessed and if necessary discussed with the
Accountable Executive. This may lead to a benefits review.

Part of the planning process will be to identify the Critical Path for the program.
Any slippage on tasks on the Critical Path will be reported to the Program

Support Level

The activities monitoring progress and control in this area are undertaken and
administered by the Program Office. Meetings for the Program Office with the
Program Manager will take place weekly. The Program Office will collect and
administer data and information on:

 Project plans
 Risk, issue and change logs

©2007 53 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

 Slippage
 Timesheets
 Budgetary and cost information
 Project documentation
 Project progress reports
 Resources
 Training.
Integrated view of Application Development infrastructure

Gartner Group view on Application Development infrastructure:

 By 2000, all effective IS organizations will provide central co-ordination of

decentralized AD activities through an internally managed infrastructure.
 Successful organizations will combine integrated methodology/process management
with best practices in project management, measurements, software change
management, and both design and code reuse.
To deliver the level of program management needed, it will be necessary to establish a
fully integrated environment is required. This is shown in the following diagram which
illustrating the development life cycle and the single, underpinning repository for full

The required environment is shown below:

AD Management & Reporting

Project and Process Management

Business Analysis Change

Construction Testing Deployment
Requirements and Design Requests

Configuration and Change Management

Project Repository

The toolsets which are most appropriate in <Client>’s environment have been mapped
on to the previous diagram as follows:

<Insert Diagram>

The primary goal of the unified repository for all tools is to provide complete impact
analysis of any change.

Change Management & Configuration Management

©2007 54 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Change Management Procedure


To investigate, track, evaluate, and dispose of variation requests to approved

project plans. Changes will impact at least one of the following: scope, schedule,
cost, deliverables, work effort or resources. To provide an effective system for
receiving, logging, evaluating, auctioning and implementing, and auditing
Variation requests received throughout the project life cycle.
Change requests are raised to propose corrective actions that change the project
and/or program planned deliverables in terms of:

 Scope
 Duration
 Quality
 Cost
Each Change request requires a formal change plan to effectively implement the
change in a coordinated manner. Not every Change Request will necessarily
result in an action, but a thorough evaluation of the implications of making, or not
making a change, will be made.

With reference to deliverable quality in particular, changes may be raised to

improve any of the following whenever relevant:

 Usability
 Maintainability
 Adaptability
 Reliability
 Portability
 Security
 Performance
 Understanding
 Accuracy
Change management is key in controlling any project. In a program of this type it
becomes critical. Change Requests will be raised for a variety of reasons and
from many sources. The challenges are:

 Log changes in an organized and reliable fashion

 Assess the impact and cost of change
 Identify and record all of the components changed
 Manage multiple versions and configurations as changes are integrated.
As the diagram below illustrates, change management crosses the entire
program life. The recommended tool – Deliverables Manager –supports change
management and control.

<Insert Diagram>

©2007 55 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

The following flowchart shows the intended operation of this procedure. Step
descriptions are provided below.

Step One: Raise Change Request

Complete a Change Request Form for each change being raised. The Change
Request might be raised by either the Business and/or the IT teams.

A Change request is generated under the following circumstances:

 When there is a requirement to change something which has already been

accepted; and
 When an initial estimate of the effort and cost required to change affects the
defined plan scope, duration, deliverable quality, or cost.
©2007 56 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Observations and Issues recorded may trigger Change requests.


Sales Business and IT Review Group

GBS Program Manager

Delivery Manager

Integration Manager

Program Office Manager

Step Two: Log Change Request

A copy of each Change Request will be reviewed by the Sponsor and IT Project
Manager. File the Change Request Form in the project Change binder.


Project Manager

Delivery Manager

Integration Manager

Program Office Manager

Step Three: Evaluate Change Request

Each Change Request should be assessed according to:

 Accepted for investigation

 Rejected for investigation
 Accepted for investigation without cost

If Change Request is accepted for implementation without cost, proceed to

Implementation. If Change Request is accepted for investigation, proceed to
Impact Analysis. Update the Project Change Form and the project Change

As a guideline, enhancements or changes requiring less than half a day's effort in

all can be implemented informally. However, these may be monitored in the case
of delays to indicate the overall effect on the time and budget estimates. Update
the Project Change Form and the project Change binder.


Project Manager

Delivery Manager

Integration Manager
©2007 57 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

GBS Program Manager

Architectures Manager

Program Office Manager

Step Four: Produce Change Plan

Upon receipt of signed Change Form, perform Impact Analysis:

 Estimate the workload

 Estimate impact on schedule
 Estimate cost to grant request
Update the Project Change Form and the project Change binder with impact
analysis supporting document.

Each proposed solution is examined for its impact on the project objectives,
scope, benefits, schedule, quality and resources. Changes to scope, timing and
resource use may affect the overall project or other projects, so the development
co-ordination organization should also review the proposal.

The project manager decides which actions to recommend. The proposed

changes are justified in business terms, and the Executive Sponsor and Steering
Committee are made aware of the alternatives and the consequences of not
making the change.

It should be noted that the time taken to complete an impact analysis for a high
impact Change request is not trivial. In these cases, Steering Committee
approval to perform an impact analysis may also be recommended.


GBS Program Manager

Delivery Manager

Project Manager

Integration Manager

Architectures Manager

Program Office Manager

Step Five: Approve Change Request

Submit Change Request form to relevant approval authority.

The following roles are entitled to approve the following project Change requests:

High - VS Owner, Project Steering Committee and Program Coordination Group

 Medium - Business Project Manager, VS Owner and Project Steering

 Low - Business Project Manager and VS Owner

©2007 58 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

All involved roles must agree each recommended change before it can be

The Project Plan is a contract between the team and the Executive Sponsor.
Minor corrections can be done within the original plan. However, the difference
between planned and actual performance may be too great to overcome by
working more effectively. Corrective actions that change the schedule, cost,
scope or deliverables require formal change approval.

The Project Managers and team leaders monitor for warning signs that the
project won’t meet the plan. For example, the team might not be completing
deliverables by the milestone dates, or the deliverable quality might be low. The
cause could be inadequate resources, difficulties in agreeing a design, political
influence, poor productivity, an unreasonable schedule, or inappropriate scope. It
is important to identify the root cause in order to determine the right solution.

Update the Project Change Form and the Project Change binder.

Update project revised baselines to reflect the change in delivery and cost based
on approval memo.


Project Manager

GBS Steering Group

GBS Program Manager

Program Office

Sales Business and IT Review Group

Step Six: Schedule and Monitor Change

The Administrator generates a Change Management Report on the first working

day of the week. It should contain the following (but not restricted to):

Cover Letter with the name of all addressees

All open Changes (in summary) sorted by responsible person, total number
allocated to this person, and days outstanding.

The Project Change Review meeting should be held on a weekly basis, or as

required. It is chaired by the Project Manager or his/her delegate. Any change not
solved in time and/or impacting multiple projects will be reviewed by the Program
Change Review Committee that should meet once a week or whenever required.

A summary of outstanding Change requests will be produced by the project

librarian prior to each steering committee meeting.

Finally, non-resolved Changes should be escalated at higher level for immediate

action to reach resolution ASAP.


Project Manager

©2007 59 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Program Office Manager

GBS Program Manger

Step Seven: Close Issue

Update the Change Form and the Change Log.


Project Manager

Configuration and Change Management

Configuration Management is a key element of an Integrated Application

Development lifecycle.

Configuration Management is to ensure the proper identification and organization

of deliverable items that are part of the system being developed, and to control
and record the changes to these deliverable items, for proper release of its use. It
covers all deliverables over the complete life cycle (from initiation to
maintenance) of the project.

A deliverable is:

 Any object created during the life cycle of a project, be it a source code or a
specification document.
 Any file made available to other users, such as shared libraries or code.
 Any file that is backed up regularly during its development.
 Any executable components that are created by the project.
A configuration management tool enables the automated controlling, monitoring
and communication of the status of any deliverable to the project group, in any
stage in the project lifecycle. It employs a configuration management repository
where all deliverables are centrally stored for a secured yet easy access to all
project information. The tools are of industry standards and closely integrate with
the development and testing tools to be used.

Analysis Design
Initiation Development

Maintenance Testing


Configuration Management Tool

Configuration Management addresses the following needs in managing the

project lifecycle:

©2007 60 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Storage Management - involves organizing deliverables and controlling access

to those deliverables. In addition, storage management covers mechanisms for
finding deliverables, such as searching, indexing and cross-referencing facilities.
This enables links among deliverables to inform users that a change made on
one deliverable will have an effect on the linked deliverables.

Version Management - involves recording the changes made to a deliverable

throughout its life. Details of when, why and by whom each change was made
are retained to provide important audit trail information. In addition, version
management allows retrieval work on a particular version of a deliverable.

During the development cycle, more than one user may need to work on a
deliverable at the same time. This parallel development requires the ability to
branch a version of a deliverable and later merge the changes into a new version
of that deliverable.

Version Management also involves controlling and tracking the changes made to
a project as a whole. In addition, it allows accurate identification and retrieval of
all the deliverables used for a particular version of the project at any stage.

Change Management - Managing changes to deliverables involves initiating and

progressing a change request, either to fix a bug or to make an enhancement.
Details of a change including its analysis, estimated effort and assigned user are
recorded to help manage the changes being made to the deliverable and to the

In addition, change management enables impact analysis, so that a full impact

analysis of a change request can be determined before actually implementing
any changes.

Build and Release Management - Building a software product can involve

compiling and linking the product components. Build support helps identify what
version of each component should be used to build the product. This support
ensures the correct version of each deliverable is used to build a specific version
of the product.

During the integration-testing phase of the development cycle, there may be a

need to rebuild the product several times to incorporate final changes. Build
support helps avoid building a version of the product that does not include the
required changes or the required components.

Reuse Management - involves the recycling, publishing and reuse of

development assets. Reuse management provides a mechanism to publish
reusable deliverables, so users can quickly find reusable deliverables that meet
their needs.

In addition, reuse management provides a mechanism for sharing reusable

deliverables and optionally using later versions of those reusable deliverables as
they evolve.

Importance and Benefits

Configuration Management introduces these key benefits to the project:

 Control of project deliverables - eliminates wasted time and the frustration of

searching for the right versions of the information needed. It provides facilities
for controlling deliverables and avoiding configuration errors, which increases
productivity and quality.
©2007 61 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

 Secure storage - provides a safe yet accessible environment to improve team

and organization collaboration. It provides a scaleable architecture that can
be utilized as the project group's size increases.
 Accelerated project timescales - A more efficient work environment is created
and driven by both recycled deliverables and engineered reuse.
The importance of Configuration Management and the use of Configuration
Management tools may be summarized as follows:

 A consistent and standard approach is implemented across all stages in the

project lifecycle, regardless of hardware and software platforms.
 Production and development failures are reduced.
 A standard toolset will enforce strict adherence to the defined management
 Software and non-software items are managed as a whole.
 Component changes are managed together as a 'change package' rather
than as separate items.
 Components are versioned, allowing historical instances to be easily
 Source and object integrity is guaranteed, ensuring that source is never lost
and that the source you see is definitely what's being executed.
 Approval may be enforced at each stage to allow controlled promotion of
changes through the life cycle
 A guaranteed inventory is maintained allowing accurate and efficient impact
analysis to be performed, i.e., "If I change this component, what else must I
Configuration Management Approach

A Configuration Management tool will be used for the management of

deliverables in this project. < The tool you will use.> This tool satisfies all of the
management needs for the project life cycle. It has a comprehensive set of
facilities for Storage, Version, Change, Build/Release and Reuse Management.

The tool will also be used to control all deliverables in all the development and
testing stages throughout the project. It is essential that a Configuration
Management Framework and a comprehensive Configuration Management Plan
be created to provide a view on and detail how these development and testing
environments must be set-up, the processes and procedures involved in moving
deliverables between environments, etc. Once the Framework and Plan are set-
up, the Configuration Management tool can be tailored to suit the process.

Configuration Management will cover the following areas:

 Development Environment Structure/Configuration

 Test Environment Structure/Configuration
 Strategies and Procedures for the Turnover of Application Systems from the
Development Group to the Configuration Management Team to the
Integration Testing Group
 Version Control for the Applications
 Installation and configuration of software

©2007 62 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

The diagram below shows the role of Configuration Management between

Development and Testing teams.

<Insert Diagram>

The overall approach to integrating new software releases into the legacy recommends
a release strategy and stringent testing. This section focuses on the technical roles and
process control environment required to support full integration over time.

Integration of a New System into the Production Environment

A key activity in the Integrated Application Development lifecycle is the introduction of

the new or modified system into the production environment. This activity refers to
transition from acceptance testing to the production environment.

The list of detailed procedures around this transition will be developed as a part of the
procedures for Configuration Management.

It is important to clearly specify the roles and responsibilities of all involved parties, as
well as possible organization structures to complete the Integration successfully.

The transition plan is required to introduce a newly developed system into the production
environment. Steps required to specify the transition plan are outlined below.

1. Ensure that roles and responsibilities of all involved parties are clearly defined:

 Architects: business, technical

 Project Managers
 Change Managers (responsible for transition)
 Operation Managers
The relationship between these four key roles is shown in the diagram below:

Programme leaders Project Mgr

 owner of the big  delivers functionality
picture  acceptance test
 identifies projects (functional, installation,
 specifies transition operations/SLA, load)

Change Mgr Operation Mgr

 manages changes to  runs current
operational infrastructure business systems
 executes transition plans  help desk
Support Operation
Technical Services

2. Technical Services Support – organization structure and responsibilities (example)

Organized around Technical Domains  Responsibilities for all technical 
(areas of expertise) domains

©2007 63 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

OLTP and OLAP (MF, UNIX, DBA) Actively maintain Technical Architecture
Middleware (NAME OF TOOL,  For every application installed:
Conductor, MQ Series, Copernicus,  Volumetrics (planned, actual), Cost 
AWD) Analysis, TCO
Security TA diagrams: physical, logical, 
Office automation Application architecture
Network Sizing, performance models, capacity 
External interfaces and Internet planning, benchmarks
Operational procedures
Enterprise management and control Skills and organization structure 
Development, testing management
Configuration management

3. Technical Services Operation – organization structure and responsibilities (example):

Organized Business Domains And  Responsibilities For All Business 
Physical Locations, Like: Domain
Data Center Runs operations ­ execution of 
operational procedures
Disaster Recovery Site Actively maintain:
Offices Maintenance and support agreements
Agents Unified operational procedures
Bill of Material
Operational metrics, SLA

4. Establish technical repository which must have following characteristics:

 Support versioning

 Allow creation of explicit dependencies between documents

 Support change management; change ticket can not be closed without resolving all

 Maintain responsibilities and organization structure

Recommended primary tool: <Name of Tool>

Risks & Risk Management

Overall Risks

Changing Priorities
Probability Effect

©2007 64 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Medium Medium
Description: The Client’s requirements may differ from the specification given by 
<Client>’s business experts.
Risk  A component­based development approach allows changes with 
Management minimum impact.
The Regular Review of the Transition Plan allows changing scope and 
priorities to be managed as a matter of course.
Define and implement a change management process at the outset of the 
Business Staff
Probability Effect
High High
Description: The logical architecture not reflected in the physical design because the 
logical architectures group and physical architectures (e.g. DBAs) group 
report to different line organizations.
Risk  Ideally manage the logical architects and physical architects as a single 
Management team.
As a minimum very close communication is required between the two 
teams. Potential use of JAD.

Probability Effect
Medium High
Description: The Technical Support processes not aligned to deliver.
Risk  Assign a technical support project manager who is responsible for:
Management  Ensuring the ITS support processes are aligned to the delivery 
 Coordination of all ITS staff required for the GBS project
The ITS project manager would work as the project management team. 

Management Probability Effect
Medium High
Description: Poor integration management results in a failure to deliver the program. 
Risk  Ensure an Integration Manager is appointed who has a proven track 
Management record in integration of large complex programs.
Probability Effect
Low High
Description: The large number of staff required for this program are not mobilised 
effectively thus compromising the aggressive program time­scales.
Risk  <Company> has a tried and tested resourcing process for staffing large 
©2007 65 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Management programs or projects. This process has already started to provisionally 
identify the right resources.
In addition, the key <Company> staff used in the first phase of the 
project will continue into the main project.

Scope Creep
Probability Effect
Medium High
Description: The business requirements change frequently and in an uncontrolled 
manner, thus affecting the delivery dates for the program.
Risk  Ensure that there is a well­defined and implemented change management
Management process which ensures that all the parties involved in the program 
understand the impact and cost of any proposed changes.
Probability Effect
Low Medium
Description: ITS project management does not have program accountability.
Risk  Ensure that an ITS project manager is appointed who is clear on his/her 
Management role and accountabilities.

Poor quality Probability Effect

Medium High
Description: The right business resource is not available.
Risk  Ensure that a good staff selection process is employed to select both 
Management <Company> and <Client> staff for the program.

Poor (slow) Probability Effect

process Medium Medium
Description: Procurement process
Risk  Tried and tested in other similar environments.
Management Test early at <Client>.
Visit other NAME OF TOOL sites.

knowledge Probability Effect
levels cause
slow start
High Medium
Description: Different levels of knowledge and understanding of the project 
objectives could compromise program delivery timescales.
Risk  Implement a good program start­up / kick­off program.
Management Ensure that there is good induction process and training plan for all new 
program staff.

©2007 66 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Analysis and Design Risks

Poor Analysis Probability Effect

Medium High
Description: Unable to obtain all the necessary information because of the proprietary
nature of CustomerOne and other proprietary systems.
Risk  Ensure there is sufficient business users to provide the necessary 
Management information.

Poor Design

Probability Effect
Medium High
Description: Poor design of either Application, Technical Architecture or Database.
The design of any application is important for any application 
development, but increased importance is added when following a 
component based approach.
Risk  Ensure that staff who have a proven track record in design are available 
Management to the program.
Introduce a quality control regime (using techniques such as structured 
walkthroughs), supported with Risk Reviews.

Build and Deployment Risks

Data Conversion

Probability Effect
Medium High
Description: Client is not willing to commit until GBS system has been completed.
Risk  Ensure that the component release schedule is closely linked to the 
Management <Client> sales plan. 

implementation fails
Probability Effect
Low High
Description: Change in regulatory requirements.
Risk  Ensure that requirements are defined by the business and defined as 
Management change controls.

Post Deployment and Warranty Risks

Applications not
Probability Effect
Medium High
Description: The business users do not like the new systems; the Program fails to 
deliver the expected business benefits.
©2007 67 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Risk  Ensure that business users are part of the program and project teams 
Management throughout its life.
Use the Sign­Off procedures correctly.

Demanding Probability Effect

Medium High
Description: Diversity of the deployment platforms.
Risk  Ensure that the service level agreement is defined and agreed early and 
Management considered during the application, technical architecture and database 
design stages.

Poor Support
Probability Effect
Low High
Description: The required support levels are not met.
Risk  Ensure that the support levels are clearly defined in the program, 
Management identifying the required roles and responsibilities of <Client> and 
<Company> so that the necessary required support skills are planned.

©2007 68 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Poor Usability Probability Effect

Low Medium
Description: The business community is unable to use the application as intended 
because of poor training.
Risk  Ensure that a well defined, implemented and repeatable training program
Management is put in place to enable the business users to understand the capabilities 
of the system.
Ensure that the necessary support is available, particularly during the 
early stages of system use.

Poor Usability Probability Effect

Low Medium
Description: Difficult to work with other industry players.
Risk  Ensure that all players understand the value to them.
Management Ensure that interfaces are clearly defined and managed. 

<Company> Credentials

Management of Large and Complex Programs

 <Company>’s program and project managers use a standard industry-

acclaimed method, which forms the basis of our successful track record. It
incorporates Risk Management, Issue Management and Quality
Integration of Business and IT

 <Company> employs a sophisticated range of techniques, such as ‘MOST’,

to ensure that potential solutions are business focused and which take into
account people, process, technology and strategy.
Partnering With Our Clients

 Our aim is to establish a partnership model with our clients in such a way that
transcends the boundaries of traditional customer/supplier relationships. This
is extremely important to this program of work, given the commercial
reusability of the <Company> solution. Our objective is to be considered as a
natural extension to the skills and capabilities that already exists at <Client>.
To that end we ensure that an appropriate program of knowledge transfer is
built into all of our client assignments. <Company> is committed to ensuring
joint success by underpinning commercial agreements with appropriate
risk/reward mechanisms.
References: <Name of client references>

©2007 69 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Use of Best Practice Methodologies and Tools

 For almost two decades, <Company> has been at the forefront of the IT
industry in terms of developing methodologies that allows staff to work in a
consistent, repeatable and auditable way.
In-depth Business Knowledge

 <Company> has an extremely successful global Utility practice which has

been operating for over ten years (around 25% of global revenue is derived
from this vertical). One of the key benefits of this global practice is the
extensive knowledge and first-hand experience of working with utility
organizations that have already undertaken much of the rationalization and
gone through many of the challenges currently facing the utility market.
 References: <Name of client references>
Right People for the Job

 A global approach to recruitment, training and development ensures that the

‘<Company> way’ is the accepted way of working for all staff on client
assignments. <Company> takes great care to ensure that skills, experience,
attitudes and behaviors are aligned closely to the needs and expectations of
Capability to Excel Across All Aspects of the Systems Development

 <Company> has the requisite experience, skills, manpower and development

environment to deliver fully in line with <Client> expectations and

©2007 70 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

Specification and Design

Use of recognized best practice

 Methods and tools used by thousands of organizations world-wide.

Innovative solutions

 Driven by business experience. Ability to learn from one industry or segment

and apply those principles elsewhere.
Commitment to delivering a business oriented solutions

 <Company>’s focus is on delivery - solutions not reports, involving the

business and user community, thinking from the right, delivery of business
benefits paramount.
Consistent approach to all aspects of project management

 Project Management (plans, resources, deliverables, costs, quality, issues

etc) using highly experienced project managers Partnerships with Tools and
Solution Suppliers
 Valuable commercial and technical partnerships are in place with many of the
world’s leading IT companies.
References: <Name of partner references>

Skills Transfer

 The mentoring of client staff and provision of skills transfer is an established

and crucial aspect of the way we operate.
Build & Deployment

Respect for Legacy Systems

<Company> believes that a critical success factor for large scale IT Programs is
the way in which the new solution integrates with or interfaces to Legacy
Systems. This includes decommissioning of old systems, wrapping and bridging,
data cleanup, data conversion and data loading.

Use of Tools

Widespread use of sophisticated tools.

References: <Name of tools>

Post-Deployment Warranty Support Services

Support for large scale operational systems

<Company> has supported the mission critical operational systems of many

major clients in line with <Client>'s expectations.

References include <Name of client references>

Support for applications developed by <Company>

<Company> has provided a complete back-up service for individual applications

that we have built on behalf of clients.
©2007 71 Generic Billing Solution Proposal

References include <Name of client references>

Honoring client commitments

In a small number of cases, unexpected problems have caused certain projects

to overrun in terms of cost or timescale. Whenever this has occurred, we have
honored our commitments to our clients, even where this has been at significant
cost to ourselves.

References include <Name of client references>

Product Management

One of the key benefits of the <Company> is the commercial reusability of the system
and many of its components. Therefore, unlike many solutions the application will have
its own "product life cycle" post delivery. There are a number of key areas to this process
that need to be controlled and managed.

©2007 72

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